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File: 125 KB, 550x960, 430103_10151126302096144_639910913_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6306228 No.6306228[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is the uchikake I will be doing photos in very soon. Worn with my obi-ita here ..(Which I altered with patterned fabric to make the hints of color peek out if there's a shift in clothing, which is inevitable.)

>> No.6306230

Where does she get the money for this stuff if she's so broke?

>> No.6306231

thank you

>> No.6306240

she's not broke

i went to school with millionaires that bitched about money problems

but she just does it for donations/attention/sympathy

>> No.6306259

Mo money, mo problems!

>> No.6306283

is it supposed to be super long like that?

>> No.6306288

1.) no shifts in clothing aren't inevitable.
2.) If you tie the obi right, your obi-ita should never, ever show. (even if its a cute one.)
3.) Modern uchikake are worn on top of the rest of the outfit, not under the obi

>> No.6306292


Yes. That, at least, is correct

>> No.6306311

Oh god, her hair looks so greasy

>> No.6306318
File: 27 KB, 300x450, Imgp2755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just mad because you can't touch this.

>> No.6306349

*vomits* gfdi PT why do you choose the worst angles, poses, and outfits?!

>> No.6306351

Hmm I think it would look better if it was red

>> No.6306353

How does she find this jap shit that even fits her?

>> No.6306369
File: 23 KB, 209x450, Imgp2914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine kimonos are more forgiving than form fitting clothing since there's much more fabric to work with than say, that Chinese blouse she bitched about not fitting right.

>> No.6306376

I'd tap that. Then cuddle you to sleep.

>> No.6306379

I'm not an expert when it comes to kimono, but that obi really doesn't go with the uchikake, does it?

>> No.6306380

Apparently that shirt now fits.

>@pixyteri That feel when a China blouse fits exactly how you want it in comfy and breathable material. Even looks good without a bra! WUT!! *_*~~~~

>> No.6306390

From busting a bunch of seams and stretching it out, I imagine. Things don't magically fit and I somehow doubt she lost enough weight in such a short period of time.

>> No.6306389

I'm not an expert either but with a such a heavily patterned kimono I would think one would want a solid colored obi in one of the accent colors... The heavily patterned obi gets lost in that her kimono. I think it would suit a less busy kimono better.

>> No.6306393

Is she going to wear this to the Vietnam parade?

>> No.6306394
File: 61 KB, 430x351, marisa barfing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I feel like after seeing PT like this.

>> No.6306408
File: 54 KB, 200x320, 102-a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's the worst part, it's not a kimono, it's an uchikake. It's like an ultra-formal overcoat, you wear it over your kimono and obi. It's part of the bride's outfit in a traditional Japanese wedding.

Pic related

>> No.6306409


It's not even an obi. It's an obi-ita, a stiff board that goes under an obi to keep it from getting wrinkled.

Nevermind that she shouldn't be wearing an obi over an uchikake anyway unless she's going for a historical look (and then if she was, she shouldn't be using such a garish orange, obviously modern uchikake)

>> No.6306415
File: 76 KB, 395x497, mastertrolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm betting it's rustling PT's jimmies somethin' fierce that red hair and actually curvy bodies are popular in Asia right now!

>> No.6306417


Actually, I take back my statement; never wear obi over uchikake. Never ever. I was getting confused from all my raging

>> No.6306419

With how Japan-crazed she is I'm slightly amazed she fucked this up. She seems like she'd be that person who would haughtily correct another for mispronouncing Japanese words.

>> No.6306421

I don't know what I started but oh god lol

>> No.6306427

At least you don't know what her taint looks like. I do.

>> No.6306432
File: 218 KB, 497x500, mint jelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>PT yet again judging more attractive women because of her own personal hangups


>> No.6306458

Come now, we all know that the only type of figure that is ever worth looking at is PT's type, all other women either skinny whores, anorexic, or "could stand a work out".

You know, at one point I pitied pt for all the crap she puts up with, but then she always proves herself to be a complete bitch at every turn and I stop having much sympathy for her.

I am pretty sure she has histrionic personality disorder though, which should maybe make me feel bad for her, but I can't.

>> No.6306483

I think it's far worse than histrionic personality disorder.

>> No.6306499


I am sure that she has other things going on besides histrionic personality disorder, but reading through the symptoms, there is no way the pt could not have it. Clearly there are some other things going on, body dysmorphia, and some other kind of delusion that makes you think you are a different culture... though I am not sure there is actually a clinical name for that yet.

>> No.6306530
File: 41 KB, 650x462, 643971_10151123560591144_1353759219_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6306536

so cute. I want a baby too much ._.

>> No.6306541

Same feels anon, I've had baby fever for at least 3 months

>> No.6306550

This looks like a fat 10-year-old. Ew.

>> No.6306552

Honestly I think it would be fun to weeb it out with PT, but shit like >>6306415 is what makes her so frustrating.

>> No.6306556

but baby pt isnt a cute baby

>> No.6306557

That's what's brilliant about PT. She's a know-it-all who knows nothing. Did you read the thread about her grandfather being in the Korean war? Comedy gold.

>> No.6306576

All babies are cute you butt.

>> No.6306606
File: 926 KB, 1282x617, iamconfused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So confused

>> No.6306618

I'm sorry, but I don't find her that cute looking. I mean I'm sure she acted cute like all babies do. But she's not the cutest.

>> No.6306634


>> No.6306650
File: 67 KB, 720x960, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6306658

Holy shit, she looks really good here. Maybe her mom was on to something when she "forced her to tan and bleach her hair! ;_;"

>> No.6306664

>she looks really good for PT standards.

>> No.6306678

she does look happier.
Dear PT, why are you so sad?

>> No.6306674

She does look stunning here, tis a shame. Plus going through all her younger pictures, she looked and appeared to be so much happier than the present day

>> No.6306686
File: 42 KB, 480x640, tumblr_m9yide2UFj1rbvxhyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yeah, that goes without saying.

>> No.6306697

No, by anyone's standards, she looks attractive there. Her smile looks warm, her makeup is well done, and her hair looks cared for. She looks good.

Regardless, she's still a fat lazy piece of shit now but this picture just proves it's possible for her to not look like a piece of shit and actually look nice and pretty.

>> No.6306701
File: 56 KB, 718x580, meshinigami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6306705

Even her anime character version has T-Rex arms. I lol'd harder than I should have.

>> No.6306714


Wait. What? This actually look proper... why do her recent kimono pictures look so floppy and terrible?

>> No.6306711
File: 41 KB, 450x600, pt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks much better with a lighter hair color, swept away from her face. It brightens up her whole look and emphasizes her chin less.

>> No.6306719

she would look better without those expressions, they are not for everyone

>> No.6306730

IIRC, her sister-in-law used to help her put on her kimono.

>> No.6306732
File: 44 KB, 500x640, krisportrait2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow

>> No.6306736
File: 51 KB, 500x667, tumblr_lpjkw1E7m01qcpg1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6306751
File: 17 KB, 360x480, sillypic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girl: "I love you!"
boy: "So? I don't care!"
Drawn by: Sarah Yukiko

>> No.6306759

I assume this is her brother...

>> No.6306782
File: 280 KB, 1284x1552, 1322972061054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comic of her an Kris-chan, I see.

>> No.6306785

She looks better with long hair too

>> No.6306828
File: 2.02 MB, 480x360, 1305897369157.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's actually pretty cute here. If she had this kind of coloring, did her makeup like Miyu did for her that one time and dressed for her figure, she would look much, much better.

>> No.6306849

Holy. Shit. Goddamnit, PT, what have you done?
Does anybody know from when this is? Which year?

>> No.6306853

Looks like a standard prom photograph, so whenever she was 17 or 18.

>> No.6306855
File: 139 KB, 319x480, 1347761050415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh lawd that サ looks like a lumpy H. For same, Sara-chan!

>> No.6306859

It's probably her senior portrait.

>> No.6306863
File: 439 KB, 1920x2560, meiji_wedding1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like she's trying to dress as a maiko rather than a birde. At least her kitsuke is decent.

This is extremely misleading since that's a depiction of a sengoku era noblewoman. I have never seen a bride in an uchikake wear it open and loose like the old style and I've seen three Japanese weddings.

>> No.6306866


She says it's her senior picture on FB.

>> No.6306867

No, they're not. Just because they're a baby doesn't make them automatically facially cute.

>> No.6306868

Not bad.

>> No.6306874

Wow. Like really. She actually looks like a girl you could see getting hit on by guys pretty regularly.

>> No.6306876
File: 200 KB, 500x750, wedding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should stick to wafuku. The cylindrical shape hides her embarrassing shape and she actually doesn't suck at kitsuke.

Captcha: marryno gravy

>> No.6306877

>eating half a carrot cake doesnt feel so good anymore

>> No.6306880


And the 子 looks like 十.

Though she's not too terribly bad at drawing with whiteboard markers compared to pencils or digital.

>> No.6306882

I have that strawberry bag...

>> No.6306888

Thank you, kind anons. I assumed it was from a yearbook or something, but since we don't have stuff like that where I live I wanted to make sure.

She aged so goddamn fast, it's a shame ... when I was browsing a PT thread last time my boyfriend came in and asked me why I was looking at pictures of overweight sulky 40-year-old housewives in children's clothes, lol. So sad.

>> No.6306895
File: 187 KB, 681x1023, PTfurisode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know much about traditional Japanese clothing. But I was looking at all those blue furisode pics on her photobucket and it looked very sloppily put on to me. It looks all bunched up on one side.
It makes her look heavy and stumpy from the back too. But I guess that can't be helped.

So she's wearing the uchikake and obi-ita wrong? If someone tells her she'll just throw a fit. But for someone who claims to be so closely linked to Japan and even tried to claim she was part Japanese it's sad that she can't even wear the traditional clothing properly.

Not this again. I thought she'd cool down over it but the lulz just keep on rolling.

>> No.6306899

is that in the classroom where she tried teaching? No wonder it didn't work out.

>> No.6306902

holy fuck, she's legit pretty here.

>> No.6306932
File: 171 KB, 480x640, orange silk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, this is worn pretty sloppily. At least she has an ohashori though. And I've seen worse on Japanese people.

She is not wearing her obi ita "wrong" in the first one though. An obi ita is just a stiff board you use for yet more flatenning down of your kimono and keeping your obi smooth.

An obi ita is just one of dozens of accessories that goes into the process of putting on and tying a kimono down. No one sees it.

>> No.6306961

It looks like she just threw yards of fabric on her self.

>> No.6306969

Why does she have that shirt balled up in a knot in the front.

>Assbot their

>> No.6306975
File: 59 KB, 480x640, uchikake_bluegold1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty much how a lot of uchikake look.

>> No.6306990

Is this recent?

>> No.6306995


>> No.6306994

she thinks it looks hot

>> No.6307003

awww, is that you?

>> No.6307008

wow. she should ask Nyan to help her again

>> No.6307094

No, they aren't. I've seen enough episodes of Maury that have proven otherwise.

>> No.6307343

I still can't wrap my head around why this girl is so important that there's always a thread about her. At least JNigri is semi-e-famous.

>> No.6307352

Because people love lolcows.

>> No.6307355

Heeeell no. My younger brother was an UGLY baby. Mom loves making comments that he looked like a catfish when he came out.

>> No.6307357

She's like a never ending reality show that just keeps getting crazier. Some watch to see if she finally sorts her shit out and spreads her wings to soar off to adulthood. Most watch to see if see her when she finally snaps and goes off the deep end.

>> No.6307359

You could, I don't know, scroll past PT threads if they bother you that much.

>> No.6307386

She's bringing the '90s back!

>> No.6307410

fucking idiot PT, you don't wear a fancy hanhaba obi with Uchikake... what the fuck...

>> No.6307431

>Sarah Guilbeaux To me, it actually feels like a workout to self-dress traditionally in kimono. The obi tying especially I've been sore for a day or two after practicing with the obi tying. :/

>> No.6307465
File: 98 KB, 500x353, 1325604176954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize PT was meant to look like a stereotypical Texan girl all along
>and she looks good that way
>but will go in the complete opposite direction forever

>> No.6307472

I admit, I've worked up a sweat getting dressed in kimono before due to a lack of AC in closed quarters. But *sore*? WTF, Sarah.

>> No.6307473

dammit she has the same BL bag.

>> No.6307485

lol no

>> No.6307483

How does this even happen? I'm mormon, 21, just married 6 months ago and I am terrified of being pregnant. Like not at least for 5 years minimum and then we'll see after that. my husband wants kids :<

>> No.6307490

me too, feels bad man

>> No.6307491

Well sucks for you unless you start popping pills in secret.

>> No.6307493

Don't know, I was the same way, did NOT want babies at all. Started trying with my husband half a year ago or so, attitude just changed as I get nearer to 30 I suppose.

>> No.6307542

Sadly, yes

Now I'm blushing. I swear I wasn't going to purposely slide into my younger brother. Honest

>> No.6307547

Also I just want to say, anyone that is friends with her on Facebook should really try to add encouragement and true input into this photo via comments and many likes. Firstly it will be an interesting experiment to gauge her reaction, also she genuinely does look so good. So please, if you're a friend on Facebook then thumbs up!

>> No.6307562
File: 22 KB, 379x600, 292764_10151123560786144_1333018835_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol she's sucha fail

>> No.6307558

How much you want to bet she doesn't take care of her kimono since it seems she just lets them drag all over the ground.

>> No.6307570
File: 23 KB, 394x550, Imgp1317-1_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6307580

hello i am the japanese

i am see your picture of tochi no kujira (sorry i do not know the english word for it) wearing the japanese traditional fuku. it is disrespect and bring shame to us. especially the tochi no kujira wearing it. please in the future, tochi no kujira wearing japanese traditional fuku do not. that is all, thank you Anonymous-san.

>> No.6307595


>> No.6307594

She actually looks adorable here. I know it's just a wig, but light hair/blonde hair really suits her well.

>> No.6307599

hirarious. A+.

>> No.6307610

I made a reply to her tweet about her wanting to buy more Douj. It wasn't scolding or anything, just advice and then she got upset and frustrated and banned me (or something). All i said was "little things like this stack up" and "I ate little to save up for my trips to England..." and her excuse about saving for Japan was "Waiting for my pay raise with my job" excuse.

*End Rage*

>> No.6307611

Omg, I thought she was balancing piles of cheeseburgers on her arms...

>> No.6307614
File: 359 KB, 401x972, here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she hates how she looks with blonde hair. =/

>> No.6307625

that's a shame, she looks so pretty.

>> No.6307627

That's what we're trying to change and make her realise. Or perhaps watch her delete it in rage due to mass positive response

>> No.6307629
File: 128 KB, 400x400, 1348685862605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup PT lol

>> No.6307633

She looks like brooke hogan with blonde hair or at least the she could be the Hulk's daughter

>> No.6307636

With a face like that she could be Hulk Hogan.

>> No.6307637

This. Sadly, she will probably just rage about the fact she cannot force others into her delusional views of herself and will erase anything that reminds her that what she thinks is not reality.

>> No.6307643
File: 101 KB, 469x571, kuchiki_rukia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but if she went blond again she wouldn't look exactly like her fav animu character anymore

>> No.6307659

You're being funny right?

>> No.6307667
File: 28 KB, 516x215, Hearyehearye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a joyous occasion! Our Queen is soon to make snoo-snoo.

>> No.6307670

No one wants to die by that snoo-snoo

>> No.6307674

isn't that kid like 19?

the fuck is he doing sticking his dick in 29 year old crazy pussy?

>> No.6307683

I wonder what his parents think of a 27 year old woman coming over to play video games, unless he moved out already.

>> No.6307680
File: 119 KB, 207x271, 1297464172325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

James-chan does, apparently.

>mfw she probably does call him James-chan and ask him if he wants to cum on Sarah-sempai's breasts

>Captcha: many gaiews

>> No.6307686

Suuuure it doesn't, Pixy. And eww gross, wtf. That dude is like 10 years younger than her.

>> No.6307684


Goddamn, she can't take any kind of compliment, can she?

>> No.6307725

and here I thought all she wanted was compliments...

>> No.6307727

I can't really see how that Senior picture of her is good. All you guys are saying that it is, and I'm definitely not trying to say she's ugly just for the sake of calling PT ugly, but that photo is honestly just really bad.

It's a High School senior photo right? So she would be about 17-18 in it?
She looks 30. Her skin looks orange and greasy, like if you touched her she'd be sticky.
Just overall a bad, unflattering photo of an unattractive girl.

I will say that blonde hair is better on her than anything dark, but I REALLY don't think she looks even a little good in that photo.

>> No.6307734

That's just like...your opinion, man.

>> No.6307736


>> No.6307741

I beg to differ. Her complexion looks healthy and dewy, lighter hair shades suit her more, having her hair swept away from her face accentuates her nicer features, she's not wearing shitty contacts and she looks genuinely happy for once in her damn life

>> No.6307745

She will always look older than she is, that's just bad genetics on her part.

>> No.6307779

all white women go down hill as they reach 30

>> No.6307788
File: 153 KB, 460x460, 1325361538921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't remind me

>> No.6307802

I honestly think she's beautiful in that picture.

>> No.6307843

Tell that demanding motherfucker that you guys are going to adopt in 5-10 years. Or at LEAST wait that long. Get on birth control so you never have any condom "accidents." Being pregnant sucks and having kids can ruin your life.

Eh, 4/10

Am I the only one that thinks she looks even more like white trash with blond hair than black? She should just go with brown or auburn and only post photos that don't make her chin look gigantic.

Don't even LOOK at the troll, never mind talk to it.

>> No.6308035

I've been to her house and I remember seeing this photo. Her brothers also have professional photos like this on the wall.

>> No.6308052

Crazy pussy is best pussy and the age just makes it easier.

>> No.6308235

>Crazy pussy is best pussy

I thought I was the only one that thought this. Glad to be proven wrong, /cgl/!

>> No.6308256

I agree with you. I prefer her most with red hair, and I think a light brown/blonde would look good too. This really light blonde does, as you say, make her look orange. The style is nice, I just don't like the colour.

>> No.6308280
File: 131 KB, 681x1023, Img_5664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checket her photobucket pics...

>> No.6308289


Her parents let her go out in public like this?

>> No.6308295

I wonder how much of a tantrum PT threw before her parents caved and she could wear that out in public.
I have feeling she was rather an embarrassment to them during that whole trip. I mean, she dresses worse than some mentally retarded people.

>> No.6308327


Why expose your gut.......

>> No.6308329


She's 27 years old, it's not like they really have much of a choice unfortunately. They really need to put there foot down at some point imo.

>> No.6308331


She has really nice teeth at least!!

>> No.6308332

I'm actually wondering if there wasn't some compromising going on with this outfit. I have a feeling PT probably wanted to wear the whole uniform out like she did the one time she visited her bro way, way back. Just Debbie or her dad said no so she switched to shorts.

>> No.6308335

I wanna do things to her. I'm leaving now.

>> No.6308341


Normally that would make sense and I would agree, but this is PT we're talking about. She's not exactly as mature as a 27 year old woman. She's still in the mindset that she's a young girl, not a woman.

>> No.6308413

From Debbie's Myspace
>The thing everyone should know about me is my children are the most important thing in my life. The thing you have to understand is how much I admire, and respect my children. You do your best as a parent and you are overwhelmed with the love you feel for your children. The choices all my kids made I approve of 100%, because they are independent and true to themselves. They live as they should with all of my approval and their dads. I love everything about being a mom. I loved being pregnant and I love all the stages your children go through. They are my legacy and they are perfect in my eyes.

But then in January she wrote
>Thank God for Kris
>He always shows what a good person he is. He has always told me not to worry about Sarah if anything should happen to us. He said he would even move back to Victoria. That is how strong he is and that is real brotherly love. He is the best person I know and I raised him to put family first and he will. He has always been able to keep my stress down. Some just raise it

>> No.6308426

I'm not fluent in emoticon speak, could somebody explain this? PT tweeted this a few hours ago. I get the one on the right is crying but can't figure out the left.
⊂((・x・))⊃ 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。

>> No.6308450

Can't you tell that emoticon is about inquiring about life and all the grandness of the universe?

>> No.6308477

Looks like a monkey. The top of the x is its nose and the bottom part is the mouth.

>> No.6308532

I think the one on the left is cupping its ears or something. And keeping its mouth shut. So I'm guessing that PT had some sort of tantrum and her parents ignored her.

>> No.6308548

Can't it just be a monkey throwing shit at PT?

>> No.6308646
File: 341 KB, 471x361, 1269108020229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are independent and true to themselves

>> No.6308658


I'm curious as to how this happened. Is it because you're Mormon? Were you married in the church, no sex before then, etc?

If that is the case you better get used to the idea of kids because you don't really have a choice.

As an aside, I also have been wanting kids lately, but I'm 28 so I know it probably is a hormonal thing.

>> No.6308669
File: 111 KB, 198x600, yuukocry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no desire to have a baby. I can't stand babies. I'm broken!

>> No.6308675

I knew somebody like that. Of course when she go old, she regretted because in her old age there was nobody to see her off. You can always adopt an older kid and skip that messy babby years.

>> No.6308721
File: 72 KB, 612x198, pixytweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6308723
File: 43 KB, 555x196, pixytweet3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck is this guy?

>> No.6308734

Zetsubo, clearly.

>> No.6308758

That's crying. The dots are the tears, the "A" like symbol is the wailing mouth, the kana is the arm/hand covering one eye...

Not sure about the one to the left of that.

>> No.6308841

Well heavily patterned kimono(furisode) are traditionally for younger women of marriage age to signify wealth, so having an intricately patterned obi is usually what is worn.

An obi ita is just a board that you place under the obi to keep it from wrinkling. It isn't supposed to be seen.

Also, this isn't even a kimono, it's an uchikake which isn't supposed to be worn with an obi at all unless you know how to wear it correctly, plus this is a modern one used for bridal ceremonies.

>> No.6308850

Uchikake are sometimes tied at the waist until the actual ceremony, as well as to prevent the white wedding kimono from getting dirty.

>> No.6308926

> crazy pussy is best pussy
wait, why?

>> No.6308948

More willing to please and that can mean a whole host of things. I mean there are drawbacks, but if you can handle them, then stick your dick in crazy (just not the crazy that wants a baby).

>> No.6308976

>More willing to please
i don't think she would be that way

if you look at waht she says everything is about her

i don't think she'll just start being selfless/eager to please all of the sudden

>> No.6309000

The one in January, we figured out, was because of all the stuff PT was saying about her mom being abusive and whatnot.

>> No.6309015
File: 77 KB, 386x460, 1348537483837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully this guy is wearing a full body suit, penis included...

>> No.6309246

Actually Sarah is a submissive in bed. So, naturally she will do whatever the dom wants and please him to his cocks desire.

>> No.6309279

If the stories about Kris are true, then she's pretty submissive and willing to do what the guy wants.

>> No.6309319

Cause she's fat or because it's just in her character and it's "kawaii"?

>> No.6309335

No idea why. It might be related to that personality disorder someone above mentioned.

>> No.6309345

I'm sure it's probably in her character. Some women are just like that.

>> No.6309384

No, she would do pretty much anything for the guy. I've heard some pretty fucked up shit about her "sex life"

and no I'm not going to spill it here. It would make me too obvious.

>> No.6309449

Why the hell you even say anything then. You damn tease!

>> No.6309560

yea and then get stuck wit ha messy preteen with tons of mommy or daddy issues, as damaged and broken as you

>> No.6309592

I've heard that she does ass to mouth and willing to take golden showers

>> No.6309611

That's not that nasty

>> No.6309617

If she's into that, I seriously don't see the problem.

>> No.6309621

Does anyone who actively follows her know if she's playing a game called Tera Online? There was a Sarah.Chan who got trolled in the area chat a while ago.

>> No.6309634

I don't know, but just in case it's her, what happened? How was she trolled?

>> No.6309648

I wasn't pay too much attention since I was in an instance but I know for sure that she was telling the people doing it to shut up and leave her alone. I think she might have been begging for help or gold since I saw 'please' a few times.