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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 89 KB, 717x960, 302141_10151280712352533_909271690_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6303405 No.6303405[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Best cosplays of NYCC

pic related

>> No.6303438

Jnig fanboy

>> No.6303478


>> No.6303483

Aaaaagh. Shes so adorable!

>> No.6303494

best Cyborg Horo cosplay I've seen yet.

>> No.6303508

Well, at elast it suits her skin color.

>> No.6303511

were there a lot of people at the con today?

>> No.6303537

>cyborg Horo
I don't have any "laughing but not completely hysterically" reaction faces.

>> No.6303544
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Does this fit?

>> No.6303559

first thought: jealousy

ugggh yeah exposed mid-drift totally makes sense for a space-fighter pilot mercenary goddamn I've never hated her til now

I bet this thread and that con was/will be full of that stupid HURR DID YOU KNOW STARFOX HAS ROBOT FEET "factoid" and endless DO A BARREL ROLL

goddamn I'm sorry I just hate everything right now

>> No.6303568

>ugggh yeah exposed mid-drift totally makes sense for a space-fighter pilot mercenary

Also, yeah, that's pretty common in art of female characters fitting that archetype actually.

>> No.6303577

I don't mind this
omg she rule 63'dur furri husbando

it's not that slutty
her midriiff shows
but there could have been a miniskirt/shorts and a top that showed a lot of boob
but there isn't and it isn't awful to look at

>> No.6303583

Her tummy's looking nice these days.

>> No.6303585

Honestly the clothing is entirely reasonable for "female space-fighter pilot mercenary". I'd object more to the cutesy pose, if anything.

>> No.6303692

learning words is good

it's just that ugh
she panders to fap-happy casuals
and I really like these games
but I'm just so, so tired of hearing the same tired memes from people who've barely played the games

the casualization attatched to it is what gets me

someone just show me the way back to /v/

I still stand by my position that the top is out of place

>> No.6303891
File: 124 KB, 638x960, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a song for you - related to picture

>> No.6303908

if you spend every day in the gym working on dem abs youre gonna find a way to put them in every outfit

>> No.6303923

If you're a fat bitch, you will make comments like the one above.

>> No.6303939

Somebody woke up with her panties in a twist today.

>> No.6304026

Aww, this is actually really damn cute. She's an attention whore at times but I can't bring myself to hate Jnig.

>> No.6304044

I can't help but feel like I should hate this (rule 63 anthro version really?) and yet it's really cute and I can't hate it. I agree, this COULD have been full of cleavage and thongs, a little belly isn't that bad. Best cosplay? Nope. A step up from "Pikachu"? Yep.

>> No.6304045

And by "gym" you mean running, right? And by "everyday" you mean every week right?

Jnig doesn't have abs.

>> No.6304065

The only thing that really bugs me about this is that her hair and skin are too similar a color. It looks kinda weird and she loses her face because of it. Other than that, not bad.

>> No.6304076
File: 45 KB, 379x214, 1818324-i_m_ok_with_this__n1296497202304__super[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not bad

>> No.6304078

She looks so cute! Also i really wish she'd go back to being a brunette :<

>> No.6304087


Shit cosplay 5/10. Might consider banging if drunk.

>> No.6304094
File: 66 KB, 500x500, 1350007855717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks sexy
>everything is pretty well-made
>interesting design
>star fox cosplay
>dem abs

I'm okay with this. Well played, J-Nig.

>> No.6304097

you mean like how fox has the same colored fur covering his body? i think that was the idea bro

>> No.6304111

I actually think she looks really good with brown hair

>> No.6304117

I actually really like her cosplay, and her body's good enough for it, too!
My only issue is that since J Nig is so known, it's kinda like her face over shadows the cosplay. I don't quite know how to say it. Like, kinda how when actors get to a certain point of famousness, when they're in movies they aren't characters, they're just them?

>> No.6304136

Or kinda how like how Daniel Radcliffe was Harry Potter, people will always see him as Harry Potter, etc.? I think I know what you mean.

>> No.6304142

Because her cosplays are just normal clothes with accessories?

Gj on the brown hair tho, so much better than the nasty blonde she usually wears

>> No.6304146

>just normal clothes with accessories
AHA! That's what I don't like about this one. Thank you, anon. I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

>> No.6304149

If you're doing a humanized, I don't feel those rules apply. Personal opinion and whatnot.

>> No.6304157

I'll politely disagree, I didn't even recognize her as Jessica N. until I looked really close.

>> No.6304185
File: 420 KB, 629x930, qarrezel 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you know, she actually did a decent cosplay.

No gratuitously unattractive tits and ass bullshit, hair decent too.

>> No.6304191

the only thing that slightly bothers me is I think a long wavy wig doesn't work as well as a shorter wig that has lots of layers and flips outwards would

Also her make up
her make up ages her so much and just looks shitty in general

>> No.6304197

You mean Monika Lee made her cosplay and then she wore it.

>> No.6304232

Good lord, why do any of these things bother you? How do you actually let something so silly affect you in any way?

>> No.6304244

any pictures for today?

>> No.6304259

I don't hate it. I think J-Nig should dye her hair dark and not keep the blonde, it would fit her a lot better. She's going to be at a con I'm going to soon so I'm excited to see her irl.

>> No.6304283

Honestly, it's not as bad as it could have been but I still hate her...

>> No.6304459


>> No.6304958
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My flight and shuttle made it so that I only got to go for about an hour today, so I only managed to get a few photos:


I'll definitely have more tomorrow.

>> No.6304974

way better looking with darker hair.

>> No.6304971
File: 1.12 MB, 330x248, popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dare this girl to do a cosplay with no tits, tummy, or ass showing.
I don't think she could do it, srsly.
It just seems too important to her, way too important.

>> No.6305104

So there were tits after all. Typical little jnig.

>>6303508 I lol'd.

>> No.6305392
File: 115 KB, 550x772, 863560 - Fox_McCloud Rule_63 Star_Fox cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cute till you see what her design is based on. She should just do porn already and get it out of her system.

>> No.6305395
File: 9 KB, 231x251, NotSureIfWant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6305398


Oh shit, thats actually really good

>> No.6305401


Of course you would.

Why wouldnt she?

She worked so hard.

I wish I had abs.

Im not Jessica.

>> No.6305408

I'd go 3DPD for Jessica Nigri.

>> No.6305417
File: 19 KB, 618x562, 1329839994078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she just chooses her cosplays based on what rule 63 characters are most fuckable, then makes them safe for con to get attention. No love for the character.
>Still calls herself a cosplayer.

>> No.6305424
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barrel rolls are sexy ey

>> No.6305518
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baka, she already has

>> No.6305540
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Jesus, stop talking shit and post more con pictures

>> No.6305644

>I wish I had abs.

So does Jnig

>> No.6305650
File: 68 KB, 329x438, 1348612995637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet you thought that was somehow clever.

>> No.6305672

It's not clever to point out the obvious. She doesn't have any ab definition. She's thin and uses bronzer.

Having a flat stomach and have abs are two very different things, but somehow /cgl/ hasn't figured that out yet.

- a /fit/zen

>> No.6305673
File: 247 KB, 663x931, cgl furfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6305681


That tummy could definitely look a bit better without going overboard, but overall that angle in the first pic is fucking drool-worthy.

- another /fit/izen

>> No.6306028

A leotard like that shows off a lot of ass. Js.

>> No.6306111
File: 71 KB, 642x960, 73931_10151092162117894_2115730348_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6306126

At first i wanted to hate this costume... But i can't. Its honestly really cute. I just don't like the head band.

>> No.6306368


I'm usually turned off to Jnig but this is just so cute! I love it! I like her wig and the color.

>> No.6306403

I think she looks super cute here, I think brown suits her better. Makes her features look softer

>> No.6306418

i still don't really like her, but i agree with everyone else: she looks really cute in this cosplay.

>> No.6306479

I'm a little baffled taht she'd go for Star Fox. AFAIK he's not starring in anything significant soon and she seems to go for really popular stuff. Not a bad costume but the exposed midriff does rustle my jimmies a little. If you wanted to show skin, shoulda went as Krystal.

>> No.6308067

I love how she subtly pulls her jacket out of the way so you can try to see her boobs and have her other hand slightly tug down her pants.

>> No.6308088

She's pulling at her belt
Not her pants.

>> No.6308121


The jacket was never in the way.

Shes just trying to convey a playful nature with her body language, I dont get the impression that she was trying to be seductive.

Her body language kinda-sorta fits in with the starfox theme.

Theres not much to hate about this costume- tits pretty good.

>> No.6308128

>tits pretty good

>> No.6308135


And no truth was lost through the typo.

>> No.6308142

>Best Cosplays of NYCC thread
>One Pic of J Nig posted
>Entire thread of whining
>0 pictures of cosplay
Never change /cgl/

>> No.6308146

this is actually pretty damn cute.

She's doing Moxxi tomorrow, let's see how that goes

>> No.6308151

ooo she would be a way cute Moxxi imo

>> No.6308158

>Never change /cgl/
We don't intend to, anon.

>> No.6308170

I don't even care what she's cosplaying as, I'm gonna fap

>> No.6308173

i think she looks kind of like lindsay lohan before everything fucked up. which is nice, because i thought lohan was adorable before the downward spiral. anyway, yeah, brown hair looks really great on her!

>> No.6308233

>she looks like lindsay lohan after the drugs.

LL pre drugs > Jnig all day.

>> No.6308659
File: 78 KB, 960x642, 548737_4354738718487_185007502_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know who she is supposed to be here?

>> No.6308665

The figure in the background?

>> No.6308668

love you for pointing this out

>> No.6308680
File: 83 KB, 400x600, haruhi_dragonball_parody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first thought was Horo enlisted into Frieza's army

>> No.6308689

I actually believed this until I read the replies.

>> No.6308694

I don't know why people think just because your stomach is flat/not obviously fatty that it means you have "abs".

>> No.6309292

So where is this Moxxi then?

>> No.6309402

Yeah. I was honestly surprised when they announced her as a guest but I'm excited to see how she is IRL. Also wondering if she will be cosplaying or not. They said she was going to be a judge for the cosplay contest so I wonder how that will go.

>> No.6309433
File: 31 KB, 403x403, jhgjghj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6309455

As Borderland fan, I am so fucking outraged by this

>> No.6309468
File: 63 KB, 400x438, 400px-Moxxiborderlands2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I...don't even know where to begin on this trainwreck.

>> No.6309470

Well, okay. I'll admit I think she looks nice with dark hair. But that's the ONLY good thing I have to say about it. Since it appears to be semi well-made, it's safe to assume she didn't make it. Since she didn't make it, couldn't at least she put more effort into the proper make-up? and the color? I don't even...

>> No.6309477


a shit cosplay for a shit game


>> No.6309478
File: 119 KB, 476x960, 483089_10151283697302533_1313097264_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6309545

Jniggers hair colour almost blends in perfectly with her fake tan

>> No.6309569

see... besides an exposed midriff, dont see anything particularly enthralling about her figure. like the nice flat belly is, well, its nice but i mean... the rest is eh. her hips/thighs, eh..average perhaps. not doing much for me.

>> No.6309570

I actually think Moxxi suits her really well.

>> No.6309605


>> No.6309608


At first I thought that was Caitlyn from LoL

>> No.6309622


pathetic samefags

>> No.6309632
