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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 31 KB, 360x402, 345543543543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6300024 No.6300024 [Reply] [Original]

/v/ here. I was wondering if /cgl/ likes vidya.
What game/s are you currently playing?
that feel when no gf

>> No.6300047

please respond

>> No.6300054
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I do wonder what is going down at /tg/, /fa/ and /v/ right now that everyone comes her at once. Have there been threads promoting single females on /cgl/ again?
By the way, I am currently playing Catherine. Once an Atlusfag, always an Atlusfag.

>> No.6300081

there was a thread about /cgl/ on /v/. Probably what you'd expect, starting out with pictures of the hot chicks that go to your board, and then turned into about how you all apparently have disgusting habits involving vagina hair and have sugar daddies.

>> No.6300090

There's a thread on /v/ right now about /cgl/ chicks.

>> No.6300100

Finished Bastion, gonna finish Trine this week. I'll be your gf OP.

>> No.6300106
File: 31 KB, 136x171, 234234235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it. This happens like what, once a week? Just crawl back into your vidyapit again if you are just here to call us gross and ugly and make offtopic threads.

>> No.6300108

Dota 2

>tfw too shy to use microphone because they would find out I'm a girl

>> No.6300118

Can I p-play with you? I'm sorry if I scared you but I'm not like other guys, 'tis true. If anything I'LL be the one in the kitchen.
(This is sarcasm, holy fuck I hate people that do that)

>> No.6300124

I've mostly been replaying all my NES/SNES games. Going back in time...it's such a great feeling playing a video game for the first time since you were a small child.

>> No.6300126

don't use the mic, dota players are really special. one half will be mad at you and the other half will spam you with : hurrrr yo a gurl add meee!!

>> No.6300127

Currently playing Tera and I might try Resident Evil 6 but I'm a wuss and tend to get so scared that I have to turn the game off and go do something else.

>> No.6300132

I'm from /v/. I'm just here to look around. It's really weird not seeing someone call someone else a faggot or an autist. At least, as far as I've seen.

>> No.6300136

There's not much of that but we do have more than our fair share of drama.

>> No.6300142
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Aw man the thread on /v/ was deleted.

>> No.6300139
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I think /cgl/ could use a bunch of videogame character cosplayers, and male cosplayers in general. Think you could be up for that?

>> No.6300150

Not him but I was into cosplay when I was younger, I just accepted I didn't have enough money for both cosplay and vidya.

>> No.6300145

True, the amount of "thatfeel" is groundbreaking in here

>> No.6300156

well it's just 4 people that will hear me anyway

>> No.6300160
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Cosplay is a ridiculously expensive hobby, yeah. Though I personally think it is worth it.

>> No.6300174
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Not much vidya cosplay material for a mulatto chubby male.

>> No.6300179

You should save up bit by bit and make or buy yourself a nice costume of a character you like.

>> No.6300192

Hey I'm a male and I like videya. I could cosplay if I had the knowhow/money.

>> No.6300190

Maybe when I get a job I'll consider it.

>> No.6300195

true, but imagine talking in let's say 3 or 4 games, that's 16 potential dumbasses. i'm not a girl but seriously i wonder how do you guys do not beeing pissed all the time while playing a multi-player game that requires a microphone

>> No.6300201
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That isn't true. There is characters for everyone. If you wanna cosplay, you should not let your body type or looks stop you. If it really bothers you that much, maybe try working out or some stuff? Whatever makes you comfortable.

>> No.6300205

Hey /cgl/, Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo?
This is important.

>> No.6300207

Not nearly as bad as /fit/

>> No.6300214

maybe they'd just think I'm a underage boy?

>> No.6300216

Guild Wars 2 is taking up alot of my time.

>> No.6300223

How is this important?

>> No.6300230

uh, well I'm a PC gamer so I guess Microsoft?

the only non-PC games I played ever was Killer 7, NMH and Shadow of the Colossus

>> No.6300237

Currently playing the latest Stronghold... Fucking hate the night time attack mode... Whoever came up with the idea of making users be under constant stress from preparing and doing everything during day-time only to be gang-raped at night?

>> No.6300239

you're beautiful human being :3

>> No.6300240
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C'mon now

>> No.6300241

Haha I'm actually wearing my Empty shirt right now. Also how do you feel about Code of Princess? Going to get it?

Sadly I haven't played anything too recently, I need to pick back up on my replay of Kingdom Hearts 2 and I'm really excited about the new Harvest Moon game •u•

>> No.6300246

Not really too self cautious about my body but I do need to get into shape soon for job-related reasons and I have a pretty average face.
But thanks anyway anon, maybe one day I'll get into cosplay. For now, I'll stick with the vidya.

>> No.6300248

New Resident Evil. Haven't played enough yet to form a real opinion, but it seems pretty good so far.

>> No.6300250

There will be boobs.

>> No.6300251

I... I like the Walking Dead video game!
Don't have the fourth episode... yet.

>> No.6300254


it'll be worse, youglings aren't liked by the community, try to put a piece of tissue around your mic it modifies the sound of you're voice. If you're a nerd you can still manage to play with your micro settings (sorry for the bad english it's not my main language)

>> No.6300255
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You know it

>> No.6300270
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since /cgl/ knows about cosplay.
have you g-gi...-gurllrr...rugurl... have you girls ever seen a g-gravelord nito cosplay/costume?
i know theres a solaire but, this guy...
because, well, i was going to make one for halloween.

>> No.6300277
File: 61 KB, 270x178, Happy vold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Dark Souls at the moment. It's pretty cool, just got through Blighttown...that was interesting.

>> No.6300293

yeah, well, I manage

I play solo mid most the time, just so that I don't have to work with a lane partner

they understand ganking (sometimes) when I just ping on the map / say in chat

>> No.6300294

It happened to me once, when I played TF2.
The folks in the server muted people under 16.

I'm 24

>> No.6300301
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they're not really /v/idya... i'm playing harvest moon: animal parade, and replaying through hamtaro: ham ham heartbreak to expose my roommate to some kawaii hamster shenanigans

>> No.6300327

Some dumbfuck is gonna get a hair up their ass over solange's armor and IGNORE EVERYTHING ELSE ABOUT HER CHARACTER and that makes me sad

>> No.6300328

>not Valley of Defilement

Do you even Demon's Souls?

>> No.6300334

Replaying MGS and Chrono Cross, also (finally) finishing Final Fantasy XIII-2 and doing another run of Valkyria Chronicles. I have a huge stack of games that I haven't had time to touch, but more often than not, I go back to the ones I enjoyed the first time around. So many games, so little time...

>> No.6300337

Currently playing Borderlands 2 until I get Dishonored for my birthday in a couple weeks. Not sure what to play after that. Might replay Legend of Dragoon or something similar.

>> No.6300345
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>playing vidya
C'mon dude

Playing Borderlands 2 and some Vib Ribbon though. Need to get back to finishing Ace Combat 5 sometime too.

>> No.6300346

I've been working on the first Assassin's Creed... Slow going because I suck at games and I keep trying to play with my mother in the area. I yell at TV, mom yells at me, horrible cycle that makes me feel like a prepubescent. (Meanwhile, younger sibling is swearing up a storm on his own games and gets nothing. Welp.)

>> No.6300360

Also playing Borderlands 2, though I'm more typically a JRPG kinda player. The occasional MMO, too.

>> No.6300362
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I love vidya on cgl. I have been busy lately due to more hours at work, then working out/working on cosplay when at home.

Currently I am playing Torchlight II, GW2, Panduuurrria, KH1 replay, and KH3D. I also just got Civ V and now it's been added to the depressingly huge backlog I have. I have promised myself I wouldn't buy a game until Okami HD so we'll see how that goes.

>> No.6300376
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Just finished re-playing Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy IV: The After Years. (I managed to get my hands on the PSP remake, which made me insanely happy because I love FFIV.)

I'm probably going to re-play FFVI soon too.

I also play World of Warcraft in my spare time.

>> No.6300380
File: 270 KB, 762x321, GRAPPLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello thar /V/!

As far as games go I've been playing a LOT of MvC 2. Working on synergy for team russians (Zangief, Omega Red, Colossus) and mix up and multiple strategies for team Shoto (Ryu, Ken, Akuma). Besides that, playing Kirby Mass Attack. Not much else at the moment. Though I'm gonna pick up two of the 4 parts of the .hack IMOQ games this week so I'll be replaying those soon <3

Tonight I have to play some One Piece Kaizoku Muso

>> No.6300414

What server are you on?

>> No.6300438
File: 359 KB, 640x480, kof2k2um15fb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eff that. You can do a number of fighting game cosplays, call it P2 or the DLC color unlock.

>> No.6300441

>depressingly huge backlog I have
Why is it depressing? Just means you have more stuff you can play

>> No.6300460

>plz somebody

>> No.6300474
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Fort Aspenwood


Because I just think about all the games I have and want to play and then all the time I don't have to play them. And then there's the times I am like "ALRIGHT TIME TO PLAY THIS SHIT" and then I get to the menu and am like "fuckit not in the mood" then turn it off. And then more come out and Steam and GoG sales and guuuh

>> No.6300749
File: 1.26 MB, 1024x645, 1334327069307.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dwarf Fortress is my life blood.

And if my fucking dwarfs decide to carry that minecart off the track around fucking everything and to the stop instead of just fucking pushing it strait I am going to send them to the deep.

Yes I am a girl.
Yes it looks like shit I know.

>> No.6300795

I go on /cgl/ mostly and hit up /v/ occasionally, so I forget that /cgl/ doesn't have people constantly yelling about fags and autism. Throws me for a loop every time.

>> No.6300818

/v/'s become such a shithole since /vg/ was formed.
But even then /vg/ isn't that great anymore either.
Shame the best place to talk about J-RPGs now is /a/

>> No.6300862
File: 174 KB, 500x1327, Raison-Detre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IIDX all day every day.

Also finally got started on Xenosaga. I've had that game for...so many years. I'm pretty meh on it so far.

>> No.6300874

I was actually just playing some TL2 until about five minutes ago when I took a break.

>> No.6301147
File: 32 KB, 500x300, Teddie_special_attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Borderlands 2
Persona 4: Arena (no surprises who I main)
Killing Floor
Double Dragon Neon

Yakuza 4
Brutal Legend

>To Play
One Piece Musou

>> No.6301223

tf2 and more tf2

trying to be a better solly :C

>> No.6301605

I want to laugh at this thread as a whole but then you have the dude that plays dwarf fort and I can't not respect that.

>> No.6301664

Barreling through Borderlands 2 with the Mechromancer until XCOM and The Secret World comes out.

>> No.6301680

I'm currently playing Dishonored and XCOM.

>> No.6301704

Well, until I get back to where I usually stay all I play is Pokemon Yellow.

Though I need to go back and finish:
Tales of the Abyss- Right near the end
FF13 - I know... I know....

Im so frikkin behind it isn't funny. I haven't even got all the Catherine endings. Why am I so horrible at games!? So many games come out I want to play but, I can't beat the first ones fast enough. Now I just buy older games it seems...

inb4 girl

>> No.6301996

Ok yoos guise, what if... what IF..
Seagull gaming club.

>> No.6302000
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Making a spell theif Lux cosplay as well :>

>> No.6302005
File: 47 KB, 704x396, luckystar-konata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>games i like
first person shooters, puzzlers, survival horrors

>games i'm playing right now
>resident evil 6, hell yeah! wrath of the dead rabbit, scp containment breach

>games i wish i was playing
xcom and dishonored

>> No.6302006

Do you play non-console games too?

>> No.6302012

>Bastion and Trine
Just marry me already god damn.

>> No.6302021

We have a steam group, if that counts.

>> No.6302022

d-do you play Dota?

>> No.6302023

Sorry, I believe marriage is an outdated concept! :3

>> No.6302028

Then... fuck me already?

>> No.6302030

Maybe just some pre-marital co-op then? ;_;

>> No.6302032

i love video games, although i'm not playing anything at the moment, really. i don't have a console right now and my computer isn't really made for gaming. the last game i played was l4d2...

i finished p4 recently, though. um, and the jak and daxter trilogy (i never played the games after 1, 2, and 3) are pretty much my favorite series, if that says anything.

>> No.6302042

Nope, just babby TF2

>> No.6302061

Sorry, but I'm a virgin, I'm not very good at sex.

>> No.6302066

...but...'co-op' wasnt innuendo! I promise!

>> No.6302071
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TF2? League of Shitty Lehendas? P4Aka NO DEPTH?

>my face when

>> No.6302146

>then working out

you work out now?

>> No.6302158
File: 243 KB, 1350x900, female_medic_texture_wip_by_chemicalalia-d3k4la5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tf2 all day every day

i'm also planning a medic cosplay, pic related

>> No.6302164
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I'm currently playing Digital Devil Saga after ignoring it for the last few years. Shit is pretty cool. It still doesn't beat Nocturne, but I am enjoying it.
Also replaying Bastion and Disgaea 2 at the moment.

>> No.6302173
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Do you females play your games on Easy? Or, do you bump it up to the hardest difficulty?

>> No.6302175
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I just got Pokémon White 2 fuck yar

>> No.6302185
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>It still doesn't beat Nocturne
Nocturne is fantastic until you get to Matador and you're not educated in buffs.

Oh god the horror.

>> No.6302195

I usually play it on easy on my first playthrough, so I can get used to the gameplay. And then normal/hard/nightmare on the next one, depending on the game.
It's not so much that I'm a girl, it's just that I am a lazy fuck who plays for the story more than anything.

Even then, it's still a fabulous game and I want to marry it forever.

>> No.6302211

i play WoW

>> No.6302276

I played Dragon Age: Origins on Nightmare to not fall asleep during the combat, but it was still tooooo~ easy

the second one was actually a bit challenging, but I swear I only played the first two acts, don't hate on me pls :3

>> No.6302390

I hate calling it working out because it doesn't look like I workout so it feels like I am lying.... or something. But yes I am following a dumbbell routine I found on bodybuilding.com 3x a week. I also picked up a DDR pad recently and have started playing that for 40min on off days. I'm, well, not bad at DDR so it's usually pretty intense songs. Can work up quite the sweat lol. Is that workout enough for you?

>> No.6302787

Typical woman 'rpg fan' who probably looks like Hamburger Helper.

>> No.6302838

Waiting on check so I can buy Excommunicate, until then trying to beat the new hard MvM missions in tf2.

>Giant medic heals at 100 times the normal rate

>> No.6302845


>> No.6302970
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We won't hate on you for PLAYING DA2, we'll hate on you for playing it and LIKING it.

>> No.6303001

but I didn't? D:

>> No.6303015

you best get on that, episode four was amazing. and spoilers are everywhere and they'll ruin the rest of the episode for you

>> No.6303038

i don't play much because right now i'm saving for a desktop so I can start playing again ;_;
right now I'm just playing that Fashion Savvy game because I tried the demo for the 3DS and shit was kawaii, so I got the original to try out.
Also playing the walking dead as it comes out, and Binding of Isaac to pass the time
unfortunately i'm on a shit tier 2004 laptop, so I can't run much at all and that's what I'm limited to (on minimum settings ;_;)
Oh also planning on getting the Harvest Moon: A New Beginning and Animal Crossing Jump Out!
>tfw I bought a 3ds because I thought AC would be released on release/soon after
>a-at least I can play the next pokemon game now!
>they're released on normal ds
>end up having a 3ds for two years with only 3-4 3ds games
this is dicks

>> No.6303084
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Yeah so I guess you're safe lol. It's good you didn't play through the whole thing. Everytime I think about that game it makes me angry. Every aspect was pretty fucking terrible.

>> No.6303091

I am currently playing Darksiders II and Borderlands 2. I'm finishing up Max Payne 3 soon so I can delete that hugeass space hog. Then I am finally upgrading to Win7 so I can play Dishonored and XCOM: Enemy Unknown. I also just finished up my first play-through of Dark Souls. Love that game, even if it makes me swear more than any other game, haha.

I wish more of my female friends played these games, but most of them don't play or they only play Guild Wars 2 and WoW. At least I've got my bros to hang out with, though.

>> No.6303114
File: 99 KB, 640x360, dayz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What game/s are you currently playing?
Borderlands 2 and DayZ. More of the DayZ than Borderlands2. Really want to do a Hero cosplay. Pic making this /cgl/ related.

>> No.6303117

Oh man, this reminds me that last time I played DayZ I was right outside Stary Sobor. I'm so gonna die next time I play again.

>> No.6303119

Shit megami tensei nerketerne

>> No.6303121
File: 55 KB, 720x540, dayz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join a low pop server and run away. Or you could be boss and play on the private server I'm on and start off as a fresh spawn. It's hella fun.

>> No.6303126

Torchlight 2

>> No.6303136

Currently: League of Legends

I started at the same time as I bought Guild Wars 2, and only played GW2 for like 3 short sessions because I was too busy playing LoL with other tripfags from this board. I really need to play GW2 D:

>> No.6303142
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SWTOR and it feels like I'm the only one playing it.

>> No.6303147
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Currenly playing L.A. Noire. Bekowsky is so fucking hot.

>> No.6303332 [DELETED] 

>resident evil 6, hell yeah!

I seriously hope that was sarcastic, that game is terrible and an insult to the Resident Evil series.

>> No.6303357

Should I even bother with Resident Evil 6 when it comes out for PC? I've been watching footage of people playing it (mostly just 4pp though..), and it looks rather.. bad. Leon's campaign looks tolerable, but Chris' looked rather like CAWADOOTY than a RE game. Thinking it's probably not worth it..

>> No.6303362

It's actually really fun, albiet a little unusual to play compared to other RE games. I'd say play it at the very least.

>> No.6303359

any girl that's played Arcanum wins everything

>> No.6303364

Chris' campaign is the worst by FAR. Jake's is pretty bad, too. Not a bad game overall, but you won't be missing out hugely if you don't bother with it.

>> No.6303380
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>R6: only when friend is over to co op tho.
>Pokemon black 2; got a kawaii lv 30 evee :3
>LoL; honor system made the community less trollzy. do want that new riven skin.

>> No.6303394

I had a crush on Virgil, I don't even know why

>> No.6303412
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Filthy casual here
I play Halo Reach, Dead Rising, Borderlands, Left4Dead, Football Manager, Mount & Blade, Bastion, and have recently become a "mad cunt" at FIFA 13

Yes I am 12

>> No.6303451

why do you respond then?

>> No.6303458

Bad casual typical female that only plays games like Professor Layton and reads crappy VNs.

I like to play Hitman when it's been a shitty day though.

>> No.6303672

Yeah I play some MMOs also. I'm defiantly not close to being a gamer though. I'm stupid when it comes to a keyboard.

>> No.6304148

Since when?! Link.

Always hardest, all the time. Going Rogue at the moment in DoD: CotW with a maces/shield/armor woman-at-arms character.

>> No.6304250
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>> No.6304257

Anyone up for some CS GO?

>> No.6304256
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>> No.6304337
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Halo CE Anniversary Edition
Final Fantasy XIII
Forza 4
Battlefield 3
Borderlands 2
Guild Wars 2
Team Fortress 2

Games coming soon...
Halo 4
Forza Horizon

Semi related to cosplay (makin' shit) I am designing a tv stand for my living room. I am thinking also of a coffee table that can double as a wheel/pedal mount. Building a new PC. some nice shelves to display nerd stuff. (no girl statues with strict caveats) etc. etc.

>> No.6304357
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I am so casual it's ridiculous. N64, gamecube, wii, and other games that aren't meant to be played with a group of people.I don't play anything else anymore. I also played MMOs but I can't find any games that I like. I'd rather watch people play games instead of actually playing them.

I'm trying to find the one game that will spark my old love of vidya. Maybe it's not meant to be.

>> No.6304371

Skyrim... with my lack of free time I may finish it in two years at this rate.

>> No.6304397
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Currently playing League of Legends, Day of Defeat and Assassins Creed: Brotherhood.

Can't wait for b&s to come out so I can sell it my sould and say goodbye to any resemblance of a social life.

>> No.6304404

Currently, Earthbound. Then finishing up Mother 3.

>> No.6304403

>What game/s are you currently playing?
Tales of Graces f. I'm really sad though because I was so close to beating it and then my bfs roomate moved out and my file was on his ps3. So I had to restart all over again. I'm at the part where Hubert is just about to come back so I've got a long way to go. /sigh

I play a lot of TF2 and GW2 for online games.

I'm broke but when I have money I want to buy either black/white 2. I'm waiting for Animal Crossing 3D to come out before I get a 3DS. I can't wait for it to come out because I'm a huge AC fan.

>> No.6304939

How does it feel to have worse taste than most of the girls here?

>> No.6305010


>> No.6305014

MHFU - on and off, though I've wracked up far too many hours. I've played quite a bit of 3rd, but I don't get the same feeling from it.
Animal Crossing: Wild World and City Folk.
Samurai Chronicles (3DS)
And played a bit of Diddy Kong racing the other day with my boyfriend, which was fun and a lot more difficult to control than I remember.
Played some magicka too, but a boss glitched right after I killed him and froze the game, so I don't know if I'll try that again anytime soon. Frustrating.

>> No.6305020


>> No.6305690


>> No.6305699

I still haven't finished etrian odyssey... I guess I'll grind for the (first) final boss.

>> No.6305800

Typical anon who wants to have sexy time with her.

>> No.6305820
File: 834 KB, 320x240, 1324320077784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait female versions happened? I am so out of the loop.

>> No.6305953

I hope they cost $$$.

>> No.6305976

You don't even get to play 'em, just wear them like hats.

>> No.6306725

that's sexist!

>> No.6307140
File: 9 KB, 212x238, i can't afford that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was at 61% map completion in GW2 and then Mists came out. Now I have 10225 achievement points and I need more. So many dailies. I'm going to die.

>> No.6307154
File: 317 KB, 540x960, femscout_preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

custom models. don't underestimate the tf2 community

>> No.6307164
File: 27 KB, 384x308, 1325885261674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for Etrian Odyssey 4 to come out so I can actually use my 3DS. Playing WoW a lot and yelling at guildies to level faster so we can raid. Waiting for Hearthfire to come out for PC so I can spend another 200 hours on Skyrim. Wishing I had money for Pokemon Black 2 so I can see N again~

>> No.6307553

I'm a kawaii tree lady in GW2. That's basically it atm

>> No.6308317

>That picture
Thanks for the 24 hour ban, OP.

>> No.6308389
File: 48 KB, 209x193, 1344247157674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha i knew you fuckers would make a thread here too when i saw the pretending to be females thread on /v/, had to come check here

btw i'm a boy

don't hit on me silly girls

>> No.6308430

Been playing the shit out of Borderlands 2. Also a bit of Dishonored on the side.

>> No.6308595


>> No.6308643
File: 68 KB, 500x300, kasdfnaskdfnasdkfansdkfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey baby, I bet you just sit around playing video games in your underwear don't you? Oh yeah.

>> No.6308745


damn straight i do
