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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 28 KB, 514x430, srs note.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6297038 No.6297038[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New thread?
I thought her bandwaggoning only limited itself to cosplay ideas, but apparently it's spread to other aspects of her life as well.

>> No.6297052

>over 20 times
ahahah take a step into the self harm tag. 20 times is nothing
nothing russels my jimmies more then someone pretending to self harm and thinking they're so badass

>> No.6297062
File: 5 KB, 509x90, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really understand what motivates her to post shit like this.
She's not getting any attention from it, if anything it'll just make people think she's weird.
Does she have Aspberger's or something?

>> No.6297066
File: 913 KB, 500x375, tumblr_magvo8Bf6b1rzbn8ko1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shitty thing to lie about.

>> No.6297077


>> No.6297082

jesus christ this bitch

i cant even

>> No.6297083

Maybe she has the T for Tumblr confused with T for Twitter?

... or she thinks she's a secret celebrity and everyone cares about her boring life details.

>> No.6297090

does anyone even have any instances of her getting angry at being called ashley? this is the first ive heard of it. why is she so full of bullshit?

>> No.6297093
File: 44 KB, 790x507, pidgeonbread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Ashley also a boy's name? What is he fucking point?

>> No.6297097

I remember that she blew up at an anon for calling her Ashley, and then every anon started to call her that instead of Luvmonkeys. This was near the beginning of "Asherbee," I believe. I'll try to find a cap.

>> No.6297098
File: 180 KB, 239x350, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her excuse for why she ~questions her gender~
A friend called her Ash. EMPOWERMENT.

Nothing meaningful about the friend or anything. It's not like other Ashleys get called "Ash" because it's the first syllable of their name and quick to say.

Usually I stay out of trans* issues but...
Her bullshit smells worse than she does.

>> No.6297107

> came up with the nickname Ash.

I'm pretty sure every ashley has been called ash by friend family or aquaintance at least ONCE in their lives, if not regularly by someone

>> No.6297111

welp, then her new nickname should be ashbergers.

>> No.6297116

Yeah, how dare anyone use a blog website as a blog.

>> No.6297118

Someone please ask her about her supposed ~*spiritual abuse*~ because I don't understand how -she- could be spiritually abused.

>> No.6297117

I like this

>> No.6297119

There are things that should be blogged, and things that no one gives a fuck about.

Now let's take a guess which one Ashley's father flatulating falls in.

>> No.6297125

You do know she's posting that on what's supposed to be her "professional" blog, right?

>> No.6297126


>> No.6297138

Considering all the "lel I'm so randumb XD" text posts I see with 10,000 reblogs on tumblr, stupid shit like this is no big deal.

Okay, I guess you have a point there. Though I would hardly consider that blog 'professional' with all the bullshit she posts on it.

>> No.6297164

This is one of the top things that rustles my jimmies. I have friends who struggled so much with their sexual identity because of family and religion not accepting them. They knew deep down in their hearts without any doubt about their gender or sexual preference.

Seeing people treat this as a trivial issue makes me really angry, especially when they use it as an attention thing.

>> No.6297175
File: 13 KB, 507x253, spiritual abuse lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6297180

Leave it to Ashley to be such a dumbass she had to come up with a special term for emotional abuse.

>> No.6297182


>> No.6297184

But isn't that emotional abuse?

>> No.6297188

I think she's saying:
>emotionally abused
>but God was mentioned
>that makes it spiritual

>> No.6297190

Damn, can't find it. It's probably in my dead hard drive.

Anyone know which cap I'm talking about?

>> No.6297191

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiritual_abuse what the fuck, this is actually a thing?
I'm sure Ashley just looked up "types of abuse" and went down the list and picked all of the ones she could use to get asspats.

>> No.6297193

Yeah, I remember it. She was like, don't call me Ashley or something.

>> No.6297199

Ah, so I guess it was spiritual, in a way...

But does she ever talk about religion much? I don't keep track.

>> No.6297206

Very rarely, if at all.

>> No.6297211

Oh good. Just making sure it wasn't a made-up figment over time.
Nah, not that I recall. Ashley's got all bases covered now, doesn't she.

>> No.6297213
File: 44 KB, 480x327, photoshoots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6297225
File: 59 KB, 146x217, SONV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>indirectly admitting that she's not perfect
>can it be?

>> No.6297231

wait, was she gonna be the one taking the pics or posing?

>> No.6297250

I can't believe she put that as her Facebook picture.

>> No.6297298
File: 28 KB, 185x269, 1345948911931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to see her actually evolve.

>> No.6297471
File: 10 KB, 270x73, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6297497


Oh my fucking god.
I have a friend who is a MUCH more talented Photographer than Ashley, has been doing professional-quality photoshoots for years, and has even made a name for herself locally.

SHE doesn't even charge people for Photography. Not even total strangers.

How fucking egotistical and pigheaded does Ashley need to BE to think that her unbelievably shitty bathroom-Myspace pictures are deserving of anyone's money? She is a terrible photographer with no talent or understanding of the trade.

What a narcissistic cunt.

>> No.6297544

whats wrong with shortening her name? it is a girl right?

>> No.6297547
File: 58 KB, 640x480, wa2-ashley-640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beats me. Someone should let Ashley know that she's already got a unisex name. It's just more attention whore crap anyway.

>> No.6297609

She will probably say something along the lines of "It sounds like a girls name to me."

>> No.6297615

I'm so very put off by her facebook profile picture. It looks like a case of herpes gone mad and just completely unflattering in every aspect.

Good for this person,too.

>> No.6297621

If hear the name 'ashley' from someone without seeing the person- I would assume they are a girl. But I live in the states.

>> No.6297639
File: 19 KB, 523x112, just.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already did.

>> No.6298004
File: 515 KB, 1280x1920, bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this is why "candles are scary".

>> No.6298011
File: 609 KB, 506x546, gothy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she made a gothy bottle guys

>> No.6298018

What's scary is the thought of Ashley having a candle with such a tall base around in that sty of her room, on top of the idea itself of Ashley being responsible for a candle and its containment. I'm surprised she hasn't caught the house on fire.

>> No.6298043

Well...at least she didn't get wax on the wood but that table placemat thing instead.

>> No.6298054
File: 12 KB, 250x193, ashely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Growing up in the south, I've always seen Ashley as a unisex name.

>> No.6298060

Same here. Went to school wih three guys named Ashley.

>> No.6298705

She's really got some fucking nerve to say anything about her life being hell and shit. Why would she know how many times shes tried to hurt herself and why is it exactly 20? Also, I hope she knows the more she tries to post stupid shit for attention, the more people are going to hate her hairy ass. God damn it she's a fucking waste of flesh and oxygen.

>> No.6298712

I'm hoping people are beginning to get sick of her shit. Everything she says is a contradiction to everything else she's said. The only reason none of her "friends" call her out sometimes, is because they're afraid of the backlash.

I don't think she'd ever try to kill herself though. Those are just desperate grasps for attention. She's too narcissistic to kill herself.

>> No.6298714

If she killed herself she wouldn't get attention anymore, therefore she won't.

>> No.6298723

She won't kill herself because she knows that shes exaggerating for attention. The most she's probably ever attempted is "cut" herself aka scratching her wrist with her nails or dull scissors and not enough to draw blood because she's just a baby craving attention. She's a narcissist in attempt to give herself worth because she's disgusting and untalented. She's just in denial about herself. She needs a fucking wake up call.

>> No.6298762


I live in the UK and I've never physically met a female Ashley. In fact, I never even knew it *could* be used as a girl's name until I started talking to Americans online.

>> No.6298949

>implying Ashley ever stated anything towards others about being 'lel le homosexual'
>implying that's ever been the reason why she got beat up
>not because she's a little shit who can't act socially acceptable

>> No.6298994

She's apparently trying to be homosexual though. She tried hitting on a few of the girls at the Dreamer Games, one of which I knew personally.

>> No.6299000

And what did she do? Hug them? I don't think ashley knows how to flirt.

>> No.6299004

Of course she is. One more thing to add to her life of being 'so horribly abused'. Part of me is tempted to say because no guy would ever fucking touch that shit and it's doubtful any girl would want a relationship with her either (especially considering they're a lot more high hygiene or go the fuck away).

All in all, nothing will change for her other than that she'll have something else to whine about. Add up the whole gender shit and you've got hetero fakeboi action desu.

>> No.6299007

The uncomfortable "Oh hey I think I'm a lesbian btw" "I wish I had a girlfriend..." and yes lots of touching...

>> No.6299010

Awkward. Why state your sexuality?

>> No.6299011


>> No.6299019

So I really do hope she tries out the ganguro thing

>> No.6299020

...she didn't do this to the cute blonde girl...right?

>> No.6299024

I think Ashley is more commonly used as a girl's name in the US. I've never personally known male Ashleys, and I was a teen before finding out that it is a masculine name.

That said I do have a friend who goes by the nick name of "Ashe" because Ashley is such a common name (to the point of being generic in some cases) just to differentiate herself, and because she does like the Final Fantasy character.

Ashburgers (yup, gunna use it) just wants pity and attention. Hell, even Spinelli from Recess had a better reason to never use her first name.

>> No.6299030

Maybe she'll actually learn how to put on makeup by first exaggerating it in certain spots.

I actually thought her face looked cute as feferi, she just has a disgusting body and disgusting personality.

>> No.6299109

Do you think Ashburgers masturbates furiously to these threads? I mean look at how much we talk about her, and I really doubt she stays off 4chan.

>> No.6299115

I think seagulls schlick to these threads more than ashley.

>> No.6299134

You know, you're probably right.

>> No.6299539
File: 275 KB, 847x483, godtier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6299561

Anyone else think she might have PCOS? From the Dreamer Games or whateverthefuckitwas it's pretty evident she's disproportionately heavy around her midriff. Also, excess hair and being a bitch are symptoms.

>> No.6299570

As someone who actually has PCOS, I really hope not...
because seriously, it would just be another thing for her to whine about for attention. She'll take any little thing she can to have everyone talking about her.

>> No.6299591

At least it would be something real though. She wouldn't have to make things up any more either. Don't know if that's a step in the right direction or not though

>> No.6299606

ashley confirmed for having a scat fetish

>> No.6299607

true, but she would also use it as an excuse to say "OH NO! Look at that, I have PCOS! It's why I'm a little thick! I can't lose weight for this exact reason! Boo hoo! Gonna go kill myself now."
If she tried to pull that shit I would be rage so hard.
People with PCOS can lose weight if they're on the right medication, and actually exercise, and eat a protein based diet, with why protein shakes as well. I know I did.

>> No.6299668

her art is improving

>> No.6299738

Goddamnit. This pisses me off. She's not a fucking Slyph. Slyphs are healers, and Hope deals with actual hope and beliefs, meaning that she would either "heal" through the power of hope or beliefs, or be one to "heal" damaged hope or beliefs.

That doesn't fucking sound like anything Ashbergers would do.

>> No.6299822
File: 27 KB, 267x280, i herp therefore i derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would look infinitely better if the bottle was a dull colour. It takes away from the wax...

Plus, I guess she doesn't know how candles work, but they kind of need wicks.

>> No.6299833

Sorry, what's 'Slyphs'? And 'Hope'? Is it a Homestuck thing?

Sage for no contribution.

>> No.6299835
File: 239 KB, 381x393, 7302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, she got her eyebrows right.

>> No.6299836

>And I didn't sage FML

>> No.6299844

I'm guessing Ash is going to become a fakeboi?

>> No.6299848

No it's not.

>> No.6299941
File: 91 KB, 980x355, photo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's selling photography on her Etsy now.

>> No.6299946
File: 90 KB, 500x500, 1349170252876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6299956
File: 137 KB, 570x855, il_570xN.383606195_l5v8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at how neat it is! You can see all the details of the sticky-shit getting everywhere! And the angles, the lighting...

I'd say it's worth a solid $2.00!

>> No.6299970

The best part of Etsy is that someone, somewhere is probably going to by that.

>> No.6299980

someone PLEASE link me to her tumblr please.
I had it at one point, and for whatever reason, it's gone now.

>> No.6299997

I assume it's a guy but I live in England.

>> No.6300003


>> No.6300069


i can't wait

>> No.6300077

>Spiritual abuse is a serious form of abuse which occurs when a person in a cult-religious authority or a person with a unique spiritual practice misleads and maltreats another person in the name of a deity (god) or church or in the mystery of any spiritual concept.
You'd think she'd bother reading the definition before acting like an authority on it.

>> No.6300085
File: 108 KB, 646x1305, 1348427178174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know the US dollar isn't worth much these day, but $20,00 ..

>> No.6300089
File: 5 KB, 130x159, I+ve+seen+some+shit+_3387d8b3765fd9d672c5898c8aff169a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you kind sir/madam.

>> No.6300146
File: 366 KB, 520x587, reallyh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really Ashley?

>> No.6300151

like a pro

>> No.6300159
File: 149 KB, 360x250, 1347666429791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even with a smaller size, she'd still look fatter than all of them. Who are you kidding, Ashley?

>> No.6300182
File: 3 KB, 126x114, Not+sure+if+joking...+or+retard+_de06ae739e14384f430bbdb90dd1d14f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really DOES make an excuse for everything, doesn't she?

>> No.6300256

LMAO that is golden. She can convince herself of anything.

>> No.6300505
File: 69 KB, 960x640, 299317_535147263177649_412881698_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6300510

Well that looks stupid.

>> No.6300527

Thumbnail looks gross, her make-up still looks cheap and disgusting.

>> No.6300528
File: 22 KB, 426x607, 1313022583968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6300541

>Gear and Steal
Steal or steel??

>> No.6300543

thats a nasty ass white head between below her eyebrow and all those nasty stray hairs. TWEEZERS, DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE?

ughhhhh nasty

>> No.6300554
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1260712883413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my fuck that's a whitehead!?

>> No.6300562

a zit

>> No.6300566


I think it's a skin tag actually

>> No.6300572
File: 153 KB, 536x399, nails.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? She doesn't even WAIT to get their permission after asking them. "Can I try these? I'm going to try these." THEN WHY THE FUCK DID YOU ASK IN THE FIRST PLACE?!

Bet you all the price of an Assley's etsy print that she won't give credit once she makes them.

>> No.6300576
File: 185 KB, 469x469, 0083.CD.Interior.Nina-Shock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized I live about 3 hours away from her.

>> No.6300583

>Actually looking at the picture
yes its a skin tag.

>> No.6300588

Yea? I live an hour and 30 minutes away. Wanna go visit?

>> No.6300604

"Hello, we're with the Church of /cgl/ and we're here to tell you why you're wrong."

>> No.6300607

This is going to sound dumb but what's a skin tag? I've never heard that term used before.

>> No.6300659

A piece of skin that has grown out from the body. Sometimes they have no nerves so you can just cut them off or you can freeze them off like a wart. They're harmless.

>> No.6300670
File: 57 KB, 218x218, 1336878324439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if that's more or less gross than a white head.
Either way it doesn't make Ashley seem any less disgusting.

>> No.6300685

She isn't any less disgusting. You should see photos of her house/bedroom. Shit all over the floor, garbage, empty cans, hair etc.

>> No.6300696

I've seen them. It's like watching an episode of Hoarders, every time I do I have to rush and clean up my room (which isn't even a fraction as bad as hers) or else I will feel disgusting until I do.

>> No.6300699

Then you already know the pure horror!

>> No.6300706

skin tags aren't gross, nearly everyone has them.

>> No.6300712

>I don't know if that's more or less gross than a white head.
same here, i just puked a little in my mouth.
perfect reaction image by the way.

>> No.6300732

I've never had a skin tag before. I've never even seen anyone with one.

>> No.6300757

google it ?

>> No.6300764

Okay, on second thought, I think I've seen black people with those.

But that's it. And I'm not black.

>> No.6300778

Are you Ashbergers?

>> No.6300787

choke on some dicks. I mean dick's.
Really? I always see elderly white people with it.

>> No.6300815

Guys, if it's a skin tag how come it doesn't show up in any of her other pictures?
It honestly just looks like gross puss.

>> No.6300828
File: 211 KB, 900x1350, gear_and_steal_make_up_by_asherbeeproductions-d5hiwna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>close up of dem blackheads
>makeup smudged passed where her eyebrow ends

>> No.6300832


>> No.6300842

Okay, I see the blackheads around her nose, but what the hell are those four black dots to the right? More blackheads?

>> No.6300857

thought something was on my computer screen for a second

>> No.6300850

Makeup splatter

>> No.6300853

Sprinkled particles from the makeup she's using. She doesn't properly clean herself to make herself presentable for photographs. She just goes DONE and snaps away.

>> No.6300861
File: 140 KB, 1001x459, skin tag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still convinced it's not a skin tag and that in reality she lurks here.

>> No.6300872

I think she lurks here too.

>Wah, 4chan gives me virus's!!

>> No.6300885 [DELETED] 

They look more like blackheads that went completely black. I have them every once in a while.

>> No.6300915

A skin tag wouldn't show up there, I'm pretty sure it
s just a white head or some of that white stuff in her ears

>> No.6300927

I have skintags I think? on my eyelids. They look like little raised bumps of skin [so I could be wrong]. With her, however, no.

It looks like it could of been an ingrown hair that has puss or a white head surfacing on her skin. Either or, it's something in her pour since you can clearly see the risen surface and rounded puckering of the skin. She really needs to learn to take better care of her skin if she's going to be doing extreme close ups with a very quality digital camera.

>> No.6300943


> Sylph of Hope
> Sylph
> Hope
> Ashley


I wonder if she just picked the Class and Aspect she thought sounded SO COOL~ together instead of putting any actual thought in or taking a personality test.

She's not a fucking Sylph and sure as shit wouldn't be a Hero of Hope.

If anyone is more deserving to be the Waste of Space than Hussie himself, it's Ashley.

>> No.6300956

>If anyone is more deserving to be the Waste of Space than Hussie himself, it's Ashley.
>Admitting that Hussie is a waste of space
>As well as Ashley

I fucking love you.

>> No.6300958

I think she may have gotten her title from that Sbarg thing. If she's participating, that is.

>> No.6300970

There are personality tests?

>> No.6300991
File: 58 KB, 500x375, 1344577039528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when your friend was going to run a Homestuck tabletop RPG and you were going to be a Slyph but now after Ashley being an idiot a big part of you just doesn't even want to play anymore.

>> No.6301001

Here's the in depth personality test. http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/rvalle/hsquiz/hsquiz.html
and the random one is here: http://sbarg.tumblr.com/4n9ke

>> No.6301022

i don't know guys but it's really funny to see you all go "HOW DARE SHE SAY THIS" when she's talking and acting like a teenager.
i mean i know /cgl/ likes to rage and gossip like old cat spinsters but seriously get a grip, you're all sounding more immature than usual

>> No.6301027

Never had one, never seen one here either except on the interbutts.

>> No.6301048

How old do you think she is? 14?

>> No.6301064


the type of people ITT

>> No.6301117

I know absolutely nothing about Homestuck, but I got the Sylph of Life. Is that cool?

>> No.6301123

They're all cool. Unless you're Ashley. In which case, get the fuck out of our fandom. It's already shitty enough without that pig disgusting hambeast in it.

>> No.6301140


Saging because this isn't about Ashley but

Sylph = Healing Class
Life = Literally Life itself

So Sylph of Life means a very Magic-based Healer with powers over Life. So (potential) powers to revive near-dead teammates like how Feferi brought back WV from the brink of death.

>> No.6301283

She does lurk here. She just likes to claim she hears what we say from friends or that her mother obsessively reads these threads in order to sue us.

>> No.6301305

Seeing as she didn't wait for artist permission, I really hope she doesn't try to pass them off as her design or try to sell them on her Etsy. I'm just really miffed she didn't even wait for the artist to give her the go ahead.

Though thankfully if she does try to sell them, Hussie's legion of fans can get on her ass for selling homestuck things without his consent.

>> No.6301313

>her mother obsessively reads these threads in order to sue us
Hah. No way. I bet she's just addicted to the drama and doesn't want to admit it to her daughter.

>> No.6301319

If karma exists, all of you will have a daughter like Ashley.
No. Really. what would you do if you had a kid like ashley?

>> No.6301326

I would raise her better to not act like this in the first place.

Alternatively, I wouldn't have kids.

>> No.6301332

Actually be a parent and discipline them. Ashley's problem from the get go is that her parents spoil her rotten to the point where being denied the smallest thing reduces her to behaving like a child. She gets away with disrespecting her parents because they don't bother to punish her.

>> No.6301337

Gonna go with >>6301326
I would never let my child get that bad. Yes sometimes they can be overwhelming as fuck, but that's why you have a good support system around you so they can help too.

>> No.6301348

Retro-active abortion, Yates style.
"Accidently" leave her at some random tourist trap during a vacation.
Drug her, tape her mouth and nose shut, and leave her in my trunk until she dies. Then stuff her in laundry bag and leave her in a swamp.

Or, actually raise the kid like a parent and not be some drunk Snookie wannabe who is married to Colonel Sanders.

>> No.6301375

Oh hey, Casey Anthony. How's it goin?

>> No.6301383
File: 86 KB, 570x855, il_570xN.383705351_6d4x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if this was brought up in the other thread, but have any of you seen the "Little Ballerina" pictures on her etsy? It looks like the ballerina is wearing a fur skirt from all the dust.

>> No.6301396


>> No.6301415

Yeaaaah I noticed that. I wondered why she couldn't be bothered to dust it off first but then I realized she'd probably think it added more 'antique' feeling to it.

>> No.6301422

Someone ask her about the fur skirt on the doll.

>> No.6301448

first time on cgl in like a month. this thread is EXACTLY what i needed tonight! :D

>> No.6301580
File: 437 KB, 1280x1920, ashbergers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okay so this is what I did for this look.
>I made sheets of prosthetic out of liquid latex to go over my lips.
>Then with spirit gum, I applied some to the back of the sheets and pressed them firmly onto my lips.
>I covered them in a foundation color I wanted.
>Then, taking a sewing needle and thread I CAREFULLY threaded it through the prosthetic, that’s probably the easiest part.
>Then using some fake blood, lipstick, and a bruise wheel I was able to get this completed. It was a test run.

>> No.6301584

She looks like she covered her lips in pizza...

>> No.6301585

Good thing she wasn't receiving a grade for this "test", otherwise, she'd have been sent back to kindergarten.

>> No.6301590

Sometimes I truely wonder if she is an albino negra.

>> No.6301591

It just looks like she threw gauze on her face and was eating rock candy but was too stupid to not eat the damned string it was on.

>> No.6301589

Finally figured out what bugs me about this. It looks like she put clear package tape over her lips then smeared BBQ sauce over it. Everything around her lips just looks moldy and gross.

It's not scary but it is disgusting.

>> No.6301593

Ugh... Her wanting to be called "Ash" makes me NOT want to be called Ash anymore... >_>

>> No.6301595
File: 471 KB, 340x191, jesus take the wheel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She didn't even completely wipe off the makeup from >>6300828
I don't know why this bothers me so much.
Her laziness knows no bounds.

>> No.6301603

> >__>
No. Bad!

>> No.6301612

But she did the sealed lips thing before she did the gears and "steal" thing.

>> No.6301614

Augh I did it again.

>> No.6301621
File: 78 KB, 685x561, Ashbergers, Ashbergers everywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She claims that she misspelled it on accident, and yet misspells it in the description as well....

>> No.6301626

They're pretty common, I have one on the side of my upper torso, and I know a few friends have one or two. It's just a thing that happens sometimes, nothing to do with ones hygiene or lack there of.

>> No.6301627
File: 72 KB, 430x509, beh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just imagining her pressing her camera up against those horrible lips to get a picture of her eyes.
I'm imagining her leaving the paint/makeup/spirit gum on her camera because she thinks it makes her look like an "edgy artist."
I'm imagining oily fingerprints all over the lens.

>> No.6301645

She was convinced it was Piexes until a friend on Facebook pointed out otherwise.

>> No.6301653

And then pretended she knew all along.
Goddamn I hate people that do that.

>> No.6301661

yes it's a homestuck thing

also i'm willing to bet she just got it from that sbarg random generator thing instead of putting any thought into it

>> No.6301665
File: 683 KB, 670x510, vm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure it really is a skin tag actually.
I mean this pic is from august and it looks less white here...I'd like to think she wouldnt have a white head for that long

>> No.6301695

Come on guys, don't stop doing something because ashley does it. That's just stupid.

>> No.6301701
File: 141 KB, 1002x621, 1345500803602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeezus tittyfucking Christ.

I've had gender identity issues all my fucking life and I can't even vaguely understand this self-inflicted drama bullshit. Real people don't fucking do this shit. Real people don't claim to have problems that they make worse through self-harm and poking themselves with pointy shit in front of people to feel better.

You know who fucking scratches and pokes themselves with pins and needles? Boring attention whores who feel like no one loves them, so they put on this stupid fucking song and dance about cutting themselves, when really, they are just making little scratches, then they cover them with a billion bracelets and act all huffy and dramatic when someone asks about all the fucking bracelets.

If you were actually suicidal and not just a whiny cunt you'd be dead, you wouldn't be blogging up a storm about gender pronouns and how you feel "spiritually"

Fuck. I mad.

>> No.6301714

Easy for you to say. You don't share a name with the monstrosity.
At least mine's spelled Ashlee.

>> No.6301727


The little white dot is a milk spot, or milia. They are a keratin build up, most commonly found on infants and near the eyes of adults. I don't think its related to personal hygiene, just a random unfortunate clog of excess keratin, like keratosis pilarsis.

>> No.6301735

Guys, how come someone doesn't just make a list of all the "disorders" she claims to have and post them to all of her public sites? Like Deviantart and Tumblr and whatnot.
Just be like:
So Ashbergers I hear you have: IBS, DID, Hormone issues, "unfortunate" skin tags, etc (gosh I can't even remember all the ones she's claimed to have. Anyone have a list?)

>> No.6301737

Ew. That's worse.

>> No.6301739

Don't forget about her spiritual abuse!

>> No.6301751

She claimed she had an evil alter ego once. Maybe bipolar as well?

>> No.6301772

Multiple egos =/= bipolar. You're thinking Dissociative Identity Disorder, which I remember her claiming to have as well.

>> No.6301776

Nono, sorry, I meant maybe she claimed bipolar as well. She's claimed so many things over the years that it's hard to keep track.

>> No.6301777


>> No.6301780

...But.... Ashley is a unisex name anyway...

>> No.6301800

Augh this is painful. Why do I always want to redraw her characters? I redrew her Mint Lolita Design and I just can't seem to stop help.

At least her limbs are getting better.

>> No.6301817

Do it, anon. You're our only hope for seeing good Ashley art.

>> No.6301884

my boyfriend has a few little skin tags on his neck, my mom has one somewhere and I once saw a woman with them AAAALLL down her arm.
They're not noticeable unless you happen upon the or are looking closely at someone's skin. Unless they're that lady.

Also I got Rogue of Light
Not into Homestuck at all, can someone explain?

>> No.6301888

Silly Anon, as if Ashley wouldn't find anything to complain about without any thought whatsoever.

>> No.6301894
File: 899 KB, 900x1654, homestuck_god_tier_classes_and_aspects_by_zynwolf-d4s9sxa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't explain much myself but here's the chart.

>> No.6301942

A Rogue is a passive class and therefore steals their aspect to redistribute it to others. They've been literally described in comic as 'Robin Hoods'.

Light is actually luck, so a rogue of light steals luck from the opposition and gives it to their teammates to produce favorable outcomes.

>> No.6301963

... What a fucking mess

>> No.6302147

all dem chest hairs

>> No.6302154

...Thanks for pointing that out. She really does need to groom herself better.

>> No.6302170

Wow. I didn't even notice that before now.

>> No.6302183
File: 227 KB, 648x474, 1348550145913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6302189

People like this make me feel bad about my own gender identity because they make it out as one big joke, and no one takes me seriously because of it...

>> No.6302241
File: 113 KB, 1000x800, 18985012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worse than a joke. It's treated as a trendy label for bored teens and dipshits who need some special tag to feel unique and abnormal. It's like that kid who decides he's goth all of the sudden, so they get some black shirts and those stupid pants with the chains on them.

Except, in this case, the stupid pants with the chains is just whining on your blog about how you don't like being a girl and how you want people to call you some masculine nickname while doing nothing else.

>> No.6302259

Incidentally, when I read Ranma 1/2 (and I used to be a huge fan) I didn't even notice the "gender issues" in it, I just loved it for the comedy. Hell I only see it in hindsight. Sage for not contributing.

>> No.6302292

>when she's talking and acting like a teenager.
She's eighteen fucking years old. She doesn't have an excuse.

>> No.6302305
File: 707 KB, 300x182, 1349604496204.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ranma powers would be pretty sweet.

>Hot shower
>Lesbian sex
>Cold shower
>Crazy sex

>> No.6302308


I know she's legally an adult, but that doesn't mean people automatically mature. Yes, she should've grown out of this phase by now and she probably never will, unfortunately, but there are A LOT of 18/19 year olds that are still really immature.

I definitely agree she has a lot of problems, most of them self-inflicted, but you can't jump on the fact that OMG SHE'S 18 SHE'S AN ADULT RAAAWWWGHHH when she's been like this for YEARS without any real progress.

>> No.6302344

I'm pretty sure it was the other way around and cold water would make him female. But yeah That would be pretty sick.

>> No.6302352

They know that ashley hasn't matured yet and most here wil doubt she will at all without a kick in the ass now and again (though I don't think it needs to come from the internet, because you'll be dismissed for trolling)
But they're not going to stop. They will never stop until they feel as though they've chased her off the internet for good. But the ashley threads won't stop even then. Then there will be "good old ashley- remember the daaaays?"
So...yep. you cant reason with them, only ignore them. Because they al have some shitty reason for taking this shit to heart and make ashley threads super srs.

>> No.6302360

>they've chased her off the internet for good.
Which would actually be a good thing for her. If her parents would just take away her camera, laptop and cellphone for two weeks she'd actually grow up a little. All she does now is spend her time online looking for ways to become e-famous and the spends the other half of her day in front of her camera.