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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 224 KB, 996x745, 1333834175873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6296933 No.6296933[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want a girl who does nothing but play games, read, and watch TV all day, has questionable hygiene, and doesn't mind me cooking for her. Is this wrong?

>> No.6296936

No this is perfect. i wish there were more guys like you :C

>> No.6296946
File: 239 KB, 1920x1080, vgtan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just described more than half of CGL. I think your wish might one day come true.

>> No.6296948

Just don't expect her to ever love you or pay you any attention.

Apparently that's why my ex broke up with me. Oh well, games are more fun anyways.

>> No.6296945


Thanks! I was expecting a negative response

>> No.6296951


have any contact info?

>> No.6296949

Oh you probably will in several minutes. There's a lot of uptight bitches on here.

>> No.6296956


Well I'd want some attention I think, but I'm pretty easy going.

>> No.6296958

I want a guy who can tolerate that. My hiki-ness is something that won't go away.

Is there a reason that you want that type of girl?

>> No.6296960


Well that's pretty good then! What's the other half?

>> No.6296965

Yeah, nope. Interaction a few times a month is enough for me. Better get myself ready for permanent single-dom.

>> No.6296969


I think, if I really want to analyze it, because I want her to feel alright with being herself. I used to have all those sorts of hobbies and lost them when I started focusing more on school, work, nutrition and all that so maybe it's a projection?

>> No.6296971
File: 82 KB, 247x313, 1349462122059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, that's not the best thing. Some of them can be snappy. You want someone with those features, but also goes outside sometimes. I wouldn't want to date a girl who wouldn't want to get a cup of coffee and walk together on a snowy day, and then come back home and hug, play games and feast on pizza for the rest of the weekend.

I'd love to cook for someone though, and hopefully get better at it as they put up with my terrible cooking.

>> No.6296975

Are you hot? Post pics.

>> No.6296972

i really cannot stand questionable hygiene...

>> No.6296973

email me :)

>> No.6296974
File: 326 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m1k5r3VNXm1qj31u6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.6296980

>every girl that is like what you described is 250lbs and wants some 6'5 greek god with a 14 pack and tons of money with a 9 inch dick to boot

>> No.6296977

because his standards are low.

>> No.6296981

go back to /r9k/

>> No.6296987

my only question is.. "questionable hygiene"? what does that include?

>> No.6296985

search your heart

>> No.6296990
File: 20 KB, 326x427, 1349827494888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6296994


I haven't thought about it that much. Maybe not showering every day, wearing comfy clothes she woke up in all day, and so on?

>> No.6296995

No wonder you're all alone on the internet

>> No.6296998

that seems reasonable

>> No.6296999

A fishy pussy.

>> No.6296996


questionable hygiene refers to not bathing.

>> No.6296997


I already posted my reason. I don't think I have low standards since this is something I want.

>> No.6297002


Yeah but she'd bathe at some point, I'm not talking about her never bathing out of some kind of fear or anything.

>> No.6297006


I wouldn't say I am. I keep myself in good shape though and try to take care of my appearance (and have to for work anyway these days).

>> No.6297008

>you will never have while hair.

>> No.6297009

Man my friend is exactly like that only replace TV with internet. Want to date her? She loves reading and video games and she has really good taste.

>> No.6297014

>good taste
Go on then, tell us some of her tastes

>> No.6297018


Yeah TV was just something to throw in there. I don't watch much TV myself. I'm also curious about what books she reads though.

>> No.6297017

chances are you two don't even live in the same area.

>> No.6297021


Also this. But this thread was more just to see what the response would be like. I'm pretty happy with how civil it's been.

>> No.6297027

She loves Neil Gaiman and lots of books and stuff that I can't remember because they are probably above me. She likes comic books and has good tastes in those, too. Mostly Batman with a little bit of Deadpool.

>> No.6297044

She lives in Pennsylvania. If you don't live anywhere around here you can always move. : D

>> No.6297065


I'm up in Canada actually, but it's good to know!

>> No.6297069

Throw in no drinking or drugs and not a huge slut and I'd agree.

>> No.6297084


Well the slut part would be negative to me but it depends on whether we have the same definition. I'm pretty okay with drinking / drugs though even though I'm pretty light on them myself.

>> No.6297085
File: 1.71 MB, 350x197, 695h1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No drinking or drugs


>> No.6297091

I'd love that. (I'm Asian, 5'1, 105 lbs, and I'm a software developer.) Naturally, as a computer freak, that kind of dude would be my dream.

Unfortunately, I also love to travel, so my husbando would be forced to do that.

>> No.6297099


Well feel free to drop an email, I never said I'm averse to traveling. Plus, math is pretty awesome.

>> No.6297101

>no drinking
What a boring fucking person you must be.

>> No.6297112

So yeah inb4 the shitstorm...You can still be exciting without booze. I had to learn that because my medication heavily interacts with my drinking now since makes me really sick.

>> No.6297131
File: 23 KB, 289x285, 1304211524471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I bathe everyday and stuff, but otherwise that's me. (Tho I'm not single, and yes he does cook for me.)

>> I want her to feel alright with being herself.

>> I used to have all those sorts of hobbies ...maybe it's a projection?

I kind of wonder that more guys aren't into this sort of thing. Girls that do more conventionally "feminine" things and dress up in girly clothes/makeup might be more attractive to look at, but this kind of girl is also much more likely to be uptight about her appearance and not share a single one of your interests.

Am I wrong about this? How many guys would pick a tomboy who loves cars, weapons, videogames and sports over a girly-girl who doesn't care about your hobbies? I know things aren't as black-and-white as this, I'm just curious.

>> No.6297141

By the way, only the brave girl who posted her email has my real one, but here's a throw away if anyone else has questions, concerns, comments.



You already know my answer!

>> No.6297143

Picture describes me really only I couldn't live off raw ramen and cola

>> No.6297152

Dfferent anon, bu all through middle school guys never thought twice of dating me. Then I started being somewhat girly while still doing guy things, guys couldn't get enough of me.

>> No.6297153


Yeah, it was the most related thing I could find for this thread, but it's still a bit off.

>> No.6297173

PT is your perfect match

>> No.6297176


Who's she?

>> No.6297186

Well, it looks like this is about the end of the thread guys. Thanks for coming out!

>> No.6297192
File: 22 KB, 188x204, 1330897343797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wearing a big wet diaper right now, is my hygiene questionable enough for you?

>> No.6297196

A cute, sexy, curvy queen with an uncanny resemblance to Rukia who will love you if you buy her mochi.

>> No.6297200

It's the ones who can balance both that guys are most interested in.

>> No.6297198


Why are you wearing a diaper?

>> No.6297203

It's fun.

>> No.6297209

W-what? Guys actually like this?!
This is 100% me except I don't have piercings but have bleached blonde hair (and it's not half-assed, I care enough about what it looks like)

>> No.6297210

Psh, PT is like Rukia come to life. No drawing could ever embody Rukia like PT does.

>> No.6297222

shh don't let him steal our kawaii haffu queen.

>> No.6297233

>I want a girl
>who does nothing but
a little weird but okay
>play games, read, and watch TV all day,
are you serious dude? sounds pretty boring
>has questionable hygiene,
why the fuck would you want this. it's always terrible. a clean girl that gets little dirty is much better
>and doesn't mind me cooking for her.
to each their own I guess
>Is this wrong?
it's questionable. I'm guessing you're going to want a ton of sex, otherwise why the fuck would you want her around. Good fucking luck, they always have hangups with sex.

>> No.6297234

Pic looks like me piercings and all. Except if I'm not wearing pants I will shave my legs.

>> No.6297245


Well again, the picture isn't really related too much.

>> No.6297248

This is obviously a troll, right? Why would acne and fat thighs be part of the appeal?

>> No.6297242



got an email?

>> No.6297251


I don't find sex that important actually. I like it but it's not what I'm all about.

>> No.6297254
File: 1.96 MB, 497x268, Fuck this gay earth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is hilarious, do go on. Also, don't mind the image, just wanted to post this somewhere.

>> No.6297255


I'm a bit curious about this person now.

>> No.6297275
File: 26 KB, 126x121, chocobo lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the scary thing is that damn that stereotype fit me perfectly.
Guess i'm due for the rope.

>> No.6297277


It's not actually. I never mentioned anything about acne and fat thighs. Though honestly I'm not averse to either, but it doesn't turn me on.

>> No.6297283
File: 874 KB, 245x180, 1345013793075.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do these things, though I am fortunate enough to have a pretty bone structure and a high metabolism. I also love makeup, heels, and new clothes. It's more I think about having a guy who doesn't mind when you get like op's pic, but also loves you the same when you're glamorous. Because I'm sure as hell not dolled up 24/7. But I do get girly before I go out or when we have company. My guy loves me at my worst, in his clothes, in bed, smoking hooka, drinking, and playing games with him. That's the kind of guy you can really feel comfortable with after a long painful day of looking gorgeous. That's just me. However I would not leave the house looking like Op's pic. Ever.

>> No.6297290
File: 46 KB, 500x375, cowchan kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope because I have a boyfriend already and just felt like shitposting in your thread

>> No.6297309

Slut alert.

>> No.6297310

I would sure hope you wouldn't leave the house with no pants on.

>> No.6297319


There are a lot of you apparently!


It sounds like you guys have a good relationship. I don't really mind if she wants to dress up if we decide to go out somewhere nice but it's more that I don't feel she needs to.


Well thanks for the bump. I'm not sure about diapers though, that sounds like a lot of extra work compared to going to the bathroom. To each their own!

>> No.6297328

That is Buffalo Bell of Orix Buffalos.

>> No.6297329
File: 143 KB, 833x696, 1326762183523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell it to my big pissy padded butt

>> No.6297360
File: 86 KB, 760x891, 1238468423330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6297388
File: 199 KB, 310x474, 1331096162757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah well, after being with someone for a while, eventually I think anyone will get to this state. Especially if you end up living together. Pants suck.

>Old friend of mine told me she shaved in front of her bf while he was showering, and I had no clue how she could do something like that.

>Now can take a shit, while he's telling me about his day. IT'S GLORIOUS. (you know you have a good relationship when...)

So it just takes some time and a good healthy dose of trust/friendship/love to get to that point of no fucks given.

>> No.6297395

buy her mochi

>> No.6297393


Thanks for coming out everyone, this thread was much more successful than I thought it would be! My throw away email is in the linked post if anyone wants to make use of it.

>> No.6297429

OP is Chris-Chan, right?

>> No.6297432
File: 26 KB, 741x599, 1235093310233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6297455


>> No.6297464
File: 9 KB, 251x251, 1331138491498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, all I've ever wanted in a relationship was for a guy to accept me. With the good and the bad. It's rare for a guy to even want the latter, but it's relieving. I used to wear so much makeup because I felt so insecure, it took one good relationship to help me wear less and feel more comfortable with my real self, after previously being in so many fucked up affairs in the past. It's nice to feel so comfortable with someone you love.

>> No.6297505

Cute, ab-having ex anime fan here. Me and my GF spew pukish geysers of filthy weed water cuz we made a gravity bong in our dirty scabbed bathwater. we spew the rank mud out of our lungs cuz we laughin at yall being fuckin weirdos with no boyfriends. what the hell?

>> No.6297587

Are you my boyfriend?

a-are you leaving me? D:

>> No.6297596

once more in English, please

>> No.6297600
File: 599 KB, 301x225, 1325326540728.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's not too bad, all the stuff in that image seems pretty tame for--
>regular at /b/


>> No.6297601

Heh. Anyone else feel the need to brag about their relationships? whenever I see stuff like this, I do.

>> No.6297620

me too

i'd love to date a girl with horrible fashion sense, no makeup, no hobbies

and lives a life of pure laziness

would legit wife

>> No.6297633

I have some acne right now. And my thighs aren't that great. In fact, it's one of the reasons why I believe I'm forever alone. Skin won't clear up and no one likes fat thighs.

I don't really like TV anymore so I hardly watch. I'd rather be on the internet. I do play a lot of games though. And I have bad eyesight so I've got glasses until my dream of laser surgery comes true.

>> No.6297644

Men like thick, juicy thighs, you dumb bitch.

>> No.6297659

Amazing gif.

>> No.6297733
File: 144 KB, 800x913, 4e39eac6cdb28592576e8fa8e9350d6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This as long you are not landwhale cottage cheese skin flaps you are good.

>> No.6297734
File: 67 KB, 500x522, snsd-sunny-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh no

I only date pretty girls who take care of themselves.

>> No.6297740

Accutane. srsly.

>> No.6297750

I don't think it would work out the way you think it would.

>> No.6297765
File: 36 KB, 269x263, s_bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suggesting accutane right off the bat

>> No.6297821

>no one likes fat thighs.
Why do so many girls believe this? Not every guy wants some skinny girl with a stupid gap between their legs. Some guys actually like it when a girl has some meat on her. I especially like big, juicy thighs and butts.

>> No.6297830

Probably media and fashion making them think this.

>> No.6297879
File: 52 KB, 266x523, hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it weird that I'm 21, and all I want is to have a girlfriend that I can come home to and snuggle with after school/work. I just want someone to share my life with and be ourselves....
(pic related: Its me cropped from a friends photo today)

>> No.6297937

>im 21.

more like 12.

>> No.6297941

get off 4chan and talk to girls, faggot

>> No.6297943

you don't even know what kind of acne she has omg

>> No.6297956

...s-skype..? :3

>> No.6297970

Ouch... It was a phone pick through instagram during class today. I know the pic itsnt that good -_-

>Leave 4chan
>come back to 4chan and go on /adv/

Thanks but I already took that suggestion, I go to school full time and have 2 jobs...

Im just having trouble finding "her" (=_=)

>> No.6297989
File: 8 KB, 299x276, 1296954054493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blaming pic for your face
I was wrong, you truly are a seagull

>> No.6297996

>>6297989 Thx... I think
>>6297956 If anyone ever want to skype or someone to talk to I love to meet new people (if Im not busy) add me on Skype Noah7391