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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 392 KB, 1280x1024, tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6296015 No.6296015[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's get this started; favourite brands, ways to brew? Lolitas, do you have a specific type of tea you like to have during meetups? Do you even drink tea at meetups?

>> No.6296026


> Brands

Oh you disgusting peasant.

>> No.6296032

I'd love to hear more about brands. We drink lots of tea during meetups, but not a specific one. Many girls like to choose a strawberry green leaf blend though.

One of my favourite brands that is imported in my country is Mlesna tea

>> No.6296038

I personally like herbals.

Honeybush vanilla is one of my favorites that I buy from Teavana.

actually.. all of Teavana's teas/herbals are pretty good.

>> No.6296043

Is that not accurate terminology? How should I say?

>> No.6296047

I will always love Lipton

>> No.6296055
File: 246 KB, 300x300, Cantaloupe and Cream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butiki teas is amazing, it's a neat little store in New Jersey that has great loose leaf tea. I personally recommend Cantaloupe and Cream.

>> No.6296070

omg that sounds amazing.

can you buy any online, or is it store only?

>> No.6296079

Get the Japanese green tea from Costco.

>> No.6296084

Not lolita but fuck it. Chai black tea. I boil three teabags, pour the milk in the cup, tea and honey.
Its so good! There's also a place in my mall that sells tea, Ice Tea Union, and there's a tea there id like to try.
Its a bulb flower that'll blossom at the bottom of your cup when your tea is ready.

>> No.6296085

>Chai black tea

Chai just means tea so basically you're just saying you like black tea.

>> No.6296090

Black tea is usually made with nutmeg, cinnamon,allspice, ginger, and etc?
>meant to say chai spice

>> No.6297991


>> No.6298046

hope you're joking right now tbh

>> No.6298048

gross...what do you recommend, out of curiousity?

>> No.6298050

why? is it strong or something?

>> No.6298055

my friend loves the jasmine dragon phoenix pearls green tea, and we just bought some of the orange blossom tea

>> No.6298057

>a strawberry green leaf blend

what can you recommend? I'm interested in trying some

>> No.6298063

Right now my HG tea is the Stash Chai Vanilla tea mixed with vanilla creamer (I like the coldstone creamer)

That, and in the mornings I make Stash Peppermint tea and ice it, and it always wakes me up. No sweetner or anything, just brew it and ice it.

>> No.6298074

Not a loli, but I do like tea.
I have a handful from Caesar's Tea, which is fairly new. The only in-person store for this place is in Montreal, but you can still shop online. In the actual store, you can look at and smell samples of every single tea they have available without having to ask for it to be pulled from the shelf (like at David's Tea).

Here are the ones I have:

I haven't really gotten into David's Tea yet, but I have a few gifts from friends. This one's my favourite: http://www.davidstea.com/our-teas/black-tea/glitter-and-gold-997 - it sparkles in your cup!

I have two Teavana teas courtesy of friends in the US.

Both of these smell amazing. The first is more subtle; the second is really fruity.

>> No.6298075

I really like strawberry black tea.
As for how to brew tea, you just boil the water and wait for it to cool down to the correct temperature for the type of tea you're making. Then just wait a few minutes and enjoy it.
Steeping time does not affect tea strength - If you would like for it to be stronger, just add more tea.

Type - Temperature (F) - Steeping Time
Black - 212F - 4 to 6 minutes
Roobios - 212F - 3 to 5 minutes
Oolong - 190F - 5 to 8 minutes
Green - 150F to 160F - 2 to 4 minutes
White - 180F - 4 to 6 minutes

>> No.6298082

I will always love earl grey the most.

Also I'm wondering, do you guys own any fancy teapots/ cups and saucers? I really love collecting neat mugs and things for my tea.

>> No.6298116
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Two of my friends gave these to me last Christmas. The little cups have been kept in their box (no room in the kitchen cupboard, too many mugs already) but I use the teapot whenever I make tea.

My other teapot, a clear glass one, isn't so fancy, but it has a story; it was given to me by my roommate in the hospital surgery ward last year. She was an older woman I calmed down from a panic attack. When she was released from the ward, she gave me a new teapot and at least seven or eight cans of loose leaf strawberry-raspberry tea, "so you don't forget me."

>> No.6298129

In mainstream Western speech, Chai usually connotes a particular type of spiced black tea. Which I'm sure you know, but you're pointing it out to be picky.

>> No.6298133
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I like Republic of Tea's Passion Fruit Papaya. Very cheap, and a perfect blend of bitter and flavorful and sweet. I've never found anything as delicious.

>> No.6298135
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Snow Angel tea is my favorite tea ever. There's chunks of apple and chocolate in it and it tastes like magic.

>> No.6298146

Do you have a link or more specific name for it? The only one I could find was on here and it doesn't sound like what you described:

>> No.6298154

Nah, you're using the correct terminology, they're just being an ass. Most mainstream teas are produced by companies that are identified as brands. This guy/girl is mocking the concept, because just like with wine, there's different grades of tea, and obviously the boxed/mainstream ones are not considered very good to connoisseur. Higher end teas are less likely to be identified by "brand" and more by "type" (each "type" being unique to the field/area where it's grown).

>> No.6298189
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i'm asian and what is this?

pu erh all day errday, mofuckas

>> No.6298300
File: 121 KB, 452x600, Dali&Cat(452x600).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arizona green tea...
. __.

>> No.6298338

It would also be important to note that some teas should NOT be steeped longer than their recommended times, or else they get bitter.

>> No.6298344

Anyone recommend any etsy stores with good teas?

>> No.6298348
File: 443 KB, 1024x683, 6098910213_4051800315_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol peasant status...

West Lake Dragon Well (Longjing)
Emperor Green

My brother picked up this green tea from Vietnam for 300 bucks a kilo its fucking amazing

>> No.6298357
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that's strange because that's the place I buy it from and I've been getting it there for 6 years.

>> No.6298363

it is a christmas/holiday tea that's imported, so maybe the blend they list there is some variation of the mix. They don't normally have it in stock until november/december. Hrm :<

>> No.6298688
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guilty of this

>> No.6298694

I can't recommend any because there is no online shop for this.

My favourite tea is Ronnefeldt's Morgentau because it has a very delicate green taste. It is a green tea blend with roses and sunflower. I definitely recommend this one.

>> No.6298701

ITT: lifestyle lolitas

inb4 "i don't own any lolita
but i live the lifestyle"

>> No.6298702
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My friends got me Whittard's Alice tea pot and saucers for my birthday. I think they look really lovely.

>> No.6298709

I heartily recommend Teagschwender
Their Lady Grey is amazing, as well as the Rooibosh Rhubarb Cream

>> No.6298716

PG Tips. Used to drink twinings english breakfast, but its not strong enough now. Drink it black with 2 sugars.

>> No.6298741

And? There's no reason to stay ignorant just because hipsters make it so.

>> No.6298748

It's nothing to do with hipsters you idiot, it's a borrowed word.

>> No.6298746

You know damn well that Chai is basically used to mean any spiced tea from India it's the same with curry.

>> No.6298750

Of course it is. Who did you think popularized the drink?

>> No.6298751

And you know damn well, chai just means tea.

>> No.6298754

Okay then what does curry mean?

>> No.6298756

I dunno. What does chai mean?

>> No.6298758

Stop being a faggot. You probably have no idea what kind of 'chai' is being referred to when people say chai.

>> No.6298761

Yeah, it means tea.

>> No.6298766

>The redundant chai tea is sometimes used to indicate spiced milk tea as distinct from other types of tea.

>> No.6298767
File: 14 KB, 204x192, three wishes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really into David's Tea, Three Wishes!

>> No.6298771

Just call it spiced tea then since chai just means tea.

>> No.6298772

I like these. my cousin send me a bottle once in a while.

>> No.6298773

Stop arguing shit semantics and talk about tea!

Just because you know what one word from another language means doesn't mean you need to become some sort of language fuck and try to 'fix the world'.

The term sushi has nothing to do with raw fish
Like anon said, the term curry isn't limited to only one spice.
Dim Sum isn't just pork dumplings.
'Chai tea' is just Masala chai.

People are ignorant, but not because of themselves, most times the language speaker who teaches the english initially doesn't explain well enough because language barriers. It's nothing to fight about, it's fucking stupid.

>> No.6298774

Westerners use it to refer to Masala tea which is just cheap as fuck Indian spiced tea with milk. It's called that because the cheap tea vendors in India only really sell that kind of tea, just use the word chai to describe it, and so westerners brought it back thinking it was called chai and that chai described the spice. It's not just a hipster thing, big tea companies use it to describe Masala tea and only Masala tea.

>> No.6298776

Have you never corrected anybody before?

>> No.6298781

No, if you asked for chai you would just get regular tea. Probably black tea.

>> No.6298786

No, because people are ignorant want to believe what they are taught. If they think something is a certaing way already it's hard and annoying to teach them again.

>> No.6298789

What does that have to do with what I said, I never said that people asked for it I said the vendors tell people that's what it is.

>> No.6298794

There is no reason to let ignorance continue.

>> No.6298802

Because they wouldn't just say chai by itself? I don't think the word masala chai is even that hard to say or spell.

>> No.6298804

There's no need to try to change a word that's become socially acceptable, plenty of words evolve over time, they may not mean anything similar to their original meaning.

Gay used to mean happy.
Queer used to mean peculiar.
Nigger used to mean ignorant.

Plenty of other words are on a long list of evolved words, it's nothing you can change if everyone feels it is acceptable, it may be a bit culturally ignorant but that's not the point. The point is that a widely accepted word has a widely accepted meaning and it becomes acceptable in that way.

>> No.6298805

Stop this argument!


Masala chai (Hindi मसाला चाय: masālā cāy, "spiced tea") is the beverage from the Indian subcontinent made by brewing tea with a mixture of aromatic Indian spices and herbs.

>> No.6298811

we're only arguing because shit semantics anon is on some kind of cultural justice kick and thinks they need to save da world.

>> No.6298818

It's a pretty new word. There's still hope for change.

>> No.6298821

You should capitalize the first word in your sentences.

>> No.6298824

Oh. Ok. My apologies then. But the first link somewhat helps in the semantics argument.

>> No.6298835

they don't care. they don't even seem to care about head on shoulders anon here either >>6298804
let alone you throwing facts at them.
nope. my mother language doesn't have capital letters so i don't find them important at all. and they're not.

>> No.6298838


Oh my fucking god, "still hope for change"? Over what to call TEA?

Kindly remove yourself from the interwebs, you've been on tumblr too long.

>> No.6298837

You should go out and save children from starving in Africa, instead of surfing 4chan.

>> No.6298845

This anon knows her shit!

I love you!

>> No.6298846

this is more /ck/ territory that /cgl/ BUT i'd like some recommendations for green tea, the bags are good but I'd also like some maccha brands (the powder kind that you stir in)

>> No.6298851

God dammit seagulls! This is why we can't have nice things!

>> No.6298872

It's CGL. None is suppoesed to have nice things.

>> No.6298873

But I don't like black people.

>> No.6298876

Chai means tea though.

>> No.6298878

I don't go to tumblr.

>> No.6298881

I'll stop. It's because you want nice things. Don't we all?

>> No.6298889

Don't buy cheap matcha unless you are using it for icecream. It will bitter no matter what. $10 per 50 grams is usually as low as you should go. usually $25 per 50 grams is a good quality. I don't have a particular brand that I like, but I know Aiya or KaiMatcha are really good and popular in Japan, but you can get other good kinds at most Japanese grocers. For green tea, try to get Sencha if you like the brighter Japanese style flavors. Genmaicha is also good(it has barley in it) it's what they serve at sushi bars, it has a nutty flavor along with the tea. Make sure you brew the tea exactly according to the package, green tea bitters very fast.

>> No.6298895

...I know I did not just incite an argument because I said I liked chai spiced tea.

>> No.6298898

I do this kinda weird concoction..

I make sleepytime tea, then add in a ginger chew and let it melt. It is so delicious.

>> No.6298903

Don't worry, anon. We all know what you meant. I too like chai tea.

>> No.6298905

Do you like chicken yakitori?

>> No.6298910

You guys have been presented with FACTS!!!

Move along!

>> No.6298916


>> No.6298918

Why not? Don't you know what it is?

>> No.6298924

Why should I like it?

>> No.6298933

Why aren't you going on some kind of rant about how it's redundant?? HMM?

>> No.6298938

Oh~! That's right, because you don't know that it's redundant You brought us on some long useless rant about the word chai because you're a big girl and you know one word from another language so you're the queen of that shit, clearly.

>> No.6298940

Are you fucking serious? Are you really trying to get them to argue with you more?
Are you retarded?
>yes to all of the above
>oh look a decent thread let me shit it up some more

>> No.6298956

It's okay. I don't like chicken. Duck is more succulent.

I like you.

>> No.6298975

No. You fuck off too. Quit your bullshit and accept that times fucking change.
Clearly you didn't read a damn thing any anon has said to you so obviously you're a retard too.

>> No.6298981

Christ, are you people seriously arguing about "chai?" Are you people autistic or something?

>> No.6298983

I still like you though.

>> No.6298984
File: 131 KB, 300x300, Peach Oolong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the late reply, they have a website.
Oh, also recommend the peach oolong

>> No.6298985

I suffer from retardation.

>> No.6298992

This person: >>6298975

>> No.6298997

Would it be wrong to serve Iced Tea at a tea party?

>> No.6299003

Depends. Are we talking about the sugar'd version?

>> No.6299014

Of course not! There are all kinds of delicious teas that can be iced. I buy from Adagio myself. http://www.adagio.com/
My favorite teas from them to ice are Cherry Green tea and Peach Oolong.

One thing to remember though is that you should make snacks that will go better with iced tea, cakes with fruit and soft cookies will be better than a biscuit type cookie since you won't be dipping. Try garnishing the iced tea with a frozen piece of complimenting fruit(strawberry in strawberry tea or peach in peach, etc).

>> No.6299015

Yes. Possibly with actual fruits in them (i.e. apple cuts)

>> No.6299022

thank you!!

>> No.6299023

Adding something else to this. Iced tea always tastes better when sweetened with honey.

>> No.6299025

I always go with cakes. I find cookies and biscuits go better with hot Coffee/chocolate. And usually biscuits/cracker for soup.


I'm hungry now!

>> No.6299028

A dolop of honey if the tea is mixed with citrus fruits.

>> No.6299031

I tend to like a slightly sweetened biscuit for a milky fruit tea. Adagio has a really good lemon rooibos tea that tastes like creamy lemon pie that goes great with a little biscuit.


>> No.6299037

My favorite tea is Thai tea. Iced or hot with sugar and condensed milk It's perfect, pretty, sweet, and orange. I like it with tapioca pearls sometimes but not too much.

>> No.6299041

I was never into the sweetened biscuit. Flavored yes. Salted, God yes! Biscuits that come in clear packages, no.

Besides. Sweet drink + Sweet snack = Diabetic coma.

>> No.6299049

I suppose I do have a bit of a sweet tooth. c: Most of my teas contain fruit of some kind.

>> No.6299066

I once brought salted pretzels to a Intro party for a new friend of my School Org. During inane musings, new girl gave me a History (her version) lesson of Glorious Nippon Afternoon Tea lambasting my choice snack.

I smiled and chewed noisily in front of her.

Which began "A lady is Elegance" sermon.

I chewed with my mouth open.

She decided to talk to the person on her other side.

>> No.6299076

don't listen to her,
i used to live in japan and my diet consisted mostly of mountain dew, gatorade, wendy's (no longer in japan :( ) "american dogs" from 7-11, pizza hut and fucking mcdonalds (have to point at the menu and they fucking ask you if you want 1 or 2 ketchup packets with your 4 large fry orders that are about the size of an american small)

>> No.6299079

Japanese people love salty snacks with tea. That seems very silly, I'd imagine pretzels are as similar as anything to the traditional Japanese salty tea snacks.

What did she suggest you bring, btw?

>> No.6299103





Rice cakes!

I did not really listen to her. I affected the Glazed Interested Chewing Stare.

She' still in the group. We can tolerate her. We just imagine she has tourettes when she goes "Glorious Nippon".

>> No.6299113

One of the few things I know about Japanese tea id that they like dried squid as a snack to go with it.

>> No.6299121

There are many kinds of 'rice cakes'. If she meant mochi then no. Ugh! What's with weebs and not understanding that mochi isn't some special amazing and sacred tea ceremony snack!

>> No.6299125

Ooooh I love me some dried squid.

>> No.6299131

>dried rice cakes

>> No.6299133

I've been on an Adagio fandom blends kick. Mycroft blend is SO nice. It's slightly more cake-y-er than David's Tea called Birthday Cake.

I like fruit teas, personally. Green teas are nice too. My friend brewed up a neat little blend she did herself and it was SO fruity and lovely!

>> No.6299138

She just said rice cakes. I Guess she does not knows there are several kinds.

>> No.6299146

also there are rice cakes which are basically like noodles made of rice either flat and oval shaped or shaped like macaroni without holes, they're called rice cakes too. Dango and daifuku are also basically 'rice cakes'

>> No.6299171
File: 432 KB, 2848x4288, dsc_0224a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bring Yaki-soyu dango and i'll join the group

>> No.6299176

Mmmmm yaki-soyu dango are my favorite kind...
I should go make some.

>> No.6299181

Oooh! Interesting. What is it? I'm a bit lazy to look for it in the internet.

>> No.6299178

c-can i have some?
im serious if you're anywhere near local i'll drive over

>> No.6299185

._. I'm probably too far away from you.

>> No.6299189

mitarashi is what locals called it.

it's just the same mochi you use for other ones, but in small balls on a stick, grilled

then topped with a sweet soy based sauce

so cal?

>> No.6299191

They're basically rice 'dumplings' in the sense that dumplings are just dough balls that sometimes have filling dropped into boiling liquid.

yaki-soyu dango are made with mochiko(sweet rice flour) as well as regular rice flour, boiled in water until done, then dried and grilled(usually on a stick) with a sweetened soy sauce glaze that has that delicious salty-sweet aspect to it, being light and sticky as well as slightly doughy they, like most other dango are fucking delicious considering how simplistic they are in both nature and preparation.

>> No.6299192

nope D: complete other side of the country.

>> No.6299197

some other time then

>> No.6299204

>say yes

>> No.6299205

I wonder if the Little Korean Store down the also has their own version. Seems Interesting. I know a Filipino Store that sells Fish/squid Balls, Kikiam and kwek kwek (i.e. Pinoy street food)

>> No.6299203

By dried I mean patted down so they aren't wet.

>> No.6299210

>I wonder if the Little Korean Store down the also has their own version
I meant down the block

>> No.6299217
File: 24 KB, 300x225, natto-300x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im still looking for a US supplier that stocks the god tier of nattos

Okame-natto (it's like the cheapest brand, but fuck its so good)

comes in orange cups with a face on it

>> No.6299219

The V is right, but I'm higher up than that, sorry to say. VT
I feel like I'd be having a lot of visitors, judging by all of this.

>> No.6299220

mmmm natto.

>> No.6299223

I so like this. Get ideas for tea and snacks come with it! Can I have fries with that?

>> No.6299225

you guys should get together and have a weab dinner party, then yell at anyone who brings pretzels (even though 7-11/ito yokado has aisles of pretzels)

>> No.6299229

Id totally host a tea party. I think my dining room is pretty enough for it, classy I think. But I'm not lolita. So...ill just have tea by myself and sit alone in the pretty dining room. And...yep.

>> No.6299247

pretzel girl here. I'm not Lolita also. We just dress really nice because Presidents Mom said it is a dying tradition. For me, anything just to dress fancy and chat freely.

>> No.6299256

I want to host a lolita tea party for my comm in my room, it's big and I love hosting.
Although I don't know many of the girls very well, so it would be weird to only invite some, and there are probably too many in the whole comm to invite in one group event.

>> No.6299258

Pretzel girl here again. You can always get dolls.

>> No.6299270

Do what I do. I plant the suggestion to one of my friends to host it. Pretty soon it will be their Idea and then they'll decide who to invite. Only danger is she won't invite you.

>> No.6299274

I forgot to put Probably won't invite you.

>> No.6299278

Dining room, right? Well.. if anyone has a fold out table, you could place it next to the existing table and place another sheet ontop as well as some decorations to make it look nice. It'd add in two extra chairs depending on how you can set it up. How many ladies?

>> No.6299281

c-can i come? i have pretzels

>> No.6299290

is it salty?

>> No.6299297

nope but i can throw a kerropi sticker on it?

>> No.6299300
File: 138 KB, 768x573, 285650_10151134989644961_465511356_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's tea...

.. and a snack?


>> No.6299301

good enough.

>> No.6299342

Perhaps the misunderstanding arrises from geography? What country do you live in?

In the US, I can go into any Starbucks and order a Chai Tea and I get a spiced black faux-Indian tea, which is recognized as Chai. There's never been any confusion over what I was ordering, and I always get what I've expected. It's not REAL spiced milk tea, but it's sort of a Western take on the idea, and uses the blanket term "Chai Tea".

I don't think anyone is arguing that that's the correct usage in it's country of origin, but simply pointing out that in country's that have borrowed the idea, it's means something different (and less accurate). Which of course isn't ideal, but it just isn't correct to assert that "Chai" just means tea, at least in the US. It connotes a type of tea, regardless of what the literal meaning is. Again, I'm not saying this is either good or bad, but it IS the state of things.

>> No.6299345

That sounds... delicious.

>> No.6299348

This has been said previously ITT, but that anon refuses to acknowledge it. Just ignore it.

>> No.6299351

The argument died a while back. We're talking about Tea Parties now.

>> No.6299350

>no mention of water used
>no mention of procedures used
>no mention of tools used
>no mentions of wood used in fire
>no mention of rituals
>no mention of herbs just generic names

Yep cgl is still shit

>> No.6299354

we aren't having a super srs discussion it's just about lolita meetups and tea. Fuck if most lolitas know anything other than how to brew bagged tea. You should be happy we're doing well.

>> No.6299357

>no mention of water used
>no mention of procedures used
Heat water to desired temp. Transfer water to Teapot. Add leaves. Pour to Cups. Optional MILK TEA HONEY.
>no mention of tools used
stove (gas or wood or hamster powered) Teapot (porcelain) Tea cups and saucer and tea spoons
>no mentions of wood used in fire
dry wood. Flameable pref.
>no mention of rituals
Sacrifice a goat a day before the new moon then dance under a heat lamp
>no mention of herbs just generic names
you got me there.

>> No.6299369

>Sacrifice a goat a day before the new moon then dance under a heat lamp


>> No.6299380

The problem is the majority of lolitas are terrible into getting in character.

Still too vague? Where did you even get the mineral water and why ?

>Heat water to desired temp
way too ordinary

>Teapot porcelain

>dry wood. Flameable pref.

Too vague

>Sacrifice a goat a day
Thats better

>> No.6299401

>Still too vague? Where did you even get the mineral water and why ?
From 711. Because Tap water is not good enough for my tea party.
>>Heat water to desired temp
>way too ordinary
heat water to desired temp with a flame thrower.
>>Teapot porcelain
Because it's fancy and Mr. Bunn would rage all day if we use plastic.
>>dry wood. Flameable pref.
>Too vague
dry seqoia wood freshly chopped. Soak half of would with Zippo Lighter fluid.
>>Sacrifice a goat a day
>Thats better
I forgot to add must be done in ceremonial tut.

>> No.6299403

>I forgot to add must be done in ceremonial tut.

>> No.6299427

About procedures add that you should preheat teacups before transfering water into them.
About herbs I liked pure gyokuro best but its quite expensive and some might not like its smell. I am too lazy to write about other ones.
About rituals, there is no point in discussing them, all useful informations can be found elsewhere and its just all about matcha so there would be no need for naming different herbs.

>> No.6299426

By hijacking my initial response to >>6299350. You have cheapend the original humor.

>> No.6299964

Teabag, kettle, brew it, milk, slurp noisily over your breakfast, brew it in the pot and drink in fancy china when visiting your nan

it's not rocket science, and quite frankly there's not enough time to have a little ritual 6-10 times a day

>> No.6302188

I was not being serious.

>> No.6303006

I have no dining room, my room is bigger than any other in the house but the comm is probably upwards of thirty ladies. Plus my problem was that I think people like meetups to be in public places not homes. Sigh.

Sneaky, but sort of does nothing for my desire to host. Thanks all the same.

>> No.6303080
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>> No.6305415

Oh, you can still host it, in the background. But it will be "their" idea. So if the party sucked, you don't get the blame.

>> No.6305561

I don't really like tea, I always drink coffee.

My coffee machine makes chai lattes though if this counts?? Sometimes I put an espresso shot in it.

>> No.6305592

plus since it would be your first "Host", it will be good practice.

>> No.6305600

I was briefly proud that I have matcha that was $24 for 30g, but then I remembered that t2 is overpriced as fuck so I don't actually have awesome quality matcha.

>> No.6305615
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I'm boring. I really like Earl Grey. Probably just not making herbal teas correctly.

>> No.6305811

I've heard of tons of KitKat flavors from Japan. I wish I could order a box with one or two of each.

>> No.6305837

Oh wonderful, DOUBLE NAUSEA
Speaking of, anyone else get nauseous from green tea? I'd love to drink it more often because I do like the flavour (and health shit blabla antioxidants bla) but I can never have more than one cup without getting woozy. Is it because I'm a cheapass and use bags? Am I just fucked?

>> No.6305852

Probably depends on ones metabolism. I get major headaches when I drink a liter of orange juice.

>> No.6305860

That could be it. I do get nauseous more easily than most people I know. It's weird though because I can drink an entire pot of white tea by myself no problem but more than a little cup of green and BLORF
There must be something specific to green tea that doesn't sit right with me. Sucks.

>> No.6305878

or it could be one of the ingredients you put in it. A friend of ours once served us tea. With a side tray of condiments (sweetener and such). What she failed to actually know about was one container that looked like brown sugar was actually medicine for constipation.

It did not end well for all of us.

>> No.6305883



>> No.6305911

oh my sides

>> No.6305927

Has anyone tried cutting out caffeine? I didn't realize how much I was consuming until I cut it from my diet completely, and I had migraines for the entire first week.

However, after that was over, I slept much much better. Apparently cutting caffeine is also good for your skin, but I have horribly dry skin on my nose and I'm yet to see some change.

On topic, drinking decaf tea is a bit unsatisfactory, but I've started drinking green tea more and I enjoy it. If I'll be honest, I prefer the taste of Rooibos tea.

next step is lowering my sugar consumption...

>> No.6305943

Green tea still has lots of caffeine in it. A little less compared to black tea but only because of brewing time. The amount of caffeine in tea has to do with how long you brew it. More time you brew it more caffeine this includes white tea as well, which usually has the most caffeine.

>> No.6305944

I barely incorporate any caffeine into my regular diet. This is due to Anxiety issues but overall I guess a good health benefit. I never liked Coffee to begin with which I assume would be the hardest for anyone to quit but being a Brit I did love a good cup of tea. I just tend to have one cup of tea a day and on the days I really feel naughty I will sip a bottle of Coke throughout the whole day. Otherwise I'm caffeine free with my choices and haven't encountered any down side of it, been so for 4 years now

>> No.6305958

yeah, I found out green tea wasn't decaf before I did some looking into it, and I was horrified because I'd been consuming it in large quantities, thinking it was caffeine free.

I've been drinking a brand called 'tick tock' green tea which is decaf, but it goes a funny orange colour. It's good none the less.

I found coke used to give me so much energy through my college years and I'd drink it non stop, it was very hard to break from it! Toughest thing is cutting on coffee, though. I miss my morning brew.

>> No.6305960

I thought about cutting back on caffeine. But no. It's still good!

Their is a spa I go to that uses coffee granules. The masseuse rubs it over your skin, supposedly exfoliating it. Feels like a sea salt scrub but with hankering for some cake.

>> No.6305962

I used to drink coke every meal, everyday for two years. I was addicted to it. I stopped when I had knife pains around my stomach area. Had a full check-up and the doc discovered Kidneystones. He attributed it to my over indulging in soft drinks.

>> No.6305963

That sounds so delicious smelling. I'd get hungry..

I know there's also a bunch of beauty products on the market that contain caffeine to 'wake up' your skin, so I'm really unsure what the deal is on caffeine and skin. Maybe it's the difference between consuming and applying

>> No.6305965

>Green tea still has lots of caffeine in it.
Green tea only has about 25mg of caffeine per cup. That shit's less than a can of Coke and much less than coffee.
You can also decaffeinate tea by brewing it for 30 seconds, dumping out the water, and brewing it again with the same leaves.

>> No.6305968

And don't forget metabolism. I seriously hate it when some people, allegedly with medical degrees, force what they think is bad for you.

>> No.6305988

I'm sceptical. People in general are idiots so it would be really easy for the beauty industry to bullshit their way into selling us this
>"Hey, this chemical has stimulatory effects on my brain, I should rub it on my skin too! Haha, it will 'wake up' my skin! Brilliant".

Many 'skin firming' treatments boast about containing kinetin, which is a class of hormone known for its ability to induce cell division and inhibit aging.... IN PLANTS. As far as I know there is absolutely no health benefit to rubbing plant hormones all over your face but people will try to sell it to you anyway. Sigh.

>> No.6306050

Wasn't there news about used teabags placed on eyelids which was recommended by some doctors (and Oprah) that help ease tired eyes?

>> No.6306068

Yeah I heard that too. I've not tried it so I have no idea if it works or not.

>> No.6306092

5 cups of green tea a day. Get on my level.
>dat clear skin

Also if you live near asian markets you can get about 200 bags for 2.50. Feelsgoodman.jpeg

>> No.6306123
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this is my fav tea it makes me feel SUPER fuckin kawaii

>> No.6306131

I guess, but if it's at someone elses I don't see the point in hosting

>> No.6306133

You're not supposed to drink that, dimwit.

>> No.6306135

actually curious. Has anyone ever tried hemp tea?

>> No.6306138

yeah its kinda gross, a friend made it you dont just brew the buds obv but im not sure how he did it

>> No.6306142

THC isn't water soluble.

I've had a weed cappuccino before, but that's because it can bind to the fat in the milk. If you wanted to spike the tea a bit i'm sure it would work too. (Alcohol soluble.)

But as for not-stoney hemp tea, yeah i've tried it. Hi-Tea. Not as good as you'd think.

>> No.6306146

That is also untrue information. Like I said, it's related to brewing times, plus the kinds of green tea you drink have varying amounts of caffeine. Perhaps you could brew tea fully and then reduce caffeine by rebrewing but you will not lose any caffeine from how you said.

>A number of sources make the claim that you can "decaffeinate" your own tea by making a brief infusion in hot water, and then discarding this infusion. Unfortunately, this process does not work; if it did, tea companies would not have to resort to expensive and involved decaffeination processes to produce decaf tea. Caffeine tends to diffuse in hot water at the same rate as many of the chemicals responsible for the flavor and aroma of tea, so if the tea still tastes flavorful, it probably still contains caffeine.

>> No.6306148

if you make canaoil you can add it to salad dressings and have a pretty sweet salad its pretty tight

>> No.6306152

yep. one of my favorite things to do is simmer it into butter and then cook with it.

but be warned, it's slightly easier to overshoot it and fall asleep when you're ingesting THC though.

>> No.6306161

You can put milk in tea too.