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File: 30 KB, 554x273, fucking tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6295323 No.6295323[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a Shit Tumblr Says thread going? I can't get enough of the stupid shit these people say.

>> No.6295326

I was going through and agreeing until the "denouncing whiteness" bullshit. Ummm.

>> No.6295333
File: 105 KB, 283x302, tumblr_maxrzvUpHi1qlb5vv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>denouncing whiteness

>> No.6295337

Also the "becoming a lesbian" thing and then being oppressed. It's like she thinks that being an oppressed minority is like joining a cool club to tell your friends about.
Also, how do you renounce your whiteness (and subsequently get oppressed for being a non-white)? Do you go to job interviews and open by telling them "Yes, I am a person of color. Don't you go oppressing me you cis white hetero gendermale!"

>> No.6295340

> I became a lesbian
> I denounced whiteness

>> No.6295342

Denouncing whiteness... seriously? The point of the whole "X-Privilege" movement is to to bring to light the privileges you get just by being something, because they are usually the benefits you get without even realizing it. You don't get to "denounce" those privileges - you get them no matter what you do, just by appearing in a certain way. I really hope this person is kidding, but somehow I know they aren't...

>> No.6295344

Won't you be treated differently simply by nature of being different? I mean that in the most literal sense possible. I'm going to look up at a tall person and look down on a short person. It just seems like they're trying to make something out of nothing. Just because you want something to be a certain way doesn't make it so.

>> No.6295352

They all suddenly identify as something their great, great, great, great grandpappy was. This girl in my class is fair skinned, has brown hair and blue eyes and yet identifies as Navajo and is always talking about how X needs more of a "Native Perspective". She has recently begun abusing bronzer and self-tanner. I call it "Brave Face".

>> No.6295353

How do you renounce whiteness? Do you have to get a tan?

>> No.6295358

I think all this privilege bullshit is retarded. Everybody is going to have some sort of privilege. Saying this person has and this person has not so nobody should has is just silly. Instead of trying to make everybody have their own speshul snowflake privileges, it just promotes more segregation,

>> No.6295372
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>>brave face

>> No.6295381
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Trying so hard to be a little snowflake, oppressed by her own kind.

>> No.6295382

What a dumbass. She still is white and even people that pass for white have white privilege. You can't just denounce your physical appearance and then assume you no longer benefit from that physical trait, because society still views you a particular way. Rage!

>> No.6295388


Well it's nice to see that even now some of them are beginning to see how fucking retarded this is getting.

>> No.6295430


I mean, the privilege thing serves and important purpose in discussing social issues, but the way Tumblr uses it is straight up retarded. It's not meant to be something you list off in an internet profile, it's for discussing how different groups are viewed and interact in society.

>> No.6295455
File: 498 KB, 500x390, 1348123045744.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"FTM"s passing on tumblr is a fucking joke. Just be ugly, have short hair, and wear ugly ass oversized shirts.

>> No.6295862

I went to snoop on their tumblr and apparently they're going to kill themselves.


>> No.6295874

>I ask you nothing but not to stop me, and not to let P see it happen.
If you don't want anyone to try to stop you or interfere, you probably shouldn't announce that you're going to off yourself at all. At most, a cryptic "Well, it's been real" one-sentence post is enough if you really feel like hinting at it or something.
She got "talked out of it", too. Just seems like an attention-mongering stunt.

>> No.6295878

Nah, she changed her mind.

>> No.6295882

I just reported it to the tumblr suicide watch.
Wtf man

>> No.6295884

Ugh. I hate attention whoring shits like this. Do you know how my friends found out I was suicidal? I got admitted into a hospital and had to get my stomach pumped. I never made a blog post, never whined on facebook. And after the incident? I never brought it up. Suicide isn't just feeling sad, it is no longer caring about anything. It's not considering your future. If you make a post and check it regularly, you are considering your future. You are not suicidal. Real suicide notes are written minutes before, not published online a few days prior.

>> No.6295885

The cultural appropriation tag.

>> No.6295905

Not any particular instance but I am sick as fuck of "Tumblr typing," especially when it makes its way OUTSIDE of Tumblr. I do not want to see talk of "feels" and random as fuck linebreaks all over my fucking Facebook feed. Also I would not be sad if Tumblr made a new rule that all text posts must contain at least one punctuation mark.

>> No.6295907


>> No.6295914


I saw feels used on other sites, mainly 4chan, before tumblr. Poor typing is not exclusively from tumblr.

>> No.6295919
File: 69 KB, 500x303, tumblr_mbkzq0Aleu1qgrrpho1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6295924

It's more like "everyone killing everyone" to this day.
White people killing everyone is only reported majorly to them because it's western history and surprise, they're westerners living in western countries.
I swear, these SJ tumblr fucks are so unconsciously narrow-minded it's not even funny. It's like they think white people are the center of the world.

>> No.6295925

Lol hybperbole the bread and butter of tumblr SJW.

>> No.6295923
File: 56 KB, 250x357, tumblr_m67858tpzm1ru8za5o9_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Gender based violence

>> No.6295928


as a non-white, this rustles my jimmies. today should've read, "niggers killing whites for being deluded apes."

>> No.6295930

I never saw "feels" before Tumblr, and I was in all corners of the internet. Not saying it didn't exist before Tumblr, but now everyone and their mother says it and it's obnoxious as fuck.

>> No.6295936

Pretty much. No one even knew I was suicidal. I fucked up on my own suicide and woke up feeling like shit the next morning, got dressed, and continued on...

Never said a fucking word of it.

>> No.6295937
File: 135 KB, 417x351, fuckyoutumblr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure why, but this gif I found on tumblr rustles my jimmies. Using and twisting basic fundamentals of math to conform to cliched romance novels.

>mfw this is a shining example why females can't into math

>> No.6295940

I actually think that's kind of funny.

>> No.6295941

Seriously? It's not as common on /cgl/, but it's been all over /mu/ and /v/ for a pretty long time (I can't speak for other boards though)
I don't know how you could be on 4chan in general and never see feels, ever. but I don't use tumblr so I don't know how long ago they started using em

>> No.6295942

that feel when no gf

>> No.6295953
File: 85 KB, 558x566, headmate_problems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had Homestuck characters living in my head, I would probably want to slap them. I'm sure the first post here comes in handy.

>> No.6295957

I swear everyone in the "multiple systems" tag has got to be the most annoying arrogant entitled little special snowflakes that ever typed .

>> No.6295963


>> No.6295965


People who air their intent to kill themselves by posting about it on Tumblr really confuse me.

Six months ago I attempted suicide, and I made sure to delete my entire Tumblr. I was already feeling like shit enough, the last thing I needed was a brigade of people who barely knew me trying to help me via "signal boosting".

I don't want attention and faux comfort from random strangers on the internet. It's an intrusion of my privacy, and would have made me feel embarrassed as fuck.

Not to mention telling people you're going to do it before hand is just asking to be stopped.

>> No.6295969


Wait... you mean she ISN'T joking?

>> No.6295972

I kind of liked it since it got people on /v/ and /r9k/ to do something other than fighting and bitching, but otherwise it's just dumb.

>> No.6295977

I fucking hate Tumblr. I hate how they just let people get away with collosal delusions like this (they treat otherkin the same way) all in the name of "tolerance", while simultaneously assaulting everyone who falls outside of thier weird little agendas that they think are so much more fucking important than they really are. Fuck them.

>> No.6295982

I'm friends with a few "fictionkin" on Tumblr.

Not the infamous ones that everyone hears about though.

These people are much more covert about it, though they still do post about their issues regarding it.

Though one of them has an actual mental disorder with psychosis as a side effect. They're surprisingly one of the more sane people about it though. They said they don't actually believe themselves to be the character reincarnated or anything like that. They just like identifying with him. I guess for emotional support.

The more mentally healthy people tend to have the weirder beliefs. I guess those just want to be special.

I feel bad for all of them though. I actually used to believe that sort of stuff myself. Including "multiplicity".
Highschool was an embarrassing time for me in retrospect...

>> No.6295984

>I think all this privilege bullshit is retarded. Everybody is going to have some sort of privilege.
Thank you.
By Tumblr logic, I am both oppressed and privileged for the same reason; I am black, which = oppression, but I am a lighter skinned black person, which means I have privilege.
I'm so done with Tumblr. They don't even know what they're saying.

>> No.6295989

>(they treat otherkin the same way)
Like hell they do. I like reading the otherkin tag, and, holy shit, I've never seen so many troll posts in one place, and it's perfectly accepted, which seems to go waaaay against Tumblr's ideal of accepting everyone.

>> No.6295996

Otherkin, fictives, and multiple systems are my tumblr favourites.
Someone should film a proper documentary on these guys.

>> No.6296008

Otherkin have a dummy tag they change once in a while to avoid trolling.

>> No.6296009
File: 13 KB, 599x200, things.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6296017

>White people appointing themselves the race police
But she's the one trying to police others over race and telling them they're whitewashing/blackfacing. What.

>> No.6296042


Someone get the tumblr of the person that called Hope a racist. That thing was full of delicious black-on-white racism.

>> No.6296056

>Not First World Problems general

I remember a while back there was a post circulating saying something like:

>I wonder how genderqueer trans Somali people cope?
>Oh wait, those people have actual problems

Suffice to say, it caused serious ass-devastation.

>> No.6296057

I guess that one never occurred to me because it's so...iconic, I guess. Kind of like "cool story bro" in that no one really uses it in a serious fashion.

>> No.6296072

yeah, if you're a minority but disagree with them, they will definitely bring up privileges like you being lighter skinned while being black. i've had someone tell me that being a light skinned "POC" means i uphold white supremacist ideals.

yes. being born with paler skin DOES mean i was also born with white supremacist ideals.

>> No.6296075

I love reading about how black people are oppressed by white privilege and racism, and yet, it's more dangerous to be a white person falsely (or even legitimately) called a racist than to have someone be racist towards you.

I'm a straight, white, middle-class male. I have little that I didn't earn myself.

>> No.6296091

I hate these retarded tumblr posters too. But you know what? It's pretty easy just NOT following the retards who writes things like this. I love tumblr and love following people who post funny/beautiful/interesting posts but I think it's fucking annoying being put in the same category as those fuckers.
Just to remind you that people use tumblr for different reasons and not everyone is retarded privilege-talking idiots.

>> No.6296092

As a lower-middle class, straight, white male I agree with you. According to tumblr I should be swimming in privilege, bitches, money, education, and a house that isn't slowly falling apart at the seams.

Boy do I feel like an ubermensch.

>> No.6296101

No it really serves no purpose at all. The idea of privilege is basically calling someone on their differences and saying that because of a you get b and i don't get be because of c. It's basically just people saying you're a skinny white girl and I'm mad because I'm fat and I can't be skinny waaah! Things like this aren't the types of things we should be supporting nor pointing out. We are all one people black or white, skinny or fat regardless of gender or sexual orientation. That's what we should be trying to strive for, full equality. Not equality for homosexuals against heterosexual not equality for women against men. None of that is going to unite us or anything.

>> No.6296102
File: 432 KB, 1640x2368, white male privilage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh speaking of, I got this picture about "white male privilege" that seems pretty fitting, 'specially when talking about what tumblr thinks

>> No.6296103

Didn't you know though! That's ~reverse~ racism, and it can't exist! :o

>> No.6296104

the thing is that even cool people that I follow and that follow me back, like say animation industry people that I appreciate, end up reblogging some really ignorant feminist rants/comics/posts from people who basically dress up their obsessivenss in the guise of 'social justice'. it becomes really annoying to see just how much of a bandwagon this has become and how everyone is joining in.

there's obviously not one thing wrong with feminism as a concept, hell there's a lot of good stuff it could still accomplish. but the internet version of it annoys the everloving shit out of me.

>> No.6296107

B-but People of Color can't be racist! The oppressed class is not capable of racism! Only whites that haven't checked their privilege can be racist!

>> No.6296109


That statement is right, there is no such thing as reverse racism.

It's just racism. But of course, somehow, that doesn't apply because you can't be racist against white people.

>> No.6296114

> you can't be racist against white people
It kills me to believe that there are people in this world who believe that is true.

Also, you are now aware that racist black people think Jews are white.

>> No.6296115

Sometimes it can be depressingly funny.

Like when I read SJAs try their hand at criticism and hermeneutics on their favourite (or most hated) shows and fandoms, like saying Sherlawk is sexist, or Dr. Who has a negative bias on POCs or Homestuck is ableist or some shit.

>> No.6296117

Yeah, I know, but the thing it, we're here for entertainment. I like going on Tumblr and searching for tags that are likely to bring up stupid shit like that because that kind of idiocy is so incredibly entertaining for me. What's even more interesting (for me at least) is the fact that that brand of stupidity is almost entirely endemic to the Tumblr community and is almost never seen anywhere else. That's fucking hilarious, I don't know what possibly could have happened for them to spawn their own unique cult of retards.

>> No.6296120

it's not even 'racist black people', I see whites using the "HEH... WHITE PEOPLE..." and "racism = power + prejudice" thing all the time.

I showed some of these opinions to a black friend (well, this tidbit was from Something Awful and not Tumblr... but it's the exact same type of thing in the end) and his instant reaction was to say, 'that's stupid'.

>> No.6296119

funny shit right there
the fact that no one else has noticed the horror of this is why i will never take females seriously. It was made by a chick and posted on this chick forum not on person notices the enormous mathematical mistake in it. Those are not fucking asymptotes. Asymptotes get closer and closer forever but never touch, those lines in that gif curve away from each other on both sides. Fucking bullshit. I guess shit like this explains why my Further Maths and Physics classes are both 100% male.

>> No.6296123

I see this all the fucking time. So many people on Tumblr refuse to think you can be racist to white people.

>> No.6296124

Tumblr user wrote this really fucking silly article about how being attracted to literate women makes you a bigot, but seems to have left the website completely. reblogs are all that's left: http://morestitches.tumblr.com/post/15733185622/reasons-why-i-am-sick-and-tired-of-this-thing

he's FTM so much like Kateordie and her comics about self-harming from the age of 12 or some other really depressing shit like that, I dunno if I should even make fun this. a lot of these people likely became this way because of intense bullying and having a hard life. I personally imagine internet social justice as a cult, basically getting people to join in moments of weakness. I think that's how the people who are truly part of an oppressed minority end up using the same broken logic that 15 year old 'socially aware' privileged girls who were never truly bullied in their lives do.

>> No.6296125


I'm so sorry to hear that your friend is a white-identifying self-hating racist

Please stop being his friend because you are prbably not helping him :(

>> No.6296129

you best be trollan.

>> No.6296130


With all of the critiquing and nitpicking SJ people do to most series (and movies, music, and most other forms of entertainment), I often am left wondering how the fuck these people have fun.

I mean, it's not like they're even spending their time in the real world trying to make things better.

They're just loafing around all day, bitching about shit on Tumblr.

And calling anyone who calls them out on it a ableist because they don't "HAVE ANY SPOONS TO LEAVE THEIR ROOM OMFG CHECK UR PRIVLAGE SCUM!!!111!"

(That whole argument really irks me as someone who is actually disabled. I get accommodations for that shit, not excuses. I just want to live an accomplished life, not sit on my ass and have a pity party on the internet. And the fact that most of the people who pull this argument are fucking self-diagnosed just makes me rage all the more.)

>> No.6296133

Anyone have that screencap of a kid saying his parents are awful people because they're disappointed their son's true form is a pansexual wolf?

>> No.6296134

joke posts exist, anon.
another funny anecdote from Something Awful's Tumblr-lite crowd:
>crazy "Fandom!Secrets shit" thread
>a bunch of typical girls in the F!s comments section talk about how the concept of 'fanservice' of female characters isn't inherently bad and that some of them like it and that denying humans who are attracted to women of their sexuality is not how you combat sexism
>some SA goons screenshot this and post it in the thread and go "HEH LOOK AT THESE SILLY WOMEN AND THEIR MISOGYNY..."
>a bunch of teenage girls have more sense in them than SA posters

>> No.6296136



But really, there are people who would tell you this and not be kidding.

>> No.6296144

Oh my God, I have to see this.

>> No.6296142

I know .___.

>> No.6296147

I'm glad Riley frm The Arkh Project actually got called out on being totally nuts and nobody supported that thing anymore.

the entire thing reached such a huge level of hatred and practically self-parody that it was impossible for anyone to be on their side. I think the point when Riley started using the term 'white-identifying' to define black people who don't like the project is when most people thought "ok, no".

>> No.6296150


Perhaps the worst/saddest thing is they aren't just throwaway posts like "homstuck is ableist because someone said retarded omng never watching it again!"

They're like actual essays, with hundreds if not thousands of words, usually with terrible spelling, grammar and syntax. They hhave clearly thought about what they're writing, which makes me believe these people lead deeply unfulfilling lives.

>> No.6296153


>Arkh project

Do SJs still get analpained when they are reminded that this was a scam?

>> No.6296151


I guess it's a way of coping?

But that doesn't make it good.

After all, people do stupid shit like drink when they're upset, and end up with substance abuse and health problems later on.

Though I guess instead of "self-medicating" with drugs, these kids partaking in a form of "self-therapy".

Which I guess is why I see so many SJ people railing against mental health professionals. The dangerous hug-box of Tumblr feels like a far easier solution than facing their problems with a professional who isn't there to coddle them.

As is blaming all of their problems on other people. If they shift the problems of the world to the "white cis straight able-bodied male" bogeyman, they get a nice excuse for their issues.

>> No.6296155

~thin privilege


>> No.6296159

I can't take the 'genderqueer' thing seriously. I support transsexuals but I just can't have a positive opinion of the idea of asking people to use 'non-binary gender pronouns' and getting mad if they don't.

I mean, if I think someone who does this sort of thing is cool, it's IN SPITE of that. I'll just roll with it to not bother them but in the end I'll still view it as something silly.

>> No.6296160
File: 11 KB, 676x117, tubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6296169

I visit this tumblr everytime I want a good laugh. My favorite posts are the ones where they claim there is systematic oppression by thin people on them, forcing them to have a more narrow choice of clothing because their XXXXL asses are too gargantuan to fit inside of the clothes that human-sized women get to wear. That's not thin-privilege oppressing you, that's just one of the many problems that comes with being insanely fat. No one is out to get you, you're just fat.

>> No.6296172


The really sad part is that I think so many people complained about a Homestuck character saying the word "retarded" in a panel that Hussie eventually changed it.

Which makes no sense, as in-context, it was most likely said by a 13 year old kid as a stupid insult.

I can understand some critique, such as the whole fiasco with "Derpy Hooves" and her stereotypical "retard voice" and mannerisms. But you really can't expect every single character in a series to be a 100% non-offensive and privilege-sensitive being. That would be boring as ever loving fuck.

>> No.6296173 [DELETED] 

>Thin privilege is not being newly hired at a fast food restaurant and being given a uniform that is several sizes too small and is extremely uncomfortable because your employer can’t be arsed with having women’s uniforms in your size.

Surely that's not the thin person's fault? Lol

>> No.6296175

>Thin privilege is not being newly hired at a fast food restaurant and being given a uniform that is several sizes too small and is extremely uncomfortable because your employer can’t be arsed with having women’s uniforms in your size.


>> No.6296178

Agreed. I had one of my teachers tell us the first day of class we were to address her (him, I guess since she was transitioning) as zir/ze whatever.

Just no.

The interesting thing about that though was we also had a butch lesbian in our class and she hated our teacher for reasons I can't understand but you could tell in body language and speech.

>> No.6296181

Oh boy I saved a gem from this, let me look it up

>Thin privilege is being the mother of a child with albinism and not have his/her lack of pigment blamed on your being too lazy to take him/her outside.

>> No.6296185

ahahahahahahaha what???

>> No.6296186

Men's uniforms are almost always bigger than women's. it's sad how much you'd be forced to delude yourself into thinking that somehow a shirt for men shouldn't be more than enough for even a somewhat overweight woman.

>> No.6296188


Someone better post this
I so want to see the tears.

>> No.6296190
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>> No.6296193

I was unaware that fast food restaurants even carry gender specific sizes, they're all just uncomfortable polo shirts that are size fugly.

>> No.6296196


>> No.6296199

what is this multiple systems bullshit anyway?

>> No.6296200

I am convinced that 90% of the white hate and derision on tumblr and livejournal ("sit down whitey", "white people make me sick", "for real, I wish whites didn't exist") are all white girls.
The way they so completely miss the point on every level makes it impossible to be anything else.

>> No.6296201
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> I can turn my multiplicity on and off

When will these people realize that they're literally on par with three-year olds saying they have invisible friends that they play with, while every adult they tell it to knows that they're full of fucking shit?

>> No.6296203
File: 193 KB, 493x596, GENDER PIVOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these people buy into gender roles more than actual bigots do

>> No.6296210


I've felt confused about my gender identity for a long time (before Tumblr and the SJ bullshit), and I really dislike the whole "genderqueer" shit. Especially word itself and the whole implications of using the word "queer" to describe it. I view "queer" as more of an activist term, but I don't feel like it applies to me. And just implying that ambiguously gendered people are "radically different" by default is really fucking insulting.

I'm more apathetically androgynous, I guess. It's a feeling I have, but it's not part of my identity at all. I don't really care what gender people perceive me as, because it won't affect who I am. And as I'm not medically transitioning or making any effort to pass as a certain gender, it really doesn't matter.

The "alternative" pronouns are fucking stupid though. "They" is perfectly acceptable if you want something gender neutral in the English language, and I don't see the need to complicate things with zhey/shir/laskdhflsdkhf/etc.


Especially when you're a teenager.

I see so many young kids calling themselves shit like "pangender FTMTFT??? genderflud demiromantic grey-A sexual" and I don't get it.

When I was in highschool it took me forever to decide what I was going to wear in the morning. How the fuck can you be 100% confident in your identity so soon?

>> No.6296212

> Hey, what you your preferred pronouns for today?
> I think I'll go with they/them for now.
> Sounds like a plan!

Seriously, do these people expect one another to fucking as them what their preferred pronoun of the day is? Do they realize how monumentally pointless and petty everything about that is?

>> No.6296215

Oh god, I knew people like this. One girl would blame their poor decisions in life and bad attitudes on "Z"
No, that's not how it works. You made bad decisions because you're an immature fuckup who never learns and continues to mooch off of everyone.
What's even worse, is this person moved in with two people and they BOTH adapted the same "I have another person living inside me" trait, and started making the same excuses. Ughhh so much crazy.

>> No.6296217

THIS. Having so many different terms like genderqueer or genderpivot or w/e becomes really oppressive to yourself and others. I think these people don't realize that many people have a problem with labels themselves not being labeled incorrectly. I always feel like trolling tumblr with shit about how I'm not heterosexual and I'm confused in my sexuality because I am a female who is attracted to straight white males and 2D (anime) females as well as 2D (anime) gay men. I'm surprised no one has come up with this yet

>> No.6296221

I get very weirded out by these activists calling themselves queers or other people queers. In my country, queer is a very big slander. It's extremely offensive. We say gay or homosexual. But if I say that on Tumblr, I get chased down by SJs screaming at how horrible I am and telling me to say queer. I don't want to use such an offensive, horrible word. If I said it to my gay friends, they'd be horrified and beat the shit out of me. Why do SJs think that only America can decide what you call people? Why are they trying to force me to call myself by such an offensive term?

>> No.6296220

That is not what privilege is, and please shut up, you are shitting up this thread
>mfw people seriously think being black is easier than being called a racist on the Internet
Not even a tumblrfag, but every time someone starts that pissing contest, it deteriorates faster than >women threads

>> No.6296222


When they get out of their houses and make genuine friends.

I'm serious.

I used to identify as a multiple during my lonely years of highschool. When I finally started making friends, I quickly snapped out of it.

Thankfully this was pre-Tumblr, so I saved myself posting all of my "feels" publicly. I still have one of my old LJ's that (privately) detail the posts though. Rereading them is surreal as fuck.

>> No.6296226

> How can be 100% confident in your identity so soon?
Or require one of those stupid ultra-specific labels so that you can belong to some "oppressed" group of snowflakes. I don't understand why so many people have to say "Oh, you know, I'm different, I'm a Heteroromantic Demisexual Cisfemale" instead of just saying "Yeah, you know what, I mostly just prefer to sleep with guys I have feelings for". Instead of just describing their own personalities they prefer to use all of these retarded neologisms to label themselves as a group because it somehow makes them feel more special and unique than they would if they just fucking described themselves as individuals.

>> No.6296229

They didn't even have any replies to their comment so it's you who is shitting up the thread. Fuck off

>> No.6296230

I agree totally. America seems to be the cause of all sorts of weird 'politically correct' issues that spring up everywhere. I remember once I was having a chat about a singer, who happened to be black and someone in my uni class flipped out because I used the word black. "No! Not black, African American!" We're not in America you dumbfuck, this is Canada, and the girl is from Jamaica so it's not applicable in any sense. Dumb bitch.

>> No.6296242


It also has negative connotations in the LGBTQA community in the US too. But most people who use it are pretty young, and know jack shit.

I used to use it as an umbrella term because LGBTQA can be a pain to write. Though what turned me off from it was when I saw people using it to mean "LGBTQA and also RADICAL AS FUCK".

SJ people use it in a way where they KNOW it has a reputation as an insult. But unlike a gay guy sarcastically calling himself a "fag" among friends, SJ people are advocating the word to show off that they are inherently different.

There exists a subset of LGBTQA who do not want to fit in. They want to act like debauched stereotypes that everyone hates.

Which again, is pretty ignorant to the older people who suffered horrible shit because they couldn't fit in no matter what. And were stereotyped as crude heathens no matter what.

And now, since "queer" people are especially oppressed according to Tumblr, EVERYONE wants to be one. And so this futile attempt at reclaiming a world reserved for gay people is being used by asexuals (and their annoying clusterfuck of related terms), polyamorous people, and people into BDSM. Or even by vanilla heterosexual couples who don't fit into strict gender roles.

It really makes no fucking sense.

>> No.6296244
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>> No.6296248

They use the word "African-american" in Canada?

>> No.6296253
File: 59 KB, 760x473, thisisreal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a real post made by a real human.

>> No.6296256


A nazi, and white supremacist, who I hear is half Asian. Go figure.

>> No.6296258

No, we don't. She was from America coming to study.

>> No.6296260

no it isn't
you're lying

>> No.6296261
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>> No.6296263

what is this 'system' stuff? someone please tell me!

>> No.6296264

>The really sad part is that I think so many people complained about a Homestuck character saying the word "retarded" in a panel that Hussie eventually changed it.
This is even funnier, because if you read the earlier bits, Hussie throws around retarded a lot. Before the trolls come in, when I guess it wasn't as popular, no-one seemed to care about it.

>> No.6296265


I don't get the "demi-" shit at all.

And I can tell that the people using them are really inexperienced in love and/or sex all together.
(Also because their obnoxious twats, and no one probably wants to deal with them, let alone sleep with them.)

While you can make a nice list of traits you find attractive, including gender, trying to predict your frequency of being attracted to them is pretty laughable.

Falling in love and/or wanting to fuck someone is not a simple reaction you can easily estimate.

It's confusing as fuck.

>> No.6296267

Basically it's their special snowflake way of claiming that they have multiple dissociative personalities (which may or may not include fictional characters, or evil versions of themselves). SPOILERS: They're absolutely always full of shit.

>> No.6296268

I used it once in highschool, got laughed at and told to 'just say black'. oh well.

>> No.6296269


Well that would be implying that the obnoxious part of the Homestuck fandom even read the few acts, instead of just skipping to Act 5 because "OMFG TROLLZ".

>> No.6296273


Urgh, remember when America flipped out at Australia for having a "racist" KFC ad?

The cricket was sponsored by KFC and we were going up against the West Indies, so they made an ad where and Aussie supporter was stuck with a bunch of over enthusiastic West Indie supporters, and shared a bucket of KFC with them so they'd simmer down. Pretty much the same as every KFC ad ever.

Cue America thundering in screaming how we're racist because THEY have a stereotype of AFRICAN AMERICANS loving fried chicken.

>> No.6296275

I think the reason people on Tumblr/other SJ groups identify as demisexual when they are for all intents and purposes straight are just embarrassed about being straight and having (TRIGGER WARNING) heterosexual privilege and want to be special little snowflakes like the LBGT people they desperately want to show their support for.

>> No.6296276
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>> No.6296279

Eh....Wow. I'm not one to easily get offended, or have my 'jimmies rustled' but seriously, this is just bullshit. How can people be so stupid? Do they not realize how much these kinds of people actually suffer? It's a hell in itself to try to maintain relationships of any kind, jobs or even just to be happy. This kind of thing makes me sick to my stomach.

>> No.6296280



Isn't that Gutterface's GQ/FTM "boyfriend/fiance'"?

>> No.6296286


Isn't that the same thing as genderfuck/genderqueer? Or is she trying to say that "genderpivot" means "I can go from male to female to genderqueer to ftm to mtf to androgynous at will"?

>> No.6296288

Is that even a real disease? I remember reading a few years back that there was some doubt as to whether or not multiple personality disorder actually existed, for several reasons, and basically that people just trick themselves into thinking they have it until they're so full of shit that they just go on telling people they have multiple personalities?

>> No.6296289

Yes. Yes to everything you said.

>> No.6296295
File: 35 KB, 717x408, anadult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This person is a real, functioning adult. I wonder if he has the balls to tell people in real life and not on Tumblr that he's living trapped inside of another person's body.

>> No.6296297

Someone with "multiple" personalities

Someone with actual multiple personalities

>> No.6296298

yeah. if i recall correctly, some people who exhibited it were either faking it entirely or suffering some other condition THEN "trained" to think they had multiple personalities.t

>> No.6296301

....Are they not? If they are not I must check my privileges at the door

>> No.6296303

Some people who suffer trauma at a young age can create imaginary friends inside their head in order to cope, a lot of the time they can end up manifesting themselves as a reaction to ones own emotions. Basically it's a post-traumatic stress disorder most of the time. The horror of it is that you can act completely different given how you are feeling, it's a huge step above bipolar or something like that, where you take on an entirely different persona entirely.

>> No.6296305

They aren't white. Infact, white supremacists who aren't even Nazis or Neo-Nazis consider those who marry Jews to be race-traitors.

>> No.6296306
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>> No.6296307


It is.

Also, studies done on brains with people who have DID/MPD have demonstrated substantial changes neural and cerebral activity as they flit between personalities.

So to fake that shit you must be a real pro in terms of manipulating your body pretty much on a whim.

The only real controversy is whether or not it's iatrogenic (that is to say, caused by doctors trying to diagnose previous issues in the patient) or not.

>> No.6296310

It annoys me too. It's like LOL SO DEEP. It's fucking math. I hate my own gender sometime.

>> No.6296311
File: 80 KB, 491x331, laughing cossacks from Ukraine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously... I can't handle this much laughter in one day.

>> No.6296312


That reminds me, there's going to be a serious shitload of buttpain again on Hallowe'en.
Like last year with the "WE ARE A CULTURE NOT A COSTUME" shit.

Personally I'm looking forward to see what Tubmlr does for Columbus Day.
Oh sorry I mean "genocidal, disease-having cracker invasion of peaceful redskin utopia where everyone got along" day

>> No.6296313

Does anyone have the image that says girls dressing up in Native American headdresses for Halloween causes Native women to become the victims of sex crimes?

>> No.6296316

Sorry for the stupid question but what does SJ mean? Somehow I missed that.

>> No.6296320

Social Justice, my friend.

>> No.6296321
File: 240 KB, 400x550, tumblr_lzq26sKTNJ1rprjvxo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this it?

>> No.6296325

>Be white, male and also have the assburgers

So because nobody takes social awkwardness problems seriously, ESPECIALLY if you're male, I have all the privilige in the world simply by being white and male.

No thanks.

I hate all Assburger people, too. If I could I would become the Hitler of Assburgers.

>> No.6296322

This is why the SJ idiots get my jimmies so rustled, for some reason all of them seem to think that the only historical atrocities were ones that were committed by whiteheterosexualcismen and that every place on earth was some sort of peaceful, acceptance-filled wonderland.

>> No.6296327

Does anyone else get a kind of satisfaction seeing SJ'ers cannibalise one another?

Like when feminists bitch about Otherkin derailing legit issues or when radfems and riotgrrlz and "moderates" clash over intersectionality or when gays criticise muslims for homophobia etc?

>> No.6296329

What the fuck is a system?

>> No.6296330


I think Hitler was the Hitler of assburgers, mane.

>> No.6296331
File: 21 KB, 176x220, crab_nicholson HEAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, how this thread makes me want to write out the compelling tale of that sixteen year old "asexual panromantic polymorph" whose headmate is evidently a charr. I may get on that, actually. For the God-Emprah and such.

>> No.6296332

I was gonna say that. He persecuted any type of "mentally imbalanced' people.

>> No.6296333
File: 112 KB, 467x700, costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6296334

Yeah, that's true.

But seriously, the Jews can all stay alive, Assburgers people need to be burned at the stake again.

>> No.6296335

Only WHITE MALES are SPECIES-DISCRIMINATORY enough to dress up as DOGS on halloween!

>> No.6296337
File: 52 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m8951iCvgQ1qaxd5mo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember laughing at this and thinking that it was simply a joke.

Years later these people (or ones even more ridiculous than this) exist.

Why, /cgl/? ;_;

>> No.6296344

Holy shit, now I'm raging. Do they have no idea how Dissociative Identity Disorder works? You have ALTERS, not systems or whatever the fuck their version is. You don't CHOOSE who your alters are, so they're not going to be fictional characters or evil versions of themselves. If they're going to claim they have a mental disorder, at least DO SOME RESEARCH AND MAKE IT CONSISTENT WITH THE DSM-IV

Yes I mad.

>> No.6296345

check ur furry privlidge at the door

>> No.6296347

It's real, as in it's recognised by the mental health profession, and has been for years. Pretty much what >>6296303 said, but, while it does have comorbidity with PTSD, bipolar and depression, it's a separate disorder.

>> No.6296352

dear lord...
The only comment for almost all of these 'complains' would be 'how about you stop being fat?'

>> No.6296360

But they CAN'T STOP BEING FAT!!! Clearly it's the skinny people who need to slow down their metabolisms and become fatter, so fat people don't feel so different.

>> No.6296361

I actually laughed.

>> No.6296357

I have a friend who received anon hate and was told to "check his privilege" for questioning an otherkin who said his true form was a fucking BLACK HOLE.

God damn it, Tumblr.

>> No.6296362

I'm just wondering how 'real' thin privilege is going to get as the obesity rate grows (pun intended). In most western countries, something like 2/3 of the population is overweight or obese, smaller people are already the minority.

>> No.6296367

No but that one works too

>> No.6296365
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>> No.6296370
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>> No.6296371

There are more?!

>> No.6296368

Burn tumblr.

>> No.6296373

I think it's now overweight but not obese privilege now to be honest.

>> No.6296374

Why hasn't someone said that they're food privileged for living in the west or some bullshit. If this has taught us anything, you can only fight privilege with privilege.

>> No.6296377

You should ask this question and see what they say. It'd be interesting

>> No.6296378

Yeah, the one I'm thinking of had some girls at a Halloween party and it said the "sexualized" image they were creating by appropriating them into costumes was increasing the rates of sexual assaults in native women.

>> No.6296382

overweight privilege is having to sit with my boyfriend at CPK at a tiny corner booth because I'm skinny while 1 man is using a booth big enough for 4 people.

>> No.6296383

>ze zy zo zum
>triggered by the color teal
oh god i'm dying here

>> No.6296388



Have a look at the URL and see if you can tell what this guy's kin is.

>> No.6296387

I get the feeling that these people only believe this kind of thing because they themselves are stupid enough to believe that joking about stereotypes defines society's views on them.

>> No.6296389

I was thinking more like slightly overweight people have the privilege of a higher likelihood of surviving pneumonia and being just light enough in weight to not have to wear tents.

>> No.6296390

I'm an OS-sexual. Don't oppress me. I can love Windows-tan, Mac-tan and Linux-tan.

>> No.6296391
File: 45 KB, 510x379, nou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that reddit and tumblr are any different

>implying that the /r/girlsinyogapants subreddit isn't 100% posts from tumblr.

tumblr people saying that reddit is awful is like reddit saying 4chan is awful - anyone who makes sweeping judgements like that clearly has no idea what they are talking about.

>> No.6296396



I would honestly be more OK with the headkin faggots if they didn't name them like fucking anime characters

>> No.6296394

My preferred pronouns are fe fai fo and fum. I'm triggered by the blood of an English man.

>> No.6296395

Reddit and Tumblr are not alike dude.

>> No.6296397
File: 8 KB, 1029x101, bananas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so glad I have ponify.

>> No.6296399
File: 6 KB, 651x134, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the thing that bothers me the most about all this social justice shit, is the absolute hypocrisy.

>> No.6296400

Okay, I'll ask something along those lines. I was going to send an ask anyway, but I couldn't think of anything not too offensive to say since anon asks are off.

>> No.6296405


>> No.6296407


Haha wait this is an actual statistic that it's relatively easy to find a source for and I'm not sure why you posted it as an example of an idiosyncracy..

>> No.6296409

So is she supposed to be a fakeboi according to her statement?

>> No.6296410

Ew. I hate fat people who act like this. If it bothers you so much, work really hard to lose the weight. Or, you could always just accept how you are and not let the "fat discrimination" bother you. Change yourself so you can love yourself or love yourself as you are.

>> No.6296413



Fakebois have found their new Heimat on tumblr.

>> No.6296415

Something like this?
>Honestly, I'm beginning to question whether thin privilege really exists today. Two thirds of the population in most western countries is considered to be overweight or obese, meaning that 'thin' (using your definition to mean 'not fat') people are already the minority. This two thirds value is predicted to increase, which would mean that 'thin' people will become even more of a minority. In that case, won't it mean 'fat privilege' will become more of a problem?

>> No.6296421


Fakebois do that, too, it somehow makes everything so much more infuriating.

>> No.6296432

I'm pretty sure that all the replies you will get will be along the lines of...
>No, because being thin is still the preferred ideal body type. Just because they are a minority doesn't mean they can be oppressed, they were the majority first.

>> No.6296428


This is a lie, nobody would fuck that. Nobody sane, at least. How can she be topless in public?

>> No.6296429

Sweet mother of God, I've been waiting my whole life for this blog.

Upon checking in with said friend from >>6296357 though, it turns out that after the anon hate he had a long back and forth with an anon about it and evidently they are convinced that they're a kin from the MUD Stellarmass. Or that they are the setting Stellarmass. It's all very vague in retrospect, but considering they're fucking otherkin it might as well be both.

>> No.6296430

As for systems or DID or whatever they say they have, I've heard this often with writers and people who like to RP online.

But they don't say 'oh my character is talking to me and made me do x' they say that this character won't leave them alone, and often call them muses or characters. That doesn't weird me out because as an artist I can understand being driven to complete something; I just don't personify those as a writer might through a character.

I guess that's the difference between writers and those starved for attention.

>> No.6296437
File: 393 KB, 609x329, tumblr_ma9p57Pz391rxv81fo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caring about womens rights is entry level feminism

TRUE feminists care about every breathing creature on the earth!

>> No.6296438

Hm. You're right. I'm tempted to add something about being entitled, but I'm sure that will just earn me a block.

>> No.6296441

Tumblr killed my sexuality.

By which, I mean I have been ace my whole damn pubescence, and when I discovered AVEN it was a huge fucking deal. I didn't pick my sexuality from a list to feel special. Now we've got "heteromantic" girls claiming to be ace, and therefore queer. Hell no. I have been asexual for way longer than any of them, but I've never been threatened with death or rape. You are not oppressed simply because people think you are straight after seeing you make out with your boyfriend. And I am not oppressed for being told that I'll meet the right guy one day. Sure, it's annoying, because I'm not into guys or girls, but it's not oppression.

>> No.6296445

What's heimat?
Welll that explains part of it, my next guess was going to be lesbian. But I guess that doesn't count because she would still be a cis? These people are so confusing.

It's like a real life embodiment of GaiaOnline Forums.

>> No.6296448



It's a kind of community of people of similar values or culture or race etc.
Sometimes translated as "homeland"

>> No.6296455


>comparing pervy cartoons to industrial breeding
>seeing no difference

Oh tumblr, you so crazy.

Next you'll say there's no difference between Tom and Jerry battering fuck out of each other and the Holocaust.

>> No.6296460

There is only something wrong with one of those, the one with the cows.

>> No.6296468

They are alike in that the userbase as a whole is varied, but if you stay within your preferred sub-groups, then you probably won't be exposed to people using the site in ways you might otherwise find distasteful.


On reddit I subscribe to /r/knitting, /r/corgi. I do not subscribe to /r/picturesofdeadkids. Does this mean that /r/knitting is as sick and twisted as /r/picturesofdeadkids? No, because each individual user decides what they will subscribe to and what content they see.

On tumblr I search a tag for #kpop and get tumblrs that are mostly kpop, maybe asian models. If I only subscribe to tumblrs within the "reblog sphere" of #kpop, it's unlikely that I will end up following a tumblr that posts pictures of gore. That is not to say that tumblrs that post pictures of gore don't exist. Does this mean that all of tumblr is tainted by people who choose to reblog gore, choose to reblog social justice/racism issues? No, because I can choose to only follow tumblrs that post pictures of fluffy bunnies.

In the sense that they are demand-driven, customizable media supply sites, they are almost entirely equivalent in function and purpose. The only real differences are format and demographic. tumblr is statistically more female, reddit is statistically more male. There may be a correlation in content, but if you think that only reddit can be a source for "bad" content, then I have some bad news for you.

>> No.6296469

I am a straight European white cis woman from an upper class family who lives in a place my family owns and not only does my family pay for my utility bills, they pay for my clothes and traveling as well.

Now, this would be fucking catnip to SJers, but, achtung, I am 100% deaf and have a missing limb. I once checked how insensitive I could be on tumblr and had a whole capsule of people raging at each other about it. It went seriously overboard and they started to report each other's tumblrs within two days.

>> No.6296473
File: 47 KB, 727x172, internetprivilege.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6296474

I didn't know he changed it. That's a shame.

Recently the same thing happened with an online comic and mtf's were so angry and called the author a trans misogynist.

Some people were glad he changed it but a lot of people weren't aware (as in they were in alt circles and never heard of this cliche about mtf's) and thought it didn't need to be changed since this character isn't the end all to be all of representing a subgroup.

In both instances, Hussie and this other comic, there were some people who were disappointed that the author caved into changing something that didn't need to be changed.

That's what irks me the most about these SJ Tumblr kids. They're in the minority, make problems out of nothing, and harass whoever they believe to be wrong until they're bullied into changing it.

>> No.6296487
File: 318 KB, 908x421, down with this sort of thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like this?

>> No.6296489

>not bed or desk

>> No.6296493


PETA actually did a series of ads comparing farm slaughter to the holocaust.
It didn't go down well.

>> No.6296495
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>> No.6296496

What the fuck is Fakeboi?

>> No.6296501


Girls who watch too much yaoi and decide that because they like males, they too must be male.

>> No.6296509
File: 269 KB, 159x144, did someone say....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I think I'll go on /d/ today.

>> No.6296513

>I'm totally a lesbian in a man's body

>> No.6296514


It also includes looking and acting and talking like a girl but getting mad at everyone when they're not calling you Damien Midnight.

>> No.6296519

Do these people actually exist in the real world? Has anyone actually met one?

>> No.6296521


>>6296501 this, and:

Girls who love yaoi so much that they become "FtM" so that they can be gay boys by technicality. They make no effort to pass and seek attention from other girls on the internet. In the case of tumblr, they go around crying about how ~hard~ it is being ~gay AND trans*~ when they don't have any real problems at all because they're only "trans" on the internet or within their small circle of friends.

>> No.6296526
File: 202 KB, 500x500, 1278941051365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Must. not. get. mad... not... worth it...

>> No.6296530


Gutterface is a fakeboi. Prime example: she refuses to bind and claims she wants chest surgery but can't afford it, yet she's paid thousands in clothes, jewelry, makeup, and body modifications since she was like 16. She's in her 20's now, she could have done it if she wanted to, but she doesn't want to because she's not gay or trans. She's just desperate for any kind of attention.

>> No.6296537

I'm almost certain these people are not as vocal in the real world, and if they are, they are only a small percentage of the whole group.

>> No.6296539
File: 52 KB, 540x720, fake_breastehs_by_blewballoons-d4kdn60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tell myself this every time one pops up, but then I see one wearing skirts, makeup, and pushup bras and calling it "crossdressing" and "fake boobs".

Pic related. A "gay FtM".

>Fake Breastehs by *BlewBalloons on deviantART

>> No.6296553

>they diverge after coming close
>the limit of their difference certainly doesn't approach zero

i could not continue into the thread past that point

>> No.6296555


Or they try going to an actual real world group or event to spread their bullshit and the legit people disarm them with actual logic and they shut the fuck up and realize how retarded they were.

>> No.6296558


Who was that other one who wore cat ears (because she was a transwolf, duh!) and constantly packed her underwear with socks then would get mad if you pointed out they were visible?

>> No.6296575

I was having a good day until I saw this thread.
Thanks seagullz :(

Now if you'll excuse me I'll go balance the crazy with a visit to /pol/ because I'm masochistic like that.

>> No.6296581
File: 117 KB, 897x376, 43257162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't think so, no. Blewballoons doesn't bind or pack, just scenegirls it up going on about how great a gay boy she is.

Actually come to think of it I don't remember if BB ever claimed to be trans or not, I think she just claims to be biologically male.

>> No.6296582
File: 4 KB, 158x152, 1344128337201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've quit labeling myself because of fucking tumblr SJAllies. I used to see myself as pretty neutral, both sexuality and genderwise, but them tumblr came along and told me i was queergendered this and biromantic that.
Just fuck off and let me be me fot fucks sake.

>> No.6296589


>> No.6296591


Same. I just say I'm physically androgynous and I like dicks.

>> No.6296594


No I know she doesn't I was asking about another one that did it.

>> No.6296595


She has identical profiles everywhere. DA, Vampirefreaks, teenspot, bandcamp.com, YT, and even tumblr.

>> No.6296598

Curious but how are you physically androgynous?

I've been mistaken for a guy quite a few times, but that's because I dress in shirts/jeans and don't have much of a chest because I'm lanky too. I would consider myself androgynous but it's interesting to hear it from other people because, like what was said above, labels and whatnot are thrown around so often.

>> No.6296604



Seems tumblr thinks she's a MTF now.

>> No.6296601

If any proof was needed that the non-normative SJ community was populated by fuck-ups, here it is.


Yes, that is jessislaughter

In her defence she doesn't seem like on of the more vicious varieties of SJ blogger, but there may be a germ in there somewhere.

>> No.6296613

She's pregnant.

>> No.6296614

Do they strike you as the kind of people that would actually socialize IRL?

>> No.6296627


>Yes, that is jessislaughter



>She's pregnant.


>> No.6296623


I don't mean like genitalia, I'm biologically female, but if I bind, wear unisex clothes and mix masculine and feminine mannerisms and talk a certain way, I get he'd/she'd almost exactly evenly. I guess I won the androgynous European genetic lottery or something. That, mixed with the fact that regular people in public don't know about all that gender crap and just call you he or she based on how you look, not what you "identify as" online. In reality, nobody asks you your gender unless they genuinely can't tell.

I'm personally still trying to figure out why the hell I'm supposed to care about gender so I'm not gonna call myself FtM, but I've been read as one a few times before.

>> No.6296630


wat. source.

>> No.6296633

>Yes, that is jessislaughter

Wait, WHAT?

>> No.6296634


I heard she was doing the whole gay fakeboi thing now too, but according to that, she's just fat, has short hair and likes showing clevage and wearing girly shit.

Also how did she go from cute to nasty like that? Scene is fucking stupid but she looked MUCH better when she actually did her hair and makeup semi-decently.

>> No.6296640



Not the best source but I assume that it has a bit of truth to it, considering she does look heavier in the most recent picture on her Tumblr, and the other pictures on the ED.

>> No.6296642


It does say it's just her personal photoblog

Here's her other blog.


>> No.6296646


I don't see how saying somebody is privilaged because of their skin and that they can't do things because of it isn't racism. I was always taught treating people different because of their skin colour was racism, whether it's good or bad. I am automatically an oppressor and racist because I am white? If I want to wear bindis or things from other places or cultures from around the world, I'm appropriating other cultures and am automatically racist and privileged. I feel bad because I can't feel comfortable accepting and exploring other cultures. Everybody on Tumblr is just trying to make themselves different and special, instead of treating everybody equal.

>> No.6296649

That's interesting. I don't think you're FtM really since you don't seem bothered when people call you either/or. I'd just go with it and enjoy it.

I feel weird when I dress up in feminine clothes, but that's because I'm so used to dressing like a boy, and I wear a lot of baggy clothes. I've thought about binding for kicks but I'm still on the fence about it.

Do you bind when you want to be more male?

>> No.6296650


That's not her main tumblr, this is:


>> No.6296662

I agree. When I was in high school there was an Asian shop in the mall that sold anime and cute things and nice tops that were mostly Chinese design (and a few kimonos if I remember right) and for a second I thought, oh no what if people think I'm trying to appropriate their culture? But then I thought that's dumb and I can wear whatever I want.

>> No.6296664


i don't think that word means what you think it means

>> No.6296670

>white people wearing e.g. feather headdresses or bindis
>racist appropriation of wanton imperialist culture

>non-whites wearing e.g. lederhosen or kilts
>not appropriation because whites don't have culture

Stellar logic.

>> No.6296676

I agree with you. I didn't mind "feels bad man" but the instant it turned into "feels" as a noun and became totally ubiquitous, it started to annoy me. Now I have friends who use it and other tumblrspeak in real life, and I couldn't be more irritated.

>> No.6296679


>> No.6296681


It's because western feminists living comfortable lives in developed countries love to bring up worldwide statistics to basically say

"Women in developing countries are currently brutally oppressed, thus I am by extension currently brutally oppressed."

Which is bullshit. The hilarious part is that 99.9% of them do absolutely nothing that would possibly help those women but will look down on you because you don't change your facebook status so you can end rape in the Congo.

>> No.6296686

Silly Anon, non-whites can't be racist because they're the oppressed minority.

>> No.6296688



And she seems to believe that the guy from Black Veil Brides is the father? Earlier that month she reblogged something saying "reblog if your boyfriend pretends you're just a fan".

This girl needs to be taken away from the internet and placed into intensive therapy. She's HOW OLD and she's been pregnant at age 12 and also had nudes out at that age, tried to kill herself and was in a coma for 2 weeks (which is what ended her first pregnancy).

>> No.6296689

I wonder how her child will grow up.

>> No.6296692

>naming your daughter December
Though, in her defense, Claudia is a disgusting name.

>> No.6296696


>> No.6296702

She thinks she's goth. Hilarious.

Isn't she 14 or 15 now?

>> No.6296707

This is very similar to my thoughts on the matter, thank you for explaining the thing so clearly.

>> No.6296709


Which is interesting, I went through therapy when I was 16-17 and was diagnosed with GID. Found out later it was horrible body image issues from being fat and having poor hygiene as a kid and being bullied for it all through school.

I know how you feel about that, I save pictures of kawaii lolitas and skinny Asian girls and stalk taobao threads, but I know I couldn't ever wear any of it or ever be that cute. Circle lenses, mascara, eyeliner and makeup are not things I am interested in, it's just the unconventional cuteness and the attention for the cuteness that appeals to me.

>Do you bind when you want to be more male?

Eh, I bind when I feel like I want some of my less baggy clothes to fit better (which are all just t shirts and jackets). If I'm not binding and I'm wearing anything even remotely form-fitting I start feeling like I want to kill myself. I think it's more of a breast-dysphoria than gender dysphoria (I had D cups when I was 13, at 4"11, as soon as I hit puberty my breasts EXPLODED and only got bigger over time). I don't feel and problem with being a girl, nor do I have any desire to be a boy.

sage for personal bullshit

>> No.6296717


Yeah, she's still under 16 and she's already more of a druggie whore than most women could ever hope to be.

>> No.6296739

I know it's an unpopular opinion but I think a lot of people who claim to be trans really have body issues and those need to be addressed first and taken seriously.

And that's interesting that you bind for that reason, and I hope you're doing better now with feeling great in your body and the like. I'm actually on the opposite end where I don't have any shape to my bust but I do feel neutral, I guess if that's a good way to describe it, about my body. I feel more detached than anything.

The lolita pictures and cute things, and mori, and romantic looks (ie long hair, dresses, colors) makes me want to be cute too, like you said, but I know I'd feel super awkward in it. I remember in high school that someone was surprised I wore a dress to prom, exclaiming that I dressed like a girl and they were shocked. Wat.

It's nice talking to someone else who feels similar about one's body, and it's good to know there are other people here too that agree with the sentiment. Rational people discussing body issues, who knew.

>> No.6296740

Forgot to sage. Crap.

>> No.6296743
File: 390 KB, 436x939, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this white cracker devils?
You aren't really against racism or homophobia etc. until you have your shit rocked by an angry mob.

>> No.6296764


So you're only a special warrior for justice if you experience constant violence and abuse?

In that case, does that give me good reason to go smack some of the SJA's on Tumblr?

They'll be appreciative because then they'll join the caste of the UNTOUCHABLE OPPRESSED ELITE of the internet, and I get take my frustration out on a few certain idiots.

It's a win-win situation!

>> No.6296784


>> No.6296787


That's usually the reason that transpeople need therapy in the first place, to make sure it's a gender issue and not just discomfort with their body.

I know exactly what you mean by detached feelings. I've been researching breast reduction methods and prices and looking at surgeons in my area, which helps.

Oh, yeah. I can count on one hand how many times in my life I have worn dresses past age 6. I don't like dresses on me, but I do like how they look. Chess Chocolate? Oh baby, yes, but I would never wear it myself.

I agree, it is very nice. Perhaps this is why tumblr hugboxes are so popular, talking to someone that really does get it is a great feeling. My nickname through middle school and freshman year of high school was literally "big-boobed freak". My friends always thought it was funny and sometimes even used the name on me themselves. Sophomore year I became a dropout, never looked back.

>> No.6296791
File: 248 KB, 467x588, spah sappin mah culture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6296808

I agree with this guy. I've studied multiple personality disorder intently (my father has it) and the way these people describe it is shit. If you have multiple personalities, then say that, don't try to make yourself sound deep or anything like that.

>> No.6296828

I was actually shamed for not wanting to pursue a relationship with a male who made this argument. He was not MtF and had no intent to ever transition and wasn't genderqueer or anything like that. He made no attempt to present himself as female and preferred male pronouns. He was just "a guy who felt like a female on the inside" and happened to be attracted to other women.

Apparently, my refusing to date him meant that I was transphobic because I didn't consider him a "real woman" or something.

>> No.6296833
File: 49 KB, 524x411, 1318476086336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

requesting toddler and a flying dog.

>> No.6296836

Yea fuck you. They don't have multible personality disorder, they're making it up to be LOLSORANDOM and not have to take RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR ACTIONS. Or ANYTHING for that matter. it's all a ploy to get away from having to do normal people shit.

>> No.6296837

I don't understand what they mean by multiple system in this context... Maybe I'm dumb but google is just picking up mental deterioration and astronomy.

>> No.6296848


It's just a euphemism for "I'm making shit up about having imaginary friends, but I'm trying to legitimise it by making it sound cool"

The "system" in question is just a reference to the many characters they have in their heads.

>> No.6296886

Very recently I read a blog post about some student POC cunt whose lecturer made a point about ther being very few coloured women in the field of archaeology.

She went off on a rant (on the blog, not IRL of course) about how fucking archaeology is white demon science and going into other peoples' cultures and ancient burial sites and fucking them up was such a "white" and "imperialist" thing to do.

I wanted to headbutt myself in the face after reading it.

>> No.6296893

Oh god don't get me started on some of the bullshit some of them have said about science.

>> No.6296902

Being topless in public is legal in a lot of places.

>> No.6296909


I like how studies and subjects like anthropology bend over backwards to accommodate these fuckheads with the "races = social construct with superficial differences hurrr" etc. but they stilll straight out reject it.

>> No.6296915
File: 380 KB, 766x885, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"i mean, i am also pretty open about hating all men but i also have tons of friends who are men and sometimes date men and am a man myself and would not say that i hate my dates who are men or myself, even though i’m a little more critical of them (myself included)"


>> No.6296916

well, considering the fact that these people are retards and some of them think they have black holes living inside their brains that's actually not that far off.

>> No.6296919


There are no real transmen on tumblr.

>> No.6296955

which limb, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.6296961


This is her latest Tumblr.
She doesn't post in it often though, but it's shared with a mysterious friend (who is said to be an actual person and not an imaginary friend).

However, said friend is still pretty batshit insane too, apparently.


>> No.6296970
File: 7 KB, 58x100, 5256246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this post by a cat identifying otherkin about "human privilege" posted here already?
I think she was talking about how oppressive it is that everyone mistakes you for a human just because you look like one. I am messing up her pronouns though, I think they were "chi" and "che".

>> No.6296982


>cat identifying

Please tell me "cat" is some kind of acronym and not what I think it is ...

>> No.6296989
File: 15 KB, 105x140, 346354745468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't educated on otherkin are you. My good friend identifies as an elf, so xi is at least humanoid. But animals are pretty mainstream too. So yeah. That girl identified as a cat.

>> No.6296991

It is ironic how much their dismissal of the scientific community is just like the hardcore conservatives who think global warming is a conspiracy. Learning requires open-mindedness, which is frightening for extremists. It's obvious how few SJWs have actually studied race/gender/sexuality vs. just regurgitating talking points. Of course, college is a white supremacist conspiracy -- and the only answer is to never learn anything. That'll show 'em.

>> No.6297000

What the actual fuck

>> No.6297013

Worst things about Tumblr:
>"trans*ethnic," "trans*abled," "multiples/fictives/factives"
>"ask me about my pronouns!"
or any other way of saying,
"I'm a heterosexual, abled, cis, middle-class white woman who wants to do normal middle-class white woman things, and I am SO OPPRESSED!"

Seriously, could all of the "CHECK YR PRIVILEGE" bullshit have backfired more spectacularly?

>> No.6297020
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>> No.6297023

I wondered about that too, after reading some of her blog I found:
>Transfat = transitioning from a smaller state to a fatter state

>Transabled = transitioning away from a disability
It isn't as retarded as I thought at first, but still...

>> No.6297019
File: 49 KB, 500x500, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6297032


Actually transabled means people that feel that they should be disabled.

>> No.6297034


why do they gotta use such retarded words for it. Why not just say I'm trying to gain and I'm trying overcome a disablity.
To me transfat reads as something idiotic like I'm a fat person trapped in a thin persons body so now I'm transitioning.

>> No.6297035

I am so confused, I have never heard of this CIS thing before. Should I hate CIS people or what? I don't get what it is and many things tell me it's to do with biological gender or some kind of douchebagness.

>> No.6297036

Hey PT.

>> No.6297037

Munchausen syndrome up in this bitch.

>> No.6297039


Because that way they can become part of a group.

>> No.6297047


Because they're not trying to overcome anything, they're trying to BECOME disabled. Not the other way around.

>> No.6297048
File: 16 KB, 139x128, 324547687980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think cis started out as just a word for "a person that identifies as the gender they were born with" because that is hella long to say. People made jokes about it like this whole "die cis-scum" thing going on and it degraded into a joke word to add to "white, middle-class, male, hetero, privileged person."

>> No.6297053

At first I thought naming all that bullshit like "Gainer. Vegan. Feminist. Fat activist. Transfat activist" got too long so they started combining descriptions.

>> No.6297057



Is this the one you're talking about?

>> No.6297059

this reminds me of that crazy tranny on jerry springer who decided she was also a transamputee and chainsawed her own legs off or something

>> No.6297063

From what I've just read, seems like a negative word for "normal" people. Be they white, straight, thin and sane. Not that trans or anything can't be viewed as normal, but I guess they could also be considered CIS if they were thin. Seems like a big hypocritical word just to throw around while bringing privilege into it.

>> No.6297074
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x750, pie2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my reaction to these stupid kids on tumblr.

>> No.6297071

That's actually a legitimate mental disorder, where people self-amputate because they feel like they should be missing fingers/limbs. It's been around a hell of a lot longer than Tumblr, but yeah it's pretty horrific and not to be 'accepted.'

>> No.6297080

No, Arcana Time was correct. It just means your gender and your sex match up. It can be USED as a general slur for "you're too privileged," but then so can "white."

>> No.6297088

so wait.... that would make me... cisracial, cisgendered and what, cisbodied? I think I'll put that in my about section

>> No.6297096
File: 18 KB, 110x138, 2423534534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, also I think there were some booklets posted on tumblr in which being cissexual was not explained, but instead handled like most people treat transsexuals. With expressions like "being cissexual is normal, lots of people can be happy being cis. they usually find partners who also identify as being cis. this is what you should do when you find out someone you know is cis:" etc. It was pretty funny and I think it made people think about how they talk about transsexuality too, but it backfired because everyone started to make fun of cissexuality.

>> No.6297104
File: 24 KB, 125x162, 324235235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that is the one. I thought it was over the top as hell. She made some points, but woah there.

>> No.6297124

brah, this should be your ringtone to piss her off:


>> No.6297168
File: 8 KB, 302x240, privilege_dog1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cis privilege

Deal with it.

I have a high number of transgendered friends, and I would say it to them just as I would say it to anyone else: You chose the path you're on. You knew it would be hard. You knew you would face discrimination. Toughen up sweetheart; just because you changed doesn't mean the world has.

I love my friends dearly, and I've never had to say that to any of them. They are adults, and they understand the path they chose. Though they get disheartened when they're discriminated against, they don't wave a flag and come down on "cis privileges".

>> No.6297178

>/cgl/ Cosplay, Gender & Lolita

I'm okay with this.

>> No.6297194

yes good

>> No.6297205
File: 54 KB, 420x379, Oh+my+God+my+sides+_c2ebc74d1e3bc18c71afcd82f633b23a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> According to her transfatness isn’t real and I am just addicted to food.

>> No.6297215

Please don't accommodate these people by using their ridiculous acronyms.

>> No.6297229

That is the most fucking retarded thing I have ever heard in my life I'm legitimately mad at how fucking stupid that is holy fucking shit jesus christ I want to just end everything and leave this world.

>> No.6297247

I lol'd, I really did

>> No.6297269


Don't get so bothered by it. On Tumblr, trans-anything is just another way for attention-hungry asocial kids to say "I'm perfectly boring and unspecial, but inside I ~feel~ that I should be - insert whatever unusual or controversial thing here-, so you have to treat me as such or else you're an ignorant bigot!!!"

>> No.6297295


Actually this is more accurate, since gothic isn't even really popular on here anymore.

>> No.6297304
File: 234 KB, 628x433, kaibara_ekken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came across this passage while reading for a history class. I'm seriously considering posting it to Tumblr just to see how hard the feminist SJs would rage.

I can already imagine it:
>men were sexist back then, and they're still sexist today!
>how dare he impose his values of marriage on women!

>> No.6297315

Why can't the rest of my gender into non-Euclidean geometry. FUCKIN' FEELS BAD TO BE A LONE APPLIED MATH MAJOR.

>> No.6297323

Honestly the most annoying thing about this gif is the fact that that isn't a asymptote.

>> No.6297324

I feel strange that 90% of the people in my statistics activity section (there are only three guys) is female in a 56% female school. Probably because it's a lower division requirement for psychology majors.

>> No.6297339
File: 258 KB, 550x700, 0 out of 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see me after class

>> No.6297351

> She made some points.
What fucking points? There were none. You're far too open minded. No one should go around acting like it's reasonable to demand that people ask them what their preferred species pronoun is and asking people to treat you like you were literally a cat is beyond the valley of retardation.

>> No.6297381


I'm a computer science major, and I share your pain.

Maybe even more-so, as the few other ladies who are in the program are the typical internet Special Snowflakes who won't shut up about Doctor Who, their Tumblrs, and their fucking fanfiction "feels".So I'm stuck all alone trying to fend off the creepy desperate neckbeard "Nice Guy" spergs.

>> No.6297394
File: 145 KB, 284x272, cure12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dafuq did I just read?

"Human privilege?" I mean, yeah, I've jokingly told people that I want to be a cat sometimes, but this whole post made me go "wut".

>> No.6297500

It's the same at my school, intro stats is a requirement for psychology majors and some liberal arts majors. For science requirements as well, in can be substituted for first year math courses (bio, chem etc. majors are required to take at least two "math") so a lot of people take it because it's arguably fairly easy.

>as the few other ladies who are in the program are the typical internet Special Snowflakes
I've only had to deal with a few of these (my degree program is concentrated around computer application) so I couldn't imagine having to deal with them in essentially every course.

>> No.6297504

your* loss
time to go back to assignments I guess

>> No.6297528

>The privilege of being shamed for being a virgin

>Implying this doesn't happen to girls
Thanks to tumblr's anti-slut shaming movement, any girl who doesn't jump into bed with every remotely attractive person she sees has been brainwashed by male cis scum into oppressing her own kind and denying women sexual freedom.

>> No.6297570

While you are coming off as a sexist idiot, I'm glad to know that I wasn't wrong for being confused when the asymptote part came up.

>> No.6297710

Allow me to share my favorite tumblr with you guys:


You're welcome.

>> No.6297793

Uhg, I hate the concept of "genderqueer" too. I feel like the majority of self-identified genderqueers are privileged white kids who, upon realizing that they don't get to have super cool oppression rallies for being POC, gay, disabled, or whatever, decide that they're not dissatisfied enough with their genitals to become transgendered but still want to pretend that they're part of some kind of oppressed minority.

>> No.6297802


>We need words like “Asexual”, “Grey-Asexual”, and “Demisexual” because people still treat those not interested in casual sex, who don’t understand casual dating, who don’t grasp our oversexualized society or whom don’t understand being involved with anyone without some sort of connection as freaks, people to be backhandedly insulted, and not like everyone else.
People need to know it’s not just them, they aren't alien unicorns, others feel the same, there’s a word for it and that it’s NORMAL.
>It’d be awesome if we didn't need to divide sexuality up into a million titles but until society stops the bullshit of only coddling heterosexuals and treating them as the only valid orientation that is never questioned or considered “not normal”, it’s going to be this way.

So they're complaining about the oversexualization of modern media by inventing labels for people that don't go slutting around?

>> No.6297814
File: 78 KB, 500x647, tumblr_m699ipJKWZ1rs0n8so1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't take anyone or anything seriously that asks you to list your orientation and pronouns like a fucking name tag.

>> No.6297845

>it makes me really irritated when cis people take it personally that i am super vocal about not like cis people

Yeah, how dare they get upset that you hate them for having an identity that matches their sexual organs?
Better go tell those narcissistic black people that they're not allowed to get upset and make it about themselves when somebody says niggers should all be killed.

>> No.6297849


That entire goddamned post, I just can't even.

>She went to several therapists who all gave her the same diagnosis and medications that she didn't agree with, then she finally found one that told her what she wanted to hear:
>she's bipolar
>and she's got gender dismorphia.

And her therapist thinks she has GD because she thinks women=weak. The fuck? Since when does hating women make you a tranny?