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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6295264 No.6295264[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

All right kiwifags, it's time for 'Geddon thread number three.

How are you lazy butt-obsessed nerds going? On track? Way behind? Have any of you fuckers already FINISHED (unlikely)? What are you most looking forward to? Gonna get Yaya to sign your boobies? POST HERE.

>> No.6295590

I am ignoring the fact that geddon is in less than a fortnight and wanting to put pins in my eye sockets everytime I look at my in progress costumes.
Let's just say I'm not ready or looking forward to it.

>> No.6295614

I'm still sewing for Melbourne's Armageddon. Fuckin' sewing man.

>> No.6295656

>less than two weeks left
I wish for death, I will never be ready.

>> No.6295665

we can do it fellow kiwifag. No sleep and all sew.

>> No.6295748


>> No.6295759

So what's everyone planning on coming as?

>> No.6295762

Welp, sounds like my bedtime then.

>> No.6295828

There's a decent list on the cnz forums of who's being who.

>> No.6297405
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I'm taking 6 costumes. I don't even know anymore

>> No.6297557

I am really behind and the person I am entering the competition with is much better then me and I am full of shame.

>> No.6297558

I'm taking 5 and two of thm aren't even started yet. I'm going to die.

>> No.6297588

Are you me?

>> No.6297834

I posted in the last thread saying the pre-con panic of getting costumes done had finally hit, but as of now I'm still basically at the same point as I was then....whoops.

>> No.6298192

No costumes for me this year. It feels fantastic!

>> No.6298437

How can it feel fantastic, I'd be lost without cosplay at a geddon

>> No.6301213

Guys. It's a week away, why?

>> No.6301875

it's not the end of the world, don't stress so much

>> No.6302833


Anyway, I'm furiously trying to get shit done before and after work, but I'm going to be cutting it close. Good luck, dudes.

>> No.6303237

it is going to be interesting watching people drool over Yaya

>> No.6303995

Meh. Shes just Miss Tits.

>> No.6305159

People like Static, Michaela and the Poples are the same or more skilled then Yaya, but without the Diva Egos.

>> No.6305258

actually I'd be very interested to see them pitted against her in our contest, I'd like to know how they'd do!

Also fuck you OP fuck you.

>> No.6305304

We've got hotter cosplayers here and >>6305159 is right about them being more skilled. She's just a fugly bitch who's really good at promoting herself.

>> No.6305312

So in a weeks time the ball just finished and the fireworks are going off in 20min.
We all super ready for this guys?

>> No.6305322

>really good at promoting herself
That is basically all it takes to become a well-known cosplayer. Make cosplays that aren't total shit, know people, and promote yourself ALL THE TIME.

>> No.6305326

I've got a quick question. This will be my first time in Auckland and I'd like to spend some time exploring as well as at Armageddon. I'm there from Thursday evening to really early Monday morning, and was wondering which day or two days of Armageddon would be the best to go to? I'm a lolita, not a cosplayer, if that helps at all.

Thanks, NZ seagulls!

>> No.6305332

Take a look at the website and see when the celebs whose panels you want to see are on if there are any guests you are interested in.

>> No.6305339

Have done that, and it's all much of a muchness to me sadly. Thank you for the tip, though.

>> No.6305405

0% stress. And I'm looking forward to not being stopped every 5 minutes for a photo.

One year to rest and recharge my cosplay batteries, and then back into it next year.

>> No.6305414

I haven't visited the forums since their supposed reboot but is it true that they're actually alive again?

>> No.6305430

I know its a bit early...
But are that many people interested in the Ronin festival they're starting up next year in Auckland?
The anime/music one?

>> No.6305438

Another chance to cosplay and hang out with you lot is all I see it as. I'm not into j/kpop and I'm sure it's going to be overly music focused for my liking.

>> No.6305447
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Come on a-anon! You'll l-like it if you t-try! ;_;

>tfw I'm too shy to go to armaggedon/cons and this will probably be one of the first things i try to go to

>> No.6305475

I'm really excited! Some of the youtubers they're bringing are awesome and the others all look interesting and will appeal to a range of people. I'm really into music in general though so it's my kind of thing I guess. Really hope it does well and they can bring better and better guests in years to come.

>> No.6305481

The mods are doing an excellent job of trying to keep it busy with the discussions etc and it's going well I think. Not as busy as they once were but not dead either.

>> No.6305485

I wish some of the more prolific cosplayers would update their sketchbooks more

>> No.6305509

Like who?

>> No.6305516

Am I in the minority when I think that Yaya would win against any NZers?

>> No.6305531


>> No.6305538

Shannan, Jess, Tammy, Static and stuff.

>> No.6305649


Capthcha: Worketh
... It knows.

The forum reboot is nowhere near done, by the way! We're looking at moving hosts + complete redesign. Should be fun! I've missed CNZ having a bit of life. It's nice to talk on there again & I love all the progress shots in sketchbooks.

>> No.6305716

What. Prolific lol okay.
Thanks, anon. I might update when I'm not dying.

>> No.6306245


Hahaha, the more deadline stress I'm under, the less often I update. I'll make it up to you and do a post-con "this is how I made stuff" update, if you like. C: (me being Jess.)

>> No.6306455

I think you mean "popular"

>> No.6307207

How so?

>> No.6307385

That the cosplayers are popular rather than prolific. While they're household names in the community here if you mentioned Icarus, Rowan or PI to a non kiwi they'd have no cue what you were saying.

>> No.6308018


World famous in New Zealand since 2007.

>> No.6308176

Sketchbooks are amazing. Thank you mods! We love you!

>> No.6308344

Nodick, we love you butts.

So how is everyone going? I'm in that procrastination zone before panic!sewing.

>> No.6308353

I think I'm going okay, haven't got too much left to do. The "i think" is probably the key part there though.

>> No.6308359

I took two days off sewing after finishing Mai to procrastinate and be in denial about geddon being soon. I began the panic sewing this avo when I realised that I still have 2 entire costumes to make and less than a week.
I'm just glad I know how to survive without sleep.

>> No.6308366

I'm almost finished just got to put everything together and do some last minute things.

>> No.6308375

Just got a bunch of small things to finish tomorrow. Hoping to pack all my costumes tomorrow as well so I don't have to worry about that during the week.

>> No.6308423

just some simple props to deal with,
I say just but you never sleep before a con, it's the golden rule.

>> No.6308431

I had to unpick a lot after thinking it was almost finished and then I unpicked the wrong thing. I am dead inside, guys. Why do we cosplay.

>> No.6308446

I do not know. I have been mocking up the patterns on last thing on my second to last outfit for the past four hours...;_;

>> No.6308458


Things barely fit and all that unpicking just to make it the same way again. idek anymore I tried.

>> No.6309552
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I've only got a top and cape to sew, painting on symbols and then just fixing up wigs and things. It's crazy how little you stress when you're not entering the competition. I can't wait to see everyone's entries, all the WIP progress pictures are looking so good!

>> No.6311157

This time next week you'll all be crying over your comp costumes. Feels good to be not able to afford to go now.

>> No.6311224

With any luck I'll be done and only have last minute beading if anything.

>> No.6312490

Anyone know who won the Melbourne comp?

>> No.6312806

OH god, today and tomorrow are my last days off before the comp. I'll be doing an all-nighter tonight to make sure I finish everything.

Fuck. Fuck everything.

>> No.6312907

Finishing everything days before the con feels good. Stress free yay.

>> No.6313313

Bumping in hope some Ausfags can post Melb winners.

>> No.6313882

YES. I want to know who won! And what the costumes were like! And how Yaya was!

>> No.6314761

It was the same group who won last year apparently, in Once Upon a Time costumes maybe? Some sort of fairytale/disney thing I think.

>> No.6314865

I can't be the only one excited to see PI cosplay again?

>> No.6314915

I can't believe how quickly she sews man. Her an Vanessa will be so cute cosplaying SAO together.

>> No.6314923


They got +points from me cause their pre-recorded speech and whatnot wasn't working and had to actually sing/talk for their performance. Was pretty funny.

>> No.6314930

Cosplays you're looking forward to seeing? Tails Supergirl is looking really nice.

>> No.6314949


Yaya was surprisingly nice, not like what cgl says. she did mention jessica nigri though which I thought it was hilarious. she answered everyones question humbly and let everyone take photo with her.

>> No.6314955

I love stalking the NZ threads because you're all so cute and nice. I want to put you all in my handbag and carry you around with me but I'm also mad jelly of your community

>> No.6314966
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>> No.6314975

I'm so fucking jelly of how cute tails is all the time.

>> No.6315011

Tammy too. She's gunna hate me for this but I just want to pinch he cheeks

>> No.6315031
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That fucking feel when exams start in 2 weeks and I am in full revision mode. Why can't they hold armageddon during summer holidays ; _ ;

>> No.6315057

Omg, some of the pictures for my rego form had to be taken with my webcam since I don't have a camera available atm, and the quality is actually hilarious. CAN'T SEE SHIT.

They look so good! Wow. They all have so much energy. ADORBS.

>> No.6315064

Enchanted cosplays, nice! Will be awesome to see them at Auckgeddon.

>> No.6315204

Well I've hit panic mode. 2 days left 'til email rego stops. Essentially I need to finish by then to focus on my other cosplays. SO MUCH TO DO ;_;

>> No.6316113

Me too anon.

>> No.6316144

How many of y'all are actually making cosplay cards, just wanting to know if I'll seem like an ass for having them even though I'm not well known at all.

>> No.6316378

I'm thinking of making some just with cnz's url, my username there, and my tumblr url. Just in case I get over my shyness and actually talk to some randoms.

And I wouldn't call myself well known at all too.

>> No.6317109

The more unknown, the better to have cosplay cards, imo? I forget what people have said nearly instantly at contime, so if I don't know a person already i've most likely forgotten their name, which is horrible. The censored cosplay cards Tammy, Rowan and I were doing are a bit iffy on actually getting delivered on time now though.

>> No.6317600

Do you or anyone else have examles of what your cards look like? Are they just basic or have people been doing fancy things?

>> No.6317737

I'm making a card! fuck the haters I just can't remember peoples names or faces

>> No.6317810

Mine are just boring old busiess cards with where i can be found in cosplay on it

>> No.6317871
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She's gunna kill me for this but pi posted what she's made on her tumblr

>> No.6317903

omg. I must obtain one.

>> No.6318194

These are ridiculously cool. Ours are just boring pictures on one side and urls on the other. WHY DID I NOT THINK OF THIS?

>> No.6318203

Haha, I won't kill you, I'm actually really pleased with how they turned out.

>> No.6318298

Just saying, I love you, NZ community.

>> No.6318336

I want to be part of your community. Aus is shit.

>> No.6318387

COME JOIN US. One of us, one of us! What's crap about Aus?

>> No.6318393

Is it weird I'm more excited to meet the Australia winners than Yaya? They look adorable!

>> No.6318395

dramu dramu dramu wheras you guys seem to have none. Everytime we have a thread t's al gossip and bitching and you guys just call each other cute and skilled

>> No.6318396

I couldn't care less about asian mc fake tits

>> No.6318453

Hey, she's pretty talented. If I could afford to make my boobs how I wanted them, I'd be all over that.

>> No.6318486

>Calling Yaya talented
You guys really are nice.

>> No.6319402
File: 478 KB, 602x900, granado_espada_wizard_portrait_by_yayacosplay-d4tkzn5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who says she isn't talented is lying, how is being able to make this not talented? I hope I can be half as good as her someday.

>> No.6319413

Her craftsmanship really has fallen off of a bit since she got her tits. Makes me sad.

>> No.6319417
File: 226 KB, 900x676, dark_elf___construction_notes_by_yayacosplay-d5hkwo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has it?

>> No.6319420

I feel like it has. Especially since 99.9% of her costumes is all to show off her tits.

>> No.6319443

that's amazing.
i didn't know she had attempted that one

>> No.6319692

Huh? All the costumes I've seen of her before the boob job seem basic in comparison? Plus now she needs to make holsters to hold them up, haha. Are you saying she's just got the regular amount of skill in cosplay? Because if she does, I wanna piece of dat.

>> No.6319691
File: 961 KB, 866x650, magic_ablaze___granado_espada_by_yayacosplay-d3fxshp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's also done this one from GE

>> No.6320291

I think you are just fixating on her boobs. I'm not going to judge her until I actually meet her.

>> No.6320313

When I meet her I am going to judge her boobs.
Also your boobs, I am going to spend the entirety of geddon rating people's chests out of ten in my head.

>> No.6320559

what did she say about Jessica?

>> No.6320630

That's okay because that's what I do and then I lament on how small mine are compared to others.

>> No.6320656

A+ we should do a boob survey to gain more data for this scientific study.

>> No.6320665

A comprehensive thesis on the tits of NZ cosplayers and their appearance in costumes

>> No.6320671

Funded, would read. There's some great tits in the community

>> No.6320673

I am now afraid for my boobs.

>> No.6320826

I didn't know she'd had a boob job. I'm really dissapointed actually. There I was thinking she was just embracing her natural body.

>> No.6321055

I don't see anything wrong with getting implants, if they were able to be bound for crossplays I'd love to get me some tits.

So guys, less than 2 days until the ball/preview night. Who isn't going to finish their shit?

>> No.6321062

Mine too. Thank god I'm a lolita, not a cosplayer.

>> No.6321132

It's not like they're going to go around groping you and let's face it, if cleavage is visible in a costume, everyone is taking notice of it anyway.

>> No.6321160

;_: I have so much still to do but at least I sent off my form!

>> No.6321169

I feel so sorry for you. I'm glad I don't compete, I feel kinda bad seeing everyone's awesome comp costumes but there's no way I need the pressure.

>> No.6321177 [DELETED] 

The two times I've done competition I felt really bored the whole time... I dunno what people do without it?

>> No.6321184

The two times I didn't compete were really boring though! What do you doooo without it?

>> No.6321198

I don't start sewing until 2 or so weeks before geddon so that I still have the rush of needing to get stuff done but I know I have plenty of time and that I can half ass things if I really need to

>> No.6321201

It's tacky as shit. Plastic surgery for cosmetic purposes makes me sick. It's what is polluting young girls' minds to look 'perfect' like barbie doll celebrities. Girls need role models who aren't tacky plastic-filled monsters.

>> No.6321237

I think girls should aim to look however they want, not saying plastic surgery should become more common but if they want to, idgaf. Society today has become so PC that even mentioning that you think a size 8 is more beautiful than a size 18 will get you death glares and people accosting you for not respecting 'women of all body types'. Not to mention this 'healthy at any size' thing is ridiculous, if you can't walk to the letterbox cause you're so fucking fat, you aren't healthy.

>> No.6321282

See, people go around glaring at people who think skinny is more beautiful but it doesn't mean it's a non-issue. If anything, it's worse than ever before. I absolutely hated my body up until last year and I know most females my age have gone through the same thing. I starved myself at one point just to be skinnier. I hated the shape of my body, I hated my boobs, I hated my face. But not at one single point did I ever go "I think I'll get plastic surgery for that." but people do. Why? Because other people do. To make them feel better because society makes them feel so shit about themselves. It's a non-stop circle. And it upsets me that people take the easy way out, change themselves on the outside before they change themselves on the inside. Plastic surgery does not make insecurities go away. It just masks them.

>> No.6321385

The world doesn't end with you, it ends tomorrow.

>> No.6321500

I refuse to succumb to hysteria.

>> No.6322016

Does anyone know what the Poples are entering as?

>> No.6322036

Its them an another girl, Mulan, Anastasia, and.... Snow White? I think.

>> No.6323338


The Snow White ended up pulling out & entering separately with a simpler costume. It's just Jess as Mulan and Alex as Anastasia now.

Unrelated, but AHHHHHHH hysteria is starting to set in. Took tomorrow off work so I can stay up super late tonight if I need to without fear of crashing and dying on my way to work.

>> No.6323854


>> No.6324109


>> No.6324119

Wasn't it their other sister who was entering with them?

>> No.6324486


Nope. It was Val (Valska/MoshiMoshi). Their other sister is cosplaying Eleanor from Brave, but not comping I think.

>> No.6324576

Oh okay! Understandable. I can't wait to see!

In other news: Fuck cosplay! Fuck geddon! FUCK DA WORLLLLD.