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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6294259 No.6294259[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/,
what if a elimination style reality tv show was created about cosplay. It would be like project runway and RuPaul's drag race (without his horrifying laugh) combined.
Who would be on it?
What kind of drama would occur?
What kind of challenges (games, deadlines, ect.) would the contestants face?

pic kinda related

>> No.6294264
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>RuPaul's laugh

Get the fuck out.

>> No.6294267
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I don't think I'd want to be anywhere near that. It would like the Bad Girls Club where everyone is constant drama except, they'll have weapons!

>> No.6294270

This would be AMAZING... I'd like to see the girls sabotage each others cosplays by ripping up costumes and breaking props, 5 minutes before they go on stage. And pulling wigs! Lots of pulling wigs!

>> No.6294277
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>>mfw op implies Ru Paul is anything but perfection

hilbili glasses,

Yes captcha, that hillbilly does need glasses.

>> No.6294279


Why do you constantly avatar fag?

>> No.6294283

Nigga she don't gotta answer to you.

Geez, you remind me of high school. "Why are you doing this? Why are you doing that?"

Well why the fuck not? Let the girl do what she wants. She isn't hurting anybody.

>> No.6294286

YES! that would be amazing stealing other cosplayers fabric
getting hot glue on someones wig "accidentally"
throwing someone's wigs in the pool

>> No.6294288

Avatarfagging is against the rules, you white-knighting dumbfuck.

>> No.6294290

It's against the rules? Proof please?

>> No.6294294

It would be fun to watch! I hate to say but, I really do enjoy shows like that. They get upset over the smallest things.

>> No.6294297

>13. Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts.

You fucking newfags will never cease to surprise me with how fucking retarded you are since it kind of common sense to why avatar-fagging is against the rules.

>> No.6294301

You could've just told me why it's against the rules. You don't have to be so bitter. You've made your point.

>> No.6294305

Why would you need to be told are you seriously that dense that you can't figure out why it would be against the rules?

>> No.6294306

>Who would be on it?
I want at least Asherbee, PT, and JNig. The others can be any actually good cosplayers. A mix of lolcows and good/hot cosplayers.
>What kind of drama would occur?
PT and Ashley calling hot cosplayers anorexic bitches. Drama over whether JNig made her own costumes/props or got other contestants to do them. PT pretending to make a costume, but actually buying it from Bodyline and complaining it's their fault the L doesn't fit her.
Producers keeping PT and Ashley in even if they suck just to keep ratings up.
>What kind of challenges (games, deadlines, ect.) would the contestants face?
Closet cosplays - given free run of a store, have to dress in something more than "Casual ___"
General types of crafting - sewing, embroidery, propmaking, wig styling, etc.
Popularity - market themselves at a con under a new name, try to get the most fans

>> No.6294307
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>requests proof
>get's shown proof

Am I in 2007 or something?

>> No.6294312

>You fucking newfags will never cease to surprise me with how fucking retarded you are

Did you really have to say that? Come on, now. I'm not bawing about the proof.

>> No.6294315


I'm not that anon. You're still a dumb fuck though, you're bawing because someone told you off. Grow some thicker skin.

>> No.6294321

Yes because you're a fucking retard and you need to know it. If you can't take the truth get off this site.

>> No.6294323

Oh yeah, I'm sorry, I forgot, I'm on /cgl/. Asking anyone on here to be nice on the internet is like talking to a wall.


>> No.6294327


Bye Elsie.

>> No.6294345

Holy shit... you catty bitches need to give it a break. We can't even have a 'What if' thread (which is an interesting topic, honestly) without you guys having a bitchfest. Lets derail the topic, shall we?

...I have a feeling if /cgl/ has ever a reality show it would be hard for them to accomplish tasks. One girl might say something or do something accidentally and then everyone will gang up on that person and a clusterfuck would commence wherein NO ONE would actually work on the 'Project of the Week'. Oh no... they'd be too busy arguing the entire time. Or until someone with half a brain finally backs down because having shouting contests with other thick headed people is pointless.

>> No.6294346

>Baaaaaaw feel sorry for me that I have to wear a helmet

>> No.6294351

>implying the entirety of 4chan doesn't do the same thing

Are you new too?

>> No.6294356

Lol, no bitch. I can make threads or follow threads in other boards and don't see arguments break out at the drop of a hat as frequently as on /cgl/

>> No.6294359

Sorry, other boards do it too. How long have you been on 4chan? A week?

>> No.6294361


Anon, all this cattiness is what would make a show good. These kind anons showed us a preview of what would be if this show was ever made.

>> No.6294363
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Mmmm....god, I love you so much cgl, please, never change, ever.

>> No.6294370

Yes they do, fool. You do know the circlejerk place known as reddit isn't the same site as 4chan right?

It's like you're trying to grow balls but doing it shittly.

>> No.6294372

Almost every thread in this board has two anons at each other's throats.

...but this is that last point I'm making on the subject. I think this thread topic is an interesting idea. So instead of lingering on the fact /cgl/ is filled with sandy vaginas... actually add some input on the topic of this thread.

Yeah, it would truly be a train wreck. It sorta reminds me of Flavor of Love. Except they aren't fighting over a man. They all just want to be the very best attention whore.

But... I've come to enjoy FaceOff on the Syfy channel. This show never had the catty drama similar to America's Next Top Model. FaceOff is actually bearable and I enjoy seeing their works at the end of the show. /cgl/ would never be able to pull it off... a girl might accidentally bump shoulder's with another girl and it'll turn into a deathmatch.

>> No.6294377

I'll keep derailing this thread just for you.

>> No.6294378

> Except they aren't fighting over a man. They all just want to be the very best attention whore.

You just described Bad Girls Club. One of my guilty pleasures.

>> No.6294381


Not new. But I'm so sick of people having to be assholes because its 4chan.
Oh wear a helmet because its the internet.
Please, did your mommies forget to give you a hug?

Also on topic: Something like the shit that happened on this thread would 100% happen on that show.

>> No.6294382

There are just too many Reality Shows to keep track off. It's worrisome that people aspire to be reality 'stars'.

>> No.6294385

The truth isn't being an asshole.

>> No.6294386


>> No.6294393

I love the anons who claim they 'Enjoy watching the world burn'. They need to make excuses that they have psychopathic habits on the internet.

No, you are just a sad/angry bitch and want to make someone else feel miserable. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.6294395
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Stop being mad and enjoy the drama.

>> No.6294399


>> No.6294400
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>> No.6294401

Your stupid anger can be seen down here in the heart of Texas.

>> No.6294405

Your stupid can be seen down here in the heart of who gives a fuck.

>> No.6294406
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>> No.6294455

We can't have any sort of thread without Elsie making it about her.