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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 168 KB, 960x639, 557246_4487382110054_2140389931_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6293114 No.6293114[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

old thread: >>6286845

>> No.6293116
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>> No.6293117
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>> No.6293118
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>> No.6293120

Must be embarrassing to have a picture like that with the name failure on her jersey.

>> No.6293122
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>> No.6293123
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>> No.6293124

I think it's more embarassing that every event she and her teammate was last at because she either fell or dropped something.

>> No.6293127


i feel so bad for that poor dave

>> No.6293129

Ouch. That really has to suck.

These events look like they were really fun at least.

I'm just amazed at her physique. She really is the epitome of apple-shape, I guess? Her legs look fine it's just everything there in her mid section makes her look so. . .I don't know. Round?

>> No.6293133
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>> No.6293135
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>> No.6293142

Fyeahasherebee anon here. They terminated my account on Saturday and sent me an email saying

>We've terminated your Tumblr account at fyeahasherbee.tumblr.com. As per the policies you agreed to when creating a Tumblr account, we do not allow harassment on Tumblr.

But I mailed them back and presented my case saying that if they checked my account I never said a bad thing about her and she was the one harassing me. They haven't replied back yet but I'm hoping they will sometime today since it's a work day.

>> No.6293168

would be laff. You're a true American Hero

>> No.6293228

. . .
She couldn't even get the name of a movie right.
Steel Magnolia's.

>> No.6293240

>that profile pic
>my sides

>> No.6293245

I honestly don't think you'll get it back. No you haven't said anything harmful, but I'm sure the admins can smell your intent from the computer screen.

>> No.6293249

..a good actress? No. No. Wrong.

>> No.6293253

..she spelled it the same way you did.

>> No.6293257

Uh, it was emphasis? Like, y'know, when someone says something stupid, and you repeat it just because it was so stupid?

>> No.6293263

I actually looked up on that sort of thing. Tumblr rules say:

>Don't choose a Tumblr URL with the intention of impersonating someone/something or otherwise causing confusion about who's behind your blog. Parody, criticism, and other fair uses of others' names are fine, so long as there's no intention to impersonate or confuse.

So that covers the name 'Fyeahasherbee' as for the content, I would thing that parody would extend to content. Harassment only goes so far and since I made no move to threaten her, didn't say anything personal about her, or put down her art as bad or terrible, the termination for harassment is bogus. When you block someone they give you the option to report either for harassment or for spam.

>> No.6293265

Are you trying to be funny? If so the joke went over my head.

>> No.6293266

Oh. Didn't work out well then.

>> No.6293270

>Impersonation, Stalking, or Harassment. Treat the community the way you'd like to be treated. Don't attempt to circumvent the Block feature. If you want to parody or ridicule a public figure (and who doesn't?), don't try to trick readers into thinking you are actually that public figure.

Since Ashley claims she's a legitimate artist and photographer and she has her own websites solely for her 'professional' self, wouldn't that make her a public figure?

>> No.6293275

She may have included details about the last tumblr about her then. Wouldn't be hard to say "they made a tumblr named _ which was blabla and now they made another one !"
That or she can say she's receiving harrassment through her ask box because of said tumblr?

I don't know.

>> No.6293271

Why... is she doing the kage bunshin pose thing?

>> No.6293278

Wouldn't put it past her but they can easily check the IP of the last account or who left her messages. I did point out in my email to Tumblr Support that Ashley and a friend of hers were in fact harassing me and explained why so if they spend even five seconds looking into it they'll reverse their decision.

>> No.6293282

Do you think they will? Seems like a lost cause

>> No.6293284

Would you have understood if she greentexted? Y'all are weird.
Ash is known for putting in apostrophes where apostrophes do not belong; that's what they were noting.

>> No.6293286

I'm hopeful because when I tried to log in yesterday the screen said my account was terminated but I just tried to log in again and it's changed to "Your account has been suspended." That at least means they're looking into it.

>> No.6293514
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I remember posting in a thread a month or so ago, "inb4 fakeboi phase".
I can't wait.
Captcha: dingsFat with

>> No.6293528
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>> No.6293529

Are you guys mocking these pictures?
They're having fun, and not bothering anyone. Who cares.

>> No.6293530
File: 23 KB, 303x164, rib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she trying to say she's losing weight?

>> No.6293533

No, we're not. We're just mocking one person in the pictures. The rest of them happen to be unfortunate bystanders.

>> No.6293531



>> No.6293537

>"Guys, I can like, totally feel my rib cage. This means that I can finally call myself Anorexic! See? Look at how abusive you guys are, attacking a beautiful, delicate flower like me!"

I'm cringing already.

>> No.6293569

Its just a bad joke.

>> No.6293570
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>Has a portal to hell in her room
>Not sure if she's a man or a woman
>Has ''hurt'' herself ''multiple'' times
>Cannot clean her room because of all her ''bad childhood memories''
>''Abusive'' parents

I want a reality TV-show

>> No.6293571
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you've got to be fucking kidding me
please send her more asks about her gender issues so she can get caught in this huge fucking lie. Because I doubt she knows the first thing about gender dysphoria.
Who fucking cares if you've been "abused~" or whatever
(listing how many times she hurt herself to try and get sympathy is even more pathetic)
that doesn't give you gender dysphoria.
She shows absolutely no signs of wanting to be masculine (besides dat mustache)
so she needs to shut the fuck up and stop while she's ahead (which she's not)

>> No.6293576

Her cosplays are awful. She's awful. You homestucks deserve each other. Welcome your new sister.

>> No.6293583
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>> No.6293587

Certainly is just excuse after excuse after excuse.

>> No.6293595

Thus is the lifestyle of the Ashley.

>> No.6293599
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> "I just...I don't feel comfortable..."

oh so dramatic and moe~

Dumb bitch doesn't know what the hell she's even talking about.

>> No.6293608


Isn't Jessi slaughter a fakeboi now? What a beautiful friendship that could be

>> No.6293610
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But guys

What if she kept the moustache because it turns out she identifies as a man

What if she was only pretending to be stubborn about to hide the fact that she likes the moustache

What if she has a moustache comb and combs it and pretends like her reflection is her male persona and she is the female persona and she flirts with herself in the mirror

"A-Ash-chan, please be gentle with me ugguu~"
"But Ashley-desu, you must obey your master Ash-sama~"

>What if

>> No.6293611
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Oh no she is not going down this road too, she can't. She milks every snowflake idea she can think of, without regard to the people who actually have situations like that.

>> No.6293612

What? For real?


Someone fill me in on Jessi, please. What happened after the news incident?

>> No.6293615
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oh hey look she took the F off her about me.

>> No.6293620



>> No.6293660
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>> No.6293668

Someone should ask her why if she identifies as a man that she does so many makeup tutorials? Is she aiming to be a dragqueen?

>> No.6293670
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Is she going for a record for how much drama she can start in a day?

>> No.6293673

This completely reminds me of Emma Wells, a UK cosplayer who is a total pathological liar and tries to garner sympathy on a daily basis.
Why do these people keep doing this? D:

>> No.6293674

I think she just wants to be a pokemon trainer.

>> No.6293676

Pokemon MASTER.

>> No.6293685

Has Ashley ever done a shitty Pokemon cosplay or been all "wow, I totally feel like jumping on the Pokemon bandwagon"?

>> No.6293689

rip in peace the walking dead, here lies the only fandom i ever loved

>> No.6293693

She said she didn't like Pokemon.

>> No.6293706

she removed the female part of Ash/F/18 from her tumblr now lol

>> No.6293724

She'll be talking about being a kawaii yaoi boi in no time.

>> No.6293729

I am 100000% done. I could handle Hunger Games, and Avengers but back the fuck up from Walking Dead.

>> No.6293732
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She is willing to say anything to get attention.

>> No.6293736
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>> No.6293767
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her makeup


>> No.6293777

I am with you, Anon.

>> No.6293790

what the actual fuck

>> No.6293800
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>> No.6293814


I fucking hate this. I hate the shit out of this.

Not just Ashlee. But every pathetic little bratty attention whore EVER.

Why the FUCK make such a vague Facebook Status? Why IMPLY that something terrible has happened, but not tell anybody what it is? If it's such a big fucking deal, why are you stopping to tell Facebook? JESUS CHRIST FUCK OFF.

All it is is a plea for attention.

> "Ooooohhh this really really bad thing happened! But I won't say what! Ask me fiiirrrsssttt! LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME!!!!

>> No.6293815

That really shouldn't surprise you.

>> No.6293812

Crying inside because in the last thread she seems to have used my wig dyeing tutorial, except she followed the instructions wrong.

>> No.6293827

Why does everyone spell "breathe" wrong? I've noticed this my and it bugs the shit out of me.

>> No.6293831

Apparently someone asked her and all she said was that she reacted over nothing.

>> No.6293841


>> No.6293843
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You must be fucking me.

I am sick and tired of seeing all these "IMMA KAWAII BOI LOL LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME" attention whores that keep floating around. No, you do not have gender dysphoria. You are a stupid girl who is following trends in an attempt to get everyone to look at you like you're some special snowflake. You bragged about your bra size, you wear feminine clothes (even outside of cosplay), you talk about how kawaii you are, made it quite apparent that you are comfortable with your gender in your obvious self-insert fanfics, referred to yourself as a woman and up until a few minutes ago had your all profiles set to female. People like Ashley are the reason why my transman brother had such a hard time getting his hormones. They're reason nobody takes him seriously.
I'm really considering going off on her dumb ass.

>> No.6293844

She...it was just another cry for attention or something?

>> No.6293845

Do it, anon. Make a fool out of her.

>> No.6293850

I second this. I'd love to see someone go off on her finally about what a trend hopper she is. And your points are indeed very valid. She's so hopeless that she will do anything and almost everything to gain SOME kind of attention and spot light and I'm just so baffled at her and the arrogance she seems to carry with so much self entitlement.

>> No.6293853

Yeah, but no one ever commented so she gave up.

>> No.6293858

If you go off on her anon. you'll be completely awesome in my book. I doubt having somebody go off on her will make her change but maybe it'll instal a small bit of guilt.

To the anon who told Assbee to go as a giant S with her partner as an aspostrophe, I love you man. I just... I love you.

>> No.6293866


>implying she wont just say that she only did it to hide her ''true self''
>Ashley 'Excuses' Bennett

>> No.6293868

Going off on her won't work. You'll just be another angry anon that shell dismiss.

>> No.6293869

Doesn't she do that with all her cosplay too? She shouts about how she's doing so many characters but when no one shows the slightest bit of interest she suddenly never speaks of said cosplay again?

>> No.6293874

Seriously, what ever happened to that Dolorosa costume she was making?

>> No.6293887

Probably wadded up in a pile in her room somewhere now.

>> No.6293897

anyone know how long she keeps anon asks off for on average
i wanna ask her about how she was spiritually abused but they're off again and I don't have a tumblr

>> No.6293908


1 - 24 hours

>> No.6293924


Oh my fucking god.

>> No.6293930




>> No.6293969
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>> No.6293976

OH, so THAT'S why she tried to kill herself. OKAY.

>> No.6293977


>> No.6293983
File: 1.22 MB, 400x226, 1346728640541.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That last comment.

>> No.6293985

>That unneeded last post
Damn girl, talk about too much information

>> No.6293989

I will never get why people still get butt devestated when they hear queer/gay and think that it's talking about sexuality
like i don't know anybody who ever says "that show is queer" and actually means that the show is for gay people or he thinks that the show seems like the type of person who likes taking it up the ass
>telling people you tried to kill yourself
>on facebook
>like it's nothing

>> No.6293992

Wait. I thought she tried to kill herself because the big meanie poopy heads at 4chan were being big meanies about her craptastic crafts?

>> No.6293999

I'm still pissed over the fact that she had the gall to tell someone to call a specific hospital because it was "nicer" as she was trying to kill herself/slashing her wrists.

>> No.6294004

Does she still use her roleplay Facebook account?

>> No.6294008

This is unacceptable shit
She's messed up
really. She needs to get some fucking help. Except I really think there is no help for her. If she had a therapist, she'd just lie to her fucking therapist trying to get sympathy. She is beyond reform.

>> No.6294009
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>> No.6294010

I'm sure she'll have many buyers. Anything new happen with her Etsy?

>> No.6294015

What is her etsy anyway?

>> No.6294023

Oh god, the last thing on her tumblr...is she really going to cosplay that?

>would take screenshot but on phone

>> No.6294021

"Tried to kill myself" is another interchangable excuse, and she will most likely level it at anyone who she doesn't like at the moment. Their meanness is destroying her, feel pity now!!!

>> No.6294027

simplelittletrinkets or something.

>> No.6294038
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>> No.6294039

the avengers stuff? I doubt it
the designs are cute though, i just don't like that their "fighting" outfits all have heels

>> No.6294043
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Want to bet she expects someone to do it for free?

>> No.6294044

You know, she says she's not sure what she is, but these are genderbends. I just don't understand what her thinking processes are.