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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6287252 No.6287252[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey, would any of you happen to know if Oo Jia can do decent work outside OTT sweet? I've been thinking of commissioning her for a design of mine for a visual kei thing (I suppose it resembles MM dresses? It's very classic lolita-inspired.), but I've never seen any work of hers that isn't printed. (Pic unrelated.)

If not Oo Jia, would anyone know of a decent seamstress who'd be able to pull off classic lolita?

Also general seamstress/commission thread

>> No.6287258

She overcharges by leaps and bounds and her things all look like they are made to fit on rectangles instead of people.

>> No.6287274

>overcharges by leaps and bounds
>all look like they are made to fit on rectangles instead of people.


Have some taobao shops that accept commissions

>> No.6287302

Not OP, but so Oo Jia's work is crap?

>> No.6287311

Megan Maude is awesome, but expensive. She can do anything. Give her a hard deadline.

>> No.6287315

I have a replica by her and it's good. No problem with it. She lazily used white interfacing in a navy chiffon bow, but I have no complaints. The dress fits very well and is cute.

>> No.6287343

Post a WTC on the comm sales to look for a seamstress.

>> No.6287344
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Most of it is pretty bad, though her die-hard fans are convinced otherwise because they just compare their replicas from her to even crappier replicas from other places and decide her work is good.

Any decent seamstress or mid-tier taobao shop it going to do it better.

>> No.6287356

her work isn't milanoo-crap, but if you are paying someone to tailor make a dress for you, you should go to someone Who Can Do It Well instead of OoJia whose expertise is in Tracing Artwork

>> No.6287357

I agree some stuff she makes is horrible, however so far I have only gotten really wonderful garments. Truly it seems the people who always get crap stuff usually gave the wrong measurements (I did it once for a blouse), or their design are just shit.

>> No.6287368

Ah, that's a shame! I've only ever heard good things about her in all the reviews I've seen.

I wanted to get a VM regimental doll replica (I'm ridiculously tiny--18" waist due to health reasons--and nothing from brand can go that small) from her after seeing such good reviews about her on LJ and such. Would Anna House be capable of a decent replica of it?

>> No.6287429

I love Oo Jia! Her works are all beautiful!

>> No.6287505

>18" waist
did you get all your ribs removed

>> No.6287514

Audrey Hepburn had a natural 20" waist, yo. This girl is probably shaped like a nine-year-old, though, which I've seen.

>> No.6287517

>work is crap?
I have two JSKs from her, Milky Berry in white and Twinkle Journey in Navy. Both are the best fitting dresses I own, and make me look cute.

The Twinkle Journey replica is obviously sub par compared to the original but it's still cute. Hard colour to coordinate though, man.

>> No.6287569

It only looks good if you haven't actually seen well crafted clothing.
I thought they were good until I saw the real versions of the dresses I got replicas of.
Feels bad man.

>> No.6287597

her business ethics are shoddy imo
replica or not, would avoid

>> No.6287789

Her printed replicas might not always look bad, but this is because you mostly pay attention to the print. But her replicas of solid colored dresses are visibly more subpar, because in non printed brand dresses you pay attention to the details and quality much more.

IW Beluga JSK: http://lolibrary.org/node/8186
Her replica: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=312382265519471&set=pb.100002431017999.-2207520000.134951

MM Tropezienne JSK: http://hellolace.net/wardrobe/mary-magdalene/type/jsk/item/30/
Her replica:http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=175373899220309&set=pb.100002431017999.-220752000

And finally the replica of the one you posted

In my opinion they don't have the same luxury feel to them, but judge for yourself OP

>> No.6287804

In all honesty: The only issue I see with her's is the photo quality and lack of a good enough petticoat. They probably haven't been ironed either. I keep looking at the links, and they look like the same bloody thing.

>> No.6287805

hi assley

>> No.6287806

What? No. I'll even put my trip back on. Who the fuck is assley?

>> No.6287807

In all honesty, I think you are not familiar with brand quality if you think that, which is ok, I used to think the same way once.

>> No.6287808
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i've always wanted to comission zeloco for something

>> No.6287809

I think the comparable different would come down to the fine details in stitching and fabric grain... Which...you're not going to see in a photo... So: Aside from the things I stated before: They look the same.

>> No.6287812


>> No.6287811


>> No.6287814

The fabrics used are so different. Take the beluga jsk for example, it is obvious even from the stock photos that the pearskin fabric used for the skirt part drapes su much better than the stiffer fabric that oojia uses.
The vest part has also a lovely sheen to it so even if some people are not able to tell the difference from pictures, the effect you get from wearing the brand one irl is so much more polished

>> No.6287816

Fair enough. Although overall construction still is pretty much the same thing. The vibe I got off the post was THESE ARE HORRIBLE, LOOK HOW BAD THEY ARE IN COMPARISON.
...but they're not? For replicas, they're downright nice.

>> No.6287834

OoJia's will look like crap irl
IW's will look awesome irl
Any seamstress better an OoJia will produce something in between Oo's and IW's

If OP is going to pay OoJia to produce something, she might as well pay the same amont of money to someone else who will do it better than OoJia. Get it?

>> No.6287838

If you can't see a massive difference it means you are just really inexperienced and just can't tell yet. I'm not saying this in a bitchy way or to put you down, it's normal and it's a phase most lolis go through when they are new (or not that new but without any substantial experience in different brands and qualities). The difference in quality and construction is GLARING, it's not about details....

>> No.6287840

Not the anon you were responding to, but I've never done a side-by-side comparison before. The difference is huge! Even if it wasn't a replica, I wouldn't pay that much for a dress of that quality.

>> No.6288028

What about Kidsyoyo? Or HMHM? They do a substantial amount of MM replicas.

>> No.6288064

What are you guys talking about? Oo Jia has great stuff compared to Angelic Pretty.

>> No.6288084

That's like, one dress. And other people receiving their milky berry got fucked up bows.

>> No.6288086
File: 51 KB, 720x960, 698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She makes quite nice clothing as long as you can explain it well. I special love the thick winter coats she makes, they are always $150 with shipping included.

>> No.6288088

Bodyline could give you a coat looking like that with $90. and $10 Airmail shipping.

>> No.6288099

No, special since their stuff is thin shit that isn't even lined.

>> No.6288100

Brandwhores, brandwhores everywhere.

>> No.6288107

Psst, you got called Assley because you wrote


>> No.6288134

Yes. Her non print JSKS are amazing. I saw a gray chiffon one here the other day that was spectacular, and I have a chiffon jsk from her that has lovely construction.

>> No.6288140

i'm not >>6288064 but. learn to pick up sarcasm. the oojia version was blatantly not better than the AP version..

>> No.6288144


thanks for these!

>> No.6288145


too bad where I live now is too warm in winter for a nice thick coat like this one.

>> No.6288148


I have had trouble with HMHM in the past when ordering anything not from their pre-made sizes, but have heard nothing but good things about kidsyoyo.

>> No.6288190
File: 73 KB, 300x400, hhhhhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, who are your favourite seamstresses, CGL?

>> No.6288224


baroquepetrock, crying that she jumped on the shitty painting bandwagon instead of reprinting Orlock's Courtyard.

>> No.6288276

Oo Jia is, actually.
Her fabric choices are beautiful

>> No.6288301

0/10 for effort.

>> No.6288328

But her's would be proper- it implies ownership...

>> No.6288342

Her already implies ownership. Hers is plural ownership, you don't need the apostrophe to repeat ownership

>> No.6288372

...you don't know much about fabric, do you?

>> No.6288378

This is why I'm not an English major, I guess.
So: Damnit. I suck at my native language.

>> No.6288380


While I like oo jia's business I must correct you--she Is not a seamstress. She runs a side business and is the mouthpiece, order-taking, and photography end of the affair. She has a small team of ten or so single mothers that she pays to see the dresses for her that she then ships out. She pays each of them around 500$ a month which is a rather large sum in Chinese wages.

>> No.6288421

Honestly, this can even apply to people that buy costumes or lolita from Milanoo. I have a friend that swears by them and is even a model for them, and she doesn't understand how bad the construction is because she doesn't make most of her costumes. It's the same with one of her friends.

I'm glad I'll never buy from Oo Jia now after seeing the comments from people here.

>> No.6288424

So why does everyone say that her business ethics are shoddy?

Not OP, but I've been aching for a MM St. Clair, which is practically impossible to find with AP clogging the market. I really have no idea where to turn.

>> No.6288450

If you are willing to buy from Japanese auctions via a shopping service, it's actually quite easy and (relatively) cheap. I can help you - Is there a specific colorway you're interested in?

>> No.6288468

You're absolutely wonderful! Thank you!

I was hoping for the green colorway, which I know is a stretch. The wine would be my second, though.

>> No.6288529

Even if there was t a single piece of angelic pretty on the sales comm, you would still have just as much trouble trying to find mm. Mm is more rare than ap, not as many pieces are released. The amount of ap on the market has nothing to do with how hard it is to find mm. You can always search by using the mm tag, and you can also do a comm search using key words. Quit your bitching, and I mean that nicely lol!

>> No.6288537


>> No.6288538

... when did I bitch in that post? Otherwise, thank you for your contribution.

>> No.6288541

Right now there's a navy mini OP for a very good price on Yahoo (http://page18.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w78533390).). There's also a raspberry in both Tokyo Alice's Rakuten shop and on Yahoo auctions, but they are priced on the higher end (~25,000 yen).

Olive green is one of the rarer colors, though it usually stills come up once every several months (these ones sold for very reasonable prices:
http://page18.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w77302901, and http://www.mbok.jp/item/item_373047198.html).). If you have the patience, bookmark search results for MM on both sites and keep an eye on them.

>> No.6288544

Sorry, I just hear that complaint so often, that it's so hard to find vm, or mm because of all the ap clogging the sales comm. it annoys me a little, I'll admit, because I really don't think it's because of ap that it's harder to find classic pieces. I mean, even when I search mbok or y!j for vm, only about a page of results shows up. There's just not as much on the market, that's all.

>> No.6288548

All my respect. Thank you!

>> No.6288603

Too bad she is a raging insecure bitch. Every time I see her she is bad mouthing one of the other local seamstresses, or some other local girl.

sage for not contributing useful info to OP

>> No.6288751
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Jesus Christ you guys

Oo Jia is not bad at all. If you are expecting brand quality then yes, you are going to be disappointed. But they are $75 custom printed made to order skirts, and that is the quality you are going to get. You get what you pay for.

Does she make mistakes? Yes. Once she made my skirt waaay too short, I messaged her about it and she sent me a new one, free of charge and told me I could keep the old one. I was pretty impressed with the customer service

I don't really understand this whole mob mentality against Oo Jia that comes up. You'd think that she was one and the same with Milanoo, the way you people talk about her in these threads

>> No.6288755

Forgot to mention that I'd probably put her stuff on par with Lady Sloth, who everyone seems to love

>> No.6288773

What about that time she tried to scam a girl?

>> No.6288806


If you're talking about the Dream Sky thing, I'm pretty sure she didnt know it was a replica, and she gave the girl a full refund immediately

What reason would she have to SABOTAGE HER ENTIRE BUSINESS so that she could scam one girl out of a few hundred bucks?

>> No.6288861

How would you describe Oo Junkia's fabric, then?

>> No.6288864

I'm sure she wasn't banking on the idiot who bought it in the first place to post a side by side review of two replicas on EGL just to get called out.

She knows what she's doing is wrong and illegal but she doesn't care. She bends over backwards to her customers so an angry one won't rat her out.

>> No.6288892

People post reviews of her clothing all the time. She is aware of them. Someone, somewhere would have pointed out that it was a replica at some point, and the same turn of events would have happened

She bends over backwards to her customers because she's a sweet girl and wants her customers to be happy. It's called CUSTOMER SERVICE.

Oo Jia's fabric is on par with Lady Sloth

>> No.6288923


I have one of her dresses and I would say it is easily above bodyline quality. It was tailored how I requested it and fit my body shape. The chiffon used was soft and the color was bright and crisp. The only thing I didn't dig about my order was the hairbow, but I don't wear them anyway because they make my head look funky.

>> No.6288927


It would have been hard to tell it was a replica since it used genuine AP fabric.

>> No.6289025

Would the fabric look fine on a classic, non-print dress?

>> No.6289090

I'm pretty sure you can specify fabrics and she can work with you on that. I have a few items from her (replicas) and they are done well and look professional. Of course, when compared to the originals they don't hold up. But they look nice otherwise. With something with a simple design like that, it should come out pretty well. You can also specify lengths, say to accommodate for a larger bust. I did that with one of my replicas and it looks great on me. Waist hits where it should. I'm considering commissioning her for a few blouses since the going rate for those is less than what some US commissioners offer.

I think people are mostly anti-Oojia because of her replicas and how replicas aren't as nice as the original. Therefore everything she makes must be "that terrible". I don't think you're going to get a nice quality dress made for $120 including shipping anywhere outside of perhaps Lady Sloth. She's the only person I know of that does excellent work for a low cost. You might want to look into her if you are unsure.

>> No.6289201

Thanks! I'm crossing my fingers that it'll turn out alright.

>> No.6289211


Not sure if she's accepting work, but eh.
She's a seagull too, gotta take care of our own.

>> No.6289214

I don't think she is right now. She just made a cross-country move last month and is starting grad school. She did send a few things to the Frill pop-up at AWA, though. So, maybe she's got the free time again.

>> No.6289271
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Okay, I'm seeing serious quality issues? Compared with her other stuff (http://www.ilsangue.com/IlSangue/files-product-pics/item-98-1.jpg)) I feel wary about commissioning her.

>> No.6289538

I don't know about you guys, but there are people called LOCAL SEAMSTRESSES. Get off your couch, stop being lazy for a change, and actually open your eyes and LOOK OUTSIDE THE INTERNET.

>> No.6289900
File: 87 KB, 640x960, 534270_347320462025651_1100314039_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>uses "my English is bad" to dodge confrontations when customers receive wonky items
>egl bans replicas, oojia types full paragraphs in good English to elicit sympathy from others
>what did I do wrong~ uggu~ everyone is bullying me~~ waaah~ i didn't do anything wrong, i'm earning a honest living~ waah~

>deals with tracing over authentic brand items all the time
>sells a girl an "authentic AP" dream sky for $400
>said girl makes a review, showing the difference between the "authentic AP" versus "Oo Jia version Dream Sky"
>people comment telling the girl that her "authentic AP" is a factory replica
>shit got revealed, Oo Jia refunds the girl $400 after realising she couldn't pull the bluff through

>nooo, oo jia is not shoddy...

sage because replica argument again

>> No.6289909


She never pulled any kind of "my english is bad" when I had issues with her. She was super quick to correct it and has done the same for many others. It's perfectly possible that there are things she doesnt understand, but she hasn't ever used the language barrier to get out of setting things right for customers

People were literally bombarding her with hatemail when all that shit happened with EGL. Say what you will but no one deserves that kind of bullshit. That behavior was disgusting. She fully acknowledges that replicas aren't right, it's not like she tries to pretend as though she doesn't. Also she has said numerous times that this isn't her full time job, and that this is more of a side thing, so that whole "i'm earning a honest living" was just pulled out of your ass, I think.

about the Dream Sky replica, see >>6288806

>> No.6289997
File: 105 KB, 324x420, item-95-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She made that red one for herself years ago. The floral pieces in the gallery are all recent. She did an internship with a bridal shop in the last year or so. Between when she first started doing commissions and about last year, she's improved drastically.

>> No.6290009

I'm not so sure about that.
Didn't that girl post an email from Oo Jia saying that Oo Jia would name the girl that sold her the dream sky but never she did?

>> No.6290058

yeah but the difference between oo jia and lady sloth is that lady sloth isn't buying/borrowing dresses, scanning them, and reprinting them.

>> No.6290063


.....I don't think anyone is trying to argue with you on that, anon. One person makes replicas, the other doesn't. That's just a fact

She was brought up for quality/price/construction comparison only

>> No.6290072

>She fully acknowledges that replicas aren't right, it's not like she tries to pretend as though she doesn't

I remember her speaking as if she doing replicas were a completely okay thing. She was asking what had she done wrong and saying she didn't do anything illegal etc etc. I agree the hate mail was disgusting, but Oo Jia should have seen it coming, considering the nature of her business, and how she kept acting like what she's doing is perfectly okay and not morally/ethically/politically/artistically/etcetc wrong in any way.

If you can find proof to substantiate your point, you convince me, because i can't be fucked to dig through her facebook archive to cap that one post to prove mine.

I am still convinced that she sold the Dream Sky fully knowing it is not the authentic one from AP, and only back pedaled after she got found out. This is something that none of us can prove, and everyone will have a different opinion on it, so you can keep yours and i may keep mine, peace!

>> No.6290084

>because i can't be fucked to dig through her facebook archive to cap that one post to prove mine.

Well that makes two of us!

>This is something that none of us can prove, and everyone will have a different opinion on it, so you can keep yours and i may keep mine

The difference between us is your opinion seems to be based on your personal bias against her, but mine is based more on logic, in that it makes no logical sense for her to jeopardize her extremely successful and lucrative business for a few hundred bucks. She knows how the lolita community is. She knows that people post public reviews of her stuff.

Her workers have families and kids to feed. It makes NO SENSE for her to put their well-being in danger for a few hundred bucks. None at all.

So you can go on mindlessly hating her if you want, but she's not some shitty scammer like megami_kawaii or whatever

>> No.6290098


How quick to dismiss another person hahahahhahhahaha
*your opinion is better than mine, I'm the only saint who is capable of logical thinking*

First - Not everybody reviews purchases from Oo Jia. We all know that. She knows there is the chance that this girl will not review it.
Second - She could simply think that if she could get away with that extra 400 dollars, why not? If she were found out, she could be thinking, "I will pretend I didn't know better and refund the money."
Third - She understands that even if she really sold a fake to the other girl, people will continue buying her replicas, she's not going to run out of business. Her family will still have food to eat. The die-hard replica-fangirls will support her to the ends of the world (we've all seen how those people can act)
Fourth - What can the rest of the world do if she insists she didn't know it's a fake? Nothing. *shrug* Is somebody going to track her down, and interrogate her with a lie-detector? Will somebody put her head at gunpoint? No. She knows that.

It's a few hundred dollars to you, it's 2.5k chinese yuan to her. Think about it. If she got found out, she doesn't lose much, look at her business going strong. If she didn't get found out she pockets it happily. Your opinion makes sense but in no way are you better than me, nu-uh

>> No.6290125

First - Why take that chance, is my issue. Why risk putting her entire business in jeopardy? Her employees? Their children? Too much at risk for too little gain.
Second - This is under the assumption that she is a shitty human being, which I have seen no other evidence of. I have, however, seen evidence of her being really nice and going out of her way to help and correct mistakes. And she has said that she will stop replica production should an official brand contact her and ask her to do so, which is something you'll never see DoL do.

>> No.6290128

Third - If she deliberately and maliciously set out to scam someone, and this was proven, do you honestly think she would get off home free? Do you honestly think anyone would trust her again? I sure as hell wouldn't. Those fangirls support her to produce replicas, because that is what they pay her to do, and that is what they support. It is laughably absurd that you are implying they would blindly support her decision to scam someone out of hundreds of dollars.
Fourth - Okay.

Just because someone has the capacity to be a shitty human being doesn't mean they will at any chance they get.

>> No.6290145

But you are forgetting that they are blindly supporting her scamming brands/artists out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

This keeps up, there won't be any more brands. No new prints to replicate. No one cares about that though, they just want everything right now and don't care about the consequences.

>> No.6290153

I suspect they draw the line between paying for a service/product and someone literally scamming someone else out of hundreds of dollars

Even the dreaded replicunts have limits, anon

PS - that argument really only works for prints that are still in production, I thought we talked about this

>> No.6290521

You are so gullible its funny. She won't jeopardize her entire business, the proof is simple. Her business is doing damn well now despite the dream sky episode. See that??
Her. Business. Will. Not. Fold. If. She. Lied. About. The. Dream sky. Being. A. Replica.
Evidence: her current roaring business

After the hate mail died she stopped talking about producing her own original designs. Lol. She is, after all, on a mission to collect all brand prints as she admitted herself. Believe what you like dear.

>> No.6290526

You are so gullible its funny. She won't jeopardize her entire business, the proof is simple. Her business is doing damn well now despite the dream sky episode. See that??
Her. Business. Will. Not. Fold. If. She. Lied. About. The. Dream sky. Being. A. Replica.
Evidence: her current roaring business

After the hate mail died she stopped talking about producing her own original designs. Lol. She is, after all, on a mission to collect all brand prints as she admitted herself.

Thank about it.

>> No.6290644

>If she deliberately and maliciously set out to scam someone, and this was proven
>and this was proven

Meaning if it was proven that she was in fact trying to scam someone, her business would in fact fold, "dear"

Why would she risk that

Your "evidence" is bullshit

Also she is still running her print design contest. The deadline is late October.

>> No.6291390

Has anyone replied to her print design thing yet?

>> No.6291423




>> No.6291654

Ten bucks say that she doesn't credit the person who wins.

>> No.6291700
File: 48 KB, 857x272, jiaemail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone else can go find her backpedaling on facebook.

>> No.6291715
File: 67 KB, 447x348, oojiafacebook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"same star buttons"
Didn't the factory replica have heart buttons?

>> No.6291738

Another point is that if she didn't refund the girl she could of easily made a dispute, and paypal could of frozen her account.

>> No.6291769

Even higher than the average wages in Serbia or Poland.

>> No.6291993

You could ask her to re-print it, I bet if you got enough people interested she'd do it.

>> No.6292039


Girls who request prints that haven't sold out are generally looked down upon on Jia's facebook. So far she has only done prints that have long since sold out, or won't be re-printed again or are currently not in print, barring Silent Moon. If she is not printing items that are currently in circulation, how is that stealing money from brands which earn nothing from second-hand sales or sales of replicas of items they are no longer producing?

In that sense, EGL sales is stealing money from brands because they allow second hand sale of brand items, pulling away full-price brand buyers.

In that sense, lower-price taobao shops with original pieces are stealing money from brands because many of them offer beautiful, custom pieces at a lower price than brand, luring away customers.

>> No.6292043

My local seamstresses wants at last $300 for lolita dresses that result in being ita shit, did this twice for simple dresses at two different seamstresses and at the end I could trash everything and don't got my money back.

>> No.6292052

>could of

>> No.6292066

>So far she has only done prints that have long since sold out, or won't be re-printed again or are currently not in print, barring Silent Moon.

But wasnt the reason the first FB page got deleted, was because she was replicating Dream sky BEFORE it was released? She also bought chocolate rosette on release to replicate.

>> No.6292067


No, that wasn't even her

She cannot replicate a print before its been made. She needs the physical dress to replicate from

Loli Loli Paradise was the one replicating Dream Sky so soon

>> No.6292080

Then why was her facebook page taken down around the release of dream sky?

>> No.6292090


I don't know? Maybe a bunch of confused anti-replica lolis thought she was the one replicating it decided to report her page for BS reasons to get it deleted?

>> No.6292092

Probably because it was reported and facebook don't give a fuck about investigating the replica debate about a niche asian fashion so they just did the youtube thing and delete everything.

>> No.6292098

Actually, since the factory it was made in leaked it (hence the factory replica), if she got a hold of one of those she could have.

>> No.6292103


She could have, but she didn't.

I've had her on facebook for quite some time, the only Dream Sky replica she's ever made were the ones that came out a few months ago with the color errors

>> No.6292107


It hasn't been replicated yet, and a lot of people were upset that she wanted to replicate it right away so she is waiting now.

AKA, it is not a currently available replica while the original print is still being sold. Still correlates to my prior point.

First Dream Sky replica was done by a different Chinese shop.

>> No.6292111

On the old facebook, or the current one?

>> No.6292117

She's already done Dream Sky

>First Dream Sky replica was done by a different Chinese shop.

This is correct

The old one and the new one

>> No.6292125

I don't see anyone being "upset" about CR on her facebook, I'm pretty sure the only reason it took so long is it would have taken her a while to get the file to the factory, let alone printed.

>> No.6292140

what shop was it and do they still make them?
i've come to terms with never owning the real thing, hell ive never even seen the navy jsk for sale anywhere (and im not paying some bullshit 700 scalped price fuck you)

>> No.6292147

It wasn't a particular shop, it was a factory, the same factory AP uses, that leaked it, in very limited quantities

Loli Loli Paradise distributed them I think

>> No.6292148

I'll let you have that one then. However I still believe we arent being told the whole truth from oo jia on the dream sky op mix-up.

>> No.6292176


I wish I could have gotten one of those. I bet the fabric was beautiful.

>> No.6292178

Dat feel when you paid less for two cuts of dreamsky than the retail of the OP.

>> No.6292184


I was talking about Chocolate Rosette, not Dream Sky.

>> No.6292231

i figured thats what you were talking about but i want to believe there's a decent replica...when there's not ;_; all my tears

>> No.6292244


It it helps, the black colorway of Oo Jia's Dream Sky looks pretty good, but all the other colorways are awful

>> No.6292264
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its very unfortunate that all the other colorways looked decent but navy was very obviously botched. there were many times where i wanted to pm her just to get it anyways, but the offness of the navy and the stars...couldn't do it.

though goddamn i wish i had thought of commissioning this because its cute as hell.

>> No.6292284

Couldn't you still commission it?

>> No.6292290

she's out of the fabric, I've already asked.

>> No.6292307

Does she ever get more fabric after she's run out?

>> No.6292316

Sometimes. It usually involves a getting a certain number of people interested before she restocks, though

>> No.6292335

sometimes but I think she said she wouldn't be reprinting navy anymore

>> No.6292369


I got it in pink and really like it, was thinking of commissioning navy. Too bad she's out of navy, it looks nice.

>> No.6292386

Would you mind taking any pics? I'm curious to see what it looks like.

>> No.6292391
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it looks nice until i remember what the original looks like

>> No.6292396

God I want that dress so badly.

>> No.6292401
File: 45 KB, 232x313, ap_jsk_dreamsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am hoping for a re-release but i know that wont happen

>> No.6292408

I want to see it re-released in a mint or yellow colorway.

>> No.6292417
File: 17 KB, 320x240, dreamsky2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would die for either of those. red would also be cute. sigh.

>> No.6292428

I wonder what a white colorway would be like. The moons and stars would be different colors and it would be shimmery and pretty.

>> No.6292440

stop making me want things that will never exist

>> No.6292448

Sorry. I probably want them just as badly.

>> No.6292486

Not person you replied to, but comparing her fabric on a replica I ordered from her and two brand pieces (AP and Meta), the fabric was about the same thickness on the Meta skirt I own. The AP fabric was thicker, and everything is generally better quality and better constructed. My AP/Meta stuff has finer stitching and better attention to tiny details. But not something you would notice straight away from afar. Where my replica items fail usually in placement of things, bows on the wonky side, precision on things like tight curves, and things like that. But otherwise, and I hate to say it, overall construction is pretty close in quality. The only downfall is the tiny details and overall choice of materials. But then again, that's the difference you're paying for a $110 dress and a $320 one.

They all look like professional garments as far as seams, hems, and things like that go. But the difference is like comparing a Target dress to a bridal shop dress of the same design. Both professionally factory made garments that look good. But one has that extra oomph that makes it stand out, and a good percentage of a difference in price.

>> No.6292794

haha, you probably want them more :3c
i just didnt want the thread to go super offtopic though i do love talking about cute dresses~

>> No.6293072

You could always recolor it and commission Oo Jia for one.

>> No.6293717

And you'll end up with crap.

>> No.6293771

Oo Jia really is great. She made me a Milky Planet replica a while back. I already had one, but I thought it would be cool to have two. My closet is ALL AP, and I'd swear on my life that you couldn't tell the difference between the Oo Jia dress and my actual AP dresses! I even asked her to make me a bonnet for an extra $50 and she sent me a bonnet even prettier than my BTSSB!

If I could, I'd trade my 700000¥ AP wardrobe for all Oo Jia dresses.

Also, OP, that dress is fugly. MM isn't even Lolita.

>> No.6293792

Everything you just posted

I can't even handle this level of trolling

>> No.6293805


>> No.6293806

Not lolita, but anyone know any Taobao shops that do decent mori commissions?

>> No.6293832


Would have been a six if not for the MM part

>> No.6293877
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>> No.6293883


Guys, please do not fall for this troll


Milanoo is crap. Oo Jia is fine for the price. Pull the bloomers out of your ass

>> No.6293892

I've seen some discussion about local seamstresses; do they even exist any more? I thought the profession had about died out - the closest thing we have is someone I know's mother, who makes curtains for houses, and sometimes alters wedding dresses. Or is that what you mean by seamstress?

>> No.6293925

There are a lot of people in the online Lolita community (as well as cosplay) that will do commissions.

>> No.6293940

Unlike people who make professions or businesses out of tailoring such a niche fashion, seamstresses up for commissioning will often ask for a lot more, take longer, and have work that is often inconsistent. I have yet to see a good online seamstress that makes garments to the quality of Oo Jia.

Oo Jia is not one person. She heads a small group of seamstresses of mostly Chinese mothers who get paid a very decent salary (compared to most Chinese salaries) to sew these dresses. She's also a very kind and does her best to please her customer. While her stuff is definitely sub-par to brand (and I buy both) I would still prefer her to a commissioned seamstress on the internet.

>> No.6293988

中は生さたらさ( ̄▽ ̄)

>> No.6294022
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>> No.6294028

lol I did the same thing.

>> No.6294362

It's really a shame miscy stopped taking commissions. I got one of her original design jsks for like, 80$ tailored to fit and everything was fully serged and awesome. The turnover was less than a month and when he ran out of fabric for one part of my dress she upgraded me to a higher quality fabric for no charge. Really a pleasure to work with.

>> No.6294474


>> No.6294662

September 17
Thinking of opening back up for commission in october! Anyone interested?

I follow her on FB: http://www.facebook.com/MiscyEtsy

>> No.6294712

People... on this board...are saying nice things about Oo Jia. People...on this...has summerfaggotry mutated somehow? Has everyone forgotten the SHIT TSUNAMI that clogged this board concerning replica debates a few short months ago?

>> No.6294753

Was produced by [China].

>> No.6294816

Why not just buy Taobao...

>> No.6294889
File: 1.95 MB, 400x319, disapproving-bowie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fucking wigs. Fuckin' A, this would be so awesome if not for that idiotic cotton candy carnival-looking wigs.

>> No.6295038


99% of taobao shops don't do custom designs

Oo Jia's team can make literally any design