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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 46 KB, 518x344, woeisher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6286794 No.6286794[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who wants to bet PT's mom pays her bills for her

>> No.6286799

Umm, you have an inflammation of the lining around your lungs.

>> No.6286803

Her recent tweets have been a whole like 'sperging and whining. Maybe because she didn't get much in yesterday? Like, seriously...why the fuck does it matter if a song called "The Rising Sun" is referring to New Orleans. And yes, her mom pays her bills. Her mom had threatened her that if she dyed her hair black she wouldn't pay for them. I somehow doubt her mom is serious about her threats. Hence why PT doesn't learn.

>> No.6286811

What's up with her new pictures on Facebook? The side one is incredibly unflattering to her face.

>> No.6286812

>Sarah @pixyteri Wow she dyed her hair too?!?!

I wonder who 'she' is!

>> No.6286814

I swear to god this woman acts like she is 12.

Does anyone remember her saying she likes to pronounce cajun like k-asain because she liked how it sounded.

>> No.6286816

As much as it sucks to admit it, hospital and ER visits are insanely costly. I would also mention that people know this and don't think they can show up to the ER and expect to be treated to jell-o and think that service is going to come cheap.
Yet another reason I want PT's presidential endorsement released.

>> No.6286817

She doesn't care about politics or elections as they are not kawaii desu.

Shit sucks though, it's awful that ER visits are like that. She shouldn't have gone though, urgent care is a lot cheaper and I doubt it was an emergency.

>> No.6286819

get over it pt that's what happens when you go to the er with no insurance

>> No.6286821

Oh god... PT just stop. How old is she now, 30? And we all know her mom will be paying for this. Didn't she bitch her way out of having to pay her parents rent to stay at their house too?

I mean I live at home still too, but I pay $300 a month in rent, pay for my own phone bill, am paying my own way through college, pay for my insurence, transportation and I work three part time jobs.

I swear someone should make her a list of shitty retail jobs that offer decent benefits... because at this point retail's all she could probably do.

>> No.6286822

pleurisy is pretty painful but it takes a couple days to get to "i want to stop breathing" pain

urgent care would have def been a better choice but she's all about dramatics

>> No.6286826

Plus it she says she doesn't have health insurance, so it's going to cost more.
Really sucks though.

>> No.6286829

>Sarah @pixyteri I love "House of the Rising Sun" by Muse. Huh, didn't realize the song they were singing about was in New Orleans. .....Makes no sense.

Oh.. I was wondering why she'd even care about this, then I remembered JAPAN is referred to as the land of the rising sun... Jesus Christ PT.

>> No.6286833

>urgent care is a lot cheaper and I doubt it was an emergency

This so much. When I was at my previous job which had some pretty ballin health insurance, I still went to urgent care clinics if my regular dr. office was booked solid. Urgent care clinics imo are for times when you you feel like shit and don't want to wait for your regular office but it's not an OMFG DIRE EMURJUH-SEEEE. I never had any problems with the quality of service and visits without insurance were pretty reasonable too. I don't know why some people don't even think of them.

If she could hold a job long enough and work 30+ hrs a week, she probably could get insurance from her job. Is she still at Home Depot or wherever? Sorry, not totally up to date on PT's work situation.

>> No.6286850

That's where discussion about her belong.

>> No.6286855

My face. The expression I'm making hurts.

>> No.6286874
File: 724 KB, 2010x2810, 1348815470441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. It belongs here since she is a cosplayer. In fact, here you go; a pic of her cosplaying.
Btw, I never see you saying that in Jnig threads, yukapon threads, skin care threads, WAYWT threads, etc. etc.

>> No.6286881
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>> No.6286887
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>> No.6286893

In fact, she's probably more of a cosplayer than 85% of the people who go on this board.

>> No.6286897
File: 193 KB, 900x1260, kirino_kosaka_by_pixyteriyaki-d4arcza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6286901

quit being a baby, no one wants to go there.

>> No.6286905

LOL this is especially good since she's Cajun but hates it.

Casian, excuse me

>> No.6286906

I wonder why she has been going on a retard rant lately? it seems like she has been tarding a lot more then normal.

>> No.6286909

Maybe it was the stripper.

>> No.6286912

I wonder if the stripper dyed her hair Japanese black too.

>> No.6286917

I wonder which hair colour PT will have to hate on next if the stripper is no longer a hideous, ugly, big-breasted, skinny, tall redheaded bitch?

>> No.6286921

well the stripper will still be a "hideous, ugly, big-breasted, skinny, tall bitch". I trust PT will find another way to hate.

>> No.6286924


I love muse, but it's not even their song, they covered it.

It is a good version though.

>> No.6286927

I think PT is wanting to become store manager of Home Depot. I mean, she's a natural born leader! She doesn't realize that part of being a leader is having people who want you to lead them. Which is no one in her case.

>> No.6286928


OK I clearly am way too old to be here if I have to explain step-by-step an extremely well-known folk/60s pop song first to PT and then to you lot.

>> No.6286929


>@pixyteri Why SHOULDN'T I at least apply for a better paying position with Home Depot? I'm skilled, have 6 years retail experience...!!

>I'm a natural leader; you can't just tell me to sit at the sidelines and not be productive and do "busy work"

I can't imagine her being in charge of anyone. Everyone would quit

>> No.6286934


Also new orleans is mentioned in the first line of the fucking song.

>> No.6286933

I was in a similar mindset as PT- thinking I was exactly like an anime character or making ridiculous connections to myself and the Japanese, but I grew out of it at around 15. I can't believe how immature she still is..

>my last name is French, French Indochina existed, that totally connects me to Asians desu!

>> No.6286940


...I just said it's not their song? Can't you read?

>> No.6286946
File: 205 KB, 960x960, 404167_10151114756866144_136952142_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pet peeve: using mascara and not getting the roots of your lashes.
All together, what a terrible picture of her face.

>> No.6286947

Dude my co-worker's 12 year old son got hit by a car and had to spend three nights in the hospital. His dad just got the bill. Want to know how much they're asking for? 144,000 USD and that's EXCLUDING the cost of his surgery, the ambulance ride and everything else. I'd say PT is pretty lucky.

>> No.6286953

That black hair is not doing her any favors, where is she posting her new pictures? on facebook?

>> No.6286957

She got that gobble gobble neck starting to form.

>> No.6286955

Samefag here. What the hell is going on with the corner of her mouth? It looks like it's all raw and shit.

>> No.6286958

why is her hair always so greasy?

>> No.6286963

in this picture her mouth reminds me of my grandma's

>> No.6286965
File: 20 KB, 513x333, 1349486022569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6286966

Well, she can apply I'm sure...doesn't mean she's going to get it. Oh god....I just realized one of my best friends works at Home Depot. I suddenly feel terrible.

But, my friend is a hardcore bitch so she'll be fine!!

>> No.6286967
File: 752 KB, 2048x1368, 133494_10151114757936144_1390318146_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Though there's only two. Here's the other...I'm assuming this is the Chinese blouse. It looks pretty hideous and that shit I see much older women wearing.

>> No.6286970

her hair needs some BODY

>> No.6286972

It's greasy and dry at the same time. A pretty amazing feat.

>> No.6286975

>>that shit I see much older women wearing.

I've already made up my mind that I'm going to rock that kind of shit when I'm old; complete with that rhinestone collar pin thing.

There will also be lots of leopard print and severely permed hair.

>> No.6286980

Omg that necklace, that background and chinese cheap looking shirt that she thinks is japanesey~.
She is on so many levels of retarded.

>> No.6286977


You are talking about Muse. Don't your ears work?

>> No.6286978

I'll admit that I thought it was about Japan too... but that was when I was like eight only knew the name of the song and didn't listen to lyrics like ever

>> No.6286981


If we considered PT our aging grandmother, everything she does could be considered endearing!

>> No.6286983

omg I keep looking at the picture and it bothers me so fucking much her shitty ass Claires necklace is all twisted up on her neck. It's not even laying down outside of the collar.

>> No.6286985

If /cgl/ is still around by that point, I expect to see pictures!

>> No.6286993
File: 327 KB, 1100x1600, IMG_1693-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even old cripple ladies dress better then PT. Don't bring yourself down to PT tier.

>> No.6287003
File: 80 KB, 435x640, 168222_373371366059799_1220385503_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on that advance style level.

>> No.6287004
File: 111 KB, 375x500, 2548811234_030c97ea83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She should cosplay as this :D

>> No.6287007

but then it wouldn't be a cosplay.
it would be... HER TRUE FORM

>> No.6287020

I thought she ordered something that was from China thougj?

>> No.6287023

Ebony White
Some girl who is face book friends with PT. I think that was the other girl in PT's older pictures

>> No.6287029

Well it looks fucking cheap and tacky.

>> No.6287030

>Ebony White
GDI Spoony...

>> No.6287035


Oh, if you're just being a music snob fuck off, I like Muse's version as well as the original.

>> No.6287038

>House of the Rising Sun
bet she don't know about the animals, nor the many many covers the traditional song has had.


>> No.6287043

>t know about the animals, nor the many many covers the traditional song has had.

She asked a million follow-up tweets... I'm starting to understand how playing up to her it completely exhausting.

>> No.6287044


hahahaha you are upset about this

>> No.6287054
File: 588 KB, 2291x3200, 1348850496653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey now buds, let's focus on what really matters.

>> No.6287065

What is she supposed to be?

>> No.6287068
File: 52 KB, 465x904, RydiaDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6287073


What´s up with its head?

>> No.6287080

PT always looks dead in the eyes in her pictures. Must be something she does on purpose.

>> No.6287101

I really really want to share another version of House of the Rising Sun.

Nina Simone is amazing. And the slow acoustic version remains the best..


>> No.6287104


144,000? wtf

>> No.6287112
File: 20 KB, 300x300, Sweating-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


After reading this post I suddenly became happy about the fact that I live in a country where I pay high as fuck taxes for universal health care

>> No.6287129

Okay, I've almost said this a few times in past threads but here I go (Even though I know I don't need to tell anyone HERE this, but it's still some interesting info) HER LAST NAME IS FUCKING CAJUN.

I am a French Canadian who was born and raised in Louisiana (Though now living back how in NB) there are Cajun Guilbeauxs, Guilbeauxs in France and Guilbeauxs in Quebec. They are ALL PRONOUNCED DIFFERENTLY.

How Sarah's family pronounces their last name is the CAJUN way to pronounce it and it's the farthest version from the actual french version.

Just some interesting info I guess.

>> No.6287150


I'm assuming that includes the inpatient stay. The surgery is sometimes a separate cost because too the doctors having their own billing/charges. And odds are, the surgeon was not the attending doctor.

An average "self pay" (non insured) visit to the ER runs anywhere from $2-6,000. Even then, most hospitals have financial counselors who's main purpose is to help those patients set up payment plans. They know people can't afford an up front payment, and still want to get paid. So they will work something out with the pt. the hospital where I'm employed has a financial assistance program which actually gives a discount just for being responsible and attempting to work out a payment plan.

I work with the billing dept in the ER, as well as advise patient access services throughout the hospital.

>> No.6287158

Yep. Stories like that aren't unheard of. Even a few days in a hospital can be incredibly expensive, especially if you need surgery. And without insurance, you're pretty much fucked.

Hell, my friend HAD health insurance, but I guess it didn't cover as much as her family had thought. When her appendix burst and she ended up in the hospital for nearly a month, even with insurance, the charges were so sky-high that they barely managed to evade bankruptcy.

>> No.6287164

>gobble gobble
I love that I'm not the only one that uses this

>> No.6287165

Like I said before... she's got the Joker mouth going on.

>> No.6287166

Why the hell is she getting into Chinese phase lately. I swear to god if she starts saying she's Chinese I'm going to have to smack some brains into her.

>> No.6287187

I guess the Japanese just aren't kě'ài enough anymore.

>> No.6287197

BUMP, bcuz I enjoy the drama

>> No.6287200

Holy fuck. I just realized I can't type for crap tonight. Sorry bout them typos....

Polite sage

>> No.6287205
File: 104 KB, 1024x683, ppp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a bad angle, but I like it because she is clothed

Everyone post your fav PT cosplays

>> No.6287228
File: 30 KB, 360x480, 9704-165031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish she would color her hair similar to this color. Tis pruddy

>> No.6287233

I feel so bad that she has neither a nice face nor an appealing body. She would only look good if she stood next to someone like Lily.

>> No.6287240

I've seen plenty of worse faces.

>> No.6287260

she won't. She did have hair closer to that color but she has some huge vendetta grude against some red head so now all red heads are evil slits out to take away all her potential boyfriends or something.

>> No.6287261
File: 248 KB, 680x1023, IMG_31882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6287264

I don't understand... who is she supposed to be?

>> No.6287267 [DELETED] 

I'm guessing a character from Bleach but I have no idea who.

>> No.6287269

I guess the troll face mask is because she's wearing an Ichigo wig and she has a bottle of Clorox "bleach"... I'm so confused

>> No.6287271


Kubo Tite, the author of Bleach. In the fandom he is often referred to as the ultimate troll because of his fucking nuts plot twists. It's a really shitty joke costume.

>> No.6287272

Tite Kubo, I believe. Apparently, he's a bit of troll with his manga or something.

>> No.6287270

I'm guessing a character from Bleach but I have no idea who.

>> No.6287303
File: 44 KB, 532x403, bunbunchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6287305

I hate the duckface, but she doesn't look too bad on the left.

>> No.6287316

I miss PT's long hair. I know a few didn't like it but I feel it looked better than her short hair. She could pull off the short hair if she styled it but she won't.

>> No.6287327
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>> No.6287336
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>> No.6287341

Oh Kai, why did you have to do that. =<

>> No.6287345
File: 1.29 MB, 158x129, 1335330772316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is that clam in between her legs?!

>> No.6287348


it's called fat vagina.

>> No.6287355
File: 321 KB, 743x578, 1325960477935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6287352

Meh, I was bored and going through my 4chan folder.

>> No.6287353
File: 30 KB, 300x300, 1335672951309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it doesn't even look like a vagina! It just looks like a V-shaped piece of fat with a laceration.

>> No.6287358

A giant Cloyster appeared between her legs.

>> No.6287359

'ey gaiz!

Let's take a look back. *bored again*


>> No.6287361
File: 289 KB, 531x800, 1322488391151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only pic of her I've got. Enjoy.

>> No.6287362

Dump more! <3

>> No.6287363


exactly... does an obese stomach look like a stomach?

>> No.6287364

It actually does so I don't know what the heck you're trying to get at.

>> No.6287374
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>> No.6287380
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Per request

>> No.6287378

Hahah I laughed so hard when she said her food turned out to be a bit burnt. No wonder her mother doesn't let her cook anymore.

>> No.6287383
File: 493 KB, 500x196, 1334984275234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you've got a point to make, then make it.

>> No.6287384
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>> No.6287382

I see her diploma on there and I kind of feel bad for her. She had so much potential! Or not.

>> No.6287386

is she thinner now?

>> No.6287385

PT reminds me of that chick Julia from Date Movie for some reason.

>> No.6287390

that's an old picture. If anything she's gotten much, much fatter.

>> No.6287392
File: 40 KB, 450x600, Imgp0148_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she had friends, she had hope for the future, she seemed happier..

>> No.6287393

the gif's meaning, as you are too retarded to comprehend, is "you're not worth it".

>> No.6287397

She went and got her passport so she could go to Japan and she looked so excited about it. And now it's 4 years later and she still hasn't gone. It's heartbreaking. Poor thing.

>> No.6287398

Exerpt from entry July 28,2008
>And....it's about to be my b-day. 30 minutes...and I'll be 23. Scary thought. *_* I'm honestly kinda fearful about the future..I'll be fine. I just gotta get a good paying job that I like better.

A part of me feels she should have been fearful of who she has become.

>> No.6287399

prove it

>> No.6287404

Shame. She'd look good with a light red-tone like that. It fits her very well.

>> No.6287405
File: 41 KB, 450x600, Imgp0147_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She looked s good here, red hair really suits her.

>> No.6287406
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>can't even make a proper sentence
>doesn't know how to point

To be honest, I'm not surprised.

>> No.6287413
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>> No.6287416

>I'm really nervous. I'm about to call VISD about a teaching internship I heard about, aka, a new full-time job for me. GAH nervous!!!! *_* Wish me luck ;_;

I wonder whatever happened with that. Was that when the substituting started then failed?

>> No.6287420
File: 134 KB, 680x1024, 1329407101908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6287423

why PT, why...

>> No.6287424

her eyes look really nice here :(

>> No.6287425
File: 43 KB, 393x599, Imgp0444-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6287430

Can somebody please convince her to go into Jet again? Ask her to delete her profile on ITIL or whatever JET forum she was on. Is there some way to take down an ED article? If that gets taken down and she had somebody thoroughly helping her with her application and statment of purpose, she might actually have a chance for her "dream job desu".

>> No.6287437

God, reading her old journals made me really sad. She seemed so happy, a bit weebish, but actually fucking happy. She used to put effort into shit. School, lolita/cosplay, her general appearance, cooking, basic life shit. What in the hell happened?!

Looking back on her and seeing her now, it's like she completely gave up and said, 'Fuck it!"

>> No.6287438
File: 24 KB, 321x450, Imgp1132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6287432

>New full-time job
>If I worked full time I wouldn't have time for my hobbies!


>> No.6287435

my favorite pt pose

>> No.6287441

She's not going to go though. She refuses to go because she knows how unmagical and how rejected she will be by people.

I think I heard an anon say that she has been offered by men that will pay for her ticket to go there, but has come up with excuses.

>> No.6287442
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>> No.6287446
File: 21 KB, 368x393, fuckitol_by_louiscypher67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad.

Guess she's taking too much of this.

>> No.6287449
File: 36 KB, 450x600, Imgp2549_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

* Name: Sarah Yukiko
* Birthdate: July 29
* Birthplace: Victoria, TX
* Nickname: Pixyteri, Sayu, Sarako, Suko (?)
* Blood Type: O
* Height: 157cm
* Hobby: Drawing, cosplay, lolita, video Games
* Special skill: Art, swimming, bicycle, fast typing, singing
* Strong point: Cheerful, smart, and I never give up!
* Weak point: Cursing, whapping my brothers, I'm a nightowl, spaces out
* Habit: Twirling my hair, taking naps
* Favorite color: Purple, pink, blue
* Favorite flower: Ajisai, sunflower, roses
* Disliked thing to do: Sew, run, some sports, being too curvy
* Scared of: Big dogs, bees, spiders, roller coasters
* Favorite movie: Disney movies, Ghibli series, "Ever After"
* Favorite book: Manga, Memoirs of a Geisha
* Favorite word: "Yume" (Dream)
* Favorite season: Spring or summer, they all have their good points! I like when it snows in Winter.
* Favorite food: Strawberries, mochi, rice, pizza, chocolate, pickles, edamame, sushi (Eel!)
* Least favorite food: Pork chops, sometimes beef, onions, peppers, tomatoes
* Favorite song: "Keep Tryin" by Utada Hikaru
* Charm point: Eyelashes and eyes
* Foreign Language: Learning Japanese

>> No.6287453


I would give up, too if I was almost 30 and in her position. She's probably depressed and has some kind of body/identity issues.

>> No.6287457

>>628I don't think those bangs fit her face well.
I think it's the bangs. I'm not sure.

>> No.6287461

I think she looks kinda good here, you know, minus the retarded face she is making.

>> No.6287462
File: 20 KB, 300x400, Imgp2852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6287467

cuz most of her face is covered

>> No.6287464

Why does she look good here?

>> No.6287469
File: 21 KB, 332x500, Pb170004_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babby PT

>> No.6287471

You're never too old for some things though. I'm 26 and barley about to get on my feet for a career after finally deciding on one.

I guess the differences between her and I is that I moved out to Victoria, and I have boyfriend that fully supports and encourages me. (Not meaning to brag, js)

Depending on other people for help is great, when it's the right kind like emotional support. She's too dependable and I think she's lost sight of what she wants to do with her life.

>*Strong point: and I never give up!

Looks like you did honey. Looks like you did. :/

>> No.6287474

It's just at the time those journals were written, things seemed be going well for her. She had just graduated college and seemed to be doing decent on the job front. I wonder if the getting rejected from JET did it? Though based on her forum posts it kinda seems she was headed into the crazy train she's currently riding, before her rejection.

>> No.6287475
File: 33 KB, 300x450, Imgp4146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 December 2010 @ 06:12 pm
Happy B-day Dad!
I Lol'd.

Today is my dad's birthday.

It's also Isshin Kurosaki's birthday (Bleach)

I LOL'D XDDD That man rocks.

We're about to go out to eat! Yay Chilli's!

>> No.6287472


Because A) she's smiling genuinely and B) she's not practically obese like she is now.

>> No.6287476

This is the cutest. She actually looks adorable.

>> No.6287477
File: 666 KB, 2042x2866, pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of her most recent ones.

>> No.6287480

Dat tiem she loved her Dad. :'(

>> No.6287478
File: 20 KB, 322x450, Imgp4142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting kind of sad looking through these.

>> No.6287484


Okay. I have never paid much attention to PT threads. I just randomly decided to read this one tonight. I don't know much about her, but reading this post just told me that she is from the same city that I live in. Does anyone have a link to her FB? I need to see if I have mutual friends with her. Also, does anyone know if she lives in Victoria?

My mind is blown.

>> No.6287483
File: 20 KB, 299x450, Img_0085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6287485

oh man

>21 June 2011 @ 04:44 pm

I'm depressed...I don't think I'll ever be worthy to go to Japan.

All I'll ever be is a fat, disgusting woman. I can't even fit in a certain size pants that were ordered for me. No matter what I do, I can't get to the size I want to be. And someone says it's because "They are made overseas and everyone is tiny over there"

If that's the case I should just..give up. If I'll never be tiny...why even try? I can't succeed in losing weight, in cosplay, even in having friends or having a boyfriend.

Japan's just a dream.

>> No.6287486

yes, she does live in Victoria. Are you new here...?

>> No.6287487

Oh she does. I'm a Vicfag and was friends with her at one point in time,

>> No.6287489
File: 621 KB, 1552x1397, pt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6287490
File: 253 KB, 680x1023, DSCN0043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6287493

I just told you, I have never paid attention to these threads. At any point in time.

I cannot grasp the concept of someone else from Vic being a seagull. WHY ARENT YOU AT BOOTFEST.

>> No.6287494


>> No.6287496

That's from a year ago. She's still having the same issues. You'd think at some point she sit there and actually evaluate her life and wonder what she's doing wrong. Instead, she'd rather run away from her problems and expect everything to be handed to her without putting forth effort.

>> No.6287497

Oh, should have stated: ex-Vicfag

Living in Austin nao.

>> No.6287498

I reached the end

>27 July 2011 @ 05:09 pm
I want to die..

I'm sorry for always being a disgrace. For being an embarassment to be with..

I'm sorry for making ugly expressions, for not having a perfect body, for not having the time to practice dancing to my full potential, for just wanting to be me. No matter how hard I work, I know it'll be the same and I'll just be laughed at.

The maid cafe thing is probably a troll. My next photosets coming up, who cares. A simple cheap lolita dress? HAHA laughable.

Who wants to be seen with someone like me? I ....need to go to work now..

>> No.6287500
File: 78 KB, 434x345, runninrhino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6287503

It looks like what a grandma wears when she wants to look flashy while playing the slots at the casino.

>> No.6287507

Ahh everyone migrates to Austin from here. I'm moving to Houston soon.

>> No.6287506

dammit pt, stop it!

>> No.6287508
File: 678 KB, 828x507, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well this is depressing

>> No.6287509

I would love to hang out with PT. Not to make fun of her. I think laughing at her has gone on long enough. I would really love to try and help her, despite many people already trying and failing. If I lived near her I'd give it a shot.

>> No.6287510
File: 11 KB, 262x291, 1300614976410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't have insurance
>calling other people idiots


>> No.6287515

How much you want to bet she still tries to fit herself into that dress? Those poor seams...

>> No.6287513


Okay, that picture is actually cute.

>> No.6287520

Any way to get out of that hellhole man. I was planning to go to Houston but, idk. Austin just felt more welcoming than Houston to me. I know I'm probably horrible for saying that since I have family in Houston but dat feels.

>> No.6287521
File: 42 KB, 600x450, 1940_44163266143_8632_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks so pretty too.

>> No.6287524

What's depressing?
I see her shooped on the left and not on the

>> No.6287522
File: 22 KB, 500x375, Img_1296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the famous Daifuku!

>> No.6287523

Austin is shit and Houston is shit.

Dallas is the only good city in Texas to live in.

>> No.6287525

Woah, woah, what? Where are you getting your info son? It's the opposite. People from Houston move to Austin.

>> No.6287527

Austin is cool man; it's only problem is now that the new generation of hipsters have made it into a unsociable mess. Seriously, everyone has their own little clique groups now.

>> No.6287529
File: 98 KB, 828x507, bored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you PT, for being my model.
Just testing out my new tablet, ignore me..
I got carried away.

>> No.6287530

I prefer the greenery. I hear Dallas is nothing but concrete highways. No thanks.

>> No.6287531

No it's not. It's horrible and shitty. Such a grimy looking and unkempt city. You'd think the capital of the state wouldn't look like some Mexican slum.

>> No.6287532

hey T-fags stop. We are talking about our Queen

>> No.6287533
File: 2 KB, 125x82, lolshinji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>* Disliked thing to do: Sew, run, some sports, being too curvy
>being too curvy

>> No.6287536

Dude, what? Austin is incredibly clean. Especially so with all the fucking parks everywhere. I'm beginning to doubt you've even been to Austin, or have just been some really, really shitty side of it. Hell, even 6th Street has been kept a lot cleaner lately.

>> No.6287534
File: 557 KB, 480x640, 134892075581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6287535

Which lives in our grand state so fuck off.

>> No.6287537

lol, Don't mess with Texas.
Butthurt much?

>> No.6287538

Fuck off, Texbros are talking now.

>> No.6287541

It looks horrible and gross. People who get used to living in filth will never see the filth they are living in.

>> No.6287550

Can you give some examples? I'm not even wanting to disagree with you, I'm just generally curious what you believe to be gross there.

>> No.6287548

The only people who are butthurt about Texas are people who aren't from there and Californians.

>> No.6287549

I am wondering where you've been too. It's so clean here. I know Victoria is not much to compare too, but Houston didn't feel very clean to me either.

Whoa! I JUST noticed that! Things change I guess. She must've given that up hardcore. Yikes.

>> No.6287554
File: 641 KB, 537x835, So whats your favorite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wat? people not from texas and Californians? how is the latter different from the former.

>> No.6287558

Houston is a nigger swamp. It shouldn't even be brought up in a civilized conversation.

I diddled around UT three years ago and commonly pass through on 35. It looks so dingy and dirty to me.

>> No.6287556

Second...though I kind of disagree.

>> No.6287559

Cause Californians aren't people.

>> No.6287560
File: 47 KB, 472x567, $(KGrHqN,!o8E9dBIm4phBP,VIP2cQg~~60_3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She actually just ordered some more off ebay recently for $11.95. Also pic related. I wonder if it was for some photos.

>> No.6287564
File: 30 KB, 240x320, ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6287567
File: 278 KB, 241x325, 1329359550029.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to sleep. I'm going to leave you seagulls with this

>> No.6287568
File: 6 KB, 252x239, 1336345346208s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anon. That was my dinner that fell out of my mouth and onto my keyboard.

>> No.6287578

She would hate you.
and say things like " i don't need your help i am a sexy curvy asian women and i got it all goin on, just because im not getting along with my family well you have no place to tell me what to do! BLOCKED"

>> No.6287582

...That's like the edge of town bro...As for UT, it's the area around it has been heavily under construction for the past four years. Of course it doesn't look the best.

>> No.6287588

>excuses, excuses

It's still a disgusting looking city.

>> No.6287591

what tablet you got?

>> No.6287592

Those aren't excuses, those are just facts man. Come on, be honest now, you've never really been to Austin have you?

>> No.6287594

If I've diddled around UT for school then yes, I have been there. I'm not going to drive around the entire city for shits and giggles.

It's a gross city. Get over it.

>> No.6287599 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 316x321, 1331870243467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steers and queers gaiz.

>> No.6287600

>diddled around UT for school
What does that even mean? Did you actually attend or what?
>I'm not going to drive around the entire city for shits and giggles.
So basically you just holed yourself up somewhere the entire time you were here; good to know.

>> No.6287602
File: 172 KB, 588x575, 1319676794217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow. think that up all by yourself?

>mfw its totally true.

>> No.6287604

>Doesn't know about visiting schools

Just accept your city is a shitty city. It's not the bottom of the boot, like Houston, but it's still shit.

>> No.6287607

I'm terrified and amused; terrified because that looks like my father and amused because wtf is going on there.

>> No.6287608

>stayed for a limited amount of time visiting UT
>thinks he can come up with a fair assessment of the city

Ahahahaha, okay man, whatever you say.

>> No.6287610

So basically you didn't go anywhere or do anything or see anything are just shitposting to validate your own living standards to yourself. You must be a fucking joy to travel with.

>> No.6287611

I've been waiting all my life to use that pic.

>> No.6287612
File: 69 KB, 360x267, 1331692486310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks you have to waste time and gas trying to like filth

>> No.6287618
File: 43 KB, 640x480, 1332884735441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I throw my hate for places onto other people

>> No.6287615

I love Austin. I'd never live there but I like to visit occasionally.

>> No.6287619

>repeating the same line repeatedly
>can't come up with a conclusive argument or an objective opinion as to why it's bad

You're like the definition of a shitposter.

>> No.6287629
File: 31 KB, 224x310, T2989wXgXbXXXXXXXX_!!123745957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys just imagine what she could look like with a lot of work. and if she was about 10 years younger.

>> No.6287628

It feels grimy and gross to me. But I figured by me repeating the same thing, you'd realize that maybe some people just don't like certain cities.

The special crowd on tonight?

>> No.6287641

Some people just don't like when others talk shit about their hometown. It's just a pride thing, I guess.

>> No.6287642

Some shit called vistablet.
family member gave it to me, so I've been experimenting with it some.

>> No.6287650

...is PT Canadian

>> No.6287658
File: 335 KB, 499x323, 1054746387896.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6287657

no she's japanese duh

>> No.6287659

She Japanese-American. She rive in Victoria, Texas where cowboy roam. Why you dishonor Queen? Why you no read thread. Chird what you doing?

>> No.6287671

going through this thread is like reading a bad end of a VN. starts out stupid but happy, not achieving goals lowers the morale, dumb decisions lead to further discouragement, and so on until all that's left is a sense of impending doom.

>> No.6287678


iiiya sempai~~ not there~~

>> No.6287700
File: 279 KB, 680x1024, ptloveee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uguuu~ I'm ready for my punishment sensei!
horrible sketch. Ignore.

>> No.6287726

I'm the anon that didn't realize PT lived in her home-town...just back from running out to get a bite to eat and wanting to apologize for derailing the fuck out of this thread into an ATX v. Houston thread.

kai if you're still here i just want to say I love Austin but the reason I'm moving to Houston instead is because while I grew up here in Vic, I actually moved to Houston and went to high school there and then came back. I find that city is actually an acquired taste for most Texans that aren't from there and I've already acquired it and love my city! I can't wait to be home and out of this shit hole Victoria. Fuck.

>> No.6287780

...Houston smells funny..

And don't try to say it doesn't because we ALLLLL know it does.

>> No.6287783


Holy shit, I don't know what it is but it's like the moment you slip past the Woodland's bubble everything reeks.

>> No.6287792

I think you guys are just thinking about Pasadena. Even us Houstonians call it Stinkadena.

>> No.6287794

No, Houston has a fucked smell to it. You "Houstonians" are used to your funk.

>> No.6287795

actually I'm a Houstonian that lives in Victoria. I now rarely get a chance to visit home. I would notice a funk.

>> No.6287796

The damned city has a funk to it. Swamp gas mixed with the smell of shame and bad drivers.

>> No.6287815

Getting away from the city stench issue, I remember someone saying something about PT having lived out of her parent's house for a short time in the past and it being a disaster. Anyone got further details to confirm or deny?

>> No.6287818

In her first college years she lived with her boyfriend Matt, but when they broke up, she moved back in with her parents.

>> No.6287819
File: 924 KB, 495x747, naturalenvironment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She shops her head bigger in photos to look less fat. Compare any of her "photoshoots" to my pic.

The problem is, once someone goes in to try and edit her body down to a smaller size, her head becomes gigantic and then her secret is known.

>> No.6287821

is that really true? how do people know she has been shooping her head bigger? and that PT just doesnt have a big retarded water head.

>> No.6287824

I love that wig. I think she'd look great with a chocolate brown color dye job. That blue black she has doesn't look good one anyone.

>> No.6287825
File: 16 KB, 408x309, RIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I thought those were arm holes.

>> No.6287826


>> No.6287827

She would never look like that.

Even at her thinnest her body is a train wreck. She'd need plastic surgery.

>> No.6287830
File: 1.86 MB, 1107x1120, poop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare the size of her head in all these photos.

Look at stuff like her hands, her shoulders, etc. Her head is giant in some and not in others. Yes she gained a lot of weight in the past few years, but not in her head.

Look at the cheerleader, Lol.

>> No.6287831

Dems be TITTY HOLEZ. Think of them flap jacks flappin in the wind.

>> No.6287833

It's time for them to shine.

>> No.6287836

I wonder if she'll release those pics. She's hinted about having done some gravure photo shoots since her return and with her recent tweets of a possible new DA account...

Is your body ready, seagulls? Are you ready for the absolute raw sex appeal of the Queen?

>> No.6287843


I wonder where she will post them. They go against the rules of DA. I'm guessing they'll be candid shots to attract a possible Japanese husband.

>> No.6287846

I want that shirt...
Feels bad...

>> No.6287847

I want her to go back to her roots and model that sexy watermelon dress from Yandy.

>> No.6287853

Maybe she's trying to win James back?
>I'm a sekushii nurse-chan, let me fixxu our (non-existent) rerationshippu James-kun~

>> No.6287856

I doubt it, she has done sexy nurse before.

>> No.6287857


She's talking about me, though I'm not sure why since we barely talk online and she was supposed to be pissed about me chastising her on her ignorance surrounding the history of Japanese war crimes and the war between the Korea's.

>> No.6287861

Korea is not kawaii enough for pt?

>> No.6287866
File: 61 KB, 500x375, pixyteri kawaii schoolgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so embarrassed for her and her family.

On the flipside, I REALLY want her to do some more dancing videos.

>> No.6287874

I love that all of those girls are kind of ugly with nasty hair and shitty tans and Sarah STILL looks the worst out of the bunch. Oh, Sarah.

>> No.6287883

fuckall ya'll niggas who think PT's fatness is a problem. There are fat cosplayers and they make it work. PT is tarded because she tires to hard to be loved. She literally goes out of her way and ends up making it worse for herself. What I cant stand about PT is she is given good advice about chaing her life for hte better and she ignores it. She will never b a better person because she is stubborn. I I think thats why you all obsesse over her.

>> No.6287958

It's obviously causing her health problems now. Even her doctor wants her to lose weight.

We obsess because she is our Quenn, our lolcow.
We hate because she doesn't listen and continues to make mistakes. It's like a really good soap opera.

>> No.6287967

ER visit? who is this stupid cunt? Fucking americans shouldn't complain if they eat like shit, don't exercise and have a stagnant and decaying spirituality.

I don't even know why I'm posting this, this is the first and probably last time I will come to this board. I have never seen a bigger group of fucking rejects and idiots outside of /b/

>> No.6287981

Why even come to 4chan at all? derpychan

>> No.6287983

going through her more recent sales post, she sold a sweater with hiragana on it and she couldn't even read it

has she been studying at all? does she even study?

>> No.6287984

romanized Japanese I am guessing

>> No.6287990

after all these years she can only read romaji? ouch

>> No.6288006
File: 56 KB, 500x336, auntie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I'm older I'm going to have swag like pic related. Except I'll be an old white lady and not a gyaru model in a costume.

>> No.6288017

For her defense, she was actually curvy back then, now she's just obese.

>> No.6288019
File: 175 KB, 1440x1440, Pixyteri_Glory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this pic

Guys, I have a ton of her nudes, post or not post?

>> No.6288020

I don't know, it might get this thread deleted faster and it's not like anyone actually wants to see that...

>> No.6288034

do it you know you want to

>> No.6288035


If they're new nudes, post away.
If not then don't bother since we've all likely seen them anyway.

>> No.6288038

Went to bed when you replied.

I don't have too much of an issue with Houston, but I just don't know why I can't feel comfortable enough to live there. I go there to visit my family though....at least try at this point. Need new tires on mah car.

>> No.6288053

There's a guy on /cwc/ claiming that he fucks pt may be its for him

>> No.6288054

Post them to her ED if they're not already there.

>> No.6288055

I lived in Austin for 3 years and it is not what I would call clean. Hobos everywhere, older buildings that look like they need to be torn down or at least painted, and anything north of 183 is just nasty.

I loved living in Austin, but it's not perfect. They value their originality too much to actually attempt to fix any of the problems in the city. The infrastructure desperately needs to be expanded, but to do that some of the businesses along the highway would have to be bought and torn down. They also market themselves as a mecca for the homeless. They have laws in place to protect the "drifter culture"
Fuck that bullshit.

sage because no PT

>> No.6288058

LOL are you kidding me? No wonder you think it's so wonderful, you've never been east on 35. Shut up until you know about all of Austin, not just Hyde Park and South Congress.

>> No.6288079
File: 19 KB, 337x450, skinny bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/'s ideal body type.

>> No.6288089
File: 26 KB, 281x650, 1275065060258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not new, posting them anyway since I have nothing better to do

WARNING! Eyebleach may be required after viewing these NSFW images.

>unmercifull viieup

>> No.6288091
File: 33 KB, 359x650, 1275432088983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6288093
File: 26 KB, 204x650, 1280331145319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6288095
File: 31 KB, 241x650, 1281855793528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6288094

>a fat girl made this post
>love, /fit/

>> No.6288096
File: 37 KB, 290x650, 1281855884651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6288097
File: 39 KB, 259x800, 1281856031268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6288098

I know she may be shopping but, as far as waist goes, she doesn't look too bad here.

>> No.6288101
File: 38 KB, 600x419, 1281856270280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6288102
File: 153 KB, 353x624, 1305833909164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6288103

>acknowledge the fact that PT is overweight

>> No.6288104
File: 40 KB, 450x600, 1309352749832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6288105
File: 45 KB, 580x315, pictures-of-different-bmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those nudes
She doesn't look that fat. Now I'm a bit concerned myself though, my BMI is 21 and I look like a 26.

>> No.6288108
File: 55 KB, 440x580, 1320689980298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6288109
File: 26 KB, 600x272, 1320690038732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are all old, she's a lot fatter now

>> No.6288112
File: 46 KB, 252x600, 1320690204009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6288113
File: 40 KB, 378x552, 1323292566670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6288119
File: 356 KB, 593x1300, 1320625747306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's a few "bonus" pics

>> No.6288120

Well, I remember reading on one of her LJ posts that she weight about 172 once. She's still over weight for 5'2". Actually at that weight she's considered obese.

For a healthy BMI she would need to be between 101 & 136

If she's 137lbs 163 she's overweight. Anywhere above 164lbs she's obese, which I wouldn't doubt she is right now.

>> No.6288123


BMI is rarely ever accurate, and that chart isn't taking height into account either.

>> No.6288124
File: 370 KB, 500x667, 1290533900670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do I even have these saved

>> No.6288126
File: 62 KB, 821x616, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn why does she always make that thing with her lips it looks awful !! she always have that shitty expression ! it's not ''kawaiiii desu''

>> No.6288129
File: 401 KB, 1550x2006, 1319762626726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all I had, if anyone else has more, feel free to post them

>> No.6288130

>I'd like to klnow that myself...ugh...

>> No.6288132
File: 77 KB, 600x507, 134906798116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old picture of PT's parents

>> No.6288137

PT's mom looks kinda cute here, actually

>> No.6288143

She looks so much like her Mom too. Least in the face but she's got her Dad's chin.

Least we all know she's a natural brunette.

>> No.6288152

holy shit she has the same birthday as me, is teh same height as me and she lives in teh same state, i'm fucked.

>> No.6288156

Especially bad since you don't even have to study for that. If you can pronounce Japanese, any idiot can read romaji.

>> No.6288169

She has been typing in Kanji though hasn't she?

>> No.6288175

Wow, cute looking couple.

>> No.6288182


>> No.6288213

Keeps sending them to potential fuck buddies, only to have them posted to /cgl/ and ED.

>> No.6288226

Her mom used to be cute! What happened?

>> No.6288240

Tanning, being fat and time most likely. She also has to be pretty old since PT is 27 and has two older brothers.

>> No.6288278
File: 347 KB, 200x262, 1329359687892.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6288310

I hate the clash of colors going on there...that red, that blue, that pink, then the stupid cheap necklace...

>> No.6288390

She needs makeup on. Her face is so plain looking.

>> No.6288438
File: 70 KB, 337x450, 1312452902513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6288449

when I look it says the feedback is private. how are you seeing it?

>> No.6288466
File: 49 KB, 478x720, 134906802996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6288554
File: 98 KB, 480x720, 134922604335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6288597

Lol at that everytime.

>> No.6288601

Is PT slightly deformed? I noticed she has T-Rex arms but I'm not sure if it's just from her being fat or if her are just that short.

>> No.6288620

first glance I thought it was real

>> No.6288635


I think it just look that way because she's so short + big head + obese.

>> No.6288734
File: 26 KB, 349x650, Dscn0740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6288769

she looks like she has a Cee Lo Green thing going on. Her arms are so stubby.

>> No.6288802

Wait, who's this stripper of which you speak?

>> No.6288908

The chick that her ex(?)-fuckbuddy Kris is lusting after or dating. PT's mad because he'd rather jerk it to a stripper than fuck her jiggjly, yeasty vag pocket.

>> No.6288990
File: 71 KB, 640x640, hakama-graduation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly? This isn't that bad. She did a decent job on the kitsuke, it's just the kimono isn't tied down enough. If she had padded herself down to flatten her boobs, it would actually be quite good.

>> No.6289024

well pixyteri i'd love to see more nudes, i'd alsole love to push my penis right in your stinker, any corsets? like to see that!!

>> No.6289030

>I love "House of the Rising Sun" by Muse. Huh, didn't realize the song they were singing about was in New Orleans. .....Makes no sense.

>23 h J Scopes @vsfoxhound @pixyteri because it's not their song :|

>22 h Sarah @pixyteri @vsfoxhound well excuse me asshole for not knowing.

Could someone explain to me if he was rude in any way? English is not my first language, so I'm not sure.

>> No.6289031
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>> No.6289098

I think you/anyone would have a legit chance to sleep with her

>> No.6289139

He was just correcting her. PT just hates hearing that she's wrong about anything and takes it as a personal attack.

>> No.6289170
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Looking through her old photos and then looking at her now is just really depressing.

>> No.6289199
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>> No.6289208
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>> No.6289215
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>11 July 2008 @ 04:51 pm
Passport + other stuff

So, the world is now within my grasp. At least, that's what the little brochure that came with my passport says.

Now I can go to Japan one day, I got the passport issue knocked out.

Yeah, fear this mofo with cute red nails XD

>> No.6289232

Reading shit like this, made me really pity her. She seemed so upbeat and positive (if at times a bit bitchy) back then. Sorta wondered what happened to her to get her to the point of that.

>> No.6289269
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9:58 AM - 15 Aug 12
Books I purchased recently. A girl has to study, you know! pic.twitter.com/5foTqGyZ

>> No.6289286

New thread >>6289223

>> No.6289397

Even with that serious face, she looks pretty cute here. LONG HAIR LOOKS BETTER.