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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6284139 No.6284139[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else watch last night's episode and think of /cgl/ and tumblr?

>> No.6284142

Is that June and Honey Boo Boo? That is gold.

>> No.6284145

Is it streamed anywhere online? I saw that promo image and really wished I had that station.

>> No.6284150

Here ya go:

It was pretty funny OP. Whenever I see Honey Boo Boo I always think she's screaming inside for an actual childhood.

>> No.6284154

it's also available in hd on the official south park website. southparkstudios.com

>> No.6284166

I can't believe the Wii episodes happened six years ago, time sure does fly

>> No.6284167
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>6 years ago
Jesus christ

>> No.6284180


>> No.6284184
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>> No.6284191

You know, every time I see Honey Boo Boo, I honestly expect her to do the truffle shuffle.

>> No.6284195


>> No.6284826


> Not available in Canada

Jesus Christ, Trey and Matt.

>> No.6284864 [DELETED] 

"No I want dat piggy's heart! It looked at me funny!"

I haven't watched honey boo boo child yet but, this made me want to watch this train wreck even more.

>> No.6284987

Is this PT and her mom?

>> No.6285003

Unpopular opinion: I think Honey Boo Boo is kind of cute in a deranged fat little kid sort of way and I don't think there's anything really wrong with her family.

>> No.6285013

I thought the same thing though. When they showed her on toddlers and tiaras I thought she was pretty endearing.
She's pretty full of personality for a little girl.

>> No.6285032

I think Honey Boo Boo is fine on her own, but her mom is just in it for the money and fame. Sort of like Venus's mom except cripplingly ugly and white trash

>> No.6285037

You can tell her mom has issues for sure, just seems to me like she doesn't pay a lot of attention to any of her other kids. You got that one who's a teenager and pregnant, then the other who seems emotionally cut off and introverted. The only one in the spotlight is Honey Boo Boo and I'm sure that has an effect on her siblings.
And does the mom care? No, just wants to cash in her family for some money so she can build up her "super couponing" hoard of spaghetti, toilet paper, and cheese balls. It's ridiculous.

But I find nothing inherently wrong with the kids, their more erratic behavior is just a product of their negligent mom.

>> No.6285061

At this point, you can't blame the kid. She's 4 and really has know way of knowing any better, if she hasn't been taught any better nor has a good role model.

I kind of question the moms who subject their kids to reality tv. It's one thing for you personally to make a fool out of yourself or make a permanent image on tv, but it's another to do it to a kid. A kid that could be bullied (due to jealousy or due to making fun of them for something), taken advantage of, or a kid who most likely will never see a cent of any profits (if any) that come from them being on tv/ appearances/etc. Plus there is the whole body image/self esteem issue.

>> No.6285062

I think the other kids might feel kind of out of place to Alana because they have different fathers, and Alanas is the one who's raising the family etc. Idk that's just my opinion, but I DO love that family! They're hilarious and just wanna have a good life.

>> No.6285073

With what everyone else is saying. I like how Honey Boo Boo is weird in a cute way and she seems like she has a fun personality. I even like her dad. He seems like an okay guy despite the fact that he's really into cooking roadkill. The whole family in general seems okay except for The Human Thumb known as the mother. And the second youngest Pumpkin. I don't know what it is about her that pisses me off so badly, but I can't fucking stand her.

>> No.6285080


>> No.6285081


She's 7

>> No.6285086


> Not liking Pumpkin

Holy shit nigger what the fuck are you doing.

Pumpkin is the best god damn person on that show. She's like 90% of the reason to watch.

>> No.6285100
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>> No.6285111
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I like how /cgl/ ignores the topic of the whole fucking episode which is how obesity is fucking stupid as hell ( an issue that pro fat movement members on /cgl/ constantly get butthurt about).

>> No.6285119

I don't think that's really an unpopular opinion.

What I've been getting from all over the internet is that they like HBB, and her crazy redneck family, but never has it been more apparent that TLC actively tries to demonize the very people they put on their show.

If anything, people are loving that the show is on a certain level, actual reality (I think we all assumed this is what much of the South is like), but other than the beauty pageant shit, the family isn't full of horrible, cruel people like most reality shows.

>> No.6285120

Pick one.

>> No.6285122

I don't deny that her antics are entertaining. I thought it was hilarious when she was standing in an empty grocery cart in the Piggly Wiggly and fell on her ass. It was like a 6th grade version of Jackass.

At the same time, I realize that if I had to spend any time around or near her, I would hate it.

I think it was the way she treated the etiquette teacher that did it. I tutor in reading and English to make extra cash and have to put up with kids like that on a near-constant basis. It really sucks to be continually disrespected and treated like shit when I'm just trying to do my job and and give them some help.

Either way, I see her as an obnoxious little tryhard now. Still entertaining, but like I said, I would never want to meet her in person.

>> No.6285127


>> No.6285130

>pro fat movement
Is this your first day here?

There are fatasses who try to defend their fatness (there's one chick in particular who needs to hurry up and get a trip so I can block her), but it's definitely not encouraged here.

Did you assume because this is the girl board we all support each other or something?

>> No.6285133

>implying that's the only side to it and that they weren't picking on media sensationalism and 'culture,' and the shitty ways people try to pull attention to the 'obesity epidemic.'

>> No.6285135
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>> No.6285154
File: 350 KB, 500x344, pffft hah hah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/ is on a roll tonight.

I personally was reminded of tumblr moreso than /cgl/. Cartman's little bitch fit on being victimized for being obese sounds an awful lot like the typical things you hear from the pro-fat folk.


>> No.6285162
File: 30 KB, 398x241, girls_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the idea of supporting each other on here

>> No.6285169

>(there's one chick in particular who needs to hurry up and get a trip so I can block her)
The one who always jumps right to smoking and cancer?

>> No.6285176

I definitely thought of tumblr and all the other fat acceptance bloggers who insist it's ok and even healthier to be the size of a house instead of within the normal and healthy range for one's age/height/build.

I will never understand the "fat acceptance" mentality. It's a lot less work and strain on your body if you keep yourself even keeled and moderately active and healthy rather than bouncing between extremes or sticking to one side of the field only e.g. eating disorders to lose weight v.s. saying "fuck self-control" and eating everything without regard and not taking care of yourself.

Definitely lost it when the s'ghetti wrastlin' scene started.

>> No.6285202

I think so. Her and the one who immediately goes into how it's not her fault and she can feel her ribcage so she obviously can't really be fat and shut up, you don't know what it's like and basically just ticking off all the boxes in a "Tumblr Fat Activist" bingo board. I thought she was a troll at first.

>> No.6285210

I really want them to do a Social Justice episode now that they've finally touched on the retardedness of "fat acceptance"

>> No.6285221


Actually laughed out loud at that one.

>> No.6285229

OP here. That's what made me think of tumblr, too.
I actually posted this thread right after seeing that part, not even waiting for the end of the episode.

>> No.6285549


>> No.6285566

I really don't understand "fat acceptance". Like I think it was Michelle Obama (on south park) who said
>Obesity is an epidemic but not a disease

And that was just fucking beautiful. Like more people need to accept THAT. No one cares for smokers who give themselves lung cancer, but people who eat themselves to death are all clear.

Where I live cigarette companies have to put warnings either in text or photo on their packaging showing what smoking does. I hope I live to see the day where junk food companies have to put photos of what your body looks like on the inside when you're morbidly obese.

>> No.6285571


I just realized that if it's like that, then why is the celebration of anorexia they claim to exist wrong? Are they holly little saints that, unlike everyone else (according to them), care about other people's health?

>> No.6285573

Thanks to my obese coworker and her desk full of sugar free candy, I know some sugar free candy has a bold disclaimer saying "THIS IS NOT A LOW CALORIE FOOD" on every individually wrapped piece. I don't believe she reads it though.

>> No.6285580

Because people like how anorexics look, but no one likes a fatty. It's literally just jealousy.

Anorexia kills less people than obesity, and anorexia is far harder to pass along than obesity.

No, people don't ever pay attention to that.
They see
>Low fat
>Fat free
>Low sodium
And ta-da that means eat as much as you fucking want. But no, that's not how it works.

>> No.6285586

Yeah, sugar-free stuff are made for diabetics. Usually the lack of sugar needs to be compensated with loads of fat. And fat-free food is still loaded with carbs most of the time.

The only way to go about a diet when you're THAT stupid is making the person eat only raw stuff (fruit, veggies, meat, eggs and milk and ONLY that) and even then I can still see how some of them could fuck that up.

And dieting is different from anorexia. The amount of actual anorexic people is quite small, considering all the power the "mean media" has.
AND considering how fat people are perceived as ugly, it's amazing how many obese people are out there.

>> No.6285591

I was talking to my boyfriend about those meal delivery programs, and he was like
>I don't think they're a good idea, they're basically like showing people they can't control themselves so they're just being force fed
And I was like... Yeah, that's the point.

A lot of people can't control themselves anymore, it's actual apart of human evolution and how it's basically stopped since we've become "civilized"
Before people would binge on food while they could to survive, surviving off of the binge for weeks without eating, or only eating a small amount every few days. Especially on high fat and really sugary foods. Instant energy, instant weight gain. That was essential. So the body was made to look past the sick feeling of being too full, to get used to it because it was good for you.

But then we got houses, and storage, fridges, chemicals, everything around us is so vastly different and advanced but we're nearly the exact same as we were hundreds of years ago. It's sad really.

>> No.6285603

That show is time machine. It is PT and her daughter.

>> No.6285622

Now only the few will evolve.
Maybe only the intelligent enough will evolve.
If you want to keep the human species going that means don't be a fat ass and keep moving. Eat the way you're supposed to eat, teach others to do so.
If a huge population decides to kill itself because they can't control their binge eating, then more earth-space for you.
And that in itself is also part of evolution. Survival of the fittest. Litteraly

>> No.6285641


You're positing that we're seeing an evolutionary split, then, where we'll see the fattest and dumbest of the species breed themselves out of genetic viability and die off?

>> No.6285646

A retarded fatass like HBB's mom has 6 children. One of them is already pregnant with some other redneck retard.

Whilst fit, intelligent and overall successfull people have a maximum of 2-3 children. If any at all, because more and more each year decide to focus on career/personal growth instead of family.

Yeah, I don't see the future generations becoming overall thinner and smarter, unless the goverment decides to get into eugenics.

>> No.6285667

Honey Boo Boo sounds like a character in Yogi Bear. I have no idea what the show actually is though.

>> No.6285684

What fat people don't understand is that why we're disgusted by the way they look IS related to their health. We are programmed evolutionarily to avoid undesirable things. We are programmed to be disgusted by the smell of feces, by the taste of certain foods that might harm us, or by people with whom mating would not produce offspring (like diseased people, disfigured people, or yes, fat people). In times of famine we experience a reversal of that programming because mating with the larger people makes our genes more likely to survive a new generation, but in times of surplus we gravitate towards the more fertile thinner people (barring people that are ill, which is why we are also disgusted by extreme thinness). Since we are currently in a time of surplus, it is healthier to be thin.

>> No.6285739

>If any at all, because more and more each year decide to focus on career/personal growth instead of family.
>Yeah, I don't see the future generations becoming overall thinner and smarter, unless the goverment decides to get into eugenics.

Kind of sounds like Idiocracy....

>> No.6285752

>continues to be fat forever yayy


>> No.6285767

This whole point (Not yours, person you're quoting) really irritates me. In the UK we pay for healthcare collectively with taxes. I'm not paying so that fatasses can eat themselves to bad health and waste money that could have gone into some kid's cancer treatment or something. Instead of having to reinforce MRI's machines, ambulances and other equipment, that money could go towards something useful. Sure, it's selfishly motivated but I do genuinely care.

>> No.6285773


>Honey Boo Boo sounds like BooBoo

Whoa, mind = fucking blown

>> No.6285814

You sound like a genuine idiot.

>> No.6286275

You sound fat.

>> No.6286346

This made me laugh more than it should have.

>> No.6286685
File: 892 KB, 1348x3750, comrade-makes-sketti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Honey Boo Boo... someone from /co/ tried making and eating sketti that her family actually eats:

Try not to be physically ill

>> No.6286696

We just need a 4chan cook book that features the most asinine recipes ever

>> No.6286697

I hadn't seen the sketti video before. Oh my god. How. What.

>> No.6287877

so, why are americans such inbred retards that they watch that shit?

>> No.6287892

Most will claim it's like watching a trainwreck in slow motion. It's horrible, awful and disgusting. Yet you can't look away. You're transfixed by the horrific display before you that you are compelled to see it through just to see how awful it will become. I'm just glad I don't have television anymore.

>> No.6287898

What a fucking pussy.
Ofcourse sketti is fucking gross and unhealthy, but vomiting all over? Pull yourself together man, youre just fucking gross for no reason.

>> No.6287906


It's because margarine isn't usually good for heating. Especially in a microwave. It might produce some very fowl odours and tastes if you get the wrong type.

Besides, it's healthier to actually use real butter (in moderation of course) than margarine.

>> No.6287915

I just dont understand why he needs to take pictures of his own vomit... I mean seriously

>> No.6287918

I think people just enjoy knowing that THEIR lives aren't as fucked-up in comparison to another person. Sorta like /cgl/ and their constant threads about PT (an aging, fat, crazy woman who has yet to accomplish anything worthwhile) or asherbee (a young, fat, untalented and whiny girl who has yet to accomplish anything). When you compare those two to yourself you can rest assured that your life isn't as fucked up as them.

So if the general public feels bad about themselves? Just tune into Jersey Shore or Honey Boo Boo. Those shows are meant to allow people to mock them. Reality show 'celebrities' aren't real celebrities.

>> No.6287930

If you don't understand why he needed to take a picture of his own vomit, then you don't understand how terrible the 'Sketti' was.

It was that bad

>> No.6292521

Also: are motorized wheelchairs really that easy to obtain?