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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 228 KB, 640x480, 1334096892352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6283373 No.6283373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone wearing lolita?

>> No.6283442

Aren't there like three of these threads already?

>> No.6283520

i want to smack that ASS!!!

>> No.6283542

I'm naked.

>> No.6283662
File: 783 KB, 1050x700, 1349204657802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6283832

not bad

>> No.6283856


>> No.6283873

Are there any pictures of you without so much eyeliner on?

>> No.6283884

This. Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.6284013

It's punk. You won't understand

>> No.6284018


>> No.6284023

didn't you post this in the last WAYWT thread? you look like a wombat

>> No.6284028

OP seriously. I swear there are three threads for WAYWT now.

>> No.6284040
File: 309 KB, 912x684, 1337476988771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6284045

Hi I like your tights

>> No.6284049

and two of them were autosaged. stop crying you piece of shit.

>> No.6284050

Why is it that these threads just reek of "im not really wearing this today- but this is the prettiest thing I own."

>> No.6284063

So angry anon.

>> No.6284065

damn u fine

>> No.6284066

I have to dress like a classy lady every day for my course.
I'm sure some of the girls here do dress like this on regular bases.

>> No.6284068

Why do you keep posting these threads?

This has nothing to do with cosplay or EGL. fuck off.

>> No.6284073

Because thats basically what this is.

>> No.6284077

For compliments and validation?

>> No.6284093
File: 243 KB, 640x480, 1348783255764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6284099

I'm sure some do. But I also feel that not ALL do (maybe 50/50) I mean, every person that posts their outfit- the fashion just the same thing over again. all of it looks like something from H & M /hipster or punk. I guess it'd be more believable if some people just show what they're REALLY wearing.

They just want to show /cgl/ their pretty clothes. Nothing wrong with that really.

>> No.6284116

Meh I just enjoy these threads because I like seeing what kind of stuff everyone wears here outside of cosplay and lolita. But lately these threads have been filled with trolls.

>> No.6284125
File: 155 KB, 320x283, 1349071981628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7/10 Would give the 'ol lickaroo.

i'm a guy btw

>> No.6284129


>> No.6284138
File: 35 KB, 557x672, bloopydoopydoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having to go to work is suffering

>> No.6284400

People on this board dress like shit.

>> No.6284407

>giving a fuck about what you wear


>> No.6284410

Case in point: you. Don't you have some selfposting to do? Go be a productive attention whore! Live up to your potential! It's already been at least 24 hours since you last posted that pic of yourself and Voldemort.

>> No.6284415
File: 5 KB, 200x200, 455101-alice_in_wonderland___quiet_bud_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she's pretty.

>> No.6284430

To the anons ripping on these girls. I dare you to post a picture of yourself. Triple dare you.

>> No.6284434 [DELETED] 
File: 797 KB, 3312x4146, IMG_93922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday, getting cold as a mothafuck. I'm five years old.

>> No.6284436
File: 127 KB, 799x1000, IMG_93922r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday, getting cold as a mothafuck. I'm five years old.

>> No.6284440

I think these threads are relevant since this board encompasses lolita (a fashion), cosplay (which includes making clothes), and general j-fashion, which a lot of people here wear/are interested in. Why all the rustled jimmies?

>> No.6284445

Yep. J-fashion right here.

>> No.6284450

>rustled jellies

>> No.6284453
File: 39 KB, 318x600, nopp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cold as fuck today.

>> No.6284459

You'd be way cuter if you didn't make tryhard expression in almost every pic.

>> No.6284462

Ahhhhhh you have the necklace I want. Your jacket is cute too. I wish you had taken the first picture standing straight though. you can't really see what is looks like in that pose.

>> No.6284465
File: 109 KB, 480x640, DSCF327923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leggings from lovelysally
a vintage blouse
with a polka dot zara sweater on top

>> No.6284472
File: 238 KB, 490x500, 1348990995416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like a young Johnny Depp..

>> No.6284469


>> No.6284470

cute but you're no kotakoti or charms

>> No.6284477

I think you should google
what a jew nose looks like
if anything she has a flat nose

>> No.6284475

hot mess.

>> No.6284478

Get in me, brah

>full homo

>> No.6284479

yeah, i couldn't get an angle where you could really see my necklace so i bent over awkwardly
thank goodness

>> No.6284487

It looks like the bridge is protruding in that pic, in addition to being fat at the tip. If that's not Jewish, what is?

>> No.6284489

do you even silhouette? i can't tell if this clothing is just cheap or doesn't fit you

>> No.6284491
File: 580 KB, 465x1400, wayw1-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wore this again, surprisingly comfy

>> No.6284493

Tell me those arent your real ears

>> No.6284496

Not bad. How tall are you?

>> No.6284497
File: 6 KB, 256x144, fp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alas they are, makes doing my hair a bitch

>> No.6284498
File: 183 KB, 400x221, 13492040339618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus there's a lot of butthurt in this thread today. Flan must be back.

>> No.6284514 [DELETED] 

can you tell me where you got that grey dress from? i love it

>> No.6284521

Tell me, what's it like being a hooker?

>> No.6284523

Behind all the cute floral kawaii uguu in you
I see a satisfied christian soccer mom. Is that weird?

>> No.6284524

Hmmm, i see what you're going for, but i think the shoes render this outfit entirely too infantile. You have a more mature face, so the effect is rather jarring. You should have worn a small heel. That would have added a level of subtle sophistication, and taken you out of 5 year old brat territory, and more into sweet princess dolly. Just my opinion, though.

>> No.6284529

Not a fan of your makeup, sorry. I feel like if you ran a flat iron through our hair you would look 10 times better. Everything is too shaggy and sloppy.

>> No.6284531
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, 24525424525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem mammies

>> No.6284533

Girl, what are you doing?

>> No.6284535

Hahaha I don't know but I love it.
I think you're right. I have really wanted some white heels for a while! I have a few bookmarked on TaoBao that I like, but haven't had the money for an order yet.

>> No.6284537

Trying too hard. Clearly you think you look like some sort of anime character.

>> No.6284543

What is your tumblr?

>> No.6284550

ummm this is kinda unremarkable, but its a cool outfit for just chilling, i guess.
really love the dress. its, like, slutty/nerd.
prettiest girl ive seen on /cgl/. im so jelly of your hair.
ambitious but falls flat.
i would lose the beads. too fussy.

>> No.6284553

lol, I've actually been getting that a lot recently. Thanks.


A little over 5'8.

>> No.6284555
File: 72 KB, 500x667, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just meh.
I absolutely dont have the legs for shorts but yolo.

>> No.6284556

This is a cute outfit, but i hate your hair color.

>> No.6284559


Is buying a majority of my clothes from H&M bad?
I have collection of casual dress pants and tees/ buttoned shirts.

>> No.6284562
File: 108 KB, 308x750, today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhhh, where is your coat from? i love it!
You are seriously so cute!

So this is me from earlier today. I got so many compliments on my dress which was nice.

>> No.6284563 [DELETED] 

not at all but thank you /cry

>> No.6284566

not at all but thank you /cry
liz lisa! you can get sort of similar ones on Taobao

>> No.6284571

Did you buy it at walmart?

>> No.6284574

Actually i got it from Target lel.

>> No.6284575 [DELETED] 
File: 241 KB, 471x356, Screen Shot 2011-12-04 at 11.05.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6284586
File: 113 KB, 768x1024, dinnere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have at it plebs.

>> No.6284601

Chola extreme. Now all you need to do is draw your eyebrows on.

>> No.6284614

wtf? how am i chola extreme? yeah im hispanic but that doesnt automatically make me a chola, you dumb racist bitch.

>> No.6284619

>look at me cry for attention by over-inflating everything!


>> No.6284620

Not a fan of the shirt

>> No.6284621

Maybe the kool-aid dye job?

>> No.6284624

Your thunder thighs are streching those shorts to full capacity.

>> No.6284627

Those boots are fugly and they make your legs look short.

>> No.6284630

Wtf are those socks and sandals? That shit looks whack, yo. Add to that your dark roots, nerdy glasses, and general asian-ness...groce.

>> No.6284631

CGL once again proving why they spend so much time in costume. Yawn.

>> No.6284635 [DELETED] 
File: 333 KB, 579x424, Screen Shot 2012-10-04 at 8.47.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your face remind me of sarah jessica parker

>> No.6284645

It's nothing to do with the fact you're a filthy spic. No, not at all - there's plenty of you people who don't like disgusting. Your shitty dye job, way to short shorts for how misshapen your legs are, and that ridiculous shirt knot are what make you look like a chola.

4/10 for making me reply.

>> No.6284650
File: 63 KB, 500x500, broke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're face is too long and ethnic looking, I wasn't gonna say anything but your acting like a dumb cunt, so...

>> No.6284654

Lol so true. /CGL/ likes to call everybody horseface, but this is one of those instances where its actually approriate.

>> No.6284658
File: 33 KB, 310x432, 1346119914949.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ethnic looking
.. So how does one change their ethnicity when it's clearly who they are?
Not chiming in on this drama, just this post here.

>> No.6284661

fair enough
um bitch, i use fucking revlon colorstay luminista, fuck off.
well thanks for that. as somebody recovering from an eating disorder you have filled me with confidence.
i think its just the angle?

>> No.6284664

Anon they are clearly trolling you.
No need to respond or get angry.

>> No.6284668

woooow, stay classy. ethnic looking? damn lol.
i have a pretty big head, yeah, but no way do i have horseface. my cheeks are too full for that.

>> No.6284670

All dat awkward, kawaii leg bending that girls do in outfit shots makes me scared. Especially on lookbook. I'm half expecting to see someone with one leg bent inhumanly wrong.

>> No.6284671

No, you do have a kind of busted face. I like the outfit though.

>> No.6284672

I mean, its not a bad thing. I personally think that despite your horeface, your shitty hair, and your bad attitude you are a very attractive girl. You have a pretty face. Having a horse face doesnt stop you being pretty.

>> No.6284674

he didn't tell her to bleach her skin and have plastic surgery, relax.

She just looks so typically hispanic, she can dress nicer and less pleb/typical and maybe do something with her heavy brows because too much hair on certain tan face looks weird/dirty.

I'm hispanic myself, so I know the haps.

>> No.6284676

Either you're laughing from trolling all these mother fuckers, or you are crying and on the verge of killing yourself since you look like the backside of a pig.

>> No.6284677

No matter what people say, everyone here wants you as waifu. Slim, nerdy and slutty. The whole package.

>> No.6284680

hmmm ok. i used to model, maybe you should tell all the photogs wo paid me good money to pose for them how busted i am?
thanks i guess, but horseface is like, the opposite of pretty. but i dont believe i have a horeface anyway i just have a biiig head, it runs in my family lol.

>> No.6284683

I'm not saying that.
I just found it odd that
Honestly, stop feeding the trolls and responding

>> No.6284687

You are so mad. And you type like a tumblr bitch. That alone is worse than your outfit, which doesn't look terrible, but I agree that the shorts aren't terribly flattering, both in color and cut. Your face is quite pretty, though. Don't see where the horseface comments are coming from.

>> No.6284689 [DELETED] 

so can you show us these professional photos?

>> No.6284690
File: 27 KB, 367x451, 134835934852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look! She's bringing out the modeling defense!

>she doesn't know that everybody and their mother used to model!

>> No.6284691

i dont touch my brows. i look weird with thinned out eyebrows and probably even more chola-like. full brows are in right now anyway. act like you know, puta.
im indifferent actually. just wanted to run my date night outfit by you fine people first, but you all decided to tell me i was too ethnic looking lol. oh well, gotta run.

>> No.6284692

I second losing the beads.
I think your ears are cute.
Different shoes, shorter heels I think would look better.
Other than that I think it looks nice.

>> No.6284693

what tomochiiko said.

>> No.6284694

>I used to Model
HA. Ok, where are your portfolio pictures? Because being a model's photographer myself, I can sure as fuck say that you 1.) Do not have the body type for it (oblong, disproportionate limbs and torso) 2.) you have very flat, undefined facial features with poor symmetry and a too long face.

I also deign to ask, why aren't you modeling anymore? And what company was it for?

>> No.6284695

Second on the shoe comment.

>> No.6284696 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 174x617, Screen Shot 2012-10-04 at 9.12.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6284697

I agree, those boots are definitely not helping. If you have short legs to begin with, it's a bad idea to wear different colored tights and shoes -- it creates a visible line (color blocking) and shortens your legs even more. Your outfit would've looked much better with black tights + black heels. You remind me of Zooey Deschanel though, so I like you tons, regardless.

You look cute and you have a body that could probably pull off a lot of different clothes. I don't know why you dress yourself up like this, as it doesn't do you any justice. It's like something a teenager would wear at her first clubbing experience.

>> No.6284698
File: 150 KB, 339x498, dinner2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok fuck, i changed. does this look ok? serious answers only please. im not responing to trolls anymore. and no, you cant see my modeling shots. they are very triggering to me.

>> No.6284700
File: 161 KB, 467x291, dacvoidb3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full brows are in now
>durr, everybody else is doing it!!
you think like a pleb.

>> No.6284701 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 193x520, Screen Shot 2012-10-04 at 9.16.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6284703

Tell me, why are you doing this to yourself? Are you just looking to fight with people on the internet? Go outside and get on with your date already.

>> No.6284704

wow thats real fucking hilarious. any con/crit on my clothes?

>> No.6284706
File: 30 KB, 348x500, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vato loco for life ese!

>> No.6284707

because now you got me feeling ugly and fat and like my boyfriends gonna puke the moment he sees me. i just wanna look perfect.

>> No.6284708 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 287x511, Screen Shot 2012-10-04 at 9.15.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6284709

Do you like to shop at Wet Seal, Forever 21, A'Gaci, and/or Papaya?

>> No.6284710
File: 743 KB, 500x281, 1345777304711.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the dumbest person I've ever seen on 4chan.
You deserve to be trolled and insulted.

>> No.6284714

>no, you cant see my modeling shots. they are very triggering to me.
Is it because they don't exist? That would make me sad too. :(

>> No.6284716

i mostly shop at target if im being honest with you. whatever, you can get some amazing bargains there.

>> No.6284720

You're obviously the biggest troll to come on this board.

>> No.6284721

The skirt is a bit too loud for my tastes. I think a solid color or plaid one would look better.
If you want some better clothing advice I suggest you post on a waywt on /fa/, just as harsh but more constructive advice.

>> No.6284723

So much jelly and racism in this thread. Stay classy ladies.

>> No.6284725

Don't feed the trolls, hun. Just leave here, go out and have fun. Honestly, you look fine, and i personally love your hair color. I can never get mine to look quite so vivid.

>> No.6284726

That just shows a deeper problem. You need self esteem not approval from strangers on the internet.

>> No.6284728

So much samefagging I'm going to puke. Stay classy.

>> No.6284729

Yeah, cgl really disappoints me sometimes.

>> No.6284731

she just looks indio as fuck, there's a way to look less typical, it's not racist.

>> No.6284733

You look fine. Don't worry.

I feel like she's trolling us , actually, using someone else's pictures.

>> No.6284735

We're most likely getting trolled by said girl/boy

>> No.6284737


>> No.6284740

LOOOOL i thought this shit looked familiar. Im such an idiot.

>> No.6284742
File: 2.95 MB, 267x199, 1346608929054.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I see these threads I'm tempted to post in them, but no matter what, every single fucking one always boils into a raging shitfest.
Christ, I wish you people could chill the fuck out sometimes and just have FUN, or give helpful advice. Not your passive-aggressive insults (and yes you people are seriously the only ones who could twist 'chola' into a fucking melodramatic jab about someone's ethnicity that you don't like).

Horseface? Tryhard? Why are you looking at their physical bodies and not their clothes? Yes, it would be one thing if their gut was poking out of their stomachs, or the vest they were wearing gave no definition to their waist or something. But come on.

>> No.6284746

No thank you I rather watch you get butt hurt over the same Anon who keeps spamming the same pictures everywhere.

>> No.6284744

Why is looking indio a problem, though? Do you believe that white beauty is the only type of acceptable beauty? You seem like a self hating spic.

>> No.6284745
File: 41 KB, 495x480, 1349319638871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly we are being trolled, I did a google image search.
>anon says she just changed.
>tumblr picture is over 2 months old

>> No.6284747

the troll started it by calling us plebs so yeah she was gonna obviously get hate with that attitude, r u new?

>> No.6284749

You reacted to being called PLEBS? Are you new?

>> No.6284752

white guilt all up in here. I'm just trying to present a different, more honest view on how to look better.

>> No.6284754

plebs stands for plebians, an insult. are you new?

>> No.6284753

You are a pleb, though.

>> No.6284758

but...why do you care man?

>> No.6284757

Post your picture. I promise I'll compliment you on at least 1 thing.

>> No.6284759

But even if she didn't call you plebs, would she not still get hate? Im sure the reaction would be pretty much the same, because you animals are above being civil and polite to your fellow human being. Also lol racism. Next time you see a latina in the flesh, tell them they look 'too ethnic'. I dare ya.

>> No.6284760

>meme tripname from a viral video
>calls me pleb
pot calling the kettle black

>> No.6284761

Hahahaha oh /cgl/

>> No.6284762

Uh yeah, an "insult" that's dropped as often as faggot on some boards, aka it means jack and you shouldn't react to it the way you did because usually the person is trolling.
Don't call "new" when you don't even know that.

>> No.6284766

'cause bitches need to get put in their places.

>> No.6284768

dearest libra!


>> No.6284771

I hate this bitch. She really, truly looks like a horse. I hope she relapses and dies.

>> No.6284775

stay classy

>> No.6284778

I don't understand were you're getting that from. Your screen much be stretched out or something because she looks fine

>> No.6284779

>Not pleb
Yeah uh.

>> No.6284780

I am so classy i shit shit diamonds. What now?

>> No.6284781

wouldnt that hurt coming out?

>> No.6284782

Do I know you?

Our love can never be.

>> No.6284784
File: 599 KB, 640x480, herehorseyhorsey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seriously dont see a resemblence?

>> No.6284787

Looks like a normal girl to me. Take your butthurt vendetta somewhere else because you're sounding like an asshole and contrary to popular belief, sounding like an asshole isn't cool

>> No.6284790
File: 119 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2012-10-04 at 21.47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's really humid out :<

I was getting ready to go to a concert then got super sad and now I'm not going. So I'm just sitting here in my tights. :<

>> No.6284793

Wow. Are you her?

>> No.6284796

Fat and washed out.

>> No.6284797

It'd be easy to dismiss me as that girl defending herself, but I'm just sick of people ripping on girls who don't deserve it. I don't understand all the aggression

>> No.6284798

well that was rude.

>> No.6284801

you can't even see her full body.

>> No.6284804

Well she basically posted a portrait. All i can really see is her face, which looks fat and washed out. If she wanted a comment on her outfit SHE SHOULD HAVE POSTED HER OUTFIT DUH.

>> No.6284807

True, it is an outfit thread.
But calling her fat without even seeing the rest of her body is baffling.

>> No.6284808


>> No.6284809

Fat arms, see it all the time, bb. I have a good idea on how fat distribution works by now from seeing women everywhere.

>> No.6284817
File: 221 KB, 400x266, 757999553_63810.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6284819

Why does this matter? If anything be mad it's a portrait and not an actual shot of the outfit.
>because implying fat people can't dress themselves

>> No.6284821

You can do better than libra, trust me.

I like your sloth picture.

>> No.6284822

>posting blah

>> No.6284837

/r/ more blah pics.

>> No.6284842
File: 71 KB, 500x333, 2695952738_4e2c37a4ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying theres anything better than you

and sloths are swaggy

>> No.6284846

You should become an anorexic again, it was fitting.

>> No.6284847

/soc/ pls

>> No.6284850
File: 1.04 MB, 500x281, interesting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's letting me use his trip 'cause friendship is magic and stuff btw.


>> No.6284855
File: 917 KB, 500x200, tumblr_m61jn55AQ51qll5wgo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat why cant i use it too?


>> No.6284868 [DELETED] 

is this still a WAYWT thread?

>> No.6284870

No, I was just using that brand as an example since many of the clothes look as if they were bought from there.

>> No.6284872
File: 224 KB, 508x1149, Oakville-20121004-00365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wardrobe needs updating

>> No.6284876

Enver you should grow a stubbly beard I think it would look cool.

>> No.6284882
File: 31 KB, 309x492, wuuut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...you look like a girl I know.

>> No.6284887

I'm wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and an old pair of sneakers. I went hiking today!

>> No.6284893

Dem hips with dat waist. Wow.

>> No.6284899

Why is that horse wearing a maid uniform?

>> No.6284896
File: 39 KB, 600x800, 253151_357043747717154_1434940665_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does a set for this exist or was it a once-off? I have to know. I have to, I have to.

>> No.6284897

Shame about the face, though.

>> No.6284902

It wants to be kawaii.

>> No.6284903

I was wondering the same thing, anon. What kind of sick fuck dresses up their horse anyway?

>> No.6284905

a flannel plaid shirt would suit you.

>> No.6284909

love the skirt. can we see your butt?

>> No.6284913

it looks like a private or joke photo, anon. filename suggests facebook.

If a set existed, but isnt on said FB, I very highly doubt its a public set.

>> No.6284914
File: 25 KB, 480x349, 8Tz6G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, like every week. I never get around to shaving until thursday/friday most times

I dig the triforce tat

>> No.6284915

you think that's a horse? are you serious?

post yourself and we'll compare

>> No.6284919
File: 363 KB, 500x281, hurrfaderrf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this comment right here is a winner.

>> No.6284925

Hello Flan.

>> No.6284926
File: 77 KB, 850x480, oldladies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried again with the pink cardigan. It might be a bit old ladyish other than the shorts since it's really hot in my area right now. Advice?

>> No.6284922

Why in the world would you recommend that of all things? Especially to dam hipster

>> No.6284923

stop it with that hair colour and that chain thing


>> No.6284932

I know this is a troll comment but the problem is that nothing even matches and why in the world is this person wearing a dam skirt

>> No.6284929


>> No.6284935

Do you mean color-wise or pattern-wise or what?
I'm trying to learn fashion so please teach me your ways!

As far as the skirt, it is actually shorts I just have a shitty webcam. The reason why shorts is because really fucking hot today.

>> No.6284939

they look like shorts bb

>> No.6284940

Libra is a retarded mongoloid. Ignore him. Got any photos of you wearing a skirt?

>> No.6284937

This looks dumb.

>> No.6284938

the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6284943


>> No.6284946

Define a horseface. It gets thrown around a bag-ton here but I can't see it in many people and I'm super confused.

Is it the nose, jaw, chin.... what?

Face is heart-shaped/pointy, nose is pointy and a bit long, big eyes

Face is pointy, features evenly distributed, head angled down probably adds fake length, nose small, mouth big and nicely shaped, eyes probably big

Only similarity is the pointed chin and big eyes. I don't care who they are, I just want to understand.

>> No.6284948

you keep telling yourself that, mongoloid-lover

>> No.6284951

dont worry i will

>> No.6284953

The hispanic girl does not have a horseface. She just has a long face.
The white girl does have a horseface. Evrything is long and angular and boyish and just ugly looking. Idk.

>> No.6284955

I don't wish to incite you an angry backlash from jelly seagulls, but woman to woman, you are one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen posted here.

>> No.6284957

This pic was posted on /v/ once, this thread is chock full of troll pics, lol.

>> No.6284958

I dont get why she insists on those god awful bangs? They lengthen her face even more.

>> No.6284961

Everything about it is terrible I don't even know where to begin. Also wearing something so short when its hot? Do you know how much a vag/penis smells?

Read the comment until you get it

Dam fragments all over the place

I should just change my password or something

This is one of the worst comebacks just stop

>> No.6284964

Why on earth would that incite backlash? A lot of other people in this thread have commented about how beautiful and cute she is. Gtfo with that shit.

>> No.6284966

i dont see it

hispanica has a much longer face than whitie, whitie's face looks small and round/soft except for the nose and eyes

>> No.6284967
File: 95 KB, 400x300, youre a towel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a towel.

>> No.6284969

Horseface or whatever the problem is that they are focusing so much in the face when it should be about her clothing. Also, the majority of people have terrible faces with too much makeup.

You can see this particular image on occasions

>> No.6284970

Sorry for off topic but I suffer from horseface (long face, prominent nose and chin) What are the most flattering hairstyles for this?

>> No.6284972


>> No.6284973

White girls face is definately longer and is also narrower and sharper. Also her nose is disproportionally large. Hispanica has feminine feaautures despite her long ass head.

>> No.6284976

>wahh it didn't incite backlash anon gawshhH!
Because I've seen you people tear down perfectly pretty people before and it was an inb4. Doesn't apply to you? Then fuck off and forget about it and stop being mad that I gave someone a compliment.

>> No.6284977
File: 53 KB, 640x480, chuud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to get a proper camera.

>> No.6284979

Probably practicality.

I have bangs as well, and they're so much easier to deal with than pinning it all back. I study a lot so it helps.

Doesnt split/no-bang hair make a face longer anyway? It definitely makes mine look slimmer but super long in comparison (like if I split them or pull them back)

>> No.6284980

The problem is that majority of people can not take criticism

They both look terrible but this whole

>she has horseface

>> No.6284983
File: 384 KB, 400x225, tumblr_lx56znPGaf1qbxyji.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your How To Train Your Dragon poster in the background. . .

>> No.6284985

I have a nice, small, oval face so i dont have these kind of problems lel.

>> No.6284986
File: 94 KB, 500x461, icecream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to see clothes that fit and flatter the slim body.

>> No.6284991

>that angle


>> No.6284992

err i agree about the nose (poor girl, it sucks to have stuff you cant fix, especially when others call names over it) but her face is like half the length of the other girl. maybe the angle makes you see it different?

>> No.6284989
File: 26 KB, 609x425, know the difference it could save your life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not so sure myself, anon. I'm guessing pic related is how a horseface is often described?

>> No.6284990

red tank top. black shorts. gray shoes.

>> No.6284996


>> No.6284994

So its kind of like, sunked lower face?

Whitie's nsoe is smack dab in the middle of her face, and her mouth isn't low at all though. It's all in the right places, but nose size is just a bit big. Maybe that illusion is confusing others?

Hispanic's face is also all proportionate and in the right places. Placement is great. She's not 'hot' but none of it is sunk.

Now I'm just more lost :|

>> No.6284995

A typical horseface trait is a large space between the nose and the mouth, and between the mouth and the chin.

>> No.6284998

More of a long face, big nose that doesn't fit proportionately to long face, and eyes that don't go with the face or the nose.

>> No.6285000

Aristocratic Brits have very horsey features.

>> No.6285008 [DELETED] 


>> No.6285014
File: 64 KB, 720x596, 267690_130781277010070_829184_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure Flan's okay with being a horseface.

>> No.6285019
File: 143 KB, 960x640, 529920_291141690974027_773218277_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the issue is how she angles and moves her face.

Yes it's long but I don't see any horse in it.

>> No.6285021

Actually probably a bad example since she's pushing her mouth up there.

>> No.6285026

i was trying to hide the Hollister label

today, some guy said to me, "you should buy clothes that fit."

10/10 only because I omitted my wasp face.

thanks! i had to beat up several small children in order to claim it

>> No.6285028

What the fuck is with the ants drawn in?

>> No.6285030

god shes so fucking ugly
that outfit is SO CUTE though

>> No.6285031

He face just narrow and older looking when paired with the young kawaii uguu clothes she wears, it's a look she forces really hard.

>> No.6285035

best pic ive seen of her, EVER
she is god ugly

>> No.6285041

please tell me you didnt join them

>> No.6285043

A horse face predominant feature is a big, square, cud chewing jawline a la Sarah Jessica Parker. And horses. This, combined with a long angular nose. It is a typical feature of white people but is looked unfavorably in females due it's masculine appearance. The reason it gets thrown around on this board as an insult so much is because this is a haven of self-hating weeaboos who put Asian features (short pan faced, small stubby nose) on a pedestal.

>> No.6285047

Haha what a tryhard.
I'd like to think that she has casual wardrobe items fit for her age and frame somewhere stuffed in the back of her closet behind all of her uguu kawaii shit from Taobao...ugh.

>> No.6285059

She's under 20.

I think she just doesn't get enough rest because she works about 9 hours a day and then goes home to study.

Most of her WAYWT clothing is actually casual but fairly interesting.

>> No.6285063

>self-hating weeaboos

This on so many levels. Yet they don't have the backbone to post themselves (but provide a flood of excuses).

I think we should have a self-post thread where you can't reply unless you've posted yourself. Or like, replies must all contain a photo, and you could even have a photo 'conversation'.

>> No.6285067

That would probably just result in stolen pics.

>> No.6285068

Hi Flan, and clearly your perception is warped about what is "casual." Way to give yourself asspats. Because I'm sure you're the only poor babby on Earth "under 20" who works and has to study too. Know what the people who don't get enough rest from having a busy day are doing?
>Protip: It's not spending the rest of their daylight and free time posting on 4chan.

>> No.6285070

i think her cheeks/cheekbone area (super round, tense and heavy, smile digs into them severely) give the true horseface distinction...which most of cgl doesnt have but still calls each other horseface. i wont take opinions validly if they cant show their own faces to show why what they say should have any worth

>> No.6285082
File: 66 KB, 602x602, 1349268655396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


uhh yeah, i am a wasp now.

>> No.6285083 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 578x320, Screen Shot 2012-08-16 at 10.21.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone tell me where this is from

>> No.6285084

Ahh, the overused greeting.

The sooner you accept that there's more than one person in the world that doesn't share your opinion, the sooner you'll recover from cgl-syndrome.

FYI, two scenarios here:
1. You haven't actually seen her normal WAYWT pics before.
2. Your perception is warped.

>> No.6285090

it's from digimon, QBmon

>> No.6285099


Horseface have:

Huge teeth
Strong side-cheeks/cheekbones
Huge mouth
Long face but short forehead
STRONG jaw, usually square
Square chin

Leathery/old skin adds to the effect

Hair is usually parted, which unfortunately can ADD to the horseface look.

Does this clear it up?

Above said, there are SO many hot girls that could be deemed 'horseface'.

>> No.6285105

Look Flan, I would have been fine with the "she wore casual clothes before" insert. No, really, I would have.
What I don't fucking like about you is you always trying to push your lifestyle in everyone's face like it's an excuse.
Fact is if you have to keep reminding people of how "busy" and "tired" you are, it's likely you're not either of those things.
You have enough time to post on 4chan for a few hours everyday.
You have enough time to dress up, go outside, and take a set of pictures and edit them.
You must have enough time to take some better pictures of yourself in some more flattering clothes.

>> No.6285116

For the last time. Not her. I added her through cgl.

Just to see what you were on about, I went to the cgl archives and looked up her posts. You should do the same before you make up these ideas about her. :|

I honestly have no idea what you're going on about. She's doing 3 different course and working fulltime. Do you want screenshots or something?

>> No.6285117

im not sure i can talk to you anymore

>> No.6285125

Whatever helps you feel better. If I were you and if I weren't Flan, I wouldn't bother replying if it wasn't true what the other person was accusing me of. But that's just my logical reasoning speaking.

>> No.6285131 [DELETED] 

You are all beautiful amazing people, seagulls.

>> No.6285142

I'm responding as a friend and regular user sick of the dumb stuff made up about her. I'd be fine if the stuff had basis.

All I'm asking is for a cgl that can accept reality and channel their energy positively.
Oh who am I kidding. People like you obviously prefer this empty existence.

>> No.6285147

>I'm not Flan! Just a friend!

>> No.6285148

>267 posts and 51 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
>267 posts and 51 image replies.
>267 posts
>51 images
>WAYWT thread
>horseface and horse face used 26 times

I love you, /cgl/.

>> No.6285151

>implying charms is cute

>> No.6285153

agree with this (first comment didnt post?)

people try to make this horrible monster out of her but all ive seen is:

anonymous rat on her nonstop
anonymous call her a monster
anonymous call her a disgusting human being and a cunt
anonymous call her a monster
anonymous claim her posts and bullshit are everyone
no proof of her being terrible

anonymous claims to be the victim

>> No.6285155

i'm all for some good dramu but this thread is just sad. this board is really collapsing on into itself, i used to think that there wasn't an issue but now im thinking there is

>> No.6285156

So that's your only response? Your denial?

Good job. I can't imagine how it must feel.

I'm not even trying to insult you right now, I just...I don't know how it would feel to sit there and tell yourself I must be Flan just because I disagree with your empty accusations of what she apparently does all the time.

>> No.6285167
File: 488 KB, 464x563, 1348770837511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>im not sure i can talk to you anymore

>> No.6285166

okay two things

if she 'isnt' busy/tired, why are there so few pics?

if she 'is' busy/tired, of course theres barely any pics and of course lifestyle affects free time

>cgl logic

sage for pathetic shitspew

>> No.6285173

anonymous lets the vicious insecurities come out

and the mental health issues normally hidden

everyones a monster but no one wants to accept it

its painful to watch...and no one can help nor change anything

>> No.6285174


>> No.6285179

If I had to summarise Id say this is cgl. THIS. is. cgl.

And when someone 'normal' comes along, they rip them to shreds. When someone with direction comes along. When someone with the desired weight. When someone who overcomes difficulties. When anyone who's not broken comes by.... it's scary.

>> No.6285183

welcome to /cgl/ prepare to feel like shit.jpg

>> No.6285190

The more cgl insults someone, the more I LIKE the person they insult.

Why? Because 95% of the time, it's unwarranted or has no backing or evidence. 90% of the time it's both.

I've learned to take the opposite of everything posted here.

>> No.6285217


so er.... PT being the exception?

>> No.6285220

Asherbee too, right?

>> No.6285224

A million times this. I never realized how much I don't care if someone's fat, ugly, slutty, weebish or popular, beautiful, successful, until I came here. Seeing so many people caring WAYYY too much about these typically-negative or typically-positive things pushed me to the other end of the spectrum. I have no reason to hate someone I don't know for superficial reasons, and this board has slowly made me so annoyed with this behavior that I think it's actually succeeded in making me LESS snarky.

>> No.6285233

What has PT actually done to anyone?

She posts annoying things on a twitter, away from cgl, but people follow her and post everything she says. They then make so many rude comments, and theyve tracked down things about her employment, etc.

She doesn't even post on her, and all Ive seen from her is that shes learning to do makeup stuff these days.

>> No.6285236

falcone must be the greatest guy ever.

>> No.6285234

>WAYWT thread
>Flan thread
>"goddamnit why does this always happen"

>> No.6285235

its not even cgl that's making the insults. i mean libra doesn't really count as cgl. he's just a worthless faggot who doesn't belong here.

>> No.6285243

I love this Flan character because to this day her life is a mystery.

So many stories, which one is true?

All I know is she does a lot outside of cgl, and the stuff she does is cool. She seems well cultured/educated/experienced too. That's the consistency there.

Can someone tell anything that's been 100% proven in terms of what she studies, what she does for work, where she's from?

>> No.6285238
File: 51 KB, 640x960, herp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visiting my parents.

>> No.6285245

I would fucking disown you if you came into my house like that.

>> No.6285244

Is that wig troublesome to wear for a whole day? It seems like it would be.

>> No.6285248

Great timing.

>> No.6285255

Off-topic but does anyone know where I can find socks/tights of this length? I'm 5'3" and the ones I've bought are always too high.

>> No.6285256

wat. who dat. y u so cute

>> No.6285257

very cute.

>> No.6285258

good thing she doesn't know you nor is she related to you.
>such conceit tonight /cgl/

>> No.6285273
File: 501 KB, 834x1080, uwah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't see this until now, this is very kind anon, thank you. And thank you for showing concern, haha.

>> No.6285313 [DELETED] 

please be in North Carolina

>> No.6285318

I wish I could afford to dress nicely like you folks... or had the fashion sense to know how to dress nice in the first place.
P.S. Where are you from anyway?
p-please respond

>> No.6285344

Western Canada!

>> No.6285354

dayum girl if I lived out there I'd come down and give you the ol' lickeroo

>> No.6285360
File: 2.41 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on, do your worst.

(Actually don't please be nice.)

>> No.6285364

clean your room

>> No.6285373

What's there to say about it? You're wearing plain clothes that anyone could put together.

>> No.6285375

Gay :)

>> No.6285385

No. That is not a thing.

>> No.6285388

That's a dope shirt.

>> No.6285407

All it took was a comment from Enzo to make me jelly of you.

>> No.6285468

i love it

>> No.6285604

You are making it pretty obvious who you are tho

>> No.6285878 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 413x550, IMG_20121005_122950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6287290


please be in maryland