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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 269 KB, 731x1092, korra_by_crazedboar-d56542l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6280031 No.6280031 [Reply] [Original]

What is CGL's opinion on

>a dark person lightening their skin for cosplay?
>A light person darkening their skin for cosplay?

>> No.6280033

>a dark person lightening their skin for cosplay?

Pig disgusting.

>A light person darkening their skin for cosplay?


>> No.6280042

If they want to do it for the sake of accuracy, I think it's fine. I seriously don't get why it's ok to change your eye color, body shape, hair color, etc. but as soon as you change your skin color it's an attack on race or whatever. God. People get way too amped over this stuff. It's a costume! You want to look as accurate as possible!

>> No.6280046

I just don't like it when they make themselves orange. Orange Katara/Korra bugs me, and I've seen so many.

>> No.6280050

Is it done to offend? No
Is it done to be more accurate? Yes.

>> No.6280056

inb4 200 post response thread covering topics from racism to tumblr social justice blogs.

>> No.6280058

that's double standards!

>> No.6280074
File: 24 KB, 479x317, oh here we go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here come the SJW's...

>> No.6280104

The majority of the time, it doesn't look good in EITHER case.

If it's a character who you look almost exactly alike, but you're about three shades too bright/dark, then sure. It works. But if you don't look shit like the character, and just wanna brighten/darken so that your skin vaguely looks like the character, it's stupid no matter what.

>> No.6280113

I do both, I'm light brown and can easily appear quite lighter or a lot darker if I want to.

If I ever become somewhat well known within the cosplay comunity I'll finally make a tumblr account. I imagine all the Soiled Jelly Wombocombos would have some fun
>ohmahgawrrrsh shes pretendin 2 b blaq n now she wite?? buh she both!?!? errehbody gettin sadenededs!"

>> No.6280125

What? Youz telln' me that BROWN AINT A RACE?
Well- FUCK! Alert BLACKS and WHITEs. Someone better tell dey' ass's date dey aint no race no mo'.
Whilez wez at etz, why not just fuckn' walk out dah' door erry' day in whyt face? Or black fayce?

Seriously though, I don't see the problem. White people get tanned in the summer and that turns 'em brown.
Anyone get pissed off about that?
>haha what am I even arguing?

>> No.6280137

I have no problem with either. Granted, it probably won't be as accurate, but if you're dead-set on cosplaying a particular character, I see no problem with it. Just cosplaying for the fun can be quite worthwhile too.

>> No.6280140

Oh sorry, I misread the question. As for lightening/darkening, if it's done SAFELY then it's okay. But I don't take much issue with others just opting out of the skin-changing too - Obviously, it would be ideal for accuracy, but some things aren't worth it.

>> No.6280142


Quickly SJW, get out your melanin meters and measure people's skin!

>> No.6280141
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 1336109829778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To make your costume more accurate, it's no different than wearing colored contacts or something.

My only problem with either one is that it usually doesn't look very good, and it's fairly easy to spot when someone tries to change their skin color.

>> No.6280155
File: 5 KB, 306x165, fabulous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why not just fuckn' walk out dah' door erry' day in whyt face?
Jfc. I don't usually keep up with this social wankfest stuff unless I spot something particularly hilarious, but do some of them actually use this as an argument? Please, please say no. Faith in humanity is teetering on this!

>also mfw both Boris and I had something Spongebob related in our posts

>> No.6281983

To be honest I don't like either of them and I would never do it. It just doesn't look good, but if it makes someone get into character I have no problem with it. Different strokes fo different folks.

>> No.6281999
File: 85 KB, 450x600, 1144912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, remember cosplay before there was Tumblr?

<--------- Still my favorite Fran.

>> No.6282061

Ok, I have a question. I have tan lines on my arms I want to cover up. I have tried covering the tan with make- up to match my pale torso but can't find anything that doesn't stick to the hair on my arms and look like fuzzy mold. I really don't want to shave my arms. Would it be terrible to use a spray tan and can anyone suggest one that would not turn me orange?

>> No.6282078

I give 0 fucks about either. I just wish people would keep their opinions to themselves.

There's never a reason to be blatantly rude and fuck-all retarded about something that isn't even your problem or business.

A few girls accused me of "blackfacing" because I "looked darker" than a pic I had posted online. I was at a summer con and wasn't covered in a 40-layer costume. I actually had gotten a sunburn which eventually mellowed to a tan but guess what, I'm Asian and sometimes we get darker in the summer from being outside, kinda like other people, holyshitscience! I told them they clearly didn't know anything about racism or blackfacing and walked away. But on the flip side of the coin, I think it probably was easier to discard this problem in person versus online where hordes of idiots could debate whether I could naturally somehow be lighter in the winter and darker in the summer sans the use of RACISTTTTTTTTTTT makeup.

>> No.6282083

I have a similar problem, my upper arms are white but my forearms are like 4 shades darker just from driving to and from work.

Spray tan is a very reasonable way to go about it, if you're only evening up skintone and not doing your entire body, it should be pretty inexpensive. That and you won't be orange if you get a good technician who can pick a good color. Ask to see a "portfolio" when choosing a place.

Sunless tanners are more likely to be orangey.

>> No.6282084


I've heard Sally Hanson leg makeup works well as a fake tan, but I can't say I've tried it myself.

>> No.6282108

Thank you! I'll look into those!

>> No.6285554

Have you tried a moisturiser with self-tanner on the lighter areas?

>> No.6285601
File: 183 KB, 730x1095, ac_iii___connor_kenway_and_aveline_de_grandpre_by_rbf_productions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SJW's can go fuck themselves. Thanks to them, this guy took down all his AC photos of his Connor and his wife's Aveline. Because they kept harassing him, accusing him and his wife of black facing and being racially insensitive.

The stupidest thing is they kept going after his wife, who is half black to begin with and the makeup she used was to create the deep shadows and scar for Aveline. She never fucking darkened her skin tone for the character.

>> No.6285644


>> No.6285649
File: 76 KB, 692x461, 8b7c176271233dc7aebf8ef6035ec4d3efb59c59-700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like any makeup.. do it right and it's fine. The only people who will care probably have bigger issues they should be taking care of. Don't do it right and I will probably be thanking you for the good chuckle.

>> No.6285656
File: 184 KB, 900x900, revolutionary_girl_utena_adolescence_apocalypse_by_tajfu-d4r526s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% thread relevant.

>> No.6285821

Stupidity in a nutshell errybody.

But i think people take it a little too far. A little bronzer? Cool. Actually doing a black face? Not cool. Not fucking cool.

But on another hand, you dont need to fucking go to the point where you are mistaken for black face just to do korra. Who the fuck came up with the idea that you have to be the same skin color as youre dressing up as?

>oh yeah
>the people who say black people shouldnt cosplay white skinned characters
>its biting you in the ass
>deal with it wanker

>> No.6285877

We've already had this thread a dozen times. Stop fucking shit stirring.

>> No.6285884

The only thing that's offensive here are those uggs.

>> No.6285889

holy hotness batman

>> No.6285969

That's my opinion.

>> No.6286000


I never see people actually doing blackface when people get their panties in a bunch about it.

>> No.6286007

Lol, I'm mexican and pretty pale, but not pale enough so I lighten my skin. I want to start cosplaying to confuse/piss off the sj hordes.