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File: 27 KB, 484x237, venus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6277566 No.6277566 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on venus's newest video?

also I thought this was a bit odd http://venusangelic.tumblr.com/post/32629980089/you-dont-know and http://venusangelic.tumblr.com/post/32624303108/dont-you-have-any-sexual-interest-i-mean-i-dont

>> No.6277572

Seriously mad that she got her hands on a pair of those slit pupil contacts. Want them so bad ;~;

>> No.6277575

her mouth freaks me out so much o.o

>> No.6277584

She doesn't look like a kitty, she looks like a crazed hooker.

>> No.6277587

The best part of the video is where she says "This is a good look for day, or night!"

>> No.6277588

I'm also incredibly irritated watching her apply that eyeliner with the eyeliner pen.
You are supposed to pull the skin around your eye taut when applying that shit or your skin just bunches up and you end up looking stupid.

>> No.6277595

>Just because I’m 15 and I don’t wanna have sexy-time doesn’t mean I’m abnormal.
I actually agree with her.

>> No.6277592
File: 1.08 MB, 252x187, 1299025728069.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This here.
Like her pimp told she should dress up for halloween to spice up the worth of ass, and a cracked up thought she decided to apply all the shit she found in a dollar store on her face. This is like the Penis on forehead revisited, now with looking slightly beat up.

>> No.6277599

Her replying to that girl that she would be horrified and ashamed if she lost her own virginity at 16 was out of order though.

Then again, we're talking about the girl who still shares a bed with her mother at 17...

>> No.6277601

Didn't her mom have her at a very young age?

>> No.6277605


I don't actually follow the Palermo drama so I'm not sure. I only caught this after I saw it reblogged on my Tumblr wall.

>> No.6277606

I actually didn't think that was out of order either. Good on her tbh

>> No.6277608

..Apart from sharing a bed with her mum. That's a liiiiittle odd

>> No.6277607

what is your tumblr

>> No.6277618


What's good about a girl having being raised to the point where at the of 17 she believes losing your virginity is a horrifying and shameful thing?

I get that people have different opinions, and a lot of people want to wait, but her shaming that girl like that has really made me view her in a different light. I can't stand those types of people who think sex is like the worst thing ever, the kind of people who complain to Ofcom when a PSA for breast cancer comes on and a Huggies commercial displaying a babies bare bottom.

>> No.6277620



>> No.6277622

I shared a bed with my mom til I was like 12 because we didn't have a room for me, and even I find it strange that they sleep together at this age.
Not that they're probably doing anything unsavory, and they could just be cutting living costs by having one room, but still. Wat.

>> No.6277626

Yeah, you don't have to lose your virginity at such age, but you should understand people have sex. Nudity and sex are a normal thing which every human will and are doing. The current society starts sex at an awfully late age, and don't have enough children, and then there are people who believe no sex education = never will have sex.

Sex happens, it's totally normal, and shaming someone for doing the one thing humans were created to do, pro-create, is retarded.

>> No.6277629

Agreed, i normally end up in a situation once a year or something where I'll have to bunk up with my mum on holiday or something.
But it's just awkward, if there's a sofa or floorspace I'd rather take that. I couldn't have shared a bed with her for my teenage years like she does.
It is to make sure she's not up all night or what?

>> No.6277630

who the fuck cares if she doesn't want to have sex at 15/16? like how is this even drama/an issue? it's no one's business but her own.
i don't think she was shaming the other girl for losing hers at that age. she said SHE would be horrified, as in for herself. that has nothing to do with what's right for someone else. shit she even says exactly that in the very same answer.

seriously: WHO CARES. these people on tumblr are seriously fucking pathetic. the ones who run 'freelice' blogs or follow internet famous people they hate. i'm not even gonna lie, i've been a member of efagz for years and i think it's fucking hilarious to make fun of them sometimes, but we don't act like this over there. these people are on a whole nother level. they're just like psychotic bratty little 14 yr olds. it's so pathetic.

>> No.6277632
File: 402 KB, 938x1245, tumblr_mb1aofCjcL1r3cbfvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spoony is all grown up, thin with nice hair and attractive :S


>> No.6277636

Yeah I was surprised about that too. Explains the self confidence/entitlement.

>> No.6277634


i think you guys are looking way too into this, for real.

>> No.6277635

>>>Everybody is different, very different.

She just responded with her own opinion to a question that asks why she isn't interested in sex.

>> No.6277637

I just think of it as her expressing her own views, not telling the girl she herself should be horrified and ashamed. Literally all she said (in response to her being shocked she didn't care about sex, almost like she's "weird" for not wanting to fuck at her age) was that kind of thing wasn't for her.
She even pointed out that people have different ideas. She wasn't really shaming anyone.

>> No.6277638

Very much this.

>> No.6277639

She's in reality almost 18. Not 15.

>> No.6277641


>> No.6277644


TBH i think if anyone was shaming it was the girl who asked the question. the phrasing of it was so douchey. it read like "you SERIOUSLY aren't interested in sex yet? what is wrong w you??" rude as fuck. i would have just been like "good for u cunt", so i think venus was pretty polite considering.

>> No.6277646

Well it is slightly absurd not to be interested in sex at 18.

>> No.6277650

She could just be asexual.

>> No.6277652

No, it's not absurd. Not at all.

>> No.6277654

She's posted photos boobs out/in risque outfits and done a video in only a towel (iirc) so it's a little hard to believe she has nothing sexual going on

>> No.6277656

I didn't see her "shaming" anyone. She responded that she just wasn't interested. And I don't think that's unusual at all. Not everyone wants to fuck, or if they do, not everyone wants to talk about it with other people.

Are you guys American? I ask because the only place I've been to that sees something sexual in all nudity is the US.

>> No.6277660


Yeah, I reckon she's got something sexual going on. Probably just doesn't want to lose her virginity any time soon - what a crazy lady!

>> No.6277661

Obviously she has some sexual interest or she wouldn't try to garner attention from pedos on the Internet.

>> No.6277677

She looks so sexy. Have her eyebrows always been so beautifully arched? Anyway, this kitty shit is a million times better than her fried yellow hair princess dolly shtick.

>> No.6277682

Ooooh, i love your hair like this. You should do a tutorial. I recently cut my hair and i just can't handle it. Id love to see more pretty updos and stuff for short hair :)

>> No.6277684

truth be told, im actually quite jelly of her facial features. she really is beautiful, and now that she's cut and dyed her hair, its easy to see how gorgeous she really is. blonde hair did her no favours.

>> No.6277689


Oh it's nothing special, just a giant oversized victory roll styled on one side of my head.
Victory rolls can be pretty tricky if you're not used to making them, but you should look up some video tutorials online.
I can't do much with my hair right now because it's still short, but there's a surprising amount you can with your hair using those little rolls. Next time you've got time you should just plonk yourself in front of the mirror and experiment :>

Also, sorry my trips gone. 4chan isn't loading in Firefox for me so I'm using IE for now.

>> No.6277690

Nothing wrong with not wanting to lose virginity at a young age, it's best to wait until YOU'RE comfortable, as well as your partner (who should be at least long-term)

>> No.6277699

Im absolutely in the same boat. You should check out Venusangelics hair tutorials. They are pretty basic, but really cute. Just make sure you have lots of hair bows, flowers and other accsories and have fun!

>> No.6277710

Looks like a halloween costume made a slut would wear.

>> No.6277713
File: 383 KB, 517x349, venuus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't agree with her on thinking that sex at 16 is horrifying. Am I the only one who thinks that sex at 15-16 is okay as long as it has feelings in it? I lost my virginity at 16 with my boyfriend (who wasn't a virgin and is older) who I've been with for a year and a half that time and I think I did a good decision to give him my virginity, he is a nice guy, he didn't dump me after a while like someone would have thought, we're still together after 3 years.

Anyways, the make-up makes her look like a hooker. I don't know what made her think it's cute... However, she looks kinda cool with that hairstyle in pic related and darker make-up (not that much though)

>> No.6277717

Frankly, I didn't want to have sex at 15 and didn't feel ready. I'm tired of girls being pressured to be sexualized younger and younger these days. When I was her age I wanted to be called cute instead of sexy. Being called sexy at 15 freaked me out.

>> No.6277719

Same here man, I lost mine when I was 15 and don't regret it at all, we dated for almost two years and he's still a good friend.

>> No.6277729

Lost it when I was 15 also.
Still with the man who took it... actually, we're engaged. Sometimes I forget that.

It was completely consensual on either end and looking back on it it was a very beautiful, sweet act.

How many of you got the giggles once you were over? I couldn't stop laughing over how I'd just had sex for the first time in my life.

>> No.6277734
File: 157 KB, 840x558, silicone_doll702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people develop later than others, and while I agree that saying she would be ashamed to lose it isn't the best way to say it, she does have a point that it's not entirely abnormal for her to not be interested in sex. I lost my virginity when I was 15 and sometimes I wish I had waited. It's also possible she IS interested in sex, but wants to be private about it and is intentionally being abstinent until she finds the right person.

But I also think it's likely she's WAY too influenced and repressed by her mom. She plays up this whole innocent/doll-like image SO HARD and being sexually active and acknowledging herself as a sexual being would kill the fantasy she's created.

>> No.6277737

As I said, there is nothing to regret if the person you did it with was worth it.

Why does sex has to do something with being sexy? I think it's like deep bond between the couple

>> No.6277739


Did the giggles continue throughout your sex life? Mine have, we rarely have sex in a serious manner.

I think her hair looks much better now! I seem to remember that anons were commenting that her hair seemed to be fried before.

>> No.6277741

Oh I was interested in sex when I was 15/16 but my mother was a cunt and threatened me never to get a boyfriend because she would report him and lie about how he raped me even if he never touched me at all. No wonder everyone in my family thought I was a lesbian.

Of course they were all relieved ( except my mother) when I finally started dating a guy. I was 19 when I had my first date.

>> No.6277751


I don't think it was out of order. I was ashamed when I lost my virginity at that age because well...my Mom did find out and got really pissed and disappointed. I honestly wish I could go back and tell myself not to be stupid and wait.

There were times I slept with my Mom when I was over 20. Though, that was because my Grandpa/her Dad just passed and she needed comfort. So....idk

>> No.6277757

I lost mine at 17 with the guy I'm still with 4 years later. I don't regret it at all, I feel like it's something that made me a little more adult (not that sex=being an adult, but that I felt much more comfortable in my own skin and I was much less shy/prude). I couldn't imagine having sex at 15 though, I wasn't nearly anywhere near mentally prepared then.

>> No.6277763


It's possible she doesn't see it herself as being sexual...? Everyone has different opinions on that too you know. Unless she was pretending she was about to take the towel off, I didn't find that video sexual at all.

>> No.6277768

In what way is that not out of order? Saying that someone having safe, legal and consensual sex should be ashamed of themselves is like saying that someone who eats meat should be ashamed of themselves. There's nothing legally wrong with what they're doing, and their moral standpoint is their own. Personally, I lost my virginity at 14, and I don't regret a thing.

>> No.6277778

Not wanting to have sex at her age is fine. Perfectly fine. -good even.
But to claim to have had no interest in boys at all? AT ALL? that shit is kind of weird.

Anyone notice how she's claiming to have friends now

>> No.6277779

A lot of teens don't have safe sex though. They don't use protection and don't think about STDs or pregnancy, and they try and hide it from their parents. A lot of kids also aren't really ready for that kind of emotional commitment even if they think they are and it can skew their views on what sex is. I think it did for me. Sex itself isn't the root of the problem of course, it's a personality defect, and yes she shouldn't have said she'd be "ashamed" to lose it so early, but there is something to be said for teens being stupid and immature about sex. Teenage pregnancy rates are high for a reason.

So yeah, the sex itself isn't wrong per se, but there are other issues that go along with choosing to have it so early.

>> No.6277783

I like how she's claiming her hair was falling out because of puberty. Not because of the bleach.

Gurl, we all watched the perfect hair in minutes video and you may have straightened the shit out of it off camera but we all know what fried hair looks like wet.

Why is she so against acknowledging the real reason she cut her hair

>> No.6277786

Honestly, from a practical point of view I think sex is fine as soon as you can deal with the possible fall out from it.

If you are mature enough to:
get over it if the dude never calls again
make your own doctor's appt
can say sexual terms without giggling or thinking gross
be ok with it if your friends or family found out

Or if you are hardcore making sure you are ready:
can handle a baby

If you are 14 and can do that, then go ahead, some people are at that independent at 14. Some people can do that at 20 others can't talk about sex seriously until they are 25. So.... whatevs

>> No.6277836

A friend of mine who had never heard of her and never browsed here found her video on how to look like a puppy and showed it to me, we were hysterical. That shit fucked up.

>> No.6277879

I dunno, I think you can be into things that are sexual without actually wanting to have sex. I myself enjoy porn as much as anyone, but the thought of actually doing that kind of stuff with a real person kind of freaks me out still. she really never said she wasn't interested in sexual things, just basically that it's not something she thinks about all of the time and that she's not ready for sex itself.

>> No.6277947
File: 107 KB, 682x447, one+_bab89313dba93cf6c4bd215f338fe18c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hory Sheet, is this chick for real? I can't take her voice, it's so cute. What accent is that?

>> No.6278025

Eastern Euro, as I recall.

>> No.6278068

It was proven that it is fake thought.

>> No.6278092

Yea, I'm sure it's all put on. This chick tries to hard, and her head is tiny compared to the rest of her. Toss her in the Jnig, Kotex, PT box.

>> No.6278160

I was wondering why her hair was short and dark. Seems totally against her whole kawaii uguu Japanese doll act. Her hair has basically been over fried and has probably broken off.