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File: 89 KB, 480x640, coordinatation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6275326 No.6275326 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a lolita accessories thread! Feel like you keep reusing the same pair of tights with every coord? Does your lack of necklaces and rings upset you? Here we'll share links to lolita-appropriate items that will make your dresses pop.
Coord advice can be given here as well, but keep in mind there is a collage thread going on which might be better for that: >>6210730

>> No.6275337

Does anyone know where I can get opaque and thick/hard-to-rip tights? Especially ones with patterns or prints on them.

>> No.6275340
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I'll post some links that I have, though I don't have as much as I'd like. They aren't link format because the system keeps thinking I'm spamming but a quick google search using these terms should get you to the shops.

pretty much the standard go to socks/tights store, with free shipping to those in the US.

beautiful tights thatd go great with classic/gothic coordinates

hand printed tights with some interesting patterns (the deer ones are so cute ;_;)

>> No.6275346

Oh, thank you so much, anon! These are perfect!

>> No.6275349
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haha I saw the first post and I was like "good timing!"

>> No.6275361
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I don't have many accessory stores, I apologize! But sharing links is the point of this thread, so here's what I got.
probably one of the best shops for lolita accessories, though last I heard they are swamped/not taking orders? not sure.
seems to have the basic lolita things, really cute berets

>> No.6275430

If you guys don't feel like spending $30 on tights, I found this really simple tutorial on how to make your own custom patterned ones


>> No.6275446

Bookmarked for a day when I am less shit at handling paints.

>> No.6275448

Wow, those Zohara tights are beautiful. Anyone know how durable they are? I, uh... I tend to ladder shit a lot.

>> No.6275450

Erp, I mean, fabric markers

>> No.6275470

no idea! if you get a pair please review them~

>> No.6275508


...the picture just reminded me that I want to buy one of the haenuli dress.

>> No.6275553
File: 94 KB, 550x550, f53-gb-fashion-print-tights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a pair of the grey ones with the writing on them. The tights themselves are amazing, super-stretchy and opaque, very durable. They need to be hand-washed and frankly the print is not super water-resistant, so it's fading in spots after just a couple of wears. While I love the way they look, I don't think I'll be buying more from them unless I hear they've changed their printing process :(

>> No.6275570

Anyone have any suggestions or preferred shops for buying floral crowns and wreaths?
I know there's a shitload on etsy but the sheer number of options is just too overwhelming; anyway to narrow the list down a bit would be really helpful :)

>> No.6275903

aw that sucks :(

>> No.6275919

paradiserose on etsy hasa couple floral crowns, thats really the only store i know
if anyone else knows any stores hopefully they'll hook you up!

>> No.6276093

As far as plain ones go, you can get them at target.

>> No.6276934
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any idea how much these sell for?

>> No.6276940
File: 73 KB, 300x225, ap_ring_shybear_color2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the sales comms, of course. not the original price. Same for pic related. I imagine this ones worth quite a bit.

>> No.6276945



>> No.6276981
File: 13 KB, 300x400, 1307725778262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just placed a bid on it for ten fucking dollars

>> No.6276979




>> No.6276988


Mbok, it's a beautiful place. Japanese lolitas are hemorraghing clothes right now. For cheap, too.

That was more of a comm_sales quote. Prices are still inflated there.

>> No.6277114

A etsy stores I liked recently:
necklaces, hair accessories

>sweet mildred
various things, mostly hair accessories.

>> No.6277458
File: 288 KB, 420x380, cockrobinsongs_velvetribbons1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but there are fees when you bid on auctions
for me it kind of balances out

to not deviate too far from topic, have a pic

>> No.6277551

As the weather gets colder go for knitted tights. They'll have them on tutuanna soon since they're in stores already. I saw some cute ones with carousels on them. They're a lot thicker than regular tights and are knitted, almost like sweater material so they'll never get runs.

>> No.6277678
File: 51 KB, 400x339, tumblr_m06n3o7mT11qzbz9oo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where to get functional-but-cute hats that would work with lolita? Conventional stores near me only seem to be selling knitted beanies and those damn trilby things, but I'd really love a classy wool felt boater/porkpie/bowler for winter. Unfortunately the only good quality ones I've found online were marketed to men and so far too big for my tiny little (53 cm) head.
I have been seeing some nice cloches around, but such a fitted hat on a head as tiny as mine would make any lolita outfit look strangely unbalanced.

Am I going to have to look to taobao? I've never used a shopping service or anything before.

>> No.6277834


FoxCherry on Taobao may have exactly what you are looking for.

Using a shopping service isn't difficult. I use Taobaoring, and their system is super easy to use.


>> No.6277858

Does anyone know when rococo-soul.taobao.com is supposed to open up for orders again? I've been wanting to buy from them for weeks, but I don't think they had a specific date.

>> No.6277865

H&M carries them sometimes, I got a wool boater there a few weeks ago for very cheap! They're quite plain, obviously, but adding ribbon trim and a few bows or whatever isn't hard.

>> No.6277867

I work at a shop called goorin (goorin.com) and we carry a variety of hats... they can get pricey but at least we have selection. :)

>> No.6278837

Have you two used mbok? What are the fees like? I just bid on three items and am about ready to pay. My items total about $70-80. Help?