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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 352 KB, 569x854, 14-comikaze-expo-2012-cosplay-black-cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6273786 No.6273786[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

For those of you who weren't blessed with a perpetual youthful babyface, do you let the age you look affect what cosplays you do? If not, is it discouraging when other cosplayers look better just because they're younger looking? (And lets face it, most characters are youthful looking.)

Pic related, a pair of Black Cats, with the right looking like a hag in comparison.

>> No.6273799

precious looks so weird in that costume and her constant promoting that epic cosplay gave her that terrible wig is really irritating because it looks like shit

>> No.6274027

I was about to take this thread seriously, but then I read the end and I just started laughing. Both girls look fabulous, and the photo's so blown out that how could you even tell how old either of them look?

But to pretend this thread isn't a troll and to answer your question honestly, yes, my age and the age I appear does affect the cosplays I do. It is discouraging that I can't really pull off some of my favorite characters because I have a mature, androgynous face, and it is somewhat discouraging that I get hate on the internet for the face that genetics landed me with, but I take comfort in the fact that I can pull off the older, badass characters that a babyface just wouldn't be able to embody.

For example, at AOD a couple years back I closet-cosplayed Rumia from Touhou Project on a whim. Rumia is a loli with a loli face, and I am very much not. Add to that a high fever that I didn't realize I had, and I was a hot fucking mess. But when it comes to characters like Kanako from Touhou, a girl who looks very young wouldn't have the kind of regal power that I envision Kanako with.

It all comes down to picking appropriate characters for your face and body type, which everybody should be doing anyway. Or, and I know this is an unpopular opinion on /cgl/, everybody could just oh, I don't know, pick characters they like and cosplay them. Since, y'know, cosplay is supposed to be fun and all that.

Some people find their fun through achieving perfection, and others find their fun by pulling stuff out of their closet and goofing around with their friends. Neither party is right or wrong.

>> No.6274309

Guurrl shut your mouth now. You're gorgeous!

>> No.6274331

One looks older than the other? They look like the same age with different faces. Also right one has bigger tits.

>> No.6274386

The one on the right just has a serious horse face, that's got nothing to do with age.

>> No.6274398

>people care about this

>> No.6274413

Wow they both have AMAZING bodies, kudos to them!

>> No.6274518

So much vendetta in this thread.

No matter how much you shitpost, it isn't going to make you a better cosplayer.

>> No.6275033

Who are these women? I'm in love!

>with their bodies

>> No.6275040
File: 47 KB, 671x960, 222082_428308393900077_997402625_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one on the right is Precious.

>> No.6275046

They both look pretty much the same age to me. Not to mention it's superhero comics, where for almost any kind of face a cosplayer of a long-running character could have, there's been at least one actual artist of the comic who drew them looking just like that.
makes her look much better

>> No.6275048
File: 55 KB, 532x800, yedawg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i talk to her all the time, shes pretty bro tier.

>> No.6275051
File: 39 KB, 800x533, 74797_427101740687409_1858231353_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BRB stalking her fb page...

>> No.6275052

ye dawg

>> No.6275087

Who's the girl on the left? She's prettier than Precious. Links?

>> No.6275120

> Who's the girl on the left? She's prettier than Precious. Links?

Naw dawg.

>> No.6275147

Next time, try a bit harder to conceal the raging vendetta OP

>> No.6275150

Could you be anymore of a fucking newfag?

>> No.6275181

Isn't that Spoony?

>> No.6275196


Yes ( . __.)

>> No.6275198

The girl on the left looks like Manzinator. I don't think she would post a shit thread though...

>> No.6275200

One would hope not. She is talented like precious,and also has no drama. The best kind of cosplayer IMO.

>> No.6275210
File: 275 KB, 800x533, 0d304ea75435ad2afb55f63578638bf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're telling me you've never seen this cosplayers body before? I thought you were an old-fag.

>> No.6275218


I've seen her posted around a bit, I just didn't know her name/alias and never cared to ask before I saw her in a skin-tight cat suit and hooker boots.

>> No.6275265

The one on the right doesn't look like a hag, she just has a wider smile. And by wide smile, she actually IS smiling, and isn't making the "sexy smile so I don't show any facial line".

And I don't think age is much of a problem, if the character isn't blatant loli or old. Like Potato said, Kanako and Rumia, for example.

Anyway, I don't care much. I don't look like a loli but I'll cosplay Koishi, and I'll just be happy doing so.

>> No.6275267

...she trips here. Or used to. She hasn't been around in a while.

>> No.6275504

Thanks darlin', that's sweet of you. To be fair, though- I am many things, but a loli I am not.

Also, I just have to say it again- DAAAAAAYUUUUUM to both girls in OP. Precious is a sweetheart, gorgeous, and so talented, and while I don't know the other girl, she looks super pretty and did a fabulous job on her outfit. OP, if you want to get your vendetta on, you're going to have to try a lot harder.

>> No.6275850

Precious has a hot body but her face is a trainwreck. One of those cosplayers that only became popular through the magic of photoshop and enormous prosthetic boob inserts.

>> No.6275869
File: 1.51 MB, 1458x1629, 1318596933446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she actually has an amazing ass but seems to prefer titty cosplay for some reason

work with what you've got

>> No.6275893

her giant fake removable tits kind of weird me out... I like her better with her natural chest TBH

>> No.6275896

Agreed, all her photoshoot pictures are shooped in the face beyond recognition. IRL and in candid pictures she's haggard, not an outright hag like OP is saying, but really unfortunate in the face.

>> No.6275905


Sooooo, who is this?

>> No.6275912

Left: Manzinat0r on fb, I believe.
Right: Precious

Both pretty, and very down-to-earth. Precious looks really pretty in person too... completely recognizable. You guys should do something useful with the sand in your vaginas.... make pearls or some shit.

>> No.6275913

Who's the girl on the left?

>> No.6275915

Her cosplay page on facebook is manzinat0r~

>> No.6275916



Thanks x
Now I'm going to go find out her diet and workout routine, she's perfect.

>> No.6275918

Precious is stuck up in person, went up to talk to her at Fanime to compliment her on her cosplay and she rolled her eyes and walked away. She may look good on the outside but her inside is ugly.

>> No.6275929

She's kind of a princess but that doesn't seem like her either, you probably smell bad

>> No.6275932

Hard believe that at all. I'm completely a nobody, was not wearing lolita or a cosplay, and she was so sweet to me, and really friendly even though she was on her way to something else. This happened at ALA.

>> No.6275946

removable?! Please tell me how to get giant tits I can put on and off for cosplay!

>> No.6275950

I've known her a long time, she isn't rude to anyone. Stop being so jealous and improve yourself!

>> No.6275955

breastforms. the more advanced evolution of the chicken cutlet.

>> No.6275966

your entire existence is a train wreck. her face is pretty and that body is fucking smoking

>> No.6275970

oh god I just googled them. But how does she get cleavage? It looks like it just sticks on your boob... would you put a pushup bra on the fake boobs? it seems like you'd see the fake bit though.

>> No.6275983

>her face looks like she's been smoking


>> No.6275984

More idiot women who insist on wearing high heels on characters that shouldn't be wearing them.

>> No.6275994
File: 60 KB, 720x960, 2precious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was on her fb. not is costume she still looks great

>> No.6276005

yeah, she looks good after some shop.

>> No.6276019
File: 112 KB, 600x800, 44494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear people's personal hand-picked facebook pictures are a real credible source.

>> No.6276030

Honest question for you, seagulls who are saying that Precious is ugly: why do you say that? What about her face/body is unattractive to you?

I'm just curious, because I find her gorgeous, especially in that old-school pinup sort of way. Is it a matter of liking different aesthetics? If that's the case, why do you feel the need to trash her?

Apologies for adding to this trainwreck of a thread, but I am honestly curious and would like to know. She's always been beautiful in person and super sweet to me in the handful of times I've met her, so I'm wondering why there's so much hate.

>> No.6276031

anyone that wants to insult a cosplayer on this board should be required to post a picture of themselves right at that exact moment

you guys accuse everyone of being "shopped" but i doubt you even have your face in your facebook profile pic. BUT ITS BECAUSE I LOVE ANIME. no its because you look like shit all the time

>> No.6276035

/cgl/ just hates anyone that actually cosplays with a bit of confidence and gets their picture taken


>> No.6276037

I don't think she is ugly, I just don't think she is gorgeous or like how she styles herself. I'm not a fan of the gigantic fake boobs or sucking in your stomach so hard your ribs pop out half a foot. I don't know what happened but I found her far, far prettier a year or two ago... maybe she changed her makeup or something but lately she's been looking really harsh and kind of generically slutty hot.

>> No.6276038

They do it out of jealously

>> No.6276042

Pretty sure it's a vendetta Fiesta. Or just talking shit for the sake of.

PS if you are who I think you are, I like your touhous. :3

>> No.6276043

This is a dumb statement. You're basically saying people aren't allowed to evaluate someone's appearance because you think they have a nice personality.

Nobody cares about who was nice to you at a con or who you wish you were friends with. Go suck up to her on her facebook.

>> No.6276045

Would you like a hug?

>> No.6276046

youre used to seeing a foot in the mirror every morning, no wonder precious looks omgetehflawlezz gorgeuss to you

>> No.6276048


>> No.6276050

Or maybe they honestly don't like the way she looks.

It's annoying to always hear Precious's buddies yelling at people to change their opinions. She's not the supermodel you want people to believe she is.

>> No.6276051

Maybe she shouldn't be,but Black cat is almost always drawn with ridiculous heels.

>> No.6276054
File: 76 KB, 480x720, nobodyperfect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does her looks have to do with her craftsman ship?
Nobody perfect Anon enjoy the things she does, she cant change her looks they were what she was born with.

>> No.6276057

>You're basically saying people aren't allowed to evaluate someone's appearance because you think they have a nice personality.
Actually, if you'd read my post, you'll find that I was calmly and rationally asking why people feel the need to "evaluate" her appearance via insults. I also asked what specifically people don't like about said appearance. >>6276037 gave me a rational answer. You just turned around and called me a kiss-ass, which doesn't answer my question at all.

>> No.6276063

classic /cgl/ always taking it to the personal level

i stick up for these girls all the time and have met none of them

>> No.6276064
File: 14 KB, 300x341, 760034-169018_183156_black_cat_super_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, are you really such a whiteknight that you're going to argue this crap? You're so annoying.

Black Cat DOES NOT WEAR HEELS. The only picture I can even remember where she wore heels was that picture where she's dressed as a stripper to mack on spider-man.

She's a character that spends her time doing backflips and jumping across buildings. She doesn't wear heels. Ever.

>> No.6276077

Every single super hero outfit, especially womens', are WILDLY impractical for any crime fighting or gymnastics. I mean I'm a guy, but my gut instinct is if I'm gonna be parkouring after some punk, I want a workout tank and bra, not a suit split to my groin.

Is it REALLY the heels that kill it for you?

>> No.6276129


Wearing heels makes your legs look better. You'd want to look your best too if you were wearing a skintight outfit like that.

>> No.6276185

Geezus, did mommy sodomize you with her high heels when you were a kid or something? So much lady hate.

>> No.6276186
File: 35 KB, 482x720, tumblr_maialcdprP1r2i4x8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She dresses so practically for backflips and jumping off buildings, that she always keeps her suit zipped securely and doesn't have any loose fringey bits -- oh wait, it's a comic book, and different artists draw the chatacrers however they want to, whether or not it's practical. This is the same character that's oten drawn wearing a freaking corset, which is also ridiculous.

Also, >>6276129. It's cosplay, not crimefighting, and most girls don't look like a J Scott Campbell drawing in flats.

at least those two girls aren't wearing legit hooker shoes.
>pic related

>> No.6276191
File: 894 KB, 1001x605, tumblr_mb2kxq2lEq1rh2d6ko2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6276193
File: 217 KB, 495x750, tumblr_m9p2a27Xkv1rq7hcqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6276209

I've seen felicia in stilettos but never corsets. corsets are a cosplayer thing.

>> No.6276220

Black Cat cosplayers with corsets outside their suits is one of my cosplay pet peeves. EVERYONE does it though. Points to OP's two girls for not doing it

>> No.6276214
File: 59 KB, 564x800, 282158_347017492051843_281689923_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6276232

yeah it bugs me too. where did that trend start?

>> No.6276248

There's also latex boobies as well, Anon. If you've ever watched Rupaul's Drag Race or are familiar with drag queens, they've invested in some pretty pricey fake breast that sort of like hang around your neck like a bib..

>> No.6276290
File: 337 KB, 450x675, BlackCat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesss black cat thread. Officially saving everything.

>> No.6276296

I think she only used a breast form for Selvaria actually.
She just heavily pads her boobs for things like Black Cat. That's her real cleavage but she might be wearing 2 bras for all we know.

>> No.6276304


My brain says she's too fat for Felicia. My boner says different. I don't know what to believe now...

>> No.6276327
File: 69 KB, 600x897, 1320315458383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust the boner. Since when has a single man in the history of ever been led astray by his boner?

>> No.6276357
File: 68 KB, 833x833, 404655_4200809012134_803680581_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6276368

You REALLY need to stop selfposting so often. It just looks bad on you.

>> No.6276412
File: 84 KB, 423x700, tumblr_lq8e0kbdGE1qiozwzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably not the ideal build but I think this cosplayer is really cute

>> No.6276413

is that Manzinat0r?

>> No.6276483
File: 77 KB, 1011x674, 333041_333946926692233_774166714_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think so, doesn't look like her.

>> No.6276490 [DELETED] 


Name of the girl on the left?

>> No.6276508


I see Derpqueen and other tripfags post that picture often. DQ's got a huge lesbian crush on her. Even one of /r9k/'s most idiotic trips reposted that once.

>> No.6276516

I almost thought this was a legit thread op.1/10 for getting me to open your thumbnail.

>> No.6276543

She's not hideous, but /cgl/ treats her like she is the end all of hot deserving of recognition cosplayers. I constantly see her posted in Jnig threads saying that it's a shame Precious doesn't have the fanbase Jnig does. Could be just whiteknighting from her multitude of trip friends, but you know.

But in the end, 90% of her cosplays are Jnig status of tits tits and more tits (tits she doesn't have) and ass now and then. Her female Sephiroth was just an excuse to go overboard on the cleavage, and yet Jnig gets shit for her slutty Ash. Beyond my personal feelings, her face isn't very youthful, her teeth are an odd dull grey shade, and she has classic horse face that isn't flattered by the heavy makeup that she wears along with the wigs. Her wig for Black Cat looks like shit and the bangs are cut in a horrible way that accentuates her horse face.

>> No.6276561

I completely agree. Despite her cosplay being really good she just seems like she's another Jnig. Black Cat, Cammy, and Poison. She's completely all about the attention now. It's like those specific characters have become a must like Yoko has been for years.

>> No.6276574
File: 137 KB, 960x824, 399057_470328912988628_1348696626_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it's one of the birds of prey

I do not understand why you say horseface. Sarah Jessica Parker has a horseface. But that Black Cat wig was pretty bad looking. Did she get it for free from epiccosplay? she keeps pimpng it on all her pictures.

>> No.6276572

Yeah but Precious actually makes her stuff, and got a company to pay for her cosplays for a year in return for her doing some promotional stuff for them. Pretty sweet deal. I guess getting invited to cons as a guest is good too, especially if you're into the publicity, but if you cosplay to actually make shit, Precious definitely got the better offer. Regardless of what cosplays she's been doing as of late, I think Precious has definitely earned some legitimacy as an actual costumer.

>> No.6276591

Yes she did. Personally I think it'd look a hell of a lot better if she gave it a good brushing out.

>> No.6276594
File: 76 KB, 800x533, 417135_310134359050815_1356491685_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's not hideous
>she has classic horse face

You contradict yourself in your own post. Nice.

You do know precious has more costumes than Black cat, Cammy, and Poison (which were made years ago) right ?

She made Fem Shepard, Ivy from SC5 and Venus from metal gear, but those would support your claims of her being just like Jnigs ,right?

I know your mad, but bashing precious isn't going to make you a good cosplayer.

>> No.6276612

Classic horse face =/= hideous, just not conventionally beautiful. Calm down, it's just the internet. It just means she has really big features, a lot of people think Anne Hathaway has a horse face and she's beautiful.

Also I'm not sure why you replied to me when I didn't make the examples of Black Cat and Poison and Cammy. And you sound like a retarded fanboy with the way you type.

>> No.6276624

FYI:Most people consider being called "horsefaced" the same as being called hideous.

>> No.6276632

What time is it in Germany?

>> No.6276653

Time to sleep.

>> No.6277079

I've known Precious for a little while now. She is never rude to me or rude to anyone else in public (as far as I know). She seems to have a tiny bit of an inflated ego though ever since she started getting a little "e-popular." All her cosplay has either been tits or ass cosplay too as far as I know. Its great that she cosplays for her body type and she has a decent body but it seems like she can only do sexy character cosplay. Maybe her body type forces her to do these cosplays? Because she's tall as fuck or something and I don't think she could pull off anything except the amazonian sexy types of characters.

Its kind of sad though that she literally ONLY cosplays sexy characters. Its like she wants to be taken serious as a costumer but basically does the same shit as Jnig which is unfortunate.

>> No.6277089

Imo she doesn't get the recognition or attention that Jnig does because Jnig's body is a lot better than her's. Can't say anything about the faces though. Also Jnig shows off more of her body all the time whereas Precious primarily does the form fitting cleavage or shows off her ass which in some cases is a lot more revealing than Jnig.

Jnig caters more to the common neckbeard whereas Precious at least has some integrity left. Although from where she is now and her pattern of skimpy cosplay, I wouldn't be surprised if Precious went full on Jnig mode with her future costumes.

>> No.6277091

Abenteuer Zeit!

Really though, what does that have to do with anything?

>> No.6277094

>because Jnig's body is a lot better than her's

Get out, jnig is bulimic. Precious actually has a body. You're clearly a girl

>> No.6277112
File: 52 KB, 472x720, femshepme3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not what I would call a sexy cosplay. it is one that involves skill that jnig doesn't have.

>> No.6277171
File: 115 KB, 612x612, 582061_390686727662244_1885595615_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its kind of sad though that she literally ONLY cosplays sexy characters. Its like she wants to be taken serious as a costumer but basically does the same shit as Jnig which is unfortunate.

That's a nice theory, but she has cosplayed a lot of non sexy characters like Balalaika, and Fem Shepard.

Also why would she stoop down to Jnigs level when she is already getting good sponsored gigs with video game companies making costumes, and cosplaying their characters? Jnigs at most only seems to get invited to cons like Vampy now .

Honestly if you hate the attention Precious is getting so much stop talking about her.

>> No.6277477

At least Jessica plays the video games she cosplays from. Precious just chooses characters that are mainstream to milk the most attention.

>> No.6277484

Jnig doesn't even make her own costumes.

>> No.6277489

Cosplay is about how you look. Unless you're entering something into a craftsmanship contest, who made your costume is irrelevant.

Also, Jessica doesn't need to rely on retarded photoshop tricks to look good.

>> No.6277490

this argument is just surreal

>> No.6277493
File: 239 KB, 452x316, 1346891473354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6277494

She edits her nose smaller and gives herself a waist in photoshop. I'm sure someone else can post the proof photo for you since I don't have it saved. But yeah. She uses shoop too.

I think Jnig is a complete butterface with a 6.5/10 body. No talent at all. I think Precious is talented and slightly less butterfaced with a 5/10 body. Both girls do it for attention but Precious is the lesser of the two evils. She actually got somewhere by being a good cosplayer whereas Jessica just self-promoted a shitload.

>> No.6277501


>> No.6277509
File: 734 KB, 2000x1124, Comiccon2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Precious just chooses characters that are mainstream to milk the most attention.

You do know that she cosplays some pretty obscure characters such as Venus from Metal gear:Ac!d right? Not exactly what I would call mainstream.

As for not playing the games, what proof do you have she doesn't?
>She edits her nose smaller and gives herself a waist in photoshop. I'm sure someone else can post the proof photo for you since I don't have it saved. But yeah. She uses shoop too.

Here's a at con photo, she looks the same for the most part. Stop being buttmad.

>> No.6277520

>Her female Sephiroth was just an excuse to go overboard on the cleavage, and yet Jnig gets shit for her slutty Ash.
Ignoring how either of them look for a second, let's take a moment to consider each character. Now, I do not claim to know everything about either character. But if we were to base a rule 63 off of their original outfits, it would not be a stretch for female-Sephiroth to show a lot of cleavage. As a man he already has his chest exposed. I would even say that her addition of a skirt was a good choice for making the character more feminine. Now take a look at Ash. Dude looks like he has never worn anything but t-shirts and cargo pants his whole life. He seems like a more practical character than Sephiroth in all his leather. Therefore, I would not put him in a tiny skirt and half a tight-fitting shirt like Jnig does, not to mention the use of heels. It just seems unfitting. If anything female-Ash would still be wearing shoes and probably shorts or something.

My point is, you can't just take two completely different characters that have been rule 63'd and say, "Well they're both slutting it up," without any consideration for the original characters' outfits.

What about that time when Jnig said her favourite Pokemon was "Mikochan" or something? Does anyone else remember this happening?

>> No.6277519

I was talking about Jessica. There's proof that she shoops her nose smaller in most of the pics she posts online. Her nose is also noticeably larger in her unshooped con pics.

Precious uses shoop too, don't try to deny it. Everyone does to some extent. The difference is that it looks like Precious only does touch-ups like removing naso labiofolds and Jessica actually changes her nose to look smaller and less manly.

>> No.6277524

Precious doesn't shoop, her photogs do it for her.

>> No.6277527

Yo Jessica stop trolling Precious. If you want to compete with her start making your own costumes first.

>> No.6277536

Yeah sure thing Crystal.

Both of you really need to get over yourselves.

>> No.6277538


>> No.6277539

Yep. Mitochan. Jnig is a complete faggot.

>> No.6277549

More like an obnoxious butterfaced attention whore who looks like a tranny and acts like a walking black hole with the IQ of a tree stump.

>> No.6277554

That's kind of an insult to transgirls, I know a fair few of them who are more attractive than Jnig.

>> No.6277557

post pic in cat suit with dem child bearing hips

>> No.6277560

Touchè. Hers is simply a case of unfortunate genetics and lack of intelligence. If she wasn't such a raging narcissist I don't think I'd find her nearly as annoying, though.

>> No.6277573
File: 80 KB, 720x960, bopsnshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you, siggy bear. I'm going to get ridiculed for posting it in a thread full of JNig and Precious' bodies, though, but I guess that's fair.

Exactly. There's nothing wrong with having a bit of a manface, nothing wrong with having a manface and wearing revealing costumes to distract attention from it with a nice body, but it's the attitude that does my head in.

>> No.6277582


>> No.6277891
File: 20 KB, 220x307, charlize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to /cgl, every female ever is a manface.

Take Charlize Theron. Just look at that man-jaw, and her harsh cheekbones, and her... gorgeous eyes HNNNNNG OH CHARLIZE Y U MAKE ME GAY???

>> No.6277908

Even with it burry... HNNG!!!

>> No.6277911 [DELETED] 

.. what is all the stuff she's said that is supposedly narcissistic exactly? Or is it just because she has a fan page, because a lot of cosplayers have those.

She's constantly supporting other cosplayers by saying how great they are/promoting them and when one guy commented saying how they thought Manzi was a better costumer when she linked to her she page, she agreed.

But eh, whatever. Not to be a whiteknight but I just don't get it.

>> No.6277915

.. what is all the stuff she's said that is supposedly narcissistic exactly? Or is it just because she has a fan page, because a lot of cosplayers have those.

She's constantly supporting other cosplayers by saying how great they are/promoting them and when one guy commented saying how they thought Manzi was a better costumer when she linked to her page, she agreed.

But eh, whatever. Not to be a whiteknight but I just don't get it.

>> No.6277940

Holy hnnngh

>> No.6278077

Charlize Theron's face is a 9/10
JNig's face is a 2/10
Big difference

>> No.6278103

It's the sum of all her actions.
- 3+ years of selfposting and self-promoting online
- only wears shit that is popular and will get her attention
- sells prints of herself
- never adapts herself to look like the characters she cosplays. Always changes the design to suit her attention whoring needs and always wears tranny makeup even when it's completely inaccurate
- doesn't make 90% of her own costumes and obviously isn't in it for the creativity or craftsmanship aspect, just wants to prance around looking "hot"
- has lied and claimed to make stuff that she didn't and/or doesn't mention or credit the people who did make things for her

She's a narcissitic fuck. And the other cosplayers who have fan pages that they themselves maintain are also narcissists. Most of them aren't as bad, but they still have issues.

>> No.6278136

>she'a constantly saying things that she thinks will get people to like her more and circlejerking with other attention whores

Wow yeah I guess she's a great person my bad

>> No.6278186


Precious has a bigger unfortunate face but nicer voice

Manzinator knows how to hide her facial flaws better but annoying voice

>> No.6278221

A++ post. Basically this is why I don't find her likeable in a nutshell.

>> No.6278311

Most people are self involved to some degree. It's impossible to live life without thinking largely about yourself. But anywho.

- I think you underestimate what PhillyD linking you a bunch of times will do and how little she really needs to promote. If you think self posting /here/ would have done her any favours, that's stupid. Or every other cosplayer here would be e-famous by now. Which goes for self promotion in general really, I see a lot of cosplayers try pretty hard to promote and not work..
- a lot of cosplayers do this. Nearly all cosplayers have worn popular characters. This just makes you a hipster cosplayer. Some people just like listening to only mainstream music too, kind of pointless to hate on anyone for that.
- again, not the only cosplayer that does that. But I don't blame someone for capitalising in on a fanbase if they need $ for whatever reason. It's not like she's e-begging, she's giving a product for a price that clearly people want or they wouldn't buy it.
- some people like doing their make up a certain way because it's what they feel comfortable with. I was an insecure teenager who used to trowl it on. I was not very good at applying make up either. Might want to be more open minded as to why people do things.
- she makes more than 10%, especially as of current. Yeah a couple of costumes/pieces were made by friends. You're going to have to give proof of her lying about anything though. Not giving credit every single time she shares a photo of something is not the same as actively saying "I made this" when she didn't.

>> No.6278318


And fair enough if that's your general opinion on fan pages. They kind of grate on me a bit too, honestly. That being said in some cases I think they're fairly justified (170k fans pretty much justifies it to me). I can see how appealing they look to be somewhere to share your work also that taps into a much bigger network than cosplay.com and similar would ever be. It's just a shame there's no real way to utilise it without some people automatically thinking you're up yourself for doing it. Ah well.

Just playing devils advocate before I bugger off to work. To me none of those things seem like big issues, nor bely that she's in anyway a crummy person. Anyway, have fun kids.

>> No.6278352

When are you going to learn that nobody cares about your snarky opinions.

Just go back to doing webcam shows. It's all you were ever good for.

>> No.6278371

Some people make their own fan pages because they don't want a bunch of fucking con weirdos adding them on their personal facebook. A lot of people that have fan pages actually had second facebooks for cosplay but fb's policy made them shut it down.

>> No.6278376

If it's a page you make for yourself, can you really call it a fan page?

>I'm my own bigest fan!

Hmm... actually, this does describe most cosplayers. Maybe it's appropriate.

>> No.6278394

She'd been selfposting here since way before she got linked on his show. How do you think he found her? She wasn't just posting herself here. The girl started spamming her pics on every nerd forum she could find back when she first got noticed at sdcc.

P.s. - altering shit you buy at the mall is not = making your own costumes. I might believe she makes <20%, but even that's a stretch.

>> No.6278399

Aren't they called fan pages? I don't mind people call their pages fan pages if that's the actual name for them. Or is it just you have a "page"?

>> No.6278413

He found her when she first cosplayed at comic-con years ago. That's when they met and became buddies (she was a fan of the show). It's not like it's hard to find her anyway since she had her own website and was posted all over the god damn internet the very day after she started cosplaying.

And no, you don't get to be a famous cosplayer by self-posting on /cgl/. That's just stupid. And what evidence do you even have to support that she's doing all this "self-posting" anyway? Other than that's just what you want to conveniently believe.

>> No.6278422

Jess also had a guy she met at sdcc '09 help her build her 1st website and he did a shitload of promoting for her.
The only reason she got popular was successful promotion. No other cosplayer has ever made such a concerted effort. No other cosplayer has ever been as organized about promoting themselves. No other cosplayer has done it consistently or relentlessly for almost 4 years. It's pretty simple. There've been oodles of female cosplayers who were more attractive with better costumes. If it was all about looks they would've been more successful.

>> No.6278438

You're right. You get popular by self-posting all over the internet like she did.

>No other cosplayer has ever made such a concerted effort to promote themselves.
>No other cosplayer has ever been as organized about promoting themselves.
>No other cosplayer has done it consistently or relentlessly for almost 4 years.
>It's pretty simple.

I should add that no other cosplayer has enlisted as much help from other people to promote themselves as she has either.

>> No.6278446

She got popular because she was a smoking hot pikachu cosplayer at comic-con. If becoming famous was a simple as starting up your own website or making a facebook account then every cosplayer would be famous.

That's all most people in the public are interested in a cosplayer: how hot they look. Most cosplayers aren't that hot, including the ones who other cosplayers try to claim are.

>> No.6278452

There is proof. There are screencaps of when she was caught selfposting here a few times over the years. I can post them when I get home from work later of the thread is still around.

>> No.6278460

If it was just about looks you wouldn't be very popular at all and you know it.

>> No.6278461

Again, you're going to have to come up with some evidence or proof to support your claims that she is somehow "self-posting" herself all the time. And claiming she's posting herself "all over the internet" is just retarded. Other than /cgl/ I can't think of a single place where you could even do that ANONYMOUSLY and get away with it.


lol, right. Only just every cosplayer on planet earth.

>> No.6278466

Clef is 100x more conventionally attractive than Jnig. Why isn't she as popular? Oh right, she's not making a daily effort to accumulate fans...

>> No.6278474

I can guarantee that any "screencap" you post will either show nothing or will be full of shit. You'll probably make some half-assed collage of her mentioning being aware of being talked about on /cgl/ and claim that's "proof" she's self-posting. Typical bullshit.

>> No.6278480

Clef is cute, but she isn't sexy. Sex is what sells. Jessica has an especially rockin' body.

Also, you get a lot more press exposure at Comic-Con than whatever backwater french cons Clef attends.

>> No.6278485

Yeah it just comes down to sex appeal for Jessica. The guys that follow her don't care about her costumes, they just care how hot she looks in them.

>> No.6278490

>you get a lot more press exposure at Comic-Con than whatever backwater french cons Clef attends.
>a lot more press exposure
>more exposure


>> No.6278501

>isn't sexy

Phffft. Now I know you're full of it. When Clef dresses sexy she's waaay hotter than JNig.

>> No.6278524

>not being in love with Clef

>> No.6278529

Not really. Clef's only redeeming features are her shortness and adorable face. Her body is generic.

>> No.6278749
File: 60 KB, 640x960, 217946_4104932135272_1181946942_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Phoenix from Birds of Play.

>> No.6278768


>> No.6278894

gorgeous cosplay

>> No.6279532


>> No.6279536

She doesn't even make her own shit.

>> No.6279717
File: 29 KB, 423x434, killitbeforeitlayseggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6279763
File: 97 KB, 666x1000, preview1d8cbd390974a314b0ab7e9e4bdd1c55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clef makes Jnig look really average. She just hides her power level with looking cute, but when she wants to look sexy... Jesus. Dat body.

>> No.6279772

She still cosplays?