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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6271626 No.6271626[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I consider Canada to be our (boring) 51st state, so no offense to them:

- most beautiful, varied geography in the 1st World. Any imaginable form of geography is in this nation, making your country entirely irrelevant.

- high HDI states that rival and surpass Norway be a good margin.

- The good states have significantly lower crime rates than your country.

-Whitest groups of people on the planet: There's 12 states in the USA where the white % of people range from 90-97%, It’s like the 1950s never left.

- more attractions and things to do in USA than any other country; highest amount of Points of Interest, highest amount of fun locations/establishments and businesses who set up fun things to do.

-best music scene by an incredible margin. More bands play live shows here per capita than any other country on the planet. Same goes with festivals. All the highest acclaimed bands play more live shows in a day here than they will all year in your country.

- Best Television and movies. Besides Canada, there's an immeasurable amount of movies and tv shows that doesn't make it in most countries of the world. For what does go outside North America, they still hear that odd version of Homer Simpson talking in an unfunny accent.

- best food in the world; all the world's food is inside this country. In the past few months, I had god status mexican food, thai food, mediterranean food, French, you name it. Also holds all the best exclusive food products by food companies, and is #1 for more microbreweries per capita, and holds most of the world's most acclaimed beer.

There’ll still be europoors here who’ll bring up an american stereotype, or bring up some sweeping american stat that lumps in all the states together, a stat that has nothing to do with the state I live in; it’s their poor reactionary defense mechanism, and precisely why a europoor has never trolled an american.

>> No.6271627

You know, I'm fine with whatever country you're living in. Indeed, the USA is most likely in the top 3/top 5 visitors in your country, and most likely a top tier ally.

But...In the year 2012, to actually permanently live somewhere that's not a good location in the USA? Why?

There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be living here. You got dem top tier HDI states, you go the most beautiful geography in the world, and all the best entertainment. It's why USA is still the most sought out country to migrate to & live in. Deep down, you know every state isn’t the same, as do most people, it’s why America is still the most sought out country to live in.

So let’s take a look at how every country isn’t the same:


>51. Mississippi - 0.867
>United Kingdom 0.863

>> No.6271628

This is /cgl/. You have the wrong board.

>> No.6271631


>> No.6271630

You appear to be lost.

>> No.6271632

is your name "proud to be american" by any chance?

>> No.6271639

Idiot. Don't bump this offtopic shit.

>> No.6271643

Blah blah blah off topic, non cosplay related insulting other countries like we're on /int/

What are those German inspired cities in the top left corner? The look almost like a few areas I lived in when I was in Michigan, but they're too big.

>> No.6271645


>> No.6271657

Guys, can we please not do this

>> No.6271689
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Because - american TV is shit for one thing. glad i'm in such a quiet part of the UK that no one ever locks their doors and there's no crime. Perfectly safe. Perfectly peaceful.

>best food in the world; all the world's food is inside this country
Lol you have got to be shitting me
>Whitest groups of people on the planet
there are NO black people where I am. The only non-whites are indians who run the takeaway. And they're pretty cool.

>more attractions and things to do in USA
Well, that's a given when you consider that america is so much bigger than the UK. Somehow I don't base where I want to live on "attractions" that's how I choose my holidays.. life is not a holiday

>> No.6271692

But everywhere in the world is beautiful if you choose the right stock photos after googling "landscape -insert country name-)

>> No.6271701


Also, sage

>> No.6271706

>American tv is shit

You know it's not 2004 anymore right?

American TV is at a high right now, I'm not looking forward to its eventual fall. I'm riding all the amazing shit we have right now until we hit another shit Age.

>> No.6271708

let's be real here. America isn't exactly renowned for its fine cuisine
I hope you're trolling

>> No.6271718

>America isn't exactly renowned for its fine cuisine

>America isn't exactly renowned for its fine cuisine

Cajun food begs to differ.

sage for no cosplay

>> No.6271719

I'll agree actually. There are a few things I've enjoyed recently but in general I just can't stand it. It's just my opinion.
I mean.. take family guy. That is awful to me and I can't understand why everyone else has such a hardon over it.

>> No.6271723

Maybe what OP was trying to say about the food thing is that a lot of the world's food is grown in the US. Our wheat and corn products are exported to almost everywhere in the world, and feed way more people than you'd think. They don't call the midwest "the breadbasket" for nothing.

>> No.6271729

Yeah seriously, that's one of the things we've got going for us right now.

Our education system may be down the shitter, but at least we have Breaking Bad, It's Always Sunny, Mad Men, and Park and Recreation to ease the seemingly unfixable mess we're in.

Luther wasn't all that great, by the way.

>> No.6271733

You obviously don't cook since you fail to think about good Cajun food which is up the for being complex and flavorful.

Get some fucking tastebuds, pleb.

>> No.6271738

There is shit always at any time. Even going back to the "classic" days, you will have shit, whether it's the 50s, 60s, whatever. No one talks about those times.

UK has shit, you guys just don't talk about it. I don't think Family Guy covers up the great stuff the US has coming out right now, just like I don't think you're knock off of The Soup overcomes all the great shows you guys have been putting out.

>> No.6271757
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>American TV is at a high right now
Says the country that made The Big Bang Theory

>> No.6271775
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We all can't be high class like you.

>> No.6271779

I live in California, I wish I lived in Canada

>> No.6271781

>Whitest groups of people on the planet

Okay wtf? And wtf @ the racist brit who thinks this is a good thing too. Fuck you racist assholes.

btw to the faggot racist brit: we may have some shitty tv shows but we also have some of the best. Game of Thrones, The Wire, Breaking Bad, etc. Brits love our best shows.

>> No.6271782
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>> No.6271800
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You can if you watch Red Dwarf, shit's fantastic

American TV isn't all that bad though, I mean, you made Fresh Prince of Bel Air, after all

>> No.6271801

Not actually racist. Just pointing out that if OP thinks that's a plus for where you live then I have them beaten. I actually don't care but I'll add that when I did live in a large town I experienced a lot of crime from black people. But that doesn't make ME racist. I don't give a shit.

>> No.6271804

I'm not racist but I hate niggers
white niggers too

>> No.6271872
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/int/ this way