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File: 101 KB, 600x900, Shibari_Loli_Doll_by_Traeonna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6271571 No.6271571[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ok cgl/ hears the deal…
I want to do a panel and demonstration on shibari. However I’m not interested in teaching about the sexuality of it but the emotional fulfillment of it, witch to many people who have only seen images of it in hentai I have gathered may seem a little strange.
I would like feedback and also hopefully to share not only my fascination but actually my feelings of loving expression I get from this art form with others. I understand many of you may not be interested but given where I want to showcase this at an anime convention, and I have found that most people at gatherings like those tend to be open minded I feel this is the best place to post this.
Let me hopefully start by asking how many people have experience with it and who are interested in it? Both men and women alike

>> No.6271595

I'm interested, OP. I know nothing about it . What do you plan talking about?

>> No.6271613
File: 5 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shibari literally means Bondage, or "rope person art" it is bases around constraint and decorative knots around the human body.


since this is a topic for people new people, i want to talk about most importantly safety, the various forms of it, and what i am interested in the emotional side. many people feel "liberated" in being restated or suspended. or enjoy feeling vulnerable in front of some one they love because of the trust it builds as well as giving them a chance to become an "object" not a human when being showcased

>> No.6271615

As much as this is a topic that really interests me, I'd imagine your reception might be a bit too immature.

I'm actually a member of a local BDSM group, and there are so many fucking weeaboos. I don't want to imagine what would happen if you address the subject to a bunch of people who probably don't know ANYTHING about safe kink.

They'll be open-minded alright. Perhaps a bit too open-minded.

There are tons of liability issues when giving public talks on bondage, as if someone tries to replicate something they saw without proper safety precautions, the blame could be put on you.

It's a shame, because that really would be a cool adult panel. Much more than the typical hentai screenings and yaoi-fests that usually happen.

>> No.6271619
File: 41 KB, 468x351, fawfwr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some mangas that also explain shibari existing, maybe you should use parts of them since it is at a anime convention.

>> No.6271618

I've been to a beginner's panel on it- I've been a fan of rope stuff for a while, though mainly what I've found in the western world.It was nice to see some eastern examples of rope and he did some simple demonstrations of the easier stuff. Basic history, some book recommendations (one I actually picked up) and some jokes along the way.

I just popped my head in to say that if you do a panel on this- stress the safety issue. Rope tying isn't like boyscouts. It's bad to have tight knots as it can lead to permanent nerve damage. (hell even just doing it will lead to some damage.) Suspension isn't for beginners and to keep a knife for quick outs handy. Beginners might think that rope is fun and not as dangerous- but it is!

>> No.6271641
File: 10 KB, 177x284, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe me I understand, however I’d like to think if I tried to teach the loving side of it there would be a better lesion to take away from it, but then again that is probably wishful thinking not realistic.

Believe me I know. I was exposed to it in Nagasaki japan when I was an exchange student about a year ago, and before I could ties a suspension I had to have done fifteen ties and re ties of the same harness all perfect and only after my fifth class. Besides we wouldn’t be able to without ether a stand, or quite literally drilling a hook into a load baring beam in the room, which I doubt the hotel staff would be ok with…

Since we have a few people who are interested, I’d like to ask what some people’s experiences and fascinations with Shibari are and also if they would like more about it explained, given that it is practice for me.

>> No.6271740

Ahhhhhh I wish I had someone who could do this to me...shibari is so romantic. I can only imagine the feelings of trust and helplessness...enough out of me.

>> No.6271762


i think that when people are naked and restated, it's very beautiful because theirs nothing for them to hid behind.

not to mention adding the sexual aspect into that of being teased. its not only very intense but it gives away so much more than sexual gratification

>> No.6272278

bump for con bondage story's :D

>> No.6272307
File: 22 KB, 599x338, 6745676575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok cgl/ hears the deal…


>> No.6272431
File: 49 KB, 264x292, no i don't think so.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you bitches talking about?

Why the fancy name for bondage in lolita outfits?


>> No.6272449

I think trying to explain your emotional fulfillment is a waste of time, since everyone takes home something different from bondage/power exchange. You'd just be telling your story, as, as interesting as it might be, it doesn't matter.

Shibari is highly technical, incredibly dangerous, and should be undertaken with extreme care and knowledge. Why not teach about how to build a beginner's kit (what types of rope to look for, what lengths, how many pieces, fucking SAFETY SCISSORS), how to make basic ties, how to be SAFE, which parts of the body to avoid if you're a beginner, etc. Teach the techniques. Everyone will have a different emotional or sexual experience.

>> No.6272752


you know your probably right, and truth be told that's probably a better way about getting people educated in it. but i hate needing to explain to another room full of morons how can get laid anywhere else, not to tie people around there upper arms to prevent nerve racking...

anyone have any other recommendations on what i should explain and cover?