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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 449 KB, 1360x1906, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6270259 No.6270259 [Reply] [Original]

So, which one of you fuckers have been messaging her Japanese hill?

>> No.6270269

what the hell... did pt, lose weight?

>> No.6270274

she also lost chin

>> No.6270276

is this a shoop???

>> No.6270279


Nope. Remember how PT left the internet around Christmas? Well she's since been working out and was able to secure a new job teaching English. She's studying teaching English Language as a Foreign Language on the side and she's moved into her own apartment with a friend. She's actually going to Japan in two months and spending Christmas there with a Japanese penpal.

We're all so happy for her.

>> No.6270290

oh, you

>> No.6270289

>someones big mouth
>mine and theirs

So she actually admits she opened her big mouth one too many times? Wow.

>> No.6270297

Her mouth has to be pretty big to fit that much food in there.

>> No.6270299

BULLFUCKINGSHIT. That'd be nice, though.

>> No.6270302


Don't be fucking thick, PT only ever opens her big mouth to gobble Kris's cock and stuff mochi down it.

>> No.6270361

Her legs look so nice here! Is this a shoop or absolutely incredible photography? Her head looks so out of place...

>> No.6270363


It's MAJOR shoop. It looks weird because her head is too big in relation to the rest of her body, because the rest of her has been shooped thinner and probably smaller.

>> No.6270367


Do you have the original? I've never seen this picture before..

>> No.6270371

I would be legit happy for her if this were true. TOo bad it's a fairy tale.

>> No.6270388


But Anon, it is real.

You just have to belieeevvvveeee.

>> No.6270394

does anyone who has her on fb know more about what has been sent to her mother?

>> No.6270401


I could tell you all the complete story if you want.
If anybody is interested I'll type it up in a minute.

>> No.6270406

yes yes yes yes yes yefkfkkfkfkfkfkfask yes

>> No.6270408
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>> No.6270418

I don't even know where to begin.

Remember earlier this year when Sarah completely dropped off the map and shut down all her online accounts? It was actually because she'd been barred from posting online by her family, primarily her mother Debbie.

Her mother and various other members of her family, including a sister-in-law who isn't even related by blood, had all been receiving weird emails containing messages of abuse and images of Sarah's nudes. You all remember the video that had been recorded the night Sarah was in that Tinychat and started crying because her mother was yelling at her to take a bath? Somebody emailed a copy of it to her mother and a few others sent her messages of hate over FB and her mother absolutely flipped the fuck out that Sarah had broadcasted it online, allowed it to be recorded and was now being painted as an abusive parent.

There was a huge fight between Sarah and her parents, at one point Sarah apparently screamed at her father that he wasn't even her real dad. Shit hit the fan.


>> No.6270421


She barred Sarah from publishing any more details about their life online or taking any more pictures of herself and uploading them to DA, which is why all her latest pictures have been photographed inside her room or outside around Victoria. She had actually been sneaking out with her costumes in a bag, changing into them outside and then taking the pictures. Debbie removed the computer that was in Sarah's room and threatened that if she caught her taking pictures of herself or posting online that she would be thrown out the house.
The vacation they took to Vegas was actually scheduled so close to San Japan so that they could try and keep Sarah from attending as they're trying to move her away from her obsession with anime and Asia and get her more involved with the real world.

The sister-in-law that I mentioned before (who some of you probably remember used to post here as Nyan) is married to one of Sarah's older brothers. She had been asked keep an eye on Sarah since she spent a lot of time online herself, and Sarah knows this which is why she hates her so much. The sister-in-law was keeping an eye on her and not reporting anything back since Sarah wasn't seen to be taking any more photos of herself, but the sister-in-law does actually lurk /cgl/ and after she saw that Sarah was sending pictures of herself to people over Skype she was forced to inform Debbie and now Sarah is in the shit again.

>> No.6270426


I don't know even know what to say about all that. Wow.
How do you know all of this?

>> No.6270427
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>Sarah apparently screamed at her father that he wasn't even her real dad

>> No.6270428
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oh shit

>> No.6270429


Don't ask because I'm not giving anything away. Let's just leave it at "I'm very involved".

>> No.6270434


or ex-vicfag?

>> No.6270436

Any more details?
I've been dying to hear about the well being of our dear Queen.

>> No.6270440

>sister-in-law who isn't even related by blood

I should fucking hope so.

>> No.6270446

She has been posting about photo shoots on her Facebook for awhile though?

>> No.6270449
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>Sarah apparently screamed at her father that he wasn't even her real dad
please be trolling please be trolling please be trolling please be trolling please be trolling BITCH IS 28

>> No.6270466

Is she REALLY 28? For some reason I thought she was 20-23.

And I thought my weeaboo faggotry at 28 was bad.

>> No.6270470


Not really much more to tell you really, that just about sums up everything that has been going on.

I will say that people should stop criticizing Sarah's mom though. She is a good person and raised her children well (with one exception). She cannot understand what has gone wrong with Sarah and has made big sacrifices in the past to allow Sarah to have the creative freedom she needs which is why she put up with every thing that was going on for so long in the first place. For the longest time she has actually supported Sarah's hobby, but it's gotten to the point where enough is enough.

When people were criticizing Debbie for threatening Sarah over her dying her hair black, it is not because she was trying to control or stifle her. Debbie knew that she was only dying her hair black as an attempt to appear more Japanese and knew that if she let her do it that it would be one more step towards the deep-end for Sarah. She has been taking steps to try and get Sarah under control and move her towards normality, but of course PT just see's this as her mother being a controlling, abusive bitch. Believe me when I say this, Sarah is paranoid as fuck, and you need to to take everything she says with a pinch of salt.


>> No.6270471

She's 27.

>> No.6270476

she's 27, born '85. There has been confusion in the past, even from PT herself, but it's confirmed 27. ..Not that her being one year younger makes any of this less pathetic.

>> No.6270477


I'll type up every thing else once I get back. Just going round to the store.

>> No.6270478

Finally. An anon with accurate intel.

>> No.6270480

The forced tanning pills and "omg how will you ever get a boyfriend if you keep acting like this" are pretty shitty, though. They're both shitty people, it's just that Sarah is the shittier of the two.
Where the hell is her dad in all this?

>> No.6270485

>take everything she says with a pinch of salt.

As in, the bitch exaggerates.

>> No.6270482

sup Nyan

>> No.6270486

That shit isn't me, yo. That's another anon typing.

>> No.6270490

Well shit. It's not me either because I never post in Sarah's threads. But they've got it all 100% accurate.
>mfw this is the first time /cgl/ is getting detailed and factual intel on Sarah
Maybe it's time this family is banned from the internet.

>> No.6270491

But I love my interwebs time.

I think whoever is giving this info is another person who has inside information. Troll in the dungeon or mole in the camp?

>> No.6270493

oh god. then who was phone?

>> No.6270503

>There was a huge fight between Sarah and her parents, at one point Sarah apparently screamed at her father that he wasn't even her real dad. Shit hit the fan.

Awshit. That's bad enough buy itself, but what? Does she like... believe she has a Japanese father somewhere and her dad is just her stepdad?

>> No.6270517

Don't you die on me.

>> No.6270519
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That's a terrible thing to say to your dad. He's probably hurt and pissed. Anyway, she can just settle this matter by getting this from Wal-mart.

>> No.6270522


Holy shit, is that real?

>> No.6270537

Yes, go to Wal-mart next time and check it out. It's in the pharmacy area. Or you can just buy it from their website.

>> No.6270535

I thought all mothers said shit like this. That's what mothers DO man. I remember growing up hearing, "Don't swear it'll make your face ugly and you'll never get married." And similar things. Mothers want their daughters to be well off, and many still think getting married is the ticket to security in the future, particularly older mothers. I'm the same age as PT, and I also have older siblings, so our mothers are likely the same age. Acting like her mother is evil for telling her the same thing every mother says is retarded.

>> No.6270542
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>> No.6270544
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>mfw Whites think a mother saying that is oh, so harsh

Go visit an immigrant family sometime.

>> No.6270546

but PT isn't as mature as her age suggests, she's about 13 mentally, and so is in that, LIFE'S NOT FAIR MY PARENTS DON'T UNDERSTAND mode.

>> No.6270549

Exactly. It's time for some tough love.

>> No.6270555

But that doesn't make what her mother says about her getting a boyfriend and yelling at her to take a shower bad. It just makes PT even more at fault for being insane enough to still act the way she does.

If I was smelly you damn better believe my mother would let me know, and not gently either. Fuck, if my own grown ass children stunk and didn't bath regularly I'd go ripshit on them. There is no excuse not be clean. Fuck that.

>> No.6270553

Who's that guy James she talks about on her twitter, what's he look like

>> No.6270556


Oh my god I hope PT gets this and uses it. Can you imagine her getting the results back?

>"I got the paternity test result back, there must be some mistake! It says he IS my real father, my test results must have been swapped! Oh well, someone is sure in for a surprise... Anyway, I don't need any DNA test, I know who I really am, deep down..!!!"

>> No.6270561

He's cheating on his gf with PT

>> No.6270557
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>> No.6270564
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According to her Twitter, this is James.


>> No.6270567

The fuck is with those curls on the side of his face? He looks like a gay hasidic jew.

>> No.6270568

he looks like a kid. I wonder how much younger he is than her. Even better question, why is he hanging around PT?

>> No.6270569
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Okay I'm back.

Now I've realized that there isn't much more to say really. Sarah is delusional, and as I've said before you all need to take every thing she says with a pinch of salt because she does exaggerate a hell of a lot.

Sarah is creating a lot of problems within the family, to the point where her brother has actually offered to move back to Victoria to help her mother with Sarah since she's going totally off the rails and only seems to be getting worse and worse. You all need to start thinking about the situation through more then just Sarah's perspective. Her mother who has only ever wanted what is best for Sarah, fucked up her education that her parents funded entirely, can't hold a job down, is barely paying into the household whilst her family watches her waste the rest of what little money she has on Japanese shit and imported junk food. She sits around online dragging her family through the mud and talking shit about them all behind their backs, and even worse, getting them all personally involved in her drama. Her brother, who has his own life and commitments away from Victoria has offered to leave all of that behind and move back in just to help out with Sarah because she is that bad.

Again, not really much more to say. Picture related are two blogs posts made by Debbie, Sarah's mother. Maybe this will help you all understand more.

Also, hi Nyan. I'm sorry for all the shit you've had to deal with on account of Sarah. It's sad that's she's dragging her family into all of this without dragging completely unrelated people into her shitstorm.

>> No.6270576


pPT's family should take her to get DNA ancestry done. That would be hilarious.

>> No.6270581


>he has always been able to keep my stress down
>others just raise it

Oh lawd
seriously though, i've never really thought about it from Sarah's families point of view and now it makes me feel really bad about them. I don't know what I'd do if I had a daughter like that. she obviously just can't throw her out because she loves her, but letting her stay at home and leech off of everybody is making her worse.

>> No.6270583

Actually, if she has some Native blood in her, it would be listed as Asian.

>> No.6270586

To the anon that is giving info on PT:
I have a brother that is causing a lot of stress and problems with my parents in a similar fashion to PT. I think it's time her parents look into getting her serious help.
Some ideas:
I bombarded my parents with links to all kinds of stuff like this, including support groups, psychologists, specialists, etc., specifically trained to deal with the types of problems my brother has.

I talked to Sarah this time last year and tried to be real and upfront with her and she blocked me. It's sad to see her continuing down this path. Good luck.

>> No.6270587


Why? You mean Native as in Native American, right?

>> No.6270588
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Capped for future reference.

Who are you, mysterious information man/woman?

>> No.6270596


>> No.6270600

I say this:http://bootcamps.com/

>> No.6270612

I somehow doubt her parents want to subject her to that, or maybe they would have done it already. It's not a bad idea though.

>> No.6270646

She lives!

>Sarah @pixyteri James likes Hitomi Tanaka? Fuck that noise. Those breasts. >>

>Sarah @pixyteri Oh well apparently I'm returning his game and 3DS today and after that he's not speaking to me anymore. OH WELL I tried.

>> No.6270653

One of those mentions entitlement, and I Lol'd.

Sarah blocked me on livejournal because I told her she probably won't live by herself if she moves out because renting an apartment is expensive. She got really pissed and said she would never live in the ghetto or some other stupid shit (I used to live in San Antonio so I gave her an accurate portrayal of the area I lived in and the price range of apartments there).

She doesn't want to work full time but wants to live a middle class lifestyle in a nice house by herself and eat imported mochi.... sigh.

>> No.6270666

Well, Japanese mochi is cheap. It's around $1.50 a piece.

>> No.6270670

isn't texas really cheap?

like $500 a month you get your own studio apt

>> No.6270676


>Sarah @pixyteri Someone on my Skype did a sketch of me and it was so adorable and chibi but had huge ass legs. I'm like, kinda offended XD ...

>Sarah @pixyteri But I guess it's his art style. I wanna see it colored!!

btw, she doesn't sound like she's in any trouble today.

>> No.6270678 [DELETED] 

500$ for a studio? jesus i lived in a 2 bedroom, paid utilities.

>> No.6270689

I remember her posting about buying them from ebay for $13 a package or something like that.

Yes. But obviously wages are adjusted accordingly (she probably doesn't make more than $8/hr at Home Depot, if that) and she doesn't want to work more than 20 hours a week.

>> No.6270685

>Sarah @pixyteri Got a leotard. Yes, a leotard. After the Olympics I wanted to see what I look like in one. It's purple.

>> No.6270694
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>> No.6270702


Thefuck, that's not Jim Carrey!

>> No.6270699

you can buy "japanese" mouchi at regualr grocery stores

i think you guys are being too damn dramatic

she just goes to whole foods and buys some pocky or mochi flour for less than $2 ea. i don't think it's wasting hundreds of thousands of liquid assets on this shit

she isn't THAT fat

>> No.6270703


>I don't know what I'd do if I had a daughter like that.

Send her ass to the military

>> No.6270707

nah she won't pass physical

and then she'd probably just bitch about how come she can't be a part of SEAL TEAM JAPAN KAWAII or some shit

>> No.6270710

She posted about it before, and how she bought it on eBay for like $13. I remember because everyone in the existing PT thread couldn't believe she pays for this shit when she could just go to a generic asian grocery and buy it for less than half that.

She has made her own before but usually does not. She buys a lot at a time for herself and for her "anime parties".

>> No.6270719

>she isn't THAT fat

Maybe not where you're from but to the rest of us, she's fat if not obese.

>> No.6270716

>She buys a lot at a time for herself and for her "anime parties".

Oh god what. I imagine this as being her sitting around her computer in bodyline cosplay, watching some kawaii moe-type anime online while surrounded by ramune, white rice, and pocky with chopsticks in one hand and a peace sign on the other.

>> No.6270720


She can pass through the army, though she'll be put through Physical Conditioning Platoon ( or what I like to call Pork Chop Platoon)

Navy Seals don't even accept women in.

>> No.6270724


PCP is for Marines my bad

>> No.6270727


I read that before I read >>6270720

Now I am laughing. Marines on PCP, what a horrifying end to us all.

>> No.6270728

lol, I had a friend who was in Pork Chop Platoon. I hasn't thought of that in forever until I read that post.

>> No.6270732

Someone go tell her on Twitter that some girls have dicks!

>> No.6270737

i know she's going to complain about not being able to do shit men do

isn't PCP 1 year max, don't make it in a year you're not in...have to sign up again at a later date?

still $13 is nothing, im wearing a $375 Rag & bone sweater right now, think my breakfast ran more than that

home depot actually pays pretty well for a retail outlet, a buddy of mine used to work there during college and sold off deadstock shit on Craigslist on the side

60kIsh a year ?

not bad for part time
but it doesn't seem like she's the typpe to do that so hmm

She just needs to lose like 30 lbs.

she's not attractive to me becuase she's tall as fuck (or looks like it) and thats just...the least attractive thing a woman can be. but yeah she's not THAT fat

she's just a big woman, tall and wide/masculine

>> No.6270739


She's actually only 5"4.

>> No.6270740



She's 5'1"...

>> No.6270746


still doesn't do anything for me :S

and i love chub women

>> No.6270748


Because she's so obviously unstable and batshit delusional, probably.

>> No.6270754

>$13 is nothing
>bragging about expensive clothing

Look, this isn't a jerkoff session okay? The point is not how much $13 is or isn't.

I was trying to say that Pixyteri wants to live an upper middle class lifestyle and waste her money on stupid shit like mochi when she probably brings home less than $600 a month on her current job, keeps getting fired from better paying ones, doesn't understand how much rent/utilities would cost in a studio apartment, etc...

>rag & bone sweater


Lol you probably shouldn't brag about something like that.

>> No.6270759

>Gwyneth Paltrow

Also, if you've heard her on Glee, she's a terrible singer. Flat all around and just don't mean her chest.

>> No.6270764

gotta agree with >>6270754 was it really necessary to come in and shit the thread up? Think before you post next time.

>> No.6270766

the clothing is awesome,

alot of it is made in the USA at the martin greenfield tailoring house.

arguably the best american tailoring house, in the league of kiton in italy, and many of the savile row houses in england

well it's not the best thread ever, it's literally shit talking a delusional chubby girl who apperantly works at home depot and is not too attractive.

i mean if you stop posting this shit she'll go away forever and go back to selling light bulb switches or w/e it is texans buy for their cattle ranches

>> No.6270771

But not all parts of Texas are like that.. ;_;

>> No.6270784

I know, im just being mean

>> No.6270783


As someone who has a little Texan in them, I agree!

>> No.6270785

"i mean if you stop posting this shit she'll go away forever and go back to selling light bulb switches or w/e it is texans buy for their cattle ranches"

... you know most ranches are mid to west texas right? victoria is near the gulf. unless you're completely geographically ignorant, im -pretty sure- there are little to no "ranches" in east texas.

>> No.6270786

Are you really that monetarily blind? $13 is a pack of frozen fish or a lb of fresh salmon at some stores like Sprouts.

$13 on something that isn't meat is absolutely insane.

>> No.6270792

Trust fund kid...

>> No.6270793

Hah, I'm in east Texas too. It's pretty swampy over here overall.

>> No.6270795

I was joking, why u so mad?

>> No.6270797

Cause you weren't?

>> No.6270799


Ok, moving on...

>> No.6270801
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Good job dropping trip. Hide your shame!

>> No.6270802


I'm not the tripfag, really

>> No.6270803

Shut up and lets talk about the issue at hand!


>> No.6270806
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>> No.6270812
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But her bunny suit is like a leotard? Why does she need to see what she looks like in one?

>inb4 she drops into a split on camera

>> No.6270821

please tell me this is a joke

>> No.6270825

Can you really not tell from the size of her bobble head?

>> No.6270831


Hitomi as in, Hitomi J-Cup? DAMN that James dude has awesome taste. I don't know about you guys but I'd Lez out for her in a second.

But I want to know the story behind "After that he's not speaking to me any more." How has she managed to fuck things up THIS time?

>> No.6270834

I'm new here, is this girl the cancer lord of /cgl/ ?

>> No.6270837

The the queen also lord and savior, yes.

>> No.6270838



>> No.6270861



>> No.6270863

Where is this guy getting all this information?

>> No.6270867

i thought the take a bath video was going to be funny, but....man she gets abused at home...

the attacks agaisnt a 28 year old are kind of weak, 30 years old, $3,000 of debt is nothing.

buying snack foods for under $15 on the internet does not compund one's fiscal issues

i spend roughly $50 a day on food not a big deal. it may seem like alot of money to a college student but not when you're an adult, are on your own and are not paying for classes

>> No.6270874

You fail to realize that PT is not on her own and jumps from job to job like fleas to dogs. You really don't matter and your life doesn't matter when it comes to PT.

>> No.6270878

Holy shit just shut up already.

>> No.6270879

Yeah, man. We don't all have a trust fund like you.

>> No.6270891


why are you even on /cgl/?
I've seen you jump from board to board, always weakly griping for attention. You inject yourself into every thread where you have a meek opportunity to talk about your imaginary life. Just fuck off back to /fa/ already.

>> No.6270903

can you guys really not afford food?


obama is really fucking up the nation

half of you are starving yet he makes gay marriage a huge issue........

>> No.6270907
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>> No.6270911

Take it and leave.

>> No.6270913

Are you really that lonely that you need to come into a PT thread to get attention? Oh how sad, you're so miserable.

>> No.6270918


He's been like this for years.
He jumps boards whenever he can no longer garner enough attention. He's always talking about the expensive cars he owns and posts images of his "expensive tailored suits" and shoes and shit and how he's lived in Japan and Egypt and Sweden or w/e.
The guy is a gigantic lolcow.

>> No.6270921

/fa/ must not want him, since he's obviously a fat fuck or at least a chubby chaser. That shit don't fly over there.

>> No.6270922

But a PT thread? I mean, when you're so miserable that you are comparing yourself to dirt, your facade is over.

>> No.6270927

This is a PT thread. We give no fucks about anything else.

>I have this job...
>My measurements are...
>I'm a fatty but atleast I...
>My dad really is a missing asian guy who left me a windchime...

GTFO. Nobody wants to hear about anyone else.

>> No.6270929

We should introduce him to 32-inch-waist-chan. Did she ever mention how tall she is?

>> No.6270933
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Sometimes I forget how many gulls actually live in Texas! Aww yiss this is awesome!

>> No.6270938

There are plenty of girls who come to PT threads just so they can compare themselves to her and say AT LEAST I'M NOT THIS BAD AM I RIGHT

PT is pretty low on the social food chain. Using her as a standard against which you measure your own worth is retarded and may even make you worse than PT.

>> No.6270948

Comparing oneself to PT is asspats of a rediculously stupid caliber.

>> No.6270946

you have your facts wrong, how can i actually get kicked out of a board?

i post on anyone i want at any given moment...

>> No.6270958

Just as bad as spoony.


>> No.6270960
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spoiler: it's not a secret

>> No.6270961

Spoony is better than this depressing cracker.

>> No.6270964
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>> No.6270967

except that you post the 2 pictures i've taken in 5+ years then say i do it

you're pathetic

your hate for this random texan is pathetic

>> No.6270970
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Oh please. Let your butt hurt flow. We're all here for the entertainment.

>> No.6270972


Is Sieg posting in the thread? I can't see his posts any more since I blocked him completely.
But seriously, don't compare me to this goon. He's full of more shit then a sewage processing plant.

>> No.6270974

I take it she's just been too clingy and demanding. I also get the feeling that James has been fucking her because he lent her his 3DS, invited her to play Runescape and hangs out with her. But now she seems to be whining about wanting to get serious with him, but he's supposedly in a relationship. I wouldn't be surprised if PT has been nagging him to dump his gf for her.

>> No.6270975
File: 12 KB, 403x380, Edward Cullen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know anon, I'd love to hear a seagull's story about their secret Nipponese heritiji. I'd would be like a weeaboo horror story in real-time.

Why does her brother have to move back to town to help take care of her? It would make sense if she was severely autistic or had some other condition that needed constant care. But Sarah is perfectly functional in the short term and doesn't seem to need physical help with anything. What are they planning to do with the extra manpower? Keep someone stationed in her room 24/7 to make sure she's not doing anything too Japanese? Do they physically have to carry her over to her current place of employment? Are they unable to leave her alone in the house for more than an hour because she keeps trying to turn the backyard into an onsen? What?

>> No.6270976

But isn't she kind of close to her brother? I mean, if that's the case, maybe her mother knows this and is going to use her brother to bribe PT into being normal.

>> No.6270977

>It would be

Oh god shhhh shhhhhhhh don't drag this out further

>> No.6270978

I, for one, would love to see her turn her backyard into an onsen. That would be pretty cool.

>> No.6270979

>except that you post the 2 pictures i've taken in 5+ years then say i do it

What pictures?

>> No.6270980
File: 50 KB, 500x333, 1348444226457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are they unable to leave her alone in the house for more than an hour because she keeps trying to turn the backyard into an onsen?

>> No.6270984


Some dumb bitch on Twitter told her that not wearing a bra makes your boobs perkier and smaller. I wish I was joking.

>> No.6270985


I assume that maybe they would be hoping that her brothers display of independence would rub off on her, or maybe he could give her a serious life talk. At least if it was face to face she wouldn't be able to block him.


Doesn't Sarah have D cups? I can imagine that would massively uncomfortable . __.

>> No.6270986

It would just be a puddle of mud that she would roll around with in her itsy bitsy teenie weenie kawaii Japanese bikini because going nude would be a little TOO gravure for twitter, hee hee!

>> No.6270987

>dumb bitch
>not a master troll

>> No.6270989

you're in the same league as PT just less famous

>> No.6270990

The person the brother is really helping out is his and PT's mother. She's stress the hell out because her grown ass daughter can't get her act together. Even if he can't do much, he's there for moral support. I bet the mother is asking herself what she did wrong since all the other children turned out fine. Is PT the youngest child? Her selfishness might have come from her being the youngest and therefore got the most leeway.

>> No.6270991

ugh we get it, you love fat girls.

>> No.6270992


Okay, I'm a little... "out there", but I'm nowhere near that level of crazy.
I mean, I'm a pretty persistent person, but even I gave up with PT. Multiple times.

I suppose you've got to admire her determination, though whether it's determination or delusion I'm not sure.
If she could somehow learn to harness her weeabooism I'm sure she could evolve into a omnipotent being of pure energy in no time. She could reshape the universe as she see's fit.

>> No.6270995


Yeah she's the youngest.

>> No.6270997

Not really you're pretty insufferable, pulled the same cosplay, and weaboo shit she did. you just managed to find a boyfriend.

I personally think PT looks better than you in some pics. Also she doesn't brag about drinking...PT is also college educated...

>> No.6271001 [DELETED] 


I've had the same boyfriend since I was 15 and I've finished college. Hell, I'm in college now.

You're not very bright, are you?

>> No.6271002

>her grown ass daughter can't get her act together
How many of you here have jobs, a college degree and well furnished rooms?

i know YOU don't Ebony, i've seen your run down flat.

>> No.6271007

PT is UNI educated.

>> No.6271010


I've had the same boyfriend since I was 15 and I've finished college. Hell, I'm in college now.

You're not very bright, are you?


Must be nice when your parents are funding everything for you.

>> No.6271014

>Must be nice when your parents are funding everything for you.

why do people assume that college is all the sudden a walk in the park when your parents pay for it

it's the same amount of schooling, you're just not stressed out about moneu all of the time

>> No.6271017


she means the only reason pt went to college was because her parents paid for it you dumb shit.

>> No.6271019


>itt: sieg taking off his trip

>> No.6271022

139K/year X6 years (took me a little longer)

if my parents didn't help me out with food, books housing, tuition

i would be well over half a million dollars in debt.....and no amount of bankruptcy or defferment would help me at all

>> No.6271028

>don't have to pay for anything
>wonder why kids who do are stressed out about tuition, books, rent, utilities, food do worse in school

>> No.6271033

I had JUST turned 17 when i first stepped foot onto a university

if i had close to $700k in cash to use for housing, food, tuition, books, parking fees, clothing what have you

a 17 year old self, probably would have not finished school.

someone who does not have a degree can't just critisize someone who has a degree just becuase their parents sent them some cash here and then......it doesn't help THAT MUCH

>> No.6271042

Because you keep mentioning how much money you have, oh haha you plebes don't have as much money as I do? Well darn, the shirt I'm wearing costs as much as one semester of your schooling! Oh whoops I just spilled something on it. Oh well!

Also, what level are you at? Because if you're having trouble getting your Bachelor's and you don't have to have jobs on the site to stay alive then, yeah, I'm going to make fun of you.

>> No.6271046

It helps a lot dumb fuck. My parents send me money and I have my college tuition paid for by loans and scholarships which means my ass isn't juggling a job AND classes. This shit is easy street and the only thing I have to stress about is if I have a test tomorrow.

Stop being such a trolling dumbass and go make friends.

>> No.6271047

goodnight /cgl/

>> No.6271049


oh look, sieg talking about him.
Again. and again. and again. and...

>> No.6271052

well college isn't for everyone, it was designed in a way that it weeds out most of the population.

if you have to work so much that your GPA falls, you probably don't have enough money for college.

if you have to have student loan debt that does not bankrupt away/sticks with you all of your life

you probably should not be in college in the first place.

>> No.6271055


>> No.6271058


>college is designed so that only rich people can afford to go
>it weeds out the population

Confirmed for biggest dumbass on /cgl/.

>> No.6271059

Looking at how you write, I agree. Did your parents throw copious amounts of money at the dean so they can let you pass?

>> No.6271060

all of my wat

10/10 you got me

>> No.6271062

>trouble getting your Bachelor's
i have 2

arts- poly sci concentration pre-law

science- mech engineering

i have a few more certificats and shit but those just transferred over for credit

>> No.6271064
File: 49 KB, 680x511, BRTky[1].jpg_132140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6271067

What's your current job? Does mommy and daddy still pay for everything? :3

>> No.6271068

becuase everyone should go to college, own a house and be a millionaire right?

you're buying into barrack obama's bullshit too hard

>> No.6271069

Sieg Heil confirmed for most pathetic person I've ever encountered.
This guy must be so fucking lonely sat at his computer. Can you even imagine?

>> No.6271073

Nope. Because I'd rather live in a world with smart people who can make good decisions instead of rich people who are self entitled idiots.

>> No.6271074


>believes that everybody on 4chan is American

In my country we give EVERYBODY the opportunity to attend college.
If mommy and daddy didn't pay for everything for you you'd be lying in a gutter right now you know.

>> No.6271071

living off of savings right now :3

>> No.6271076

Well whoop-dee-doo. My point was that a Bachelor's degree is pretty easy to get unless you're working your ass off on the side or aren't smart/bookish enough for uni in the first place. Master's is eh, since many Bachelor's degrees aren't worth shit on their own so going for a Master's is pretty much your only choice. You got a PhD?

You don't have to bother replying since I'm legit going to bed now, but of course you will because this thread is all about you now. Congratulations!

>> No.6271078

Anybody else just get the feeling that this guy is just lying out of his ass? It's like he made up some cliche persona.

>> No.6271081


No. You're not an attention mongering thread derailer at all.

>> No.6271083

Of course he is. Nobody would make up this much of a persona if they were actually like this.

>> No.6271088

Soooo, how bout that PT? Cray-cray bitch, amirite?

>> No.6271086


Of course he is, it's seig. He's the biggest douche on 4chan.
Wait until you see him posting pictures of his "designer clothing" with his name and trip next to.

>> No.6271089


James' facebook says he is recently single.

>> No.6271091

Everybody report him, we'll start a new thread.

>> No.6271095

im going to be working on my master's by this time next year

i like how you make it seem like its nothing...

>> No.6271096

It kinda does, though. I was 17 when I started university, too, and I have had to work all the way through to pay for my shit. So yeah, when you have 30 hours a week less to study, it kind of does make a difference to your schooling.

>> No.6271102


Would the mods please ban this faggot?

>> No.6271107

Oh god. It's like watching a three car pile-up.

>> No.6271108

omg people just ignore him

>> No.6271109

Who will be paying for it this time?

>> No.6271111

I'm going to have to second that. I'm doing 15 hrs at school and 30+ hours at work so I can pay for rent, food, school, and all that great shit that makes not living out of a box possible.

I really have to bust my ass to keep my grades up, keep my house clean, make sure I take care of myself, and make time to visit family/friends. Maybe I'm just lazy but for me, this pace is really difficult.

>> No.6271128

Sarah posted on facebook as well:
>>I'm returning his 3DS back to him apparently today. I tried, what can I say. :( I can't help it I get sick easily, and had a bad migraine last night. I pretty much slept all night because of it.

...but she's facebook friends with him. Uncomfortable.

>> No.6271139


>and had a bad migraine last night

If she had a bad migraine last night there is no way in hell she'd have been able to sleep through it. A bad migraine is blind spots, nausea/vomiting and feeling like your eyeball is going to explode out of your head

>> No.6271146

She's exaggerating again of course. With the 3DS, you can turn down the 3D aspect of it.

>> No.6271149

I assumed she was blaming her illness on her unrequited love for James, but now I'm unsure.

>> No.6271152

Actually, not always the case. I used to have really bad mirganes and the normal course was blind spots, then I'd vomit my guts out, then I'd pass out for 12 hours or longer so and wake up at some really odd time confused and feeling like my head was a soft base drum. But I could never sleep until I threw up.

However, I wouldn't be surprised if she just had a tension headache and is crying wolf.

>> No.6271154


>used to have really bad migraines

Any idea what stopped them? I've been getting a lot lately, really, really bad ones. I had one yesterday and no painkillers. I could only curl up under my duvet and cry whilst sucking down boiled rice to calm my stomach.

>> No.6271176

I used to have them when I was still in my teens so I think fluctuating hormones with my cycle made my brain want to explode. I'm 21 now and I haven't had one since I was 18 so I think my hormones have finally calmed down.

In your case, if they are several times a week and they seem to have randomly popped up with no correlation with your cycle then I'd go to the doctor.

>> No.6271182


Well I'm 21 now and the only thing I can think of that may be causing them in my birth control pill which I started taking them recently. I will have to look into switching if that's the case.

Thanks for replying x

>> No.6271186

You gots a brain tumor.

>> No.6271187



>> No.6271188

That's probably it then. I also can't take birth control cause it would cause migraines even when my period wasn't about to start.

>> No.6271202

Not to piss on your parade but we're off topic

>> No.6271208
File: 34 KB, 275x300, slowpoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've been off topic. Catch the fuck up.

>> No.6271218

Same here. I can't initially sleep with a migraine but if I lay down long enough it will happen.

>> No.6271223


How do you all think this will end? What will it take for PT get her shit together?

>> No.6271224

What does this post mean exactly?

She is returning his 3DS because it makes her sick?

She is returning the 3DS because they are no longer friends, and she thinks it is because she gets sick easily?

She posted something before apologizing about being sick "all the time" and seemed to assume people hated her because of it which is bizarre.

>> No.6271228

PT has never been able to post coherent thoughts,

>> No.6271232
File: 59 KB, 531x361, 1346329624726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god. So she did decide to listen to that one person who kept trying to tell her that going braless (PLUS LOTS AND LOTS OF EXERCISE) may make her tits perkier.

I bet she ignored the LOTS AND LOTS OF EXERCISE part and just went with the braless part.

Her tits are saggy enough as it is, this is going to result in catastrophe.

>> No.6271234

Her parents need to commit to serious therapy and having her live at one of those group homes or adult education centers for people who are autistic or have downs syndrome, that helps them learn how to become functioning adults.

They probably won't do this though because it's expensive and it's unlikely at her age that a doctor would suggest it. She's simply too old and people just assume she's being stupid and lazy on purpose instead of any personality disorders or mental issues.

>> No.6271252


That's exactly it. She was told by this silly bitch that if you stop wearing a bra, it's better for your tits because it's more ~natural~ and therefore better.

Not that it matters in her case, though. At this point it's just gonna dd on to the trainwreck that is PT's body.

>> No.6271274


I think she needs some therapy dedicated to this "I'm mixed!! I'm part Japanese!" stuff. It hints at some real identity issues or some shit. I've never heard of a grown ass woman still clinging to the "I could be part Asian" fantasy so desperately and being so blatantly pigheaded and vile to anyone that disagrees. She just covers her ears, stamps her feet and says "NO YOU'RE WRONG! I -AM- PART ASIAN! I AM JAPANESE!". It's terrifying.

>> No.6271282

Anyone have an upload of all of her photos? I actually find her very attractive and never managed to save all of her DA photos.

>> No.6271290

try her ED. Pretty sure it has all her nudes too.

Also I can recommend you a good optometrist if you like.

>> No.6271296
File: 41 KB, 501x570, 1348894915709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6271314

Woah, when'd she make a comeback? Last I heard of her was when she deleted her facebook/twitter/everything and got a job in the police department.
has she done anything worthwhile as of late?

>> No.6271317

You do realize that people have different taste/sexual prefrences, right?

>> No.6271325
File: 71 KB, 649x654, lolptfail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, it was the long post I made telling her to just move out of her mom's place. Then her older brother posted, saying how the mother was not the issue, etc. etc.

>> No.6271329

Which is why that person can fap to her and the other can to find it disgusting.

>> No.6271328

Lol no.

It was reported (not sure if factually?) that she lost the police dispatcher job because she couldn't handle the emergency call training and she complained once again about not being able to take her lunch when she wanted to.

>> No.6271332

You're smart using that picture/name. I've never seen her be so nice to a person on the internet before.

>> No.6271336

wow and i was a bit happy for her for a while there
so i guess this means she's back to square one

>> No.6271419

why would anyone want to bring her parents into this they already have to deal with Sarah. Seagulls dont help. you are ruining all are fun by doing this and now she is threatening to get off the internet again AND I CANT DEAL WITH THAT GUYS! I NEED MY PT DRAMUl!

>> No.6271438

They inform her parents because her parents are trying to keep PT from spiraling down further. Yes, she's amusing but she is severely delusional and probably needs to be sent to a psychologist for therapy and put on medication.

>> No.6271454


What the hell is it with her and her lunch? Is it like she wants to take it an hour after showing up for work, or she wants to take 2+ hour lunches??

>> No.6271465

I don't think she realizes that as a new employee, she doesn't get a say in when her breaks are or how long they last.

>> No.6271469


So basically she treats a job like everything else: she should be able to do whatever and act however she wants.

>> No.6271472

Pretty much.

>> No.6271482

The other day she complained about her lunch break at Home Depot. I wonder how much longer she'll last there. How did she work at Target for so long?

>> No.6271493

She probably has a 15 minute break. I doubt she works more than a 4 hour shift and with those, you get just enough time in during your break to go to the bathroom and have a drink and a little snack. Hell, you don't need to do more than that if your shift is so short.

>> No.6271495

Can I use this photo as proof the next time /adv/ starts talking about how no guy who wasn't hopelessly beta and fugly would touch a fat chick?

>> No.6271507

Mental illnessfag here.
I have a friend who lives more or less like Sarah. I'm bipolar, so is she. Both of us are around 26. My family is poor, so I had to start contributing as soon as I got a job and had to start living on my own in my early twenties. My friend's parents spoil her, let her live at home and spend her money on weeb shit and gamergurl shit, and have legal power of attorney. She pulls PTesque shit all the time and once spent a 15k inheritance in 3 months on anime DVDs, pocky and a corset. Meanwhile I have a job and live on my own. I'm poor as fuck but that's more because of where I live than my illness, which I have been told I manage rather well.

It would probably be really, really good for her if her mom would let her see that her actions have consequences and that she could end up in a very bad place if she doesn't shape up.

>> No.6271508

i'm an adult living on my own and $50 a day is ridiculous! do you just buy really expensive shit or are you a land whale?

>> No.6271524

As harsh as this sounds, I think they ought to have her committed for a few weeks. I have a cousin who is very much the same way though her obsession is with nature and pagan shit. She's 34, has two kids, lives with her parents, and has hasn't held a job in years.

>> No.6271530

you should suggest she get tested for a personality disorder. It sounds like she has some pathological behavior. Especially if someone is raised in a good household and they can't seem to stop behaving in a destructive manner it's time to get her tested. Some PD's can be helped through rigid therapy and medication unless she happens to be NPD, Socio, Anti or psycho (The only one of those she could have is Narcissistic PD, they tend to create elaborate fantasy lives based on lies. They can't maintain friendship and have a constant and desperate need for attention. They tend to be parasitic in nature and enjoy creating elaborate drama traps for people and enjoy head games *the kind she seems to play with her family*). Though I'm not a doctor I have delt with many mentally ill people with PDs and she shows so many signs at such an old age that she needs to be tested for it (some PD traits overlap with growing pains but after your mid 20's if the destructive behavior is still present and causing one to be dysfunctional it needs to be looked into). May people with PDs can not have jobs or relationships and require care from others unless they are high functioning. The family could wind up taking care of Sarah for her entire life unless she can figure out how to function with her disorders.

>> No.6271565
File: 79 KB, 480x640, jang-geun-suk-fukuoka1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, but she doesn't like Korean men. They are nothing like her ~glorious Nippon men~.

>> No.6271569

But for the fact that korean is still asian she does like them more than white people.

>> No.6271570

>Sarah @pixyteri There's a parade Home Depot is holding to honor Vietnam War Vets! Need to research the Vietnam War

>Sarah @pixyteri Eating so bad lately agh agh stress.....I still look fine tho

>Sarah @pixyteri I dont have free speech on Facebook so I'll use this as my venting place. ;(

>> No.6271583

lololll, inb4 she makes a post attacking the whities for some random thing.

seriously, how did she become a teacher if she doesn't even know about the Vietnam war? Her sense of "Asia" seems to begin and end with Japan. Everything else is not ~true~ Asian.

>> No.6271601

>I dont have free speech on Facebook so I'll use this as my venting place. ;(
No Sarah, you have free speech on Facebook just like everyone else; it's just that when you say stupid shit, other people have the right to tell you you're a fucking retard.

>> No.6271604

I wish I had someone like PT come into the mental health clinic I work at. She's in dire need of some therapy - both her and her family, that is.

She's the kind of patient dreams are made of.

>> No.6271606

Sounds to me like she's using the fact that she gets sick easily as an excuse for how she behaves towards him. Like, he must get sick of her being such an insufferable cunt and he must have told her so, and she's using sickness as an excuse for that.

>> No.6271608 [DELETED] 

I wish I had someone like PT come into the mental health clinic I work at. She's in dire need of some therapy - both her and her family, that is.

(She's the kind of patient dreams are made of.)

>> No.6271610

>Vietnam War
So help me if she goes on about remembering all the fallen Japanese soliders. Oh.. wait..

>> No.6271612

There's a folder on /rs/ IIRC

>> No.6271665


Her grammar and written speech are absolutely horrendous. And this is supposed to be a grown woman with an English degree? Holy fuck.

I hate to fall back on the "Americans are stupid" stereotype but jesus christ how bad was her school if she could pass with writing as terrible as this?

It's....it's almost like she's purposefully trying to write like she doesn't understand English. Like she's faking being Asian and pretending that English is her 2nd language. Her sentences are so bad they look ALMOST like Engrish.

Am I crazy or does anybody else see this.

>> No.6271674

Nope, you're not crazy. I'm an American and I also see it. Zero puncuation, awful grammar, bad sentence structure... it's embarrassing.

>> No.6271677

Unfortunatley it looks like it's dead. I'll just have to make due with the pictures from her ED like >>6271290 said. While I'm sad not to have a complete collection of my cosplaying goddess, these will do.

>> No.6271686

>sage, it grows in all fields

>> No.6271699

I actually thought it had gone through Google Translate and back or something when I read that.

>> No.6271709

Sometimes I do that out of habit - my best friend is Japanese with 50/50 decent English and I have a bad habit of picking up habits from friends ..

>> No.6271717

lol this truth
it's a breath of fresh air when she's absent for a short while

>> No.6271722

Well, yeah, most people pick up phrases and stuff from friends, but PT doesn't seem to have Asian friends and she has a degree in ENGLISH.

>> No.6271725

Haha makes sense.

>> No.6271750

That pun went completely over your head.

>> No.6271790

Yeah, I have a korean friend who was an exchange student on my facebook. Her English has never been the best so whenever I send a message or a comment I kinda make it as basic and to the point as I can. I feel it comes off as kinda engrish-y.

But the message PT sent to her little Korean spy is just so jumbled it's even harder to read.

>> No.6271802
File: 48 KB, 399x420, IMG_0657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can't even do what she wants. Part of me thinks she doesn't even want to go to Japan. She either can't save money, has given up hope because she's "Too old". I think this has kind of been her "niche" in the family (the one who just LOVES Japan oh so much), so that's the only way she feels any kind of place in her family.

>> No.6271806
File: 2.51 MB, 320x227, shame cube.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6271808

I'm Indian, and whenever I talk to my Indian relatives in English, I talk in an Indian accent. Sage for no contribution.

>> No.6272022

i had them every day until i got my wisdom teeth out. if nothing else cures them, get your teeth looked at~

>> No.6272023

I laughed so hard when I realized that.
What a delicious pun. Almost as good as seppuku & sudoku word swap.

>> No.6272049
File: 49 KB, 865x923, Sour_by_MagicMonkeyMarth.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol yeah. I was sort of taken aback with her engrishy message.

I am highly tempted to make a messenger handle/name just for the sake of talking to her under this disguise.

>> No.6272050

>Sarah @pixyteri 1h Going to James' to return his 3DS let's see how it goes

think she let him put it in her butt?

>> No.6272054

It was made in Japan, I'll say yes.

>> No.6272068

For someone interested in a solely platonic relationship, James seems to really like meeting up after midnight.

>> No.6272072

And for a solely platonic relationship, Kris sure loved stuffing her sloppy taco when people were not looking. PT is a-okay with this kind of thing.

>> No.6272079


I am just saying they are terrible and should be honest and stop fucking her. They have to know that she can't legally consent.

>> No.6272081

dayum, James is only like 20 years old. How can she expect him to want a serious relationship or whatever?

Also, she's on to us!

>Sarah @pixyteri true I forgot about the privacy as long as malicious people from cgl don't screencap....;;;;;

>> No.6272084

Is that why James is recently single on fb? Did his gf find out he's been fucking PT?

>> No.6272087

oh lol

>> No.6272122

more like the kind of patient yachts are made of, amirite??

>> No.6272161

dont die on me

>> No.6272174

Didn't she argue something with you about the korean war and japan? I forgot the facebook post.

>> No.6272210



>> No.6272218

says the broad with disgusting nudes all over the internet. so smart!

>> No.6272250

What does PT think of Koreans anyway? Has she ever gone into this?

>> No.6272254 [DELETED] 

You've been visited by the Spooky Skeleton! Repost this 3 times in the next 2 minutes seconds or you will be visited by a Spooky Skeleton tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become skeleton.....

>> No.6272258
File: 95 KB, 762x640, pixyterisim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this unrelated Sims glitch posted somewhere else and it made me think of Pixyteri. :')

>> No.6272260

Man, I miss the PT Sims now.

>> No.6272266

>PT sims


>> No.6272288

PT is my favourite disney princess

>> No.6272290

PT sims was the best, can we bring that back please?

>> No.6272390

There's this whole stupid braless movement going on. I've seen a bunch of sites about it. Apparently they think wearing a bra is what leads to sagging because your muscles atrophy from being supported all the time. So if you go braless the muscle builds back up and you end up with firmer perkier boobs. It's hilarious. PT is going to end up with boobs down to her belly button.

>> No.6272395

>sagging because your muscles atrophy
>thinking boobs are muscles

That is hilarious. I mean, sure you have pecs under your boobs, but your bra isn't doing any supporting of them.

Though, iirc wearing a bra regularly doesn't really have a significant effect on naturally occuring sagging (aside from when you're wearing one, of course).

>> No.6272403


This is actually accurate, except replace the word "muscle/s" with "ligament/s".

>> No.6272404


Accurate except for the "not wearing a bra makes you boobs perkier" shit. Gravity gon win errytime, girls.

>> No.6272422
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>PT Sims

>> No.6272433

and sieg arguing with himself

>> No.6272532

ban spoony and sieg.

they ruin everything they touch.

>> No.6272632

I want a PT presidential endorsement.

Can you imagine what she thinks about the U.S.?

>> No.6272694
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back to the front page with you!

>> No.6272707


Sometimes it's difficult to remember where she has come from. And how far she has left to go...

>> No.6272742



>> No.6272751

you're offending me!!!!!

>> No.6272900


>> No.6272933
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>> No.6272936


>> No.6273023

I think I found his facebook
>Wellllllll I'm doing an all nighter, jammin to jethro tull, Boston, Genesis, the who, deep purple, dio, zephyr, cactus, nazareth, poison, the doors, generation x, the kinks, the yardbirds, spirit, heart, bad company, cream, eagles, loverboy, cheap trick, adam ant, duran duran, oingo boingo, the sex pistols, T-rex and yes, ABC.
I want to talk to him about classic rock bands.

>> No.6273384

His fb is not that hard to find. Unless you're not friends with PT and he has his privacy set to 'friends of friends' only.

>> No.6273419

shes active on twitter

>> No.6273422

>@Pixyteri May be going to the duck pond with a new male friend he's Vietnamese. I wonder if I should keep quiet about the parade.

>> No.6273437

>@pixyteri What is this French Indochina I'm reading of?
Is this bitch for real? How the hell did she manage to get out of highschool?

>> No.6273446

Highschool class of 2010

Birthday Sept 9....

Did this guy really just turn twenty?
PT... she's... god damn.

>> No.6273453
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This is what he looked like

PT graduated high school.

Oh man this is just sort of Magical.

>> No.6273455

He's younger than I am (by like, a week, but whatever). This changes how I'm thinking about this whole situation.

>> No.6273566
File: 25 KB, 436x54, Untitled-1 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel that this statement sums up the essence of PT nicely.

>> No.6273577

he's actually not that bad looking at all. (if he shaved and cut his hair)

>> No.6273579

>@ChickenButtz I hate my French last name honestly but oh wellz

Bitch, your last name is Cajun. You will hate to admit it and still hate me for proving it to you but YOUR LAST NAME IS CAJUN.

>> No.6273587

>What is this French Indochina I'm reading of?

>One thing that interested me is France and Japan joined forces in that war for a bit.

>I hate my French last name honestly but oh wellz

This proves it, she's totally Asian.

>> No.6273595

Speaking of PT's courters, did we ever find out what happened between her and that Julian guy she was supposed to meet at San Japan? It seemed to me that she was purposely avoiding him but he still seems to comment all over her FB. I thought he was a troll at first.

>> No.6273601

>Sarah @pixyteri Thinking back to it my grandpa never once spoke to me. I wonder if the war affected him that badly.

>> No.6273607
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She knows it's Cajun. Cajun food is next to Asian food in the supermarket.

>> No.6273614


It's disturbing that she has this amount of animosity for her surname, while simultaneously enjoying other people with "worse" last names.
She seems pitiable, but she actively wishes for bad things on others...

>> No.6273689

So her logic is because she knows nothing about Cajun food or language that means she's not Cajun...


>> No.6273749

What the fuck is this. She's so delusional and stupid it's jaw dropping.

>> No.6273946

>Sarah @pixyteri Hint: men, when dating or hanging out with a girl, don't complain about her awful driving.

>> No.6274009

Yes, men. It is very unbecoming to fear for your life.

>> No.6274167

5 internet points to the anon who can spot the Vietnamese male friend on her facebook.

I also love how she's on a date thing but twittering all the way.

>> No.6274174
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>> No.6274177
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>> No.6274212
File: 170 KB, 1174x768, Screenshot-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God, I miss PT Sims too! I can't beat the one that anon made, but I made her on Sims 3. She's currently rooming with Dakota.

>> No.6274438

you need to post stories of this. please.

>> No.6274536

Didn't PT have a baby in this? I hope it lived.

>> No.6274782


>> No.6275117

I made PT in Sims once in a household of famous internet dorks and she fell in love with Chris-Chan and became a cop.

>> No.6275173

holy shit @ brother moving back to help her

>> No.6275307
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Bump for the queen!

>> No.6275481
File: 1.86 MB, 1107x1120, Pixyteri_Butt_Collection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God save the queen.

>> No.6275757


>> No.6275927


>> No.6275939

She's really got that over-the-shoulder pose down, eh?

I think some of these are cute, like the cheerleader cosplay. Well, pretty much any picture where she's covered up.

>> No.6276000

Why are you guys bumping this thread? It's autosaging.

>> No.6276334

The person that told her this is fucking retarded. You need to have a bra to help your back support your breasts. If she doesn't have back issues NOW, she surely will later.

Pleas, I remember her stating that she was anywhere from an A to a D cup or some shit. There is NO way that's possible. Shoes, maybe. Bras NO. Dumbass.

>> No.6276475

Is it just me, or does she look genuinely happy here? I miss this PT. So pretty.