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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 380 KB, 1145x1366, penny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6269161 No.6269161[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are cosplayers such sluts?

Pic related: Penny from cgl

>> No.6269165

You need to prove that Penny is a cosplayer first.

>> No.6269168

cgl = bitches and whores
mainly whores

>> No.6269171

HypnoCrotch isn't satisfying her enough.

>> No.6269173
File: 933 KB, 200x200, dealio.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Penny, that girl doesn't have her tattoo. hurrrrdurrrrrrrrr

>> No.6269185

>implying a garterbelt is a tattoo
>implying the last picture shows the area of the leg where the "tattoo" is when it is clearly cut off

Penny is well known to post in /soc/ and /cgl/. No surprise to find the thread in /soc/

>> No.6269211

>same skinny man hands with long fingers
>same hips
>same belly button
>same hair color
>same DFC

Nice try, Penny.

>> No.6269217
File: 151 KB, 500x376, andsoitbegins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving a shit about what's posted on /soc/
>giving a shit about what's posted on 4chan
>Who's Penny?
>Oh right, that tripfag that barely ever posts that no1curr about.

>> No.6269238
File: 69 KB, 613x559, 1312265925455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I always thought penny was a trap

>> No.6269242


>> No.6269247

i thought penny was well known as a camwhore on soc before she was a cosplayer

i know there was at camwhore known as penny on there since at least last year

>> No.6269248

Maybe she moved boards?

>> No.6269253

i thought penny admitted to being mtf...?

>> No.6269257

Who the fuck is this?

>> No.6269258

Penny and Hypnocrotch are known to post on /soc/. Hypnocrotch always posts on the Rate me threads and tells females how he would bang them.

>> No.6269303

Oh hi, guys.

One image in that pic is me. The one with the garter tattoo. The others are a gal on /soc/ who also happened to go by the name of Penny when /soc/ still had names. I never used a name on /soc/

I also havent posted on /soc/ since forced anon that I can remember and I certainly dont have any nudes floating around.
Sorry for the mix up. Back to our regularly scheduled seagull programming.

>> No.6269573

>another girl with the same bodytype as yours who so happens to also be named penny

yeah nice try

>> No.6269686

Pretty sure i seen you post some nudes on reddit gonewild i think it was on there maybe it was on another subreddit but either way i seen you post some nudes on reddit.

>> No.6269693
File: 373 KB, 1280x960, 1343851807142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People actually remember tripfag bodies

>> No.6269695

I believe you. Now can you post some nudes?

>> No.6269699

The /soc/ Penny has a bit more body fat than /cgl/ Penny does.

>> No.6269701

>another girl with no leg tattoo

>> No.6269872 [DELETED] 

Damn and you got all excited, I wanted to see this chick's junk

>> No.6269874

Damn and you got me all excited, I wanted to see this chick's junk

>> No.6269895

>mfw the misconception of skinny and slender is hard to come by
dont live in the flyover areas for one

>> No.6269912

Enjoy getting kicked out of NDK for your Daisy lingerie costume, Penny. They have a strict dress code this year and your "I'm slutty and empowered" costume isn't going to fly.

>> No.6269921


penny is a major manface with an unfortunate build. This would not be surprising if true.

>> No.6269924

..... NDK already happened, idiot.

>> No.6269927

I thought she was planning on going next year? Her tumblr alluded to that or something. I couldn't be bothered to go through the archive that deeply since she mainly rambles about being too fat, Hypnocrotch(ha, spreadsheet says they're no longer dating and she's living in his mom's basement), or bustles. It gets too mind-numbing after long stretches of pouring over it.

>> No.6269928
File: 269 KB, 378x397, 1337773514643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this jelly.

>> No.6269933

over what?

>> No.6270025

They cosplay because they want to be looked at and admired and worshipped. Simple psychology.

>> No.6270063

How do I get to fuck a cosplayer?

>> No.6270082

>hurr durr
>Penny has a tattoo
>this bitch doesn't
Fucking tards.

>> No.6270103


>> No.6270171
File: 23 KB, 521x678, 345435698972341234-0-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6270175

holy shit fug

>> No.6270194

You fags leave my Pennyfu alone ;__;

>> No.6270296

She was talking about going to Youmacon, but has since decided not to. The Daisy swimsuit is for something completely different. She rarely talks about me on Tumblr, we -are- dating (commonly known fact) and we don't live in my mother's basement.

Got anything else? inb4 white knight, y'all niggas drug me into this by using my name.

>> No.6270396

Why they are sluts.
Usually they don't start that way. Than they meet me. After one night, they become addicted and try it with everybody. Of course, it is never as good, but they keep trying and trying to get that perfect high again.

>> No.6270412

Ew. Those are some spindly legs.

>> No.6270414

>jealous thunder-thigh fatty

>> No.6270419

Not quite yet. My thighs are still pretty weak. My calves are HUGE, though.

>> No.6270422

thought you broke up

>> No.6270453

You should start reposting the pics.

>> No.6270691

you can even tell in the nude pics, the girl has more abdomen than the original pic of Penny in the upper right...

You have eye's right? Use them!

>> No.6270743

OP, but everyone knows Penny is a slutty whore. Even her boyfriend, she's only became his 'gf' after he agreed to an 'open relationship' with her (meaning she will sleep with other guys, even in front of his own eyes).

It's fine though, Hypnocrotch is the ultimate mangina Beta male.

>> No.6271603

So, correction. It was -my- idea for us to start exploring the polyamorous set-up. We broke up for a short amount of time, but got back together. There was never any caveats to our dating.


>> No.6272205

It was -your- idea in your head, to be able to live with yourself. You wanted to get her, but you knew she would not settle for a Beta male like you, so you offered her she could still fuck others, it's ttly no problem for you.

Understand the difference?

It wasn't like you were walking down the street, being all swaggy and shit, and Penny wet herself from the sight of you and asked if she could be your girlfriend; and you said "okay bby, I'll date youuuu, but ~oooooonly~ if you fuck other guys while we're together! cuz dat tuuuuuuuurns me~ onnnnn!".

>> No.6272224

sadface that hypno is not the sweetheart i imagined him to be and is dating... that.


someone else needs to come along for me to daydream over now.

>> No.6272232

How about falcone? He is such a nice guy.

>> No.6272237

I camwhored on soc once when I was feeling particularly ugly does that make me a slut

>> No.6272239


>> No.6272263

who is falcone?

>> No.6272283
File: 47 KB, 453x411, 1330735271505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted a pic of myself in a Japanese elementary school uniform swimsuit in a "what are you wearing right now" thread once and someone said "You're going to make a middle-aged Japanese man very happy some day."

>> No.6272300

The new dream male of /cgl/.

>> No.6272499

Seeing as we dated for.... 3 and half years before I brought it up? Yep, you -obviously- know all the inner workings of my beta mind. Please, tell me more.

>> No.6272710

can you repost it?

>> No.6272716

That actually makes you even more Beta. You couldn't keep her satisfied with your own tiny dick, but being the clingy loser you are who couldn't find better when she started sexing up others, you just went like "oh no problem honey, I'm fine w-w-with it *sob* *sob*".

You just don't want to admit you made a wrong decision by picking an obvious slut to date.

>> No.6272880

My girlfriend has the exact same body, but she has a tattoo on her thigh, so I know it's not her, lol. Has the red hair too.

>> No.6273070
File: 59 KB, 267x275, kanji glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, exactly, are you trying to talk smack about someone else's relationship? Isn't it their business how they handle it?

>> No.6273293

Shut up, mommy and daddy are talking.