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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6265840 No.6265840[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a "non-Japanese girls rocking J-fashion" thread, shall we?
Lolita is welcome, but I'd prefer it to not be JUST lolita.

>> No.6266340
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Pretty much every swedish friend of pastelbat pulls it off and I'm extremely jelly.

>> No.6266344
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And yet another -_-

>> No.6266350
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>> No.6266359


>> No.6266365

Fry hair with bleach, you need to get it to the palest yellow possible without it snapping off/going bubblegum like. If you reach either of those points you're fucked. Then use purple toner to get it more white. Put purple dye (I recommend Special Effects brand) in roots. Enjoy interestingly coloured but very fried hair.

>> No.6266372

I use special effects for my bangs but I have only had it done by a professional and only on my bangs and only dark colors. I really like it. Thank you based anon!

Also, any tips on how to make the color really light?

>> No.6266381

Wash it paler

>> No.6266390

Dilute the dye with conditioner.

>> No.6266391

dilute it with conditioner

>> No.6266394

I know people try to vilify colored hair with talk of how fried it can get but I still want it. Anyone have tips on how to keep it from getting too fried?

>> No.6266398

I've seem similar wigs like this on taobao

>> No.6266400

Honey mixed with olive oil as conditioner, also honey works as natural bleach.

>> No.6266435

Get some pure coconut oil and apply it on your hair and leave it in while bleaching, it is the only oil that actually conditions your hair and doesn't just leave a sheen which makes it look healthy. It also speeds up the lightening process. I use it and have bleached my hair 3 times in 3 months and it is still soft and silky.

>> No.6266438

Coconut oil is also good for hair, warm it, rub it in, leave it for a while under a towel keeping the head warm (flew blasts from a hair dryer might help), then shampoo out.

Deep conditioners and protein treatments are also useful, Joico's K-Pak is excellent but pricey. You get what you pay for.

>> No.6266477

I used a papaya-coconut conditioner while bleaching and alfaparf midollo line for daily care.

>> No.6266513

not the anon you were replying to, but i'm curious as well. so do you rub the coconut oil into your hair and then apply the bleach?

>> No.6266516

is this the creepy cute/ pastel goth style? I love it and would love to dress in it! O__O

>> No.6266529

You use things like this over the bleach to reduce damage.

>> No.6266725

you better be really good at it because 90% of people can't pull it off. people posted itt can, and honestly pastelbat looks amazing in it. Lazy, copy-cat hipsters on tumblr? Nope nope nope nope

>> No.6267249

I've never understood the term hipster. Is it someone that tries really hard and come off as "oh yeah, it was nothing?" Can someone please explain it to me?

>> No.6267337

it doesn't really mean anything anymore. it just kind of refers to someone who follows trends that they consider "underground" or unique, when they're actually still just following trends.

>> No.6267344

More pictures please!

>> No.6267369

Hair gets fried because of the bleaching, so the least amount of bleaching to get and maintain the colour you require is preferable. For example, if you want pastel blue hair and your natural colour is blonde, you'll have less damaged hair than someone with naturally black hair since you won't need to bleach as much. Conditioners will make your hair look and feel better, but no product will reverse damage.

>> No.6267388

save yourself the hassle and just get a wig, that way you won't have to worry about your hair getting fried

>> No.6267402

Agreed with this anon.

>> No.6267549

sorry I can't contribute. Using mobile. More pix please?

>> No.6269210

Also on mobile, pics please!

>> No.6269590

Is it wierd that I find all of this Incredibly attractive?

>> No.6269592

Yes, that is totally weird. Kill yourself.

>> No.6269597


>> No.6272520


>> No.6272526
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Not really J-fashion, but..

>> No.6272534

None of this is typical Japanese fashion.

>> No.6272540



Shes dead to us.

>> No.6272542
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That's Beckii Cruel...

>> No.6277362

whatever happened to her? juicy details please!

>> No.6277761

didn't her nudes get spread??

>> No.6277780

what what what
I was gone for like a month and something like this happens?

someone spill!

>> No.6277787

i want her gustav klimt print so bad

>> No.6277815
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>> No.6277829

It's from IKEA, I swear to god it's like £20 tops.

>> No.6277963

Now help me, J-fashion knowing seagulls! A friend told me about a style where you dress up like a pizza delivery guy, and it sounded super hilarious and interesting to me. I tried googling it but only got japanese restaurants and pizza recipies.
Anyone know what it's called so that I could find pictures? Thanks a bunch in advance if someone can help.

>> No.6277996

excuse me while i seppuku

>> No.6278001

Holy crap, I wanna know what this is, sounds like a typical hilarious Japanese thing.

IKR? So fucking jelly.

>> No.6278008

I had a similar reaction.

>> No.6278007
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>> No.6278012

Holy crap, I had completely forgotten about this but now that I was reminded of it I suddenly remembered what it was called! I remember seeing a forum thread on this back in around 2006 and thinking it was hilarious...

>Deribari kei

>> No.6278083
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>> No.6278090
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>> No.6278098

Thanks for the link! Man, is it ever obscure ... Couldn't find much of anything online about it, image wise.

>> No.6278124

Thank you so much, this is awesome! In a super weird way, though.

>> No.6278141

>Deribari kei

Oh, Japan.

>> No.6278349 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 960x640, 377343_10151267898320407_1712570058_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we start a KPP cosplay thread? Everyone is trying to be Fashion Monster this year for Halloween, so let's celebrate October!

inb4 this girl looks terrible.

>> No.6278497

omg! anybody know where that shirt is from?

>> No.6278511
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>> No.6278517


the way she shoops herself to look asian is so stupid

>> No.6278531

>dat jew nose
>those dark bushy eyebrows
>dat stupid bullring

i hate it when people try to combine cuteness with "edgy" shit to try to be ~original

>> No.6278537

she's just ugly

>> No.6278548

I actually like the look of a strong brow, but I agree that it doesn't go with the look...also bullrings just look stupid 99% of the time.

>> No.6278559


dat samefag

>> No.6278563
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Bananafish which doesn't exist anymore since years.

>> No.6278578


bummer but thanks anyway, maybe I can find one somewhere

>> No.6280080
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>> No.6280082
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>> No.6280094


...it was all me, i'll admit. didn't realize after the first post there would be so many negative things to say, sorry for separate posts >///<

>> No.6280108

I'm on anon these days so a certain someone on here will get over their obsession of me. You know the one. You know very well.

>> No.6280118

Is it Spoony? Because really you're way prettier than she is and aren't a sack of dumpy potatoes unlike her.

>> No.6280115

And no, no nudes. I don't have the time really.

>> No.6280120

I won't name names. Certain people tend to go batshit insane and spam-samefag decent threads.

Let's not turn this into that, this thread's actually really cool.

And thank you.

>> No.6280123

is it the same person who has a huge obsession with all the other underage skinny girls that go to japan? if so i wouldnt be surprised if they have a huge folder of your stuff, i know they were on another thread earlier and around the same time a lot of your pics were posted

>> No.6280128

Wait are you talking about a guy or girl? Its creepy either way though (if its true) :\

>> No.6280130

ahh i want to see pics are you a cutie?

>> No.6280143

I think the clash between the two is sort of striking and fun.

>> No.6280144
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>> No.6280148

>sorrs guise I really really, I swear, REALLY didn't wanted to derail this thread. But hey, let's keep talking about ME!

Flan's mindset in a nutshell

>> No.6280145

Flan, stop talking to yourself, and stop hijacking this thread to make it all about you, cause nobody gives a fuck about your horseface.

>> No.6280147
File: 39 KB, 600x800, flan (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes a horse

>> No.6280151
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>Let's not turn this into that, this thread's actually really cool.


>> No.6280160


I'm late to the party but when was that pic taken? Kooters turned out to be an old hag then?
I truly expected more from someone who marketed herself as the ~*forever 16 living doll*~

>> No.6280164
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we need some more kawaii babbus in this thread tbh

>> No.6280165
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So this a selfpost thread

>> No.6280167

At an Etude event in Korea. She had full makeup on, and a makeup artist proceeded to put a fair bit more onto her eyes. Maybe 1-2 months ago?

Her fan-taken photos are getting better. She looks like she's lost a lot of weight in the face recently, and a fair bit in the legs as well. Her IRL makeup's also improved a lot now.