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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 101 KB, 500x632, tumblr_m46joiOK2l1rsfc7ro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6260280 No.6260280 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/, I need some help.

I've wanted to cosplay as Major Motoko Kusanagi for a very long time now and I'm going to try to start my costume so I can have it ready for Metrocon in May but my problem is I have no idea were to start. I already have purple hair that's in and angeled bob like her's, I just need to do everything else.

Any advice or tips?

>> No.6260304

Fuck yeah, props to you. Hope it turns out great!

>> No.6260307

Also, please ignore the typos. I've been up for almost 20 hours -___-

>> No.6260404
File: 75 KB, 694x655, 430010187_194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gloves, stockings (or whatever they are) thong and jacket shouldn't be a big problem.
For the top I would suggest you to take some lingerie corset like this as reference for construct it.

And don't forget a nice pair of red contact lenses hehe.

>> No.6260454

make sure they're not those blood red crazy lenses , though, those won't be flattering. Get red circle lenses, because the red circle lenses are less scary.

>> No.6260477

That was actually really helpful, thanks!

And I had planned on getting some of those, not the crazy Halloween ones xD

>> No.6260531
File: 312 KB, 905x2114, Motoko_Kusanagi_Vector_1_by_CyonixGFX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about this outfit, OP?

>> No.6265431
File: 128 KB, 1024x1189, Motoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would probably be much more comfortable wearing something like that or the one I just attached, seeing as I usually don't show a lot of skin. But her 'normal' outfit is just so recognizable, y'know?

>> No.6265443
File: 69 KB, 558x799, MotokoKusanagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>But her 'normal' outfit is just so recognizable, y'know?

actually, any fan or the series will recognize any of her outfits. If you are hell bent on wanting to do the white leotard, than I would recommend the outfit from 2nd GiG where she wears the white pants over it.

>> No.6265446

you're going to need one of those awesome motorized tachikomas too. saw one at AX this year.

>> No.6265461

I think this one is one of my favorites and I will probably do this.

I would so get one as long at it talked

>> No.6265615

yeah, go get a wig and don't use your natural hair.

>> No.6265648


OP, use your real hair if it's in good enough condition. I don't understand this, when people say you must use a wig for absolutely EVERY cosplay. Maybe when you're cosplaying perfect, kawaii desu-desu uguuu~* characters who're supposed to look so beautiful that they can't possibly exist... that's when you get a wig.

I know Motoko is in a cyborg body but GitS is a pretty gritty anime and I think OP will look fine using her real hair provided the shade is correct, the cut is exact and the conditioner of her hair isn't too bad.

>> No.6265654

>>6265648 provided the shade is correct, the cut is exact and the conditioner of her hair isn't too bad.
What the hell are the chances of that though? So many people THINK they have the right hair for a character, but they so rarely actually do.

Especially when it's someone with strange hair like Motoko.

>> No.6265662


....I'm going to put my trust in OP.
Op should probably post a picture though, just to be safe.

But yeah, I just don't think a lot of Western-orientated anime characters would look right with wigs, unless you're like a fucking wig master and know how to get it perfect; which most people are not.

I can not imagine a good Batou cosplayer using a wig, nor a Spike Spiegel.

>> No.6265678

Real hair can be alright but it really depends on the style the character wears. Anime hair is pretty fluffy and it's hard to get that effect without a wig.

>> No.6265710


Confirmed for Falcone. Get out faggot

>> No.6265774

>>6265648 I don't understand this, when people say you must use a wig for absolutely EVERY cosplay.

It's because real hair is a bitch to deal with. It's going to get messed up and sweaty and fall out of place over the course of a con. A correctly-styled wig might require minor adjustments, but will look perfect for a much longer period of time.

>> No.6265777
File: 18 KB, 230x406, 230px-Spike_Spiegel_as_drawn_by_the_creators.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6265662 Spike Spiegel

Yes, because most people just naturally have a shrubbery growing on top of their heads.

>> No.6265802
File: 46 KB, 402x604, Jayjay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Confirmed for huge fucking newfag.


That is all true, although I actually have experience issues with getting a sweaty head whilst wearing a wig myself, though at least it's not visible.


I have a few friends who have near Spike-tier hair. Just a little styling wax and some artful combing and they'd be good to go.

Picture related is a shrubbery-headed friend of mine.

>> No.6265804


Hm, just realized if he maybe had sharper features and muscled up a little he could pull off a good Spike.

>> No.6267638

It happens

>> No.6267659
File: 26 KB, 221x286, sydbarrett04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, he'd make a pretty good Syd Barrett.

So sad this handsome psycho had to go crazy on drugs. He could have gone to crazy heights.

>> No.6267739
File: 337 KB, 1024x554, 517594220_d2801edb81_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fiance and i recently cosplayed as ninja suit motoko and batou -- hopefully some of this applies to whichever version you go with. if you don't want to show a lot of skin, there is also her military uniform.

- we used weightlifting gloves since they have more of a wrist wrap than the other gloves we looked at, and then augmented them with fabric covered craft foam pads.

- we got some matching boots at http://www.lapolicegear.com/ because sometimes they have awesome clearance prices, and who doesn't want shoes with "tactical nubs".

- these are the belts and holsters we used:


- i bought a faux leather motorcycle jacket off eBay and modified it. i'd recommend one that has more of a matte leather look than shiny.

- i got my wig from http://stores.ebay.com/COSPLAY-WIG/ and was pretty happy with it. they don't have the same one any more, but it was their mixed dark purple color, which i really like, but might not be dark enough for some people.

good luck with your costume!

>> No.6270198

Here are like 93473094 of my hair. I take very good care of it so it's not brittle and nasty looking. Also, if my hair is accesptable to use for this cosplay, I'll grow out my bangs and style them accordingly. I also have that wierd bumb thing that her hair does in the back so I think that's a bonus.


My hair also changes colors depending on the lighting, shifting from a dark plimb to a violet color.

So what do you say, wig or no wig?

>> No.6270200

Holy fuck I am having trouble typing today.

>> No.6270211

Thanks a lot!

>> No.6270240

you probably could have just shooped them into one photo and posted that

>> No.6270242


I don't know, it does look quite brittle and fried to me. If you're going to use it I recommend you let it grow out quite a bit, and then right before the con have it fully cut and styled to cut away all those dead nasty bits at the end. You've got ages yet though so I don't see it being an issue.

I suggest investing in some tubs of coconut oil.

>> No.6270275
File: 109 KB, 600x800, IMG_35752-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do moroccan oil and deep conditioning treatments on my hair everytime I dye it. My ends may be a little crazy, but I'm in need of a trim.

>> No.6270285


That's a much better picture, couldn't really tell the quality in the other on account of the low light but it appears to be in decent condition in this one.

>> No.6270291

I guess I was focusing more on the shape and not the texture of my hair in the other photos.

It's also been over a month since I last dyed it so the color would be more of a dark royal purple when I went to the con.

So what do you think?

>> No.6270366
File: 19 KB, 400x400, Ghost in the Shell Motoko Kusanagi RAH Figure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(maybe you already considered this) I'd suggest you just to add more volume to the upper hair and style your bangs more spikey.

Which dye brand did you used btw?

>> No.6270386

Your hairs cool but just get a dam wig.

>> No.6270501

OP, your hair's really cool and the color is so hnnnnnnng, but I really do think it would look better if you got a wig.

>> No.6270637

That's what I had planned on doing and I use Deep Purple by Special Effects.

>> No.6270998

Srsly, get a wig. And you should lose weight if you want to cosplay this outfit >>6260280

>> No.6271011

Your hair is way to thin to pull off Kusanagi's hair and too light. Just get a wig.

>> No.6271611
File: 39 KB, 300x211, kussmiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you grow your bangs out, then it would definitely be closer and more accurate. Also, The purple seems a bit too pink (in all of the photos.)

I am not a pro with funky hair coloring, so I do not have any advice to shifting the purple to something more accurate.

>> No.6272365

Funny you should say that when you don't even know what my body type is rofl.

That's what teasing and hair dye is for, I haven't syed my hair in over a month so it would be a lot darker for the con.

Once again, when I dye it it'll be a lot darker and more accurate. xD

But if you guys are freaking out that bad about it I'll probably get a wig.

>> No.6272373

Major Kusanagi (at least her Stand Alone Complex/SSS version) is a giant Mary Sue

Movie version at least acts like a person

>> No.6272507


You obviously suck at cosplay or don't know what you're talking about. OP, GET A WIG. A cosplay without a wig is auto-fail.

>> No.6272527


I'm not even a cosplayer heuheuheu

>> No.6272554
File: 41 KB, 300x234, 1315615147812.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is your shrubbery-headed friend Neil Gaiman?

>> No.6272566

OP, sorry to say, but your hair looks nothing like the characters...
It's purple and it's a bob. But that doesn't mean it's exactly like the character's. Seriously, just get a wig. It'll be much more accurate.
Her hair seems to be a much more gray/purple than this vibrant purple you've got going on. And her hair's got some layering going on that it doesn't look like you have. Just get the wig, it'll look so much better.

>> No.6276355
File: 1.68 MB, 1800x2733, GITSuniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem!

for anyone interested, here are some references of her military uniform

i capped these off netflix, so the quality isn't great, but i couldn't find any good references otherwise

>> No.6276404

OP, I think you're better off getting a wig.

>> No.6276458

this so much

>> No.6280034

A wig it is then. Any suggestions to some shops or items?

>> No.6280043


Thank you again! The more I look at this one the more I'm leaning towards it. I have a thing for military uniforms ; u ;

>> No.6280375

>Funny you should say that when you don't even know what my body type is rofl.
we can tell from your pics dumbass

>> No.6280480

Ow, right in my fat rolls.

>> No.6280497

You really should go with the Uniform, that way you can wear some shapewear underneath it 'cause you do seem a bit fluffy. Big boobs is not enough to cosplay her, you also need a waist. So add shapewear in there.

>> No.6280536
File: 43 KB, 326x457, 572146628_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've found this

If you know how to dye wigs, I'd suggest you to better buy a white wig like this and match the exact Motokos' greyish purple hair tone.


>> No.6280550
File: 34 KB, 300x400, 572146628_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Disregard that, >>6267739 already posted a store with a better wig:


>> No.6280698

Use a wig, Motoko doesn't have bangs. Her hair is closer to a mullet if you look at it. Her hair grows out of her natural part in the back of her head and is cut short at the front and the back with the sides being long.

Google isn't helping me find a good picture to show you but if you have Netflix you can watch a couple eps of Stand Alone Complex and you can see how her hair is cut and styled.

>> No.6280740

Mokoto is one of my dream cosplays Her Military is on the stop of my list as I dont have large boobs so I would have to stuff a Bra to get her cup size, plus I recently lost over 100lbs and have a lot of skin so bodyshapers will be a must for me. I just need to learn how to walk in heels and keep working out some more. I went from 287lbs to 185lbs
My doc said 160-170 will be perfect for my frame
almost there!

>> No.6280764

>current weight is 185
>160-170 is considered normal
>used to be 287

Maybe you should just give up on this hobby altogether...

>> No.6280769

getting healthy was my first reason to lose weight, getting into some sorta cosplay was my second.
I'm also 5 feet 8 inches so at lease I got some height on me.
I didnt eat well in jr high and high school at lease I'm trying to turn things around and be healthy

>> No.6280798
File: 94 KB, 450x600, 2c50-silgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the style I bought in the color >>6280550 posted.

If dying is an option, I just had to trim the base wig a bit, and I ended up adding some of the wefts from a ponytail to the top and back to give it a bit more fluff. I'm utter crap at cutting hair, so I liked starting with this base since it was already short, but the sides were still kept long.


>> No.6280833
File: 14 KB, 233x270, 1277944628107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cunty response

She is losing weight through long term healthy eating and exercise, and aspires to be the healthy weight her doctor suggests.

You seriously need to go back over your comment and read it again, then think long and hard about your own life choices.

>> No.6280929

160-170lbs is healthy if you're a 6' woman that trains for a physically demanding sport. At 5'8" you want to shoot for 135-140lbs.

>> No.6281592

I have a serious, and I mean serious, hourglass figure; my waist is a good 10-12 inches smaller than my hips/bust.
I would wear some shapewear though to smooth out my silhouette.

Also, all of this.

And thank you so much everyone that's sending me wig links and tips, it's so helpful.

>> No.6281600

OP, just dropping in to say I really support your weight loss and Major is one of my favorite characters from that show.
Hope your cosplay goes well. Don't listen to the tards who say you can't pull it off at 160. Considering you've probably been working out to lose THAT much weight, you have a good figure.
The main thing with anons like that is their self-projection. They know that because they don't exercise much, 160 on them would look terrible. They just don't know what it's like to be active and thus have a shapely figure despite being heavy. Ignore it.

>> No.6281627

That's very kind, but you're directing that toward the wrong person. ;c

>> No.6281641

Oh, didn't read the thread. But hey, to whoever is losing the weight, kudos.
And still good luck with that cosplay because it's awesome.

>> No.6281643

That takes some serious willpower and this may seem kind of strange because I don't know you, but I really happy for you and I hope you stay on track to becoming more healthy. I hope your cosplay is awesome!

>> No.6282223

Sure you do... give us a picture for proof.

>> No.6282789

I've got artbook scans on an external drive, I'll dig em up

>> No.6282793

The most important thing to do when acting like Motoko is to amass a harem of hot bitches.

>> No.6282813
File: 340 KB, 600x900, Section_9__by_Digitallica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nothing to contribute other than keep trigger discipline in mind if you don't want aspies raging at you. good luck OP, Motoko is the friggin' best so at least you've got good taste

this, there's really not enough cosplay pictures of Motoko with bitches

>> No.6283106

Not posting half naked pictures of myself on the internet, sorry.

Oooh, I can't wait.

I could not agree more, I'll make sure to get get as many bitches as I can.

And thank you, I'm going to try my best.

>> No.6283121

Who says they have to be half naked? Isn't the costume going to be just as revealing? Wow, you're a moron, and probably too fat to pull this off. Can't wait to see your pictures show up here so I can laugh.

>> No.6283125

Actually, reading through the thread, you haven't even decided on a costume. What a joke.

>> No.6283147
File: 25 KB, 350x343, polls_obese_4903_420887_answer_6_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, because I've decided that I'm going to do Motoko's military uniform, seeing as that one is one of my favorites.

And you caught me, I'm actually 500lbs and bed ridden. I've had my son typing this the whole time because my hands are just too fat for the keyboard.

Pic related, I took it just for you. <3

>> No.6283602

I noticed in this episode her skirt gets torn and then a few minutes later it's not torn.
>i watch this show too much

>> No.6283638


fukking cyber skirts

>> No.6283772

To be honest I don't think I've liked a single WIG cosplay, but the few good ones with natural hair yes.

Wigs just look incredibly fake due to their completely borked shades.

>> No.6283785

not all wig's are unnatural looking. you just have to work on it.

if you want to do it then do it, fuck. prove us wrong.