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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 15 KB, 200x252, 1343927395278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6258411 No.6258411[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a constructive critique thread.

Post your cosplays and (constructively, not dickishly) tell each other what can be improved about them.

>> No.6258595
File: 231 KB, 722x742, sgcritique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right, how about I go first to break the ice. I personally don't mind critique being harsh, but do remember that this thread is supposed to be constructive.

I'm looking to improve my Squirrel Girl costume- I've posted it for critique before, but I've got some new ideas. I want to improve the lacing on the back and take it in so it's not so bulky, but I was thinking that I should also wear a corset underneath so I have an actual waist. I don't know if this is feasible, but I was thinking of shaving the fur on the bodysuit so it's not so long a pile. Is it even possible to do that?

I was also thinking of dyeing the zentai a darker green and straightening/restyling that godawful wig, but I don't know what hair would be best. Thoughts? I want to be the best damn SqueeGee I can be.

Have at me, seagulls.

>> No.6258604

That's pretty fuckin' kai-wai.

>> No.6258763
File: 288 KB, 396x756, 1340228785114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Con crit us

>> No.6258787
File: 46 KB, 576x768, 222195_10151164571349670_604258691_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good threads deserve a chance.

You already addressed the Zentai suit so I'm not going to mention that. I don't have any real issues on the fur cause it looks great. Your eye makeup could be a bit darker so its easier to noticed as I thought you were missing it at first glace.

I also want to say that the wig might be too curley when compared to the original. However that could just be the art style. Her hair does have a slight curl along the sides but it looks straight everywhere else.

Have you also considered using custom buck teeth?

Now to throw myself in front of the firing squad. Granted my outfit is way less complicated than yours but it's the only thing I have that I haven't spam posted here before

>> No.6258792
File: 27 KB, 202x285, fixed Gakt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nya? this one took forever to make let me know if you want more pictures of my Sandplay Gakupo.

>> No.6258899

I'm going to assume your cosplay is Izaya and I'm not crazy. Just gonna point out the major things I notice right off the bat:

You need a V-neck shirt. It should either be short enough that you can see the belt, or you'd have to tuck it in (though that may not look very good depending on how fit you are). Make sure it isn't a loose shirt either. Tucking it into the pants might help with that though.

That wig needs to be restyled or you may need a new one entirely. Hard to tell with the wind blowing. But it does look to me as though it's not nearly layered enough. The back looks especially chunky and actually doesn't appear to be sitting on your head properly. Again, it's hard to judge from just this picture.

Don't forget your shit-eating grin, and you're good to go!

>> No.6258996
File: 298 KB, 1013x761, filia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been hoping a thread like this would pop up. Recently I made Filia from Skullgirls (Flapper hat version from her opening animation). I'm gonna be wearing it again with my wig I couldn't finish in time at ALA and I want it to be as perfect as I can manage. Please rip it apart~ <3

I think I've critiqued this costume of yours before, I still think you look damn cute in it and I love your tail.

I think it would look a lot better if you did make the hair shorter and I'm pretty sure it is possible. I know furries do it with their suits sometime so you might wanna stalk around some websites to see if they have some tutorials or tips on shaving the hair. Also def dye the zentai a little darker, I think that would help as well.

As for the wig, I like it but looking at the reference picture I've got pulled up I think, if you have the money, you'd benefit most from buying a new wig since yours seems too dark. But straightening and restyling in the least, agreeing with G it looks straight everywhere but the sides. Be sure to make it look fluffy though.

And also agreeing with G on the makeup. Do it so it pops out more and you're good to go! Excited to see this all fixed up.

I think anon pretty much hit all the points I was going for but I'm going to back up the wig. If you post a better picture of it without the wind blowing I could give a better opinion on what to do with it. Looking good though G, needs more crazy faces (which I know you can do).

Post a bigger picture. I can't see anything 200x200.

>> No.6259011

your vendetta is not kawaii.

>> No.6259023

thas stupid

>> No.6259064
File: 66 KB, 480x720, proper Gakupo..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoping this one is a bit better. Below the waist didn't get taken too often.

>> No.6259122

Personally with regaurds to your wig. How exactly did you cut it? did you try to select one section of the weft then comb it into and upright position in order to cut it? Or did you give your self a rough estimate as to where you were going to make the cuts? Just curious~

>> No.6259127
File: 105 KB, 960x649, 271173_10151113323188143_1709189979_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not going crazy.

Believe me, I was kicking myself for not tucking in my shirt and not having enough photos of my troll smile. I would have never noticed the v-neck unless someone said anything so thanks.

This has been helpful and I'm not surprised to see that there might be issues with a wig as it was my first time cutting one for myself.

Also I got two pretty good in character shots but those will be for another time.

>> No.6259146


>> No.6259158

Sorry for deleting the original post, I found a more useful image

For my cutting "techniques" All I did really was section off layers of the wig with my figners and cut upwards to avoid blunt edges. From there it was really making adjustments of what I needed. Much of the time spent was me trimming the sides of the wig as they were really thick and almost looked like a helmet and making sure my bangs were proper length. Since I was unsure how accurate my wighead was to my head I did a lot of test wearing and redoing.

This was a simple case of having a deadline, a reliable Plan B and a wig that if I messed up I would not care as I was not going to wear the costume again. That and me just going "fuck it, let's go!"

>> No.6259173

ahhhh~ in my wig styling ventures I find trying to cut the fibers at an angle work well. As for the wig head next time (if you plan on cutting a wig again) put it on your head and pin it down with bobby pins then simply measure the strands and see how much should be cut off all around. takes some of the guess work out of it.

>> No.6259602
File: 347 KB, 600x900, sleepy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Field too long" error. I'll put my concrits in a second post.
I might rewear Poison for Halloween, so I'm looking to fix it up as much as I can. Here's what I'll be doing, but any tips on how to do this (or help in general) is appreciated!
-Squats. I did lots of squats, but now I'm doing more squats. And leg lifts. There's not a lot I can do about my body type otherwise, though.
-Remaking the top to be a little lower-cut along the top and better-fitting. Some people suggested it be shorter last time, too, but it tends to ride up over my boobs so that's a little insurance space so that my bra doesn't show. Might make it a tiny bit shorter though, if I can?
-Washing/beating the hell out of the shorts so that they fray more.
-Buying my own damn handcuffs so I don't have to rely on borrowing other peoples' and end up not having them in half my photos. Ahhh hhhha.
-I'm doing a totally new wig for it. I got a wig in a less warm of a pink and I'll be sewing in extensions and layering it a lot more. This one came with layers, but as you can see, it's not nearly HI I'M POISON enough.
-New hat. Old one falls off too much. If anyone knows where to get a dark blue military police-style cap that doesn't have something stupid like a "hottie police" badge glued to the front, I'd be grateful. Need a bigger skull pin, too.
Since her details change from game to game, this is Double Impact's version of Poison, if that helps.

>> No.6259605

That being said...I've never really done layering before. It seems self-explanatory, but just in case, any tips to avoid screwing it up?
Anywho, here's the concrit:

Man, I've always loved your Squirrel Girl. I'd just get a new wig, though; maybe something not so shiny. And maybe brush out your tail a little more during the con; the pile is all over the place in that picture on the right.
Looks like you got just the right jacket for Izaya; I'm sure cosplayers everywhere are insanely jealous. The wig (or hair? hard to tell) isn't quite right though; Izaya has a more shaggy, J-rock "I don't care" sort of style, and yours looks like you styled it a little too much and cut most of the hair too short. I'd start with a longer wig next time.
It's cute to see you becoming more proud of your body and making cutesier but still revealing costumes. I remember you being pretty shy a couple years ago. Anyways, it looks from the Skullgirls art like the black piece around the waist is three-dimensional and yours is just some fabric sewn onto the shirt. I'd make the tie wider, too, and the buttons on the cuffs of her sleeves more prominent.
I love Sandplay cosplay. Never get tired of seeing it. But you should trim your bangs some more; I know gakupo has some longer bangs, but your wig could definitely benefit from a little more styling. Might want to comb it out, too, especially the longer side-pieces.

>> No.6259611

Are you wearing pantyhose in that picture?

>> No.6259618

Yes, but these ones had this weird strip down the middle (not quite a control top?) that showed now and then, so I'm on the hunt for decent sheer-to-waist pantyhose. Why do you ask?

>> No.6259632

I was just gonna say if you weren't then you have some smooth legs lol

The only crit I can think of is to make the top smaller. It's more accurate but IDK if you want to show that much skin.

>> No.6259688

I don't feel like such a sleaze mentioning it because >>6259632 already did, but yeah, that top looks like it needs to be a little smaller.

I feel like Poison's jeans are usually a little ripped/frayed at the bottom? Also when you get the new wig, tease the layers so that they spread out a little bit and look a little messier. Poisons with tame, smooth hair are kinda boring haha.

Your shoes look kinda big. I know the stylized art kinda calls for it, but if anything, stuff something in the front of your shoes so that your heel goes all the way back and it doesn't look like you're wearing your dad's shoes haha.

>> No.6260100

Notice the tripfags posting and giving critiques are considered some of the "nicer" posters on cgl

>> No.6260103
File: 178 KB, 682x1024, San-Japan-Mach-5-2012-555-682x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6260366

do you have a frontal shot of that costume?

>> No.6260381

From the thumbnail I thought that was a nun wielding a giant dildo

>> No.6260412
File: 128 KB, 960x720, 296984_3346332308396_1170619771_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of a frontal shot... best I can find right now @_@;;

>> No.6260501

Well judging from what i can see, the only glaringly obvious thing probably is to attatch some teeth to your chainsaw? It looks great but i think it would give it the finishing touch

I can't really tell from the photos but maybe alter your vest a little bit to suit your figure more as well

hair +makeup +glasses look great though

>> No.6261111

Yay the thread's not dead!

I definitely agree with the others on the wig- if you can, get a crappy cheap wig and practice vertical cutting on it. You'll get softer layers that way. I like your jacket- the fur looks great.

This is SUPER CUTE! I'm not terribly familiar with Skullgirls, but is her shirt supposed to be that tight? I think it might benefit from some tailoring around the bust.

I agree with Katsumiyo on the wig styling- you could benefit from some more styling on the wig. You could also try some contouring on your face to make your cheeks and chin more angular/bishie.

Guuuuurl dem legs~
The only issues I can think of are the ones that you've already addressed, especially the shorts. If you can't find another cap, you could try sewing wig clips into it or padding it out with foam.

Your wig looks great around the front, but I would style it in the back some more- it just of hangs and has loose, unstyled ends that look a little frizzy. I would also tailor the jacket and vest more so they fit you better.

>> No.6261140

Wait, if that suit is a spandex blend then it isn't going to take to dye too well. I've tried dyeing blends unsuccessfully, though admittedly I haven't tried spandex so I am not trying to sound like a know-it-all.

No idea what it is from but it looks good, nice job with the fur.

>> No.6261168

Thanks! It's Squirrel Girl from Marvel, a joke character who's kind of become a cult hit.

I've dyed spandex blends before- it's kind of a pain in the nuts, but it's doable if you use acid dyes. Regular Rit or whatever isn't going to work.

>> No.6261175

>Squirrel Girl
>Pain in the nuts
Hee hee

>> No.6261650
File: 510 KB, 1247x1329, robin ciel C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah the long side bits are such a pain and I found they get caught in my massive pins.The bangs do need a slight trim I just haven't gotten around to it.
Now I'm going to throw up another cosplay! Next up is Robin Ciel

>> No.6262237
File: 172 KB, 474x639, grell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with what the others have said but I'll add some thoughts. You may have done these things already, though; it's hard to tell from the pictures.
-consider giving the chainsaw a weathered look. It looks a bit cartoony right now, despite looking pretty good otherwise.
-do the beads on the glasses connect to the other side? Cause they should, if not.
-don't forget the beads near the left hip as well.
-you've got the black lines on the collar and the bottom of the jacket, but you're missing them on the ends of the sleeves and down the front, where the jacket would open up.
-don't forget the arm garters if you don't have them.
-the pants need to be more fitted and short enough that you can see your ankles in the boots. They shouldn't cover the heels at all.
-you need boot covers or you need to modify the boots you have. See the reference pic I included.

>> No.6262249

I don't think I can do a proper critique of this because your hair and pose keeps covering your dress. It'd also be nice to get a clear shot of the back if possible.

>> No.6264345

Going by the right picture your stockings could stand to be more opaque.

Good luck with Sampson

>> No.6265655
File: 373 KB, 301x568, fuckfuckfuck1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad bumping off the 6th page with my own stuff but I'd like some crits
I self posted in the self post thread but I'm scared I'll just get shit in that thread if i pressure for crits
I've got a month before I take this to a con, any things i could fix in that time?

>> No.6265657

>looks like cheap fabric everywhere
>no sign of details or shape to anything
guuuurl dat ain't kawaii

>> No.6265669

Yep it's pretty cheap and the first time i sew anything from scratch
now anything i can do to make it better?

>> No.6265683

I think it looks good. I like the fabric.

>> No.6265690

o-oh thank you
/cgl/ you're so confusing sometimes

i do agree with the non-constructive anon though it's pretty shapeless and i didn't add any detail because i have no idea what to do

>> No.6265696

I'd try making it a little floofier? Like, gather the skirt more. I like the fluffy little bloomers style rather than a skirt personally, also the vest/shirt looks a bit too tight for you, but maybe it's just wrinkled. If you can, you should tease the hair out a bit, I like Charlotte's chibi form much better and I am not too fond of the "teto" style hair that some drawings if her regular form have.

>> No.6265701

Well, the most obvious thing would be to add the polka dots to the black capelet for some detail. It would also help to add some gathering/fullness to the red cape so it doesn't look like a complete rectangle. Also, the pink on the skirt is too bright and looks tacky and out-of-place. It doesn't suit the color scheme of the character at all. Those are the biggest things that bother me. You might want to try fitting the vest a little better. Otherwise,I like your wig and the sleeves, and think you'll make a very cute Charlotte, Anon!

>> No.6265711

I've always wanted to see a Charlotte cosplayer modify a balloon and obviously add the wings/nose polkadots and then blow it up for like action shots, it'd be really cool. As well as to style the wig so it looks more like the original which looks more like candy? I feel like getting a long wig and styling it would be better than the ~drills~

>> No.6265716

Ahh! Thank you a lot guys that's really good advice thank you! I'm gonna look into these ideas! Sadly i don't think i can remake the skirt but i might invest in a floofy petti and try and gather it a bit more!
I'm considering remaking the cape entirely now
Also that balloon idea is adorable

>> No.6265743

Poetaytoe you always look so different in each of your cosplays, I like that!

>> No.6265761
File: 416 KB, 648x869, vic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my last cosplay (Vicious from Cowboy Bebop). To note: we put together the cord that runs across the jacket the day of the con, and realized the material we picked out for it SUCKED. So i'm well aware that needs to be redone.

>> No.6267490
File: 1.11 MB, 1032x604, TaigaCosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love this cosplay of yours I think it looks great! I guess the only thing I could think of is the wig. It just looks a little messy but it's not horrible or anything! I think the fur looks great but if it does bother you maybe just run a light razor through the top to thin it down? I've never done anything like that so I'm not really sure how well it would work sorry!
I'm sorry I'm not sure who you are cosplaying! I'm not sure how the hairstyle is supposed to be but it does look bluntly chopped so maybe you could even out the wig a bit? I hope that helps some!
I haven't played Skullgirls so I'm not sure what the character is supposed to look like but I really like it overall! The pockets I would try to make more square and a bit bigger and not so long horizontally. But that's just what I gathered from looking at a photo. I really like it you did an amazing job!!
I really love all the details! Your costume looks really great. Your wig could use a good brushing though! I know how difficult long wigs can be, but if you plan on doing a shoot make sure to comb it out so it looks as neat as possible.
You are such a good looking Poison! I think layering the wig will really help the costume a lot. Otherwise you said everything you are improving on and I think once you do that it will look phenomenal!

I really would love some help/advice/crtique on how to better my Taiga cosplay. I really like this cosplay but I just feel like somethings off and I'm not quite sure what it is. So if you guys could help me so I could improve it I would really appreciate it!

>> No.6267492

Because field was to long here's the rest of my critiques!

I haven't seen the show but I think he has red boots right? I think if you could make some boot covers it would help tie it nicely. I really like how you did the bangs! They look very nice! Again just getting some more of the little details will really bring your cosplay a step up!
awe it looks really cute! It I remember Charollette doesn't have that long of hair so if you could cut it a bit I think that would help bring it together. Also, again I could be wrong, I thought her hair was a darker pink? Overall I really like it and think it looks really cute! If you want the skirt to stay out I would really recommend getting a petticoat. They help so much!
I really don't think the jacket looks that bad! Um I would say if you can to maybe wear a wig cap so you don't have that little bit of hair sticking out at the back. Your costume looks really nice otherwise!

>> No.6268125

It's pretty good but I think the skirt is much too light in colour. Even in the darkest picture it looks like a light-ish blue when it should be closer to navy, though lighter than navy for sure. You should also add more volume to the top of your wig to match the little poof she has in the back of her hair. I can't quite tell, but it looks like the hair framing your face is too long on the sides. I'm not talking about the two pieces on either side that come down to the bust, but the pieces that go past your chin. They should stop right at the chin or slightly before. The shoes could be slightly darker as well.

>> No.6268126

Oooohhh I love Toradora!

Maybe try to go for some cuter features (more blush, falsies, circle lens), since I feel Taiga's appeal is that she is soo cute yet still a Bad Bitch.

Other than that I think its awesome!

>> No.6268172
File: 25 KB, 320x488, Vicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah the jacket came out great, but the cord was an emergency rush job. Also kind of want to work on his pet bird for the next con (as seen in pic)

>> No.6272379

Agreeing with everything that's been said so far. I also think your lapels are too big on both the jacket and suit, or they're not propped up high enough. Try styling the wig a bit to make it just slightly wavy and curve toward his face at the bottom. Tease the top so that it looks less flat. It looks great otherwise.

But just to nitpick, I would suggest wearing foundation to even out your skin tone. Most male cosplayers don't bother with make up, though.

>> No.6272581

Just what I was looking for. Thanks anon!

>> No.6272746
File: 679 KB, 416x707, Jack Skellington.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i should've put makeup on my neck.

From here-on down its basically a suit with white gloves.