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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6255013 No.6255013 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a thread about hair, /cgl/
Hair care, hairstyle tutorials, tips, etc
Post everything you have that can be helpful to others!

>> No.6255016
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I'll start with some hairstyles

>> No.6255017
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>> No.6255021
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>> No.6255023
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>> No.6255025
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1. Use a large-barrel curling iron to create loose curls all around your head, from the ears down.
2. Part your hair in the middle, and use your fingers to loosen and separate the curls.
3. Starting halfway down the part, begin spritzing your roots with hairspray. Continue to the crown.
4. To create height and volume, tease the sprayed hair with a fine-tooth comb.
5. Use a brush to gently smooth the teased hair, and gather the sides up into a half ponytail.
6. Secure the sides with pins, then use your fingers to gently shape the curls into place.
7. End with shine spray. Try John Frieda Frizz-Ease 100% Shine Glossing Mist, at drugstores.
8. Voila! A hairdo worthy of Brigitte Bardot.

>> No.6255026
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>> No.6255033
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>> No.6255036

I wish Spoony was here. She always gives good tips about hair care :(

>> No.6255197

I really want to stop blow drying my hair, since it's damaging and all. But when I air dry my hair it ends up looking like I haven't washed it at all. It sort of gets clumped into sections and the color gets really dark (I have blond hair and air drying makes it dirty blonde). Not to mention it just feels like crsp when compared to blow drying it Is there anyway I can get nice looking hair without blow drying?

>> No.6255262
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I'm right here.

>> No.6255265

I guess this is as good a place as ever to ask.

How do I keep my hair from looking stupid the day I wash it? I'm a guy with medium length hair. My problem is that my hair looks pretty awesome if I take my showers before I go to bed. When I wake up my hair will sit down and look normal. If I were to take showers in the morning, the whole day my hair would be "poofy" and frizzy. It's also a little lighter than my normal hair color.

Would it be the shampoo i'm using or what?

>> No.6255272


>> No.6255295

Don't cut your hair :3 I love guys with longer hair

>> No.6255301

If you go to sleep with wet hair it could be that. Maybe try wrapping your hair in a towel to dry it instead of letting it air dry.

>> No.6255352

I've been having a problem with hair loss. I'm only 18, female, and I eat well, but I've been shedding hair like crazy this past year. It's really embarassing when I always leave long hairs everywhere, or it always falls on my clothes. I'm also really starting to notice the dramatic loss in volume in my hair.

For the past while I've avoided over-shampooing my hair (Only about twice a week, and done very lightly) and I don't tamper with my hair by blow drying, straightening or over-brushing.

I have a feeling it's because of the stress in my life. I have social anxiety, on top of that I just changed houses and started university, which has been hard for me to be social and make new friends. Uni's been pretty demanding with big projects, and has left me no time to work on my personal projects that I've been meaning to do. My parents also don't approve of my bf I've been with for 4 years and it's always an ongoing battle about it.

So until I can straighten out my life, are they any vitamins I can take which can help with my hair loss? If not, any suggestions on how to destress? Everytime I brush my hair or shower and I'm left with a handful of hair, it really stresses me out more and doesn't help at all.

Thanks for any help

>> No.6255369

I had the same problem, I lost hair like crazy. When I started to worry less about stupid or unimportant things and started take walks/strolls/make excercise it stopped falling. Yup, stress is a bitch. You can read a book, or meditate, or do yoga too but the important thing is to take it easy~ Good luck with it sis

>> No.6255376

Has anyone ever tried the Monistat hair growth treatment? Someone mentioned it in a past hait thread. I read up on it a little and it seems it would help against hair loss.

>> No.6255491

Does this really work?

>> No.6255503

please just get some real hair color. That stuff is so hard to get out of your hair when you get tired of it or want a change.

>> No.6255547

As someone studying to become a Cosmetologist, I cringe at the thought of anyone using food coloring on their hair. I have never heard of such, I cannot even.
I know it gets pricey, but going to a professional would be your best bet. If you only want a bit of your hair colored, it will be a lot cheaper than, say, your entire head. They will know exactly what your hair type needs and will be able to get rid of the color easily once you get tired of it.

>> No.6255552

You know, they do have both clip in extension accents or you can get them glued in with special glue. This usually is good for 1.5mos. or more depending on your hair. They also can do linkies or shrinkies. You know how much that costs? In the ballpark of $10ish dollars. It's really quick and you treat it like the rest of your hair.

>> No.6255644

What is the fourth step in this? I can't tell. Is she bobby=pinning something?

>> No.6255653
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Food coloring is surely safe to use, I guess I'm just suprised to hear of such a use. I wouldn't think it could stay in the hair long or benefit the hair, but since I have just heard of this, I wouldn't really know.
Keep in mind I am only a student with an introduction to hair coloring, but when you color hair, the developer opens the cuticles and allows the color to go underneath the outside layer of hair, into the cortex. Putting something that dyes food into that part of the hair isn't exactly dangerous, but I can't picture it as something that will be healthy or easy to manipulate into a certain tint or shade, or even remove it if you need. Proper haircolor is designed for this type of manipulation, and although some chemicals can be harsh, there are conditioning haircolors available. It seems like you would want demi-permanent haircolor, as you said you didn't want it to last forever. If i remember correctly, demi lasts a few months, depending on how often you wash your hair. I don't think there is an actual conditioning demi, but I believe you can add a small amount of conditioner to the color if needed.
Again, I'm only a student, so I apologise if I have explained things in a wrong way. I know I can't tell you what you can and cannot do, but I would really recommend seeing your hairdresser for haircolor. It sounds so uncommon to hear about hair falling out, burning, turning a strange color that won't come out, etc., but it does happen, so please be careful.

>> No.6255677

bump for an answer to this, I have the same problem but with medium-brown hair.

>> No.6255688

You can dye hair with food dye for those who ask. You should mix it with conditioner, maybe 500ml of conditioner to a whole bottle of dye, but it'll only really stay if you leave it on for absolutely hours, some recommend overnight, and it's also a good idea to heat your hair, maybe wrap it in foil and also use the hair dryer.
For lighter hair, the colour will last longer and it maybe be more difficult to remove.

>> No.6255695

What the fuck. Maybe you just don't wash your hair thoroughly enough, but that wouldn't explain why it looks so different blow dried. That's really strange.
I would recommend using some heat-protection spray, there are plenty on sale in drugstores, but it's a good idea to shop around for a good quality one. I use one just to try and prevent split ends. I wouldn't guarantee it will help you though, your problem doesn't sound common at all so it may not work.

>> No.6255731

My hair just seems to trap in TOO much moisture or something and it ends up looking greasy/unwashed even though I'm definitely washing it enough. Gonna Try the towel wrap another anon suggested and maybe the heat from my head will help it dry faster, otherwise I'll just look into heat protection. Thanks.

>> No.6256069

I do hair for a living and that is not how developer works. You can't just add it to whatever and expect it to magic into hair color. When you mix the developer with hair color it causes a chemical reaction from the two of them mixing, its not going to do anything by adding it to food coloring except damage your hair, the food coloring may stain it but the peroxide is not going to help that along.

Do you mind if I ask where you live? I might be able to suggest some decent color lines (since I know you are going to diy it no matter what i say) manic panic is far from the only crazy color line. Weird that it costs so much around you.

>> No.6256074

A demi puts color into the cortex and never comes completely out, only fades more naturally

>> No.6256090

Just use and oil and get it trimmed every 6 weeks. Or use a lower heat setting on your blow dryer. you could experiment with velcro rollers, old fashioned but they work and the volume and body lasts longer if you just let them dry in those. Look up hair wrapping tutorials on youtube, black girls do it to make their flat iron look last longer but if you do it while your hair is wet its gives a nice soft shape. and there's always those sock buns that make great beachy curls when you put it up wet.
And use a light oil or leave in spray while its wet to keep it from getting crispy when it dries naturally

>> No.6256125

how does /cgl/ feel about wearing natural looking wigs in public? i have shitty hair genes and thus really limp and thin hair that won't hold a curl no matter what

>> No.6256139

Unrelated but, I'm interested in doing hair and I was wondering how working in hair is, is it hard to move up to better salons and such?

>> No.6256196


Hello stalker-chan, you really need to get a day job.

Not very convincing by the way, I started using "Cunt-Wizard" a few days ago. Do keep up.

>> No.6256202

It's really normal, but most people invest in a nice with so no one knows it's a wig unless you look closely at their hair.

Have you looked into extensions though? Added hair makes it easier to curl, your hair will hold onto the extensions curl and make it last longer, even if you're not adding length.

>> No.6256208

Are the temporary hair color spray cans worth it? I have very short hair, and the character I'm cosplaying has very short hair, so I'm probably just gonna spray some color in my hair and go from there.

>> No.6256209

I try to dry my hair on the medium setting but im afraid even that might be too harsh

I've tried jojoba oil and while it's really nice on my ends, it makes the rest of my hair greasy so I don't think my problem is having too dry hair. Tried the sock bun too but my hair didn't hold the curl. Gonna try rag curls instead next time.

I think that the hair wrapping is looking like my best bet at this point. Thanks!

>> No.6256214

It's fine on short hair, just spray it in and comb it through.

What color are you doing, though? If it's a natural color darker than your hair there is a product at Sally's that is a temporary color rinse that you just put in your hair while it's wet and then blow dry it, better to lock it in with hair spray as well. It stays until you wash your hair again.

>> No.6256219

Hairdresser anons, I need advice!
I have mousy brown hair naturally, but about 2.5 years ago I started dying it a copper red. I started off getting it done in a salon, then I used henna because it was cheap and had the same result. After I noticed the henna was makeing it darker each time, I went to a salon and they did their best to lighten it a shade or two. For the last year or so I've been using permanent at home kits (palette brand).

Do you think that with the henna and such still in my hair, it will be impossible to dye it back to my natural colour? I can't afford the $300+ they charged me last time to try and lighten the henna, so I'm considering getting another at home kit and doing a strand test. But do you think that's another waste of time and money?

>> No.6256227
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I recently dyed my hair with L'oreal HiLights and a 40 cream developer, and was not impressed with the results. It came out bright magenta, instead of deep red. I've been trying to re-dye it with manic panic, and the results are lackluster, literally. There's no vibrancy to the color and my normally healthy hair is more brittle, crunchy? I guess. It's not fried, by any means, but it lost it's soft healthy shine. Is there anything I can do to restore hair health? Also, any tips on how to get a bright red color, I've heard special effects being a Demi- permanent wouldn't fade out as quickly?

>> No.6256233
File: 57 KB, 500x813, BeatJSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to color it red.

Pic related, it's the character I'm doing.

>> No.6256237

You can never get your natural color back, you will have to lighten it to lighter than your natural color and color it as close as you can.

You should not try and lighten it yourself, but $300 is too much. Find a different salon.

Demi's last for awhile, 4-6 weeks usually. Semi is what fades almost immediately.

>> No.6256242

Is your hair lighter than this? They make red color rinses. Let me grab the info from Sally's.

>> No.6256245

Here ya'go


>> No.6256253

No I have black hair.

>> No.6256258

Ah, never mind then. The costume spray on colors wont leave your hair like flowy and beautiful but for a spiky look they're fine. Just wait for it to dry and comb it out, repeat until you have it as red as you want it. Then lock it with hair spray. Then get dressed.

When you comb the dried color out it will be really flaky and it will stain anything you're wearing. So don't wear anything you like until you hair spray it to seal the pigment in.

>> No.6256280

Color spray, comb, hairspray. Repeat until you get the color desired.

Got it. Thanks a lot.

>> No.6256654
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How does one get hair like this?

>> No.6256665

Extensions and/or a wig.

>> No.6256733
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Different Anon but that's what I thought, too. My hair is shoulder length and unlayered, but I've been nuts about huge hair lately. I've been thinking of getting wigs or extensions anyway because I've been compulsively pulling my hair out for some reason or another and it was a bit thin in some places for a while. I thought that might curb the urge somehow.

Which would you guys recommend? They both seem to have their strengths and weaknesses.

>> No.6256744

not always, people with thick hair can achieve this easily with styling.

>> No.6256753

>implying everybody has thick hair

>> No.6256759

>>implying that was the original implication in that post

>> No.6256761

nobody implied that
they were just pointing out that extensions and wigs aren't the only way to get big hair

>> No.6256763

Wigs and extensions are the easiest route that everybody can use. Stop being so silly.

>> No.6256770
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How would you style it? I have, er, had such hair before i dyed it and cut it all off. Are there any tutorials?

>> No.6256790

Fellow trich fag?

Depends on what you want to do with your hair, I guess. I've only had extensions, but wigs seem pretty sweet. I like the versatility that wigs can give you since you can just switch out once you get bored with once style. Makes it seem easy despite the fact that they have to be maintained, cared for and re-styled like regular hair. I've been thinking of getting some wigs, but I have no idea where I'd store them in my room (not a lot of shelf space) and I'd constantly be worrying about people judging me for wearing a wig (even if it was a good one where no one could tell).

>> No.6256830


>> No.6256839
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This looks like it's SO MUCH fucking work to do. All that makeup, all that hair dye and styling and hair product and accessories and the cord and her nails and her eyebrows and her contacts and the "just right" pose and the photo shopping afterwards and....just....exhausting. I get exhausted just by looking at her. What would she look like without all this? How long does it take her to get ready every day?

>> No.6256848
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>> No.6256849
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>> No.6256887

what are good websites for natural, every day wigs?

>> No.6256898

A more gentle shampoo can help. Or diluting the shampoo you use. I have that problem too (minus the guy part) and I usually just use conditioner and no shampoo next time I take a shower.

>> No.6256934

I'd say Cyperous. I like their wigs.

>> No.6256944
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Does anyone have any short mori hair how tos? I can't seem to get the little strands to separate like this.

>> No.6256962

Have any of you ordered anything off of gabalmania? How was the quality of the product? Should I just fork over the extra money and buy the wigs off yesstyle, or is the quality different?

>> No.6257049

I'm a noob about curling my hair and am ready to buy my first appliances. What curling irons do you guys prefer? Or do you guys like to use rollers and/or electric curling brushes instead?

>> No.6257322

If you've never curled your hair before, get a hair curling wand. I try to use the ones you clip and then twirl and it always ends up with this shitty end going the other direction.

>> No.6257345

They don't even sell it in stores here, I actually have to order it from a re-seller and apparently, all salons in my area buy it from that person or they don't have any crazy colors at all.

As for brands and products, I know a bunch of cheaper products, but I'd have to buy it online and pay a 30 dollar shipping fee. I live in the Philippines, if you know any Asian brands, I could probably find them online.
I only know of Palty and they don't have any of the colors I want.

>> No.6257368
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I want to dye my hair blonde for an event. I only need temporary, something that'll last preferably one day. I have very thick and dark brown hair, and I'm not even urge if this is possible since you need to usually bleach when you want to dye something lighter (from what I know). I know they have those Halloween spray cans for crazy red or blue colors, but I don't know of they come in light blonde and plus they make hair really nasty. I definitely don't want to use a wig and couldn't order one in time.

pic related

>> No.6257379

please just go to a wig shop

>> No.6257383

won't happen unless you bleach it, suck it up and get a wig

>> No.6258463

Its hard to move up once you are established since your clients are not going to want to pay more or have to go to a departmentalized salon. The best thing you can do if you are just staring out and want to work at super swank places is to get an apprenticeship with a high end salon. They pay you hourly, and it lasts anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. Its hard work and you will hate your job and the people you work for at some point. Its basicly all the bitch work that no one wants to do in exchange for more education and a spot on the floor if you complete it.

Let me warn you now though its a catty as fuck business and its hard to find a salon without shit tons of dramu. But they do exist and yay recession proof career.

>> No.6258478

forgot to add that it is actually very rewarding, and I love going into work at the salon I'm at now. It just takes a lot of work when you get out of school to find the right fit since there are so many things you can do with the license and so much more to learn after school. But then you start making money and get clients that are fun and its awesome.

>> No.6258481

sorry dude, get a wig. there's no way to go blonde that's temporary.

>> No.6258484

they charged you 300 cause its a bitch to get henna out of hair and fucks with the colors you put on after it. I doubt there is a way to get it back exactly but its hard to say without seeing the color you want vs the color you have. If you keep doing home kits its probably just going to get worse

>> No.6258502

I'm trying to make a curly tail for a pony cosplay. Does anyone know any good curling methods for wigs?

>> No.6258547


Separate the wig into partitions and role each strip of hair up and around a barrel shaped object - example being a fizzy drink can.

Once you've rolled each of the pieces around something, place the wig on a stand and into the bath then proceed to pour near-boiling water over the wig. Leave to air dry. Wallah, one curly wig.

>> No.6258563

defiantly the wand, those things are easy and quick and awesome

nope, I wish I could help you. If you do end up just using food dye be sure to lighten it first if you want it bright (unless you have light hair)

theres no way besides something permanent, a wig or a quick weave (which isn't quick if you do it by yourself, think gluing tracks over your whole head)

>> No.6258573

voilà, dammit.

>> No.6258585

I wear wigs often, though some silly colours if Im with friends, but I think extensions would work best for you like >>6256202 suggested.

>> No.6258606

I have long thin blonde hair fibers. What is the best way to take care of it? I live jn a state that generally has high humidity year round.

>> No.6262044

natural blond? curly, straight, or wavy? need a little more info to tell you anything

>> No.6262163


mine's basically worse than dakota-thin, but i'll look into extensions, thanks!

>> No.6263114

Mine is naturally straight and very thick. It's down to the middle of my back now and I'm thinking of cutting it into a bob. Only problem is, I already look young for my age and, in my opinion, have mannish features. Would you recommend doing so?

>> No.6263131

grow it longer.
long hair is superior.

>> No.6263137

Naturally blonde straight hair. I'd like to know how to take care of it, maybe even a couple tips on how to keep it drom being pulled out so easily.

>> No.6263142
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Right now, that's what it looks like. I haven't dyed it or done anything to it, just cut it. I hope I can grow it longer but it's starting to get pretty darn heavy

>> No.6263145

I swear I must be the only balding bitch on this board

>> No.6263146

Oh how I want your hair.

Time to scalp you!

>> No.6263147


All of my jelly couldn't fill all the jars in a Smucker's processing plant.

>> No.6263150

The ends are starting to get dry, in need of a trim/cut soon. Any suggestions?

And I would gladly exchange it for thinner hair lol. Thanks :)

>> No.6263155

We'd have to see your face to see what cuts would look nice on you. Personally, I love long hair, I myself have hair as long as yours and I could never cut it cause I've had long hair all of my life; however, if you're tired of it, lop it off, but make sure you really want to.

>> No.6263552

if that is without styling, my god your hair is perfet for a bob. And they look great on just about anybody

Everybody sheds naturally and some hair is going to come out while you are styling/shampooing. But Doing a protien pack once a month to every 6 weeks really helps strengthen. The only thing about that is don't do it more then once a month or your hair will get brittle. Besides that when you style it always use a thermal protectant of some kind,whether you are using an iron or not it still helps protect from uv rays. When you brush it out after showering use a wide tooth comb. If you every round brush it use boar bristle cause they style more through tension then heat.
I doubt it, you would be surprised how many women are balding, were just better at covering it up then men

>> No.6263675

Might be worth getting your blood checked and see if the hair loss is health related.

>> No.6263792

tips and hairstyles for curly hair anyone?

>> No.6263816

>Have square shaped face
>Have had sideswept bangs for like 4 years
>Go to stylist when out of town to get them trimmed up
>Ask for something slightly shorter so I will not have to get them trimmed so much
>Thinking sort of like Christina Hendricks' wispy sideswept bangs
>Take off glasses
>Somehow end up with chunky Hime-cut like bangs that look shitty when I attempt to part them or sweep them.

What do, /cgl/? It's not horrible looking, it just sort of makes my face look rounder and chunkier and my chin look a little less than ideal... I look younger but also a little bit fat and my eyes are obscured.

I guess I could try contouring my chin a little for 3 months til they grow out a bit, but I don't really want to do that. I went to a different stylist and they said there's really not much they can do for me because of the shape they were cut in until they grow back a bit.

Also, I just got a temp to hire job at Ulta, and I'm worried having a less than optimal haircut will ruin my chances.

>> No.6263818
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Tips for making short hair look elegant in lolita? I want to start wearing toned-down classic casually/outside of meets, but when I get my hair trimmed it'll be back to looking like pic related (but jaw length), it's not very loli. Would feel sort of weird wearing a wig for everyday stuff.

>> No.6263820
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Thermal protection sprays are a lie, don't use them. They just put more useless silicones on your hair. If you want to protect your hair from heat don't straighten or blow dry it, simple as that. Pic related, it's what heat does to your hair.

>> No.6263826

Oh god, this. I stopped using heat on my hair and there's a huge difference. I can just let it air dry and put a little bit of leave in conditioner in it now and it actually looks cute.

Also, if you use hairspray, switch to a flexible hold type. Stiff hold types can cause damage because you're basically gluing your hair together and when it ends up moving it can tear the strand.

>> No.6263828
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The only face photo I have at the moment is from a shoot I did for a romantic goth boutique where I am at. I normally dont look like this, I promise.

Thanks, btw. I do LOVE my long hair but its gotten too heavy. Its hard to do anything with it since it takes so long and with lots and lots of gel and hairspray to keep it in place

>> No.6263835
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I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow, and I have no clue what to do with it. It's extremely thin and shapeless, and I've tried everything from curlers to no-poo, but no luck.

This is the longest my hair has been in ages, but I've worn it as short as it being buzzed before. Normally, I do like side bangs, but as you can see, I have a few horrible cowlicks that are impossible to tame, even with heat. Help!

>> No.6263839

Duh, heat is bad for your hair but sometimes you have to use heat to not have shit looking hair. good thermal protectants don't have silicone in them. They have more dimethicone then anything but whatever my license don't mean shit right?

>> No.6263846

Thin them out a little, then wait. And wait and wait cause the more you do to them while they are short the longer they are going to look bad

>> No.6263856
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>mfw I find out dimeicone is silicone.

Look for Aryan oil based products for heat protection. Obviously its not going to save it from all damage but it helps.

>> No.6263859

"Argan oil" fucking autocorrect

>> No.6263863

Anyone have any recommendations for hair treatments to make at home and make your hair less frizzy? I get frizz and flyaways a lot.

>> No.6263864

I think you mean argan oil, bro.

The thing is, if you stop using heat your hair will look shitty for like a month and then it will be easier to make it look awesome without heat. You can also get haircuts that will be easier to style without heat and look into alternate methods for creating styles like using rollers or braids to create waves and texture or pinning it into a topknot when it's wet to give it volume when it dries.

It's really not that hard.

>> No.6263865

Smooth a tiny bit of castor oil through it.

>> No.6263904

If only I didn't have afro curly hair that can only be tamed with a flat iron.

Oh well, it's better than having to use relaxers.

>> No.6263912

You'd look fine with a bob, maybe even a long one that goes past your chin.

>> No.6263914
File: 80 KB, 300x400, 27 M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone told you that you look like Christina Ricci? I think a shoulder length bob would look really cute one you.

>> No.6263921

Yeah, I actually got that quite a bit as a kid!

Thanks, I might try that out- I'm pretty desperate at this point in time.

>> No.6263946
File: 41 KB, 560x449, look-of-damaged-hair-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fair enough, dimethicone is technically a silicone oil. And you'll find dimethicone in most cheap brand store shampoos so please think about what you just said.

Dimethicone, or any silicone, will just put a layer around your hair which both seals it from the outside and the inside meaning nothing can reach the hair under that layer. It does nothing to protect your hair from heat, especially not the heat used for straightening hair! Besides, dimethicone is NOT water soluble and silicones are generally harmful to the environment and are not bio-degradable. And fun fact: Dimethicone is often used in lube.

Either way, there are many heatless methods to keep your hair neat and tidy. Keeping it straightened is harder without heat but trust me, a little bit of movement in your hair looks nicer anyway.

>> No.6263957

You're welcome, anon. I'm glad I could help.

>> No.6263967

what is a good volumizing up-do
i have thin hair due to past malnutrition and i want some sort of bun-ish type style i can wear
any tips?
my hair is growing back but i don't think it's going to grow much thicker than it is

>> No.6263994
File: 96 KB, 467x1023, HairTutorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a hair doughnut and do this.

>> No.6264012
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>> No.6264014

If someone could help me with this problem I'd be super grateful!

I used to have long hair, halfway down my back, up it looked terrible so I finally cut it. Now it's been 4 years and I've learned a lot about how to properly care for my hair. I'd LOVE to try to grow out my hair again but I'm afraid that it will end up looking as flat and frizzy as it did before. My hair is naturally very thin and fine, so I need to be careful. I've tried blowdrying upside down and stuff but it never really worked.

Basically, I'm wondering if there are any techniques or styles to give me lots of volume with long hair? I don't want to use lots of hairspray or anything though. My hair is really soft so I'd like to keep it feeling as soft and natural as possible.

>> No.6264026
File: 82 KB, 767x515, feature_image_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use clip in hair extensions to add volume and length.

>> No.6264031

how long does your hair need to be to do this, I think mine is too short :T

>> No.6264033
File: 310 KB, 944x561, hairhelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so I have hair drama
Pretty much my hair is thin but curly & frizzy, and there is a lot of it but i dont know what to do with it. I just redyed it red and am quite due for a trim but I think i want to grow out my bangs, but I have a pretty big forehead, but a huge cowlick so styling is a pain.

I want to grow it out & im in love with Amy Pond's hair but with my type of hair unless its straightened, im afraid it would look like poop.

So should i cut in bangs, or have heavy layers or what, i dont know

>also my family hates the red and want me to dye it back but i think it looks alright, but its damaging to dye it

You'd look awesome with layered hair and swoopy side bangs!

I love your hair! so jelly!
But if you are tired of it maybe try layers to lighten the load and cut to about your armpits. You can still put it up and play with it, but then its nice and short

>> No.6264038


I liek the middle one.

>> No.6264039

Long enough to put into a short ponytail. You use bobby pins to secure the bun.

>> No.6264048


Middle one looks nicest, the red is unflattering and the bangs make your face look really round and not very pretty. I like your 'big' forehead, you look gorgeous either way.

>> No.6264049


>> No.6264051

you're pretty

>> No.6264059

Is there any product or other method I could use instead? I'm hoping for something more low-maintenance that works with my natural hair.

>> No.6264107

You look striking and modelesque in the middle pic. In the left the make up is pretty gaudy and clashes with the red hair, with a natural palette you might be able to make the red work.
The bangs just make you look plain.

>> No.6264134

my friends told me to try dry shampoo and now i look like I got caught in a ghost bukkake. protip kids: you need a good boar bristle brush to take this shit out if you try home-made dry shampoo.

>> No.6264157

I have long hair and don't get it cut, but I snip off my split ends. This works out fine for me as I don't use heat on it and have plenty of time to do it, but will it eventually make my hair look odd? All the ends are at different lengths so will I have frizzy hair or something?

>> No.6264468

nah, it should be fine as long as its only strands not chunks. your ends will definatly get wispy but other than that fine

>> No.6264512

Would a straight across bangs work? I have a photo of what my hair naturally looks like (first photo I posted, the ends were straightened since they tend to go outwards. But if I did the bob or layers, with straight across bangs, that would make me look more feminine? Thanks for the help, btw. I really appreciate it :)

>> No.6264983

Ok straight up, Middle one is best, but I would mod wit a side-swept. The straight bangs make you look young in an off-limits way, like EE from MGS2. Middle by far is the hottest.

The far left makes you look maaaaad desparate. The red hair plus the lipstick is too much. It's like a "I'm crazy and have no handle on my life please fuck me". Sorry, I mean, you're super hot with black hair, and you look like you're trying so hard with the red, you really don't have to,

I would make you my instant-girlfriend in the middle and I'm a girl ;--;

>> No.6264996

OK PS, you look like a girl, I feel your pain, but you're clearly feminine looking. You don't have to be the cookie-cutter LA, small features to look feminine. I would also kill for your nose, it's so cute.

>> No.6265044

I like the layers in her hair in this pic. My hair is all one length right now, with bangs that are in the midst of growing out...how can I describe these layers to my hairdresser? Like...a layer at/around the shoulder area, and then varying lengths of layers near the ends?

>> No.6265504

The best thing to do is to save the picture and print it out for your hairdresser to see.

>> No.6268712

her face scares me

>> No.6268821
File: 49 KB, 300x262, Henna-Hair-Dye-Mehndi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question! I saw a box of henna at daiso the other day. Will it fuck up my hair, or is even cheap henna probably good henna?
My hair is a mousy brown color, very frizzy and curly. I was thinking of going for the brown color (rather than orange). I heard it will make my hair shinier and stronger. Is all of this true?


>> No.6268848

haha I seriously thought that was shit

>> No.6268851

Don't do it.

Once you dye your hair with henna once it'll ruin all your future dye jobs.

Get a collogen treatment for your hair if you want is shiney and strong, better yet a leave in conditioner.

>> No.6268853

Don't buy cheap henna. It will make your hair look nicer but don't ever try to use chemical dyes over it.

>> No.6268857

nopenopenope unless you are willing to dye your hair only with henna for the rest of your life.

And yes your pic from thumbnail looks like a scat porn closeup lol

>> No.6268858

Were you cosplaying a sexy toilet when that happened?

That's actually I costume, I swear.

sage for off topic

>> No.6268865

Hmm I don't really plan on dying my hair right now, but I can't really predict 10 years down the line, so thanks for the advice. I use a leave in conditioner but all have only managed to make my hair a very slight fraction nicer. What is this collogen treatment of which you speak? Is it expensive? Does it have to be done professionally?

>> No.6268866

Wow, I never knew that henna did that. I was considering using it to go dark red, as my current color looks like shit.

I dyed my hair with Special Effect's Blood Red about a month ago, and now it's half faded magenta and half my natural champagne blonde. It looks really ratty and gross.

I don't have the money to go to a salon, and I hear box-color is really hit-or-miss, so I'm a bit at a loss. I thought henna would give a more natural look, but I don't want to make myself miserable in the future.

>> No.6268870

Buy color from a beauty supply store. Do a strand test first to see how the color will turn out but don't go red unless you plan on staying red. If you want it gone, you'll need to have a professional do it.

>> No.6268935
File: 115 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2012-09-28 at 14.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have perma "Disney bangs"/cowlick. No type of brush/blowdrying/straightening/curling seems to ever work. I'm seriously out of ideas.

What do, /cgl/?

Pic related, although it doesn't show that I have a matching cowlick on the opposite side as well. It's just covered by side fringe.

>> No.6268960

Looks cute, I wouldn't change it.

>> No.6268968

google is friend

>> No.6268984

I'm no hair stylist so I can't offer advice but I personally think it looks quite good.

>> No.6268995
File: 1.19 MB, 1107x478, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm in a bit of a pickle.
About.. 3 weeks ago I think I got my hair dyed a dark red.
It looked good for a few days but then it slowly began to fade.
Even using color protection is not helping.
I really wanted my hair to be dark red for the Fall/Winter months.
But now my light brown/blonde underneath is beginning to show.
I'm in the mood to dye my hair again, yet I don't know what to dye it.
So far my hair has been
-Dark dark brown
-Light brown
-Dark Red
-Black and blonde

So I really don't know what to dye it. Something about dying in the colder months makes me feel weird, as it will make me look paler (or thats what I think.)
I'd like to dye it half light brown, and blonde underneath but I'm just unsure. I don't really feel like redying it red if I keep having to dye it over and over again.
So, halp?
ITT Hair color ideas

>> No.6268998

nothing, shit's moe as fuck

>> No.6268999

shit type.
Something about dying blonde into my hair makes me look paler*

>> No.6269198
File: 18 KB, 320x400, 2010Wispy Bangs for Long Hairstyles2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to cut your bangs thicker? I always have these nasty, wispy, always greasy looking bangs that seperate like crazy rather than stay together. My hair is naturally fairly straight but is somehow frizzy AND greasy.

They look like this in shape but all greasy and old ladyish...

>> No.6269208

but I would get your hair dresser to do it

for when you're at home I suggest straightening your bangs and combing them with a roll brush and then hairspray the shit out of them

>> No.6269213

Take a comb and place it flat on the top of your head with the end coming just off your head. Wherever the comb comes off the top of your head is where your bangs should start. Make a line down either side from there.

That should help net you thicker bangs, if you don't have thick hair though it's going to be hard to make your bangs thicker without pulling more from the back which could look weird.

>> No.6269245
File: 1.84 MB, 346x194, 1348112963760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up. Dyed my hair black and now I want it a honey brown or a light auburn. Should I just fork over the cash and go to a salon?

>> No.6269246

You can bleach it down yourself over the course of several months and save money or you could go a salon and save a whole lot of time.

>> No.6269254

Is there a black that would suit a super pale warm skin tone?

>> No.6269262

I haven't tried it myself, but I heard Head and Shoulders shampoo can fade hair dye. Black is a bitch to remove, though.

>> No.6269267
File: 54 KB, 500x333, 1342149052617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/.
I've been rapidly losing hair ever since puberty. On top of that, my hair strands are naturally thin. It's never been a problem when my hair is short, but I've recently grown it out for mori/lolita.

Even though I have bangs, my hair part is growing really noticeable, though, and it's making me stress out. I'm about to just go "fuck it", cut it short again, and get wigs. What do? Should I just cut it short, or is there some secret hair-cutting mojo to make that part disappear?

Pic related, it's my hairstyle.

>> No.6269272
File: 167 KB, 640x427, 6977484298_fdf6153e8c_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm allergic to it. I think I may just fork over the cash for the salon.

>> No.6269273

You can try a sidepart for awhile and switch sides, that should lessen the part.

>> No.6269291

Please have your hormones checked out first. Check for diabetes, pcos, dhea-s, and your thyroid.

>> No.6269293

Ah! Managed a slight sidepart without looking weird. Thanks!

Also google'd some stuff about follicles, will act on that later.

>> No.6269294


I had a friend try to remove old black dye with bleach.

Absolutely nothing happened to the color.

I've heard other stories where bleaching black dye leads to tons of fucked up colors.

I only have experience with the ostentatious special snowflake colors, but I will say I once tried to bleach dark purple hair, and it turned neon pink. A really nice shade of neon pink, but still bright fucking pink.

So I'd go to a salon and see what they say.

>> No.6269361

layer it to thin it out?

>> No.6269363

the "once you go black" saying works for haircolouring too. You have to bleach the shit out of it, let it grow out, shave your head or try a professional.

>> No.6269685
File: 31 KB, 640x480, Picture0744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long is too long though? Pic related, my hair. It's really thick, healthy, and not damaged since I never blow dry it or straighten. I dyed it for the first time in my 23 year old life a few days ago for funsies.

But, it's getting so long and heavy that I want to cut it (about five inches) My boyfriend and family don't want me to, but it's becoming such a nuisance in everyday life and exercising.

Any thoughts?

>> No.6269724

It looks really scraggily. Cutting it would make it look a lot more polished.

>> No.6269735

Get some layers along with the trim. The overall length will more or less stay the same but you'll have some weight taken off.

>> No.6273177

This thread deserves a bump

>> No.6273188


Beautiful hair.
How long did it take to get it that length?

>> No.6273208
File: 385 KB, 660x1765, IMAG0098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Honestly, in my opinion as a hair-dye enthusiast, given that you commit to the process over a short period of time and give your hair A LOT of TLC (hair masques, coconut oil baths, no poo etc) then you shouldn't have to go to a salon.

You have two choices.

Strip the hair with a hair stripper, and dye over what remains with the desired colouring.

Bleach it until it's light enough to be toned to remove the orange hues/brassiness (using a toner may actually get it the coour you want) and then dye over it with the desired colour.

I would personally opt for the bleach in this case, and make sure it's real peroxide bleach and not just a basic blonde box dye. I'm saying bleach would be better in this case as I think a lot of people underestimate just how damaging hair stripper is when compared to the evils of peroxide.

I'd purchase some vitamin E and B tablets in advance and start chugging water as well.

>> No.6273213

I don't think I was ever really taught proper hair care as a child.
I have pretty long hair, but it's kind of like that stereotypical nerdy girl hair. It's all frizzy and sticks out a few inches, and I brush out chunks of it near daily when I get snarls.
I've never really been self conscious of it until I started college recently and notice all these girls with gorgeous long hair. Not a bend in it! Last time I had hair like that when I was really young and had my hair brushed for me, so I know I do have the potential to have nice hair.

In other words, I'm pretty much just really dumb. What do I do with my hair? Is it best to just cut it all off and mostly start fresh at this point? But then what do I do after to ensure it grows back not looking like a bad poodle?

>> No.6273373


If your hair is damaged i.e. split ends, is broken (meaning that there are strands that are shorter than others) you should think of cutting it off, at least the worst parts of it.

If you want to read into proper haircare for long hair check out the long hair community forums.

Here's a few general rules:

- Don't wash your hair too often (as in not every day, you should have a rhythm around every 3-4 days at least! some people even extend that to washing it once a week only.)

- Make sure you don't use harsh shampoos; you could try diluting your shampoo with water or buying something that doesn't have harsh ingredients that strip all the oil off your hair.

- Avoid silicones if you can, as already mentioned in this thread but it's not necessary to have nice hair, it just makes it easier for your hair to absorb nutrients since it doesn't have a silicone layer around it.

- You can try using oils as leave-ins after washing your hair if you want. You can also use them as masks before washing. Some commonly used oils are olive, argan, almond, jojoba...etc. You'll have to experiment a bit with amount and type of oil before you know which one is best for your hair.

>> No.6273377


- As for brushing you should check out the brushes with 100% boar bristles but be careful! Some people with finer hair only damage their hair more when using it. It helps distribute the sebum from your scalp to the ends so your hair stays shiny and healthy. For detangling use paddle brushes or wide tooth combs. Use the latter for detangling your hair after washing it, but only if its really necessary.

- Do not blowdry, straighten, bleach or dye your hair! Those things are VERY damaging. Find other ways to style your hair and if you must dye it, there are a number of less threatening dyes out there so make sure to check those out first.

- Don't get discouraged if your hair doesn't show any signs of looking better after months or half a year. Mine only started to look significantly better after a year or more. It takes time and patience but it's worth it.

>> No.6273528

For anyone here who has really dry hair to the point that it's basically hay, the remedy is easier than you think.

Basically, the most likely cause is that your hair is drying out faster than your scalp can moisturize hair. There's a dual purpose human/horse conditioner by the company Mane And Tail that works really well. It comes in a very large bottle, and by putting a vastly oversized amount into your hair any time you shampoo, you'll slowly start to balance things out. In general, avoid any shampoos/conditioners that contain sulfates of any kind.

>> No.6274513

Argan oil. I use a few drops randomly on my long dyed hair. And it makes it somewhat softer,

>> No.6274530

I need advice! I have relatively coarse virgin hair, it is wavy and frizzy, it also looks dry and like its damaged (when it is not). I have tried TONS of products, but none have controlled the frizziness or make it look more silky. Do you have any recommendations, products to use, etc? I'm so tired of always having to wear a bun because it looks so ugly :(
Also, has anyone heard of this brazilian "Kerapremium" keratin treatment?

>> No.6274535

Are you me? Same problem, looking at the keratin treatment as well.

>> No.6274555
File: 253 KB, 510x677, 1337473997463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping a few imagines if nobody minds

And my own hair is probably really dead seeing how I always dye, straighten and sometimes blow dry it. Oh well.

>> No.6274557
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>> No.6274559
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>> No.6274565
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>> No.6274568
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>> No.6274571
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>> No.6274686

When using demi's, you sometimes need to mix them with another colour to get the shade you want. I tried going red a couple months ago, using the dye on platinum blonde and it came out tangerine orange. I fixed it by adding brown toner.

Manic Panic, from my experience, is awful. You could try using Special Effects or Directions instead. I had better luck with SFX when I went teal/blue/green and I hear a lot of good stuff about Directions.

>> No.6274688

My boyfriend has severe psoriasis. 1-2 days after showering and washing his hair, it's like snowflake city.

Any tips? He says he's tried just about every home made remedies (mayo) and even dandruff soaps.

>> No.6274950
File: 19 KB, 300x255, jennaushkowitz-300x255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of getting a new haircut. My face shape is similar to pic related, but I have slightly bigger eyes, darker skin and a smaller nose.

My hair is black, currently stopping just above my butt, so length isn't an issue and it's very thick, naturally straight and healthy.

Any suggestions?

>> No.6274958
File: 962 KB, 1200x1734, 1341869850853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to curl my hair like ZD curls hers, I even have the same haircut, but my hair is extremely thin and fragile. I'm already using a shampoo and hair treatment cream and it's gotten slightly better, but my hair still won't hold a style for more than 10 minutes. Not even hairspray will hold this shit together. Wat do?

>> No.6274981

What are some cute styles for naturally curly hair? I straighten my hair all the time, but would love to grow it out as long as possible in its curly-gloriousness which means cutting down on heat styling, though at the moment it is shoulder length and sort of awkward looking. What do?