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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 101 KB, 630x500, wtf metrocon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6223153 No.6223153 [Reply] [Original]

This is quite possibly the most tasteless 9/11 memorial image I've seen in 11 years. That's saying a lot. Let me get this right, am I seeing this correctly, is that Goku bro fisting a fireman? Why is there a Bob Dylan quote in here, what does he have to do with an anime convention? Why does Mertrocon need to tastelessly remember September 11th 2001 now of all years? You didn't do anything for the 10th anniversary, or any other year, did you? So why this year? WHY IS GOKU BROFISTING A FIREMAN?

>> No.6223156

And why is Goku a ghost, did he die in 9/11?

>> No.6223164


>> No.6223170

Meh, I don't think it is that insulting. Maybe unnecessary but it's positive.

>> No.6223179

Why do people still remember it? It happened 11 fucking years ago, we don't need reminding on the news all the time that it happened. Not even the 7/7 bombings in London got this much coverage.

Just let it go as something that happened and let the people who were affected let them have their memorials, you don't need several films and documentaries on it airing every single year.

>> No.6223183

But then how would you know who the real patriots were?

>> No.6223190

Patriots of what?

>> No.6223198

We should always remember the time Goku died valiantly to save us from Barrack Osama Boo Ladin and was not wished back by the dragon balls because they were in 9/11 and got destroyed.

>> No.6223206

Also Bob Dylan and Jimmy Hendrix were there and they died b/c of Saiba men exploding. Saiba men are suicide bombers and it's terrible said the joker to the thief.

>> No.6223209

someone go collect the dragonablls.

>> No.6223214

the dragonblls died in sept 11 2001 :(

>> No.6223220
File: 49 KB, 695x520, goku did 911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit, everybody knows Goku did 9/11

>> No.6223222
File: 142 KB, 700x516, what roy does.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you expect from a con founded by a pedophile?

>> No.6223233

Their facebook is uploading old photos of Roy and Jessica and this is the most tasteless thing they're doing? No way. Wonder how she feels knowing the new pedos are uploading her pics on their page.

>> No.6223237

Eh. I dont see a problem with it.

>> No.6223250

>naw, Mertrocon

>> No.6223263

Two skyscrapers had two planes crash into them, and fall to the ground. It killed a lot of people and fucked up the economy. Fuck, are you 12? Is this history lesson too much for your immature narcissistic little brain?

>> No.6223270

Weebs, man. Pretty much the cancer that explains why we can't be anime fans and enjoy nice things.

>> No.6223277

>Three tube trains and a bus explode and shut down the entire network for London. It killed a lot of people and fucked up the economy.
wow what a difference

>> No.6223283

I don't see the problem with this.

Then again, I see a lot of problems with romanticized nationalism so maybe that's the piece I'm missing. It's not like these people are making fun of 9/11 or trying to trivialize it, they're trying to keep it relevant to themselves. Get over yourselves, they're on the same side as you are.

>> No.6223344

Goku is Japanese the same as those fucks who bombed us.

>> No.6223352

9/11 was karmic revenge for Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

>> No.6223365
File: 540 KB, 851x489, 1299718838267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6224365

Yeah, it's not like America did that because of the Pearl Harbor attacks or anything.

>> No.6224375

I fucking hate you for posting this shit. Fuck you I loled.

>> No.6224390

you're either not from the US or you're an ~edgy~ kid who thinks anything pro-american is terrible.

>> No.6225256
File: 14 KB, 333x279, 1327075619288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw this thread

If the Japanese Imperial Government knew when to throw in the towel and call it quits then they still would have been left standing. However Harry Truman himself took full responsibility of there was to be any backlash for the attack.

Allow me to explain the backwards logic here for those of you lost in the sauce. As tasteless as these pictures are I understand there conviction and what they are trying to point out.

The Good: There are the heroes we worship in fantasy and then there are those who are real life heroes who have sacrificed themselves. We look up to these role models and every day worship and respect them for there gallantry and sacrifices (whether real or fake). As cool as you think Goku is you should never undermined the fact of the real life everyday heroes of reality.

The Bad: You are taking two completely different things and mashing them together hoping they resemble something remotely patriotic. It's like you took Scooby-Doo and put him in a Holocaust remembrance poster. It just doesn't fit at all. It fits as much as as a hambeast trying to squeeze with every once of fat into a Sailor Moon cosplay that is clearly meant of a size 4 female.

>> No.6225268
File: 1.16 MB, 227x136, 1326194705371.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally someone who actually understand the whole fucking issue!

>> No.6225307
File: 18 KB, 303x434, Remember.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we just have a terribad 9/11 fanart thread?

Does anyone have that one where the cast of either Ranma 1/2 or InuYasha are sitting next to a grave crying over 911? I think it's in pencil only and says something like "NEVER FORGET" etc....

>> No.6225365

By all means.

I have already fulled my quota of facepalms today. My work here is done.

>> No.6225399
File: 45 KB, 397x247, TimonDield911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6225415
File: 71 KB, 900x658, awLyC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6225429

Someone post that one by the girl who draws anthropomorphic skyscraper porn, that has to take the biscuit, surely.

>> No.6225434
File: 31 KB, 320x234, drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this I must see

>> No.6225439
File: 122 KB, 500x663, 3922341_2969dd74a86899112f307e70e364622e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6225443
File: 126 KB, 598x462, chipmunks911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6225444
File: 55 KB, 500x281, 1346204740240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6225450

tears. every. goddamn. time

>> No.6225452

>anthropomorphic skyscraper porn
This sounds amazing, why have I never seen this

>> No.6225455

I don't get this one. How is Spongebob related to the context? Did the show start on 9/11?

>> No.6225459

that's a thing??

>> No.6225478

It's not. Someone photoshopped the original "Mistakes into Miracles" picture and made it into a 9/11 thing.

>> No.6225488

> It's like you took Scooby-Doo and put him in a Holocaust remembrance poster.

Somewhere on the internet without a doubt in my mind there exist such a poster. If not, I request such a poster be made.

>> No.6225498

I am a jew and I fully condone this.

>> No.6225638

Just like a jew to sell out their entire race.

>> No.6225662

>The Bad: You are taking two completely different things and mashing them together hoping they resemble something remotely patriotic. It's like you took Scooby-Doo and put him in a Holocaust remembrance poster. It just doesn't fit at all. It fits as much as as a hambeast trying to squeeze with every once of fat into a Sailor Moon cosplay that is clearly meant of a size 4 female.

You know there's a Czech guy who shops in MLP characters in major historical events, e.g. Prague Spring, Berlin Airlift, establishment of the European Union's predecessor, etc

>> No.6225666

what is it with autistic weirdos and 9/11?

>> No.6225875
File: 15 KB, 640x421, 1324241556925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Mane 6 raising the flag on Iwo Jima
> Hitler and Rarity side by side at a rally.
> Applejack kicking down the Berlin Wall
> Fluttershy standing over one of the dead crying at the Kent State Shooting

For the love of all holy fuck.

>> No.6226003
File: 112 KB, 996x802, rainbow_dash_on_iwo_jima_by_davca-d4c7muh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6226006
File: 243 KB, 1092x732, dash_on_tiananmen_square_by_davca-d4cpndf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6226012
File: 192 KB, 1095x730, pinkie_and_berlin_wall_by_davca-d4fnp7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6226017
File: 161 KB, 1009x792, celestia_and_dwight_eisenhower_by_davca-d4bt0mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6226022
File: 192 KB, 1026x778, twi_and_martin_luther_king__jr_by_davca-d4cpn2i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6226024
File: 193 KB, 941x849, first_pony_in_space_by_davca-d4jz1uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6226027
File: 155 KB, 1094x730, applebloom___jfk_funeral_by_davca-d4bhcdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and the JFK one

Here are the rest if you don't feel insulted enough:

>> No.6226039

Oh god why are these so funny?

>> No.6227744
File: 54 KB, 674x533, 1334416636887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still giving a shit about 9/11
fucking faggot

>> No.6228017

Edgy white kid with his animu. Oh wow, are you trying to make me laugh?

>> No.6230829

So you're laughing about 9/11?

>> No.6230857
File: 45 KB, 420x282, seriously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6230875
File: 31 KB, 591x422, fluttershyneverforgets1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad now.

>> No.6230879

I call a troll! Also I wish you this... >>6230857

>> No.6231854

I think some of you would condemn Metrocon, no matter what they do. Shadocon peeps I'm sure. I remember when Metro announced their new convention everyone came screaming about how their dates were to close to Shado and they were just trying to take out the competition. Now KhaoticKon owned in part by the same guy who owns Shado announces their dates. One week before the all ready announced Belle con, and not a peep out of any of you. Here's the rub. Belle con is being run by Animebelle who has befriended and helped both Shado and Khaotic ever since they started. I know, I know Chris and Henry are the good guys abd Alex and Nick are evil. So why are the good guys stabbing their good friend in the back? Are they that threatened that someone smarter and more respected than then is starting a convention?

>> No.6231860
File: 75 KB, 600x422, 1346717919880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6231962

did, Henry co-founded Shadow after Metro fired him from their prop department but he's in georgia now??

>> No.6232199

Eh, I really don't think that's the case, since Animebelle works close with Cris and Henry. From what I've heard, Khaotic didn't have very many choices in dates for 2013, and actually contacted Animebelle about holding it a week before her con prior to announcing it. Just what I've heard.

>> No.6232228

Why'd they announce after Bellecon then? Plus they kinda just put the dates up without really making a big anouncement... seems kinda embarassing...

>> No.6232243

True, but the guy that runs it isn't exactly the smartest peanut in the turd.

>> No.6232254

why the fuck doesnt 4chan have a likebutton

>> No.6232397

AnimeBelle also works Metrocon. She is kinda the only person in Florida who seems to get along with everyone. She will probably get crushed by them because she's to nice. It is Florida after all!

>> No.6232434
File: 262 KB, 501x398, Screen shot 2012-02-03 at 3.37.33 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I doubt you've seen this.

Keep in mind it was made by a fully adult furry.

>> No.6232623

Some of us really don't like the crap that goes on in Florida. I don't think Bellecon is in any danger because Anna is too nice. If anything It's the reason some of us are going. I haven't been to a convention in four years but, I'm going to this one. Call me weird but I like nice people.

>> No.6232655

Plus if anyone screws with her, they'll probably wind up in a ditch missing their appendages. Fanboys are scary as hell, man.

>> No.6233168

Nick, Alex, Roy, Tom, Chris,Henry,Mike.....Anna has been swimming in that pool a long time. Who knew decency was a shark repellent.

>> No.6234432

Nobody knows what the fuck you mean.

>> No.6234889

Speak for yourself. Don't assume, that just because you are to ignorant to know what a metaphor is, the rest of us are stupid as well. Might I suggest, your time might be better spent studying for your G.E.D

>> No.6234902

Did this earn its cutie mark by making 9/11 happen? Don't the marks represent what the pony is good at/loves doing?

>> No.6235360
File: 235 KB, 570x750, Alexander Crabdick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to know who's responsible for this shit, talk to Metrocon's owner and public relations person, Alex.

Born on July 19, 1988 (he was 13 when 9/11 happened)
(813) 390-0249
daimyoalex (AIM)

>> No.6235897

nice Yakuza tattoo Lex, you stupid ass white man

>> No.6235922

Thats fucking funny shit op

>> No.6238471

Hi Alex?

>> No.6239772

so how can i get on metrocon staff? i want to get shitfaced too!

>> No.6239978

Reads like something James Wood would write, hey man Borderlands 2 is awesome sorry you couldn't join us.

>> No.6240020

>>Dear everyone getting Borderlands 2 tonight............I HATE YOU........won't be able to experience this till my next paycheck next week.......oh & good luck finding the minecraft easter egg(yes it is real) and btw...when I do play......It will be as Axton.......cause COMMANDOS RULE

James you're like 24 so sound like it for once.

>> No.6241297
File: 189 KB, 700x700, Jagermetro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6241481

looks like one of those old dumbass decals that Bobby Shadowfax used to sell from OUTLAW KUSTOM DEZZZIGNS or whatever retarded name his company has

OUTLAW KUSTOM DEZZZIGNS = we didn't pay for the copyrights so it's actually illegal we're outlaws for real lolol

>> No.6241494

Have you heard of the La Li Lu Le Lo?

>> No.6241664

and of course metrofail has permission to use copyrighted characters in their shows and the video game and anime soundtrack music they play

>> No.6241679

I reported them to Disney one year for Kingdom Hearts and they told me outright that they did not care

>> No.6241684

And I report them to Nintendo like every year for the star party, no dice

>> No.6241716

No one cares. That's why it's being argued about on 4Chan.

I'm for getting shitfaced with Alex. His convention sucks but he knows how to get his staff drunk and laid.

>> No.6241765

>His convention sucks but he knows how to get his cult drunk and laid.

You said staff, I fixed it for you.

>> No.6241766

and by getting them drunk and laid you mean he spikes their drinks at the staff party and lays his pipe down then yes he does know how to do that it's called date rape

>> No.6241777
File: 53 KB, 720x540, brosnhoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6241793

so nick's wife and that dumb cunt laura? lara doesn't count she fucked Roy her standards are obviously skewed for the sake of being animecon famous nick's wife doesn't count she'll hump anything that fits inside her and this list includes the clutch from that old manual tranny one of the metro fags used to drive. shannon there is a difference between being sexually open and just plain gross as balls

>> No.6241842
File: 37 KB, 540x720, AlexLick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently shannon isn't the only one who'll hump anything

>> No.6241876

Not really but it is a result of our imperialistic tendencies. Military Industry makes weapons, needs them used, we fuck around in the middle east for decades, spread "freedom" there and then get shitted on, it was easily predictable but the living, breathing force of capital would never once stop or slow for the sake of human life, even the life of the propertied class.

>> No.6241916

I'm still missing that skyscraper humping picture that was promised.

>> No.6243056

who is the dirty redneck behind terry?

>> No.6243515

his name is "next"

>> No.6244040

Terry is thinking to himself: "Boy you sure do got a purrrrrdy mouth." guess what comes next.

>> No.6244967

It ain't cheating if Alex doesn't swallow

>> No.6248203

It's not cheating because Alex is in a polyamorous relationship

>> No.6248696

you mean "drunkenly fucks anything that walks"

Metrocon "auditions" are half based on who will fuck them and how many parties you put out at

>> No.6248915

Yeah... They really are. Even under the Roy administration. Well, I guess under Roy it was auditions based on who Roy thought he could get with and what guys he felt were beta enough to not go after his ladies.

>> No.6249367

Seriously, there are like 20 conventions in Florida and almost all of the cons down there have 2 or 3 stage shows. Yet you folks want to believe in some kind of geek fantasy, where girls and guys are willing to do anything to get a part. A nerd casting couch. Laughable

>> No.6249459

Actually it happens at all the cons w/ shows, who here remembers Tom Croom cheating on his wife with one of those Rumble Roses girls? You think Boner Robin isn't getting some action from the awful CosDevi girls? Metro is still highly regarded as the best of these shows, you wouldn't imagine what kind of dick sucking Nick and Alex get.

>> No.6249798

I think you mean "Metro WAS highly regarded"

it sucked worse than ever this year and the same people were in pretty much every show they did

the con was smaller tpp

>> No.6250097

Boner robin getting fucked just dosen't compute in my brain. He would get broken in half

>> No.6250138
File: 109 KB, 300x299, This is for you goliath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6250224

>who here remembers Tom Croom cheating on his wife with one of those Rumble Roses girls?
I don't... what? When?

>> No.6250245
File: 43 KB, 527x626, 1268682612.1268682614.jpg.[roflposters.com].myspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6250333

Roy desperately wanted to fuck girls and kept trying with his "assistants". He was a bit creepy but never bothered us on cast

Alex and Nick pick their cast based on who puts out. It starts with "body shots" at their parties and they act like its all harmless but thats just until they can get you drunk. Then they don't leave you alone until you take off your clothes and fuck at least one of them or eat out one of their wives. If it isn't one of them its that old creeper, Terry or that asshole Nate. The ones you aren't fucking like to watch.

After I saw that I walked out and didnt care about the part. They didn't say anything after that but I was never invited to another party and I don't think I'd be casted again even if I could bring myself to try out.

>> No.6251542

Oh are you kidding me Roy was always asking his inner circle if they thought he had a shot with female cast members, of course he knew to wait until after the show was finished after the Jessica fiasco where she quit mid show and they had to replace her with Dee.

>> No.6252556
File: 32 KB, 480x640, rampagewtc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6253613

Roy may have asked and tried and whined, but he never denied anyone a part because they didn't fuck him. That's not the case anymore. Its put out or get out now.

>> No.6253940

Tom Croom fucked Aleera in his hotel room. She went and told everyone, thinking it would make her more popular. He denied it and Broder from Supercon banned her from his convention. There were screenshots posted of the LJ entries before Aleera deleted everything after friends of Croom's wife talked to her about it.

>> No.6253941

will this thread never die? let it be

>> No.6253949

Wow, why did you make me remember that. I think I briefly saw those entries but Aleera has done so many WTF-worthy things it's hard to keep track of it all.

>> No.6253967

He denied guys parts all the time because he thought they would go after girls he wanted to bone.

>> No.6257103

That's speculation. He never demanded sex for a part, which is pretty obvious because he was always complaining about not getting laid. It's a fact that the new owners, Nick and Alex, invite people who want to be on cast and that they want to fuck to their "private parties". If they put out, they get a part. Why do you think some (like Chanteau) are casted in virtually every show they have? It sure as hell isn't because of their acting or costuming abilities!

>> No.6257245

To this day I don't understand why they don't hire a professional to do their costume shit. Oh wait it's because then you'd have to pay them. They had that prop guy on staff but he never got shit done on time and it probably didn't help that they only paid him in video games that Roy was stealing from Best Buy. This was back when they had the partnership with Best Buy. Any games that were prizes those years just got lost in the stock room and showed up on Roy's doorstep. Props bro was always complaining about how Mr. Metrocon was trying to pay him in games and would never reimburse him for plastic. What was that fatass's name and does he still work for Alex and Nick?

>> No.6257396

Henry Hall. They fired him and he moved from his mother's house to Georgia. They do their own props and costumes now because no one can do it as good as Team Dynamite can. They're the best in the state, according to themselves.

>> No.6257626
File: 137 KB, 314x486, 50 Shades of Metro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6257852

That explains why their stuff got shittier.

>> No.6258480
File: 50 KB, 960x640, team dynamite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They do their own props and costumes now because no one can do it as good as Team Dynamite can.

Yup looks p. good to me. (I am going to catch hell for this.)

Also, WHOA, it was my parents' house alright? They have been together for thirty some odd years, get it right!

>> No.6258635


lol, I am enjoying the arts. Keep it coming whoever is providing - im enjoying the original anti-metro content. There has been a distinct lack over the past couple years.

Surprising really as the convention has gone to shit.

>> No.6258707

>Yup looks p. good to me. (I am going to catch hell for this.)

What's to catch hell for? The stuff they're doing sucks gorilla balls and everyone knows it. It looks shitty on stage and even worse up close. The only ones who get any sort of decent costumes or props are Alex, Nick and Nate. They don't give a shit about anyone else because the crappier the rest of the cast looks the better they look.

>> No.6258805

I'm still friends with a lot of those people involved. Believe it or not a lot of people do work very hard, and I respect them for it, very very hard to deliver a very sub-par piece of trash production. If anyone wants to know why nobody sues them for copyright infringement well it's because this is garbage. Literally the only people that care about this thing are the ones involved with it, it's a giant circle jerk with a lot of almost cult-like mentality. The reason I never fit in with this crowd, the reason I'm gone, is because ultimately I didn't care, I just wanted to make monster costumes and not have it come out of my pocket, I was not a team player. (I am really going to catch hell for that one.)


Not a lot of people know I got paid in video games and whatever dumb shit Roy wanted to hand out. Going to assume I know who posted that (I'm going to assume they are in the same room that I am right now, hey asshole.)

>> No.6258812

Also thanks for bringing me into this discussion if this is who I think it is, asshole.

>> No.6258826
File: 122 KB, 468x788, HappyEnding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6258852


if u are goin to "catch hell" for ur posts why are u posting?

>> No.6258863

I never said I cared :V

>> No.6258870

And for fuck's sake you're probably a grown ass man (or woman! I don't know) can't you be bothered to add two additional letter?


It's not hard, try it sometime!

>> No.6259252

its also better than the shit that metro does as shown by OPs post

metro talks big and fails hard then blames others

its about all they're good at

>> No.6259366


Saw the Roy and Jessica photos....My guess is that Alex never knew her well enough to recognize a photo of her. Ironic.

>> No.6260972


I have noticed a very pervasive shittiness that has settled over Metro the past couple of years; it just seems like the new owners dont care about the convention anymore...

And is it just me or did it seem smaller last year? I didnt go to closing ceremonies because it always sucks, but i heard that they didnt announce the attendance for this year like they always do. Was anyone there?

>> No.6261661

the new owners only care about the money they get from the con and getting laid at their drunken swinger parties

they use the chess match to make themselves look good and attract girls that they promise to "cast" if they pass an "audition" and they do nothing to hide the fact that they make heaps of cash off the kids. how else do you explain a las vegas trip for the nick and alex and their wives and the fight directors right after the con? alex even got himself a new iphone that he's been waving around and bragging about. and next year will be even more expensive i'm sure just because they can do it as long as people will pay for it.

>> No.6261800


Yes, Metro got smaller this year. Of course they won't admit that, but from what i've been told they added all the rave-only, Masquerade-only and single day tickets to the total and only came up with 8,033 (on the Metro site's main page). For some perspective, the previous year (2011) they had 7776.

What >>6261661 says is completely true. This coupled with the fact they announced their new "edgey" convention to try to attack Shadocon? I think the con will be smaller in the coming years, they might even have to move the main events room back downstairs in the TCC if they can afford to be there at all.

>> No.6263248
File: 186 KB, 605x462, TeamDrunkAsFuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time you hand Metrocon your money just remember what you're REALLY paying for isn't admission to the convention, it's a FULL YEAR of these two fuckups not having to work real jobs. It pays for their drinking and swinging parties and for their "working" trips to Las Vegas with their wives and friends. And you only have to wait until January 1 for the price to go up again!

>> No.6263282

So I don't get into metrocon with the pass that I ordered? Why does it matter what they do with their money? I get into he convention, it isn't my money once it exchanges hands. They could be donating it to charity or just burning it for all I care.

>> No.6263285

obviously some people are dumb enough to pay for something no matter how bad it is or how expensive it gets

>> No.6264872

They used to cast enough decent cosplayers to balance things out. Even if their acting was so so, a cast member with good costumes would a) look good ,and b) help others with their costumes. Examples are Andrea and Hannah. Jamie's stuff was ok too, and regulars like Richard had their costumes made.

>> No.6266185

And now that nick and alex have fired everyone who was part of the original Metrocon cast and crew (Or they left knowing what a crappy event it is turning into) the entire con suffers for it.

They are driving (or firing) all the good people they used to have away with their attitude of "if you aren't with us you are against us"

They have also instituted a policy that states you cant volunteer for any other convention's shows or you wont be coming back to theirs. Of course, there are notable exceptions in the case of their fuck-buddies and fight directors.

Seriously guys, how childish can you get?

>> No.6266202
File: 54 KB, 492x550, 1348513455324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6266308




>> No.6266514


>> No.6266563

Fight with the best or die with the rest? What is this some sort of CULT?
Shows that all they care about is themselves. There is no heart at this con.
That was the only reason most people went and why it grew so big.

I've talked with Chris and even Belle personally and they are two outstanding people that really do care about this community.
If I had to pick, I'd go to their events over Team Dynamites crap.

You know I just realized that they wrote fight with the best.
Obviously thinking that the only reason we attend their show is to watch that horrendous Chess Match show. Well, guess what guys... Your show sucks and you don't even understand the characters in your own shows. Do some research at least since you cherish that shit so much.

>> No.6266788

did you hear they revoked old mascot lifetime passes in an effort to make more money, let me ask you would you spend money to go to a shittier version of a convention you used to have a lifetime pass to?

>> No.6267507
File: 87 KB, 574x464, alex isnt racist ok2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Alex sticks his foot in his mouth you'll get a cap of the comments, right now it's just a bunch of dumbasses talking about whether or not this is acceptable.

>> No.6267510

this can only increase ticket sales

>> No.6267800

It would probably be a separately ticketed event, like the "masquerade" they ripped off from the Final Fantasy Ball, so be prepared to give them more of your money if you want to do anything besides sit in the hall and talk to your friends.

>> No.6267834
File: 357 KB, 1119x893, alexfbniggapost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay I thought this shit was clever anti-metro shoop but dayum if the dumbfucker didn't actually post it to his facebook! and the head of the "brute squat" and others are right there liking it! I guess you really CAN believe some of the stuff you find posted on 4Chan!

>> No.6268169

you have to wonder how the guests would feel about this

>> No.6268184
File: 47 KB, 505x181, dontvote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alex is on a roll these past couple of days.

>> No.6268199

Backstory is he doesn't vote because he's a socialist, that doesn't reflect in the price of a convention ticket now does it?

>> No.6268201

(813) 390-0249 Alex's number.

>> No.6268540
File: 373 KB, 514x464, alexpost1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a post of Alex trying to justify Asylum's dates and then flat out saying that Shadocon can either get better or get lost. This fucking arrogant prick.

>> No.6268625

"the quality of the things we created at Metrocon"

I think he means "the quality of the things Roy created at Metrocon and we bought from him" since Team Dynamite hasn't produced a single new original show yet and obviously lacks the talent to do so (their only "new" show was obviously stolen from ShadoCon).

"Team Dynamite Productions would be the only would be the only ones offering that kind of product if other conventions hadn't decided what we do is easy"

It's called "competition" you clueless fuck. Too bad you don't like it because the reality of the situation is that you probably won't survive it and you know it. What you do isn't easy, you just do it poorly and it shows.

"ShadoCon can either get better or get lost"

They're in their third year now (apparently you can't count well since you also failed to realize your attendance was down this year). They've moved to a larger new hotel (you know, they one where you're putting Assylum). Their numbers are growing rapidly and people are openly liking them more than you. That qualifies as "getting better" so you can "get lost".

I think Alex needs to tell us more about how they created Metrocon and the Anime Human Chess Match and how Team Dynamite Productions is so awesome that we can't look away. If he says it enough times someone else might start believing him.

>> No.6268911

Anime Chess Match created by Roy Harms
Final Fantasy Ball/ Fantasy Masquerade created by Rudy Gomez and Roy Harms
Star Party created by Mike Harrington, Jackie Paint and Henry Hutchinson (Khaotic)
Gear Grappling Xtreme created by Ariel Sanchez
Fire Show created by Joe Stephenson
Super Hero Stunt Show created by TJ McDonnell
Fairy-tale Theater created by Ashley Clark
Rhythm City Chronicles created by Thomas McGowan (ex choreographer from Shado and blatant rip off of the Breakdance Breakdown)

......just sayin'. Don't see Nick or Alex's name anywhere on that list.

>> No.6268959



>> No.6268987

character list this year includes Lord Zed from Power Rangers... yah, that won't look like shit on a sidewalk

>> No.6269160

Because ripping up contracts is totally legally binding.....
There's a trend of Mascots never participating in the convention, or attending, after their year. So why even bother?

>> No.6269256

I'm just wondering what "badass" ego-stroking characters Alex and Nick have all picked out for themselves this year.

Everyone of their fuck buddy friends knows who they'll play but they'll let others audition for the parts just so they can laugh at them.

It should be fun to watch since Metrocon auditions have gotten smaller every year. What started with over 200 auditions with Roy before 2009 dropped to the mid-100's in 2010, the low 100's in 2011 and then a lot less than 100 this year. That's why they cast the same people in every show, because they're running out of people to fuck and yell at and then call it "directing".

>> No.6271343

process of elimination:

1) Alex's character will have to carry a sword and fence (hacking and slashing is beneath him)

2) Nick's character will have to be a bad ass/asshole

3) neither will be a "juvenile" character (because they can't stand to be seen as childish)

4) no masks or heavy makeup (you might not recognize them)

and 5) they need to be popular, well known characters

so who does that leave us? I'm not animu enough to know some of these more obscure characters

>> No.6271382

Fucking lol.

>> No.6271558

my top guesses

Nick - Wolfwood, Seifer, Auron?
Alex - Patroklos, Evil Ryu, Ezio?
Terry - Edgemaster

Whatever it is they already know who they are going to be so why even put those guys up for audition?

>> No.6272024

Where is the anime in Fl. LARGEST ANIME con? Ren fair,bronies, sci fi, comic book. East vs West Just an excuse to bring more non anime characters in. This is no longer an anime con. It's multi genre and it is NOT the largest multi genre con in Fl.

>> No.6272327

Megacon blows Metrocon's attendance out of the water as both an "anime" con and a "multi-genre" con, and so does Florida Supercon. And Metro's begging for "10000 people so we can go 4 days" bullshit? Yeah, Supercon's been 4 days for a few years now. They also have more and better guests.

Alex claiming that Metro is "still the benchmark" makes it obvious that he has absolutely no clue what the fuck he's talking about and even less of a clue about what he's doing. His con has already lost the game.


>> No.6276044

Yah, how is it still an "anime" con? Can we get less renfags at metron, thanks.

>> No.6277373

I think you mean "recycled renfags" since pretty much every one of them has washed out of the fairs and no longer makes the cut. At least the animu can't tell how bad they are.

And Alex fails so bad he couldn't even get himself into Howl-O-Scream at Busch Gardens and he's supposed to be the best of them all, a "professional actor, fighter and performer" according to his bio and bragging.

>> No.6277694 [DELETED] 

IF Alex didn't get into Howl-O-Scream it's because he was too alpha for Scott Swenson the guy who does all the casting. He wants workers he can bend to his will. Alex is a showboat. Metro and Howl-O-Scream also do not have a good working relationship since a lot of their people have gone in there and fucked it up, simply putting Metrocon CEO Team Dynamite !BITCH! on the application could have cost him that job.

>> No.6277696

IF Alex didn't get into Howl-O-Scream it's because he was too alpha for Scott Swenson the guy who does all the casting. He wants workers he can bend to his will. Alex is a showboat. Metro and Howl-O-Scream also do not have a good working relationship since a lot of their people have gone in there and fucked it up, simply putting Metrocon CEO Team Dynamite !BITCH! on the application could have cost him that job.

>> No.6277799

actually... as someone who has done HOS for years. A lot of people from that cast do HOS and its never been an issue. The two never overlap and some of their most veteran scarers have done that show in the past.

exxageration is exxagerated

>> No.6277811

If you can't spelled exaggeration with spell-check on I can't expect you to be telling the truth.

>> No.6277816

The red line under that word means you went and effed it in the A.

>> No.6277844

spell check aside
I am a fist year HOS'er this year, and like two chicks in my zone did metro, and one kid did it back in 09. I really don't think the staff gives a crap. In other news, I am a rad zombie. Come give us some money and patronage. Lolz

>> No.6277848

HHN is better.

>> No.6277913

It's true because someone on the internet said it to me.

Did they put Metro on their job app?

>> No.6277924

Lots of metro/shado/khaotik kids do both HOS and HHN. have forever. Never been an issue that I know of. At least when I did it.

>> No.6278897

Which makes it obvious that Alex is just a fuck up who can't act and has no skill

>> No.6279872

I really don't care if he or Nick can act. I just wish they would act like anime convention owners. Try being a tiny bit innovative. I'm sick to death of fight shows and dance shows. I wish they would watch some anime. Learn something about the genre and the fans they are supposed to be trying to entice to come to Metrocon. I know they bought a turn key operation, but if you buy a shoe store, you learn something about shoes. I hate to stop attending the first con I ever went to. I have a sentimental attachment to Metrocon, but that isn't enough to make me continue spending my money on a mediocre event.

>> No.6280237

according to them, they're solely responsible for the creation of everything that has made Metrocon famous (with a little help from Roy when he wasn't getting in their way). nothing would have been possible without them. that's why they bought the con. with Roy gone there is nothing left to stop the spread their awesomeness!

sentimental? seriously, get real. there's nothing left to be sentimental over! the only thing that hasn't changed are the names of the events. everyone that made the convention special and fun is gone and they took their original ideas and creativity with them.

>> No.6281149

Yea! This is why they keep stealing ideas from Shadocon. Because they have no originality or creativity. Everyone that has made Metrocon decent in the past now works for Shadocon. This includes Shadowfax in with his tech, Mark in the video room and Doug in the video game room. These people have worked for Metro since the beginning and now they decided to make a move? Coincidence... I think not.

Everyone knows Metro is going down the shitter and they see that Shado just keeps getting better each year.

This past year was my last year at Metro. I'd figure I would give them one more shot to impress me. They failed extremely. The part that pissed me off the most is that they flat out lied about their numbers trying to make it look like more people attended. My friend "worked" at registration this passed year and she told me the truth. They added numbers from people who attended their Masquerade, the encore Masquerade, and all the raves to there Metro passes. I reality, this is the first year that they actually went down in numbers. It and it won't be the last.

>> No.6281281

Shadowfax is a man who hosts karaoke at Applebees, in years of working for Metro he never once managed to rig their microphones properly... Real talent there.

>> No.6281660

Funny Metro/Shadofax story. He once told them how Alex wanted him to rig up HD video, and when he told him about the pricing to hook it up HDMI Alex told him to just use Composite, since it's all just video anyways.

Composite is that yellow single-cable that your super nintendo will run off of, and what makes the wii look like shit. And Alex wanted to try to feed HD video through it.

I really don't think it's Fax's fault.

>> No.6281670

SNES by default was coaxial cable actually, and Bobby Shadowfucks was messing up mic rigging long before the days of Alex even being involved in the convention.

>> No.6281677

SNES had coaxial, but it also had composite. Not sure your point.

>> No.6281990

Most people will remember SNES as coaxial, you should probably have used the PS1 as a better example but my point was that Robert Shadowfucks was fucking Metrocon sound and lighing for years before Alexander the Grape and Nick Fuzzy-o took over.

>> No.6281995

Lack of anti aliasing is what makes the Wii look like shit...

>> No.6282233

Cool pot shot bro! Strange thing about Shadowfax that he only seems to mess up sound at Metrocon but has no problems with band after band at Nerdapalooza or Spookyempire. Seems the only thing consistent is MetroFail.

If he was as bad as you say he wouldn't be doing so many conventions or ones that make Metro look like the tiny joke it is

>> No.6282585

he's really cheap and undercuts the competition by a lot also hello shadowfax or shadowfax crony

>> No.6282588

>"Strange thing about Shadowfax is that he's me."

Seriously you write just like Bobby Shadowfucks.

>> No.6282600

Nice try Shannon failzio but not even the right gender. Keep guessing though as it amuses us and keeps bumping this to page 1

>> No.6282608

Have you heard faxs' mics at metro before? That's right you haven't, because he fucked them up every year. The man isn't daft punk, he isn't in the studio blitzing an album. Brotherfax is a man with a mixer who likes to pretend he knows' what he's doing. He. Doesnt'.

>> No.6282611

so your the jailbait ass fuckzo the wondershit is tapping this month inbetween pretending to be deejay from street fighter 2, hope his tiny dick in your ass is worth the false promises he made you about fame and fortune

>> No.6283061
File: 146 KB, 540x720, Mellonballing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self explanatory image is self explanatory

Metrocon post con pool parties are pretty fucking epic

>> No.6283398

I'm not positive but I think that's a golden retriever biting his dick off.

>> No.6283414

Like he said, pretty epic.

>> No.6284213

You know Fax may not have been the greatest DJ ever but I find it amusing after they let him go, they hired a small army of replacements. How many DJs did Metro have last year? Apparently not a single one that could figure out how to run sound for the AMV contest (an actual anime event) It was pathetic and an insult to all the editors who worked so hard on their entries.

>> No.6284411

the new metro staff owners whatever obviously hates shadowfax so they fired him. now they can't shut the fuck up about him.

>> No.6284988

they cant shut up about how shitty he is and they fired him because hes shitty this seems related you goramned idiot

>> No.6285053

awww you used a Firefly quote... you're adorable... especially for a retard

>> No.6285091

Someone's mommy must not let them curse!

4Chan's full off bad people little MetroTool so be careful!

>> No.6286624

So did we ever figure out WTF the deal was with Metrofail's pic that OP posted?

>> No.6286684

jus cuz I hate shadowfox doesn't mean im a metro tool you idiot

>> No.6286705
File: 19 KB, 493x335, burns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaw did he refuse to play Call Me Maybe for you?

>> No.6286707

Fax I've been to your Applebees karaoke jams nobody but one giant old fat goth bitch ever sings and maybe you should think about investing in legal music for those events it would be a shame if you couldn't get your $50 and free appetizers because someone reported you for the massive amounts of pirated shit on your hard drives.

>> No.6286754
File: 37 KB, 500x374, DoContinue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your naivety entertains me. Please go on!

>> No.6286882

Sorry ur gona have to try harder to keep this going brosef shadofuck.

>> No.6286920
File: 35 KB, 600x700, keep-calm-and-just-fuck-already.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6286984

>public transportation
>buildings that were central to international trade/business

You're right, both control the economy in basically the same ways, amirite

>> No.6287081

Tampa Bay Comic Con(Tampa)
Grand Galloping Brony Gala Con (Tampa)
Tampa Anime Day(Tampa)
Khaotic Kon(Tampa)
Necronomicon(St. Petersburg)
Holiday Matsuri(Orlando)
Orlando Anime Day(Orlando)
Anime Festival Orlando (Orlando)
Orlando Comic Expo(Orlando)
Mythicon (Orlando)
Star Wars Celebration(Orlando)
Spooky Empire Mayhem/Spooky Empire's Ultimate Horror Con(Orlando)
Hurricane Who(Orlando)
Chibi-Pa Festivals/Samplers(Deerfield Beach/Location Varies)
Sukoshicon: Destination Anime(Ft Walton Beach)
Wasabicon (Jacksonville)
Jacksonville Anime Day(Jacksonville)
Ancient City Con(Jacksonville)
Florida Steampunk Exhibition(Tentative, for now, last one was in Daytona)
Umicon(Daytona Beach)
FreeCon (Tallahassee)
The Enchanted Holiday Convention(Kissimmee)
Zombicon(Ft Myers)
LameCon(Land O' Lakes)
Fan:DOM con(Pensacola)
Florida Supercon(Miami)
Comic Book Convention (Hialeah Florida)
Swampcon (Gainsville)
Comics Games Anime Shows(Various Locations[3])
Anime Planet Convention(Tentative Location/Seminole)
This is not the only thing to do in Florida

>> No.6287178


>> No.6287772
File: 111 KB, 774x492, dogdumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyre so clueless it doesnt matter what u say just keep repeating their name and theyll be happy

>> No.6288485


you do realize you have allowed yourself to be trolled for 2+ days by probably the same person...?

damn /cgl/ your posters are dumber then i originally gave them credit for.

>> No.6289414

not trollin if I ain't even mad bro

>> No.6289552

keep telling yourself that

youre just another metroturd waiting for the flush

>> No.6289559
File: 77 KB, 480x270, metrotroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
