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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10946519 No.10946519 [Reply] [Original]

i wanna cosplay ame-chan and gloomy bear super sonico for a con in 5-6 months but i want to make them myself. im half decent at sewing and made a large amount of clothes as a kid

but i blow ass at using a sewing machine

so how hard would handsewing a cosplay from scratch be, complete with zippers or buttons and elastic?

>> No.10946522

it'll take longer, but if you're as experienced as you say, it won't be any harder than using a machine.

>> No.10946600

This isn’t >>>/his/ but people wore clothes before sewing machines were invented

>> No.10946693

If you have to ask this question, then it's probably too hard for you to make it look good.