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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10946506 No.10946506 [Reply] [Original]

Not even a full year this time for a new gen! New cons on the block, more venue swapping, even more dates overlapping. Oh my!
>Alternate title: Okaerinasai Edition
Previous thread: >>10909590

>SSA+S Toracon - February 1 - Sarasota
>MegaCon (ew) - February 6-9 - Orlando
>Animate! Miami - February 14-16 - Miami
>Pensacon - February 14-16 - Pensacola
>BeyondComicCon (lol) - February 15 - North Miami Beach
>StingrayCon - March 1 - Jacksonville
>ACEcon - March 8-9 - Palm Harbor
>My-Con Spring - April 19 - Orlando
>Anime in the Park - April 26 - Groveland
>Mizucon - May 23-25 - Miami
>Charlie's Anime Con (lolwot) - May 25 - Fort Myers
>Otakufest - June 8-10 - Miami
>Anime Festival Orlando - June 20-22 - Orlando
>Finn-Con - June 21 - Miami
>Florida Supercon - July 18-20 - Miami
>Metrocon - July 25-27- Tampa
>Animate! Orlando - August 8-10 - Orlando
>SWFL Anime-Fest - August 10 - Fort Myers
>MareFair - September 5-7 - Orlando
>Ancient City Con - September 12-14 - St. Augustine
>FT-Lauderdale Anime-Fest - September 14 - Fort Lauderdale
>WasabiCon - October 10-12 - Jacksonville
>MiraiCon - October 17-19 - Coral Springs
>Sarasota Anime-Fest - December 6 - Sarasota
>Holiday Matsuri - December 19-21 - Orlando

>> No.10946515

What is with the MegaCon hate? I seen a bit on the last thread and the ew here. Is it because of the size and general focus of it?

>> No.10946516
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new thread time lets goo
whos excited for all the cons
who you working on
who thinks the dates this year is reasonable

>> No.10946517

Last megacon there was some drama due to pathological liar anon showed up(again) and tried to creepily feel up girls, take booze, and wouldn't fess up to some shit we all knew he did. Had to boot him out again which is probably still only one of his alts since the guy thinks everyone is talking about him. Believe me anon, you're not important you're just a weirdo. There isn't much drama around it other than from him and his alts blasting about it being bad because at mega, metro, and super con his shit has been called out before.

Looking forward to animate, only time off I have. Look for Haruhi Suzumiya

>> No.10946544
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A few retarded weebs like OP crying “wah non-anime thing bad” to anything that isn’t anime focused.

Haven’t said this in years, but might have to dust off “OP is a faggot”

>> No.10946683
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>it's ai generated
lol, lmao

>> No.10946695

jesus christ how embarrassing

>> No.10946702
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Yeah yeah that's great but who the FUCK is Charlie??

>> No.10946737
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>St Pete Con happening during spring training
Can any Tampabros recommend a good hotel that
-reasonably priced
-not a shithole
-somewhat accessible to most of the bay area towns

I'm thinking of seeing the Pirates (Bradenton) and the Orioles (Sarasota) this year, maybe the Tigers (Lakeland) if i happen to be close.

>> No.10946764
File: 184 KB, 1136x782, IMG_4951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rays bro? Absolutely turbo based. As a fellow sports fan it kills me that sensitive faggot cosplayers are like “waaaaah sports bad sports people meeeean like Chad in high school” when it’s like I just sometimes want to watch some ball games and other times I want to dress up like fictional characters and get absolutely drunk out of my mind. Rays are gonna make the dance this year and finally win a playoff series I can feel it.

As far as hotels go since the Rays are playing at Steinjew field this year I’d say somewhere on the Tampa side would be better than St Pete, Four Points by the airport is nice and a mix between the places you want, also not the Hilton downtown but the one by International Mall is another good one. If you’re an extreme poorfag though there is a Days-Inn between Tampa and Lakeland that I see a lot too.

Go Rays, Bucs and Bolts.

>> No.10946811

is anyone meeting at megacon later? I'll be there until sunday.

I dont know or care about any of this drama, I last went to this con in 2011. So much has changed since then.

>> No.10946819

Those in-town spots look nice but $300+ might be a little out of my range. I'm looking at Brandon for hotels off of 75 that look out of the way and don't have a ton of 1 star reviews complaining about cleanliness.

Thanks for the heads up tho

>> No.10946860

Yeah I'll be there from opening today. Post a place to meet up or look for the 6ft tall Dante from DmC walking with Katara from Avatar and come say hey.

>> No.10946861

Come buy stuff from the Artist's Alley at Megacon :(
They overcharge every year, and this year they've passed out some faulty tables. Ours was literally held together by duct tape underneath. Another's collapsed too in the vendor area on Thursday

>> No.10946875

shit I didnt see this until after I got back. I'm done for now since I've been there since thursday.

>> No.10946878

i think my friend might have taken a picture with you as mamimi, there were quite a few dante cosplays around the con though so it might have been someone else .. can’t really be sure

>> No.10946921

same anon here
megacon was fine as i remembered
crowded one big vendor hall and bumfuck nothing to do after 7 in the anime after dark

the team rocket rave sucked shit and like hell im paying extra for universal stuff
C tier