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10946480 No.10946480 [Reply] [Original]

It's been too long without one. Thread pic in honor of Nayo's birthday.
Some starting topics:
>Thoughts about the idolfests that have happened since November (AWA, HolMat, etc.)
>Any goals or wishes for 2025?
>What was your favorite part about 2024? Least favorite?
>Which idols are you keeping your eye on this year? Who do you think will get their big break?

>> No.10946503

With the rise of more idol events, I would love to see more of these outside of conventions as well. That and also would love to see more varieties of idols at these events. Supporting existing idols is great, but I do want to also support more recent idols, too.

>> No.10946537

There are some things that have happened that I wanted to point out since the last thread.

- Berry now has decided that she can't go to cons by herself and needs cons to provide a guide of sorts (I forget what she called it) for her due to the level of attention she gets. She claims that meet and greet was supposed to be like an hour or hour and a half and her greet line ended up three hours long??? Dayum. She definitely at this point needs a manager/caretaker.

Berry also has performed her newest song, but honestly the clips I've seen I'm not the biggest fan of it. Maybe it will grow in me after it officially releases. Her new outfit is super cute.

- Signals has a new member! Cool for them.

- Melancholiaah has announced an indefinite hiatus as an idol. Not surprised at all. He's been pretty busy and happy with the vtuber life. I think we've definitely lost him for good in terms of his place in the kaigai idol community.

- Phoebe had a small documentary made about her! It was very well done, and did a fantastic job showing how hard she works, who she is as a person and really was inspiring. I think she's farther than anyone is in the community atp. If anyone deserves to get signed to a label, it's her. But if she does find a label, I hope they don't screw her over. Music industry can be full of snakes and nastyness.

- Auracle finally released a music video for their first original "Not Enough". It was pretty basic as far as indie idol videos go. But nice to see them finally putting stuff out again.

- Illixcite may be on a hiatus for the foreseeable future until San is able to come back to America.

- charm: affect has teased and performed their first song a little while ago. From the little I've seen it sounds okay. I wonder if they will release it in February.

>> No.10946539

Emily and Miyu from Non sweet have just announced their graduation from the group. Two members leaving at the same time is sus but generally just shocking and disappointing. Doesn't bode well for the rest of the community. The longer we see it play out the more difficult reaching any dream goal seems.

>> No.10946558

Bye bye to nonsweet. The remaining members just aren't interesting enough. Unless they try to audition for member replacements, they're gonna fall off hard.

I don't see anyone in this community getting a "big break". Maybe Phoebe, but even then, it takes some incredible luck. This community is based on massively delusional people. Or you've accepted this is just a hobby.

>> No.10946577

Realistically will they get new members? Who could you see joining non sweet?

>> No.10946649

Anyone have a catalog of kaigai idol original releases for 2024? Maybe for the last couple months? I wanna support but all the communities and regions are kinda isolated from each other so it's easy to miss someone releasing a song or MV if you're not already a dedicated fan of them. For me, whatever is going on in Florida and Texas tends to fall out of my radar.

Melancholia is a vtuber now? Is he under the same name?

>she can't go to cons by herself and needs cons to provide a guide of sorts
As the kaigai scene grows there is gonna be more need for events to provide more structure and security at events and meet&greet/buppan. It's kinda bittersweet because I'm happy that artists are growing but also sad that it's gonna lose some of that tight knit community feel.

>> No.10946650

The message I got from their announcement letters was that they felt they were falling behind the group in some ways. Maybe they graduated Uni and started feeling pressure to start a real carreer? I hope they can still have some involvement like lyrics and songwriting because the Non Sweet original songs have been some of the better discographies in the scene. I'm gonna miss my sonic fangirl idol and hallmark movie idol but the rest of the members are still wonderful. I do hope they recruit one or two more members.

>> No.10946665


3 months ago Phoebe released "Your Harmony"

Auracle performed their new song called "ZIPPY", but it's not online anywhere yet I don't think.

Keira released "Fear Eater" last October.

Charm:Affect performed their new song "Link" but has not been officially released.

And then there's Illixcite with their two songs but that was released last summer I think?

That's all I can think of ATM feel free to add anyone who wants to.

Melancholiaah has had a couple of different identities but is currently the personality behind "Otoharu Riyo".

>> No.10946688

Adding to this,

"Adore Me" by Cherry Wallflower which is her first original and came out in December.

>> No.10946690


Mspaintpalette released "Enough" in October

Pengy also released "Rise and Grind" in October

>> No.10946694


Pastel Roulette released “Pastel Roulette” with an MV as well as “Colorful X Trigger”

Knife Pleat released the MV for “Shikou” a few weeks ago

>> No.10946713

Some releases from Canada west coast groups::

Non Sweet released a full album in May 2024, "Wake Up!"
Mini Game
Yukata (English Version)
Wake Up!
World's Friend
By Your Side

ember*night - "Wolves"

>> No.10946828

>She claims that meet and greet was supposed to be like an hour or hour and a half and her greet line ended up three hours long???
I don't want to give too much information away, but I was involved at Holmat. She stretched the truth in that vlog. I was at soundcheck and she was late, didn't sing live like almost all the other singers. Also, her line was really long but to get the Idolfest badge ribbon you needed a stamp from every performer. I was at a booth near hers the whole time, she was definitely spending 5-10 minutes talking to each person. So she would talk to people for a long time, and her line would get longer because people were joining to get the stamp for the ribbon too. Eventually they ended up just giving the ribbon away because of her and Phoebe's lines. I agree that she needs a handler, but I think that handler needs a stopwatch to make sure she can get through her line efficiently. I dont think she's a bad person, but I could see it if she was just trying to make her line look the longest. But a lot of people just gave up and left her line most of the time.

>> No.10946971

i just heard the sample of charmaffects single, and im a little disappointed by it. the sample sounds a little low quality and I feel like we've heard all three of these idols voices sound much better. may didn't sound as clear as she normally sounds, vi sounded outside of her range, and perry didn't stand out and felt like a background vocalist. is it their mixer? was their sample just a poor showcase? anyone who heard it at holmat want to vouch?

>> No.10947021

I often notice with singers that they sound better when doing covers more often then with original music because there's not a reference they're working with and imitating. I can also tell that these vocal takes weren't the best either. The vocals are lacking some energy and confidence that this kind of song would benefit from. It's definitely on the better end of music this community puts out but I can definitely see where the unmet expectations come in. It's giving kidsbop lol I think they're going for an American girl group vibe with Y2K aesthetics so it fits the vibe but also for me is uninteresting. Also sidenote from what I've seen their choreo feels disjointed. I can tell it was self choreographed. These critiques mainly stem from knowing at least two of these members have been part of way more quality projects in the past.