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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10946402 No.10946402[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've always heard of stories of anime fans and the like hooking up at conventions. I've gone for a couple years and never once witnessed this. Perhaps it's because I'm ugly.

I'm now 31 though so it's pretty much completely over for me. I just go to enjoy the panels and play tabletop games.

>> No.10946405

You get out what you put into yourself and the situation. I know people mid 30's hooking up with hotties 25ish age at cons, going to multiple room parties per day, and living like they are college age just now able to drink for the first time. Though these people are often gym rats and have a good social vibe to them being able to hold conversations often doing joke-ish cosplay. Milage will depend on how you handle yourself in social scenes.

Also comes down to looks, last katsu I met some people who were 25 I could have easily been mistaken for 35 just due to lack of selfcare.

>> No.10946431
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You have to get into the room parties or just generally hang out after-hours and be a cool guy/gal. No-one really gives a shit about age if you're attractive enough. Offering a hit of the good stuff goes a long way too if you don't mind giving some up.