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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10944892 No.10944892[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You belong bouncing on my cock and carrying my seed in your fertile cunts. Get off this femcel dress up shit and be a good wife and mother. It's time to grow up.

Be a good girl, because you don't want to know what happens to bad girls.

>> No.10944894

What the fuck is your problem? Don't post triggering shit here. Some of us are living with trauma of SA.

>> No.10944895

Fuck you. I have GAD. I'm literally having a panic attack right now. Last time this happened I had to go in an ambulance.

>> No.10944896

Holy shit this is not how you respond to this kind of stuff you retards.

>> No.10944897

>I'm going to le kil u
>won't do shit
>ever ever
as expected, gaylord

>> No.10944900

This shit reminds me of the CSI episode about gamers.

What is GAD?