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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10944505 No.10944505 [Reply] [Original]

"One Week to go" edition

January 09-12 2025
Long Beach Convention Center, CA.
Badges are now $100 for full weekend


Post here!

>> No.10944513
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I'm still hoping a room opens up

>> No.10944528

I am too shy to room with strangers so I'm dealing with the cost of having a double bed all to myself

>> No.10944544

I done fucked up and couldn't get any close hotel so I'm staying a couple of miles away and getting an uber.

>> No.10944549
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Sunday I'll just repeat something

>> No.10944578

Bring some friends who normally wouldnt go to a con and expose them to a fun time

>> No.10944613
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Do people from the East Coast really come to this shit show?

>> No.10944614


>> No.10944616

Send them to my room. I'll deal with them.

>> No.10944620


>> No.10944632
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Is it really THAT bad?

t. East Coast who's been curious but still never went

>> No.10944649

People compare it to Katsucon.

>> No.10944650


>> No.10944651

How so? Cuz I went once and thought people really overrated it but Katsu was fine enough

>> No.10944652

neither do Chinese gacha games but here we are.

>> No.10944655

I wish I was able to experience the LAX Marriott era of ALA

>> No.10944687

Genshin and Nikke is alright with me. Vtuber shit is not anime.

>> No.10944688
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Still F5ing the hotel page

>> No.10944691

Just rent a van and camp across the street at Marina Green Park.

>> No.10944692

Imagine the smell.

>> No.10944722

Its mad fun idk why people would talk shit

>> No.10944723

Those days were so peak. Nothing will be able to capture the insanity and charm like those years

>> No.10944746
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>> No.10944817

who is the alleged stalker that the femoids keep whining about in the fb group???

>> No.10944826


>> No.10944827

That could be literally anyone with a functioning penis

>> No.10944832
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2 more days or something

>> No.10944931

Anyone who is going might want to join the Matrix room at #los-angeles:matrix.netho.tk.

>> No.10944954
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>another fire going on in California during a con

Good to know Long Beach is safe but shit

>> No.10944962


>> No.10944963

Cancel ALA! Rich people and multi-million dollar homes are more important than weeb shit.

>> No.10944964

I hope we have running water during the con

>> No.10944965

My brother is a fire alarm dispatcher in LA. He's going to be busy today.

>> No.10944966

Which hotel ya got?

>> No.10944969

Air quality is shit right now in Long Beach and there is ash falling. ALA needs to be canceled!

>> No.10944970

picture? evidence? proof of claim?

>> No.10944971


>> No.10944974

Go outside ffs.

>> No.10944975
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doomkeks btfo
the show must go on

>> No.10944976

I don't see any fires or ash here its too cold and icy out

>> No.10944977

Wait until tomorrow morning when you wake up and the con is canceled due to the poor air quality.

>> No.10944978


>> No.10944984

I know a few people who are contacting ALA about rolling over their badge to next year since they had to be evacuated. One of them even contaced me that they made it safely to their evac center.

>> No.10944986


>> No.10944988

same nigga attentionwhoring every AX and ALA

>> No.10944996

any oldfags still go?

>> No.10945016

I'm a man. I'm 40.

>> No.10945024

Very inconsiderate of ALA to keep the show going when a third of LA is currently on fire.

>> No.10945031

Doomers are the least powerful, most pathetic race on Earth

>> No.10945032

The show must go on. Wildfires in CA are more common than earthquakes.

>> No.10945033

>The show must go on
2 people are dead. Thousands of people evacuated and likely homeless with only the clothes and items they could carry, but let's keep a silly weeb gathering going just 50 miles away while fellow Angelinos are suffering.

>> No.10945034

Yes. Times of crises like this is when citizens need their bread and circuses the most.

>> No.10945035

How the fuck are people who are escaping the fires able to get rooms at the Hyatt Regency?

>> No.10945037

>The show must go on.
Not so fast my friend. I'm sure pic related is going to pull out some shelter-in-place bullshit.

>> No.10945038
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>> No.10945039

femgulls name your price

>> No.10945046
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You done packing yet?

>> No.10945048

no I'm being slow because I took tomorrow off for the flight. unfortunately no time limit makes me procrastinate

>> No.10945051
File: 74 KB, 374x318, 1729006999486722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're flying for ALA?

>> No.10945055

Yes and I look forward to taking cool air shots of the burning californian wreckage

>> No.10945087

Look there is a duality here.
1. You cancel the anime convention because of events that could be a problem already and honestly might be a larger clusterfuck from the people traveling with no place to stay/etc.
or the superior option -
2.Dress as FireForce members and/or villains and get some fucking amazing pics.

>> No.10945088

Couldn't make it this year. I'm gonna be 32 next year and far too old for parties at this point. It's over.

>> No.10945089

why does ALA feel so dead this year, even the thread is dead

>> No.10945090

/cgl/ in general is dead. zoomers went to discord.

>> No.10945095
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>ALA 4chan anons

>> No.10945096

every male at the con.

>> No.10945097

this will be my first ALA. please treat me gently

>> No.10945098

I'm 35, protip lots of aging weeb millenials who are lonely as fuck so its easier then ever to make friends.

>> No.10945099

Sure bby

>> No.10945103
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>ALA getting "flamed" right now on social media for not announcing a rollback option to next year fir those affected by the fires
>Air quality in LBC is going to be ass all weekend
Just cancel the con ffs.

>> No.10945107

they wont cancel until the venue forces it orherwise they will lose money. I dont think the babies whining on socials realize how any of this works.

>> No.10945109

I'm 23 and have never been to a convention party in my 12 years of attending these things. You don't need them to have fun, I think

>> No.10945113

It's going to come from county government officials or Gruesome Newsom himself.

>> No.10945114

>until the venue forces it
yes anon, and the venue wont lose money until forced.
ill be going.

>> No.10945115

Also 23 and haven't been to any

>> No.10945116

23 is young and id say to have fun and go to con parties but it seems zoomies dont really do that as much. when I was 23 (over 15 years ago) you could room party hop the entire night any con and it was fun as fuck.

>> No.10945117
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>Mfw there are cosplayers that live in these upper class LA communities that are burning right now

>> No.10945118
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A slightly more fair point, since you're not saying
>I just finished high school, and now I'm an old man with old man duties
but at the same time, con party goers aren't the same demographic at all. It's noticeably older, sometimes I (32 now) feel like the baby of the bunch
>it seems zoomies dont really do that as much
And this is exactly why

>> No.10945119

>why does ALA feel so dead this year
Day 0 and many con goers having to flee their homes from the fires. This ALA is going to be ass.

>> No.10945120

>It's noticeably older, sometimes I (32 now) feel like the baby of the bunch
weeb cons are just slowly turning into how olf scifant cons were with the avg age being 40+ and 300lb.

>> No.10945121
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Small, local ones definitely aren't. Those are overrun with really young 'he/they's". I don't even see big guy's for you at the big ones that much, either. Or maybe it's just an illusion, since they're everywhere at western events. Either way, those guys would still be cooler to hang with than TTG fags + there's a definite archetype for the older party going con guy
>Hawaiian shirt
>some facial hair
>a perpetual, but deliberate goofy expression

>> No.10945126
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>> No.10945129


>> No.10945130

why would you call me out like this, its not my fault college age girls with daddy issues love those things.

>> No.10945131
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Holy fuck look at that smog

>> No.10945132

>weeb cons are just slowly turning into how olf scifant cons were with the avg age being 40+ and 300lb.
Good. Let's make sure we gatekeep properly this time around.

>> No.10945134

I never minded hanging with people older than me, but I'm not nor was ever the party-type. Maybe other zoomers are turning out like that as well

>> No.10945135

Sounds like good gofundme money from their followers

>> No.10945137

im not a resident of the southern part of CA but is this their equivalent to fanimecon? Interesting parallel.

>> No.10945139
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>> No.10945147

Will there be any meetups?

>> No.10945148
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While not sure what was meant by this, it wasn't a judgment fren
I'd say so. Its something I could see even before lockdowns and the oldest zoomies were still in school. The biggest divider seems to be their preference for weed over booze

>> No.10945150

>Pro photographers are banned from the LBCC
KEK, couldn’t happen to a better bunch

>> No.10945151

Join the ballroom dance

>> No.10945153

I definitely liked the mid-sized con energy of early ALA. I'm kind of afraid it will turn into AX 2.0 in the future.

>> No.10945154

It's an hour drive if you want to see it in person.

>> No.10945156


>> No.10945158
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I'm poorfagging super hard this year with the invention of buying every Comic LO I come across

>> No.10945159

I'm phonefagging too, if it isn't obvious. Damn XT9

>> No.10945164

If this was Anime Expo, you fuckers would be calling for the SPJA's heads for going ahead with the show and not canceling it when LA is on fire.

>> No.10945167

No, because I'm not a whiny lib that demands everything stop so the attention can be on themselves

>> No.10945168

ive never once seen a LO comic sold at any con in america but i would too fren

>> No.10945171

Evan warning cancelled, someone's getting fired.

>> No.10945172

Family is discouraging me from going on saturday because of the fire

Isnt long beach a bit far

>> No.10945173


>> No.10945174

It's fine besides the shitty air.

>> No.10945175

Far as I'm concerned, ever sincw they introduced Day 1, I always see it as a glorified Day 0.

>> No.10945176

I think long beach is pretty safe. It'd have to be a new fire popping up to cause actual concern to the con. Not impossible though but wind is expected to slow down after today.

>> No.10945177

Heads up, the "free" CD scam is back.

>> No.10945178

i just avoid any nod that interacts with me outside any con

>> No.10945189

I got invited 2 orgies.

>> No.10945193

long beach is one of the omly areas not in a red zone for 100 miles lmao.

>> No.10945195

just avoid nigs and you wont have a issue. imagine relaxing when darkies are around.

>> No.10945198

How slutty are people dressed this year? Last year's ALA was pretty disappointing in that department (mostly because it was cold as fuck)

>> No.10945199

Think it will be more active tomorrow?

>> No.10945200


>> No.10945201
File: 1.96 MB, 1944x2592, KIMG9244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The zoomer obsession with Fred Durst is amazing

>> No.10945202

Well I was invited to two GAY orgies

>> No.10945204

Need to fuck

>> No.10945205

How loose is your butthole?

>> No.10945206

It was amazing. I went to ALA 2012 and we partied so hard and everyone was so nice. I heard the zoomer crowd is more clique.

>> No.10945208

First time exhibiting at ALA.
Is it gonna pick up over the weekend?

>> No.10945209

it should but i heard some people are staying because of the fire

>> No.10945210
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There's nothing clique-y about this. Maybe the removed parties are the problem

>> No.10945211

I'd really like to someday if I get someone to bring with

>> No.10945212

How do I get invited into parties?

>> No.10945213

I went by myself

>> No.10945214

No luck today

>> No.10945216
File: 2.91 MB, 4080x3072, PXL_20250110_051625226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any girly sluts (femboys included) wanna be friends and get drunk on sugary booze tomorrow?

>> No.10945223

WTF, someone stole my underwear!

>> No.10945224
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>Everyone in Long Beach got a notification on their phone to evacuate due to the fires
>Con didn't shut down immediately
>No one fled the area

>> No.10945226

It was a false alarm. Who's laughing now?

>> No.10945227
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>> No.10945228

>Doom FUD with a nice side of Obsession
Maybe it'll pay off one day (it won't)

>> No.10945233


>> No.10945241

I'm crusin around chilling

>> No.10945242

How's the crowd looking?

>> No.10945243

This ALA is shit
>Lack of good vendors
>Shit artists
>Inconsistent prop weapon checks
>Didn't shut down con when notifications for evacuations went out
>Ugly cosplayers
>Asthma attack from the bad air quality
>Spent most of Day 1 in my room to not get sick and die

>> No.10945244

>Didn't shut down con when notifications for evacuations went out
How much longer will you be a schizo about this?

>> No.10945246

Such a fucking crying liberal

>> No.10945247

Aren't all CA cosplayers lefty libs?

>> No.10945253

Sure but I have hope most aren't the walking stereotype of a far left liberal that used to only exist on the internet

>> No.10945254

Posts like these won't go anywhere because anons are too afraid to show their faces.
Hoping to pick someone up at the Plaza tonight to help me spitroast my girlfriend.

>> No.10945255

Sounds like a job for a fat ugly bastard like myself

>> No.10945256

Yeah it's pretty dead in my corner of the convention. I'm by the itashas and it's completely fucking empty.
I don't think I'll be coming back unless we get a good spot next year...

>> No.10945257

>left libs
>far left liberal
"False flagging faggot who probably isn't even there at all"

>> No.10945258

Oh but I am. I walk the halls around you.

>> No.10945259

It used to work a bit better back before cgl turned into such a ghost town. I got Ecstasy and Viagra to share too if you wanna party. When/what part of the plaza y'all gonna be hanging around

>> No.10945261

So can you not change input on the hyatt tvs? Tryna switch here

>> No.10945262

who /alone/ here? does anyone want to meet up with an oldfag and get food tonight? I'm buying.

>> No.10945263

Probably wherever the smoke circle will be because people who blaze tend to be the most chill

>> No.10945265

> all the good cosplayers are doing photoshoots

>> No.10945266

I might. What time are you eating?

>> No.10945267


>> No.10945268

I'm having a lot of fun

>> No.10945269

no you arent

>> No.10945270


>> No.10945271

Brown bricks.

>> No.10945272

Any other cons like this with ribbons?

>> No.10945273

just got laughed away from trading ribbons because I was 35

>> No.10945274

I'm 39...on life support here. The ravages of age

>> No.10945275

No you didn't.

>> No.10945276

I couldn't make it this year

Please have fun everyone

>> No.10945277

Nooooooooo. OK. If i must....drank a (4oko)

>> No.10945278

>give anon a room
>"oh sorry I get paid friday if that's fine"
>okay sure
>still not paid
>hey anon can you pay me
>haven't seen him
I'm getting played ain't I

>> No.10945279

Nope you aint
only ever allow randos to room if they pay BEFORE the con

>> No.10945281

Dude said he goes to cons all the time in florida so I figured he was good for it... I probably just lost him in this clusterfuck layout.

>> No.10945282

It's kind of lacking but I'd argue the one during lockdown was worse.

>> No.10945284
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ALA Karaoke = Wicked songs

>> No.10945285

Post if someone named "meatwad" is on the queue

>> No.10945287

"Karafun" is fucking cancerous bullshit, zoomers need to learn how to use an aux cable

>> No.10945288

deadest friday nightlife I ever seen

>> No.10945289

ALA on friday night is always dead

>> No.10945291

Are the Cosplay Deviants people lining up to see even more women in Playboy Bunny outfits than the ones already walking around?

>> No.10945293


>> No.10945296

As someone who's gone to every single one of the ALA slutty cosplay contests...this was easily the shittiest one so far

>> No.10945298

Why the fuck are there 2 party gatherings? One outside registration and one on the othet side between the LBCC and Hyatt Regency? That's some high school clique shit right there.

>> No.10945299

I wanna kick the guitar faggot on the second story off the railing

>> No.10945300

>fountain con completely dead
please tell me it'll pick up tomorrow

>> No.10945301

I hate myself for taking a Lime scooter 2 miles. $15. More expensive than a taxi. Kind of fun at least but what a ripoff.

>> No.10945302

Only the tifa/aerith duo and zzz trio are good. The rest is meh, feels like a generic stripper show

>> No.10945304

> all the bunny girl cosplayers I wanted pictures of were busy

>> No.10945307

Ok whats up with these robotech panels, there’s like five of them, they book the biggest rooms and everytime i go there its like 5 guys in the audience. So sad

>> No.10945310

They moved it to outside registration in front of the LBCC.

>> No.10945313

Is there a discord for ALA? what's the word around there?

>> No.10945317

The word is "go fuck yourself"

>> No.10945318

Some of the guys were funny, and one looked like he walked off the set of the Dragostea Din Tei music video

>> No.10945321

Social battery used up. Staying in room all day.

>> No.10945322

This event sucks. I hate interacting people in-person.

>> No.10945324

Any video?

>> No.10945325

Need a goonsesh

>> No.10945327

Are you a cute girl?

>> No.10945331

why are there a lot of troons

>> No.10945332
File: 6 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you spend all ALA in the AMV room alone

>> No.10945334

The real question is why are they such prudes who won't let me grope them

>> No.10945336

lord i occasionally go to LA but never long beach.

Good lord what is that slog from the 405 exit to the actual convention

>> No.10945342


>> No.10945343

> Panty and Stocking cosplayers pole dancing in public
Into the spank bank you go.

>> No.10945344
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>Tfw my next con isn't until AX
It's going to be a long 6 months.

>> No.10945346

Work on another costume

>> No.10945348


>> No.10945349

Rate this ala/10

>> No.10945352

fuck I saw a cute Emilia cosplayer with huge tits but I didn’t get to ask for a picture…

>> No.10945353

Why are all the performing Cosplay Deviants fat?

>> No.10945354


Good times, good cosplays, good layout, panels were meh, scheduling was weird, and vendors were meh

>> No.10945355

I wish I wasn't awkward and could actually like talk to the cute Remilia cosplayer and not just ask for a picture. Like hey worst case we just end up as civil con 2hu mutuals. But nope, always gotta spaghetti and run away, sad!

>> No.10945356

The "Anime Memes" panel was half unavoidable GRIDS and half genuine fun.
I never thought I'd desupost IRL here

>> No.10945358

There were biofem 2hu cosplayers?

>> No.10945360

Touhou panel had a few but didn't see a Remilia there.

>> No.10945363
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This was my first time at a mid sized anime con and i had so much fun. I wish i could stay a bit more.
I’m definitely going to AX this year

Pic related is a personal highlight for me

>> No.10945369

Its over...

>> No.10945371
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>> No.10945375

They should make a clear high viz ribbon to put on their badge that gives us the all clear to grope them in public

>> No.10945378

>Sudden surge of Ranma cosplayers this year

>> No.10945380

Hmmmm its like there was a remake anime recently, not that im complaining about ranma because its one of my all time favorites.

MHA, JJk, Demon slayer ending sure brought actualy diversity in cosplay.

>> No.10945381

Fred Durst is a God among men and the 90s will never die.

>> No.10945385

The party van is here

>> No.10945386

hoyoverse gacha plague is stinger than ever though fml

>> No.10945389 [DELETED] 

How do I get a skinny slut to give me a BJ in exchange for a few pills of ecstacy in the con bathroom stall

>> No.10945391

Surprised me to see at the contest that ALA hasn't reached 20k attendees yet, because it felt larger

>> No.10945393

There's no way any of these vendors can break even, right?

>> No.10945395

If i see a character that has too many bells and whistles ill assume its from genshin/honkai

>> No.10945397
File: 21 KB, 322x305, 1404950073476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to premiere of new Watanabe anime Lazarus
>loud as fuck dudebro sitting in the very front talking like he's in MST3K during the while introduction

>> No.10945400

How come fucking watanabe cant fill one panel room? Are the nu anime crowd this young now?

>> No.10945401

they're holding it on the last day past the check out time for the hotels

>> No.10945403


>> No.10945407

>Rumor mill going around that ALA may not renew contract with the LBCC
Anaheim Convention Center it is! Who's ready for AOC?

>> No.10945411

ALA trying to become AX : winter ed.
Invite good jpn guests, but no one goes to their panels. Invite a large amount of dub whos, who sit around sadly next to booths selling knock off temu merch and prize figs.
ALA is a one day con for ribbons and AA unless you are there to cosplay in a group. This year was really lacking for some reason.

>> No.10945419

Great con. Had a lotta fun.
I was in cosplay 3/4 days and they need those cool photoshoot backdrops / sets where cosplayers can take pics. Like the ones at AX or something. Cosplayers love taking pics in those.
It always seems that the places to get good pictures are limited unless you get creative.

>> No.10945425

You do not want that. The entire section will just get taken over by chinks

>> No.10945426

>This year was really lacking for some reason

in crowds?

>> No.10945427
File: 94 KB, 1600x900, confused-anime-characterwith-question-marks-em7zh9i38i6vd8g7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taken over by chinks
Its an anime con, chinks are kinda the reason we're there?

>> No.10945428

Pretty sure it would still be cool.
I have fun using them at AX.
Just punch Genshin cosplayers in the head if they hog the set for more than 5 min

>> No.10945429

It'll give them a designated spot to infest instead of taking up random spots in hallways and stairwells (they still will but not as much)

>> No.10945430
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Official pose of the con

>> No.10945434

Based ALA security made this con unejoyable.

>> No.10945436

The security was mad funny
Let me in multiple times with unpeacebound weapons, dranks, and they never check the small pockets on bags.

One security bitch tried to hassle me about a piece of my cosplay that was weapon shaped and ig the supervisor that was standing right there was a fat black dude who was just like "naw stop trippin, he good. Thats part of the cosplay"

>> No.10945437

I hope this aint true. I hate the Anaheim Con Center.

Whats the reasoning for not renewing?
Source of your info?

>> No.10945444

con called anime los angeles isnt in los angeles city

>> No.10945452

LACC is too expensive for ALA. Pasadena is too small. LBCC is fine. Let it stay in LA County.

>> No.10945462

Just like AX was for sure leaving to go to the Anaheim Convention Center, right faggot?

>> No.10945463

most of the vendors are just trying to get outreach.
Our booth didn't do very well this year but we still made our table back. The people selling candles and shit have got to be money laundering or they are just retarded

>> No.10945464
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Ribbon haul

>> No.10945478

>Open spaces every where
Did vendors dropped out?

>> No.10945479

We had those back in the Ontario location. No idea why it was never brought back.

>> No.10945481

what's the next LA locals con?

>> No.10945482

First con I've been to, was pretty fun but I spent so much of my time there competing against others at DDR. Shout out to whoever was that Princess Peach cosplayer, she was kicking my ass

>> No.10945483

The arcade is kinda lacking. No drs when anime impulse have it

>> No.10945485

anime impulse LA

>> No.10945489

the funniest shit is ive worked for allied security, those scanners and shit do nothing. lit just random beep every X times. security theater. also they cant legally open your bags and rifle around, they are suppose to use like a metal rod and you can decline them spreading their hand germs in your shit. but they hire -200iq retards so lol.

>> No.10945558

I think i saw a vendor just selling plain old jewellery

>> No.10945574

the scanners they had at ALA were ass. I've seen them used at other events like EVO and the crowd flowed through without ever needing to stop, it was rare for someone to get called out.

>> No.10945582

the scanners are all a sham. they require a ton of energy + someone who knows what they are doing not some stoner retard. its amazing how many people believe security accomplishes jack shit.

>> No.10945599
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One year at AX i walked thru the metal detectors in cosplay with a full metal airsoft pistol under a cape I had and I was so sure it was gonna get confiscated.
When i walked thru it didnt beep.
Turn around and see the metal detector plug was just laying on the ground next to the socket.

>> No.10945601
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Every bikini cosplayer was fat.

>> No.10945602

Who was the retard vendor selling $40 used keychains, I think they were near the huge open space by the itasha cars.

>> No.10945607

>used keychains

how? are they like japan exclusives

>> No.10945612

First time attending ALA, went the full 4 days. Played a bunch of mahjong, rhythm games, checked out panels, cosplay gatherings and the ribbon gimmick was a lot more fun than I thought it'd be.

I've gone to AX previously and I thought the general ambience in ALA was better, less packed as well. Is there anything else aside from industry presence that AX fares better at?

>> No.10945613

This is a 4 day convention?
Should be 3

>> No.10945614

Jpop J rock artists Aidoru

>> No.10945649

ALA should have still been canceled.

>> No.10945657

I liked it being 4, even arriving on Thursday it felt like a really long weekend where typically thursday is a slow boring chill and drink day during 3day cons.

>> No.10945660

keep seething

>> No.10945679

>Day 0 was a week ago
Take me back...

>> No.10945692

The Industry panels that are glorified shitty commercials are what makes AX dogshit

>> No.10945731

I love how people here insist those should be the only panels and that any fan panel is stupid and cringe

>> No.10945739

>AX delays badge and hotel sales by 2 weeks due to the fires
>ALA didn't cancel

>> No.10945742


>> No.10945745

I didn't get laid. Again.

>> No.10945756

why would ala cancel lol

>> No.10945763

You must understand, zoomers are illogical.

>> No.10945764
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While this is true, you're also applying too much sincerity to an insincere doomer (the least powerful, most pathetic race on earth)

>> No.10945770

who was the shadman with the trans cape I know you're in here mother fucker

>> No.10945773

It was Shadman...obviously

>> No.10945779
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I was there and i didnt even see a puff of smoke

its like people didnt learn from COVID that you cant just cancel events spontaneously without the risked of being sued