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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10936500 No.10936500 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know what happend to beethy?
I checked his socials and it's all either removed or abandoned.

>> No.10936502


Going by the dates it looks like the coof got him

>> No.10936616

According to his Twitter, he moved from Australia to the Netherlands in late 2019. After that he just posted a handful of political things. The last one is from October 2022, so I doubt he died of covid like the other anon is implying. Probably got bored of social media during the pandemic and dropped off them like a lot of other people during that time

>> No.10939281 [DELETED] 


>> No.10941108

He was pretty much dropped by a lot of female cosplayers pre-pandemic for his defense of the photographers in his group being called out for sexual harassment if I recall correctly