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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10935920 No.10935920[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

nobody other than white and asian girls should cosplay anime characters, even male ones. It never looks good.

>> No.10935924

Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.10935933

why did all the shitty /r9k/cels move here this is a fucking cosplay and lolita board not a fucking porn board you degenerate cunts. actually kys losers

>> No.10935964

This faggot's been on the same routine for nigh on 20 years now

>> No.10936073

yeah you're right

>> No.10936087

you aint tired of reposting the same racist thread huh

>> No.10936093

itachi doesn’t have bimbo lips and look like an arab hooker

>> No.10936099

Weren't those threads about how asians are "way better" than Caucasians at cosplay? I don't think it's the same anon unless we got some sudden character development.

>> No.10936103

That anon saw the furina cosplay and changed his mind haha