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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 654 KB, 1024x1024, otakon_2024_30th_anniversary_logo_v1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10920428 No.10920428 [Reply] [Original]

I know it's 2 months away, but I don't have anything else to look forward to, anybody else in the same boat? I've got a Marriott Marquis room, a couple of friends, and a few cosplays I haven't worn yet. What can I do to have the most fun there?

>> No.10920446

>What can I do to have the most fun there?
Daydrink so all the lines don't grate on you so much. Ota definitely is not the most fun con there is but if you want to be any bit prolific it's a good spot for pictures and connections if you're willing to make some.

>> No.10920465

>Ota definitely is not the most fun con there is
Second this, unfortunately. Be glad you're going with friends, OP, cause my crew was really the only thing that made it worthwhile. I had some fun in the hotel lobby, went to a couple parties but as a con, it was bordering on bad. REALLY low energy attendees and it just felt like everybody was aimlessly wandering

>> No.10920469
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They're already advertising in DC

>> No.10920473


I noticed this last year, it was like everybody showed up tired, but there were no crowded lines to get in though. There was some energy Sat night but that's it. What are some better energy cons? I assume Dragon Con?

>> No.10920488

For a "legendary" con it was a real letdown. This year is my first Dragon so I can't speak to that one, and I'm not even too big on the other Atlanta cons but those are miles ahead just by enthusiasm alone. ColossalCon Prime and East are always hype too

>> No.10920502

The plus side of Ota is that they manage to bring guests with some amount of real clout behind them and are able to cobble together halfway decent programming compared to something like Katsu(programming isn't why you're at Katsu though)
Over the years Ive grown to enjoy the more laid back atmosphere and somewhat engaging programming with real backing behind it as an inverse to Katsu. If it's not something you're into, it's very easy to be disappointed. I definitely was letdown the first time I went where Katsu '19 was my first ever con and then going to Ota just 5ish months after.

Sidenote, last year at Ota I spent about 70 minutes in line to play one set of Dancerush, the year prior I spent the same time to play one set of Chunithm. The lines can get real bad at Ota as of recent years.

>> No.10920505

>ColossalCon Prime and East are always hype too
Yeah if you can ignore literally everything about the Kalihari beyond the waterpark, I love Colossal too but fuck them resort staff, resort prices, and resort room blocks

>> No.10920819

This year’s guests are pointless if you don’t like FF.

>> No.10921557
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Finally ordered tickets ahead of time, so I am actually planning on having a cosplay together this time around. I've got a few idea in mind, so it is a matter of what will be the most fun (and the most reasonable to make). The most fun at cons for me is just meeting people, so as long as people are hanging around the bar in the evening, I'll consider it a con worth going to. I'm planning on being there Friday and Saturday, but I'm close enough to DC that I'll try to go home instead of getting a hotel room. Although, knowing how things go, I'll probably end up bumming floor space off someone to sleep through the night if it comes to that.
Well, I'll be going so that is one guest that isn't pointless :)
I'll be happy if they have a ton of SDVX machines again, since I can spend hours just playing those. Last year it was especially easy since I only ever had to wait for one or two people to get through their plays before another machine would open up. I can imagine that some of the popular games would have massive lines, though. Project Diva is always one that comes to mind since there are usually only one or two booths + it is a popular game + the songs are usually full length so a single play can be around 10 minutes.

>> No.10921564

Last year's game room was pretty powerful as a Chunithm player. Like 6 cabs and you could just hover over and see what track number everybody was on. Only ever had to wait 8 minutes max inbetween sets with consecutive plays actually being feasible.

>> No.10922258
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that's a big road

>> No.10922280

Yeah, it's always a great feeling looking over your shoulder and seeing nobody waiting in line so you can get the easy back to backs. I will definitely spite play chunithm to get in your way this year if you show up though mhm (I do quite like it but I'm just not very good yet)

>> No.10922817

A lot of people on the staff and volunteer side seemed tired from the get to, too. Wondering how it's going to be this year.

>> No.10922912


That funny because 2022 was a disaster linecon, people waiting hours in the hot sun to get into the building, but energy seemed to be higher once people were at the con. I wonder if their crowd control that fixed the crowding last year ended up making everybody spread out and lower energy.

>> No.10922915

In my experience, it feels like since covid hit cons have just been less social than when I first started attending.

>> No.10922943

I’ve got hope that this year will be good since it’s a milestone. Already sounds like there will be good programming and a lot of people are hyped. Got my Marquis room. I’m ready to drink and people watch.

>> No.10923147

I don't know the area, any good places to stock up on room snacks and booze nearby?

>> No.10923148
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CVS, Walgreens, not much desu. Your best bet is to hit up Costco, Sam's Club, or some other supermarket after dropping your stuff off at the hotel. Implying you're driving to DC that is.
Just filter by liquor stores on whatever map app you use. Hefty chunk of liquor stores all in walking distance.
Imma let all you guys in on something rq. Glass Sanpellegrino bottle, go nuts

>> No.10923153


Trigger and the Trigun stampede studio are gonna be there, that's worth it to me. And they usually announce big guests just a few weeks before the con.

>> No.10923294
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Any of you guys thinking about going to any of the anison shows that weekend? Some AnisonHijack+Aniparty guys are doing shows at the Black Cat on the 2nd and 3rd while there was another happening at Soundcheck on the 3rd as well. I really like the Black Cat (and I recognize the Hijack guys) so I was leaning towards that Friday show, but wanted to see if anyone else was thinking about going to any of them.

>> No.10923297


This is the best tip I've heard all year

>> No.10923372

Do you guys think that Otakon is a top 5 anime con in the US? I'm guessing LA and NYC are 1 & 2 at the very least. Also when can we expect the schedule to release? I'm planning on skipping one of the days but not sure which one.

>> No.10923376

What metric are you judging on? just size?

>> No.10923452


Yeah, it's definitely in the running after AX and ANYC. Otakon is in this weird space where it isn't quite an industry con like the big 2, but it's not totally a party con like Colossalcon, and it doesn't get the big cosplay attention like Katsucon. It's kind of stuck in the past for better or worse.

>> No.10923506

I used to frequent Otakon when it was in Baltimore 2005 - 2016 (whatever year it stopped being there). Some of the best con memories of my life. Now I am ancient by anime con standards (super late 30s). AMA

>> No.10923569


What was it like just walking around back then? Seems like nowadays people just keep to their own groups, and everyone is just too busy to interact with anyone they don't know.

>> No.10923571


So, Otakon has always been the "4chan" anime con because moot used to have panels there. It attracted a lot of the ancientfag anons back then. It was like meeting 4chan irl, some very fun times. I met a lot of anons in person and they are all actually very good people as I still keep up with them on social media to this day.

That being said things were more social back in the day, it was less corporate if that makes sense. Back then when you cosplayed, it wasn't for online clout or onlyfans, it was for the love of the series. I don't know if there is too much of that anymore, maybe among the 18-22 year old crowd. I would say people keeping to their own groups didn't really start until 2012 ish.

>> No.10923605

God those truly were the days. The inner harbor was so alive. Even doing the annual 2+ hour wait outside for prereg feels like a fond memory now. People sleeping in that dark hallway of the convention center. Ice cold water guy.

Vibe just isn’t the same in DC, but it wouldn’t be the same in Baltimore now either. The inner harbor is a ghost town.

>> No.10923638

I wonder if anything can be done to recapture the feel of those old days? The big problem it feels like is that otakon doesn't have a big hangout area. All the spaces are medium sized and you're expected to keep moving. The Marquis lobby is big, but it's far enough from the con that it doesn't become packed until night.

>> No.10923855

I went once in 2013 and the guests were good and it seemed alright, wasn't nearly as exciting as such a large con is advertised. But it was fun, a lot of effort goes into cosplays but I was also a retarded sperg, got massively fucked up, somehow wound up at a rave, threw an entire pitcher of vomit onto some guy after me and my buddy took turns puking in it (we pitched it over a fence not knowing someone was on the other side), generally made a mess of the place, then passed out and walked to waffle house.

Now that I'm typing this out I guess it was pretty entertaining.

>> No.10923908

Tempted to go. I swing by the city on Saturday to meet up with friends in the evening. Is the cosplay good for random hallshots?

>> No.10923940

Hell, you can just pull up outside the convention center and get pics of people chilling outside. Get a nice panoramic from the sidewalk.

>> No.10924056


Cosplayers tend to hang out around the Marquis lobby, Carnegie library, and other spots outside the convention center, which is dark and has awful lighting.

>> No.10924760

Don't forget the Convention Bridge connecting the stairwell and the main hall (video game room)

>> No.10924844

Got my badge in the mail today, so I guess keep an eye out for those, guys.

>> No.10924853

Welp, badge activation didn't work so I guess we'll have to circle back to that another time

>> No.10925102

>Back then when you cosplayed, it wasn't for online clout or onlyfans

Where are people getting the idea that this is why people cosplay now? Did I miss something or is it just terminally online brainrot?

I cosplay just for fun, I only use Facebook, and I don't know any other cosplayers, for reference

>> No.10926214

I went for the first time last year. It was fun, but nothing like Katsucon where people are a lot more social and high energy. The line to get in on Friday was super long and it felt like forever since there was a heatwave. So I would say brace yourself for that because I was not ready.

Also make sure you get in line early. I missed the masquerade as well as getting into the rave because it was apparently at max capacity. I'm not sure how big the rooms were because, again, it was my first time but I'm use to Katsucon where you can just strut in at anytime. DESU waiting in line for the masquerade was kinda funny though because we were surrounded by angry, drunk cosplayers.

I spent most of my time in the gaming hall. They had much more variety and it was packed unlike Katsu where it's a ghost town. I liked their Artist Alley and Dealer's Hall better too.

It's still a fun con and I'll be going again this year. I agree with everyone saying it's low energy. I plan on pregaming this year lol.

>> No.10926217

Katsu is garbage when it comes to actual programming. Kind of stupid to compare the two cons when Katsu literally exists for drinking and photo ops and nothing else

>> No.10926291

Do you know comparing/contrasting consists of?

>> No.10926298

You're not supposed to think critically. Just grovel, complain, hone your reactions times on how quickly you can be a disagreeable asshat and above all else: It's over. It will be more over tomorrow, but it will neve be overest or else you'll have to stop complaining

>> No.10926642

>I guess we'll have to circle back to
they've got you. you've worked too much in an office that you think those words mean anything

>> No.10926992

Anon, it can't be true.... I'm still one of the cool kids... Don't tell me this is how it all ends...

>> No.10927018

Let's touch base on this at another time, preferably at your earliest convenience. To clear the air on any potential miscommunication and allowing us to move forward in facilitating mutual cooperation. What's your schedule for next week looking like?

>> No.10927150

My upcoming work schedule is currently up in the air. There has been a project in the works since before the holiday, but I am still waiting to get my shipments certified. I've been trying to get Rene to fast-track the shipment, but you know how she can be with certs. I'm going to talk to her again tomorrow when I get in and she can, hopefully, give me at least a timeline if not get me my certs. If not tomorrow, then I should definitely have a timeline by EoW since I'm going to have to get Chris involved at that point. I hope this doesn't cause too much trouble for you, but unfortunately my hands are tied in this matter.

>> No.10927535

Yeah DESU Colossalcon is going down the shitter. It's still great for room parties but that's pretty much it now. I can't even say the water park makes it worth it at this point. They shut down the entire outdoor water park at Prime for that "foam party" bullshit during peak hours on Saturday. Don't even get me fucking started on East. Staff (the water park staff in particular) absolutely hates attendees and does everything they can to fuck with them.
The convention itself is the absolute shits.

>> No.10928075

Is this the method? Anyone have any other tips for getting booze in? I've only done it at katsu where there's 0 security so i'm not sure of the best way

>> No.10928146

>Is this the method
Worked for me. That pic is from when I attended last year. It's pretty inconspicuous, had like 400ml of vodka in the dealer hall and then did karaoke pissed out my fucking mind.
You can also just have a backpack on you that aint too horrifically overstuffed with liquor to the point that it imprints. Provided you're going through the main entrance(not via the connected Marriott building) and you don't have anything in there that trips the metal detector, you're golden.
The sanpelle bottle is just good for getting a nice quantity in there for the whole day without having to bring a backpack with you cause holy shit walking around cons with a bag kind of fucking blows if you don't have a close-by hotel

>> No.10928467

For people who care about anime, otakon is way better than katsucon. For people who care about getting black out drunk and socializing, katsucon is way better than otakon.

>> No.10928533

I'll be going for the first time as a vendor this year, so I'm excited.

Ice-cold-water guy is still as active as ever in BMore. Go to an O's game and you'll hear him for sure.

>> No.10928542

First time going, what are the lines like at this one? How early should I be lining up?

>> No.10928583


If you're talking about getting into the con center, you can use any bottle, those Arizona iced tea ones that are tinted work great. Or you can just drink in the Marriott lobby, which also has several bars.

>> No.10928584


Last year there were basically no lines. In 2022, I waited 2 hours just to get in the door. So who knows if they'll keep the crowd control improvements they made.

>> No.10928586
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What days are everyone planning on going? I've got the full weekend, so I'll be heading up Friday after work, and spending that and Saturday there. I've a friend who might want to grab a hotel room Friday night, but otherwise it is another case of "stay busy all night or drive home. I'm also planning on going to the Anison Hijack shows up at the black cat both nights too.
As well, what are people thinking about for meeting up? I was going to try to pull people out to the music on Friday at least, since there are a handful of good food/drinking places nearby to the venue. I figure Saturday is more a "what happens, happens" sort of night so I don't really want to plan on anything too solid then.
There's no bag check, right? I don't remember there being any last years, but I'm just wondering how brazen I can be this time around.

>> No.10928588
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Looks like there is bag checks

>> No.10928595

"They will not be checking for food and drink"
All I needed to see. I'm not gonna be smuggling 12 packs or anything, but it is nice to know that I don't have to even worry about a "water bottle" in my bag.

>> No.10928721

How bad can I expect the Flow line to be if I don't have a VIP pass? Is there a real risk of not getting in at all?

>> No.10928730

Nah, actually getting in the building once you've already done reg is perfectly fine.

>> No.10928746

The con that has 3 video rooms and only shows old shit with no debuts that aren't new dub releases cares about anime? Not so sure about that one chief. If you want to go sit in poorly executed panels and get turned around in lines because of panel caps then sure, go to Otakon.

>> No.10928747

The red shirts poke around in your bag for like 2 seconds with a wooden spoon. If you go in through the Marriott they barely even check had no problems going in and out with a ton of camera gear last year.

>> No.10928763

I'm glad he's still alive after all these years.

>> No.10929526

Is otakon a con where there's a higher than normal chance of getting laid like anime expo or katsukon? I mean, the hotel is right there so there should be some chances right?

>> No.10929626

Why the fuck does the lolita tea party cost $70? For the price I’d expect it to be hosted at an actual venue, but it’s in a panel room. Guarantee it’ll be Costco croissants and prepackaged tea.

>> No.10929661
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I'll be there so you have a very high chance of getting laid if you know what I mean haha

>> No.10929697
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based puppet bro, are you planning on cosplaying anyone from TBF?
i'll be cosplaying Shin from Dorohedoro this year if you see me around. i'll probably be hovering around the Jubeat machines a lot of the days.

>> No.10929711
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I don't want to get laid but I would like a GF or someone I could go with that would cosplay as Vannila or Chocola from nekopara.

>> No.10929791

Any % increase of 0 is still 0 anon.

>> No.10930018
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I wish I could go as one of the TBF guys (probably Setsu Mu Sho or Sho Fu Kan) but those are currently well out of my skill/time/money abilities. I'm more of a closet cosplay guy personally since I'm more suited for the casual stuff. I might whip out Macchio-san again, so just look for the guy in a full blue tracksuit. Regardless, I'll say hey if I catch you around

>> No.10930045

Realistically, what are the chances that I could meet a cute autist girl? I don't care about taking her to my hotel room to fuck, I just want to find potential love. I'm not planning to just prowl the con for girls, but I would like to at least talk to some people. I'm not that ugly and I'm okay at talking to strangers, but i also have zero relationship experience.

>> No.10930054

High to talk to one. If you want to have a nice interaction with an actually autistic person look for board game rooms and quiet places that someone who might be overwhelmed by the sensory stuff of a con might go to take a break. Sometimes cons will have reading rooms for manga, which might be hard to talk to people in but they will be there.
I do find board game rooms a good slow paced place to talk to people who at least feel the need during something like this to take it easy for a bit. Usually a good sign they are at least chill with autistic sensibilities.

But you are going to meet autistic people at cons. These things are literally built by autistic people historically.

>> No.10930083

Thank you for the insight anon. Sharing an activity like a board game sounds like a fun way to interact with someone. I imagine it would be pretty awkward to hit on some random girl on the floor if we aren't already chatting about something. I just want to find somebody with similarly niche interests, even if we don't overlap that much, someone that has actual interests past a surface level passion for anime.

>> No.10930096


seconding the other anon, do your niche thing at cons and talk to ppl, but also do some things a little outside your comfort zone too. Sometimes you get beginners luck and meet somebody in the same unfamiliar situation. Try the con rave for a little bit

>> No.10930139

>Try the con rave for a little bit
I've never been to a rave before, do people usually talk? I thought it was more for dancing.

>> No.10930192

Exactly. Plus, as an autistic girl just walking up and hitting on them probably isn't the most comfortable strategy anyway. Often they won't notice what the intent is until later and at worst they might be too embarrassed to follow up later because of it.

All the best friendships and relationships for me and other people I have talked to about it do stem out of shared interests and understanding of their comfort levels. And for whoever needs to hear this, it is not creepy to try to spend time around people who like the things you like to try and meet romantic partners.

This shouldn't be a thing people worry about, but I know loud people can act like men are only creeping around with bad intentions at these things. Most people don't see it that way if you talk to them and as long as you are paying attention to the best of your ability and apologize sincerely when you overstep a boundary of someone people in these spaces are really forgiving.

>> No.10930228

>do niche thing at con and talk to people
I genuinely don't know how to do this. I don't know how to talk to randoms at all

>> No.10930263

Honestly, if you come to a con trying to look for love and hookups, you're dumb as hell. It never ends well so you need to re-think this. Like, goddamn...

>> No.10930274

>This shouldn't be a thing people worry about, but I know loud people can act like men are only creeping around with bad intentions at these things. Most people don't see it that way if you talk to them and as long as you are paying attention to the best of your ability and apologize sincerely when you overstep a boundary of someone people in these spaces are really forgiving.

I wish more people said this. Feels like if you make any such attempts the consequences are dire, you'll be shunned from the community and labeled a predator, creep, etc and have your face posted in all kinds of Facebook groups and discords.

>> No.10930330

There’s an autism panel on Friday for all you tards

>> No.10930342

Couldn't be me! (And won't help anyone who actually shows up either)

>> No.10930410

It's been long enough now. I admit it. I'm the guy who recorded the pickle rick party rock song that was featured on /tv/ https://soundcloud.com/sirprincedrewbug/memes-aka-pickle-rock-aka-party-rick-aka-deleted-monday
I will be at Otakon, and I will see the same 4-6 people at the meetup I always do.

shout outs domon, avian sewer, military seamster, guy with sword, the ones I don't remember but we drank soju. https://soundcloud.com/sirprincedrewbug/memes-aka-pickle-rock-aka-party-rick-aka-deleted-monday
it was me. it was always me. I might email snacks and see if he's gonna dj at magfest again see if I can be his hypeman and sing this and some stuff from /v/ the musical that I also did.

>> No.10930445

they should bring back speed dating

>> No.10930448

Everytime they try to it's full of guys and a handful of girls.
The last time I hosted one at a con there were only 2 girls and 28 guys. The funniest part is the girls were both lesbians and they left together 10 minutes in leaving all the guys who were incredibly socially awkward just standing around.

>> No.10930604

Have you ever seen one of these succeed?

>> No.10931004

Depends on 2 factors.
Are you tall? +50%
Are you Asian? +50%
If you have both, it’s GGs.

>> No.10931045

Friend got me a ticket last minute to the maid cafe to not go alone. What should I expect?

>> No.10931092

is it typically hot in the convention center? I'll be in a heavy latex mask and a double layered long sleeve shirt and pants. I don't want to die if a heatstroke.

>> No.10931095
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Im a rich defense contractor from DC, and going to Otakon. Looking for date with a girl(s) who will cosplay as anyone from Nekopara (perfer Vannila) or older animes like Kurumo from Rosario vampire. Willing to pay for hotel room, meals, cosplay (if needed), photoshoots and local travel in DC if desired.
Not asking for or expecting sexual favors or any other werid requests. Besides I'm going back to Japan (live/work) where that sorta thing is a 1000x better and nearly guareenteed on a 3rd "date".

Inb4 screaming c-gulls I don't care.


>> No.10931097

I'm an even richer defense contractor and I will pay you even more to not attend Otakon.

>> No.10931100

Kek stay mad. DC is a dump anyway and the only reason to be here is for money and "status" even the Feddies know what a scam it is and more cynical than I am

>> No.10931101

Youre joking right? Leave the winter cosplays for winter cons newbie. Unless youre one of those people like me that wears hoodies and jeans in the middle of summer.

>> No.10931113

if i wanted someone to pay for my things id just open my ig dms. even the way you type is icky

>> No.10931114

Absolute LARP, to even get to that 90% of paterons paying for cosplay stuff you need to drop at least 40lbs.

>> No.10931115

you type like an insufferable faggot, maybe you should try your luck with men.

>> No.10931118
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>type like an insufferable faggot
Sorry I'm not a troon. You should apply at a glowie three letter for cyber forensics since you got the skills.

>> No.10931120

open ig as in getting my friends to help me? you probably only use discord lol. going out of your way to say you dont expect favors, assuming every woman has a patreon, then sperging out abt percentages when you dont get your way. embarrassing

>> No.10931121

i mean just the fact that you're on 4chan asking this... sad

>> No.10931128
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Hey I am not a defense contractor and I don't make a lot of money, but I will buy (you) a drink if you come and hang out with me Friday/Saturday haha

>> No.10931131

do I have to be a girl?

>> No.10931143

Just cancelled my rooms. This con serves no purpose with ANYC weeks away.

>> No.10931145
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Catch me late enough and I won't be able to tell the difference.
Regardless, if I do post about setting up at the hotel bar, come by to shoot the shit for a little bit at the very least. I like chatting with anon at cons

>> No.10931149

Man, the guy who usually hosts the orgies doesn't live in DC anymore so it's called off this year. Sad.

>> No.10931162

I wanna fuck, what about that?

>> No.10931167
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>This con serves no purpose with ANYC weeks away
Yep. That's a "LOL" from me.

>> No.10931180


I'm from NY and ANYC is boring as shit. Otakon isn't perfect, but at least it's a real con.

>> No.10931182

There's another party going on but the entry requirements are kinda sketchy

>> No.10931207
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What are you on about? I LOVE Thursday being 5 hours, I LOVE that it's almost totally spent on VIP holders, I LOVE lights out at 9, I HECKING LOVE for-profit conventions charging $100 for a day pass

>> No.10931213

Holy shit the arcade room has an impressive selection this year. Anyone want to play me in Waku Waku 7? Too bad they don't have Akatsuki Blitzkampf again though.

>> No.10931214

Anime NYC is fucking garbage.

>> No.10931215

They debuted High Score Girl at Otakon.

>> No.10931221
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>Bigger = better
>Line go up = good!!
A crippling disorder. Seemingly no cure in sight. Sending them my regards

>> No.10931277

Guys lets be optimistic about this year, yeah? We're going to have the entire javitz this time, they're going to use that space wisely.....right?

>> No.10931287

>AnimeNext dies of retardism
>Anime NYC is fine

>> No.10931291
File: 146 KB, 512x512, kurisigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know they're REAL confident in their awesome event too. That's why they ran an ad for it when I watched Mononoke in theaters...over 1000 miles away

>> No.10931334
File: 51 KB, 975x600, leon-s-kennedy-from-re4-remake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My buddies and I will be at Ota this year doing free photoshoots, throwing parties, etc. Would love to hang with some anons just to have a bigger/liver group (and we won't rape you like >>10931095 totally will). If you see me around, I'll be the retard dressed as Leon Kennedy from RE4.

If we find the right party, I'm planning to bring a shit ton of booze and a champagne gun - last year, we did something similar and it got so twisted that this one cosplayer ripped her top off (good) and then tried to stab someone with one of her wig pins (bad). Good memories.

Is anyone else doing the bar crawl or deadlift competition?

>> No.10931339

That does sound appealing as fuck, but man the thought of one of my cosplays getting fucked up with sprays of champagne is a tinge off putting. Leons aren't *too* popular though, so if I'll see you I'll say hi, maybe toss in a "/cgl/" so you'll know

>> No.10931343

What's with all the drunks...? Don't any of you have personalities...? I don't want to do drugs I just want to have fun and make friends...

>> No.10931349
File: 144 KB, 1024x758, 1703115875009809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it you'll be around all weekend? Either way, I'll say hey if I catch you around
>bar crawl
Where's this stuff getting organized? I've never been one for social media, so I end up miss out on a lot of community stuff

>> No.10931359

Hell yeah man, I'll be around. I'm also doing free photoshoots, so don't feel shy about interrupting me if you see me and my other buddies fucking around with a camera and looking distracted.

>but man the thought of one of my cosplays getting fucked up with sprays of champagne is a tinge off putting.
Oh yeah, I have a hard and fast rule to make people not fire it off randomly. It's basically a really fancy way to pour it into your mouth if I have anything to say about it. The bigger issue is, stupidly enough, people spraying walls and wasting champagne while pissing off cleaning staff.

>What's with all the drunks...?
Drinking != being a drunk. I barely drink myself because I'm a /fit/-obsessed loser, but it's also pretty key for getting some otherwise socially awkward people at cons to loosen up a bit. Case in point, I know one guy who was basically a wallflower until we pounded him full of rum, next thing you know he's in some threesome with two chicks dressed as Sonic and Tails (I recognize this is not entirely a "win," but yeah).

>Where's this stuff getting organized?
Unfortunately, social media. If you're in town, it's getting kicked off at 8pm on Thurs at Rocker Bar in Chinatown. They'll hand out wristbands and move as a pack. With that said, it'd behoove you to end up on the Whatsapp group, if you have that - don't wanna post it here, but you can easily find it on the 21+ Discord / Facebook group / other sources.

>> No.10931360
File: 646 KB, 1200x1000, 1579625547838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the contradiction? There are plenty of types here who aren't into drinking and druggery. They also won't come to a meetup or they'll be the first to leave

>> No.10931362

thinking about going to otakon, would it be fun for a 16 yr girl like me? :c

>> No.10931363
File: 42 KB, 570x601, 1720448905304453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been to Otakon since it was in Baltimore. What's the vibe like now that it's in DC?

I remember Baltimore was always a shitshow because of the disjointed convention center layout and the con staff changing the way you enter certain rooms (like the dealer's room) every fucking year to something different, so you'd always be fucking lost and would have to re-learn which building entrance you're supposed to use every year. Shit drove us crazy.

I hope the Ice Cold Water guy is thriving.

>> No.10931367

Yes but only if you're okay with me sexing you. Dress as Kagamine Rin during it please.

>> No.10931368

It's fine. Just make sure to bring a machete or something to cut your way through all the sub-human homeless who harass everyone.

>> No.10931370

only if you buy me the cosplay and be my devoted fan ever :3

>> No.10931382
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>kicked off at 8pm on Thurs
Ah, unfortunate since I'll be checking out the music at the Black Cat during that time, of which I'll have to dip out kinda early since I'm still planning on going to work on Friday. We'll see how that goes because I'm heading right back to the con around 3 once I get off work. I'm probably going to be destroyed come Saturday night, but that's half the fun of cons, no? I did pop into the discord but I guess I need to give my phone number to talk in there. Never ran into that before with a server, but what can you do.
>because I'm a /fit/-obsessed loser
Feeling fit, buddy?

>> No.10931384

They did a good job clearing them away from the center last year and there's supposed to be events happening in the yard across the con, so I think they wouldn't be too much of an issue unless you are coming from the Chinatown stop

>> No.10931386

Totally understand! Definitely try to find me and the crowd on Sat. We'll be spending a LOT of the day doing shoots, and we can plug you in to stuff in the evening.

Off the top of my head, there's a cow-themed meetup on Sat night you might want to join. Gotta wear a cow outfit (you could literally just use a marker and put spots on a white shirt, it's low key). The kicker is that a LOT of the folks who are gonna party hard and not just go to an off-site rave are going to this, it's gonna likely be pretty fun, and I'm going to bring ~20+ bottles of booze to it:
facebook dot com slash events slash 1189502922373109

>> No.10931390

Sure but if I'm going to do that you're going to bring your 9 - 11 year old sister and have her dress as Len.

>> No.10931391
File: 298 KB, 877x643, 1711329397335670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gotta wear a cow outfit
Man, what a strange way for me to find out that I have worn through all of my plain white shirts. If I can shore something up in the hour or two I have free tomorrow afternoon, I'll definitely meet up with you guys. I'm also not too far from DC, so I metro in, which means I've either got to wear it all day or carry it all day. Man, really wish I reached out for feelers a bit earlier so I could have planned ahead a bit more cause it seems like a fun bunch. Regardless, I'll likely be hanging around the marquis bar by that time anyways, so if I don't catch you during the day I'll try to say hi then.

>> No.10931396

This year is the first time the Matsuri will be held in DC on Thursday.

>> No.10931403
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that's like, half the fun of conventions tho
just look for something about a person that you could use as a conversation starter, usually something like their cosplay/clothes if it's something you have in common

>> No.10931404
File: 527 KB, 667x708, patch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds based, I already have a group but feel free to say hi if you see a dude cosplaying jake from RE6, it's 100% guaranteed to be me lol

>> No.10931405 [DELETED] 
File: 215 KB, 499x458, 1645949043827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well best of luck to ya cause this is me here >>10920465 and I've never seen a colder crowd than Otakon. Don't take this as some "Woe is me, everybody's all in their own world and they don't talk to strangers :'(" rant. That's literally the opposite of how I roll, so it felt even weirder to go 11/10 with the belting at karaoke or be straight up ignored when I complimented somebody. Not all bad either, I hung with a rando for a bit and made some new friends. But even they (relatively "normal") got pissed at everybody brushing them off during the bar crawl. Something was just...odd. Robotic is the best I can describe it
>Captcha: OTK40

>> No.10931406

Nah. I don't talk to anyone because I hate people. I enjoy the arcade and art.

>> No.10931407
File: 215 KB, 499x458, 1645949043827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well best of luck to ya cause this is me here >>10920465 and I've never seen a colder crowd than Otakon. Don't take this as some "Woe is me, everybody's all in their own world and they don't talk to strangers :'(" rant. That's literally the opposite of how I roll, so it felt even weirder to go 11/10 with the belting at karaoke to a super dead crowd or be straight up ignored when I complimented somebody for the only time ever. Not all bad either, I hung with a rando for a bit and made some new friends. But even they (relatively "normal") got pissed at everybody brushing them off during the bar crawl. Something was just...odd. Robotic is the best I can describe it

>> No.10931453

This con is going to suck. Why am I even going? I don't have any money to spend on things. I won't be able to enjoy the events knowing what I'll have to go back to.
Can any of you shoot or stab me there or something?

>> No.10931456

Based, I'll try to find you.

If it helps to know, the Otakon crowd is a hair different from the Colossalcon crowd (or equivalents) because it's more generally public and less of an explicit party. As a result, it attracts people with much more crippling autism who have no idea how to interact normally. They WANT to be friendly/normal but have no idea how and/or their batteries run out.

Case in point, last Otakon, I had to gently explain to some guy that he was 100% stalking some poor girl. He was literally camping out outside of her hotel room with flowers and shit. From his perspective, he was doing some sort of grand romantic gesture. Obviously it was not welcome

It's also not uncommon for the more social crowd (e.g., me and my friends) to covertly abandon weirdos, meaning that you end up with pockets of hyper-social friendly people moving around at breakneck speed and a lot of smaller pockets of absolute fuckin weirdos who "lost their group." If you ever see some turboautists whining that nobody is responding to their texts to meet up "the next day," that's probably what happened.

>I don't have any money to spend on things.
Shit's overpriced anyway. Find a party with free booze, we can hook you up.

>I won't be able to enjoy the events knowing what I'll have to go back to.
Can't help you here lol

>> No.10931460 [DELETED] 

You sound like a complete douchebag. If I find your shitty cosplay prepare your neck to get introduced to my knife.

>> No.10931462

>dude just get drunk with me and my faggot group of lonely retards! XD
uh, I'm miserable but I'm not THAT miserable lol

>> No.10931464

NTA but if you were truly not "that miserable" you probably wouldn't be spending your time shitting on someone trying to create a fun and inviting space for other people mate. Might not be your crowd but why be bitter about it?

>> No.10931468
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>Instant, visceral seethe
Lolmoa! I never expected a CC type setting, not when it's in the heart of the city and a huge center. Call it a "your mileage may vary" opinion but really, it was the general attendees were the cagiest and least enthusiastic. My trick for literally filtering out the boring types is waiting for vendor hall to close, and it was the biggest divide between day crowd vs night crowd I've ever seen. At the Marriott Marquis anyway. Saturday night was peak SOVL
>absolute fuckin weirdos
I don't suppose by ANY CHANCE this includes a tacticool bro?

>> No.10931474

>i am the only person in the world who understands misery
ok dude

>> No.10931475

Will there be Karaoke? I always wanted to try Karaoke.

Just stay inside the vendor hall after it closes?

>> No.10931476

>shitting on someone trying to create a fun and inviting space for other people
As he literally explained how he abandoned other people trying to have fun because he thought they were "autists"? The guy is a total douchebag. Stay away.

>> No.10931477

Boring types leave when vendor hall closes
Ok, autist

>> No.10931483

Shut up faggot type. Hope you drink yourself to death.

>> No.10931489

>I don't suppose by ANY CHANCE this includes a tacticool bro?
Lol yup. I've actually had bad experiences with those types - one dude brought a loaded fuckin Glock 19 to a suite party because he wanted to "show it off to girls," whereas another literally started cutting himself with some sorta knife he brought. I think their heart can be in the right place (passion about /k/-type shit), but it can go from "amusing and quirky" to "lmao the DC police department is on its way" surprisingly quickly.

>The guy is a total douchebag.
Accurate, I am

>> No.10931491
File: 791 KB, 651x651, 7e7098f4797238d6b05eecdcd942b860.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOOOO you HAVE TO listen to me ramble about shit no one's interested in!
>I WILL keep going on about it after everyone's stopped pretending to be polite!
>It's NOT my fault if you think I'm an annoying asshole!!! WAIT WHERE ARE YOU GOING?
"Lol." This should go straight in the bin with all other zero-effort trolls, but I'm in a generous mood. A "space" stops being "fun and inviting" when the weirdo won't take a hint. Leaving you behind is the last resort before saying "Go away". Even more importantly, why do you wanna hang with these types at all if you hate drinking and partying? Your move.
And here I was referring to one specific guy but it doesn't match his description (that I can tell). They're pretty interchangeable either way, if we're being desu
>I think their heart can be in the right place
Sure. I've got one in my crew though it gets frustrating when he wants my help on acquiring con gf, yet communicates entirely in meme spam or grunts
>one dude brought a loaded fuckin Glock 19 to a suite party
Oh also yeah...let's try to avoid a second Anime Central if possible

>> No.10931494
File: 543 KB, 724x648, be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOOOO you HAVE TO listen to me ramble about shit no one's interested in!
isnt' that what ur dong right now

>> No.10931495

I'm interested in whatever it is you two are getting into, anon

>> No.10931497
File: 2.21 MB, 1135x1040, 0087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obvious lolicon
Alright, maybe you're not such a douchebag like that other guy said. I'm not interested in parties AT ALL but I like bideo james if you want to meet up and play video games.

>> No.10931515
File: 2.22 MB, 1654x2339, 1672832213704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He stopped reading after the first line
>Another zero-effort "NO YOU"
I'm afraid it ends there. Arguing in good faith with losers is pointless. Party people gonna party, tismso gonna tism and cry that no one likes them (LOL!!)

So how's your weekend looking?
See? Being friendly isn't so hard. Sounds like a plan too, since that's where I did a good chunk of my mingling last year

>> No.10931516

How is the Matsuri doing today?

>> No.10931518
File: 146 KB, 1000x1000, g04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool. I like fighting games and other stuff. I'm this guy >>10931213.
I'm the NOTICEABLY ugly guy with glasses wearing this shirt if you want to say hi and play stuff. My friend sucks ass at fighting games it's really annoying.
Saturday and Sunday I'll probably be wearing other Miku shirts too.

>> No.10931525

>tfw want to hang out with anons but I'm ugly and slightly overweight and don't want to be made fun of
it's so over, at least my costume has a mask to trick people about the ugly part

>> No.10931528
File: 2.15 MB, 4000x1868, 20240801_173425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here getting their passes? It's just too hot to do anything today outside.

>> No.10931529
File: 252 KB, 755x830, 1722367436096652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish moot would Come back it doesn't feel the same.

>> No.10931533

nta, but
>miku shirt
Hell yeah. I take it you went to the show this year? I shelled out so that I could get on rail, and it was a great show. shame I wore my Luka shirt today and not during the con, but I'll say hi if I catch you around. I'll probably be camping the rhythm games for a good couple hours on Friday. Not sure what I'll be wearing tomorrow, as my plans got shuffled around on the account of it being so god damn hot.

>> No.10931549

Im fat as fuck and if anyone invites me to smoke or drink and party Im so down. Why give a fuck? Youre at Ota for fucks sake, youre with like people

>> No.10931551

You here? I'm dude with the camera in the white hawaii shirt and NERV "ID".

>> No.10931552

Any big con drama or tea about guests? The event in the park seems like a bad idea

>> No.10931554
File: 805 KB, 561x608, HoloSmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be cool, and everyone's cool too. No one's a dick without reason, at least not a malicious dick. It's just a bitta bants and all that, ya know what I mean?

Also plz take a picture if you spot the Prince cosplayer, he's cool

>> No.10931555

Name something exciting happening at Otakon besides FLOW performing. I'll wait.

>> No.10931556

>youre with like people
lol nah
All those surface-level shallow people are all below me.

>> No.10931557

who's flow

>> No.10931559
File: 862 KB, 326x326, autism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. no-friend autist who gets ghosted because no one was cool enough to handle his "deep" "monologues"

>> No.10931563

Fuck yeah. Went to the DC show. You?
To be honest it kind of sucked because I was deeply sick from allergies. I really wish they brought the actual Miku band. They're so much better than the other guys Crunchyroll brought.

Also not related but I won 2 tickets to Magical Mirai. I'm way too poor to afford to go and I really shouldn't have entered the lottery in the first place. You want them?

>> No.10931571

oh shit are you the same luka guy from last year

>> No.10931572

Oh yeah and I somehow forgot to mention I heckin love rhythm games. I'll probably spend way too much time waiting in line at the Taiko machines.

>> No.10931575

Hope I dont overdo green and be dead all weekend. Thinking of waiting till sundown to fuck with substances

>> No.10931577

I’m already faded as shit, did two blinkers in a row

>> No.10931581


>> No.10931587

not him, but which rhythm games are considered a bit more beginner friendly? I'm only recently getting into them and Jubeat is the only one that has really "clicked" for me and ive heard it described as babbies first rhythm game. games like sound voltex look super intimidating, I'm pretty bad at rhythm games in general. (I'm still gonna play them all anyways though)

>> No.10931591
File: 64 KB, 300x300, ab67616d00001e024f3a5c1cfc04e4507a65137f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want the real answer for beginner friendly rhythm games you'd stay away from arcades entirely and just spend time on gacha rhythm games like Project Sekai or Starlight Stage.

Now I care about you as a person so I'm not going to recommend you do that. I'll give it to you straight and tell you no arcade rhythm game is going to be easy on upper levels. In which case I say play stuff that have simple control schemes like Taiko no Tatsujin, Groove Coaster, or DDR/Pump It Up to ease yourself into it and fight the music instead of the controls.
Sound Voltex can look intimidating, sure, but it's honestly nothing compared to Beatmania (IIDX) or even Pop'N music. Those are truly evil games so give Sound Voltex a shot if you want to get into it. You can also try Ongeki. That one is very fun and is like a Sound Voltex Lite.

But yeah, the most important thing is sticking to what you find fun. If you like Jubeat then keep at it. You'll get godly before you know it so long as you play consistently.

>> No.10931625

Maids and butlers serve you some snacks and drinks (this was on hold since covid but is coming back thjs year) Your table gets assigned one who tries to entertain the table with small talk and games, then there’s a big dance performance. It’s nowhere near as professional as actual japanese maid cafes but it’s decent imo

>> No.10931644

So you admit the con is dead as fuck and a shell of its former self. A convention should be about the programming and hanging out with friends. Not just cosplay and hanging out with friends. 22 and 23 were my first two years going to Ota after the move to DC and both of them were slop. The most hype thing that happened all weekend last year was fucking Digimon. I didn't ask for Katsucon lite.

>> No.10931645

I really enjoyed the show because I met up with someone off /jp/, so I ended up talking with them and a bunch of people in the crowd too. Yeah, there was a lot about the tour that I wish went better, but it is always fun for me to hang out with people passionate about the things I like.
Now, would I like MM tickets? Of course, but can I afford them and a trip to Japan right now? Sadly, no. I'd love to go one day, but 2024 is not the year for that.
The easiest game that I think they'll have is probably Nostalgia. It is the one where the controller looks like a piano, but it functions more as a long touchpad and is very generous with what is considered a hit as far as lining up the notes goes. Similar to what the other anon said, rhythm games tend to look a lot more intimidating than they really are. If you're unfamiliar, they might look like a sort of puzzle of figuring out the notes to hit and when, but songs are (usually) charted very logically and everything just kinda flows together if you have a decent grasp on musical rhythm. I'm seconding giving SDVX a shot too. It is one of my favourite booth games, and the lower difficulty tracks are pretty good about not overlapping too many notes as one time. Personally, I'm surprised that Jubeat is considered beginner because that game does my head in. Something about it just doesn't make sense to me, so I will stick with my comfy VSRGs (and Project Diva ofc)
Haha, I probably am since I'm pretty sure that was the same shirt I wore one day last year. Don't worry, though, I'll be rocking a different shirt to the actual con (still vocaloid of course)

>> No.10931646

Shit, Im trying to buy a maid cafe ticket but they stopped selling them online. Wondering where you buy them if they still are selling.

>> No.10931653

I think they’re sold out but on sunday they do a meet and greet where they get people in for free. It’s still pretty hard to get it since it’s first come first serve and there aren’t that many spots

>> No.10931656

nostalgia is trash
don't listen to this idiot

>> No.10931657

Its easy though

>> No.10931658

Being tolerable to everyone around you is overrated, listen to this idiot

>> No.10931660

this con would be better if it wasn't for all the fr*nch

>> No.10931663

Any panels or events of interest?

>> No.10931674

What’s currently happening in the vendors hall? How do you even get in?

>> No.10931682

God almighty there's so many overweight people. What the fuck is going on in this country?
I know a anime con would would stereotypical have the fat comic book guy stereotype but this is way beyond the normal.
Even the women are really overweight.

>> No.10931693

Just go play Chunithm

>> No.10931701

This. It's fucking terrible how bad the women are overweight.

>> No.10931702

Flow is FUN fuck you.

>> No.10931704

Saw two Reimus walking towards a bunch of other Touhou cosplayers like Shou, Momiji, Mamezou, and Sunny Milk but they all turned their backs and I couldn't work up the courage to ask for a picture.
Cosplays are scary.

>> No.10931705
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>> No.10931709

Fat black women pissed herself in the dealers room lol

>> No.10931710

>implying thats a bad thing
Low test

>> No.10931711
File: 1.52 MB, 940x1816, Lose weight, hole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's behind that post!

>> No.10931713

I'll use the code word
>no way fag
to see if you're the right Leon

>> No.10931716

Goddammit, did she piss at the root beer area

>> No.10931729
File: 150 KB, 685x1023, 4560113852_d3d0c119d3_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10931730

For the same reason every other 30-something person is using a walking stick. Which by the way these faggots have no spacial awareness about and keep sticking their cane in other people's walking space

>> No.10931731

They're called women, even if they don't always appreciate that word

>> No.10931738

No it was in the corner of someone's booth, the funniest thing is the bathroom is right there next to the booth

>> No.10931739


>> No.10931745
File: 360 KB, 1080x1580, Screenshot_20240802_211916_Guidebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I'm a bit alternative.

>> No.10931751

Leon wya I need drink and talk shit with frens

Someone else here said come to the hotel bar and look for the RE6 guy right? I'll go look for people im stealth sneeding.

>> No.10931760
File: 2.52 MB, 4080x3060, 389739cf-74b2-449c-91b3-ca1cb0791aed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who at the hotel bar?

>> No.10931775

Damm I was just there, talked to a bunch of schizos, it was fun

>> No.10931778

Do you have reading comprehension issues? That was the only event I was praising.

>> No.10931790

The Moxy is a tomy style over substance hotel. My room doesnt have a fridge. Would otherwise be cool if my gf came with me but she had to bail, so being in such a tight space with a bro isn't unbearable but just unpreffered. I know this isn't like the worst but I'm payong 469$ for fri+sat for this

>> No.10931800

>The Moxy
A guy last year gave this fuck-off enormous book of comic art and I appreciate the gesture but it was just too big to haul around. I left it on a table inside Moxy. Hopefully no one noticed and it blended in with their others

>> No.10931832

So is anything actually going on or are you guys just meeting in the Marquis lobby and drinking at night?

>> No.10931846

Sorry dude. My brain isn't that functional at certain times.

>> No.10931847

Either get drunk in the lobby or in the room while cooking curry. I dunno man just do stuff lol

>> No.10931862

are the taiko machines by laser tag still broken? the songs and the charts dont line up

>> No.10931865

Where are all the horse girls at? I've only seen one Nice Nature and that's not enough for me.

>> No.10931872

Don't let your dreams be memes, be the horse girl

>> No.10931882

Who's here at the bar? I'm wearing a black hat a NERV badge. I also have a large camera

>> No.10931891

I guess its time for a meetup at the hotel bar? I'll get there around 8 if anyone wants to show up too
Still hanging around? I'll probably make my way over in 20-30

>> No.10931892

This rain sucks ass

>> No.10931898

Someone piss off the Shinto Priestess again?

>> No.10931899

A few hours ago I witnessed a fight between two workers at a burger joint next to the con. One moment Im enjoying my food the next I hear a hard slam on the ground. Two female black waiters were fighting and the manager had to get police and they were escorted out. Im guessing both are now officially fired. Thanks for the memories Capital Burger. Expect understaffed conditions to those dining in.

>> No.10931900

This is about the point in the evening last year when I came out to find the mini hurricane rolled through

>> No.10931903


There is a room party at 10-126
Chinos only

>> No.10931904

yeah, I've got a tracksuit. That counts, right?

>> No.10931905

In a fight between two sheboons, we win

>> No.10931907
File: 2.17 MB, 8192x5464, 20240803200055_0I6A1122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm up topside taking photos of thots

>> No.10931909
File: 1.04 MB, 1577x2626, 20240803_210940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still up above the bat

>> No.10931910

How may Frierens and Ferns are floating around?

>> No.10931913
File: 3.54 MB, 8192x5464, 20240803212927_0I6A1181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still above the bar shooting thots and mantas.im the guy with the Nerv badge come shoot the shit with me

>> No.10931915

how was it?

>> No.10931935

would've been better if she/he lost some weight. like most of these mentally ill thots. No hope for the burlesque fatties

>> No.10931936
File: 3.92 MB, 8192x5464, rsz_rsz_20240803212213_0i6a1177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want moot back /cgl/

Also who was it that was saying cosplayers are pedantic and easily be "creeped" out.
I had so many people asking me for photos and their insta/paterons it was werid, maybe I should make a gig outa this.

>> No.10931937
File: 29 KB, 632x756, Feg6lmjXEAEsFom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rave was gay and smelled of cheese and poopoo
The music sucked
There were too many trifling ass hoes
It smelled
The music SUCKED
It was fun to crowdkill in the mosh pits though
7/10 convention

>> No.10931938
File: 4.00 MB, 8192x5464, rsz_1rsz_20240803205609_0i6a1160_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean compared to asia... maybe but I think you're being autistic.
There were so many people men and women at the con that were morbidly obese. I mean really bad, as in wheelchairs and just completely falling apart.

>> No.10931939
File: 3.78 MB, 8192x5464, rsz_20240802124314_0i6a1052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is going on that made so many people become so unhealthy...?

It could just be selection bias but what is being put in our food?

>> No.10931940
File: 1.97 MB, 8192x5464, 20240803114511_0I6A1088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I avoided it, last time it was the same. I remember in 2018 they had it in the convention center in the same hall as the game room. Not stick everyone deep in the crammed room in the marriot.

>> No.10931943
File: 2.78 MB, 4000x3000, 20240804_024557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just vibin bro.

>> No.10931948

>What is going on that made so many people become so unhealthy...?
The US putting corn syrup in almost every single purchasable food item along with the lack of socialized healthcare so people can't afford preventative care

>> No.10931952

>caring about dumbass shit like a rave

>> No.10931957

well anons, it was fun hanging out with y'all. my head and feet hurt like hell but was def worth it.
i gotta head back home early, so safe travels to everyone!

>> No.10931959
File: 1.46 MB, 933x1709, Extreme Lardass moment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also who was it that was saying cosplayers are pedantic and easily be "creeped" out.
You see a post like this. You wondered who could be behind it. You need not wonder any longer

>> No.10931998

Somehow I severely doubt you were crowdkilling at an anime rave.

>> No.10931999

Why do so many of these half-naked cosplay sluts have the exact same face

>> No.10932006

Threads kinda dead this year. Was it just that no anon showed up or what? Con at least felt more lively than last year to me

>> No.10932014

>con is over
time to go back to life...

Maybe because people are enjoying the con instead of looking at a dumb thread?

>> No.10932016

Usually the con threads had more people trying to meet was all I really meant

>> No.10932017

I don't know, the people were alright but the con over all felt low energy and there really wasn't any panels or events minus flow that were of much substance.
There was alot of filler, "your thoughts onn "x" anime" but nothing with actual producers/writers or industry types.

I felt like 2018 ota was the best you had a ton of talent and panels with some of the creators from japanof older animes like Outlaw star and Gundam Wing for example.

Cosplay was nice but I feel it was kinda low effort/not classy. It didn't help that I wasn't the only one to notice how unhealthy and overweight so many people were there. More than the usual fat weeb/comic book nerd sterotype.

>> No.10932019
File: 6 KB, 250x246, Question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people still spend Sunday Night in the hotels and have private Dead Dog parties or is that a thing of the past?

>> No.10932021

Because the kind of person that posts on 4chan at all is less and less welcome at big cons and they're starting to notice.

Left-wing autism has absolutely outcompeted right-wing autism and pushed it to near extinction in irl weeb spaces.

>> No.10932022
File: 426 KB, 865x1078, Rageslop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it to one of the 30 other doomer threads, thanks

>> No.10932024

Anyone chilling at the Marquis until Monday?

>> No.10932026

>bringing politics into a non political space.
Stop obsessing over politics especially at a con. There just wasn't alot content to start with or really to get hyped over.
It also felt cheap.

>> No.10932027

Man the limited autographs were fucking brutal. I got to the trigger one 30 min before both times and couldn't get in. Same with Aya Uchida

>> No.10932031

They literally offer you a pronoun sticker immediate upon getting your registration and booklet.

There are official, hosted by staff, trans events.

Someone made the news for leaving the con to counterprotest right wingers.

Otakon is not an apolitical space, it is a left-wing space. And most major cons are similar.

>> No.10932033

Otakon autographs are a clusterfuck. You show up early and they tell you to leave. You hover and somehow when the line opens there’s 100 people ahead of you.

>> No.10932040
File: 149 KB, 1000x667, 3stZSQgNBK1cScQPY17CjkYK-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does anyone want to bring up politics in a con. It's DC I don't want to think about irrelevant IRL stuff unless it pertains to anime/cosplay.
If they do, Why are they not talking about how payment processors are denying their services to e stores/importers even selling non- hentai VNs and manga/anime.

>> No.10932041

Please tell me someone her got the neko arc cosplayer in the big dumb mascot suit. I regret not taking a photo.

>> No.10932044
File: 264 KB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20240804_193513_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask & you shall receive.

>> No.10932047

There were so many trannies and the prices on things seemed super high. Also, the rave was ass compared to the one I remember from Baltimore.
Still had fun though. I think I scared some girls by staring at their asses too much.

>> No.10932071

Thank you thank you! I downloaded it twice I'll treasure it for the rest of my days.

>> No.10932080

I stay on sunday. We chillin, but we are all sober now being old men and sheeit.

>> No.10932085

Staff is having their Dead Dog in the Westin someplace.

>> No.10932087
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I had a lot of fun cosplaying for the first time, I regret only wearing for sat/sun instead of all three days. I was approached for pictures way more than I expected, it felt nice to be recognized by a whole bunch of people. It also made me feel a lot more comfortable approaching others for pictures too. I didn't get to make any friends like I wanted to, I don't think I know how to talk to strangers anymore.

I need to start prepping for next years costume, I don't want to throw something together a few days before the event like this year. I should choose something without a mask, it's pretty hard to talk with one on.

>> No.10932116
File: 1.31 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of those little chink “staff” member with the megaphone ended up losing his voice from all his yelling telling guests to stop hovering or pretending to “walk around” like nigga it’s a con and these are big name guests like what do they expect. Fuck the fire code or whatever, this is America, we get what we want cuh. The key is to be smart about it and pretend ur in line for some lower tier VA and then BAM, once time hits u SPRINT for the line and show no mercy. Push the little girl next to u and stomp on their feet if you must. Pretend you were meeting with some loser up front in line, etc. I even sneak in when the staff aren’t looking, sort of like a video game. These autographs sell for 10x to 100x their weight if not priceless pieces, and who knows when these Japanese fucks will agree to get their asses flown back to the east coast again after realizing what a complete shit show and degeneracy that America/Americans have devolved into, let alone seeing the schizo-infested DC area itself lmfaooo.

>> No.10932150

one of the con jannies gave shit to my friend because he was wearing a gas mask for some fuckin reason, those homos love to power trip

>> No.10932167

I would have loved to spot Shin running around, damn. I did see an En at least.

>> No.10932168

What was with the weirdly not small amount of Chi cosplayers? Did some asshole youtuber make a shitty retrospective video about Chobits or something?

>> No.10932174
File: 68 KB, 850x956, 1672399300493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon sees something he likes and takes note of
>Anon can only assume bad intent
>Anon gets mad at nothing
Great attitude, friend! I'm sure it'll get you real far

>> No.10932178
File: 142 KB, 1468x1618, 1722873216183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like the kind of bitch faggot I don't wanna associate with.

>> No.10932179
File: 622 KB, 2604x4624, 20240804_115520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw the En as well, he had a nice Kikurage plushie too. There was one other Shin I saw on Sunday, which was cool to see. It reminded me that I forgot to draw on the hand stitches. Oops.

I was glad to find other dorohedoro cosplayers lurking around though, maybe the second season will bring out more people next year.

>> No.10932180

Ok now actually answer my question instead of being so bitter and weird.

>> No.10932181

>Bitter and weird
>Did some asshole youtuber make a shitty retrospective video about Chobits or something?
"LOL". You're a funny guy

>> No.10932184
File: 2.69 MB, 3264x2448, 20191115_122710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess your Shin is before he cut open his magic valves but also still cleaning for En.
And yeah Dorohedoro is always cool to see. This Ebisu was from Anime New York.
Was hoping to grab some Q Hayashida artbooks or something at Otakon but I wasn't able to spot any Dorohedoro merch whatsoever.

>> No.10932185

You're still doing it. Stop that.

>> No.10932191
File: 320 KB, 500x491, 1646222840901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On what grounds? Are you happy to see Chobits or not? Cause I'm seeing "no"

>> No.10932197
File: 2.22 MB, 3197x3996, fcac6141b636ffcd77eba7109459340f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it matter if someone is happy or not? You're too bitter to care. Pay attention to the question: why was there a noticeably large amount of Chii-chan cosplayers?
Did you fail reading comprehension or something?

>> No.10932217
File: 178 KB, 1600x1200, berserk-griffith-wallpaper-1600x1200_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wondering if people are happy is bitterness
>Chi picture
So you are a fan. But seeing Chi makes you angry because....I'm bitter and bad at reading comprehension and you keep dodging the question. K

>> No.10932224

>you keep dodging the question
says the guy who won't answer the initial question
and what do you mean "keep"
i only replied to your post with the question once
you didn't have an original question, idiot

>> No.10932225

Not that anon but why did you immediately jump to negativity in assuming an "asshole" made a "shitty retrospective"about Chobits

>> No.10932227

Because he's a faggot and a loser who gets ghosted then fumes with rage about how they're awful people. But don't get me wrong, he's actually a great guy, just misunderstood by everyone, 100% of the time. He can't help it!

>> No.10932229
File: 151 KB, 474x311, 1722879486644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you also being a bitch?

>> No.10932230

Highlight was seeing a very cute "Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night" cosplayer.

Lowlight was having to see that guy in charge of autograph lines. He needs to stop volunteering lmfao.

>> No.10932232

>still no answer
We're done here

>> No.10932234

Because every youtuber invites drooling shallow retards to fall into a fandom for a day then leave.

>> No.10932235

Stop giving me new things to watch.

>> No.10932236
File: 92 KB, 648x800, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucks for you, cry about it I guess

>> No.10932239

One of the artist alley booths in the very back had some dorohedoro posters and shirts, I ordered a kikuragi shirt and a gyoza sweatshirt. Other than that, there wasn't anything else that I saw, the only reason I found that booth is because the vendor waved me down.

>> No.10932243

ur a neckbeard incel lol

>> No.10932244

>very back
No wonder I didn't see it.
Do you remember the artist name?

>> No.10932245

If people bitched about him at the Con Feedback panel, dude will be gone.

>> No.10932247

Not off the top of my head but I have their card on my desk at home, I'll send their info in around 2ish hours.

>> No.10932248

There were people who brought up the autograph staff not knowing anything about the guests, but not really anything about a specific person being a douche.

There were a lot of 90's and 2000' cosplays this year, probably because it was the 30th year and 90's themed. That's said you do sound butthurt at YouTube boogiemen whoo probably had nothing to do with the fact that there were some chobits cosplayers. I didn't see a single Chi the whole weekend though so I can't imagine there were THAT many.

>> No.10932249

>There were people who brought up the autograph staff not knowing anything about the guests, but not really anything about a specific person being a douche.
Oh adding to this, a lot of the feedback panel was mega artists who couldn't abide by the 1 question per person rule despite the panelists repeating it like 5 times, or they were hyper focused on one thing that only affected them specifically. Only a few people asked about/gave general feedback on an aspect of the convention

>> No.10932250

He is infamous for being an asshole at this point lmao, unlike other autograph staff it seems like he is really there just for the power trip.

The con really needs a better method for autographs. I saw multiple panic attacks.

>> No.10932262
File: 170 KB, 602x919, GUPaIg8W0AAOQLw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the funko scalpers are going to end up getting guest autographs at cons taken away

>> No.10932267

back home now, this is their website.

>> No.10932270
File: 535 KB, 1440x1800, chii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chii is simply an adorable character and fun to cosplay (plus chobits is nostalgic for me because I watched it in elementary school)

>> No.10932286

>Highlight was seeing a very cute "Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night" cosplayer.
Oh damn, which char?

>> No.10932297

Otakon has a website and message boards, if its worth taking out a douche, try there
Unfortunately there are a lot of staffers like that, which is why I left

>> No.10932305
File: 2.13 MB, 8192x5464, 20240803200104_0I6A1125 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl I had a ons (notpicrel) at con had a chobits tattoo. Don't tell me this is a redflag sign.

>> No.10932306

Con this year wasn't as good as last year over all.
Panels were really meh. I couldn't even get into half of the ones I wanted to.

I went to the bar crawl on Thursday though and had a surprisingly good time. So that's why all you degenerates drink, I get it now

>> No.10932309

She was Kano. I asked for her IG, but she doesn't have a public cosplay one.

>> No.10932332
File: 3.63 MB, 8192x5464, rsz_20240801203319_0i6a0951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you meet Kaptain Kirk who later started the moo crew on sat?
he was hilarious

>> No.10932347

Last year I managed to find some good painted artwork, but there wasn't any this year. I was tempted by the large, woven tapestries, but they're not really my style. At least the prints I got are pretty good. The auction was a disappointment, unfortunately. A couple of items were decent (the stained glass Kirby and moo moo milk painting), but I didn't like them enough for the price. Half the stands they set up to house artwork were empty. Kirby went for $220, which isn't too bad; I probably would have capped at $200 if I had bid on it. I ended up not going to the live bidding on Sunday. The minimum bid for moo moo milk was set to $150 and it went unsold with 0 bids. I would have taken it for $75. A print of mediocre Spy x Family art when for $250, and I'm pretty sure the artist auctioned the same print for at least as much last year, too. Absolutely baffling.

I didn't bother with any panels this year. Last year I went to the fitness/bodybuilding in Japan one, but it got canceled by a dude(?) with a tranny flag protruding from his backpack as he marched down the aisle after the presenter said "that's fucking gay!" during his talk (he was paraphrasing the reaction you'd get in Japan for being massive, not asserting it himself). Apparently it was for profanity in a non-R18 panel, but they could have simply given him a warning then let him continue.

I met up with a group from /cgl/ about 10 years ago when the con was in Baltimore and stuck around for the first bar. I don't drink, but it was still fun to hang out. The guy next to me spent the whole time talking about his waifu, ika musume, and it was great. I should try talking to people next year. The art auction back then also had a much better selection. The physical sheet you had to write bids on was much more fun than the digital system they have now, even if it's more convenient. Having to trek back over to see if you had been outbid built more anticipation and excitement.

>> No.10932349

I didn't even know they had an auction.
Some panels were really good like the Hiroshi Nagahama one. You can't really say all the panels sucked unless you went to them all. But what did definitely suck was the butts panel. I thought it would have anime butts not 3DPD girls. That's fucked about the bodybuilding though. Shit like that makes me want to host a panel about loli porn or something.

The concert was ok. Not as good as the Final Fantasy concert they held one year but still pretty cool to hear JIBUN WOOOO live.
I didn't get anything from the artist alley either. I saw a cool print of Welcome to the NHK but I forgot to buy it. Kinda regret it but oh well. I'm happy with the Witch Hat Atelier poster I got from the Kinokuniya booth instead.

Talking to people is hard. I don't understand how to make it go anywhere. Like I enjoy the conversations and have fun but they always end with "have a good one man!" or "enjoy the rest of the con!". Guess I'm just weird.

>> No.10932375

>at cons notice girls check me out quite consistently
>in real life, it happens but severely less so
Alright, so cons are my potential domain, but how the fuck do I even go about that, people are there to relax and have fun, not be hit on

>> No.10932376

dealers room/artist alleyway in general will always have slow walking retards with zero spacial awareness, move to the fucking side before gawking at some poster, don't stop moving in the middle of the fucking traffic flow

>> No.10932377

>Go to Nier photoshoot
>Some fucking dude is there as bridal 2B
>wears the thong with NO cup
>can see his fucking dick imprinted
Fucking weirdo, how do you not say to yourself "Hmm, maybe not", I really don't wanna pull a "think of the children" bit, but come the fuck on dude, NO ONE wants to see that shit

>> No.10932383

Lotta dudes in morph suits just free ballin' this year. Happens ever year but still. Any dude wearing a Spider-Man morph suit is almost guaranteed to be wagging his dick around the whole day

>> No.10932403

Bet theres more deadpool morphsuits this year without cups/dance belts


>> No.10932406
File: 3.16 MB, 3072x4080, this-shit-aint-nothing-to-me-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw him! But didn't chat with him or anything. I did do push ups with that one Inosuke though. I think I actually ended up speaking to mostly normies who happened to be there funnily enough.

Those tapestries look amazing, but too expensive for me. Perhaps one day.

>got canceled by a dude(?) with a tranny flag protruding from his backpack

This sounds hilarious, never seen a panel get cancelled live, and I've also been going to conventions for over 10 years

>> No.10932407

The butt panel was such a disappointment. It was just a public goon sesh.

Also FLOW were not doing their best work. The one singer was constantly off tone or something. I've heard them before and they've definitely been better.

Honestly YAIBA last year killed it

>> No.10932409

Did anyone see any good cosplays or get any good cosplay pics?

>> No.10932411

Just scroll up

>> No.10932454

Anyone who went to the "Otakon xxx party" on Friday should go and get tested one of the guys attending apparently had "the itch"
Also, jkid I know you're here, post the photos of the whore being dragged out by the EMTs

>> No.10932458

>post the photos of the whore being dragged out by the EMTs
Is that why there were a few ambulances saturday night? Story time

>> No.10932459

Otakon isn't really Otakon until the ambulances show up

>> No.10932465

I have never been to any one of these parties, I guess it's a "you gotta know a guy" kinda thing, are they worth, I get fomo every time I see one mentioned

>> No.10932474

Jkid was filming a drunk girl vomiting multiple times then passed out on the floor of the Marquis hotel. While she was being helped up by EMTs he kept following her out the door, a couple of people told him to fuck off or what's wrong with him

>> No.10932476
File: 1.77 MB, 3000x2543, 20240806_142140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not jkid, but can confirm he was there.
Don't know what happened and was drunk enough to not ask around.

>> No.10932480

Actually saw a story about that 3 times now on IG, sounds like a real social retard

>> No.10932482

D.C. has an insane amount of fat fucks. NYC here and y'all got us beat easily. D.C. is so weird honestly, seems the homeless colonies were purged since I last visited though. But damn, you got ghetto ass black people and preppy stick up their ass scoffing white people using the same streets while a homeless zombie roams by right next to them

>> No.10932484

Have you never heard him talk?

>> No.10932490

I want to call out someone who roomed with a friend of mine. To protect my friend I will not mention names but this guy did something to my friend that I do not tolerate. So what happened was my friend was in the room alone and this fucker came out of the bathroom with his pecker showing. So friend saw everything. I dont know who this fucktwat is but he wore some blue chopper hat according to said friend. My friend wanted to give the benefit of the doubt because the guy seemed socially awkward but not me. I hope I never rub into that dude in person.

>> No.10932494

Yeah I hope I never rub into that dude too if you know what I mean haha

>> No.10932497

Going to be honest these kind of parties are great for talking about sex and fetishes. As for the actual sex part it's mostly some slampig and 2 or 3 guys at most going at her and couples just making out, look but don't touch kinda deal.
You're honestly not missing out on too much

>> No.10932499

I definitely would have groped, undressed, and photographed a drunk passed out girl.

>> No.10932500

It is the defacto Mason Dixon line with Roanoke being the point of no return with southern rednecks.

>> No.10932501

Dude I don't even know who that is

>> No.10932502

At this point I wouldn't mind a turn on a slampig, but everyone would be watching so ehhh

>> No.10932508

Furry/bronie orgies are for you then
You get used to it, but it's definitely not for everyone

>> No.10932513

How do you get in the know anyway? Does the host scout people out on the con floor?

>> No.10932523


Was he black and had a funny speech?

>> No.10932528


Yes holy shit how did you know?
He talked like he had a speech impediment

>> No.10932532

18+ servers, telegram, signal, session, fetlife, Facebook, just have to look around and be active in those spaces.
Some people host meets at cons and you can interact with people there, of course take care of yourself, look presentable, take a fucking shower and you'll stand from the usual crowd who just want a quick fuck.
This is something you can't fall in anyone's lap, you really have to work towards it

>> No.10932550

I didn't go but I saw the invite. There was only like 5 women I saw on the list and they didn't really appeal to me. What was the ratio of guys/girls?

>> No.10932552

I always wanted to go to the Touhou lunch meetup that happens every year but I'm always too afraid to ask and also I don't wear Touhou shirts.

>> No.10932557

Did anyone manage to get a pic of the goldlewis on Friday in the dealers hall?

>> No.10932562

>Robotic is the best I can describe it

That is exactly my experience. I was in a mixed group of half guys and girls. We all cosplayed and 75% of the time when we approached another cosplayer from the same show, we got a dead eyed, NPC response. What shocked me is even the girls in the group were getting the cold shoulder from other girls. I can only assure you that we are all 6/10 average white kids. This is compared to Colossalcon or even a shitty con like ANYC, where most people are super friendly when you compliment them or ask for pics.

Things got better during Sat night partying, but I was amazed how low energy this con was.

>> No.10932564

>walked around all day alternating between panels and dealers/artist alley
>got autographs from people I wanted autographs from
>got to walk around in a place where people were bigger autists than me
Man this was my first con and I had a ton of fun

>> No.10932566
File: 1.63 MB, 2773x2448, IMG_20240805_193015325_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy you enjoyed it, anon.

I don't understand the other kinds of autists who just want to party or weird stuff like that. Otakon was great and I had a wonderful time doing all the planned programs. Arcade was especially fun. It was so hard for me to escape that room.
Also bought a bunch of stuff.

>> No.10932573
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First anon here. I skipped entirely, pretty sure my whole crew did too, they didn't sound too enthused when it came up months ago. But I did read this entire thread and it feels like a mixed bag. Half confirm I was right not to go, and half say it was better. Either way, you already know CC is like nothing else out there
>NPC response
This is also how it felt crowd watching. My normally shitty local big con was last month. I could tell just from randos walking around that things were looking better, and they were. Otakon? Aimless wandering, walking for its own sake. Cagey types. Hell, that bar crawl I mentioned? I got more compliments from boomers who had no clue what the hell I was doing

>> No.10932577
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>Obscure Questions
I had to stop lurking to commend you on your taste. I'd pick up more Vocaloid CDs but popular ones probably go fast in bigger cons.

>> No.10932579

Thank you sir. It took me way too many years to grab that physical album despite Fireworks being one of my favorite songs ever.
I'm surprised it wasn't gone because I didn't even visit the dealer's hall at all until Saturday. I guess there were multiple copies at the booth I found it in.

What's your collection looking like so far? Mine was just Mitchie M's Greatest Idol and Virtual Popstar until now.

Also does Otakon count as a bigger con?

>> No.10932588

Oh, funny enough that's the only album I have, bought it like 7 years ago, it's why I recognized it in the first place. I'd love to get actual stuff from WonderfulOpportunity or NayutalieN but expecting to find it in the open maybe it's asking for too much, could just grab them online but that's kinda 'boring'.

>Also does Otakon count as a bigger con?
I suppose? My frame of reference is AX and everything is just smaller in comparison. I've only recently tried attending more cons.

>> No.10932600

>could just grab them online but that's kinda 'boring'.
I feel the exact same way. Unless it's like a pre-order or something then it's definitely a lot more fun to spot them randomly.

>> No.10932620
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I suppose as a question for cons in general, are artist alleys usually as derivative as they seem? Maybe I'm just bad at catching them, but I feel like a lot of booths are just the same 10 series or so. It isn't even like I'm expecting to see fan art for my super secret 80's OVA or whatever, but I've always felt like I should see more stuff like Sailor Moon, Vocaloid, Touhou, etc. Surely those are still popular? I suppose that is just my biggest disappointment at cons. 95% of the art I see is for a series that I just don't care about, so I never and up picking anything up although I do want to get something.
Yeah, I'll always check out the CD booths to see what I can pick up. I think the only vocaloid CD I've picked up was the deluxe edition of Heartsnative for a decent price, but I'll always check prices out to see if there's anything pretty cheap. One day, the booth I keep seeing at Ota/Katsu will lower the price on their t+pazolite CDs so that I can finally buy them. I WILL buy that copy of Answers from X Girl just lower the price ahhhhhh. Regardless, all I picked up this time were a couple books. I'm pretty sure I overpaid for the Kyousougiga one, but there's no way of knowing if I don't check the price mhm
I'm the same way with some CDs. I'm slowly working on a Nanahira collection (I've got around 10 right now) and I know I could simply buy most of them off of Mandarake or YJA or something, but buying them new or stumbling across them is much more enticing for me. Although, at this point, I feel like I have all the ones that I would likely run across in the states, so I might have my hand forced at this point.

>> No.10932622

>but they always end with "have a good one man!" or "enjoy the rest of the con!"
I mean, I think that's how most conversations at cons, or any events like these, go. I don't think that small talk at a con needs to go much further than that. This isn't from a "I don't want to talk to people" perspective, but more so that people are all doing their own things during the day and small talk fits that time frame well. Would I love to run into someone who loves the same shit as me and spend 15-20 minutes getting into it? Sure, but you can generally tell within a minute or two if that's what's happening. Especially if you run into someone during the day, shooting the shit about anime for a few minutes then going about our ways sounds like a fine interaction to me if that's all you wanted to get out of it. If you were looking to trade socials or find a hookup for a party or something then, sure, leaving with a "catch you around" would be a loss, but that is a whole different type of conversation to me.

>> No.10932631

This. I know I got into a few lengthier convos and would've loved to get more into it, but it was when I was stopped for a picture and was on my way somewhere and my group was waiting on me too and weren't part of the convo so it added an awkward pressure but the conversation was good still. Just had to cut it after a few minutes and say have a good one

>> No.10932632

There's always a bunch of Vocaloid prints. Guess you must have missed them. Touhou art was definitely present a couple years. I vaguely remember one booth being in the vendor's hall. And usually you'll find the less popular series in the booths towards the back. This year had a Welcome to the NHK one which was cool which I didn't even buy for some reason fuck me. Another year had Shadow's House.

>> No.10932634

Should I daytrip to Station Unity?

>> No.10932639

Yeah, it is one of those things where I know they surely must be somewhere, but I just didn't catch any. This year especially was rough because I was with a friend and didn't want to take as long as I usually would walking through the two halls. I think I cleared through in well under half the time that I normally would have done.

>> No.10932640

That's why I always make sure to let whoever I'm with know that vendor and artist alley time is personal on our own time.
People just have different interests.

>> No.10932643

My plan was originally to go through one of them when I got there Friday afternoon before he showed up, but I ended up getting sucked into a couple hours of SDVX, so that plan went out the window pretty fast. I suppose there is always next time. I got the feeling that cons weren't his thing either, so I'll be back to wandering cons alone for the foreseeable future

>> No.10932661 [DELETED] 

I wanted to have sex with all the underage Rin cosplayers.

>> No.10932668
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I dunno mang. Maybe for a day just to see if it's a ghost town or not still.

>> No.10932676

I'd say before the who coof hystericals it was pretty nice to go, nowadays it's a bunch of middle aged men with a superiority complex trying to get justification to troon out or not
No idea, I didn't go either because I'm not giving some bitch my phone number, but I'm been told by some who went to get checked because of what some attendee posted on zuccbook

>> No.10932679
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From someone on Facebook

>> No.10932686

I’m local but I’ve always been out of town for Escape Velocity. I don’t see how “summer Katsucon” didn’t take off.

>> No.10932693
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I needed lots of alcohol to get over the generic terrible EDM they had going on but I definitely did start some sick mosh pits and spin kick people

>> No.10932742

Station Unity is a waste of time and money, Katsucon could have planned a Summer Katsu event instead of this wasted shitfest.

>> No.10932837

Thank you so much

>> No.10932900

Jkid was the one that took a photo of WTSnacks fucking a whale. Snacks didn’t like that cause he wanted to keep it a secret. Snacks never forgave him for that incident and Snacks never forget.

>> No.10933035


This romance fantasy book con just moved to the Gaylord for the weekend after Otakon 2025. Wonder if Station Unity is shutting down or moving out of August.

Seems like a good opportunity to double-dip in the DC area for some vendors, photogs, etc.

>> No.10933170

to the twink who cosplayed as tanya:
i wanted to let you know i was hard the entire weekend. i hope you cosplay more. thanks.

>> No.10933174


>> No.10933179

thanks but I'm straight

>> No.10933527

So who is picking up their badges today?

Anyone wanna meet up at the museum across the street?

>> No.10933557

Are you from the future or just waking up from cryosleep? What the fuck is this post?

>> No.10933729
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Yo wtf is going on? Did they cancel it or something? Is anyone here? There's nothing about anime here just a sneaker convention.

>> No.10933734
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Did they move it to another hall?

>> No.10933735
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I got a feeling I've been scammed

>> No.10933771
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bro we're over here at a REAL con.

>> No.10933782
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I can't believe you would take a photo of me in my sleeping man cosplay without even asking my permission. I would have said yes, but you doing so without my consent is really troubling, anon.

>> No.10933975

Was it canceled or something nothing was going on yesterday either.