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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10903279 No.10903279 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10903289
File: 265 KB, 1080x1012, Screenshot_20240219-124905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact checked true by real patriots

>> No.10903290

There's actually women at anime conventions?

>> No.10903299

...have you been to one?

>> No.10903333

I think this is pretty solid advice. If you’re attractive and charismatic enough to get laid outside of an anime convention, you can get laid at a con. If you’re not you should probably hit the gym and pick up healthy habits, and work on treating your mental illnesses and cultivating an interesting personality by getting hobbies, until you are.

When I was at Katsucon this weekend I saw a guy who did such an amazing job cosplaying one of my favorite characters that had I been single I would’ve pulled him aside and offered to blow him on the spot. But only as long as he kept the costume on.

>> No.10903339

it's real, but not for (you)
(or me either desu)

>> No.10903340

With my dying breath I curse every single last normie who ever had sex at a con. With every fiber of my being.

>> No.10903344

just lift and bee urself :^)

>> No.10903354

I look hot in costume. Can I have your discord?

>> No.10903360

Probably written by a typical party con grifter looking for validation by hosting room parties and spiking all the drinks with everclear and tap water. Just look at any 21+ social media and see sea of cringe related to this kind of stuff

>> No.10903364

NTA but being myself involves not lifting and being too shy to talk to anyone. I've been to cons before, but I never approach any cosplayer and even though I would want to cosplay I'm not too comfortable with people approaching me or stopping me for pictures. Maybe I would feel better if the cosplay did a good job of hiding my identity. I'm not ugly or fat either. It's actually the only thing I have going for me.
>Still virgin, newly a wizard
>No crew
>No confidence to just go to a con without a crew.

A lot of things in OPs link just aren't me. I'm also not super into anime, I'm more of a comic guy. And as someone with Aspergers, the article called me out and is absolutely right. People who go to cons may struggle to socialize. It helps knowing that others are like you, but it also is harder to communicate basic stuff when both people struggle. Make it a group, and oh no!

I'm also somewhat homophobic and transphobic. I can talk to them and treat them like people. Cons have been co-opted as safe spaces for LGBTQ now and I wouldn't want to make anyone uncomfortable but once those expressions are pushed out into the open, I get uncomfortable. I can talk to a gay man just fine, but if he hit on me, I would never want to talk to him again. I can't help that I'm straight. Like people can be comfy at a con, but why does it also have to turn into a pride event? I just want to be able to nerd out without anything else going on.

>> No.10903365

>Day 1 of this thread
>Already full of moralizers and demoralizers alike
How's this for some advice, both for the thread and life in general? Learn to see the positive side of things instead of jumping to the first, most negative conclusion you can think of

>> No.10903368

good grief charlie brown

>> No.10903370

It's basically clickbait fren. All of it is stuff that can be found out from just doing shit and learning from it. If you needed to read and article on con sex, you've already lost.

>> No.10903402

You sound mentally weak and your inferior sperm deserves to be removed from the gene pool without being passed on to future generations.

>> No.10903413

its dumb because
#1 its an ad for some AI pua grifter service
but more importantly
#2 the tldr is: if you can go to a bar and pick up chicks, its exactly the same thing. if not, dont expect your results to be any different

>> No.10903416

quads speaks the 100% truth. What was the character if you don't mind my asking?

I actually read this and none of the PUA shit applied but it helped me figure out the best way to navigate a con on my first time.

>> No.10903417

>suggests you try to chat up women in panel rooms, mid-panel
peak retardation. i'm convinced this shitty blogpost was written to set autists up for failure.

>> No.10903419

whats the point arent they more than capable of that on their own?

>> No.10903420

yeah but this way instead of simply being a weird loner from lack of attempt at social interaction, they can now be a weird loner who's being actively shunned for being a sexpest creep

>> No.10903422

why do you hate on the lonely autist so hard nonnie?

>> No.10903423

i dont hate, i am one. and this advice is guaranteed to result in 0% pussy and 75% chance of sexual harassment charge, just the truth

>> No.10903424
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Nice blog anon, where can I subscribe.

>> No.10903453
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I lift and bee myself :) and I always find people to hang with when going to cons alone. The thing is they are always dudes. Does this mean I'm gay? Should I just start homo-maxing? Please advise

>> No.10903454

yeah you gay nigga

>> No.10903455
File: 161 KB, 794x852, 1707518068002852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, I see
Anyways, who wants to hang out at (the closest con to you)? :)

>> No.10903459
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1702914160493332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried talking to women?

>> No.10903465
File: 481 KB, 513x633, 1696632528675487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was not in the original instructions, anon. I am ill prepared for this development.

>> No.10903469

>“Escalate physically” means, if there’s real interest, start gauging her comfort levels with small, non-intrusive gestures like a light touch on the arm or on the shoulder. Does she seem comfortable and reciprocate, or does she seem uneasy or pull away? Pay attention to her responses that come in the form of her behavior. If she pulls away, dial it back, give her outs, and continue to gauge her comfort by subtly seeing if she wants to continue the interaction.
this is a fantastic way to get called a sexual harasser and have an instagram drama post or twitter thread written about you

>> No.10903534

man, i hate that anime is a normalfag hobby nowadays. feels like i cant be a nerd even at a convention

>> No.10903539

being severely obsessed with niche things and awkwardly explaining every little detail of it is not being a nerd.

>> No.10903546

then what is? this hobby used to be for outcasts that just wanted to be themselves and have fun with like-minded people and now there’s fucking e-thots siphoning money off of simps and normies trying to turn conventions into tinder. thankfully they’re not the majority but my god it makes me sick when i see it

>> No.10903549

This is literally a Large Language Model. Scroll to the bottom and fucking read.

Expect this to happen again, and you wont always have them saying so. These models are getting better all the time.

I do miss the days of cons before normies came though. I don’t like this new kind of moralfag sperg either.

>> No.10903563

I was doing fine with this lolita and she gave me signals after we smoked my weed on the balcony. I touched her waist and she immediately disengaged. I can't blame her and just wished her a good night and apologized for my actions. I felt very bad about it, but moved on.

TL:DR yes it can get you in trouble to "escalate".

>> No.10903566
File: 398 KB, 702x1157, gos 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This article is obviously written by a human lmao. You're an idiot if you think otherwise

The AI app on the same site is unrelated and is used for things like dating profile photo critique, it doesn't write articles

>> No.10903573

You missed your real mistake which was this right here
>I was doing fine with this lolita

>> No.10903594

lolita chicks seem landmines of false assault allegations

>> No.10903620

anyone is a passable fuck if youre gay, anon. Lets be real here

>> No.10903621

>don't be fat and ugly

Did this really need an entire webpage?

>> No.10903623

You get laid at con the same way you get laid anywhere else, which is find someone who finds you attractive and is dtf. Learn the signs of someone being interested in you. You can greatly increase your chances by hitting the gym and not dressing like a slob, as this will decrease the time it takes to find said person who considers you attractive.

Getting laid is purely a numbers game. Most of it is learning covert ways to detect attraction in casual conversation so that it doesn't look like you are creeping on people.

>> No.10903634

Have some respect for your partner and don't talk about wanting to suck off strangers you

>> No.10903639

Big difference between having sex and having sex with someone actually desirable. Most of girls who'd be into this are skuds, and most con guys in general are absolutely disgusting. If you want an example look at any cons 21+ page on facebook, it's the same circle of stooges in literally every single one, and no one actually cool or worthwhile hangs out with them for good reason. Likewise most if not all of the attractive girls will be actively grossed out if seen with them.

Be in shape, have decent social skills (including being able to read the room) don't be ugly & have a good cosplay. There's your formula. If you do it well enough they'll come to you (probably the safest route to go considering how crybully the comm is)

>> No.10903715

>Be in shape, have decent social skills (including being able to read the room) don't be ugly & have a good cosplay.
This is insufficient. Girls have their guards up and it requires some rizz and strategy. The article is right

>> No.10903717

This article is generally decent advice on going to a con for the first time. Idk about the getting laid stuff

>> No.10903836

I think I can get laid at anime cons easier than outside of anime cons (exceptions being swingers shit or sex parties lol). So I'm iffy about that. But in my case I think it was more "I didn't care about shit outside of cons" (well still don't honestly).

Looking for party cons yea, I dunno about cosplay you can probably get by well enough in wearing con clothes. Or even normie shit works too lol.

For Crews eh I guess you can do this all by yourself (set up the party room and get the alcohol yourself and give out the info yourself) but the crew helps

Definitely get the main hotel the parties are at. Note some cons don't exactly have a primary hotel so you'll have to scout there or ask around which hotel all the parties are held at (or most of them, or the 2-3 where they are at)

For alcohol yea, being that. Honestly I tend to halfass that, remember the room is the general bottleneck, get the room first and tell people to go to the parent that covers a lot of the alcohol issues.

Also being other party implements if you can kek

It's a con imma be annoying. also yea lots of queer people pretty chill I guess.

>> No.10903838
File: 804 KB, 562x480, 1690225064403.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is this real?
No. But this? This is real.

>> No.10903839

I know who you arem I won't name drop lol but you shouldn't be thinking about this stuff anymore nyaa ;3

If ya got MY attention at a con, that means everything lulz

>> No.10903844

whatd they do 0_0

>> No.10903846

They got my attention and are living with me now lol

>> No.10903847

what a chad

>> No.10903852

He is a Chad and needs to realise he hit the jackpot with this one.

>> No.10903858

are you guys two hot or are you ugly? this will determine if I am horny from this interaction

>> No.10903863


obv not that hot or they wouldnt be posting cringe here

>> No.10903865

We are hot

>> No.10903870

lets see

>> No.10903874

I aint just gonna post here. I can give you a link to somewhere else

>> No.10903876

Shut up atjap13

>> No.10903878

Where's the segment that shows how you get a girl to not accuse you of rape the morning after you bang her?

>> No.10903879

Fortunately, I'm gay

>> No.10903880
File: 613 KB, 640x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here, friend

>> No.10903916

Are you a female or are you both guys?

>> No.10903941

We're both guys but I am a femboy.

>> No.10903973
File: 546 KB, 1182x1136, ryuko wingman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy who made the wingman.live AI is definitely a weeb

>> No.10904061


>> No.10904090

Don't fuck strangers if they're under any state of inebriation

>> No.10904094

lol the article literally says to get girls drunk in order to fuck them

>> No.10904138

It doesn't say that at all. it says having alcohol is fun when people want to party you faggot nerd

>> No.10904181

Don't worry I don't think any gay men will hit on you.

>> No.10904184

Waist is a little aggressive. I go shoulder or hands first.

>> No.10904223

This feels like it might have been decent advice 10 years ago but doesn't really apply to the current atmosphere. Maybe it's different in other regions though, I'm in California so things are at their most extreme here.

>> No.10904238

How exactly has the current atmosphere changed? Women still want to be approached and have fun, but they don't want it to be some needy clingy spergmaster

>> No.10904240

Think you’ll be good, gay people won’t be hitting on you unless you’re putting yourself out there lmao, as it’s just as awkward as asking someone out when straight

>> No.10904241

It's changed entirely, you know. And why? Well, uh... *checks script* "Fake fans... a guy got cancelled on Twitter that one time... women don't want you talking to them... always there with their boyfriends... it's SO over..." Something like that

>> No.10904254

Like I said maybe it's different other places, but out here my experience is that people at cons are just a lot busier and more stressed out, everything's crowded as fuck and everybody's running from photoshoot to photoshoot, or trying to make it to a booth or panel on time, or whatever, and you just don't get those relaxed laid-back opportunities to chat somebody up anymore. That's even true at party cons like ALA these days.

>> No.10904263

Is this real? No, an AI wrote it. Is it valid advice? I'm a wizard, so I don't know, feel free to stop reading here.

While I don't know if it's valid advice or whatever, I do want to address something relating to getting laid at anime cons. What I've noticed lately (probably because I finally got some self confidence at the ripe young age of 29) is that the place where (seemingly) single women are the most likely to try to talk with me is at anime cons. I've had several attempts at going to bars and clubs before, what has happened 100% of the time was that the few women that showed up were always with boyfriends, so these traditional places to meet singles (and even then places that are usually considered secondary places to do so because you're likely to get low quality matches this way) can't really be relied on for this purpose anymore. Something you often hear about in general, not just PUA circles, is that going to hobby events is a good way to meet women, so I guess attending anime cons if you're a weeb counts as using this strat if you're out on the prowl.

At cons I've had a significantly easier time talking to women than anywhere else, probably because I often use weeb shit as a crutch to meet new people. But I've also had women try to get me to notice them at cons too, I just couldn't reciprocate because for a long time my self esteem was nonexistent (maybe this year though since I've been lifting!). So from the autistic point of view of someone who's been approached the most at cons and just fumbled each encounter, hypothetically cons are good places to get laid at.


>> No.10904264


All of this however, while sounding nice, has some bad implications for the anime con scene as a whole. I've seen stats that right now two thirds of American men are single, to where even Chads are starting to miss out on sex. Anime's current popularity is at the point where the normiest normies are tuned in to at least the basic Shounen slop. Once word gets out that anime cons are the new bars (as people tried to do with gyms several years ago before everyone figured out it was a bad idea), the entire atmosphere of conventions will change from those two thirds flooding con floors, and anons like >>10903534 and >>10903546 will find themselves surrounded by strangers they have no way of having proper discussions with, if not cast out of the community entirely for not attending cons specifically to chase skirts. I noticed one of the cons in my usual yearly rotation had a dating panel in 2019, but post-covid I'm starting to see more cons have dating panels all three days, so I imagine that in five years some cons might even be completely centered around weeb dating panels. Maybe I'll be a dad by then and won't be attending cons anymore to see them end up like that.

>> No.10904270

This seems like a basic lesson on consent as sexual assault is not an area where you want to go by it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.
You can be suggestive, assertive or aggressive
the difference is offering, asking or doing
In this case consider it
>Would you like me to
>I'd like to / Can I
>Just doing it
In this case I would actually say the correct phrase should have been "I'm sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?" and you have the chance to re-engage based on the response.

To be honest, normies using cons as a hookup zone is a bad sign. Dating panels are a containment area to mitigate the situation. The fact that cons are having them all 3 days now shows how bad the problem has gotten. Some women just want to be left alone to have fun on their own so let them.

As for the article itself, there is some solid advice in there, but I dislike how dependent on alcohol it is. If you need to get a girl drunk to have sex with her there's a bigger problem. A lot of neurodivergent people can't drink due to their meds. Never forget the other social lubricant, money. I'm not talking about prostitution but if that girl who you get to walk around the dealers room is squeeing about that plushie or wall scroll but isn't buying it, it's probably because she can't afford it so buying it for her as a gift gets you a lot of good boy points. If she's planning on eating coffee pot ramen and you can offer her a decent meal at a restaurant that goes a long way. If she's in a stuffed room and you have a solo suite, that's also very inciting. Just remember she doesn't owe you anything just because you bought something for her, it's more along the lines of show her a good time and she'll show you one in return.

>> No.10904272

>Once word gets out that anime cons are the new bars (as people tried to do with gyms several years ago before everyone figured out it was a bad idea), the entire atmosphere of conventions will change from those two thirds flooding con floors, and anons like >>10903534 and >>10903546 will find themselves surrounded by strangers they have no way of having proper discussions with, if not cast out of the community entirely for not attending cons specifically to chase skirts.
As somebody who's been going to cons since 2001, I've already watched this happen once around 2010 or so. There was a very noticeable generational change, felt like it happened almost overnight, when cons went from being mostly populated by pretty hardcore fans who watched everything fansubbed and were mostly into more mature anime, and who were mostly relative outcasts, to being flooded by much more "normal" people whose only real interest in anime was very mainstream kid-oriented stuff that had been on domestic TV, Pokemon being by far the most prominent example. That was also the point, I think, where the idea of "guys who just go to cons to party and get laid" really entered the collective consciousness and changed the whole vibe.

>> No.10904285
File: 29 KB, 821x258, don;t be homopobic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, an AI wrote it.
This obviously isn't AI writing. Are you a retarded person? Do you have a diagnosed learning disability? Pic related, AI doesn't write shit like pic relaed

Your confusion comes from the fact that wingman.live is apparently a dating-help AI, which you could have figured out in seconds if you weren't disabled

>> No.10904299

Never use your real-name, always use a nickname or pseudonym.
alternatively >>10903880

>> No.10904326

Dating apps aren't too bad. I don't feel comfortable approaching women in public in general so those have helped me, but they have their own source of problems.

>> No.10904330

damn i must be super ugly cuz ive never had anyone try to talk to me at a con

>> No.10904350

As a guy that fucked a couple, experience tells me MTF tend to prefer cis women.

>> No.10904352

>and work on treating your mental illnesses and cultivating an interesting personality by getting hobbies, until you are.

aka conform to gay women's expectations of what they want you to be like

>> No.10904353

man the things you need to have a perfect profile that gives zero "ick" are too much

>> No.10904384

Are we speaking the same language? Are you under the influence of drugs or alcohol?

What does that have to do with my post?

>> No.10904385

He seems to be replying to the thing about trans women in the image you posted.

>> No.10904388

oh. Ok the article actually does not suggest hitting on trans women, it's just that being cool with gay people will make others (including cis girls) comfortable around you

>> No.10904412

>The fact that cons are having them all 3 days now shows how bad the problem has gotten
Now that I think about it, it might have been hyperbole for me to say "all three days" when I don't actually remember people putting dating panels on Sundays. Still, seeing the two most active days of a con have speed dating or "speed friending" panels is worrisome.

>Never forget the other social lubricant, money
I don't think that strat is as dependable as you think it is these days. This is basically the mindset that simps have when they give their entire paychecks away to camgirls on Twitch.

Dating apps used to be better. These days, a lot of the matches I get are just women looking for an ego boost instead of women actually wanting something serious (or casual). But like you said, apps have their own problems.

It might have happened and you just didn't realize it. Women will usually not talk to guys unless they find them attractive (but not necessarily if they're attracted to them), so if someone ever tried getting a game in with you or asked you about something random they were probably trying to at least keep you around. And if that hasn't happened, then unironically start hitting the gym and grooming your face because you're probably either too fat or too skinny.

2010 was around the time when The Big Bang Theory's damage on society really started to kick in, so I'm not surprised to hear that its damage spread to the con community as well. Though having said that I don't really have anything to compare it to since I only started going to cons myself in 2014 since I had my own car by then and didn't need to ask my parents to take me to awkward places like cons. But I think in 2010 you didn't have society suffering as much as it does now with the aforementioned 2/3 of men being single, so while there were more normies you didn't see cons turning into the girlfriend stores they're starting to become post-covid.

>> No.10904415

i already fell down the /fit/ rabbit hole years ago (i'm unironically 6'2", 190lbs and 12% bf)

>> No.10904417

I was in a relationship 2008-2013 and it ended badly enough that I was pretty closed off for a couple of years after that so it's hard for me to exactly outline the changes, all I know is that 2015 was a very different world from 2008. What I will say is that dating and hookups were absolutely parts of cons prior to that, so in a way they were a "girlfriend store" back then too, but the standards were very different and I think girls in the scene were a lot more willing to look past a dude being awkward or whatever, and imo were more assertive about it too, but I'm also old and past the point of hoping not to die alone so I can't really speak for what it's like among people who are the age I was in the 2000s.

>> No.10904452
File: 101 KB, 1540x721, IMG_3794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of what was in that article is true. Universal like being in good shape, having good hygiene and not being a sperg lord who says annoying or weird things are rules to get you laid everywhere. As far as cons go, being in cosplay is a big one, having a crew and booze and all else are all correct too, but the article omits one thing, and it’s a big one, and that’s digital presence. Imho I’m surprised the author left out such an integral part of the process. You can have all those things in the article above but if she goes on your IG and sees a bunch of sperg memes and Pepe’s it’s going to turn her off just as quick. Try to curate your Instagram, try not to have memes you screenshotted as actual posts, make sure there’s some pics of you having fun both at cons and outside of them. Adventurous posts like hiking or being out on a boat have worked for me personally. Having a few posts where you look good but it isn’t totally obvious you’re trying too hard is also a plus, maybe a selfie of you and the boys on the town or you with some kind of main focus in the background (ie: mural, art piece, roller coaster etc) Having a follower to following ratio is always a plus but it’s not totally necessary. Also be sure to have one or two social justice stories every now and then, even if you don’t believe a word of it and think it’s retarded, on the flip side don’t spam SJ posts either though. Respond to girls stories with meaningful input about her work or a question about something related to cosplay. Sneak a compliment in there if you can but don’t be brazen about it or don’t make it the focus of the message. After a bit of back and forth messages and getting to know one another try light teasing if you sense flirting, emphasis on LIGHT though.

>> No.10904453

completely untrue. someone's never heard of t4t.

a more accurate statement would be "it's rare for MTFs to go for cis men."

>> No.10904469

fake and gay. They all have boyfriends.

>> No.10904470

You pretty much described why I don't care to go to conventions. What's the point if everyone is going to brush you off? I'd rather blow that money on hookers and my hobbies instead of being told to fuck off just for showing up.

>> No.10904472

Holy fucking gay quads

>> No.10904473

You fren, unironically, need to lift...and i dont mean for the outcome for you morph into a gymbro but just from reading your post i feel it will give u at the least a subconscious boost in confidence...there is no net loss

>> No.10904499

yeah that's what they tell YOU

>> No.10904500

anything social attracts women. Doesnt matter what men do women will invade it pretend they like it & take it over.

>> No.10904505

Nta but as a fag, no, even faggots have standards so sorry, if you're so fat that you can't get a woman's hole you won't get a man's either.

>> No.10904513

>This is basically the mindset that simps have when they give their entire paychecks away to camgirls on Twitch.
Giving a random e-thot your money isn't the same as taking an IRL girl out to dinner, or buying a gift that you actually hand to them. If that's taking your entire paycheck then you aren't making enough to date an actual girl.
>These days, a lot of the matches I get are just women looking for an ego boost instead of women actually wanting something serious (or casual).
Put down the phone and start having meaningful interactions IRL.
>2010 was around the time when The Big Bang Theory's damage on society really started to kick in, so I'm not surprised to hear that its damage spread to the con community as well.
It's a TV show. It's fake and people know that. How does that harm society?
>But I think in 2010 you didn't have society suffering as much as it does now with the aforementioned 2/3 of men being single, so while there were more normies you didn't see cons turning into the girlfriend stores they're starting to become post-covid.
I know we have a generation that's been socially stunted due to Covid but that doesn't mean that you can just ignore social etiquette.
>girlfriend stores
There's no such thing. Not dating apps, not conventions, not social meetups. If your sole pre-occupation is finding a girlfriend or hook-up rather than having a good time, chances are you won't find one. Work on being an interesting person with interesting hobbies which once again means putting down the phone and going out and actually doing things so you can meet real people.

>> No.10904516

yooooo wtf

>> No.10904539

>It's a TV show. It's fake and people know that. How does that harm society?

A white dude I knew from other smaller chans was "is this what it is to be culturally appropriated?". And I responded "oh yea this is a good feeling of it".

I know like international engineering students and whatnot liked it a lot which I guess makes sense?

>> No.10904540

>2010 was around the time when The Big Bang Theory's damage on society really started to kick in
Ah yes the Big Bang theory will be read about by future historians as the catalyst to the fall of western civilization.

>> No.10904605

buying things for girls doesn't make them like you lmfao. Girls are turned off by gifts unless its liek valentines

The less you do for women the more they want you.

t. 200+ body count

>> No.10904612

Throwing no shame like 200 one of those girls had to have dick, just like statistics. How was it?

>> No.10904615
File: 42 KB, 640x484, 1646271674975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW fat

Another reason to legalize brothels. Fuck everything.

>> No.10904632

If you're going to lie online at least make it believable.

>> No.10904635

I don't have social media lul
They're all burner accounts

>> No.10904655

>Like people can be comfy at a con, but why does it also have to turn into a pride event?
Because wanting to dress up as Japanese cartoon characters is already a mental illness, why not add all the other trendy mental illnesses?

>> No.10904656

I don't think absolutely everyone will brush you off. You can still find actual nerds at conventions (usually in the tabletop sections) and everyone else won't be hostile towards you, just be prepared to not discuss anything beyond a surface level with most people.

It wasn't just The Big Bang Theory, it's just that saying that it was because of it is funny. Basically in the late 00's companies realized they could make a lot of money marketing nerd shit to normies, so you saw video games becoming more casual, anime being promoted way more heavily, and what The Big Bang Theory was doing was basically a symptom of that, but also contributed to "normalizing" nerd culture.

So what happened is a bunch of normies invaded nerd spaces (to the delight of companies organizing them) who didn't give a shit about anything, which disrupted said spaces heavily since being a nerd is all about giving too much of a shit about things. In regards to /cgl/, you saw a bunch of stacies enter the cosplay scene (sometimes not even cosplaying a character they like but just one that looks hot that they don't know anything about) since it's an easy place to get attention from guys and the costumes could be built from high quality components very easily now. What ended up happening is girls who used to bully the girls who were already in the cosplay scene are dominating it now (I've read a bunch of people's posts on here before about this specific scenario).

Eat right and do cardio. You're eating fast food all the time because fast food is addicting and you're addicted to it, so treat it like an addiction. From there, you don't even have to lift, just keep cycling or walking a bunch until you've burnt all the excess fat off.

>> No.10904662

>It wasn't just The Big Bang Theory, it's just that saying that it was because of it is funny. Basically in the late 00's companies realized they could make a lot of money marketing nerd shit to normies, so you saw video games becoming more casual, anime being promoted way more heavily, and what The Big Bang Theory was doing was basically a symptom of that, but also contributed to "normalizing" nerd culture.
I don't know about BBT specifically, I've gone out of my way to avoid it as much as possible but from what little I've seen it seemed very anti-nerd if anything, the whole show was about making fun of nerds for being nerds and any "victories" the main characters had were in spite of them being nerds rather than because of it. It never really used humor that was actually funny to nerds either, the jokes were always "haha what a loser he referenced Star Trek," not that the reference itself was relevant or funny if you got it. That said I know a lot of people took it differently and you've got a lot of fans in the scene now, but every one of those people I've ever known was a vapid moron with a very shallow interest in actual nerd stuff.

>> No.10904680

Do you have a gf? If not that might explain it

>> No.10904687

I didn't randomyl select partners so this isnt how statistics work. I accidentally went on a date w/ a hot tranny once though

It may be closer to 170ish but I just haven't coutned. Im in my 30s and ive been sexually active since 18, so thats like 10 partners per eyar which isnt that much at all

>> No.10904693

Did you bang the tranny?

>> No.10904694

NTA anon but I have no social media presence either.
Is that really a red flag with women? I mean I did ok last year, but have been striking out lately.

>> No.10904697

As time marches on it becomes more and more important. Even if you’re late 20s plus and think it isn’t as pertinent to your generation as it is to the younger ones, believe me bud to women it is.

>> No.10904701

Yeah, women always give me "that look" when they ask if I have an instagram or the likes and I have to tell them I don't. I tell myself I'll get around to it one day, but I just have nothing interesting to post, and I feel like an empty account is more of a red flag than just none at all

>> No.10904702

this seems too specific to matter anon

>> No.10904707

I am that anon and yeah I did actually

>> No.10904709

You underestimate it man, especially if there’s a girl you have your eye on that you met at a con in the past but want to link up with in the future. Or you’ll get weird stares and they’ll assume you’re a friendless autist if they ask you for an IG at a con and you don’t have one

>> No.10904728

>buying things for girls doesn't make them like you lmfao. Girls are turned off by gifts unless its liek valentines
In what universe do women not like getting things they want?
>The less you do for women the more they want you.
Not every woman is the same. To women seeking a relationship a provider is a big turn on.
>t. 200+ body count
And how many of those became long term meaningful relationships? No repeat customers? You must be pretty bad in bed.

But to each their own. Back in my club days I probably racked up a decent body count myself. I had a VIP pass to a popular club (funny story how I got that) and if you wanted to go to a house party after close I was the guy to know. My house had a covered pool, indoor jacuzzi room, and a bar in the kitchen. I bought the house that way. People always asked how I could afford it at my age.
>Cisco Certified
Yeah, I'm a nerd.

>Basically in the late 00's companies realized they could make a lot of money marketing nerd shit to normies, so you saw video games becoming more casual, anime being promoted way more heavily, and what The Big Bang Theory was doing was basically a symptom of that, but also contributed to "normalizing" nerd culture.
I never really understood this complaint. Normies invading con spaces aside, the more people that get into anime and gaming means more anime and games get produced. You actually have more things to enjoy because of this and the normies aren't taking anything away from you so why all the shade?

>> No.10904729

woman here and i also did not have instagram for most of my life, until i regularly started going to cons. i would tell people i didn’t have instagram and also get The Look, and it eventually dawned on me that saying i didn’t have ig came off as “i have instagram but i don’t want to give my handle to you and i want this interaction to end”. after downloading instagram, interactions have been much more positive, even though i only have one post.

alternatively, you can always say “sorry, i don’t have instagram, but here’s my discord/number/email if you’d like to keep in touch.” i’ve found that people respond negatively to people with no instagram because they perceive it as rejection, not because they genuinely care if you’re active and popular on social media. though as a male your experience may differ somewhat.

>> No.10904756

Huh, I've never thought about it that way, personally. I do usually try to offer my discord acc to people who ask (or snapchat back when that was still a thing) but I'd feel like people were still disappointed with it. Whatever, really, since making an account is easy enough and I've been meaning to make another one for a while now. Admittedly, I do have a personal account, but I've been locked out from using it for a while now and I don't think I'll ever be able to get back in.

>> No.10904769

You guys both have body counts of zero. This isn't /qst/, stop roleplaying.

>> No.10904774

>I never really understood this complaint. Normies invading con spaces aside, the more people that get into anime and gaming means more anime and games get produced. You actually have more things to enjoy because of this and the normies aren't taking anything away from you so why all the shade?
Because it never means more of the stuff existing fans want, and in fact usually results in a decline in that stuff as producers go chasing the larger normie market. It's more obvious in games where everything has to be dumbed down for an audience that'll only spend 20-30 hours in one game and drop it 6 weeks after launch (that's not speculation btw, straight from one of the major publisher heads in an interview I read a while back) but it happens in other media too, including anime.

>> No.10904786

nta but this happens when fans are shit regardless of them being normie. for instance i can't stand dubs and the dub fans are just as annoying as normies to me based on what they bring to a con and the community.

>> No.10904791

It's really fucking weird to me how normalized dubs are in the community now. When I started out everybody who was into anime enough to go to cons watched subs and dubs were universally ridiculed, now I mention subs at cons and get treated like a weirdo for it, dub VAs get bigger crowds than sub ones, I constantly see people bitching about dubs not being out yet or posting shit on social media complaining about sub fans and people using Japanese names for things and stuff, etc. (That last one really bugs me because they act like it's some kind of elitist thing or something, when in reality it's just people knowing those series through fan manga translations or whatever before they get an official English title.)

>> No.10904792

I wanted to link to an old article on Return of Kings
But appearently, the side shut down...

>> No.10904794

>Should I just start homo-maxing? Please advise
I don't know
I'm still not desperate enough to do that...

>> No.10904795

I think the best advice on this is, bring a bi-slut with you, so you can have a threesome with another bi-slut at the convention

Two problems
How can I get one before the convention?
With my luck, I will probably excluded from the threesome

>> No.10904814
File: 83 KB, 828x503, bi alt girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the wingman chatbot's response indicates that you have to have some kind of ability to get women first

>> No.10904836

So like if I ran into a girl we talk, I say hey maybe we can meet up later, it's cool if I ask for numbers still?
I haven't done that in years because of dating apps, so I'm a bit rusty.

>> No.10904841

>pick up healthy habits, and work on treating your mental illnesses and cultivating an interesting personality by getting hobbies
kek, all the bluepill advice in one post. nothing turns a girl on like healthy habits.

>> No.10904853

I don't think those habits turn girls on. Those will give one a better looking body and more confidence which women find attractive.

>> No.10904860

>that girl who you get to walk around the dealers room is squeeing about that plushie or wall scroll but isn't buying it, it's probably because she can't afford it so buying it for her as a gift gets you a lot of good boy points.
damn why did I lost so much time buying drinks to club sluts when it was all so simple..

>> No.10904870

It’s more socially acceptable at cons to use IG instead, asking for a number is a faux pas and will make you come across as either autistic or a boomer

>> No.10904872

Number is too personal unless you're actually hitting on eachother

>> No.10904873

I guess I gotta make an insta, all I have is discord and Twitter which I don't really use.

>> No.10904878

That you do my friend, and refer to this post here >>10904452 if you want advice on how to curate it and not have it scream “I’m an autistic fuckwad who gets no bitches”

>> No.10904882
File: 168 KB, 476x597, It's Manifesting Time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some QRD and addendums, since I've met enough "tfw no gf" types to know their biggest issues
>fun and positivity are magnetic. People want to be around fun
This reads like incredibly basic common sense, but it can't be if so many fail to believe it. Guys always talking about how much they NEED cosplay gf always suffer from at least one of the following: refuse to stay out after a certain hour, are impossible hold a conversation with because they can only resort to mindless meme spam, or (most likely) are sour groups about absolutely everything. The Redditism of "You must be fun at parties" exists for a reason.
>a strong man uses his strength and abundance to lift others up
>not to knock them down
Also applies to a good number of the smarmy posters in this thread too, no doubt.
>His Girl Might be Fair Game
And this is the other biggest self-imposed hurdle. The assumption that "every girl has a boyfriend / is there with her boyfriend" is just as misguided as thinking it means there's no chance. One has to wonder how much of it is bad faith actors after seeing it so many times

>> No.10904889

Manga readers and sub watchers tend to be obnoxious pretentious losers.

>> No.10904890
File: 386 KB, 1536x2048, GHphWWsawAAulUZ (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I met up with a "friend" I had been chatting online for the past two months, the idea was to go to a sort of weekly anime con in my county and have fun

So we ended up meeting and I was almost instantly disgusted by this guy. It was like a pure biological rejection and it made the entire thing extremely awkward because I could barely contain my disgust.

The guy wasn't fat but covered in black clothes, jeans and a shitty sweater, wouldn't take off the hood in the ENTIRE TIME (we're in fucking summer here) but something about his voice, face or overall aura just gave me an extreme disgust, he wasn't mean, just awkward.

No, I'm not a girl, I'm a straight guy and I know I shouldn't care how a friend looks but... I was so disgusted. All I could think about was that I have a complete total awkward freak following me around.

There was a moment where he touched my shoulder and I had like an instinctive rejection. He would also use internet slang (that I also use) but irl, and somehow that would made me puke inside

I don't know guys, what happened? I know people who are into anime/vidya are sometimes freaky, maybe fat, whatever, but not everyone I mean people in the con seemed way less awkward than this guy, cosplayers and all but this guy had an aura that was putting me off from the first moment I saw him, much more than any of the people in there or whatever.

I feel like I'm kinda a normal person (keyword kinda) who likes anime/vidya (shit I even love bjd dolls) but having this kind of experience makes me feel completely out of place.

>> No.10904892

>I know I shouldn't care how a friend looks
Yes you should. Who you keep around you reflects upon you. You instantly, primally recognized him as a dysgenic loser faggot.

>> No.10904896
File: 294 KB, 1536x2048, GH2LP1MbYAE5P00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told what happened to other people and someone told me

>t sounds like you're afraid to be associated with him because you don't want people to view you the same way you view him

And it was like that... when we were going through the con I tried to take as much distance as possible. I was embarassed, digusted, a mix of both. Things like this makes me want to just drop completely out of everything anime related, it makes me feel I will end up like that one day.

>> No.10904897

Nah, just be a buff Chad with nice hair who so happens to be into anime.

>> No.10904901

Yeah the thing is I have an active life and do photo stuff. It will be weird if I start populating my insta with years worth of stuff, give it to a girl and it's a month old but with years of stuff.

>> No.10904903

Girls aren't smart

>> No.10904905

They're about as smart as men.

>> No.10904907


>> No.10904919

Drop a couple under the guise of #tbt or “throwback Thursday” on a random Thursday of your choosing. Tl:Dr that’s a socially acceptable way to post old pics

>> No.10904927

I made a post today but I didn't hashtag it anything should I change that?

>> No.10904932

No. It doesn't matter bro.

>> No.10904938

Thanks I figure I'll throw a couple pics up a few times a week even though I have like no followers then I'll be good.

>> No.10904940
File: 142 KB, 1362x637, weird people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they have any positive qualities, keeping them around can make you look like a chad with an abundant lifestyle

>> No.10904960
File: 21 KB, 400x400, GHsTZQEd_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahaha how the fuck is not getting pussy real hahaha nigga just lie about the money you make like nigga say your salary $100k a year hahaha

>> No.10904964

100k a year ain't shit anymore.

>> No.10905040

As far as I can tell, the community still prefers subs. I know a few people that are dub enjoyers, but most of them are either turbo-normies who just don't care or people with a learning disability that can't read fast. I'd say out of the people I know who are really into anime (watch shit regularly, are at least aware of what is currently airing, keep up with manga, etc.), 99% watch with subs. Japanese VA's also always draw huge crowds at the conventions I've been to, so I don't know what you're going on about when you say that "sub VA's" get smaller crowds.

That's a chronic problem with dating advice in general, all the advice you usually get is "here is how to meet this type of girl", but when it comes to the core issue of knowing how to turn an acquaintance into a relationship you're stuck with a lot of "draw the rest of the fucking owl". PUA literature tries solving this with manipulation tactics, which just makes me think you need to be a psychopath to actually get a GF.

>The assumption that "every girl has a boyfriend / is there with her boyfriend" is just as misguided as thinking it means there's no chance
This one actually happens to me a bunch, I was talking to a girl at a con but didn't try anything because I assumed she was taken (even though she seemed to be there by herself), later on I saw her at a dating panel.

You're not prepared for the absolute horror people live through that make $100K.

>the normies aren't taking anything away from you so why all the shade?
You're partially right since nowadays it's very easy to self-publish your own games and animations, so it's easy to surround yourself with indies if you hate mainstream shit. What normies are taking away from us is the community, as I mentioned in the post you're replying to.

>> No.10905044

>how to turn an acquaintance into a relationship
You build sexual tension by flirting, you take them on a date and kiss them.

>> No.10905054

Where is thr line between flirting and being a creep?

>> No.10905056

Mostly whether or not she likes it. That's why it's smart to start slow. And also asking her on a date is a good gauge, if she declines or makes excuses just move on, she's probably not interested.

>> No.10905057

I think I usually start too slow and none of the women are interested in me because I just talk to them like normal.

>> No.10905063

Definitely happens. Friendzoning yourself. You have to take some risk. Normal talking is good though, can make them comfortable. Just have to mix in some flirting.

>> No.10905070

Yeah but what exactly is flirting?

>> No.10905073

Teasing them. Saying lightly sexual things. Trying to make them laugh and smile, so they're having fun.

>> No.10905074

I make $88k and my life is pretty swell

>> No.10905078
File: 35 KB, 500x407, how-to-draw-an-owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm gonna fuck that up.

>> No.10905081

Observe other guys who are flirting and seem to be successful. Remember the lines and approach they take. You can straight up copy lines if they fit the context. And overall, you gotta practice. Not all girls are the same but often similar approaches work and you can use them repeatedly with different girls. Remember what works, as in what they smile at or are receptive to and continue that. Stuff that doesn't work, annoys them or disinterests them, don't do again.

>> No.10905082

>That's a chronic problem with dating advice in general, all the advice you usually get is "here is how to meet this type of girl", but when it comes to the core issue of knowing how to turn an acquaintance into a relationship you're stuck with a lot of "draw the rest of the fucking owl". PUA literature tries solving this with manipulation tactics, which just makes me think you need to be a psychopath to actually get a GF.
That's because HUAs can only give you tips, not a complete roadmap. Every person is different which is why you need to fill in the blanks.

>This one actually happens to me a bunch, I was talking to a girl at a con but didn't try anything because I assumed she was taken (even though she seemed to be there by herself), later on I saw her at a dating panel.
Approaching the subject of finding out if a girl is single and looking is difficult to do without coming off as a creep. Once again, speed dating panels are a containment zone to mitigate the problem of dudes hitting on every chick they see so if your con has one, go to it because you know these girls are single and looking.

>You're partially right since nowadays it's very easy to self-publish your own games and animations, so it's easy to surround yourself with indies if you hate mainstream shit. What normies are taking away from us is the community, as I mentioned in the post you're replying to.
That's why I said conventions aside. Staffing at cons or going to local cosplay meetups is a good way to restore the sense of community. Normies only invade the big events, not the small ones. Most of the people volunteering/running conventions do so for a feeling of contributing to the community, which is where the con senpai thing comes from.

>> No.10905083

Where the hell does practice? Grocery stores?

>> No.10905085

>damn why did I lost so much time buying drinks to club sluts when it was all so simple..
How is buying a club slut a drink so much different than buying a weeb girl a wall scroll? The club slut was probably going to get another drink anyway so you're just saving her money.

I know I talk a lot about targeting younger girls with no money, but that because they are abundant at anime cons. So many college aged people are broke and spent all of their budget on their cosplay, con badge, hotel room and travel expenses. That leaves them with little money to do things like go out and eat or buy things in the vendor hall. That's why a small gift or a decent meal goes a long way.

>Where is thr line between flirting and being a creep?
>Mostly whether or not she likes it. That's why it's smart to start slow.
This is correct. Start by complementing her cosplay, not her body. From there you can start a conversation with simple inobtrusive questions like where she's from or talk about the show she's cosplaying from. From there you need to read the conversation and body language. Is she complimenting you and asking questions about you or just responding to yours? Is she smiling? Is her stance defensive or open? Is she getting close to speak to you or keeping her distance? Are her arms to her side or crossed? Once again this is an art that takes practice so don't be afraid of rejection and take the hint when it's time to move on.

>> No.10905094

>That's a chronic problem with dating advice in general, all the advice you usually get is "here is how to meet this type of girl", but when it comes to the core issue of knowing how to turn an acquaintance into a relationship you're stuck with a lot of "draw the rest of the fucking owl". PUA literature tries solving this with manipulation tactics, which just makes me think you need to be a psychopath to actually get a GF.

You're never going to have a shot-by-shot playbook for seducing a girl or making her your gf. Every situation is different. You just need practice

try the app.wingman.live chatbot it's pretty good

>> No.10905095

>grocery stores
That's called cold approaching and yes you can do that. Though most people are a bit busy for that. I found the most success personally when approaching girls on public transit or waiting at a stop.

>> No.10905108

My church doesn't let me use AI

>> No.10905117

>I know I talk a lot about targeting younger girls with no money, but that because they are abundant at anime cons. So many college aged people are broke and spent all of their budget on their cosplay, con badge, hotel room and travel expenses. That leaves them with little money to do things like go out and eat or buy things in the vendor hall. That's why a small gift or a decent meal goes a long way.
Honestly I don't even need to date them, I would be happy if a con girl just used me as her paypig for the day.

>> No.10905124

Nice. Then I'd creampie her after in the hotel room.

>> No.10905126

That would be hot especially if I paid for the hotel room.

>> No.10905131

As much as I hate the cosplay community and their predatory victim complex bullies you should expect to be blamed if your "strategy" is to basically grift and coerce women into sex and especially if this is the only reason you are present. Thats the definition of predatory behavior like the crybullies who just go there to fish for some poor retard to blame.

>But muhhh wombmin want it like that.

There may be some who do but the question is do you really want to connect in an intimate way with a person who shifts all responsibility, even for her own wellbeing, onto you and basically expects you to violate her personal space, privacy and ignore social conduct to even consider you? Do you actually want to be vulnerable infront of such a person? If so you deserve what you get because you are essentially a predator getting eaten by a bigger one if you end up with a rape charge.

>B-bit how should penis get wet then?

Just accept not fucking ten different girls wherever you go and stop enabling crybullies and dyed hair problem glasses with your low IQ behavior swarming thots with your simping. In a society where everyones equal you have to force people to be a self responsible adult and if they dont want to fuck so be it.

To the women who are like that: Fuck you. If you would behave like an adult who can think for herself you maybe wouldnt be treated like a child that cant be trusted with anything.

>> No.10905151

Well I guess I'll try that. Hope I don't come off as too much of a creep while practicing. I'll just be friendly people like friendly people.

>> No.10905153

>you should expect to be blamed if your "strategy" is to basically grift and coerce women into sex
>being nice and charming, wooing an adult female and she willingly has sex with you is ""grifting"" and ""coercion""

>> No.10905155

Yeah I'm not trying to be a creep, I just figured if a woman found me cute, funny, and charming we could form a romantic relationship whether brief or longterm and express our feelings physically.
I do feel I have some of those qualities and that certain women would agree, it's just hard to show them off without being a douchebag.

>> No.10905180
File: 179 KB, 1242x898, 1688905280460681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can be one of your followers, anon :)

>> No.10905182

That used to work for me but it feels like things have changed and women expect guys to be a lot more proactive now and think you're not interested if you move slow and try to let things happen naturally.

>> No.10905183

no. no. do NOT try to pick up girls at grocery stores or on public transit. this is the easiest way for women to think you're a creep/stalker and avoid you at all costs. "cold approaching" really only works for guys who are ryan gosling level attractive, and even so, i still fucking hate this every time it happens to me (and every other woman i know feels the same).

any "unavoidable daily routine" setting is completely inappropriate for picking up women desu. instead, practice at a bar, a coffee shop, a market, a park, or at events in your city. i personally think cons are a great place to practice flirting for the first time. there is a certain base level of autism to be expected at any nerd convention, so you'll typically get more grace there than you would anywhere else.

>> No.10905187

Idk I've fucked chicks from public transit. It was actually by far the most effective location for cold approaching. Girls also approached me on public transit. I'm not Gosling good looking but I'm handsome. Not tall though.

That being said going to places you don't normally go is not a bad idea as long as they're relatively close locations.

>> No.10905188

>practice at a bar, a coffee shop, a market, a park,
nta but basically none of these are viable where I live. Cons and maybe things like music festivals are basically the only places where you'd even want to consider approaching women, and even those are pretty iffy. Among couples I know, probably 90% met organically through school, work, or friends in one way or another (private parties etc.) and the other 10% met online, mostly NOT through dating sites. (MMOs, online communities, etc.)

>> No.10905189

I dated a girl I met on public transit once but it happened in Japan and she started talking to me first. I was also pretty good-looking at the time, not so much anymore.

>> No.10905198

Lmao how do I find guys like this?

>> No.10905200

This is just a sheer guess but probably something involving posting your feet on the internet

>> No.10905222

I guarantee you he's insane or disgusting somehow

>> No.10905223

Everyone is either insane or disgusting. I would rather be insane.

>> No.10905226

Nice try ladies, I ain't doing that shit for some dumb ladies. Maybe try taking your own advice sometime, and I'll THINK about allowing you near my body.

If you give me a ride and let me stay at your hotelroom, you'll have a better chance.

>> No.10905228

I know this is bait but it's hilarious how some moids actually think this way

>> No.10905251

Yeah I'm definitely below average. I'm not necessarily "ugly" but I'm definitely not handsome. I'm fat, not like crazy fat but like a little above average American fat. My face is pretty bad except my eyes. asymmetric, lots of scaring, pretty round.
Like I've done ok in the past with dating apps and even at some parties, but just ok. I just think meeting a girl at a con sounds so romantic, lively, and fun. Like something out of a movie or TV, it would be cherry on top of a sundae of a con.

>> No.10905282

>That was also the point, I think, where the idea of "guys who just go to cons to party and get laid" really entered the collective consciousness and changed the whole vibe.

At AnimeBoston we had a similar experience. Once we lost our 'Rave' it died down a bit, but these types are still around.
Some of my own friends are like that, only going to cons to hit on and creep on women. Or only go drunk or high- its pretty annoying desu.

Instagram is cringe

This. This was me back in the day, and I was obnoxious about it lmao, now I'm older and don't care what people watch. I still think modern dubs are bad though. Modern subs too- I just don't talk about it anymore.

>> No.10905300

Memes aside this article has really good advice.

>> No.10905308

>You build sexual tension by flirting, you take them on a date and kiss them
On the few dates I've been on (some were second dates!), I never figured out how to escalate. Like obviously you don't just smooch someone right away, but for a sperg it's hard to read the room. Sometimes my date starts touching me more, but in general I get the feeling that society's expectation is that escalation is up to the man when it comes to dating. So it's once again a "draw the rest of the fucking owl" thing.

>try the chatbot it's pretty good
I guess it's better than nothing, but I wonder if their chatbot's learnset has been tainted by the autistic shit spergs have said to it.

>> No.10905311

You just wait until towards the end of the date. Then look her in the eye and lean in and kiss her. And yes, as the man it's your responsibility to make the moves.

>> No.10905313

i went through a long period of dry dick (lost virginity at 25, didn't start regularly having sex until 35) and it took me a solid few years of grinding dating apps and dating apps dates until it started to click. it kinda does boil down to "draw the rest of the owl", you can read all the tips in the world but you need practice
if you're on a date she already likes you pretty much unless you fuck it up so don't sweat it
but if you're on a first date don't feel too pressured to escalate until you get more practice. i've had girls not want to kiss on a first date (but still want another date), and girls i've banged on a first date, but also girls who seemed downright offended i didnt make any sort of moves on a first date. there's girls who are fine with kissing in public and there's ones who won't but still want to bang, etc
but second date for sure she's into you so fire away. start off with lewd hand holding, like, as soon as you say hello grab her hand and then lead here where you're going. you don't have to be all handsy but its gonna feel weird for her if you don't put out some of energy that says "i wanna bang you". seriously sometimes you gotta just shut off the part of your brain that is filled with a bunch of bullshit stuffed in there by modern society, and just return to monke. i got way more in touch with my sexuality when learned to let go of thinking and be a sexual monkey man. like i said, second date is pretty much as GREEN of a go ahead light as you're ever gonna get, so just lose those inhibitions (of course always pay attention to her feedback and simmer down if she's not receptive).
that being said, my problem is kinda the same but a different level as yours. i have no problem these days escalating and getting to sex with girls that are basically "preselected" (90% of the time we met through dating apps)
but i have no idea how to hit on girls at cons and i feel like i would come off a huge creep if i ever tried

>> No.10905314

>but i have no idea how to hit on girls at cons
Any public area is mostly the same. Just ask walk up and ask her name. Then just talk about her. People and especially chicks like to talk about themselves. Her cosplay, where she's from, she mentions school ask her what degree etc. it's probably the same conversations you have on dates with your tinder chicks.

>> No.10905317

>I wonder if their chatbot's learnset has been tainted by the autistic shit spergs have said to it.
LLMs don't usually work like this. You have to choose what to bake into them every time you make a new version. They don't self-update

>> No.10905324

NTA anon but I'm similar with him.
I don't talk to strangers in public. Yeah at a party I will but even concerts and cons I have trouble approaching and talking to strangers. I'm just bad it, id like to getter.

>> No.10905325
File: 46 KB, 1206x536, become dating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become a God

should I do it bros?

>> No.10905328

I feel bad for any poor soul who decides to take dating advice from larpers on /cgl/. Some of you aren't even trying to be convincing with your stories.

>> No.10905330

Point to 3 posts that even remotely outlandish.

>> No.10905331

This one for starters >>10904452
Not going to bother looking for 2 more since this thread is garbage
>getting dating advice from 4chan

>> No.10905332

the part about needing a good instagram is very wrong lol

>> No.10905333

What's wrong about it?

>> No.10905340

I nominate the one where the guy claims to have a body count of 200.

>> No.10905342

it isn't true at all and that guy just had an anecdote

>> No.10905344

>have good hygiene, go in cosplay and don't be creepy is outlandish advice
Take a shower, anon.

>> No.10905346
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Among other things

>> No.10905356

So it's not weird for someone to not have a insta?

>> No.10905357

I'm sorry that woman hasn't had good sex.

>> No.10905359

What is wrong with foids

>> No.10905361

Just have one for the purpose of communicating with people. It doesn't matter if it's a "not cool" insta. People just freely give them out and are not so free with their numbers

>> No.10905362

Women literally do not care about money faggot, outside of it showing off status/competency

All the tech dudes in SF make 300k and don't get any pussy. THe homeless guys are the only ones getting sex

>> No.10905402

I thought the tech bros all had Asian boba liberals wives?

>> No.10905415

the lucky few

>> No.10905588

Tech dudes in SF are all hard-core virtue warriors that de-moisturize every vagina within a 500 yard radius

>> No.10905595

When I went I thought it would be a cool spot too live out of a van. I really did like the city. If I can get pussy living in a van in SF then I might go live my dream.

>> No.10905610

No person, not even faggots could possibly be interested in your incel ass lol.

>> No.10905611

Maybe if youre some sexpat looking for some sea monkeys in the east.

Tech nerds are just good for siphoning money off then leaving before any physical thing happens.

>> No.10905618

Nah being a sexpat is gross and goes against my principles as a Marxist Leninist.
Living in a van by the bay doesn't.

>> No.10905644

SF has a really bad male/female ratio. California in general does

>> No.10905671

Wheres the best? NYC? LA? I ain't moving to Texas or Chicago.

>> No.10905717

youre probably lying but maybe were living in different cultures, however
i was out drinking with some female friends some time ago and how you should treat your girl came up since i was the only guy there and they said i should just "care". For example gift her flowers, chocalates, etc out of the blue for no reason, invite her to something she talked about like a restaurant/museum/whatever she mentioned, just "care" about her and her interests. Though that is for when you already are in a relationship, so how youd get into it in the first place i dont know. Maybe a good date?

>> No.10905737

East coast cities. Philly, NYC, DC, Boston. Also New Orleans for some reason

>> No.10905740

Everywhere in California sucks for getting laid if you're not a gigachad. NYC is supposed to be pretty good, people moving from there to LA and being shocked at how they can't get laid anymore is a famous thing in LA.

>> No.10905748

Woah that's wild.
I think where I am people get laid. Most of my friends do. I know a couple wizards and I "do ok"

>> No.10905752

Yeah it's insane how bad it is, I was decently successful and just out of a 5 year relationship when I came here, now I've been single for 10 years and have only gotten laid at all a handful of times, mostly while traveling out of town (it's always incredibly shocking to me how easy it is everywhere else) or with girls who've only just moved here and haven't sunk into the LA dating/hookup slump yet. The same is true for most of my friends as well, the only guys I know who get laid much are really skeezy dudes who trade drugs for sex, and the only successful couples I know were already together when they moved here.

>> No.10905754

I like doing drugs on occasion but that sounds awful.
I was half thinking about moving there but I guess I'll hang east. Glad my brother moved out there with his wife and wasn't single.

>> No.10905762

Yeah I highly recommend against it, even without the dating/hookup issues it just sucks here, everything's stupidly expensive and once you've worked your way through the museums etc. it's boring as hell, the whole city (the non-shithole parts anyway) is gradually turning into a paradise for trust fund Whole Foods yoga vegan instagram types and everything else is dead or dying.

>> No.10905772

also LA is just 50 suburbs squished together. Unwalkable hell

>> No.10905774

Basically undriveable too, things that should be 10 minutes away can be an hour. Makes you not want to go anywhere and kills any prospect of decent nightlife since nobody wants to have to drive an hour to the bar/club and back.

>> No.10905776
File: 545 KB, 589x680, F5WPd1HXcAAulMP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex scares me. Several times at conventions women have approached me but I turn them down impulsively. I don't know why I am like this.

>> No.10905778

maybe don't rape women anon

>> No.10905779

While I dont agree with inviting more normalfags into conventions just looking to get laid, they'll probably only pickup con thots looking to exploit patreon/of bucks anyway. The actual advice is pretty solid, but it's really the same advice you'd find for any situation just with specifics for cosplay thrown in. I do like that even though it's for complete fakes, it encourages people to at least watch anime/play the games theyre cosplaying, which is more than the average thot does.

>> No.10905781

I live some ways from LA and daytrip during the weekends for my fav comix shop and fried rice spot (my vi mi gia in westminster yo)
And every time, every fucking time, I get stuck in traffic while driving 20 to some place 3 miles away. And god forbid you go anywhere near a santa monica freeway exit during rush hour. Might as well be in park.

>> No.10905782

It's not weird, but having one makes things easier.

>> No.10905785

I kinda get it, for me it's not the sex but the entire process though, putting in all the time, energy, and emotional investment to get with somebody only to find out they're not what you were hoping for. I've been single and mostly sexless for a long time because of it, spent my 20s in disappointing relationships and hookups, dealing with the guilt of wanting to leave somebody who still liked me, etc. and then after the biggest waste of time relationship (5 years) I just found myself paralyzed and have never managed to get over it.

>> No.10905795
File: 20 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I thought CA was filled with smoking hot tan babes and everyone was down with free love

>> No.10905807

People are there to make money and connections. If you have neither, you're worthless.

>> No.10905809

Texas sucks anyway; the man to woman ratio is good, but 90% of the women here are landwhales. I'm finding it hard to get into a relationship just because it's so rare to actually run into a girl who's attractive. If you're a chubby chaser though, Texas will be heaven for you.

>> No.10905824

I might be moving to Texas.
How's the PacNW? I like Seattle when I visited but I get the vibe that it might be baren for pussy there too.

>> No.10905825

It's such a shame. When I visited my brother in SF it was so sad to see a counter cultural mecca turned into a greedy wasteland of tech bros and homeless people.

>> No.10905830

Seattle is the most male-skewed city I've ever seen

>> No.10905837

How fat is too fat? I like big girls are they more lenient with this rule?

>> No.10905839

Anything over the recommended weight for their height is fat imo unless they are over the weight recommendation due to muscle mass.

>> No.10905852

>fat people having sex
disgusting though, please keep this to yourself

But in reality it's a spectrum and is mostly about how your frame looks. If you're pear shaped you're gonna have a bad time

>> No.10905853

Not obese but still overweight according to the CDC

>> No.10905861

you can handle it, just make sure your game is tight. You aren't gonna pull girls by looking like a bishonen, so you'll need confidence and charm and independence and rizz. The site in OP is actually really good for this

>> No.10905866

desu i'm willing to coach you if you're interested. I've had plenty of con success and I like doing this stuff.

feel free to add me on signal at harlequin.10

>> No.10905867
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>con hookup thread appears on /cgl/
>most of them have anons whining about how hard it is
Try being a gay chubby chaser where all the fat guys are straight / taken or a lesbian

>> No.10905870

>Everywhere in California sucks for getting laid if you're not a gigachad.
Honestly in the modern age everywhere sucks. It's called the male loneliness epidemic. There are more men interested in hook-ups than women and on top of that even women who are into hooking up aren't interested in hooking up as often as men. As a result, the top men hook up more often with more partners leaving the rest of the field barren. If you want the top 10% of women you need to be in the top 2.5% of males. Someone who isn't obese (on average about 60% of women) you have to be in the top 15% of males. Below that you have to be willing to settle when hooking up.

That would be if we were playing strictly by the number and only account for people hooking up based on relative attractiveness alone. When surveyed women didn't even put fitness in their top 3 things they were looking for from a partner. The thing the survey said women valued the most was an "emotional connection." That means beyond feeling safe and comfortable around you, she also needs a reason to like you over everyone else there. The big problem with this is a lot of those things that would create that "emotional connection" elsewhere fizzles at a con. You both like anime? So does everyone else there. You both like cosplay? Guess how many other people there do too. You're cosplaying her husbando? Yeah, you and how many other guys. All of these things that would huge ice breakers elsewhere and you're still at square one.

>> No.10905871

It's better than taking redpill advice.

>> No.10905872

This is a thread for getting laid. The bluepill won't help you here. Redpill is cringe too though

>> No.10905873

Shit I'm feeling tempted. My rizz ain't great I'll say, it's mostly me being drunk and literally lucky.

>> No.10905875

That emotional connection shit is true. I went on 2 dates with this girl we had the same politics and music taste. I know I'm autistic but I didn't feel shit with her.

>> No.10905878
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That's a good idea. I don't have to derail the thread with blogposting and it's less cringe than doing it in person. I'll drop you a li-- Should've guessed

>> No.10905879


>> No.10905880

I read that this younger generation both men and women have way less sex than previous generations in general.

>> No.10905881 [DELETED] 

I should've guessed who was behind this post >>10905878

>> No.10905882

I should've guessed who was behind this post >>10905866

>> No.10905883

try losing some weight. not even fatties like other fatties, they just have to settle for them.

>> No.10905884

Who? I'm the overweight anon I don't know how to use signal but tried to say hi but I don't think it worked.
I don't need coaching really Im just bored, lost a decent chunk of weight, and I find this an interesting topic. Some of that shit on the website looked kinda cringe like saying "we are going non contact" and shit like that idk. I'm no rizz master what do I know.

>> No.10905886

This is true and the result of a couple of things. I think the two biggest factors are the affordable housing crisis that keeps people living with their parents well into their late 20s.
>you wanna go back to my parent's house and have sex?
The other one being younger people are socially stunted from the pandemic shutdowns and have gotten used to staying home and not doing anything, which makes it hard to make real in-person interactions.

>> No.10905887

I would say that's an accurate deduction. You mentioned the housing crisis and the rates of marriage, and people having children are a direct result of that, that's proven, it would make sense for sex and relationships in general to follow this pattern.

>> No.10905888

Id like to add other economic factors in the slow growth of wages, inflation and price gouging, etc.
Material conditions affect sexual relationships.

>> No.10905889

>Honestly in the modern age everywhere sucks. It's called the male loneliness epidemic
I hear this a lot, but LA must be the same situation on steroids because I find that the level of interest I get absolutely skyrockets every time I go anywhere else, and I also get far more interest here from recent transplants or temporary visitors than long-time locals too. That's also been the case way back to the 2000s for me, so it's not just about this most recent situation, and the infamous "Women of LA" music video parodying the whole situation was more than 11 years ago now too.

>> No.10905890

Women probably think youre a hot shot coming in from LaLa land.

>> No.10905892

>like saying "we are going non contact"
that's... objectively the right move when a girl dumps you. Do you think begging for her to come back is the move?

>> No.10905893

Try m_harlequin on telegram. Signal can be shitty sometimes

>> No.10905894

They don't know that though, I don't dress or sound like I'm from LA and don't go around telling people unless directly asked.

>> No.10905895

California has always had sky high housing prices, which is probably why LA was ahead of the curve on the problem. From a quick google search the housing prices in LA and NYC are fairly similar, but suburb housing prices in NY compared to CA are drastically cheaper.
>I find that the level of interest I get absolutely skyrockets every time I go anywhere else, and I also get far more interest here from recent transplants or temporary visitors than long-time locals too.
Sex tourism among women is a thing. Women looking for one-night stands prefer to do so with people that they aren't going to see again. I have far more luck when traveling to other states for cons than I do at my local conventions, but then again, I'm fairly well known in my local con scene because I've staffed at cons and show up to quite a few of the local cosplay meet-ups.

>> No.10905896

>Sex tourism among women is a thing. Women looking for one-night stands prefer to do so with people that they aren't going to see again.
I'm aware of that, but I've also ended up in several relationships with out of town women, it's the main reason I've lived other places. I'll also mention that I was a virgin until 20, couldn't get the time of day from women, moved out of LA for college and literally lost my virginity on the first day and then dated and slept with several more girls, some who weren't even students at my college, within the first year without even putting in an effort. Came back to LA, two more years of nothing, then I met a girl at an out of town con and ended up moving to live with here, and so on. This place is a fucking black hole.

>> No.10905898

All of CA sucks even worse than LA apparently


>> No.10905914

Oh I guess that makes sense.
I thought you were like "icing" her to seemore mysterious. In my experience of your thinking that hard about trying to get a girl you already lost.

>> No.10905918

Clearly you haven’t been to bear events like Cannonball, Tidal Wave or TBRU

>> No.10905920

I saw similar names (not that one though) and accidentally invited a guy to chat. I suck with telegram too. Oh well.

>> No.10905945

As fatty, tell me more about these events.

>> No.10905947

They’re basically gay bear/chub events to socialize but mostly to fuck

>> No.10905949

Oh I'm not gay unfortunately, unless it's a femboy.

>> No.10905994

why are gay goes so gross jesus christ

>> No.10905997

You invited me to a secret chat then you cancelled it. You got the right guy

>> No.10906040

Oh cool, sent you a message.

>> No.10906052
File: 88 KB, 816x720, 1702216753926872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to Sakura con any girls here wanna have sex

>> No.10906106

do u really think this is how it works

"erm, anyone for le shmex contract xD"

Sex works when it's full of mystery, the reddit interpretation of sex as some sterile corporate contract

>> No.10906130

Alot of people here have autism please understand.

>> No.10906132
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Pic related is essentially what you're doing. Even the average autist should be able to see why it won't work without thinking too hard

>> No.10906134

Kek you have far too much faith in humanity.

>> No.10906154
File: 284 KB, 615x489, IMG_7478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the mentions of exchanging Instagrams
What if I don’t have social media?

>> No.10906156

Guess I'll choose naive optimism over cynicism then

>> No.10906158

just make one and throw a couple pics up. It's literally jut to use as a messaging platform. Nobody is gonna vet it.

>> No.10906164

50 and change followers is only 8 bucks too. They look like real accounts too.

>> No.10906165
File: 11 KB, 302x301, 120104309_948428712353693_6369763772290433590_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related is essentially what you're doing. Even the average autist should be able to see why it won't work without thinking too hard
Don't even bother with these people. Anyone who thinks asking for sex will get them sex are hopeless. These are the people who are completely incapable of having platonic relationships with the opposite sex, much less listen to what they actually want.

>> No.10906200

To be fair I did straight up ask a bumble date if they wanted to fuck and they said yes.
But I talked to them first,
and we had food and drinks.

>> No.10906232

I could literally get nearly anyone to fuck me but I'm not a easy faggot. I play to stay

>> No.10906233

You ever get straight guys to switch teams?

>> No.10906241

That's not a cold ask though. Bumble is different and I'm sure you weren't asking for sex on your profile using a meme image instead of a picture of yourself. In this case, the person had already expressed interest in you before you asked.

>> No.10906268

No I did have a lewd sex joke in my profile though.

>> No.10906269

For millenials our time has ended if we are not atractive nor rich. Old feminism dictates that you must look like Hensworth's Thor or Momoa's Aquaman. New feminism dictates you must look like korean bts and of course money because women needs sugar daddies because of their arsmate/onlyfans/fansly/kofi/vlocker free of taxes content.

>> No.10906286

Your time might be out because you spent it watching incel videos on YouTube but it's never too late for anyone else to meet someone.

>> No.10906308

holy shit shut up

>> No.10906327

Yeh, I have

>> No.10906331
File: 166 KB, 400x293, d5565379-263b-4e3f-8545-decef6e416be_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's impressive.

>> No.10906558

Props to the author for even having the willpower to write all this. Maybe it's easier when you're not addressing someone directly. Doing that all but guarantees an exercise in frustration, with the only takeaway being "This faggot doesn't wanna try. If he does try, he can't get mad about everything anymore"

>> No.10906569

If you like Asian women that might be your thing.
Don't know how many of them are actually single but there are a lot of them here.

>> No.10906576

Im making a blog and giving out sex advice too commie. We live in a free market and you can’t just post your blog here and not expect competition. Im smarter, stronger and more soupy so my advice will work better

>> No.10906588

the problem is that you have not had sex

>> No.10906589

that’s why I would give out better advice because I don’t ‘get high on my own supply’

>> No.10906780

I am going to try this guide out at sakuracon lol

>> No.10906790

Come to the inevitable meetup, and you might be in for an amusing surprise

>> No.10906957

1. Fuck off, we're full.
2. You're not gonna find shit up here for a number of reasons. 95% of women are either taken, gay, or both and the other 5% are terrified of their own shadow. You'd be moving into a low-trust city where everyone minds their own business so hard they don't even talk to their own "friends", assuming they even have any. Seattleites are incredibly flaky. On the off chance you *do* meet someone talkative, they'll insist on hanging out again "sometime" and even leave you with some form of contact but you'll never hear from them again no matter how much you reach out.

Source: Lived here for 31 years.

The answer is none. None of them are single.

Hope you're into dudes.

>> No.10907029

>just don’t be fat
>filters 90% of incels and femcels

>> No.10907109

>The Worst Cities For Men:
>Houston, we have a problem: no bitches.

Ok, I lol'd.

>> No.10907193
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>Dragoncon mentioned by name under "party cons"
Is Dragoncon really that raucous? I've thought about going because I heard it's exciting but I'm pretty new to the con scene. There aren't a lot here locally in the middle of nowhere and all of the ones that are here are family-friendly.

>> No.10907198

It's famously the wildest con of them all (outside of maybe some explicitly degen ones). I'm not sure what it's like these days though, and I've never been myself, most of my friends have many times though.

>> No.10907203

On one hand that's encouraging for my chances, but on the other hand I almost feel like I'd be out of my depth there.

>> No.10907346

>If you're a chubby chaser though, Texas will be heaven for you
If you’re a down bad female chubby chaser to the point that you rub your clitoris to chubby guys like Scarra from OfflineTV, anime cons in general are pretty much a goddamn buffet for potential romance or a good fuck (if you lower your standards, of course).

>> No.10907712

This. I'm 27, and I would have probably lost my virginity by now if I had this mindset. The pandemic years have flown by. It's not too late, but it does hurt a lot being alone. Girls want the same kind of love and attention that guys do, so it's something to keep in mind when pursuing someone. Just gotta read how the other person reacts. I've got a decent self image, so for me, it's just a matter of putting myself out there and talking to girls I'm attracted to,

If I wanted to meet someone at a con, the best thing I think I should do to do is talk about their cosplay. Maybe meet someone there at a party or any other drinking setting.

This year, I've got to put in the work get myself laid. I recently found out an online friend lives near me, but I can't ever imagine getting in bed with them, because they're actually ugly lol. Know what you want.

>> No.10907716


This is where I'm at. I just feel so burnt from all these things pushing me down. I just wish I had someone to cheer me up so I can push through all the bullshit society has been throwing at us. Chicken and the egg.

>> No.10907836

None of this shit is working for me. Fuck you guys.

>> No.10907923

You have remembered rule 1 and 2, right?
1. Be attractive
2. Don't be unattractive

>> No.10908123
File: 814 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20240331-212039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys have ads on here now. I wonder if this thread was astroturfed, regardless there was some decent discussion.

>> No.10908365

looks like you forget to be not fat

>> No.10909063

They always forget that part.

>> No.10909762

first off, i know what everyone is going to say (trans accusations, troll/bait post, etc.) but i’m female and i’ve never been to a con before and i want to cosplay and maybe get laid.. i’m super socially awkward and autistic though, how should i go about it? :’) i’ve been told i’m cute, i pull outside of cons but i’m always too shy to move forward with it. thanks anons.

>> No.10909776


>> No.10909808 [DELETED] 


>> No.10909842


>> No.10909852

I'm the guy who wrote this article and I added you on Discord