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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10903028 No.10903028 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread hit bump limit

>tfw you find out that the Chainsaw Man character your bf convinced you to cosplay is famous for not wiping or flushing when she shits.

>> No.10903036

Is your bf spanish?

>> No.10903042

Sigh. Another year of not being able to be a cosplayer's personal beta simp slave/human ATM. I wish I could pay for all her con fees while carrying her bags and watching her flirt with other guys at the con before bringing them back to our hotel room while I wait outside.

>> No.10903055

Threadly post about con karaoke
>First I've seen in ages where the screen faces the singer
>Eight hours instead of the usual one or two
>Still using cheap shitty covers
>volume is really low
The search continues

>> No.10903068

You're not a real Power cosplayer unless you have BO and a dirty ass.

>> No.10903093

Another year of not fucking a D.va or whatever costume a girl who wants to have sex in cosplay wears to have sex in cosplay.

>> No.10903097

I'm at a con now, and someone I was really bad towards last year is also here, I should probably just avoid the part of the con that they're hanging out because being near them is terrible.

Also, not very exciting con in general, as usual I went by myself and will just be going back and forth forever. At least I exchanged a few words with a few people I know here.

>> No.10903103

The fact that they're here is really increasing my anxiety in general which is making me much more unable to talk to anyone at all

>> No.10903106
File: 171 KB, 272x322, 1679477554765788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, I guess OP pic is somewhat related to my feels.

>Be into vtuber
>Never cosplayed before
>Finally find the courage and motivation to do so and have some characters in mind as well
>They're all part of the big agency that is currently in heavy controversy and pretty much in the process of falling apart (at least the English speaking branch)
>The characters I had in mind are key actors within the controversy
>Lose all the trust in the group, confidence fades
>tfw no more ideas left, aside from cosplaying as Gura, which feels kind of uncreative and basic af

Shit sucks mate

>> No.10903113 [DELETED] 

Can female cosplayers even be satisfied by 4 inches? I'm starting to lose confidence in myself.

>> No.10903126

This was me with Overwatch; my first (and so far only) time cosplaying was when I was Soldier 76 at several cons about a year ago, but then Blizzard came out with that infamous announcement cancelling PvE and I got so mad that I basically quit doing anything Overwatch-related, including doing that specific cosplay. But I've also not had any cosplay ideas I really wanted to do since then, so for now that was the last time I cosplayed, which sucks because I had a lot of fun doing it.

>> No.10903128

Cosplaying Vtubers always seemed weird to me. It's like cosplaying someone's persona. Stick with actual anime characters.

>> No.10903133

It's no weirder than cosplaying a movie or tv show character. Vtubers are people playing a character; the person behind the anime avatar is not the character themselves.

>> No.10903146

Most if not all vtubers that work with a large company are completely made up characters. Yeah it might be weird to cosplay as someone's avatar that they use on independent streams and aren't really acting, but that's not what the ones popular enough to get a lot of cosplayers are.

>> No.10903147

What did Ina do?

>> No.10903150

They're probably talking about nijisanji, not hololive

>> No.10903161

Yea, am talking about the Niji debacle that is going on right now. The tako is not related.

>> No.10903165

calm down retard deviantart ocs aren't people

>> No.10903167

I'm awful. I ended up interacting with them after all. First I apologized for what I did last year, which would have been acceptable, but then I got more and more courage and started repeatedly looking at what they were selling, and may even have raised my hand to greet them a couple of times. And at the end of the con, I went up to them and said bye.

Also, one of the people that I most often have good experiences with was there too, we didn't really talk until the very end of the con, but at the end we did talk for a bit. And then he went up to the person I'd set out to avoid to talk to them for a bit, so I stayed behind while very slowly moving closer, but then he came back to me and we talked some more. There's no way the person I was awful to doesn't know that I know that other person now, so now I need to worry that they tell about what I did. I guess it most likely won't happen, but it's something to worry about.

Anyway, the person I talked to some at the end was waiting for some friends, and they were going to do something together after the con before they left, I wish I had someone I could go and do something together with after cons, like maybe they were eating.
When I was leaving I met another person I know from before that I'd talked a bit to at the con, and he also mentioned the possibility of people meeting up after the con to do something, although he'd never been invited so he didn't know if it's something that happens. Maybe people just do it with friends, but I still wish I had friends to do it with.
We traveled together from the con, and us two also kind of merged with another group, and what happened there reminded me of another thing that keeps happening. People were asking each other about things like age, but they never got to me. Not that I'd be thrilled about sharing my age anyway, but it keeps happening, I'm not asked when everyone in a group is asked about something.

>> No.10903170

I guess people really don't care for me at all, really wish I wasn't there.

Anyway, back to the person I was awful to and wanted to avoid, I really have the wrong priorities. I'm supposed to cry because I'm lonely, but in this case, that really wasn't my focus. I wanted to buy something from them, as they were selling things, but of course I couldn't do that, but I really wish I could have bought something. The stuff they were selling was really nice too, but I know I don't buy things at cons, at least not unless it's a few very specific, rare franchises, so I know it wouldn't be right for me to buy something from them either. And then my brain starts to try to trick me, like, when I'm looking at stuff from other people, I start thinking that maybe I should buy something. I have to be quite aware to realize that it's not actually a true, independent idea, but that it's just my brain trying to trick me into breaking one of the main arguments for why I know I can't buy anything from that person.
Anyway, I really wish I could have bought something, but like I said, that isn't really why I'm supposed to be sad at cons.

I also met some people that I study with, which was nice, and we talked for a bit. I think it may have been them who improved my mood a bit at some point and initially got me to forget about being anxious for a while, or maybe I misremember, anyway it was nice.

There were also some people who complimented me, and asked me about what I was wearing, and that was also really nice, and I also talked to some other people too.

But honestly I'm probably the worst person at making friends that I've ever known about, I have never had a friend group at cons despite going for all these years. And not really a friend group elsewhere either. I wish I wasn't always alone, with only brief interactions, at cons. I have no one to do a cosplay group with, I have no one to go out and eat with. And it's always like this.

>> No.10903203


>> No.10903235

Is this a reference to something

>> No.10903282

cringe. I see beta orbiters like u all the time in cons and they make me puke each time. I don't even hide my disgust with idiots like u and the bitch ur simping anymore

>> No.10903283

I've never needed to care about my weight. Good genetics and a family that kept their kids playing sports just kept me slim, I suppose. There was never any need for me to try.

Now there's folds starting to form on my back. They're only hills finding their footing, not yet falling or spilling down by any means, but the fact that they're there even while I'm standing normally feels like shit. The bit of belly I've known that I've been growing doesn't feel cute anymore. It's the back that gets to me. It's my back that makes all of my fat feel gross.

I tried on lolita dresses today, trying to coord for a meet coming up soon. Way too many pieces in my wardrobe doesn't sit on me like they used to. I checked, and my waist is 7 cm more than when I first got into lolita. The waist isn't even where most of my fat sits. It's just the only measurement I know. I don't know the difference in bust, arms, belly or butt. It never used to matter to me.

I want to complain, wail and cry about this with people, but my own shame of believing in body acceptance keeps me from speaking out. I feel like such a hypocrite! I accept, praise and even desire bodies much heavier than mine, but as soon as my back has rolls I'm disgusted? I'm fearful? I'm laden with anxiety of what my mom would say if she knew?

The mental health issues are clear as day. I know I've gained a sedentary lifestyle. I know I've been depressed and in grief for various reasons. My bf is off studying abroad, and when I told him he very plainly figured that if this is the limit of the weight gain I feel comfortable with, it's fine for me to work to lose it. It's rational. It's nice.

But it doesn't resolve these feels. I haven't been on /cgl/ for years, but this is the first void on my list to scream these thoughts. The weight-loss discourse I saw here way back when is still with me, even if it didn't matter to me then. Beyond the crazies, there were some kind and reasonable gulls here. Are you gone yet? Am I alone?

>> No.10903286

>but my own shame of believing in body acceptance keeps me from speaking out

body acceptance doesn't mean you're not allowed to care about your physical and mental well being. Weight gain and weight loss are often symptoms of other issues such as stress, depression, grief, trauma, etc.
Construct a healthy lifestyle that suits you and makes sense to you. For example by engaging in physical activities you enjoy and cooking healthy meals you enjoy. Go to therapy if you can afford it and think you would benefit from it. Prevent isolation by making sure you regularly see your friends. Leading a healthy lifestyle will over time lead to a healthy body and a healthy weight (unless you have an impaired thyroid that needs medical treatment, if you think that might be the case then go to your GP). And whatever weight your body settles at after a long while of living a healthy lifestyle is probably what is healthy for you. That's something worth accepting.

>> No.10903296

this kind of thing happens when you get older, even if you're active and athletic your metabolism is gonna slow down a little, your hormones change, and sometimes you gain weight or flesh starts to sag a bit and it's not a big deal.

it's your body to do what you want with-- if the weight gain upsets you, you can try some light weight training to tone up, just try not to beat yourself up over it if you never get back down to your original size. bodies change, and most of the people that care are people too young to have experienced it.

>> No.10903303

All the cosplays I want to do are from games/series that are 5+ years old. This shouldn't stop me but it seems like a time sink to make them if there aren't meetups at cons for them anymore.

>> No.10903304

Phew, it's good to hear that you're still around here. I have started some new habits to change the state of my weight, of course. One good thing the body acceptance movement has taught be is to take it slow and steady instead of panicking a'la disordered eating. I've never had an ED myself, but friends close to me have and I'm really scared of it.

Thank you both for your encouraging words <3

>> No.10903341

>I see beta orbiters like u all the time in cons

>> No.10903359

>body acceptance
I am fat and I think you are stupid. Wake up from this nonsense and look after your body.

>> No.10903362

If you’ve literally never even tried to keep your weight at a certain level, a lot of it will probably come off with just some mild effort. Be less sedentary and eat a few less calories will probably do a lot for you.

I also never had to try with weight until recently, and at first I panicked too and felt powerless about it. But I think it was a good thing because I’m now making more intentionally healthy choices for myself and I realized that my weight isn’t something I have zero control over that just happens to me. Not to say you have complete control either, as you age things change, but it’s not as severe as you might be thinking

>> No.10903378

You're getting older so your body is going to hold onto weight even if you haven't been eating any more or any worse than you usually do. And assuming you're northern hemisphere based, it's been winter. Most people get sedentary when it gets cold and there's less sunlight. Now that it's getting nicer out with more sun light every day, try doing a light 30 minute walk every other day, or even every day if you're up to it. It'll be good for your body and your mental state to get some fresh air.

>> No.10903386

nayrt but this is actually extremely good advice

>> No.10903397

That's a lot of words to say "I feel like I should lose some weight". Maybe you should.

>> No.10903409

"Body acceptance" is fucking bullshit, and the fact that you're feeling like you're doing something wrong by wanting to have a certain kind of body is proof of that. You never see body acceptance advocates going to bat for naturally slender girls, or for short ones, or muscular ones, or any kind of men in general, it's only ever about overweight women and it's not about acceptance of all bodies at all, it's just an attempt to institute a new standard of attractiveness that benefits them at the cost of everybody else.

>> No.10903414

Shit anon, I'm making a cosplay for the OG 1975 Space Battleship Yamato and I expect like 4 people to come up and take pictures.

Cosplay for you boo, I think it was in the Venture Bros art book or a documentary or something where the creators said something to the effect of
>we made this for you, specifically you the one guy who got our old reference and got the joke
There's always going to be like 3 people who recognize you no matter what and you'll still make their day seeing stuff done.
Last Kumori-con I saw Alica from Valkyria Chronicles and about creamed myself at somebody else remembering the first game even existed.

>> No.10903434

Nayrt, if by body acceptance you mean the body positivity movement that has now been hijacked by the "it's healthy to be 350lbs" mentality and those same people are trying to move the goal posts on what is beautiful, then yes I agree it's fucking bullshit.
But regarding "wanting to have a certain
body" you also have to be realistic about what body you can achieve through diet and exercise, and be sensible about your approach. Many methods are unhealthy and dangerous. Some people starve themselves because they want to look like the dainty petite girls in their thinspo folder, when they simply will never look like that because they have a wider underlying frame. One of the many problems with the diet and fitness industry is that many people still parrot the idea that "if you just work hard enough you can achieve anything". A realistic goal would be to go back to a healthy body and healthy weight you had as an adult. It sounds like anon is being realistic and just wants to go back to fitting into her wardrobe.

>> No.10903461
File: 2.22 MB, 540x540, 9b2thbtgrh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting back into lolita
>having fun again
>meets cutie
>supports fashion hobbies and lifestyle

All I ever wanted is to be accepted. I finally found it.

>> No.10903476

My IP is dynamic and I catch other people's bans. Earlier I came across a permaban for Global 1: posting child models. This isn't the first time I've seen pedo bans and I'm starting to wonder if I could somehow use the mods' help to go to the police and get the guy nailed.

>> No.10903477

Crap, I should had screencapped the IP in the ban message.

>> No.10903480

>There's always going to be like 3 people who recognize you no matter what and you'll still make their day seeing stuff done.
The single person who recognized me and my fiancé's Biscuit Hammer cosplay was worth it. Cool guy, too bad the show was shit.

>> No.10903543
File: 181 KB, 526x185, unsheaths.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about cosplaying a samurai character and for some reason I am deadlocked by embarrassment just thinking about getting and wearing a prop katana. "white guy weeb with a katana" is such a classically cringe meme that even though I'm not actually spending ¥2M on glorious nippon steel I feel like a moron browsing $30 foam samurai swords on Amazon.
I've been cosplaying long enough (and dressed as dumb enough shit) that this shouldn't faze me..

>> No.10903562

>It sounds like anon is being realistic and just wants to go back to fitting into her wardrobe.
And I'm saying that it's fucked that "body acceptance" (the term she used btw) has made her feel like anything other than just passively letting yourself get fat is somehow shameful.
Don't get me wrong, I'm overweight myself, I get how easy it is to gain weight and how hard it is to lose it, but I'm also not out there trying to convince people that I'm somehow just as hot as somebody in great shape, and I'm really sickened by how much discouragement I get from a lot of the people I know when I tell them that I want to start working out and get back into shape.

>> No.10903578

Please cosplay Rosemi thank you

>> No.10903581

you *want* to *start* working out and getting back into shape?

lmao what a loser

>> No.10903582
File: 69 KB, 600x450, 67b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah really. I shit u not I saw this bitch in a recent con barely wearing anything that could be considered a cosplay. She was holding a sign that said
>id step on you 4 5.
And wouldn't you know it there's 3 or 4 idiots following her around and paying for the damn thing. And the stupid bitch accepted their money and did it! I get it. Cons have all these horny loser nerds who hadn't had a woman's touch since their mom changed their diapers but how could you degrade yourself like that in public?!

>> No.10903585

I would pay a lot more than that to get stepped on by a woman in cosplay. It would be more degrading not to take advantage of a deal like that.

>> No.10903587

All the cosplaying men in my cunt dress up as either Luffy, Chainsaw Man or that androgynous Gorbachev from Demon Slayer. Their clothes are ill-fitting, the fabric looks like they took it off the dining table and their swords are literally 2€-5€ toys bought from seasonal stores. Save for the chainsaw men who are wearing the same shirts they're wearing at work. And why is it that Chainsaw Man cosplayers look so...dysgenic under their helmets? It's like it attracts a certain kind of people.

First of all, make your own katana. Second of all, it's okay if you're in costume unlike those people.

>> No.10903588

It's never too late, for anyone, to make a positive change in their life regardless of what it is.

>> No.10903591

It's true there are people in the body positivity movement (body acceptance movement isn't a thing afaik. There are terms in use like "fat acceptance ", "body positivity " and "body neutrality ") that look down on fat people who are trying to lose weight. They believe that being fat does not have health risks, so wanting to lose weight has to be for appearance sake.

The most similar thing to a "mental and physical health movement " is the body neutrality movement, which does not focus on appearance but focuses instead on what the body can do and a sensible approach on self image (not trying to move goal posts about what's beautiful). That movement, afaik, does not look down on people trying to use healthy methods to maintain a healthy weight. But maybe it's just a matter of time before that movement gets hijacked too.

>> No.10903596

it is when all you do is talk about wanting to do it

>> No.10903604

>I'm really sickened by how much discouragement I get from a lot of the people I know when I tell them that I want to start working out and get back into shape.
not him/her but sounds like you might need to cut ties with these people. Or at least tell them to piss off with that trash

>> No.10903605

or how about you stop TALKING about it and start DOING it you fat piece of shit

>> No.10903607

what? Who are talking to?

>> No.10903609


Are you okay?

>> No.10903610

>> work all the time
>> too tired to be kawaii
>> too tired to do anything but recover after work
Maybe my brain is strained

>> No.10903616

That's more like paying for a service. What I want is to be truly used and abused.

>> No.10903637
File: 198 KB, 1395x1338, 1702500067551577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wosemi was actually on my list of cosplay ideas as well along with Maria. But I'm not sure if I can bring myself to do it anymore anon.....

>Captcha: HM00DD
Even 4ch agrees.

>> No.10903643

>see a kuroneko cosplayer for the first time in years
>got a picture but too wasted to hold a conversation
Sucks man, it's always when I'm 10+ drinks in I'll see best girl.

>> No.10903737

Oreimo Kuroneko? Other than my ex, who cosplayed it because I liked her, I can only remember ever seeing one at a convention at all, and she looked like Kirby ate a Kuroneko Cosplayer, seriously I don't think I've ever seen such a spherical human in my entire life.

>> No.10903905

Isn't Wosemi free of any guilt in such drama anyway? You should go for it

>> No.10903925

>come up with idea for cosplay
>perfect amount of crafting complexity, fun character, recognizable, uncommon enough to probably be the only one at that con, etc
>plan out the wig, shoes, props, amount if fabric needed etc etc etc
>look up other peoples cosplays of the character
>generally looks bad and incredibly unflattering in reality, even the best ones look goofy/awkward
>get discouraged and throw away plans
has happened to me like 4 times now

>> No.10903929

This is the wrong mindset.
Have others failed to do the character justice? Good. Less competition. You will stand out more when you manage to pull it off.

>> No.10903977
File: 58 KB, 640x366, ilulu-ilulu-crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to try out cosplay
>want to cosplay Shouya Ishida (A Silent Voice guy) since he's my favourite manga character
>don't really check to think if a cosplay of him is possible or recognisable in the first place
>everything I've ordered is here
>try it on, looks like I've dressed up as an elementary school world book day character

>> No.10904019

I went to a con yesterday and I had a pretty good time.
First I met someone I hadn't seen in many, many years, but I'd actually been thinking about a few days before, and we hung out a bit on and off for a few hours, and with his friend. I'm thinking of messaging them to maybe hang out outside a con too sometime.

Then I finally gathered the courage to talk to someone I'd been wanting to talk to for much of the con, and they actually ended up asking if I'd like to hang out with them after some awkwardness on my part, so then we did that, and we also exchanged contact information and have chatted a little bit today. We also travelled home together, and they seemed to want to meet up at future cons or even outside of cons, which would be pretty great, but I have no idea about their age so if they're like a middle schooler I don't know what to do because I'm way too old to hang out with middle schoolers.

If this is what can happen when I talk to strangers I should do that more. Although I do in fact talk to people from time to time and usually this doesn't happen.

>> No.10904025 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 310x464, hangself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to make bloomers with grandma's sewing machine and accidentally sewed my pussy lips shut. And I can't find the seam ripper.

>> No.10904030

I think it should be completely legal to ban Trumpists/right-wing people from conventions. I can't stand people from the right-wing side of politics shitting up the cosplay universe. When it's someone stirring up drama or making up things just to get attention, you bet it's a right-wing person doing it.

>> No.10904032

Main problem I have with the dumber cunts is they can’t hide their godam power level
Like boy do you even know how to be fucking polite and actually get on with people who disagree with you?

Some autistic moids are only capable of expressing one set of political beliefs very strongly to others which is an easy way to get in hot water compared with measuring your crowd

>> No.10904034

You'd need a prop for that cosplay

>> No.10904037 [DELETED] 

I think people in the cosplay community should be screened for mental ehalthkwwd
h and political opinions.

>> No.10904038

I think people in the cosplay community should be screened for mental health and political opinions. That'd keep the bad apples out.

>> No.10904050

>can't hide their power level

This is such right wing bs, I would much rather have them be open and honest about their beliefs so I know who to avoid. It's mostly the people in "tactical" cosplay too.
The "I'm a-political/centrist" lie that right wingers try among what they believe is a left wing crowd doesn't work anymore either.

>> No.10904055

Good thing I pass for bishounen and can easily pull off legit crossplay (not that fat manbeard sailor bubba BS).

The retards in this comm want "diversity" until it comes to political diversty. At the end of the day though, if you're attractive (which 99% of lefties aren't, especially the "men") you'll be fine.

>> No.10904064

>if they're like a middle schooler
how the fuck can you not tell if someone's in middle school or a full grown adult?

>> No.10904091
File: 144 KB, 180x180, ryukochew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When your comm has a Zoom meeting and the hot girl has a 4K webcam

>> No.10904093

post pic ill tell you if shes actually hot

>> No.10904098

I think it should be completely legal to ban antitrumpists/left-wing people from conventions. I can't stand people from the left-wing side of politics shitting up the cosplay universe. When it's someone stirring up drama or making up things just to get attention, you bet it's a left-wing person doing it.

>> No.10904099

For the first time, I wore lolita in my regular life today, wearing it to my studies.
It's good to have done it, and it went pretty well. A few people may have looked at me, some people complimented me (but open to the idea that some may have been sarcastic), and no one was mean and none of the people I've been talking to decided to distance themselves from me.
It'll now be easier for me to get the courage to wear it in the future, and I can finally start making it a part of my actual, real life clothes.

>> No.10904104

> actual, real life clothes

the fact that you said this means some part of your broken femcel shitbrain does know that lolita is not actual, real life clothes

>> No.10904106

Why are so many men mentally ill?

>> No.10904107

Lose weight.

>> No.10904108
File: 479 KB, 589x616, 1669426304888202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be a 60-year old going to cosplay conventions and not scoring any pussy because i'm a golden retriever dude who's autistic and doesn't have much interest in socializing outside the nerd universe, and I don't give a fuck. I love doing what I do and someday the big randomic chance of real life will put some crazy woman who's gonna want me and that's it.

>> No.10904109

u mad?

>> No.10904117

Don't project, tubby.

>> No.10904120

Maybe they're asian

>> No.10904159

and? adult asians don't look like middle schoolers, creep

>> No.10904186

There's plenty of holos to cosplay as besides Gura, shit pick someone that actually streams.
Sucks about Niji though, a dokibird cosplay might be a hit.

>> No.10904187

Fuck that shit. I use the most unhealthy ways to lose weight and it works great. Picked back up smoking and I only eat orange tic tacs.

>> No.10904209

to each their own. I like being healthy and sustaining a healthy weight in a fairly easy, liveable way. I love that I don't have the health issues that my family has.

>> No.10904212

Fair enough what works for one doesn't work for another. I'll keep yoyoing for life.

>> No.10904222
File: 27 KB, 200x200, costanzajap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody else sometimes feel paranoid about being seen as a "fake fan" of something even though you're obviously not?
Like some stuff Ive been a fan of for literal decades. of course nobody is going to call me a fake fan. thats insane. I'm also not a teenager. It's just ingrained in my head for some reason to be worried .

>> No.10904256

nta and middle school is a bit extreme, but I've definitely had it with high schoolers. Was at a con a few years back and this Asian girl chatted me up in a smoking area and had her own cigs, somehow turned out she was into cars and we talked about them for a while, I figured she was like 24, and then she said something about wanting a BRZ and I asked what she was going to replace with it and her answer was "oh, I don't have a license yet, I'm 17."

>> No.10904260
File: 114 KB, 800x800, 7122142-mio-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly post on cons that schedule the same weekend. It still does, and will continue to, bum me out how multiple weeks or even months of nothing interesting can pass, followed by over a dozen (not an exaggeration, I checked) on the same day. Not that this effects even 1% of potential attendees, but it does make me wonder if I'll ever make it to Anime Detour, Kawaii Kon, Anime North, etc for this reason

>> No.10904324
File: 81 KB, 640x726, elsmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay but does she have a white board in her room? That's how you know she's doing what you seem to think she's doing.

>> No.10904362

I hate women, specially cosplayer women. They're the reason the nerd community in general is a toxic shitshow where you can't have an opinion.

>> No.10904365

Come to Kawaii Kon it's the best one

>> No.10904381

In my defense they had their face covered for most of the day, and we also didn't talk a lot.

But aside from that, I also mentioned middle school a bit to have a very obvious example, you obviously can't hang out with middle schoolers, but I feel it gets less clear if they're in high school, I did hang out with high schoolers in my early 20s so it's not as obviously wrong.

Turned out they're an adult though, so I don't need to figure out a way to say that we can't hang out because of their age, so that's good.
I'm not sure if I can ask them to meet outside of a con though, we've barely met, but I'm looking for people to hang out with now.

>> No.10904456

I wish I wasn't autistic so I could actually manage to talk to someone at a con
I just want a BF to cosplay with

>> No.10904462

I hate women for being predatory weeds but I also hate men for being simps by their own nature.

I would be your con pimp.

>> No.10904490

>I hate women for being predatory
>immediately starts talking about being a pimp

>> No.10904492

sorry im a homo not a woman

>> No.10904521

I'll be going to my second con alone because my only friend told me they couldn't go. I was debating selling the ticket but now I'm thinking of asking people I haven't talked to in months/years to go with. If anything I might just give it away the day of and hopefully that sparks conversation with someone.
I want to make friends but I'm not the most social person.

>> No.10904522

Not a literal pimp. I meant I would go to people and tell them "My shy friend over there likes you. Interested?" like a pimp looking for clients.

Yeah okay, you are difficult merch to move then. Unless you are a passable trap.

>> No.10904531

I cross play, but I'm a 6'3 gorilla
There was a group of Asians I met at a con who wanted pictures with me thinking I was a chick until I actually spoke and the look of terror in that one guys eyes when he realized was great, then his friends were clowning on him

>> No.10904563

Hue, that reminds me of an old Stimorol ad about drag queens. Are you the anon I suggested cosplaying Ozen to in the previous thread?

>> No.10904620
File: 42 KB, 318x450, 64112569-4b03-4bcf-86c7-4d0d8981b1b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm going to have to sell my dream dress... it's super old and was hard af to find so once I got it in the mail and tried it on my heart sank. It fits but the waist hits me at an awkward point and the skirt is too short, it's just unflattering. Peeking bloomers aren't my thing and I don't think it's fixable with alteration (couldn't bring myself to cut her up anyways) so it's just been sitting in my closet. I even got a very similar dress that fits me perfectly but I still can't bring myself to sell the dream dress. The construction quality, and the lace, just looking at it makes me happy. They really don't make dresses like this any more.

>> No.10904634

nta, ozen does sound fun to cosplay though, still thinking about what crossplay i wanna do at AX, if i wanna use an older cosplay or do something new

>> No.10904637
File: 128 KB, 1024x1024, 1698162213805426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twink death is more real than anyone is willing to admit and no amount of makeup can hide or fix it

What am I supposed to do now? I'm too short to cosplay as the "normal" male characters, but too un-cute to play the twinks/girls like I used to.

>> No.10904672

>just looking at it makes me happy
As long as you don't have a bunch of other dresses that fit weirdly, I would just keep it on a mannequin

>> No.10904725

is it a JSK? if so you can probably extend the straps. if it's an op: sorry for your loss anon. it's rough out there for tallitas.

>> No.10904749

would you mind sharing what dress this is? you make it sound so beautiful i wanna see it too lol. i'm sorry about the fit though :(

>> No.10904759
File: 161 KB, 585x961, 1709345500876256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10904779

I feel this. I used to fit dresses so perfectly then I got SA'd and got depressed and just comfort ate constantly. I ended up selling all my lolita because I gained so much weight that nothing looked the same on me anymore.

However, for the past two months, I've been trying to focus on caring for myself now. Being fat isn't just about appearance but about health. I'm 5 kg down now which is nice!
I just want to fit the cute dresses.

>> No.10904782
File: 257 KB, 368x583, Screenshot 2024-03-03 113722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was carpooling to a meetup with a friend and bitching about how much I hate this one comm member and hoping she wouldn't be there and as soon as we walked in she offered us homemade cookies
In my defense, she's been posted to lolcow several times for her poor behavior, but oof I definitely looked like the bitch in that moment

>> No.10904788

Already found her on chaturbate?

>> No.10904789

>I will be a 60-year old going to cosplay conventions and not scoring any pussy
Me in 29 years

>> No.10904808
File: 105 KB, 725x1049, 1555456048091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this idea, thanks.
yes being tall is suffering in this fashion especially if you like old BTSSB
yes it's picrel, lace pleated jsk. Seeing this in a manga magazine was my introduction to lolita when I was a kid and I had it hung up on my wall for years before I even got into the fashion so it's pretty sentimental. Honestly I should've known it would be too petite for me seeing how even here it's worn with bloomers but lolibrary said it's 90cm so I had hope...

>> No.10904809

also samefag if anyone knows of jsks similar to this let me know! I got MMM's Lily Lace JSK recently but the quality difference just makes me sad kek. The MMM dress' extra length suits me better but it feels like it's made of costume-tier polyester

>> No.10904810

And I wish I wasn't a 'golden retriever' who can't pick up social cues due to autism and I generally just want to have fun in conventions, not noticing people might have second thoughts on me.

I need friends like that, willing to make connections so I can kiss someone.

>> No.10904812

You remind me of how there are people in the cosplay field who are widely known for doing bad things, usually not things you'd get in a straight interaction, but rather, things they've done online. It's kinda rare, at least in my experience, someone doing bad stuff IRL, like, sabotaging or doing something physical to harm or disrupt someone's cosplaying experience.

It's always, more or less, online. Saying something bad about someone or a group of people, spreading misinformation or just spreading gossip. It's interesting how there are people who are like that, but IRL, they don't stand their ground. They don't act like it.

Cosplaying is full of cowards.

>> No.10904830

there's some old IW dresses with a similar vibe

>> No.10904833

Yeah she's mostly just super attention seeking, but because we have a comm discord, her poor behaviour online was seems 10x worse than in person. She's still very desperate for attention in person too though, she speaks very loudly, brags about knowing "famous" people (internet personalities and indie musicians), exagerates her stories where she is the victim, and humblebrags/complains about her qualities that she secretly wants to be complimented on. Overall, she's never actually directly harmed another person with malicious intent, she's just really irritating and exhausting because of her desperate need for attention.
She did have a gofundme that has more or less been found to be more lies/exageration.

>> No.10904840

So after a con I became mutuals with this guy but I absolutely genuinely can't remember anything about this guy or how I met him. I was sober and didn't party the whole time, so flirting is unlikely, and none of my friends follow him either. Sometimes he replies nice things to my story and I do this same. at this point it feels awkward to ask how I know him because the con was almost a year ago

>> No.10904856

I am a hikikomori. I only go out once or twice a week to the same place to get food. This has been going on for years and I feel very stifled. Sometimes I wake up and I can't stand the thought of my routine. I want to break out. But everywhere else is filthy and full of drugs and crime. The city doesn't resemble itself anymore.

>> No.10904857

omg same except I dont even go out for food

>> No.10904859

I sang a karaoke song in front of 50 people for a girl I was crushing hard on. I only did it because she and her friends hyped me up for it til I caved in. But I'm such a shy a nd terrible singer I could only sing a song that had 4 lines of lyrics

>> No.10904862

Austin Texas mod? I think her cookies are good

>> No.10904877

Where do you live? Some west coast city?

>> No.10904883

nah, west coast. Also I didn't eat the cookies because I'm trying to lose weight and thought it would make me a hypocrite kek

>> No.10904885

Face looks old.

>> No.10904898


>> No.10904900

Tomorrow I'll be meeting with someone that gets paid to talk to me, and I have some things I really want to talk about, but the person tends to direct the conversation to things I'm not interested in talking about and then we spend a lot of time talking about really uninteresting things, and then it ends before I get to talk about what I came there wanting to talk about.
I hope it doesn't happen tomorrow as well, but it probably will.

>> No.10904902

address it at the beginning. "there are some things I really want and need to talk about with you today, so I would appreciate it if we focused on those first."

>> No.10904989

I wanna plan an overnight hiking trip but idk if i could sleep in the middle of the forest all alone. seems kinda eerie not knowing what’s out there idk how people do it. I might look for a hiking group to go with first to test the water.

>> No.10905038

You can definitely do it. Just find an easy one lots of good guides out there online that list remote campsites. Just make sure you are supplied correctly with the weather in your area and have enough water and I'd say grab a life straw they're so light weight and you can drink from anything with it.
That said going with a group is the best way to learn.

>> No.10905052
File: 1.32 MB, 220x275, kitten-cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A talented and beautiful cosplayer I follow started getting more and more tattoos
I was fine with some but now I know where this is going and it's going to ruin the look of the characters to me. It's joewari da. I'll buy her latest set and call it a day, sayonara.

>> No.10905086

You gotta fucking relax homie, all of this stuff sounds super inconsequential and only really matters in your head. We can handle a bit of awkwardness, we're autists

>> No.10905135


>> No.10905194

I appreciate these words, and they made me feel a bit better about it. And when I read what I wrote, it really doesn't seem that bad, I may have downplayed it though.

I don't really trust my own apology to them. It is true that I had done poorly last year, so I did have something to apologize for. I had also been avoiding them very blatantly, walking very quickly past them and not looking at them when I was near them, so the apology would also be a way to message to them that the reason I may have been perceived as rude and dismissive was because of what I did earlier, and not out of hostility or something like that.
And this is also how I rationalized it when I did apologize.
But I don't trust myself about this. I talked about it in my other posts as well, but my brain can go really far in trying to trick me into acting certain ways, and I think in this case, my real motivation may have just been to have an excuse to talk to them, so a completely dishonest apology.
It deed feel pretty emotional when I'd finally done it though, before I started interacting with them more.

If it'd just been with the apology, I think it would have been fine, but how I acted afterwards, interacting with them, completely undermined the whole apology in the first place. You can't just apologize for doing something, and then keep doing it, which is what I did.

I've also been thinking about how much I may have been ruining for them. It's not just that I gave them a lesser experience at some cons, I may also have ruined a major part of their life in general. If they like being nice and talking to people in general, I may have ruined it completely for them, with how much I've rewarded them with negative con experiences for them talking to me.
And even just going to conventions in general may have been made worse for them, because now they may have to worry that I'll be there.

>> No.10905195

There was one thing I didn't realize until after the con, though. When I first arrived at the con, before I'd even seen them, they said hi to me when I was moving in their direction.
One of the things I thought I'd ruined at the con last year was that they may never want to say hi to me again, and they were one of the few people who actually had the potential for doing that, but actually the fact that they said hi to me this time, before I'd seem them, means that I may not have ruined that part even though I was fearing it last year.
And maybe it also made the apology even more unjustified, if they felt that I hadn't acted poorly enough to stop greeting me.

Well, now it's too late. In our last interactions it really felt like they were annoyed and disgusted with me, like how a babysitter who hates children will talk to the children after the parents have left.

>> No.10905211
File: 48 KB, 422x387, sixtyniggas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at tea
>mfw the autistic girl says "Wait. I have to fart."
>mfw she exits the room and starts screaming that the handle fell off the door

>> No.10905215

I don't like how autism is an umbrella for a variety of issues. An autist can be straight up retarded, simply vulnerable to sensory overload or anything inbetween. Some autistic people don't know what they should be keeping to themselves while others misunderstand the formula of humour and just blurt out offensive or cringey things at random times.

>> No.10905216

I am ranting. Disregard it. I am emotional about stuff rn.

>> No.10905224
File: 470 KB, 575x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me at local con a few years ago
>Attend a room party (of sorts) on night one
>Hosts are all girls, all offering some kind of massage service or other
>Wonder if the really hot one that was checking people in at the door is available
>Eventually see her walk in with a guy >Immediately plants his head between her thighs
>Realize there's no liquor anywhere
>Not feeling particularly voyeuristic so I skip
>Ask if they'll be there next year and they say yes
>"Next year" ends up cancelled
>They didn't come to last year's
Truly, I suffer

>> No.10905229

>Immediately plants his head between her thighs
I would give anything to experience this

>> No.10905233

i been watching a bunch of hiking vids lately so I got influenced into getting a sawyer squeeze + smart water bottle combo. I always brought water with me before when I went camping never had it wild hopefully I dont get sick. im still hunting for a 1p/2p tent then I should have everything i need.

>> No.10905247

It's a troll post

>> No.10905261

Dude touch grass you think about this bullshit way too much. get sun

>> No.10905266

What the fuck.
This shit happens?

>> No.10905267

I use a hammock and rainfly/ bugnet if needed. They're cheap af and light all you gotta do is tie it to a tree, no poles. Rainfly you need to put like 2 stakes down.

>> No.10905309

Yeah you're right. I just had to say something to someone to distract myself from some personal drama.

>> No.10905495

i want a tent jic there's no trees at the campsite. might get a hammock later down the road once I get used to camping

>> No.10905505

She shat her bloomers, didn't she

>> No.10905510

stop talking to yourself.

>> No.10905541
File: 89 KB, 960x960, 1000015803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is these real ?

>> No.10905640


>> No.10905648

>lost favorite moitie ring today
Why the hell would anyone take my chunky coffin ring? It can’t be cute to normal people. I’m so mad and sad at the same time. How do I cope?

>> No.10905649

Can't help ya there, but thanks for the accidental feel since this is from the first major con I ever attended

>> No.10905756

My eating has gotten completely out of control lately and my weight loss is reversing, I may actually have to try fasting for a couple of days to get back on track. But it may already be too late to lose the weight I planned to lose by May

>> No.10905757

Keep up those electrolytes. I haven't had to do one in a few weeks. I like them till I have to refeed, then I feel like shit either right before or after I eat.

>> No.10905777

I am very alone. I've moved around many times in the past several years and my family is hundreds to thousands of miles away from me. I have a difficult times sleeping because of that, I think. I like going to conventions because I feel like I can make friends instantly there, but then I go back to my regular life.

>> No.10906015

i'm so sick of people trying to claim gyaru is blackface. tanning isn't blackface. period. if anything it's closer to some kind of privilege, but who cares. they need to stop being butthurt and get over it. it's just bitterness.

>> No.10906081

Some people made up a game, then they started yelling at everyone else for failing at it even though they didn't agree to play it or weren't even aware of it. This is what all that pc stuff is. It's like when kids in a playground try to suck another kid that wants to be left alone into their game. This is what I'm sick of.

>> No.10906110

I spent $300 on shoes for the first time ever. I'm excited and kind of freaked out at the same time. The most I've spent on lolita in the past is $120 lol

>> No.10906315

Might be...

>> No.10906317
File: 74 KB, 330x330, Cheap ass mask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>move across the country for college
>stop cutting my hair circa 2020
>can't wear my wigs anymore
>don't wanna cut my hair because short hair makes me look like jesse eisenberg
i fucking miss cosplaying hatless characters. I'm gonna try to do Fujita soon ish i guess though.

>> No.10906321

You ought to be able to do it with a good wig cap, I've known plenty of long-haired cosplayers who did.

>> No.10906323

Yeah, I lost mine when I moved. I already have an abnormally large head at least compared to wig sizing so they often already sit high... which looks godawful when I try to tuck my hair up.
Might work as long as I cosplay characters with hair as long as mine , though, so it just hangs lower.
If there were a good barber near me I'd just get my hair done up like the character I really want to cosplay, but everyone here is retarded.

>> No.10906566

you should shave you head. not only is it good for cosplay but you could switch out your wig and try a different style everyday.

>> No.10906578

Because left to our own devices, our pride and misdirected priorities lead to a direction that can fuck you up mentally if left unchecked.

>> No.10906581

I dunno how long your hair actually is but if I could fit my formerly waist-length hair under a wig then you can. If it's not long enough to braid, the pin-curls method also works well.

>> No.10906583
File: 112 KB, 230x417, Kuririn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel is your life now.

>> No.10906601

I am really happy one of my favorite lolita youtubers is back :)

>> No.10906608

can you post the channel?

>> No.10906627


>> No.10906631

Ah yes, thanks, I saw that too.

>> No.10906637
File: 565 KB, 600x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit...we're still NINE MONTHS out, but I think I'm gonna have to say it for the third time in a row. If you're at ColossalCon North, have a good time without me

>> No.10906640
File: 111 KB, 508x376, lolidontpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks 12???

>> No.10906644
File: 34 KB, 564x564, uncanny meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude takes charge of a local convention whose original organizer 'sold' the rights to the convention because of local gossip about him taking photoshoots at his home on purpose to get girls
>dude stays like 10 days in the organizing commitee and leaves
>spreads gossip about how one of the directors of the convention locale said cosplayers are 'crazies with costumes'
>proceeds to make his own convention with a month of it happening
>chooses exactly the days the other convention will be
>changes place once because of financial motives
>proceeds to gaslight people, making them believe that if they go to the other event, they also think cosplayers are crazies
>dude has bought followers to make him look like he's more famous than he is, has a fragile ego, doesn't stand hearing things that he dislikes
>his wife is so sugary it hurts, and annoying
>both of them are very persuasive and harass you into agreeing with them if you talk to them irl
>event happened this last weekend, basically the first event he tried to get and couldn't had the same numbers as the last edition
>his event was okay but certainly could have more people since out of spite, again, made his event on the same day as the other
>is now fighting over social media because there weren't many things to do and one of the attractions was one of his friends
>he marketed it as an 'international actor' just because he has double citizenship and lives in another country

Why is the cosplay community like this? Not even convention organizers are decent.

>> No.10906670

It's a bit past my shoulderblades but it's thick as fuck. Maybe braid is the way. I'll try both when I have time to get into cosplay...

>> No.10906708

I've been going to Fanime with a group of friends for a few years now. After last year, one of my friends who claims 2023 was the most important con visit of their life has decided that 2024 is gonna be their last year doing fanime again because "there's nothing else for me here". I'm bummed about it because this was the friend I spent the most time with at the con but I understand because the "con" they're replacing this one with is the Evolution Championship Series (the big fighting game tournament in Vegas).

>> No.10906799

Something positive
My "home-con" was able to expand their area it's held
Might go both days it's held

>> No.10906890
File: 42 KB, 376x410, thisslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You call it autism. I call it having that dog in me.

>> No.10906896

Grown ups are kids with more complexity (ie effort) to their pettiness.

>> No.10906924
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x720, dissapoint34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get fat as fuck over the winter
>do intense cardio and fasting and drop almost all the weight in a month
>somehow only lose fat in my butt and boobs
>I'm the same weight I was last year but now I look pregnant

>> No.10906925

>somehow only lose fat in my butt and boobs
That's pure nightmare fuel for me.

>> No.10907006

>got my full facial surgery
>willl now have a face worthy of crossplaying fully passing
>am now jaded and not as outgoing as before, the con discord broke from drama and just has poltards and chuds remaining as everyone else got pushed out

I dont know why I even want to spend money just to parade around anyway

>> No.10907019

do more glutes and chest exercises
but that makes sense you lose fat there first, they're both all fat. now you should start losing on your stomach.

>> No.10907042
File: 9 KB, 180x179, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no mentally ill gf to show unconditional support and kindness too

Like she starts throwing a fit and screaming and hitting me and I'm just like it's okay baby I know your upset it's okay

>> No.10907065

Finding friends that are cut of a similar cloth - 90s kids, more or less - feels strangely impossible? What happened to all of the people that grew up in the same era as myself? It feels like everyone my age didn't exist before 2015. It's a very lonely sort of feeling, even at conventions most cosplays you see are of things post 2010.

>> No.10907068

How'd that whole process/recovery look like if you don't mind my asking? It always seemed like a really miserable surgery.

>> No.10907069

>be the exact opposite and gain tummy last/lose tummy first
get better genes.

>> No.10907070

Passing is a huge myth honestly. Terfs will swear pics of ugly women are trans but not notice actual transwomen in real life. The key is dressing for your body type and features and using makeup. The concept of passing is pretty toxic if you ask me, ugly bio women shouldn't have to be labeled men just because transphobes eat their own. That said, life is about parading around in front of others so do your best.

>> No.10907105

Pre much be swollen and in pain and look disfigured for 2 weeks.

After that youjust have jaw/chin swelling for 2/3 months but you can pre much tie your hair up and not need to hide your features and have a passing face the majority of the time unless you were born with juggernaut genetics or a crappy surgeon.

>> No.10907194

Where'd you get it done and how much was it? I'm very interested in this surgery.

>> No.10907201

Had it done im argentina for under 20 grand

>> No.10907202

What made you go with Argentina?

>> No.10907205

The 70k pricetag when done in the US.

The specialists here are mostly as good as the ones in NY/CA. You just miss out on subtle luxuries/pampering for the whole ordeal.

>> No.10907491

Going to a convention this weekend. There will be a lot of girls there. They're probably going to be having a lot of sex too. But it won't be with me. It never is...

>> No.10907617

You ever read watch something and relate to the characters a little too deeply? That just happened to me with main characters of Crime and Punishment and Barry Lyndon. God, I'm a fucking weirdo.

>> No.10907668

All this How to Train Your Dragon stuff has gotten me thinking about a Toothless cosplayer who was nice to me at a con more than ten years ago again. I hadn't been thinking much about them lately, but that used to be something I'd think about all the time for up to years after it happened, and the memory meant a lot to me.

Maybe I'll go back to wishing I could have actually known them and their friend group, like I used to be thinking. I wonder if things would have been different if it'd happened now, I think I am a bit braver than I used to so maybe I'd actually have had the courage to ask for contact information, and then we could have watched the season finale of the show we were all into together, like I used to wish could have happened.

Maybe I should rewatch HtTYD as well.

>> No.10907672

My cosplay crush is being accused of being a pedo and it's worse because I have a photo with her.

>> No.10907681


>> No.10907781

Are you me? I'm 35 and feel pretty out of place at cons now. Even when I check out meetups for stuff from my era, like Evangelion, everyone is so young.

>> No.10907782

just bee urself :^)

>> No.10907788
File: 68 KB, 610x590, 171150957583818348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get a /cgl/ gf

>> No.10907791

I'm pretty sure I wanna go to Dragoncon but not 100% sure, and from the way I hear it lodging is absolutely nightmarish there. And I don't even mean the connected hotels because there's zero chance I can actually get into one of those now (also it's like $500 a night), everything in the area is extravagant and I saw on the subr*ddit that people are having issues with Airbnbs cancelling last minute. I'll have to get a plane ticket too.
I want to go but even thinking about the preparation involved is a nerve-wracking experience.

>> No.10907826


>> No.10907830

There was barely anyone over 25 at either of the End of Evangelion screenings I went to last week. And the second was nearly all university students

>> No.10907858
File: 2.17 MB, 1920x1080, Ai-Hoshino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for the next con karaoke at Sakuracon
>Anime / Japanese themed songs only
>Decent sound system
>You can actually choose your own instrumentals
>TV facing the singer with lyrics
>And for the cherry on top: A screen to show your spot in line

>> No.10907894

>> roommates are dog owners
>> my room is dogfree zone
>> roommates can't seem to grasp that I don't want dog hair on my clothes

They're otherwise lovely but holy fuck the fur is everywhere, all the time. My whole wardrobe is black and the dog is a tan corgi. Half of my life is lintrolling.

>> No.10907972

does any cgl anon live in tokyo
i feel pretty isolated here

>> No.10907976


>> No.10908015

We're looking to move there for a few months later this year. The length/timing depends on the new visa. If you want to drop your contact info I can at least reach out.

>> No.10908019

Last day of the con. So far I've spoken to zero females.

>> No.10908026


>> No.10908069
File: 64 KB, 410x618, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I weighed 120 lbs. I just bought a scale and I weigh 140. I'm in total shock. I can't believe I've done this.

>> No.10908082
File: 101 KB, 419x427, guess i&#039;ll die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel that anon. I've been visiting relatives for the past 6 months and I've gained 14 lbs (I'm now at 134 lbs). I can't fit into my burando anymore. I'm back on IF and calorie counting. We can make it nonny

>> No.10908094

The worst part is seeing girls fully decked out in their cosplays walking around with boyfriends who look like total normies. They probably can't appreciate her even half as much as I could. Grrr....

>> No.10908099

I need a Himeno gf so bad

>> No.10908115

Who knows these days, but a lot of those guys might be cosplayers themselves, dating another cosplayer just has a way of making it hard for you to do it yourself. That was certainly the case for me, everything turned into doing photography and just being a general handler even though I'd been a pretty active cosplayer before I started dating my ex.

>> No.10908118

your simp attitude is exactly the reason you cant get with a girl like that

>> No.10908127

I've been feeling so down today. I just wanted to travel far, but I wish I could meet someone too. And I was thinking about someone I met at a con last year. And I ended up traveling pointlessly around, and even went to the venue that the convention was held. And I suggested to someone that we could meet tomorrow, that I'd met at a con but never planned to meet, but we didn't agree on anything.
And I've been feeling lonely. The people I've asked to meet over easter haven't been responding, so I've only been with my family for a bit and mostly alone and bored.
I was at the train station for a while, and I saw everyone else either walking with someone or looking like they had people in their lives.
I don't even have anyone at cons.
Tonight, I've been in a discord server for cons, and I'm alone there too.
I'm so alone.
A few days ago I talked with someone about meeting people, and they told me they've met most of their friends through other friends. I don't think I've met any friends through friends. It's always new meetings independently from other meetings. No one wants to be close enough that the want to introduce me to friends.

I got super inspired by a post in the feels thread, >>10906924 , it tells me that by putting in some effort and showing some self control, it's possible to lose a significant amount of weight in just a month, but I'd just gotten into it before I visited my family and now I'm back to where I was before I got started, and I probably didn't even keep it long enough to compensate for what I gained over easter.
I wish I weren't always so fat though, I haven't been at a decent weight in many years. It's been improving over the past year, but since Christmas it's been stagnant.

>> No.10908154

>it's possible to lose a significant amount of weight in just a month
and then gain it all back in less than a month lol. learn about sustainable weight loss before you attempt anything. hint - it never happens fast.

>> No.10908200

>>>/fit/fat is usually up too and it is at the time of this posting. Ignore keto or any other meme diet - they're not strictly bad but no amount of trickery can bypass thermodynamics. Sustainable weight loss is achievable by anyone. It takes time and patience to adapt and your instinctual mind will attempt to subvert you but if you consciously make healthy decisions it's easy to do. Proper portioning and meal prep will take you incredibly far. Measure your portions and track your calories and you'll be just fine.
I say this as someone who has lost over 100lbs (and who plans to lose about 50 more too) so I could finally cosplay confidently.

>> No.10908206

Literally a friend of mine right now. Dating a hardcore cosplayer and pretty much swapped to camera duty. I don't blame him tho, he's probably going to way more cons than ever and just came back from Japan. Doing his own cosplay on top would just be stressful.

>> No.10908218

I'm also doing IF, either one or two meals a day. i have to get back into at least yoga and bodyweights. it's my own fault for eating a bunch and snacking constantly, but i thought it was okay since all my clothes still fit. i was wrong.

>> No.10908221

>Uncertain of what to do in cons when not with friends
>Decide to give cute little tokens related to a specific fandom to people I see wearing cosplays of the fandom or hear talking about it
>End up talking to a bunch of people
Does this count as bribing people to talk to me? Kek

>> No.10908228

sounds like a simps life. I donno why you'd give up your own happiness just to be some little servant boy.

>> No.10908231

Maybe he likes taking a break. They’re still able to go to all the same events and belong, but with less pre-con work, and he still gets to help out his partner.

>> No.10908238

Being a cosplayer's servant boy would make me happy.

>> No.10908240

I'm an alcoholic

>> No.10908242

No, that's a cute idea. What fandom?

>> No.10908254

If you’re a loner, getting really drunk tends to make cons better.

>> No.10908261

When you're at rock bottom as an incel I guess anythings an improvement.

>> No.10908298

Anime Boston was crazy fun, but I feel like crap now that it’s over. People loved my Onceler cosplay, I talked to a lot of people, had lots of pictures taken… but now I’m just back to being an obnoxious npc with nothing to do

>> No.10908300

I've been discussing this with my roommate and it's unsettling how lonely and isolated the world feels until an anime convention. I see these dorks hanging around with people outside of anime cons sporadically and wish I could figure out how to have a group like that.

I just want to go out to eat, grab some boba, go hiking/watch anime with people more than once or twice a year.

>> No.10908301

Speaking from experience?

>> No.10908327

Just an observation from moids. No wonder you have such high suicide rates.

>> No.10908330
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>the post con no gf feel

>> No.10908352

no one liked you. and no one likes you here. kys.

>> No.10908361

SOMEONE woke up on the wrong side of the fleshlight.

>> No.10908364
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>tfw you feel like an unskilled clown to ever pull off a nice cosplay
Why am I like this

>> No.10908366

>I've been discussing this with my roommate and it's unsettling how lonely and isolated the world feels until an anime convention
I've only been to a few cons myself but it still feels lonely and isolated in there

>> No.10908373

Every year it hurts more and more.

>> No.10908374

I feel that way when I go to conventions and I see all the girls who won't date me.

>> No.10908375

Take your meds

>> No.10908376

this is simply not true

>> No.10908382

samefag. take your meds, schizo.

>> No.10908386
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You first

>> No.10908390

I just got back from a con and feel great.nfirst time ever doing one solo and it was awesome. I didn't pick up any women or go to any crazy room parties, but met tons of cool people, made new friends, and was out socializing till late into the night. I'll say I was very exhausted from it but was worth it. No real post con blues either I just feel mostly satisfied I can go to an event like that by myself and have more fun then when I've went with friends.

>> No.10908478

>I didn't pick up any women or go to any crazy room parties
Story of my life.

>> No.10908488
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When your period starts at the con, but you're dressed as a bloody horror character so nobody noticed.

>> No.10908503

everyone noticed, and smelt it, you hideous beast.

>> No.10908508

Our lives could be a lot worse, I am friends with multiple actual wizards.

>> No.10908542

That's going to be us in a few years.

>> No.10908632

I'm sure no one noticed sweety
That sounds like fun I'm sure everyone liked you like I like you :)

>> No.10908678

I'm sorry anon I won't be able to to get my wizarding degree, I got kicked out of the academy.
It will happen. Happens when you least expect it, you do gotta make that move, but you'll know it.

>> No.10908689

My waifu is dead and I am very sad because her show and fandom was my one escapism. Ironically her killer made a cosplay out of her.

>> No.10908690

Hey thats me

>> No.10908699

>> going to another city for girl's trip with bestie
>> new JSK, new blouse
>> finally swapped petti for hoopskirt, comfy af
>> staying at historical hotel downtown

Vacation vacation vacation, I needed you so fucking bad. Gonna be cute, gonna go to museums.

>> No.10908704

wish this was me, but all the girls in my small city are ita taobao loving bitches. I wanna kms

>> No.10908706


Chin up nonny, that just means you're the prettiest one!

My bestie isn't a lolita, sadly.

>> No.10908718
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I miss peachie so much

>> No.10908737

>Stick with actual anime characters.
Nope. It's a con, people can cosplay whatever they want to.

>> No.10908738

Any advice for meeting people and making friends? When it is appropriate to offer or exchange contact info?

>> No.10908754

Trying the "fake it till you make it" strategy I see

>> No.10908762

Me 2 years from now, in all likelihood

>> No.10908765

I recently started interacting with more cosplayers online. I was restraining myself because some do lewds but I want to stop giving a fuck what other thinks.
I dont think I have said anything bad but I worry I come accross as creepy . But it's fun, and they're so pretty. In DMs I melt from their looks and I think I say things that would come accross as desperate or cringe, but I'm genuine, I love beautiful girls.

>> No.10908766
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Being a cynical person who can only relate to people from 4chan has really limited my potential friends and as I've hit my 30s I'm finally seeing the flaws.

I'd like to meet more people my age that grew up with the things I did, that makes up more of who I am than the few years I was on 4chan before the election tourists came to whom I relate to even less.

>> No.10908771

Have you considered that those people are trash and that's why they haven't been on 4chan?

>> No.10908777
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I wouldn't say trash, but I certainly used to think I was somehow better than others because I browsed the secret club. 4chan humor's great and all but the people I like being around the most so far have been the ones who shared my interest in addition to having hobbies/interests of their own.

Outsiders aside, the kind of people that I've encountered on this site post 2016 have been too preoccupied with FotM games/anime, politics, and social media. People can do what they want, but I just don't relate to that crowd.

>> No.10908780


Stop talking to yourself you boring troll.

>> No.10908788

Some of the tourists have definitely left. I went to a meet /cgl/ meetup it was pretty chill. Keep your eyes on this board next time there's a big convention in your area.

>> No.10908790

I wish my local convention was bigger. There was a thread about it last year but this time nobody mentioned it it at all.

>> No.10908791

At first I was gonna say yeah you're creepy, but that last sentence won me over. As long as it doesn't seem like you're trying to get pussy out of the conversation you're probably fine. Make sure you're complimenting parts of their cosplay, even small things like tufts of hair on their wigs likely took a few minutes of concentration.

>> No.10908793

Oh I usually just compliment their boobs.

>> No.10908795

Benthe change you want to see anon. Make that thread.

>> No.10908797
File: 53 KB, 545x366, Screenshot_20240403-213009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait will attractive women just talk to me without paying for it? I've been forking over hundred to women streaming for years now and I could be talking to women in streams?

>> No.10908805

ngl that seems extremely creepy and cringe to me
but what do i know, the extent of my conversation with costhots has been "hey can i take a picture"/ "ok thanks"

>> No.10908807

No, I've been paying them too.

>> No.10908814

Because you're with your people, and then you're not. Find your people outside of the con too

>> No.10908815

> Find your people outside of the con too

and it's rough. I'm in the local convention Discord and talk in it too. It's a strange disconnect where I feel significantly more comfortable around people from here but shy around people that aren't.

>> No.10908817

Oh well everyone has their vice. Just be respectful. Host clubs, maid cafes, streamers, vtubers, cosplayers,

>> No.10908826

Maybe, but maybe not. You never know.

>> No.10908867

That wasnt me btw (the dude who posted >>10908765)

I didnt expect anyone to reply, I was just venting but thanks
I dunno how I'd come accross as wanting pussy, I don't talk about sexual stuff. If I mention their boobs or figure I do it in a roundabout way, and if there's lewds involved I always tell to not do anything they're uncomfortable with. Besides that I try to talk about other interests, like I found a girl who used to post music and dance videos years ago and we started small talking about it, and she opened up about wanting to continue doing that and I encouraged her to explore other creative avenues besides cosplay. I like artistic girls the most, they're really inspiring and cute. The girls I talk to are attractive but it's more of a platonic thing, as if I could meet anyone in my shithole lol. And even if we could meet I'd at most hang out as a friend rather than trying to get in their sheets. I know some are in a relationship too.

I DM some girls for free on Instagram but its usually very casual, and desu I don't feel right taking someone else's time without doing something in return like joining their fanclub or buying a set sometimes

>> No.10908917

You seem to have a decent head on your shoulders. I've given thousands to vtubers and I know I never have a chance romantically with them but I do enjoy their company and craft.

>> No.10909260

You know when you try to be noticed by the cool kids club by doing cool things on your own but it isn't working? And then you find out that some new kid with the charisma of a boiled egg and less skill & effort than you was embraced by the clique? It sounds childish but this is how I feel. My general philosophy is that if I'm not getting something is because I am not good enough to get it. Whether it is a matter of being skilled enough, networked enough, spent enough etc. But I feel confused because I don't understand in which way said person was better than me. Not only in this situation but in others as well because this is kind of a running theme in my life. And I'm always the one reaching out, even when I draw positive attention to myself by making things that garner lots of praise. The confusion feeds my frustration and I'm starting to feel more like lashing out than befriending.

>> No.10909275
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>Second weekend of going out for karaoke in a row
>Second weekend of absolutely killing it and positive results to show for it
When I'm in my zone, I can have a highly commanding presence. Problem is, most of the time I'm not. I need to figure out where my mental roadblocks are, and how to get rid of them. I've done it before, I'll do it again. Knowing how you're doing something right is just as important as knowing when, if not more so

Pic related. It's from an early Oasis interview where they've got exactly what I'm shooting for. Witty, self-assured without being smug, upbeat attitude about everything. Mad fer it.

>> No.10909279
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>> No.10909280
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Right better then singing Creep for the thousandth time Tommy Im bringing the tunes the people wanna here C'mon You Know LG x

>> No.10909286

You sound like a very needy clout chaser/social climber.

Do better anon.

>> No.10909301
File: 10 KB, 320x240, 131543__thom_l-9ba2a6ff13454ceb90c3d7a8f65c9a5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oi everytime you wankers ask you getting 'Fitter and Happier' again

>> No.10909306

sounds tiring but ideally if you have enough people to invite just invite other people when one group falls thru it’s probably not personal some people just don’t click

>> No.10909414

I’m ashamed to be Russian. Fuck war and fuck Putin

>> No.10909444

You should be proud of the various things your nation did. You liberated yourself from beinf feudal kicking dogs to the first nation in space. You saved the world from becoming Nazis. We would all speaking German if it wasn't for you.
And while Putin does suck at least he opposes western capital that's more than most world leaders.

>> No.10909446


>> No.10909585

I feel you. 30,m will finally go to a con cosplaying Gura. it may be basic and "low effort" but its something I wanted to do for some time now, and help me get over self-esteem issues. even lost weight for it. currently at 66kg at 170cm. might need to look into makeup aswell to make my eyes fit the character better.

>> No.10909587

Might need to look into losing a couple more lbs there lmao you're a shark not a whale

>> No.10909588

im on it will probably stop at 65kg though. lost over 10kg in 3 months. I basically quit being a gymbro, and been eating in a caloric deficit 90% of the time.

>> No.10909591
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Ayrt, and my stats are almost exactly the same as yours kek. Got my shark cosplay a few days ago, fits decently for a premade cos, which means I can focus on losing weight and getting better at make up for the remaining time until the con comes around. Lack of commitment has been giving me some severe FOMO, so I figured it might be better to go with something rather low effort than dwelling on choices and not doing anything at all. Even managed to come up with 1-2 more ideas, but I'll have to keep them for later since they require much more effort in different areas, and I don't have enough time anymore to work on them.

>> No.10909593

lovely to hear. I might hit up some cosplayer friends for makeup tips for me before the con. or just wear sunglasses. IF I actually enjoy it more than I think I might splurge and try to get a Bernkastel cosplay later.

>> No.10909639

Me too

>> No.10909671

>> wrecked skin with salicylic acid
>> deep moisturizing to heal it

Baby My Face Shines Bright

>> No.10909709

I aspire to be ikemen but don't know where to start. It's led to a significant amount of self doubt and lack of confidence.

>> No.10909711

I once had an actual Japanese colleague call me an "ikemen" just because I had well-styled hair and a somewhat fashionable blue suit on when we met.

>> No.10909712

Out of curiosity, are you asian or white?

>> No.10909714


>> No.10909715

What was your hairstyle if you don't mind my asking? Considering you were in Japan, did you have it done by somewhere over there?

My hair's of a color/texture that would support kpop/90s USA hair, but I have no clue where to get it done.

>> No.10909719

Just regular shortish, well-styled professional hair. This also wasn't in Japan, I worked for a Japanese company in the anime industry, but was based in the US, and this actually happened at AX when I had a meeting with management and colleagues from Japan. (Hence why I was wearing a sharp suit at an anime convention in the middle of the summer.)

>> No.10909809 [DELETED] 


>> No.10909870
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I've made a few posts both here and the other thread about how my con-going has stagnated. Not discouraged, just a lot of the same experiences or I'm less easily impressed anymore. After thinking about it, the answer's come to me, which is to host a party at an upcoming convention. I can't be sure I'll be the only one, but there definitely won't be many. It's time to step up the game.

>> No.10910444

lost my dream dress this morning nonnas. it's so over.

>> No.10910451

What happened? Which dress was it?

>> No.10910453

>tfw your feels aren't /cgl/ related whatsoever so you can't share them

>> No.10910456

Now I feel like I'm LITERALLY Prince Andrei Bolkonsky

>> No.10910458

moitie's ornament flocky jsk. i planned to bid this morning before the auction ended, but i didn't even try when i saw the bid was at $950. it looks like the high bidder had glitched it to their max by bidding twice for some reason, but i didn't know that yet, and i didn't want to get involved in a high value 1k+ bidding war.

that particular 2012 jsk is just not worth over a grand, and even for my DD i'm reluctant to pay that much more than its actual worth. it's never sold for more than $300 previously on LM, and it'll come around again. it's not particularly rare or desirable as moitie goes.

i feel a bit bad for the winner, actually. i didn't know it was possible to accidentally push the bid to your max without someone else bidding against you. but they were willing to spend that much, and i was only planning to bid ~$800, so i would have lost regardless. i may have caved and pushed it to 1k if the bidding had been organic (i was worried their actual max was $1200 or something), but it's on me for not even trying, and it's probably for the best that i wasn't tempted. i'm really just disappointed, but i'm only four years into my hunt; i can wait a little longer.

>> No.10910474

I hope you find it again anon.

>> No.10910498

We're past bump limit, just send it

>> No.10910527

>really wanted to get a balayage for the first time
>on my patch test/consult the day before
>"oh sorry, purple might be a lil too strong for your hair in one go"
>my hair is probably like a #4 in terms darkness at best

Guess I'm going copper red, that blonde hair privilege makes me wanna cry.

>> No.10910568

You don't understand lm bidding

>> No.10910605

>muh persona
But, but the autopedophilia not weird at all right? The dressing up to look like the cartoon avatar someone made for themselves that looks like a human toddler to say trashy things for dumb coomer pedos. That's not weird at all, right?

>> No.10910667
File: 5 KB, 390x57, 093128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm pretty certain i do, and this is just a glitch. but if i'm wrong, could you explain to me how the bid on this auction jumped to €897 instead of €166? like i said, i've never seen this happen before and didn't know it was possible to bump your own bid to max.

>> No.10910700

Okay, but my feels change so much from one day to the next. The day after I said it was actually quite good, a lot of good things happened. But one thing happened then too that points towards something that bothers me in my life, that's often a major part of why I'm feeling down a lot of days.
I was waiting for class, and I'm always early but some other people also arrived, but I just couldn't talk to them. It was actually a bit better than it usually is because the people I usually wait next to are even more closed off, but they were still just talking and I couldn't be a part of it, and that happens in every part of my life, always.
This weekend, I was going for a walk with some people, or that was what I wanted, but I was really just walking next to them, not a part of their group, and what really drove it home was when one of them stopped to take a selfie, and they took it with themselves and everyone else, but not with me. That's when I truly realized, and then I just gave up and walked on my own and listened to music instead.
And this happens EVERYWHERE.
I guess, as soon as there's more than one other person, I become the outsider, end up outside of the group by myself, just being next to the other people rather than being with them.

Also, there's one person that I go to classes with, I really wish we could talk, but it's always only like three minutes a week or so, but I want to talk a lot more, I used to feel that they were the perfect person to try conspiring with to try to organize social activities with class, but now I've given up on socializing with the class, but there's a lot else to talk about too. And last Thursday was actually a perfect opportunity to talk to them, because for once they were going the same direction as me, but then the rest of the class arrived before we could actually get into a proper conversation, and I ended up paying attention to what the rest of the class was saying, even though I maybe could have talked to them.

>> No.10910702

There's probably some more to say about this, but instead I'll talk about something that's kind of slightly /cgl/ related.

I recently messaged someone I went to school with in the past, after randomly seeing them a couple of times, and we talked a little bit about how it was at the school, and lately I've really been thinking about how sad it is that I had such a poor relationship with my class (which had a lot of cosplayers). It really bothers me. And the person I messaged too, I'm unsure about where I have them, it's not impossible that they're friends with the people in my class and shittalking me with them for daring talking to them, don't I realize no one wants to talk to me etc.
I feel like that's probably not the case though, but they feel dangerously close to the cosplayers I have a terrible relationship with. I wish I could just talk to them about everything, but we aren't friends so we can't meet and in any case, that'd just be me using them as my therapist which would be shitty of me.

That reminds me of another thing, I just want people to talk to in general, and the professional person I go to to talk to kind of sucks, they ask questions about everything so it just feels like I have to justify what I'm feeling, and that they don't believe me when I tell them about how they feel, and maybe also like they treat me like an object to study rather than someone I feel close to and that feels like I can just tell them things.
So on one hand you shouldn't treat people you don't know like a therapist, but on the other hand those people are the only people who would give you what you actually would want from sharing, the people who are actually paid to listen are just annoying and feel like they don't believe you.

>> No.10910709 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10910842

Contact the mods I've heard of this but it's rare

>> No.10911007

>aside from cosplaying as Gura, which feels kind of uncreative and basic af
Doesn't matter, there was a grand total of only one vtuber cosplayer at the con I've been to. Well, two actually, but one doesn't count because it was the vtuber herself. Vtubers are still underrepresented in cosplay.

>> No.10911138

This hits hard. I'm 36 and would kill for some grassfed 00s 4chan 30+ friends. It's just chuds who hate anime mostly populating this site now but I have nowhere else to go.

>> No.10911160

I actually got to talk to the person I go to classes with a few days ago, we spent at least ten minutes walking together, which was really nice, and we actually got to talk past the point of "how did you find classes" "difficult" "oh we're going different ways, goodbye"

They mentioned wanting to go to an event after class, and I wanted to suggest we could go together, but we're not friends and have never "hung out" together our interactions have always been in places where we both are anyway so it would have been over the line to ask.

>> No.10911192

Are they all sequestered in communities that are hard to find? I'm like you, ideally I'd like friends that are my age that got into 4chan in the 2000s. Only 5% of the people I interact with on here anymore feel like they're cut of that cloth.

My thought process lately has been that it may be more worthwhile to seek out the Anime Club and Japanese Class kids of yesteryear than it would be to try and gamble on here. I just don't know.

If you're open to sharing contact, I don't mind chatting.

>> No.10911207

>Are they all sequestered in communities that are hard to find?
The biggest "community" I recognize offsite is former /co/ drawfriends/posters who now work in comics/animation that have a social media presence, the rest is just -chan diaspora here and there, mostly in the form of reminiscing. From what I've observed the demographic we're after bled out of the site over the years (school/career, family, social media) with one final abandon ship during the gamergate+election tourist flood. Those of this population that remain (like us) are some degree of broke brained and/or really just prefer imageboards for chatting.
>try and gamble on here
My last bona fide 4chan friend is from /wowg/ in 2010 and I honestly would not have gambled too far beyond that date. I've got a throwaway gmail (imageboardenjoyer). I'm also considering IRL friendmaking because I also live somewhere with a local con. I haven't had an IRL friend that wasn't originally from online since high school, scary stuff.

>> No.10911335

Sent you an email.

>> No.10911639

is lolita a 'phase' for any of you, have you grown out of it/think you might?

If I date someone in the late 20s who's into lolita fashion, will they be that way even when they're 40?

>> No.10911677

When I look at the community there are some people who have been into lolita for 20 years, but it's not common. You have to take into account that it's 2024 and lolita was far less known and accessible 20 years ago. So we might see more people in the future who will wear it for at least 20 years, because lolita became more widely known and more easily accessible.
I know a lot of lolitas who have worn it for 10 to 15 years and are still wearing it, so that's not uncommon.

I don't think anyone enters lolita with the idea that it will be a phase. We do sometimes get comments from people who are sad that it doesn't make them happy anymore, or that they feel they need to give it up for some reason. It's very rare I hear anyone announce "It doesn't interest me anymore", I think those people generally don't make any announcements. They just stop buying new stuff and they sell off their wardrobe.

My advice would be don't date a lolita expecting her to be into it 20 years later. Like with any hobby tastes can change, she might lose interest. Since lolita is a fashion she might not be willing to keep wearing it if she no longer looks a certain way.

>> No.10913129

how do you find a girl willing to cosplay as gura while u plap her?