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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10888995 No.10888995 [Reply] [Original]

Two weeks from happening anyone planning on going, cosplay plans, event plans?

>> No.10889062
File: 405 KB, 2048x2048, pekonut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WILL be jizzing in the wavepool

>> No.10889075

I will NOT be going to this con.

>> No.10889290

Anyone looking for a room?

>> No.10889332

not a chance, avoiding the midwest now and forever

>> No.10889361

Who hurt you? Story?

>> No.10889375

>be me @ acen this year
>at a room party filled with gulls
>have to take a piss
>when I get to the bathroom a tall jewish man in a cow bikini is also waiting in line
>tell him I have to pee really bad
>he says we can go together and cross streams
>have to pee really bad and am drunk as balls so I agree
>we pull out our willies and start emptying our bladders
>out of nowhere he redirects his circumcised member in my direction
>starts pissing all over me, getting it all over my cosplay
>mfw it smells like asparagus pee
>I freak out and run out of the bathroom, soaked in jew piss
>cow bikini man follows me out and yells “AYYO THIS NIGGA LIKES GETTING PISSED ON”
>everyone in the room starts pointing at me and laughing, calling me a piss goblin
>I run away crying
Months later and I still haven’t recovered from the trauma. The midwestern gulls are disgusting monsters

>> No.10889482

Just avoid Reisen
I was "apart" of this group but ACEN was my first actual con, also I can't afford going by myself

>> No.10889496

reisen is cool and fun, you should find him and be his friend

>> No.10889497

This the gull group is the worst
>go to some meetup
>saw the threads so a bit worried
>meet 2-3 that posted about what cosplay they were doing before hand
>they are shit talking how bad everyone else is
>assure me these people aren't showing nothing to worry about
>shit from SA, to fights, to sucking trannies off, to whatever you name it
>go to meet after
>people they were talking shit about just an hour ago hanging out with them
>they act like best buds in the universe
>all want to room party continue acting like everything is 100% cool
>next day hang out with different group all do same shit talking first group did
>meet up with another "friends group" 100% bros
>discord is virtually silent
>check thread everyone is shitspewing shit that really happened!
Yeah, con looks fun but you can keep whatever the hell you all are on about in your breakfast club.

>> No.10889500

They had an absolute tism storm in here during Prime and I did everything I could to avoid them at all costs. And by pure "coincidence" it ended up being one of my only drama-free Midwest cons

>> No.10889553

Very excited to go and do swim cosplays and arcade shoots! Won’t be posting my lineup though because the Midwest drama on this board is… a lot lol. This board is occasionally fun to post on, but I don’t want to meet any of you in real life no offense

>> No.10889575

I haven’t figured out how to do a swim cosplay. Like do I just put on the wig for the character + some swimtrunks they would wear?

>> No.10889582 [DELETED] 
File: 1.87 MB, 4032x3024, 06A00137-F0F8-465D-9DF3-2BA4DA73A1F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can swimify anyone

>> No.10889598

The rot goes way deeper than him. Don't forget the gull mods were well aware of what he was up to for years and gave him a pass. For every reisen banned there's two more they keep around.

>> No.10889603

snaggle teeth wrote this

>> No.10889610

Who the fuck is snaggle teeth? So many people hate the gulls it's impossible to guess.

>> No.10889613

This kind of behavior doesn't even sound exclusive to gullshitters, that just sounds like any cosplay group.

>> No.10889617 [DELETED] 

Not sure about you anon but for me it was pretty far out there compared to the last Texas gull group who basically clean out the trash. It seems like everyone in the group just eats babies and kicks dogs for fun, but come con time it's WW1 christmas peace treaty for IRL meeting.

I could just be getting older but I really don't see the appeal dealing of constant drama stirring.

>> No.10889669

Why, you got one?

>> No.10889675

Jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with you fags? I'm glad I'm old and mainly hang out with friends I've made over the years at midwest cons, your clique shit sounds absolutely miserable. Every time I read these threads for upcoming cons it's just filled with retards shit talking each other.

>> No.10889712

>but I don’t want to meet any of you in real life no offense
You're absolutely making the right call there. The further removed from the Chicago area someone is, the more stable they are but the fact remains

>> No.10889773

>male detected
Fucking disgusting.

But in all seriousness lol, I first check if the character has a canon swimsuit. If they don’t, then I’ll make a bikini using colors, patterns, or other design elements from their main outfit

>> No.10889795

3 people left our 8 person room

>> No.10889796

ok, this is funny as hell but it never happened

>> No.10889802

what if we made it happen

>> No.10889805

bet. meet me at the elephant statue saturday of north at 4pm

>> No.10889815

Any qt femboys going to this con?

>> No.10889844

im a qt sometimes :3

>> No.10889877

I saw Reisen at a con. He has 2 legs, 2 arms, and a mouth.

>> No.10889881

Damn. Sounds like an absolute monster

>> No.10889889
File: 136 KB, 888x1024, 1678915427663007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i go to one of these things alone? Will i meet people? Im mildly autistic and i have no friends. How to make fren?

>> No.10889892

Colossal has gotta be one of the easiest places to do it, since there's liquor flowing absolutely everywhere. And even if you're not into that, everybody else is so they're more receptive

>> No.10889894

Will i gain a cult following if im droping booze and weed behind me wherever i go? Will i finally be a neurotypical chad?

>> No.10889900

Yes, it's what I did

>> No.10889914

Prolly lol

>> No.10890365

anyone in on a one piece group?

>> No.10890458

I’m doing one piece but I don’t have a group. Who are you doing?

>> No.10890460

stfu dt

>> No.10890473
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>Not gonna make it

>> No.10890514


I'm a qt femboy but probably nawt going to this con.

>> No.10890526

we'll have better luck next year fren

>> No.10890618
File: 87 KB, 500x646, confused looking anime girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite, why not?

>> No.10890626

Back in your cage dramafag!

>> No.10890638
File: 20 KB, 474x579, do you have a single fact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know it's drama? It could also be about bad venues (like youma) or bad hotels.

>> No.10890641

my balls itch

>> No.10890936
File: 28 KB, 117x128, 893703431565480006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just asking someone why they don't wanna go
>immediately thinks drama
I hate retarded twitter dramafaggots as much as the next sane person, but you should take your meds retard.

>> No.10891126

If I see that autistic ugly bitch there its on site!

>> No.10891210
File: 197 KB, 1920x1080, D54067C9-4285-47B6-90B4-091DC2940646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if half the population of anime cons doesn’t consist of autistic ugly bitches

>> No.10891219

If I see myself in the mirror I swear it’s on site. I will 41% myself in the goddamn hotel room

>> No.10891234

I'm going to take an upperdecker in one of the villa toilets CLEAN IT UP JANNIES

>> No.10891245
File: 331 KB, 596x593, 20221009_074752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am SO going to get drunk and high and go into the lazy river hehehehehe

>> No.10891296 [DELETED] 

It's Drama Time!


And whoever else gets talked about in here.

Now talk about who raped who and who is plotting against each other in this thread the same as the other threads. I expect some good drama to be at ColossalCon this weekend!

Someone be sure to bring a firearm to this con so I can shoot myself in minecraft.

>> No.10891297

everyone's mostly either talked shit out privately or gotten bored of drama-stirring. No one gives a shit about this anymore other than the sour-grapes faggots who never get invited to the parties. Get lost you mongoloid.

>> No.10891300 [DELETED] 
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LMAO this is a blatant fucking lie I keep being fed information on all of your collective faggotry. For all you know I'm one of the people listed in the thread

>> No.10891303

Honestly, this. It’s boring and annoying at this point. Both sides just keep saying the same crap over and over, ruining every Midwest related thread here. They all need to grow the fuck up and move on already because the rest of us don’t give a shit anymore

>> No.10891304 [DELETED] 

>be me
>go to con with gulls
>Reisen, the weeb with bunny ears, always in character
>VTJ being an edgelord with a katana, claiming it's "authentic"
>Pell thinks they're the main character
>everything going surprisingly well
>Reisen getting stopped for pics every 5 minutes
>VTJ drawing his sword in the dealer's room, causing a panic
>Tsu silently judging everyone
>Warsie arguing with a some fat bitch about lightsabers or something
>Rover getting weird looks
>Figgy turning every conversation into a meme-fest
>Nahri confusing everyone with broken Japanese
>Burger just eating ramen, blissfully unaware of the chaos
>suddenly drama.mp3
>Warsie challenges VTJ to a yelling match in the middle of the lobby
>Nahri accidentally insults Figgy's waifu pillow
>Pell convinced Tsu and VTJ are fighting over them

0/10 wouldn't interact with again

>> No.10891305

>I keep being fed information on all of your collective faggotry

You're a turbo-faggot if you actually care anymore at this point.

>> No.10891306

He's a shit stirring idiot, so of course he's one of the idiots on that list. Or directly adjacent

>> No.10891307

It's pretty easy to tell who it is based on the memes they post and their writing style.

>> No.10891330


Lulz, AtJap13 should be added to that list at this point.

>> No.10891387

No, it's fun to annoy you and people like you.

>> No.10891396

I really don’t feel like going to this con, I have no desire to cosplay and I’m sick of everyone and their retarded drama I just want a chill time with cool people and I will probably have neither of those things

>> No.10891404

Just steer clear if you spot any of them. That's what I did in Ohio, and it worked out great

>> No.10891407

The drama is just 2 or 3 retards going off on each other for stuff that happened months ago. Most of the people at these cons are fine and chill

>> No.10891458


Okay let me be more specific. If I see that ugly autistic having caucasian girl who wears glasses at the con its on site!

>> No.10891475

There are female gulls that aren’t Mexican????

>> No.10891499

No at the point it's just one (literal) cuckold that keeps starting shit and thinks that any of this matters

>> No.10891502

i'm a white/east asian girl with glasses

>> No.10891505

Anon that's literally every woman who goes to a convention of any genre ever

>> No.10891510


>> No.10891514

All dramashitters WILL be drowned in the wave pool

>> No.10891518 [DELETED] 

Lee McKinnis

>> No.10891519

Shlimbo Bimbo?

>> No.10891537

Jackie Chan

>> No.10891543

This has become the autistic glasses wearing pussy fan thread

>> No.10891548

Ryan Gosling

>> No.10891555
File: 662 KB, 1025x1451, Screenshot_20231116-094024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is some party going on tonight

>> No.10891556

Tomorrow apparently

>> No.10891557


Sounds like my type.

>> No.10891571

Who wants to sit in the cuck chair with me and watch

>> No.10891604

so who's going to catch a 3 day ban the resort public Wi-Fi so no one can drama post all weekend?

>> No.10891608

I thought it was drama over rape?

>> No.10891611

Jesus Christ
No way this is real

>> No.10891624


Nobody cares about that attention seeking faggot

>> No.10891625

You mean THE Scimblo Bimbo?

>> No.10891634

I will find you, I will love you, I will cuddle you, and I will fuck you

>> No.10891639

this guy's orgies are always just a bunch of fat ugly dudes fucking each other. not really worth it unless that's your thing

>> No.10891667 [DELETED] 

Room 3008 at the main Kalahari tonight, right now. Reisen (and thus drama) observed coming in out out of that room however beware.

>> No.10891668

Is this where >>10891555 will be happening at?
If so, bet I'm there.

>> No.10891670

Where is VTJ at? We are supposed to be having a BRAWL at ColossalCon.

>> No.10891671

Would go if he’s there only if it’s hype enough I can ignore him completely and that it’s not awkward. Not going to let a retard ruin things I enjoy

>> No.10891679

Hey Nahri, you posted that in the Midwest thread, how's your Janny skills doing now?

>> No.10891700

massive 3 room suite 1453 having a party all night

>> No.10891701

Apparently there will be some kind of rager (orgy?) party happening on all days of the convention. The only problem is, it's in a two floor suite at the Great Wolf Lodge, right across from the Kalahari. Might be worth venturing out for this one...

>> No.10891702

I'm so 3008, you're so two thousand and late. Gotta get that. Gotta get that. BOOM BOOM POW.

>> No.10891703

God I still miss the random song lyrics that were posted in the previous thread. Hopefully that will become a thing in this thread. Also, my balls STILL itch...

>> No.10891705


Any cute femboys and/or traps in any of these parties?

>> No.10891709

The fuck do you think brainlet

>> No.10891710

Hi compass you never finished my tactical gear

>> No.10891711
File: 2.74 MB, 2268x4032, 1000007785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1453 is lit

>> No.10891713

I NEED a Felix cosplayer to sit on my face. Crush my skull pls. Put me out of my misery

>> No.10891716

>sausagefest with a couple of sub 7 females

>> No.10891717

Absolutely NONE on the drama cunts from here are in that pic, so yes, lit.

>> No.10891718

If AtJap13 isn’t there I dont want to be there

>> No.10891721

But are they in the room? For all we know one group of dramacunts are hiding themselves

>> No.10891722

there literally are no drama cunts. everyone at the con has talked shit out, made up, and settled their differences. the only people with stirring drama are outside agitators

>> No.10891724

It is also Day 0.

>> No.10891725

Tomorrow AtJap13 will have an orgy with ever gulls gf and the resulting drama will cause the chan gods to delete this board and end gulls for good

>> No.10891726

There is no war in Ba Sing Se type ahh vibes lmfao

>> No.10891748

>not a single trap/femboy
Yeah I don’t think so buckaroo, nice try though

>> No.10891753
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>Looking for drama
>Can't find any
>Can't think of any to make up
>Find random stupid reasons to complain anyway
Lel. This "community" is what people think the average poster on the entire site is like, and that's not a compliment. Plus fixating on the thread is how to know someone isn't actually there enjoying themselves (myself included of course, but not for lack of trying (kms))

>> No.10891764

Unimaginably BASED
"If it doesn't have a bulge, I don't indulge!"

>> No.10891769

any femboys or traps want a DL handjob in the outdoor hot tub when its dark and crowded?

>> No.10891784

You know I always do ;)

>> No.10891816

Safari room 3040 (Kalahari), themed orgy starting soon Don't even have to mention who's gonna be there.

>> No.10891819

>Don't even have to mention who's gonna be there

>> No.10891821
File: 2.94 MB, 4032x3024, F39C5028-618A-4AED-B107-3778269CC5BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This con ain’t so bad after all

>> No.10891830

Burger is really cute..

>> No.10891833

Winning cgl drama is like winning the special Olympics, sit the fuck down kid lmao

>> No.10891834

this picture smells like crap

>> No.10891836

>enjoying cute and funny

stay mad

>> No.10891837

no one cares. you're not important enough to think about dude

>> No.10891846


>> No.10891850

Any takers? Anyone?

>> No.10891854

this con must be hot garbage if you guys are posting this much

>> No.10891857

I regret having to skip more than ever right now

>> No.10891858

I’m eatting macin cheese :33

>> No.10891860

then who are you

>> No.10891861


>> No.10891863

Wouldn’t you like to know

>> No.10891871
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Me literally any time a new name drops in any of these threads. Thank fucking G-d I only know two of all the people mentioned and that my interactions have always been positive with them.

>> No.10891874
File: 3.47 MB, 3472x4624, PXL_20231118_042920251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10891883

yea nigga

Nero what the fuck are yo doing here?

>> No.10891885

Gull meetup @ the elephant statue at midnight. We are going to throw hands and duke it out. If you are not there you are a pussy

>> No.10891886

I'm Skippy McDippy. Hand over the Felix cosplayer and no one gets hurt

>> No.10891887

Warsie ain't fat y'all gonna hurt urself with that reach. Stay mad cuz he still pwning

>> No.10891891

Bro I'm not even in the Dells I'm in Milwaukee I can't make it tonight to gangrape faggots

>> No.10891895 [DELETED] 

If warsie is a 4/10 then you faggots are all 0/10

>> No.10891898 [DELETED] 

Warsie looks like that jamaican nigga off futurama

>> No.10891899 [DELETED] 

Nigger nigger nigger

>> No.10891900

Thanks nahri :)

Captcha goy24a

>> No.10891901


Better than ur crusty ass LMAO

>> No.10891902

Hi PewdiePie. Erm Tsu. Erm whoever

>> No.10891904


That the best you got?

>> No.10891905

not trying to dis him, he also kinda looks like whoopi

>> No.10891914

Has the fistfight happened yet?

>> No.10891920
File: 329 KB, 1545x2048, 1690128107506273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you look like this call me

>> No.10891922

Sticking out my gyatt for the rizzler

>> No.10891924


You're not the first person to say that

>> No.10891925



>> No.10891928
File: 1.53 MB, 2294x3316, 7E0C730D-E19B-43E6-A640-2C3354FA8AEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s my bf now :33

>> No.10891929


>> No.10891965

Kick his ass, SEABASS!!!

>> No.10891971


>> No.10891972

That's a fat Asian man

>> No.10891979


I don't think you folks even know what fat is.

>> No.10891981

Not with that attitude!!

>> No.10892003

What happened with the cosplay contest? Does anyone have tea?

>> No.10892048 [DELETED] 

Ciel Karas Lanchester

>> No.10892064

>meet with Midwest
>Lol no we aren't like those 4vhan posts
It's literally >>10889497
Holy fuck all you guys do is talk about stupid discord shit in person and whos backstabbing who. I thought I was talking with literal Karen's for half the time.

>> No.10892067

>I thought I was talking with literal Karen's for half the time.
They are. They're 30+ year old manchildren, but they're still Karens

>> No.10892074

>meet with gulls
>have some silly little giggles together
>people mad
?? Okay

>> No.10892077

OK, who pooped in the lazy river???????

>> No.10892086

The 2b eating chicken was a guy?? Who the fuck wants to watch a guy eat chicken? I thought it would be some cosplay thot :/ day ruined

>> No.10892099
File: 384 KB, 1536x2048, explaining-the-joke-eating-an-entire-rotisserie-chicken-v0-986v88xoezma1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're telling me this absolute LEGEND was doing his thing in a 2B cosplay earlier????

>> No.10892103

I have an astolfo cosplayer no felix

>> No.10892104

into the trash

>> No.10892114 [DELETED] 

Isn't one of the many accusations against Lick My Anus that he was seen eating a bucket of chicken at acen once? Was he doing it again today but wearing a 2b cosplay?

>> No.10892116 [DELETED] 

Thought it was something about raping a small trans boi in ALL OF HIS HOLES. Well what he said at CAD 2022

>> No.10892118

Cosplay heads got yelled at for not being prepared (apparently they didn’t have something for the showcase ready that they were asked to have ready by thursday) and instead of owning up to it, they’re trying to pull an Ohayocon and claim that upper staff is abusive for telling them to do their jobs

Basically cosplay attention whores being cosplay attention whores

>> No.10892123 [DELETED] 


At least Lick My Anus has a femboy in his room

>> No.10892128

I'm not even at ColossalCon lol I'm at another con

>> No.10892129

I need one of those trans or traps from the night swim tonight. anyone know of any?

>> No.10892137


Too bad Atjap13 isn't at Colossalcon

>> No.10892138

Good enough. Send them my way please. I will return them in good condition

>> No.10892175

Did he steal your boyfriend or something or are you a bitter tranny and mad he looks better than you?

>> No.10892183

What the fuck is an atjap13

>> No.10892186

Are any traps from here even decent

>> No.10892190

It's the Midwest brother, of course not.

>> No.10892195

It was more of a shit post, the chicken eating wasn't even the main event
I was supposed to stop him "stealing" a pug but the paper instructions were unclear

>> No.10892198

The discord name of some faggot here

>> No.10892202

Shame how many creeps and weirdos are always around at these functions
I like most gulls but some of you just give me the ick

>> No.10892229

I'm pretty pissed about this. Was hoping for some avantgarde art of some woman eating a chicken quietly up front in front of everyone with the mic near the food/her mouth. Hell, they could have saved it if they'd actually gotten a femboy to push the gogurt out of the tube with his foot. I came to laugh at weird fetishes, and I left mad, but I guess I should have known there'd be some bullshit given that guy who cosplays Batou was part of it.

>> No.10892246

i saw a few last night but i was afraid to say anything to them. Kms

>> No.10892247

This. They needed music for the rehearsal. They kept putting it off and not doing it. The dept head screamed disrespect when asked sternly that it is needed NOW.

Apparently told all the participants that there would be no cosplay. Deleted everything.

So the people who came in at the last minute to salvage it had little to work from.

I heard that she wasn’t answering emails, and people were trying to communicate with her, but no response.

>> No.10892249


You saw atjap13 in the flesh? I thought he was a myth

>> No.10892252

She ran away crying at the Great Wolf Lodge. The stupidest thing about this kind of shit is that the faggot squad that is clout chasers in the cosplay community will instantly take her side because they can be the victims together and it'll shit on an ok kinda small con because fags on twitter, insta, and tiktiok will eat up anything said by someone who kinda looks like them.
Chalk one more up for trying to turn every con into a fucking elbow rubbing/clout chasing shithole!

>> No.10892257
File: 104 KB, 680x965, 1633717038624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp. I couldn't make it and I'll have to wait till next time to complete the full Colossal tour, but it'll come sooner than later. See you fags in June

>> No.10892283

I don't believe in Jap13. He's a myth

>> No.10892300

Someone got cucked

>> No.10892303

>everyone else is the problem

>> No.10892306

Ask the cosplay staff about the audio files

Very funny joke

>> No.10892308


How am I a myth? I'm right here my dude

>> No.10892331

The current scene is pretty tame compared to years ago, the group that causes most of the board drama now used to have unironic neo nazis in their ranks.
Like, goosestepping at cons and wearing 'le greedy merchant' cosplays and shit. People would be mad for about a week and then say "but he's really fun to drink with and he says the based /pol/ memes" and then let the neo nazi back in.

So it's understandable to not want to deal with it or deal with the people who think being fun at a party is more important than, idk, not associating with unashamed nazis. They're a lot more tame now where it's just frat boy bitching and moaning about who fucked who's girlfriend instead of some dude asking you about the Jewish Question or trying to put Erika on the aux at a party.

>> No.10892341
File: 485 KB, 841x1200, cute! the best! so cool! i love you!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically correct. Hang out with a cosplay scene that's even slightly less mentally ill than the Midwest (i.e. all of them), and you'll see why

>> No.10892342

Maybe you should care less about the scene and more about making friends with people you actually like instead of looking to get connections/raise your social credit score. I know it's a hard concept that cons are meant to make actual friends to hang out with and not to promote yourself constantly, but maybe one day you'll learn.

>> No.10892344
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nah, everyone is just chasing clout until they get enough of an "in" with a main group. Once they close enough to people's ugly ass dumpy girlfriends they'll fuck them while they're both drunk in the hotel and then cucker gets called a rapist by everyone while the cuckee gets called a manipulative narcissist abuser who deserved to get cucked anyway

>> No.10892346


If everything is rape, then nothing is rape.

>> No.10892347

>that's less mentally ill than the midwest
the downside is all of the cons and cosplay scnes are dogshit outside of the midwest
everything is so fucking corporate and fakey, everyone is hustling their instagram/twitter/stream and trying to network constantly

Midwest scene sucks because of the drama but holy fuck I'd take that over everyone being in full networking mode 100% of the time.

>> No.10892348

The terms are interchangeable to me. I'm really just referring to groups that know me, know each other and I can be pretty sure will be at any big convention happening in that area. The cracks were obvious from the start, but it took me a while to notice how rotten the apples here (well mostly Chicago) are

>> No.10892350

There will always be fags looking to start drama. Weed out the good friends from the dubious/users and move on. Enjoy your time at a con instead of inviting drama into your life and if someone you've got bad blood with shows up, just move on to another party or get over it and enjoy your time with those you're there with.

>> No.10892362

Oh TJ? I think that is giving him a favor

I would rather have Nazis than SJWs because Nazis don't fuck up shit to nearly the same level

>> No.10892367


only nazis would rather be around nazis

>> No.10892372

>I would rather hang with Nazis
Sometimes I forget how hard this board has fallen into /pol/ wankery and /r9k/ incels.

>> No.10892375

Considering there's only 2 attractive ppl in this board, this shit doesn't surprise me

>> No.10892379

The dudes bragging about cucking people are the same dudes that can only get an attractive chick when she’s drunk. Then when she says no again sober you have to go back to babysitting miss dumpy.

>> No.10892380

Yet another reason I'm glad I'm gay. Not to mention, I get all the best dudes

>> No.10892382

It's fun to watch my gay friends get casual hookups all over the place with little more than a few nice flirty words. On the other had it's pathetic to watch a group of guys dote on a single woman in hopes maybe she'll fuck them later. There's still an ok amount of hookups for heteros, but it involves way more work for the guys than it does for the women.

>> No.10892383

No, Sydney kek

>> No.10892384

Which is why its time to accept everyone is a little gay and femboys do it better anyway lulz

>> No.10892385

I made friends I like but there’s frequently still desperate and an uncomfortably touchy guys at every function I end up at. Sad!

>> No.10892387

You may not be interested in drama but drama is interested in you. So avoiding your enemies isn't a guaranteed good option. Destroying them is a good idea as well

>> No.10892388

>Destroying them is a good idea
What are you, 13? lol

>> No.10892389


Destroying enemies is the best option (ㆁωㆁ)

>> No.10892390

Lol I was neutral/didn't care until I got yoinked into other people's shit. Oh well

>> No.10892393

LMAO gay males can be just as radioactive as women. Especially the ones who are just "queer" as opposed to "gay" or present as women. Or enbies. Or whatever femme shit

>> No.10892396

Only in bed

>> No.10892397


Not talking about the drama associated with the queer community. Talking purely about gay sex is easier to obtain than hetero sex

>> No.10892401

All the worst gulls are white men, all the fags/browns/asians are generally cool
White guys somehow are all down bad and cringe

>> No.10892402

He cucks other people I presume so bleh the circle of cuckoldry

This board was full of vendetta threads and threads dedicated to literal drama on if someone is trans or not lol. All the transmasc fucking threads where people were saying they were pretending to be trans in like 2014 or some shit

>> No.10892403

Closer to 31 lol

>> No.10892405

Relevant how..considering the 2 attractive ppl are nawt trans masc lmao

Also idgaf who is trans and who isn't, the drama and lies is what fucks shit up

>> No.10892408

Based and cunny pilled

>> No.10892412

We gotta legalize rape then!

>> No.10892416


Surprise sex you didn't know you wanted (ω)~

>> No.10892421

Who are the two attractive people? There’s a handful of gulls who are 7s or higher

>> No.10892422

Eurocentric beauty standards don't really do it for me lulz

>> No.10892443
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>> No.10892444

Well we are waiting for that list

>> No.10892456

My balls itch

>> No.10892458

[scratches them]

>> No.10892461

Nice try, but I ain't outing myself THAT easily.

>> No.10892462

Name your price

>> No.10892463

[Blushes] uuuu, thanx bb

>> No.10892464

Nah I think imma leave y'all in suspense on this one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.10892467


>> No.10892470

Oh no! Like anyone would care about your ranking We are all beautiful ^.^

>> No.10892471
File: 50 KB, 205x205, gadget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanging with the gulls must be like walking through a booby-trapped Indiana jones temple. All the salt caps are always unscrewed so they dump all over your food. Gulls probably take huge clogging dumps and don't flush or plunge then close the lid so when the next person has to piss or whatever they open the lid and get shitbombed and have to clean a cauldron of shit out for an hour if they want to piss, but someone already dumped out all the cleaning supplies and replaced them with diarrhea so they just keeps spraying diarrhea everywhere trying to clean, and by the time they realize it’s already too late and they're covered in shit so they have to take a shower but gulls cut the water, so they have to drive to the store covered in shit. Whoops, gulls are way ahead. Tires are all slashed, car now has to be tainted with shit to get to the store. But the gasoline is cut. They are sitting in a puddle of diarrhea in their ruined beloved possession, and it runs out of gas 100 feet out of the driveway. The photographers descends on them, covered in shit they have no recourse but to run back inside, but gulls were in the hotel the whole time and were waiting. They rush back flicking shit off their fingers at the photographers to keep them at bay, but gulls locked the door. The police show up and find them angrily banging on the door covered in shit, pepper spray and arrest them. As they are hauled off, they can hear the wails from some cosplay thots orgasm as she fucks one of the gulls. They try calling anyone for bail money but gulls turned them into such a pathetic cuck that no one respects them and decline their calls. They decide to call gulls for help. They answer but only so they can hear the gull cum grunts as the finishes and hangs up. The shit-covered cuck is raped in the holding cell but won’t tell anyone.

>> No.10892478
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>> No.10892483

I'll give it up...for the right price ;)

>> No.10892486

i dm'd you my feet pics on discord pls respond

>> No.10892574

No feet pics :(

>> No.10892579


Judging by who ur fucking, ur opinion is shit

>> No.10892622
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>> No.10892623

It's over man.
I will say I'm glad they had a few idol related panels this year. Hopefully we'll get more in the future.

>> No.10892627 [DELETED] 


Atjap13 is built for BBC

>> No.10892635

What's your list?

>> No.10892641

AtJap13 is a solid 10 and the person reading this is an 8

>> No.10892645

They're not even a gull you retard

>> No.10892675

The tru gulls are the schizos we met along the way

>> No.10892695

I miss my boy Deku

>> No.10892722

I hope he found his virgin tradcath white cosplay gf who was not touched by the fauci ouchie

>> No.10892729

I wonder if he managed to pawn off the girl who was living with him and not having sex with him on anyone

>> No.10892730
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>> No.10892758

How do you know if they don’t browse this board because that’s all a gull is, a cgl browser who goes to cons or wears lolita

>> No.10892761

I browse this board and go to cons so....

>> No.10892770

The troons got him. So sad for someone I thought was incorruptible

>> No.10892775

They don't exist