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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 156 KB, 339x240, 155151564121234654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10851641 No.10851641 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this new "step on you for x" trend?

>> No.10851643

The first time I saw it, I thought it was just a joke and found it funny. Now that I realize these people are serious, I find them and the ones paying them to be super cringe

>> No.10851655

Thots have become far too comfortable with the normalization of prostituion.

>> No.10851656

It’s annoying ,but when aren’t weebs annoying ?

>> No.10851667

Been seeing this since 2018, wouldn't really call it new

>> No.10851682


>> No.10851690

Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world. It's so much less common than it was even 50 years ago. What the fuck are you babbling about you retard? You think onlyfans girls are hookers? I wish. the whores I fuck are way uglier and more expensive than some OF slut. And btw, don't lie. I've had non-hookers let me fuck them for cash or booze or drugs. You have a price I promise.

>> No.10851692

it's solicitation and it's illegal (at least in America anyway), it's why all the "free hugs" signs got banned. but even those I'm starting to see again

>> No.10851694

yeah, simps and prostitutes are absolute subhumans

>> No.10851695

didnt people charge for paddle whaps, hugs, and cuddles in the 2000s?

>> No.10851697

It's not solicitation you idiot. u dum

>> No.10851698

I remember at a Star Trek con in 81 a woman straight up offered in-costume bjs for 50 bux. And yes, i did get one thank you very much.

>> No.10851715


>> No.10851716

You gotta be one old ass nigga
Why you posting here?

>> No.10851720

Where should I post? I mean, i post other places too.

>> No.10851722

seems like you need a refresher on what "solicitation" means, then

>> No.10851724

Cons used to ban signs like this due to solicitation laws. What the fuck happened that brought these signs back. Back in '07 it used to be girls with hug/kiss me or will Yuri for $5.

>> No.10851725

You can't be arrested for asking people to step on your or sit on their face. You might get arrested for asking someone to put their penis in your mouth, ass, or pussy. But only if a vice officer is filming/recording your interaction. Which only happens if they suspect links to organized crime. Glad I could clear things up for you idiot.

>> No.10851728

Selling sexual services is prostitution by definition, whether they let you put your festering diseased penis in them or not.

>> No.10851729

If you don't touch someone, it ain't prostitution bro

>> No.10851730

>Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world
This has never made sense to me. It can't be true. You're telling me women were selling there bodies before people came up with the idea for hunting, building, crafting, leadershop positions? Wtf were they selling there bodies for then???? Just bullshit people say to justify prostitution.

>> No.10851731

You being too ugly to get sex without paying for it is not our problem. It's actually really depressing and we don't want to be exposed to it

>> No.10851732

Hunting and house building and crafting aren't professions, they're activities that were not specialized. Everyone did them. Men, women, children.
Prostitution was an individual who did one thing only in return for commodities. It's recorded in Sumerian temples as a part of religious rites. Which is why people say it's the oldest profession. You should have probably learned this in 6th grade social studies

>> No.10851738
File: 227 KB, 1440x1800, failninjaninja_298902651_5695063560540422_6272601960277839443_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /cgl/ think of failninja? He seems to be able to get hundreds of girls to step on him, kick him and sit on him for free.
Is he a #metoo waiting to happen?

>> No.10851739

mega based

>> No.10851740
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girls sold boob grabs back in the day I dont think it happens anymore

>> No.10851741
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ballbusting is the new thing

>> No.10851742


Kill the cop on your head. Why are so many Americans little authoritarians at the drop of a hat.

>> No.10851743

Because it's disgusting, go engage in your fetish in private like normal people.

>> No.10851754

I was explaining more that it's not a new trend and stuff like this has been going on since the 2000's but got banned because conventions were getting in trouble for allowing it; a lot of people doing it were also underage as well which was another liability

if it's funny or in-character it could be fun but OF girls shouldn't be allowed to walk around with "$10 I will step on you" signs

>> No.10851755

Maybe you should have also learned that many professions have claimed to be "world's oldest", and we actually have no way to make a definitive call on this. People only started referring to it as the oldest profession from a fucking fiction book from the 1800s.

>they're activities that were not specialized. Everyone did them
Do you think being a prostitute was limited to women 18+? There's nothing specialized about selling sex, any retard with brain function can do it.

>> No.10851760

We do have a way to make a call--existing records. If someone lived thrived and survived from one activity, they're a pro. Priestess hookers at the ziggurats in Mesopotamia are the oldest recorded ones.

>> No.10851770

I agree it's pretty shitty. And if you're hot everyone wants you to be a prostitute it's like you have no hope anywhere else.

>> No.10851807

pretty sure cons are going to bring back their "no solicitation" policy again, like they did when those $1 for Hug/Glomp signs got obnoxious around 2005-2009

>> No.10851818

It's a dumbass appeal to tradition thots use to cope with their shitty life choices and men use to cope with their disgusting hedonism.

>> No.10851821

your the only one coping here foid

>> No.10851822

>for free

Is that some sort of accomplishment? fallen so low that's the best you can get?

>> No.10851823

Coping with what? The fact that I don't have to sell my body to scrape together enough money for a mcnugget combo?

>> No.10851870
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Now this is a trend that I hope becomes popular

>> No.10851882

based boomer coomer

>> No.10851891
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On one hand, I think they're cringe, but on the other, the only ones annoyed her other women, mainly ugly women. So it's a win regardless. I don't have to use the services but I get to watch roasties seethe.

>> No.10851918

the only ones complaining are men LOL

>> No.10851929

Not really. I think it's stupid, but if there's a market for it, let them make their money. Im more disappointed in the simps than anything.

>> No.10851931

well women don't complain about that because unlike men, every woman has a market. even ugly femcels can get men.

>> No.10851933

Whatever happen to "I like your cosplay, can I take a picture of you?"

>> No.10851940

Hyper capitalist version of "free hugs" signs from like a decade ago. It started as a kind of joke/easy contact with other weebs and attention. Then it spun off to people doing shit like "1 dollar hugs", also a funny play on the concept but it opened the opportunity for money. Now with how popular/hyper sexual anime is, you get a large amount of women one step above prostitutes just collecting money from coom brain retards.

>> No.10851941 [DELETED] 

Are you asexual or somethin? Every mammal likes to orgasm. you can't have a functioning brain unless you like to come.

>> No.10851959

T. Coomer

>> No.10851971
File: 61 KB, 650x434, T-14_650x434_b1fea288-2a18-4829-a296-224f8cd1edca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I mean, a con wouldn't allow someone to wander around the dealer hall selling merch out of their backpack with a "KEYCHAINS $5 POSTERS $10" sign - they have to pay for a booth.
>official con guest has a booth and is charging for goods and services
sure why not

>> No.10852071 [DELETED] 

have you never coom?

>> No.10852073

the coomer and the prostitute-lite are both vile and subhuman

>> No.10852100

This happens a lot at Dragoncon. The whores make crazy bank off of Dragoncon attendees because they are loaded with money.

>> No.10852240

I don’t pay for that. Rather spend money on myself.

>> No.10852266

Is it a trend? I thought it was just the one cosplayer.

>> No.10852275

Hey shes putting heart into it, she looks like she likes her profession at least

>> No.10852281

Shit, you're just as old as me. And that was like twice the going rate for a blowie you'd get on the street. Hopefully she was really a looker.

>> No.10852290

It's a sexual act, and therefore prostitution.
>Time to close the pool due to AIDS, athlete's foot, and granny sized bunions

>> No.10852363

What in the goddamn.
Yknow what. Fuckit. I hope weebs start doing this

>> No.10852474

What isn't a sexual act? Charging for a picture or an autograph is a sexual act for some people. Ugh, asexuals are the worst.
ANd yes, taking a picture or getting an autograph is completely on topic for cosplay.

>> No.10852476

>You think onlyfans girls are hookers?

>> No.10852479

Just in case people were wondering how AIDS spread so fast, that and also faggots.

>> No.10852480

>Hunting and house building and crafting aren't professions, they're activities that were not specialized.

>> No.10852537

lmao this is the kind of thing that must make femoids so confused. Not even the horniest femoid would pay to have the most handsome supermodel in the world to punt cunt her.

>> No.10852578

So any model is a hooker, right?

>> No.10852579

I am talking about the distant past, of course. Currently, they are specialized. But prior to the inventions of professions, they were shared tribal and familial dutes. Sorry, I forgot I was talking to Republicanposting retards. (Now you have a choice. You can take the L. Or you can have your predictable meltdown for being identified correctly as a Republicanposter. "Mentally ill lardass say what.")

>> No.10852581
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>> No.10852582
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>> No.10852583
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>> No.10852625

and thus nu-prostitution is born, absolutely subhuman

>> No.10852629
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Femdom is vile.

>> No.10852630

If they're not enforcing this anymore then can I go around cons with a "Need money 4 beer, anything helps" sign like a hobo?

>> No.10852659

Glad to see I made an impression, mentally ill lardass. Less glad you haven't kissed a loaded shotgun yet

>> No.10852672

Yes. If they do nudes, yes.

>> No.10852882

Sorry, I just assumed you knew that your response was the standard template for responses on the Republicanposting discords. Kinda sad to discover you're a person and not a bot. Truly an NPC

>> No.10852883

Why do you pretend topless models aren't whores too? Fucking moid coomers

>> No.10852968

What I want to really know here is...WHY is this not being stamped out by the staff? I know rules for a lot of cons were updated very quickly to forbid AI art. And also why did it become prominent so fast? It was barely a thing in or before 2021. Then somewhere (probably around this same point) last year it became inescapable. Like, it was one singular event that brought them all out

>> No.10852985

The only two ways con staff will ban it is either the host venue makes a fuss about it or law enforcement. Other than that they don't give a fuck.

>> No.10853030

The problem is fundies/authoritarians/manginas restricting or outright banning prostitution, not the other way around, nigger.
Why do you think you have so many slack-jawed simps nowadays?

>> No.10853043

Not a fan, it seems pretty stupid and obvious coomer pandering for easy cash. If they really wanted to they should do it without any payment for the fun of it but it should be something the character should do.

>> No.10853045

it's not about authoritarianism you retarded nigger its about whores being insufferable degenerates invading an otherwise fun hobby

>> No.10853046

yeah no fucking thanks my nigger i value my sperm count
>punt cunt

>> No.10853065

this reminds me of me going to a animu con, having a ticket, but actually making a sign and begging for money for a ticket, collect money for multiple tickets
I don't remember what we did with the money though, but I think that was the con where I tasted the best noodles with chicken bamboo and shrooms I've ever had, nothing compares, a jap cooked them

>> No.10853076
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WTF is wrong with people.
That's not a question.

>> No.10853077
File: 101 KB, 879x1000, 61+QdkJ0CJL._AC_UY1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel is my cosplay for the 24 convention

>> No.10853298

NTA but
>legalize prostitution
>the whores are kept in red light districts and leave the conventions and very likely the cosplaying hobby as a whole for good

>> No.10853356

You cant ban hookers and its dumb to try.

>> No.10853407

Hard agree, and not from a utilitarian or pragmatic sense, it's from a moral sense: are they not the owners of their own body? Why should they not be allowed to do as they please with it?

>> No.10853410

don't forget the diaper, key part of the costume, you can thank me later

>> No.10853438

If you go out in front of the convention center around midnight there are some girls that will do a bit more than that for $40.

>> No.10853504

pls go into detail

>> No.10853534

I love it. Not only do I like the idea of girls stepping or sitting on me but I also have a findom fetish so the fact that I'm paying them too makes it even hotter.

Of course it's all hypothetical since I have never seen this in real life and even if I did I probably don't have the guts to go up and talk to them.

>> No.10853579

A lot of kids go to my local comic con and I haven’t been to the anime con in years so I’ve never seen it irl

>> No.10853676

>my local comic con
And that's why you haven't seen them. Local = more kids. Comic con = little to no weird / crazy / sexual stuff. And if there is it's less in the open

>> No.10854090

I really don't care desu, it's mostly just a meme, cons are already a hot spot of degeneracy so I don't see the issue

>> No.10854156

It's pretty self explanatory, but some make arrangements prior to the con and some women will point blank put it out there that they're offering sex services at the con. Check Instagram in the lead up to Dragoncon and you'll see it.

>> No.10854158

Don't even have to do that. Have 150 cash and offer some cleavage shaking slut some money to "party." Get head and give her money. The end.

Easiest thing in the world. And if you're not a faggot it often leads to a no-strings smash pass.

>> No.10854213

I wish it was that easy.

>> No.10854220

It is. I can give you a script. If you have the money you will be good but it might take you a hundred tried and/or getting bamned from a con depending on how autismo and Republican you are.

>> No.10854221

>but it might take you a hundred tried and/or getting bamned from a con
Aaaaand there's the punchline.

>> No.10854396

Dragoncon's an absolute hive of degeneracy, I don't know what else comes close in Atlanta besides maybe FWA.

>> No.10854413

>I don't know what else comes close in Atlanta besides maybe FWA.
That would be Frolicon, which is a full blown spinoff of "Dragoncon after dark". They are literally Dragoncon with open sex.

>> No.10854428

Funny you say because I was going to mention Froli but

>A) I've never been so didn't want to speak on what I didn't know

>B) I felt it wasn't as "big" as Dragoncon so less space for tomfuckery

>> No.10854430

>Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world

Can you faggots stop pushing this blatant lie?

It isn't true, like it actively confirmed to not be true. Various agricultural practices were the oldest ones, saying otherwise is whore cope.

>> No.10854432

Indeed it's retarded.
>Hunting and house building and crafting aren't professions
Yes they are.
>Prostitution was an individual who did one thing only in return for commodities
If the definition of "profession" is tied to the birth of commodities and trade, then farmer or herdsman would be the first professions.

>> No.10854435

Professions mean you make a living doing one thing that is not agriculture. I.e. tool manufacture, record keeping, priest ,etc. Subsistence agriculture is unspecialized labor and is not a profession in the way that word is used. It does involve labor, obviusly. But there's a big difference between worker and professional.

In terms of records, prostitution is indeed one of the world's oldest professions. You might not like that fact, but it's true: https://medium.com/exploring-history/is-prostitution-the-worlds-oldest-profession-47f7f3b6f9e5

You can be butthurt if you want but it's true.

>> No.10854448
File: 154 KB, 834x626, Dennis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a ton of fun stepping on people in this cosplay, but it's literally what this character does, so people actually love it cause it's in character. They even tell me I should have giant spikes on the bottom of the boots to make it more authentic.

>> No.10854457

It's funny because Medium is not a valid source nor does what is written actually prove what you say lmao

>> No.10854473

By the way I want to apologize for my lack of reading comprehension. You meant in comparison to FWA, then yeah Frolicon takes the cake I'm sure.

>> No.10854499

Medium may not be a valid source, but there's plenty of valid sources that can validate that information about prostitution. Although, it should be specified it was one of the oldest professions for women, not men.

>> No.10854508

If I give you a picture of an ancient Mesopotamian tablet you cant read it. So name the source you trust you useless

>> No.10854656

No it was free. They'd even do it without asking sometimes.

>> No.10854658

>Prostitution is the business or practice of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for payment. The definition of "sexual activity" varies, and is often defined as an activity requiring physical contact (e.g., sexual intercourse, non-penetrative sex, oral sex, etc.) with the customer.

>> No.10854678

Haven't seen it in austria yet
And I might ask, what else she might offer

>> No.10854679

Be aware of the bigger boots

>> No.10854739

>Coomers enable bad behavior

>> No.10854778

Only non retard take in this thread

>> No.10854781

I don't get why you guys are so mad at it. I would really love to be stepped on and it's worth paying for.

>> No.10854784 [DELETED] 
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Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1279
Who Framed /aa2g/? Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases
Anon's Modded Pre-Install: https://pastebin.com/42JS3q6E

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.10855412
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>> No.10855429

based on what? Also, fuck Skrain "Bajoran Tranny" Dukat. In fact, fuck that whole show. Original ST is where it's at. That's what we had back in the 80s.

>> No.10855900

Makes me want to make a sign that reads "Will beat you half to death for 10$" and want to see how long before it gets taken down.

>> No.10855919

If stepping is $5, how much for oral?

They're advertising what they are, at this point it's just haggling.

>> No.10855929
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I'm licking it for ₹20. And gripping her leg down. I WONT LET GO.

>> No.10857194

Not quite desperate enough for human contact to do it. I'd pay for a hug from a cutie though.

>> No.10857207

I think I would cum in my pants if I got hugged by a girl especially if she was cosplaying.

>> No.10859694

>paying for a hug
Anon, hugs are free at conventions

>> No.10859700

I've never gotten a hug at a convention, free or paid. I would gladly pay if it was a pretty girl.

>> No.10859726 [DELETED] 
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Do high quality traps also get simps who pay as well? Ive been hiding for 3 years since covid simply gathering strength via meds, facial care and subtle plastic surgery.

Iirc a trans ex of mine got gifted a ton of free merch by some guy on our con discord

>> No.10859755 [DELETED] 

Yeah, even if you aren't a trap and are just good looking gay guys will give you stuff. One of them gave me 200$ because he liked my tiktoks and another sent me some robot thing from amazon that cost like 700$

>> No.10859836

Look for the free hug signs

>> No.10859837 [DELETED] 

Not as much as hot women, but they could also get some money

>> No.10859838 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 1200x675, F1NN5TER-dressed-as-a-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"High Quality" traps are rare
A High Quality trap is F1NN5TER and yes people give him loads of money

>> No.10859842

that's high quality? he looks like a fucking linebacker

>> No.10859845

promiscuous people should be beaten

>> No.10859853

Do girls have free hugs signs? I thought only guys had those

>> No.10859858

Damn. Someone really pissed themselves over Dukat. Kek.

>> No.10859941

This thread makes me sad that I won't be able to go to another convention until next March.

>> No.10859942 [DELETED] 

>janny deletes posts about guys getting free gifts for being attractive
>leaves all posts about femoids getting free shit alone

Obese legbeard manhating dyke spotted

>> No.10859943

Wouldn't an obese legbeard be more jealous of the women?

>> No.10859946

it's always funny reading these threads full of incels blaming the women offering these services instead of blaming their fellow man for indulging in said services. the women are simply filling an inefficiency in the market. they wouldn't be doing this if men didn't use them

>> No.10859948

I am the man who wants to indulge in those services. I don't blame them in fact I am grateful to them.

>> No.10859950
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>> No.10859962
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>People pay for it so it's ok.

The cope is unreal.

Soliciting services like stepping/sitting/whatever for $$ is prostitution and should be an automatic badge-clip.

>> No.10859963

let me say it again since you clearly don't understand: these women wouldn't have a market if men weren't buying what they're selling. you know how you get rid of a hungry whore? you starve them

>> No.10859964

There is a reason we punish drug dealers more than drug takers

>> No.10859967

But why is it bad? Why should either side be punished?

>> No.10859977
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>> No.10859979

holy false equivalence. if you have to equate a harmless kink to illicit activity, you already lost

>> No.10859984

You are thinking way too deeply about some random adage. Literally no one cares if prostitution is the literal oldest profession or not - it's old as balls at least (that's another figure of speech - please don't sperg out about that too)

>> No.10859985

Cmon nonny, we know you aren't ever gonna use that sperm for anything.

>> No.10860009

Dont bother. Republicanposters dont care. They think they can be MEAN rnuff 2 finally banish prostitution. Fucking r tards

>> No.10860010

Ok, lardass.

>> No.10860018

oh god that's cringe

>> No.10860061
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Ethots and their simps should be strung up from lampposts with piano wire.

>> No.10860296

At this point it's sad. That's the best you can come up with to a huge array of meaningful criticism? Like, i get it you're mad and can't let it go because you're a Republicanposting retard, but come on. Do better than lardass.

>> No.10860297

Say what?

>> No.10860299

I was hoping this thread would have more discussion about the actual topic of being stepped on by cosplaying girls.

>> No.10860302

You want meaningful conversation on 4chan? Ugh. Why?

>> No.10860303

Mentally ill lardass says what?

>> No.10860305

This is clearly the place to go for deep philosiphizing on dom and humiliation fetishes, with a dash of voyeurism

>> No.10860306

Cringe. I can think of at least 12 discords way better for that than any board on 4chan.

>> No.10860311

This is why you have a chubby chaser wingman to prevent this.

>> No.10860313

I just fuck the fat girl and then I fuck her friend.

>> No.10860349

The real issue is the fucked up economy and income situation, and the insane hustle culture it's created. Everything has to be about making money in one way or another and people are basically guilt tripped out of just doing things for fun, it all has to be about networking or side hustling or whatever. It's particularly bad in the cosplay scene because most cosplayers spend way too much time in a social media echo chamber where they're encouraged to commoditize and sell sexuality but not actually have sex with anybody.

>> No.10860385

Fuck off you poorfaggot. You don't like it then get a real job. In the USA it's easy to make money ifyou don't get a gender studies degree.

>> No.10860484

Not really into it, ansmd I rather do that in private, and she is wearing a full-blown bdsm-mistress outfit
It could be styled after an anime, like Esdeath, or Morrigan from Darkstalkers
But it should be in private, not casually where everyone can see it

>> No.10860818

I wasn't talking about myself, I've got a good career. I'm just saying that attitude pervades the culture lately because so many other people are stuck in that rat race.

>> No.10860829 [DELETED] 

>resorts to violence because they can't think up a refutation
kek tell me you're a low IQ nigger without telling me you're a nigger

>> No.10860875

All are Biden voters.

>> No.10860978

Who the fuck cares what poorfaggots do libcuck? You love them so much give them your money.

>> No.10860989

All I'm gonna say is imagine going to a con with a family member and seeing this shit.. Lol

>> No.10861021

Most of the new frequency of sub guys isn't even because more guys are submissive, they're just desperate and you can get away with "step on me mommy" as a comment in a way that you can't with "fuck I want to cum on her face".

The women are even worse. None of the "dominant" women you see popular online in these spaces are actually dominas at all, they are just riding it for attention.