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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 116 KB, 850x331, momocon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10846927 No.10846927 [Reply] [Original]

What: Momocon, duh
When: May 25-28
Where: Georgia World Congress Center

It's within two months, are you excited?
A year removed from last years scamdemic check in policy we're free.

What are you going to be cosplaying as? Any guests you're looking forward to seeing? Staying the whole weekend or just coming for a day? How far are you coming from?

Feel free to share whatever you'd like and use this thread for any questions or concerns you might have!

>> No.10846928
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Nothing worse than a mask in 95º+ heat.

>> No.10846945

That guest list felt unimpressive there's so many people but no one really jumped out at me.

>> No.10846954


People still use this word? I thought you guys were quietly moving goal posts so the million+ dead were just collateral damage and as long as it wasn't you, who cares right?

>> No.10846969

This is a bot post.
Hell you can even find enough actual info and research on Google now. Maybe we'll get a 6th pilot to collapse or die this month. In the rare case you're not a bot, make sure to schedule your next booster :)

Anyway, don't turn this thread into a covid discussion.

>> No.10847041

Hoping to go but no room plans worked out yet. Friend that lived close by moved away and haven't heard anything from a buddy that usually has a room at the omni.

Kinda sucks because I'm actually fairly certain I'll be free that weekend this year and having to panic last minute everything like usual.

>> No.10847489

What the fuck is up with all of these off site ticketed parties?

Momocon Rave at the tabernacle, ok this sounds cool

Trap Sushi on Friday? What the fuck is that

And then SonicBoomBox Afterparty on Saturday too? HUH?

Is the Afterparty after the Rave or are these conflicting events? I hate all of this extra ticketed shit outside the badge, why can't they do stuff at the actual convention center.

>> No.10847524

It's crazy how selfish people can be. And it took a pandemic for me to realize that

>> No.10847533

Yeah, I know right? Imagine siding with openly hostile multibillionaires over your own family because THEY'RE the ones that obviously have your best interest at he-- oh wait. I read that wrong. Whoopsie! Please continue on in your deluded fairy tale land. New normal, stop the spread, let's forgive and forget! Whatever empty slogan you've got this week, I don't care enough to remember which anymore.

>> No.10848741

This will be my first east coast convention, what can I expect?

>> No.10848787

Momocon is really fun and exciting, but I would have waited for Dragoncon

>> No.10848790

Momocon is magnitudes cheaper and more doable than DragonCon if you're out of town.

That aside I do all 4 big cons in Atlanta every year.

>> No.10848830

Good to hear, is there a group from here that hangs out or is it somewhat sporadic regarding hanging out?

>> No.10848848

I go to Momocon on and off, but I always attend DragonCon and AWA, I’m local so it’s easier for me. As far as a group, I just sorta ask the week of the con if anyone would like to chill, nothing official outside the official discords. That being said you are more than welcome to chill with me and my group. Not a big group usually 3 - 8 people.

>> No.10848863

Dragoncon, Momocon, AWA, and what else?

>> No.10848880


Furry Weekend Atlanta. It's not massive massive, it's also furry shit (I'm not a furry). But god damn they throw a fun con. Especially the rave every night, some of the best damn music i've ever heard at a con rave.

In my order of enjoyment

DragonCon > AWA > FWA > Momocon

Momocon has moved down because they're so uptight and boring these days.

>> No.10848965

Why go to Momocon when Dragoncon exists?

>> No.10849097

Oh sweet! We should chill at FWA n momo. I don't have a group this year

>> No.10849215

You don't have to complete with rich boomers for rooms like dragoncon. You can also still get an affordable room close to the con right now. Good luck trying that with dragoncon. It's okay to go to both.

>> No.10849216

But I might as well go to Dragoncon cause it has the rich boomers.

>> No.10849387

Which hotel should I go with for this? Just the Omni?

>> No.10849498

Omni is likely full right?

But yeah ideally that's the closest one, connects to the actual venue.

But it's still a bit of a walk since the convention center is massive and I think we're in building B now

>> No.10849531

Yeah, Omni is just straight up out of reservations and is over $400 a night. We ended up picking the Hilton Atlanta. Seems like most of the hotels are all on the same block about a mile away from the convention.

>> No.10849574

Last year's Momo had more meetups than any con I've ever been to. Less a con and more going between groups to hang out with them. Looking back now, it makes perfect sense why AWA 2013 was openly promoting a 4chan anniversary, when there's so many posters in the area.

>> No.10849647

The rave is supposed to be back this year right?
>costs money
>somewhere across town
lol I guess they figured out that they could get more out of it, you guys think it's worth going to?

>> No.10849649

Tabernacle is short walk from the convention center.

Apparently it's a good DJ from what my friends say.

I might go, honestly all this offsite shit is a bummer.

>> No.10849654

for you guys going to the concerts and DJs, wear some kind of ear protection
hearing damage is cumulative and tinnitus sucks cock

>> No.10849877

I think it's KTN's DJ but not sure.

The 'rave' was pretty much going into the dumpster. Not surprising after the 2019 one (worst music/everything imaginable) people put into motion of making one that didn't suck.

Pretty much only want the Omni. Embassy Suites 2nd, then after that I'd rather just wait till next year.

Regardless you don't want to be wandering around ATL late without a big group.

alternatively, you can try not resting your head against the speaker and you'll be fine.

>> No.10850142

Im gonna be releasing my Hilton Garden Inn room tomorrow. That's a safe walk and a nice hotel. Couldn't say no to Omni though.

>> No.10850146

Grown adults taking pictures of random children and keeping them on their phone.

>> No.10850484

? what you mean like asking people for a pic of their cosplay or creep shots?

>> No.10850794

You gunna get robbed and raped by atlanta's finest homeless.

>> No.10850796

Take your 7th booster shot and die of a heart attack. Shut the fuck up. We are sick of you. Go find a city, gather up all of your kind and stay there. Fucking vile brain washing filth.

>> No.10851112

Too based for this world, except the part about dying. Leave them to rot in misery for the rest of their worthless lives. A fate far worse than death

>> No.10852393

I wouldn't wander ATL at night even with a big group.

It wasn't too long ago that nogs chimped out and fucked up the CNN center. (Which was fucking hilarious by the way, since they couldn't say anything about it.)

>> No.10852700

A homeless guy might shout incoherent things at you but I've never had a problem, especially if you're walking with a group of guys.
Source: I live here

>> No.10852716

Tell me you are not from atlanta without saying it.
Hope the guys you are walking with don't look white.

>> No.10852755

Saying "Atlanta" is kinda unfair since there are tons of areas that are just fine and others that aren't. What is considered Atlanta and not has been kind of weird for quite some time (see Sandy springs up until it the early 2000s). Atlanta for the most part is just fine at night. The run down shit hole surrounding the Mercedez Benz stadium for example though is not. I've been here for nearly 40 years and can safely say that's the only area I wouldn't want to be in. You sound more like someone not from around here if you don't know that. That or someone sheltered who's only lived on the northern side of the perimeter.

>> No.10852775

You guys are just trying to scare off on the fence anons. You have nothing to worry about, just stay by the convention center/omni and remember to never relax.

Also fun fact there are a lot of cool black anons that you can meet, and most of them hate joggers too.

>> No.10852781

I agree. I also know that there are just some areas that you really shouldn't be around at night alone, and I'm saying this as a black anon. As someone who doesn't even really go to downtown unless it's for conventions, I just stick around the venue and I don't get bothered much by anyone if I'm alone, less so in groups. Skin color advantage, I know, but most of us aren't looking for problems either. Just make sure that you're aware of your surroundings and you'll have a great time. This off-venue stuff is new to me though, I've been spoiled by DC for too many years.

>> No.10852792

>"a homeless guy might be a violent, angry schizo who targets their incoherent ire at you, but you have nothing to worry about!"
kek no. I've heard of countless people who have gotten spat on (and worse) by homeless nutcases. They know that middle class faggots in costumes aren't going to throw down with them

>> No.10852832
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>reading through this thread
>Thinking about last year's Momo when I rode the train to the airport at 10 PM
>They know that middle class faggots in costumes aren't going to throw down with them
They haven't met me yet (one on one. And they have to be on crutches.)
>It wasn't too long ago that nogs chimped out and fucked up the CNN center.
Man, my group so upset when we realized that 2020 would have been the funniest con ever. Riots across the street, people in funny costumes next to them. Denied so many wonderful trolling opportunities

>> No.10852860


homeless are a problem because they are violent to other homeless and to other people.

Most other interpersonal violent crime tend to be between people who know eachother.

>> No.10852872

Bumping for interest.
P.S if you lot need a space, I'll be on standby
t. Outside of Atlanta but it's still technically Atlanta based on who you ask.

>> No.10852908
File: 1.39 MB, 790x2019, Jun_Kazama_TTT2CG_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for floor space at the Omni.

Can't really be picky this late but my preferences would be:
Ideally 7 person max (including myself).
21+ preferred (most likely will bring alcohol that you'd be welcome to)

I'm white, 6'1 165, cosplay, don't smoke or do drugs, very laid back and respectful. Woob#3055 on discord if you have space.

>> No.10853063

ok boomer

>> No.10853261

just got my hotel yesterday, my first Momocon was last year and I honestly didn't enjoy it as much as AWA 2021. Idk why maybe it was because AWA was my first cosplay con but it was a little underwelming but here's hoping this year is better

>> No.10853297

>my first Momocon was last year and I honestly didn't enjoy it as much as AWA 2021.
Wow, this is me! The word about Momo was very weird. Half saying it's way better, half saying it's more subdued and for kids. Seems the second group was correct. Not gonna be around for this one, but AWA is looking fairly likely at least

>> No.10853315


This is not a uncommon opinion. Momocon is watered down compared to the other Atlanta cons. It's more watered down than Furry Weekend Atlanta (next week).

Momocon brings in big youtubers and gets mad at them when they say 'fuck' or 'shit' in a panel.

>> No.10853378

This is my first time at Momocon and it's starting to sound like there's not going to be much partying?

>> No.10853385

There was...outside. I can't imagine it was anything less than 2000 outside in the courtyard. That's fine for what it is, but not exactly my style.

>> No.10853405
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>Girlfriend breaks up with me few weeks before the con
>Demographic and mental maturity of con goer do not match mine


>> No.10854828

do /cgi/ threads need them?

>> No.10854846

Not really, people looking for momocon would just search it up.

>> No.10855407

i mean like does this board move fast that certain threads need to be bumped or its a usually quiet/slow board compared to others so threads dont need to get bumped frequently?

>> No.10855566

Any kind anon can take me in for Momocon? I dont have a hotel because the close ones are all sold out. Thanks in advance and will pitch in my share.

Reach out to me at Stardewleaf@yahoo.com

>> No.10855720

Dragoncon is far too overcrowded and you can't get into any panels unless you wait 3 hours early outside of the door. Since they refuse to move I stopped going years ago.

>> No.10855749

>have enough money to go
>just got over being sick this week
>could throw something together and be there

Never been is it worth going?

>> No.10855754


Worth over what? It's a massive con, of course it's worth unless you're looking for something very specific.

>> No.10855826

I know it's Downtown Atlanta but is there actually any place where I'm not spending like 20 fucking dollars for Breakfast or am I just fucked on that. I really don't feel like hanging out with the food court weeaboos this time around.

>> No.10855840

If you stop by Kroger on your way there, buy a box of sausage egg an cheese biscuits and a pack of yogurt. Put them in the refrigerator at the hotel you'll have 4 days worth of breakfast my man/ gal.

>> No.10855854

Is there an east coast /cgl/ Discord for this?

Also in the same vein as >>10855826
what are the good eating options around the con/must eats in Atlanta? I've never been.

>> No.10855861
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Which afterparty is worth going to on Saturday night? The rave might be fun, the afterparty might be a more chill experience.

>> No.10855881

The ones in the courtyard. They're onsite, free and probably better anyway

>> No.10855909

I would love to do that but I'm coming from out of town, and I'm already pulling 5 12's getting my shit done. I guess I'll just note that I'm blowing at least 200 on food then for no real reason.

Nah, I think everyone's been hush hush about discord lately. Most of the old guard of /cgl/ I know of are either judges, OF havers or are off doing other shit with their lives.
I'm doing some Gundam related shit and Protomen so if you see me I can at least humor other gulls who arn't autistic or trying to crash the room and blare Niel Cieceriga at like 3 in the morning when the rest of us are sleep deprived.

>> No.10855959

But is there alcohol?

>> No.10855962

But of course

>> No.10855968

The courtyard is not an official sanctioned party.. It's just where people chill/smoke/drink.

Security can shut it down whenever they feel like it, but they've been really nice the last few years. They will stop people from playing music too though.

There is no alcohol sold there but you should just bring your own or if you're social people will gladly share. Alcohol isn't scarce at a con.

>> No.10856091

This is my first time going to this, how different is it from dragoncon? I only go for the exhibit halls and vendors

>> No.10856108


Pretty similar to Dragoncon in that sense. Not as massive but still the largest in Atlanta aside from Dragoncon.

>> No.10856111

The cheapest options you'll find are the CNN food court, IIRC there is a chinese food place in there you can eat for about 10 bucks for a decent amount of food. Aside from that hope you got the Subway App to just cheap mode it off a sub a day, or maybe grab something at circle K lol. I thought there use to be a Cook-Out around there but either my memory is off or it closed.

>> No.10856117

These both look like dogshit. After parties are great on paper but usually fall short of any fun unless you are really in the know of the people running the AP. Imagine a bar but with less shit to do, and if someone is being awkward getting away from them is just that much harder.

Also you're paying 20-30 dollars for a door fee and still needing to pay for drinks after. You might as well just chill at the hotel bar where 20-30 dollars gets you at least 2 drinks.

>> No.10856121

Can't wait for you guys. Every year ya'll make me rich from the shit you leave in your cars. Every year they warn you niggas but you still leave good shit.

>> No.10856122

I 100% agree with you on the afterparty. It's at a culturally bankrupt sterile yuppie brewery. Nice place to chill for like a company event but why the fuck would you leave a bustling con to sit around there. Like just hang out in the courtyard at that point.

The rave on the other handle looks sick, it's annoying that it's offsite but the Tabernacle is a great venue a short walk away and it looks like they have some real bonafide DJs.

>> No.10856125

I've been to some cons where the AP was worth it such as the local bar scene was trash, or the hotel bar was closed/dogshit like "closes at 8pm on saturdays :)".

My biggest problem with AP's is that 99/100 times they are dead air of people just charging their phones, a DJ trying to do .... something, and expensive drinks from an obviously annoyed bartender realizing he isn't getting the foot traffic for a good tip experience.

While this con isn't exactly in a bar district learn to pregame, there usually those small pop up bars to keep your buzz going.

>> No.10856143

>booked hotel
>thought it was super close 10 minute walk
>+30 minute walk actually
How bad is Five Points station at night? Is it walkable to from the con center or should I just suck it up and uber back for night. For whatever reason I'm retarded and booked up by midtown hospital and just realized it when relaying that.

>> No.10856149

Most hotels let you cancel within a few days without any charges. You can always get on the phone and cry too.

>How bad is Five Points station at night? Is it walkable to from the con center


I would really recommend not doing that..

>> No.10856155

Well fuck, probably will just uber back at night. Hotel change isn't happening nothing even open remotely close to the price I paid closer to the con.

>> No.10856183
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You remind me that I was going to cancel my omni room to go crash with the boys until I realized that the retard booked a hotel that was a 20 min walk away in downtown atlanta, and when I tried to push towards getting them into my room, the booker flat out refused. They'll learn the hard way.

Fuck. I got breakfast from the food court last year and it just tasted weird. I don't know how Pajeets can fuck up eggs but they somehow did it.

>> No.10856194

If you mean big five points (edgewood and decataur) and not little five points, it's not terrible. Just travel is groups or walk across the street when you see a homeless horde ahead. I made the walk from the omni to that walgreens about 4 times last year.

>> No.10856241

Don't tell me I'm going all the way to the east coast to Atlanta and there's not even any good soul food options.

>> No.10856246

There are plenty but not downtown walkable from the convention center. Most of downtown is a barren business district.

>> No.10856253

Binky's is about the only walkable one that I know of. There's a bunch that are a quick 10min uber away though. Paschal's is decent.

>> No.10856258

Seattle felt the same way regarding walkability to good food, so I'm down for ubering if it means eating well.

Thanks for the recommendation on Paschal's, I'm starting a list of places. Should I expect weird looks in cosplay outside of the convention bubble?

>> No.10856262
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I'm driving in early tomorrow so I can not get fucked by Atlanta Traffic and actually go to Mary Mac's. I learned my lesson last year where coming in on Thursday night isn't really viable since it's packed already by that point and God help your soul if you try to drive out of Valet on Saturday to do literally anything past the noon. If I'm planning my eating hours this time around, I'm either committing to an intermittent fasting schedule that entire con or I'm just eating retardedly early like 2-3 PM because fun places in walking distance like the Vietnamese place, are only open until 5 in the afternoon.

>> No.10856265

Atlanta is mostly black so definitely. However you'll definitely get the fair share of old black ladies coming over to get your picture. Just go with the flow and keep the golden rules of relaxation in mind and you'll be fine. Also, as >>10856262 mentions, mary mac's is a banger if you can get in.

>> No.10856278

There are plenty around Atlanta and accessible via the MARTA system, just stay off it after dusk.

>> No.10856338

>flight now landing at 11PM Thursday
Great either a stupid expensive uber or a 'fun' ride on the ghetto hour for trains.

>> No.10856417

FUCK the rave actually sold out.

>> No.10856586

I'm planning on picking up my badge after 3 pm tomorrow. How long is the registration line on Thursday now that they have QR codes?

>> No.10856605

Does anyone here know how to style a wig? We're running low on time and are looking for assistance.

>> No.10856625

You do realize that the Mercedes-Benz - GWCC station is literally right there, right?

>> No.10856652

I've always been in and out within 15 minutes and I've been picking up my badge around that time for the last like 4 momocons.

They're pretty fast, I don't know why other cons like AWA can't get it right.

>> No.10856678
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>everyone up already
>asshole apart of friend group won’t install element to make it easy to communicate with the rest of us

Fuck it, breakfast buffet it is.

>> No.10856682

Based matrix user

>> No.10856685


what the fuck is element

>> No.10856690

Matrix is a messaging protocol and element is a client for it

>> No.10856691

Is it the Anti-Discord?

>> No.10856693

I'd say so, but the a big issue is getting people to use it like the other anon dealt with

>> No.10856694

Mary Mac's looks cute, it is reasonable to try and get into it on Thursday night?

>> No.10856719
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I don’t really feel like using groomercord when I already pay money for my own fedi and matrix instance. It makes communicating with my own friends easier.

Also Omni Southern Kitchen is dogshit we just ended up going to Wafflehouse instead. I’ll probably try out Kwan’s Korean kitchen later today since rice and meat sounds like an alright option.

>> No.10856734

yeah you should be fine. Just don't go on Saturday or Sunday afternoon, it'll be a bad, busy time. get the cinnamon rolls.

>> No.10856776

Any good ayce kbbq options in the area?

>> No.10856853

I want to see good cosplays this year.

>> No.10856897

>First time going to a con in almost a decade
>Single and ready to mingle
>Haven't had sex in years, prepared and cleaned up
>Retard moment realizing the hotel my friends decided to book at, that I also booked at, is a 15 minute drive
>Razer bumps on my neck from shaving

NGMI please kill me. I deserve this failure.

>> No.10856919

Anything interesting happen today for anyone?

>> No.10856938

I saw a Touhou cosplayer. That was cool. Also someone cosplaying as Tsukasa from Lucky Star, and a Lawrence and Holo from Spice and Wolf. I felt transported back in time and it was magical. Otherwise no. I'm about to get a pizza and a gyro though so that's lit. Replying to (You) is interesting I suppose.

>> No.10856944

It's not very surprising, the raves were always packed as hell even when they were on-site, kinda sucks that they'll probably be doing this every year now cause extra money

>> No.10856953

I saw Lobotomy Corp cosplayers and kept being mistaken for some asshole named Char Aznable when I was running around as Quattro Bajeena. Oh also I blew out my voice doing the Peppino scream to every pizza tower cosplayer I saw today.

>> No.10857021

Anyone know the badge pickup hours? First time going and the help would be appreciated.

>> No.10857025

9am to 8pm today

>> No.10857074

This post made me sad. All I saw today was Genshin Impact and Chainsaw Man cosplayers and 90% of the merch and artist alley being Genshin Impact related. How disappointing.

>> No.10857166
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I saw two separate instances of Ran and Chen cosplayers, and one with a nice Reimu. I commented, "Wow, I'm glad to see Touhou here!" and then bumped into the other group. I'm surprised Hatsune Miku has as much staying power still, too. In fact, there's a staggering amount of Miku figures. Other than that, I noticed the same thing. The retro music and games booth near the back corner is an absolute good mine of unique items, though. If (You) are in cosplay tomorrow, I'll happily take a picture, too.

>> No.10857178

My buddy was the Chen and I was the Ran, nice to run into you friend.

>> No.10857189

Hell yeah. With the Reimu? Because the Chen was super cute as hell. Much love. Bless y'all keeping tuhu from being in recline.

>> No.10857193
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I was this one, after we removed my tails for the night. We haven't seen a Reimu yet.

>> No.10857198

Oh, yeah! Y'all are the other two I saw. I did really like how you did the tails. You did a good job. <3

>> No.10857200

Honestly the con doesn't get any extra money from it since it goes to paying the venue that handles everything, the biggest thing is that the safety and logistics issues running the con with volunteers in the con space was an Absolute Goddamn Nightmare and being free of it is incredible

>> No.10857216

That's fuckin sick dude, I'll be on the lookout if you're there tomorrow

>> No.10857219

Thank you very much! It was tough to bring it together and make it travel friendly, we're from the West Coast but came out to hang out with our buddies. If you see us again tomorrow, feel free to say hi if you wanna hang out or anything, more friends is always better!
We will be! Hopefully our glue job fixes up my two tails that broke off, hehe.

>> No.10857224

How was the courtyard today? I went out there for a little bit around 7 and it seemed busy, did it get more interesting?

>> No.10857225

Oh anon you'll make me blush!

>> No.10857252

If you're still reading this, just wanted to say thanks. Made it within the hour. Saw a guy running up the escalator on the way out, figured he was trying to make the deadline which was five minutes away. Hope he got his badge.

>> No.10857254
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ermmm what should I do tomorrow if I don't cosplay or have friends besides kill myself

>> No.10857256

Yea was lit AF made out with two bunny girl sluts, but around 12am they dj got busted up some stupid slut passed out God knows what drugs she took. Then at 1:30am boombox anon was stopped by the police. Bring booze and weed, and don't be fat. It was a good time. Also people posted to dress up as cows today on FB dunno if that's happening tomorrow again. Also Hank hill if you browse here. You did well dancing in that chair.

>> No.10857294

I'll be doing as I have been, myself. Taking pictures of cosplay and savoring the extremely brief windows of interaction I have with people. Hoping to meet some lovely people at the Vocaloid and Tokusatsu photoshoots today. Can't go wrong with taking pictures, especially since it makes people happy to see their efforts go noticed and share in that mutual interest even if but a flickering moment.

>> No.10857301

Kind of surprised I didn't see any vendors selling light novels, did I just miss any that were?

>> No.10857396

How's everyones Saturday? Been mostly going to the workshops, got lucky, a vendor was selling plushies 50% off got the 18 inches Dragonnite plushie for 15.

>> No.10857450

I saw some vendors selling manga, but there could've been some light novels in the boxes I didn't browse.

>> No.10857470

Some retard jumped the crowd and interrupted the wrestling event they had friday, only to end up being escorted out/probably arrested.

The best part was the retards in the crowd thought he was part of the show and cheered him on.

>> No.10857478

Spent $70 on a PC VN from 20 years ago which is kinda painful but still easier than a forwarding service. Also Guel's Dilanza but gundams are reasonably priced these days.
Cool to see so many Taiko cabinets, they only had one at Holiday Matsuri and the line was crazy

>> No.10857493

I got some cute plushies and a duck beanie :)

>> No.10857494

Is there anything going on interesting? It feels dead for a Saturday night.

>> No.10857495

The Don Bluth autograph line was fucking insane

>> No.10857547

I got a party going on but it's slowing down.

>> No.10857554

A room party or out in the courtyard? I already left but I'm curious what's still going on.

>> No.10857570

Fanime tourist here. Good to know I'm not alone in enjoying watching nerds nerd out and have fun more than the actual con itself.

>> No.10857601
File: 2.18 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20230527_075049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Police disband party outside CNN.Builrint due to noise complaints
>A solid fourth decide to all walk in a direction throughout Downtown as a lemming brigade, easily 40+ people
>Nobody knows where we're going
>Collective vibe of fuck it leads the half the gaggle splintering off into a random hotel
>We all float into a hotel room that's nearly penthouse-tier
>Booze and mixed drinks galore and vibe party
>Hardly anyone knows each other, everyone enjoying themselves
>One dude drinks too much, several of us checking on him throughout the night as he's on the floor pale as a ghost but all good
>Vibe is cruising, chicks and dudes galore /fit/ and /soc/ as hell
>Even the wallflower folks like myself get the mingle or chill with zero pressure
>"Miss Gatsby" goes to her room to pass the fuck out, guy preparing glasses and guy mixing drinks all get to vibe too
>Meet two other Anons individually as I drunkenly am meeting everyone
>One bounces, probably to be responsible or do what they want / need
>Other have lovely heart to heart
>Apparently staff came by due to a noise complaint that kick us all out
>Quietly and amicably all pile out somewhat organized (albeit drunkenly)
>Cool Anon and I walk back to the convention to find and vibe with those and everyone else making a new dance circle outside
>Everyone having a good time, Anon's pal shows up and they ride out into the twilight
>End up drunkenly doing """martial arts""" in lieu of dancing and fall on my ass but everyone is having a blast
>Get an Uber, he brings me back
>Ride is chill Muslim music
>Thank the guy in respective language even if I'm not his religion
>Write this now that I've internet

Was a magical night. Hope y'all had a good time. Was a first for me like this. Wouldn't have been possible without based weens like (You). Sleep well and rest easy, and have fun tomorrow and return home safely. Took tons of photos throughout the con and will upload them to Zuck's social media website.

>> No.10857604

This. I wanted to get laid so bad man. It's been so long. But emotional intimacy and seeing other people feel warm genuinely is my own happiness. I'm impossibltle to be happy byyself so this is q saving gracr for me. Fuck i'm SO drunk this is so rare. I'm grateful I did experienfe what I did.

>> No.10857605
File: 3.29 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20230527_180839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was so tempted to but Tomato After but caved and bought the $220 K-On collecyor music box and an ass load of Hatsune Miku instead. That booth was incredibly boy based and dangerous for my wallet. What VN?

>> No.10857606

There were a few, things 43?3? Katanagatari distinctly but I figure that what what booth it was apologies.

>> No.10857624

I'm in my 30s and I feel like I'm reliving parts of my 20s here. Having more money and confidence that comes with being in my 30s with the amount of responsibilities as a college student on spring break has been awesome.

Part of this joy comes from people watching and getting to see my favorite fandoms live on in younger generations.

>> No.10857631

was hoping to see some kill la kill cosplays. did anyone happen to see any?

>> No.10857635

I kinda feel bad now for not attending, but hopefully I’ll bump into you awesome people at DragonCon and AWA.

>> No.10857641

I saw a couple of Ryukos on thursday and friday, sadly I didn't take any photos.

>> No.10857645

Aw that's unfortunate.

>> No.10857660

Are conventions just a nerd version of tinder?

>> No.10857662

Is it normal for random people to suppress their STDs and be able to make out with randos and not infect others?

>> No.10857665
File: 3.09 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my depression keychains

>> No.10857670

Update: I found the booth, its aisle 1000 on the left if you're looking from the escalators

>> No.10857751

>tfw to scared to approach any girls at a con
>too scared to approach even the crossdressers
it's so fucking over for me
I'm going to die a fucking handholdless virgin and there's nothing I can do about it because my brain is diseased and my parents don't think mental illness is real

>> No.10857785

>tfw to scared to talk to girls at con in cosplay
i need to get out more desu

>> No.10857787

It'll be alright. There will be other chances to meet people. Have faith. I hear church girls are nice.

>> No.10857807
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Pic rel. I wanted to get FSN too but it was something like $105. Probably fair for how old/rare it is (PS2 version was like $20) but still out of my price range.
Sick Miku stuff. I was surprised to see so many CDs from doujin artists. Tempted to get some of the Touhou eurobeat CDs lol

>> No.10857809

The Muslim ubers always crack me up. Had a guy tell me my very common name was from the Quran, like I guess so but that's probably not what my parents had in mind lmao

>> No.10857817

which OSI layer is it

>> No.10857857

Honestly, same. It's only recently I've been able to travel for cons and even if the con itself isn't great, it's always nice to see nerds getting out and doing things.

Fandom is inherently lonely and indoors, even if you're with friends. A lot of people I meet at Fanime only get to see some friends once a year.

I'm sad I missed when SDCC was a true hype machine and when cons weren't so common, but it's still a blast. I've had horror stories, I've had nerd drama spill into IRL, I've had assholes and losers, but I'll still keep coming.

>> No.10857866


>> No.10857886

Momocon is explicitly attempting to be more family friendly. It also caters more to "casual" fans. AWA is much more adult oriented and as such has an older guard with more time, money, and dedication.

Sadly every anime con everywhere is being overrun with Genshin garbage. I blame China.

>> No.10857887

I HATE Genshin

50% of all the cosplay I saw at Momo was genshit

>> No.10857949
File: 38 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t do DragonCon since the boys wanted to do Colossalcon Texas next, and that’s fine because ATL traffic and food hours give me PTSD. But I’m going to make the drive down to AWA because I want to check it out.

Ah yeah food places from what I noticed

>get your breakfast or lunch in and then fast, or you’re fucked. Because of no one actually LIVING in ATL but lives around it, no actual business feels like serving the homeless / spending hours being gridlocked.

>the CFA across from Embassy Suites, Kwan’s Kitchen, Johnny Rockets down the street are your best options.

>Din’s Sushi is good but you need a car unless you feel like looking like a clown by using one of those scooters found around town.

>Expect 20-30 wait min during lunch and dinner hours for sit down.

>fucking avoid Atlanta Breakfast Club those assholes always packed outside of Awful house.

Anyways I’m buying double the amount of liquor for the next outing. Seeing Genshin at cons is pretty much like how Overwatch and League were fucking massive ages ago, so I’m not really phased by it. It was pretty cool running into mecha fans all over the place. Even ran into a few Limbus and Lobotomy Corp folks, and a Legend of the Galactic Heroes cosplayer. I’ll be back at Momo next year, it’s like an actually fun version of Youma.

>> No.10858027
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>look for pictures of myself
>finally see one
>remember how ugly I am

Overall very fun experience, people on the east coast are so different than people on the west coast, though maybe it's just a southern thing? Sad I didn't get to meet any gulls, but am looking forward to AWA.

I cannot recommend Louisiana Bistreaux enough, only 4 minutes from ATL.

I went to Waffle House at least once to say I did and just got coffee, the atmosphere was entertainment enough to make it worthwhile.

That's just every convention these days. Genshin and Demon Slayer, but you start to tune it out.

For being more family friendly I was surprised to see it be more wild than Sakuracon which doesn't bill itself as such.

It's strange to see Punpun stuff in 2023.

I missed out on a lot of what people describe their college years being but feel like I've spent the last few years going to conventions catching up with interest.

We missed out on all this because I forgot my badge halfway from walking back to the con from the hotel after dropping people off. Lesson learned, don't book one of the furthest hotels just because "it's only a few blocks away"..

>> No.10858057

First time going to any type of convention, can't believe it took me this long to go to one. Walking around I was really impressed at some of the cosplays I saw, I wish I had taken photos but I felt awkward about asking people to snap a picture of them. It's also got me wanting to hit the gym to get in shape and make a cosplay for the next con I go to.

>> No.10858058

I don't go to church
it would just be the same thing if I can't get over my anxiety to approach anyone

>> No.10858212
File: 1.45 MB, 2352x1568, IMG_7322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most: https://imgur.com/a/NK4X0IV
Vocaloid Photoshoot: https://imgur.com/a/h53L3nf
Genshin Impact Photoshoots: https://imgur.com/a/ZD6M5NK

Here are pictures from Thursday through Sunday. I'm not a very good photographer, so I apologize for some of the crazy blurriness in some of those.

>> No.10858225

The problem you're having is that you think downtown ATL is the ATL food scene. Outside of cons, downtown caters to businesses + tourists, so the food scene is shit and closes early. Nearby are two colleges with garbage taste who only cart between there and Duluth, or never leave campus at all; they probably have never once eaten at an Ethiopian or Indian place.
I just left the area for dinner and it's quite good and most places are open fairly late. Okyaki is open til 1 am and I went there Friday. Went to Desta Saturday for a huge meal before heading back.

>For being more family friendly I was surprised to see it be more wild than Sakuracon which doesn't bill itself as such.
Compared to other Atlanta cons it's VERY family friendly. Atlanta is pretty debaucherous compared to most places.

>> No.10858242

>Compared to other Atlanta cons it's VERY family friendly. Atlanta is pretty debaucherous compared to most places.
How does this manifest in AWA given that it's not labeled as family friendly?

Is Dragoncon worth going to if I'm just a weeb?

>> No.10858248

I actually remember seeing a ryuuko cosplayer by the courtyard. But I was a little drunk and I really wanted to bang her. She was hot

>> No.10858269


DragonCon is definitely the most party driven and I wouldn’t call it family friendly. You should definitely go even if you are a weeb. The cosplay scene is all over the place so it’s not strictly comics/superhero, fantasy, scifi or anime. I typically stick to Momo, DragonCon and AWA.

>> No.10858347

post more cosplay photos

>> No.10858348

Still putting together the album but should drop it in the next day or two.

>> No.10858353

What’s AWA?

>> No.10858357

Anime Weekend Atlanta

>> No.10858403


As someone else stated, it’s Anime Weekend Atlanta, it’s a lot of fun, no where near as big as DCon, but a lot of room to meet new people and chill.

>> No.10858414

Damn. Now I really want to see any pics of Ryuko cosplay.

>> No.10858437


>> No.10858441
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>> No.10858443
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It's going to keep turning my pictures sideways, sorry. Also if only this guy had the spaghetti stain, but he said he hadn't lunch yet.

>> No.10858444
File: 1.84 MB, 2352x1568, IMG_7064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mans has the crazed-eye look down to a science.

>> No.10858445
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She gets major points for a cosplay I rarely see.

>> No.10858446
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ENTER: Thotslayer.

>> No.10858447
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For my tokufriends.

>> No.10858448
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>Cosplayed her on her birthday
She's perfect, bros. If I wasn't leaving and if she didn't seem to be in a sleight rush on her way to the Dealer's Room, I would would have outright asked for her number. But for a Konata cosplayer, the only thing going through my mind was absolute respect.

>> No.10858449
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It's a simple cosplay, but this chad and his Level 99 Cook friend were total bros.

>> No.10858450
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>> No.10858451
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Ironically, the other Yui cosplayer was also wearing a facemask. Also much respect to this Oji-san.

>> No.10858452
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This guy had the walk down and wasn't using a spotter, and his vision was via a tablet he had on the outside with the camera pointing outside.

>> No.10858454
File: 1.39 MB, 2352x1568, IMG_7202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still surprised to see so many mid-2000's character cosplays. Was immensely happy.

>> No.10858455
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>> No.10858456
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Some high-level stuff this year.

>> No.10858458
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>> No.10858459
File: 1.92 MB, 2352x1568, IMG_7054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mans was going for that classic literature cosplay and he has my mad respect for it.

>> No.10858460
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Behold this legend.

>> No.10858461
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>> No.10858462
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"You know I had to do it to 'em."

>> No.10858463
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Memecat. I've more, posted in the albums for >>10858212

>> No.10858489

i really wish I asked for a photo. the ryuko i saw was short and very skinny with a nice ass. I'm hoping too that someone has photos haha! I've been looking everywhere

>> No.10858523

I've been scouring Facebook since the convention and haven't seen anything of ours posted yet. I always forget to ask to have at least one picture taken.

I REALLY wish I would have gotten to see this in person.

Which is this one supposed to be? Looks familiar.

>> No.10858588

Last one is Filthy Frank.

>> No.10858589

God, I love Calne CA cosplays.

>> No.10858673

Who did you cosplay? I might have a picture maybe.

>> No.10858674

I was Chen, went with a Yukari and Ran.

>> No.10858676

How did you get this many pictures?

>> No.10858680


That's nothing. Just go up to people and ask to take a picture, go to photoshoots where people are taking pictures en masse and you don't need to bother asking. I used to take literal hundreds of pics per con before I started getting sloppy drunk at cons

>> No.10858693
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>Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of the three of y'all but I did pass y'all when I was making my way to the restroom. But it makes me happy to see so many Rans and CHEEEEEENs.

I think most I got was well over 700 once. I try my best to ask for permission for pictures typically or that number would be a lot higher. Photoshoots definitely contribute to it, though. Like twenty to forty or so per, and I went to a few of 'em. I had my camera on me at all times.

>> No.10858737

anyone photograph any cute lolitas?

>> No.10858879
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I liked this girl's dress.

>> No.10858899
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I found this one.

>> No.10858902

Good lord, I want to have vigorous buttsex with a cosplayer in a quiet, removed stairway someday.

>> No.10858905
File: 23 KB, 480x480, 64570109_208764510085105_8802971627191931775_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally find picture of myself
>look terrible

Follow your dreams, anon.

>> No.10858928


>> No.10858946

Will you help me make my dreams come true?

>> No.10858955

Possibly the best Ryuko I've seen.

>> No.10858958

I don't know any chick cosplays, sorry guy.

>> No.10858989

She is lovely but unfortunately it's not the one I saw. The one I saw was thinner and I believe she had a nose piercing

>> No.10859387

Did you get any pictures of Rukia from Bleach?

>> No.10859395

Nope! Is there any photos online?

>> No.10859396

I still haven't gave up on finding photos of that ryuko cosplayer. Now that I remember she had on converse shoes instead of the boots from the anime.

>> No.10859462

Didn’t see any on the momocon convention site. Don’t know where else to look.

>> No.10859959 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 1664x570, wowbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fucking kidding me, the watering down of momocon continues to get worse. Wonder when they're going to start closing at just 8PM at a certain point..

>> No.10863896
