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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10832446 No.10832446 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: red flags at Anime convention
>game room has isn’t 24 hours and doesn’t have Smash Bros.
>tabletop game room doesn’t have Cards Against Humanity
>anime convention doesn’t have a speed dating room

>> No.10832458

>there are "cosplay is not consent" signs up

>> No.10832459

Exactly my kind of thread here, though I'm expanding it to cons in general since they're less common for anime events. YMMV too of course, since I notice a lot of people have their own ideas
>At a downtown convention center
This means more kids, grandpas and just boring types
>No hotels attached or even nearby
An addendum to point 1, and so is...
>It's just a general media event
Peak sovlless, probably a glorified flea market
>Too big for its own good
(For me) bigger is NOT better. Never had a fantastic time at any super massive cons. The ones I've liked most are small-ish venues with high turnout, relatively speaking, especially when there's tons of cosplay. Means high enthusiasm. And for a final note

>> No.10832462


LGBT/Why anime is problematic panels

>> No.10832467

representation in anime panel

>> No.10832585

On one hand, based. On the other, you're out on 99% of cons and 100% if they have more than 5 panels

>> No.10832686

>mask policies
>colored mascot
>females on staff
>"females" on staff

>> No.10832754

>con head is an actual retard
>guest of honor is a fucking podcaster/jewtuber
>kpop dance contest (it will run long and fuck up the whole schedule)
>nothing starts on time
>closing ceremonies is the staff jacking themselves off
>no room parties
>mask jannies

>> No.10832785

>Cosplay judge is "OF" ho or "influencer" in outfit purchased off wish
Jimmie status: Rustled

>> No.10832905

Red flags are the converse of good marks of a good con
>Shitty weak or same old tired guest list
I get that certain VAs are local to areas and you can stack a guest list with high profile low cost easy to get guests. It just reaches a point where it's the same ol' same ol'.
>LGBTQIAWTFBBQ loaded panels
Each panel that you schedule takes up space and resources that could be better spent on things that people actually care about like fandom panels.
>No nearby hotels and no nearby places to eat
Generally happens when a convention center or venue has an agreement with the city to zone out other options so they can shill their own low quality overpriced food options. No food trucks allowed nearby during the day? Pass. No nearby hotels also means you aren't going to see very much cosplay.
>No 24 hour programming
To be fair I don't do crystal meth so I don't need stuff to do 24/7 while at a con. But if the con center closes down before 2am and you don't have hotels to host events it's probably going to be a boring con in general.
>No Artist Alley
This one is a HUGE red flag. It either means the vendors tried to push them out so they could make more money or the con doesn't have enough attendance for the AA to actually make any money there.

>> No.10832906
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>Mask Jannies
>Game Room lacks standard minimal shit (Pop’n, DDR EXTREME, Jubeat, one row of CRT’s)
>Dealers room consists of more bootleg sellers than actual dealers or has obviously red bubble tier printed shit
>Artist Alley has more LGBTQIAAP+ items than actual good shit
>more people in hot topic tier clothing than actual cosplayers

>> No.10833043

>No hotels attached or even nearby
Oh yeah, this is the king of red flags. There's an even worse variant though, when a con not only has no hotels but isn't even in an appropriate convention venue - I've seen ones at college campuses, downtown during Asian culture festivals, at malls, random small meeting/banquet type spaces (SacAnime was in a fucking Masonic hall way back in the day lol) and things like that. Extra points if it's a place with way more normies around than congoers too.

>> No.10833045

>(SacAnime was in a fucking Masonic hall way back in the day lol)
Gonna be honest. This sounds like the pinnacle of kino, if it's a cool lodge. College ones have been decent for what they are. There was one listed last year at a middle school, forgot where. I enjoy the element of mingling with the normans too, but no way can it be a place where they're the majority.

>> No.10833049

>>No Artist Alley
>This one is a HUGE red flag. It either means the vendors tried to push them out so they could make more money or the con doesn't have enough attendance for the AA to actually make any money there.
One con I went to had another reason, they didn't want people to feel bad about wasting their money.
It was also a super tiny con so probably not that profitable but I think some people just like to do AA so they could possibly have gotten some anyway.

>> No.10833060

>con doesn't have a hotel attached
>social media is mostly if not completely inactive about the event/guests and posts EP1C nerd memes
>cosplay is not consent on the front page that is so in your face about it
>more than 80% of featured 'guests' are just Twitter users
>we are a politic friendly zone
>We have moved to a NEW VENUE!
>con staff makes a thread on /cgl/ to promote the event
>con official discord has pronouns as part of the signup

>> No.10833139

It wasn't, it was a totally nondescript mid-century building, and not the cool kind of mid-century. The con space felt like an office with all of the cubicles taken out, or maybe a school gym with lower ceilings.

>> No.10833164

It's an anime convention.

Number one red flag.

>> No.10833213
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>clotshot pass required
>catamite panels and events
>Jojo panels ran by sheboons, fags and/or other women
>con promises too many japanese guests, who end up bailing at the last minute
>performances by normie has-been popstars that no one knows or remembers
>TGWTG/Channel awesome has-been guest (4/5 times it's linkara)
>injun land affirmation bullshit
>con isnt centralized to a couple city blocks or building
>con is located in an industrial area, or a city downtown filled with homeless junkies
>con only lasts two days (no more, no less)

you've described anime north to a tee. though the game room/area was considerably better pre-covid. AN staff soured relations with the bemani guys in ontario.

>> No.10833240

>it was a totally nondescript mid-century building, and not the cool kind of mid-century.
With most Masonic lodges, this is the entire point. They don't want to draw extravagant attention to themselves.

>> No.10833348

Those are all green flags tho

>> No.10833388

Bootleg merch
Host V*c momonga

>> No.10833754

>souring relationships with Bemani enjoyers

They're like the last real weeaboos left in the scene. bad look

>> No.10833758

>anime convention doesn’t have a speed dating room
does literally any convention do this, what the actual fuck

>> No.10833763

For panels yeah, there's also cosplay dating panels where you have a host plus a blindfolded bachelor and three contestants from the audience. They're usually high turnout when the schedule is so ass people are desperate for entertainment

>> No.10833766

They do, but usually it’s just called speed friending now because of transphobia.

>> No.10833773

AN is one of the largest, but most poorly-run anime cons in north america. from what people tell me about cons in europe, it's likely the worst in the world. the coof was oddly enough their saving grace because it destroyed most smaller and other regional cons. and people got fed up not having cons for nearly 3 years.

>> No.10833776

that faggot is from the south, he knows nothing.

>> No.10833863

>>more people in hot topic tier clothing than actual cosplayers
This is a non issue.

>> No.10833865

non-anime voice actors outnumbering anime voice actors. sacanime constantly has loads of VAs for shit like disney princesses and power rangers, 1 or 2 VAs from a popular anime, and then a handful of people involved in the production of some dogshit anime called something like My Little Sister's Feet Turned Me Into A Dragon Lord

>> No.10833867

YEP. This is how it was for me too, and I didn't know any better at the time. This exact setup too, along with Doctor Who and Star Trek. Only after these events got permanently cancelled and replaced, I noticed their olds booklets never gave the slightest shit about anime.
This, but the exact opposite and I agree 100%

>> No.10833914

>>more people in hot topic tier clothing

Casual Printed shirts? Or mall goth?

>> No.10833945

>My Little Sister's Feet Turned Me Into A Dragon Lord
yo I'd watch that

>> No.10834095

>(SacAnime was in a fucking Masonic hall way back in the day lol)
lmao, that's fucking hilarious

>> No.10834101

>>con staff makes a thread on /cgl/ to promote the event
has that ever happened?

>> No.10834102 [DELETED] 

Yes. They absolutely have. https://desuarchive.org/cgl/thread/10795125/#q10796249

>> No.10834103

You better believe they have. How sad nobody went so they could report what an obvious disaster this was. Dead before arrival. https://desuarchive.org/cgl/thread/10795125/

>> No.10834104

>over 10% of the people in cosplay have sussy looking big ass pupils

>> No.10834124


>> No.10834131

>they took over larp
>they took over events
What are they going to destroy next? These were the only things that made me go outside, so now I'm like a hermit. Thanks a lot. For someone who cares about inclusiveness, you're excluding people with depression by making them more depressed due to what you're doing.

>> No.10834171

The stupid industrial rave pants and a fedora or those neon bright predator dread wigs used to be common in like the fucking 2010's and niggas still have the nerve to wear that shit. Let it die like how UFO parachute pants need to die.

May as well be a full time southerner by this point, Cons in the Midwest do not respect my time and I work my ass off enough that the last thing I want to do is bend the knee to dress up as funny chinese cartoon character.

>> No.10834247
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>Convention doesn't have hotels nearby
>Location doesn't have stores or places to eat nearby
>Schedule is 75% guest/fan panels
>YouTubers and cosplayers for guests (Adam Savage is exempt)
>Cosplay chess doesn't have a top-down view of the board
>Games room has no rhythm games (DDR is a cop-out) or a console version of Taiko
>Website is poorly made, has dead-end links, or schedule is hard to find
>Location is hosting more than just the con on the same weekend (bonus if it's something vastly different like a political conference)

>> No.10834255

>stop looking things I don't like
No doubt you're ugly and boring

>> No.10834256


>> No.10834258

you're so fucking annoying

>> No.10834260

>Location is hosting more than just the con on the same weekend (bonus if it's something vastly different like a political conference)
A bonus for me. Means I get to mingle with normans and greatly confuse them. Done this at cons that also have sports events and church services at the same time.

>> No.10834267

>The stupid industrial rave pants and a fedora or those neon bright predator dread wigs used to be common in like the fucking 2010's and niggas still have the nerve to wear that shit.

Are the mall scenes really that dead that these scene kids go to cons for attention?

I do get kinda disturbed when a convention doesn't have too many cosplayers.

I usually expect 5:100 ratio. But think one big con i attended only had 1:1000

>> No.10834327

>no orgies in the hotel rooms

>> No.10834401
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It's the Midwest. You see Mall Ravers with goofy shit like Cloud's Buster Sword because it's an excuse to show off their collection. I came to a convention to cosplay and to see cosplays though not... that. It's usually only a problem with local cons though, save up money and start travelling, and most of my complaints become a non-issue.

Me and a few friends were cosplaying Rainbow Six Siege while the Republican National Convention was going on in our town. It was uh, something to have the convention center book the con at the same time as something like that, but this was during the Trump Era. My first convention was an Ohayocon that was booked around the same time as a Christian Convention as well, but the usual suspects are to double book around the same time as a Volleyball or a Softball meet up.

>> No.10834405

I have Never been to a con that shared shared with other events (thankfully)

i heard stories here about how a con was being held next door to a huge Jewish or Indian(?) wedding

>> No.10834413

Every con is someone's local con nerd.

>> No.10834518

AX used to share a con center with a Christian con as well, back in the Anaheim days. I remember one year a friend was cosplaying Wolfwood and had the gigantic cross gun with him and he was getting all kinds of death glares from the Jesus freaks.

>> No.10834522

I only recently got into cosplay. What are the best cons worth going for starters?

>> No.10834523

I like your red flags. What cons could you recommend going to?

>> No.10834524

>collect excessive information from guests, panel, vendor applicants
>have shit cybersecurity and it all gets leaked on KF
>send out data breach notices begging people not to talk about it because it could hurt their investigation

>> No.10834526
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Here's the biggest green flag I've ever seen for an upcoming con in Idaho of all places.
An incredibly specific list, anon.

>> No.10834531
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Not as detailed as the letter the con sent out last year lol (from their discord)

The stuff about it being a hack and KF-involved might be bs speculation since KF was taken down around that time. The staff wouldn't confirm or deny.

>> No.10834592

>Anaheim AX

take me back

>> No.10834598

That's my local con lol. Will be interesting to see the turnout given that this year is its final year plus the butthurt over having the audacity to tell people to only cosplay Japanese characters at an anime convention.

>> No.10834609

>Idaho gull
Dang, even on this slow board, they're everywhere. And if this really is the end for them, I'm very seriously thinking about attending.

>> No.10834646

>final year
Hadn't heard Jeremy was giving up on things. Sounds like it just got too expensive to keep doing at the few big hotels we have, it's too bad that it's ending this way. Had a lot of interesting times at past AO years but hadn't been in a while. I'll miss the signs telling the smelly autists to shower and Jeremy being a fan of Zeta Gundam leading to music from it being used in music related events.

>> No.10835455

>>Location is hosting more than just the con on the same weekend (bonus if it's something vastly different like a political conference)

For a few years, AMKE was hosted and shared the same venue as a pheasant hunting convention. I still have burned into my retinas the image of furries in fursuits posing with hunting dogs while very uncomfortable owners in camo gear looked on.

>> No.10835457

if you're in eastern leafland or north-eastern continental america, otakuthon is a world class anime con. it does some some degree of a few of the red flags, but it's the gold standard of a major con imo in leafland. ive never been on the west coast, but i heard good things about anirevo pre-covid.

>> No.10835458

I really should have just NOPED oit of AMKE this year. Walked in and was promptly told to put on a mask, walked around before buying my badge and saw that not a single public bathroom didn't have a 'Gender Neutral Bathroom' sign plastered over it, and general overly strick con staff and security. I foolishly bought one anyways.
Still had a fun time with friends, but con staff were generally shit, I found out that it wasn't just all public spaces with the gender neutral signs, but every single one IN BOTH THE CON AND HOTEL SPACES. Thing that killed me the most was going to a panel that was named something like 'Fan service: A Flawed Term". I assumed it was gonna be about the misconception that fan service is only big titty scantily clad women. Instead, it was a guy using 8pt font filling full slides all about how mysoginistic, xenophobic, and homophobic Japan is. It's not that I'm mad that Japan is that way, bit moreso that he didn't take any effort to tie anything with the core discription of the panel and just wanted to rant about 'Here's why I hate Japan' at an anime convention.

>> No.10835460

>saw that not a single public bathroom didn't have a 'Gender Neutral Bathroom' sign plastered over it
Hey, when I see this at cons, it's only on the men's rooms. At least they were fair. :^)
>just wanted to rant about 'Here's why I hate Japan' at an anime convention.
Further justification that >>10834526 this is a green flag, if there ever was one. But (much like a certain site we may be posting on), that's hard when the higher ups hate it too, of which many absolutely do.

>> No.10835472

>gatekeeping this hard
Cringe af. Only a neckbeard will defend that

>> No.10835474

I wouldn't care if it wasn't ever single fucking bathroom and I wouldn't have gone to the panel if I knew what it actually was. I was looking forward to some indepth look at the root of fanservice and what I assume was its birth in the early 1900's.

>> No.10835551

Thought of a new one
>Con is sending endless emails or even snail mail reminders of their upcoming events
If it's worth attending, I won't need reminders. To date, none that do this are above mediocre quality.

>> No.10835552

Weird one but is a huge red flag for any convention
>no 18+ panels
Holy shit if there are no 18+ panels you bet your ass the con is going to be a family friendly fucktard fest of tweens

>> No.10836655

I remember one year, a home improvement/sales convention was held in a ballroom next to AMKE's ballrooms. The organizers seemed so upset at first, but then they started letting AMKE attendees in for free exposure. The vendors were ecstatic.

I think for multiple years, ACEN was also held the same weekend as a school graduation/prom(?) event at one of the nearby hotels. Every year, parents would judge the shit out of anyone cosplaying or complain about ACEN attendees not wearing formal attire.

>> No.10836667

>I think for multiple years, ACEN was also held the same weekend as a school graduation/prom(?) event at one of the nearby hotels
Pretty sure that happened last year, within the convention center itself in a separate area. Definitely along those lines, cause I saw a lot of parents and teens in dress clothes there.

>> No.10836674

Yep, there were tons of kids taking pictures with cosplayers.
I think my favorite comment I overheard while waiting for a badge was from a group going to the third floor where the hunting convention was. They said "Man, I didn't know schools had a half day today".

>> No.10837788
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Bump to say: REEDPOP. Fuck me, do I hate this company. Anything good goes to die here. They killed my biggest local con (which wasn't great to begin with) and shut down two local ones when. They run cons on the same date as others. They're just boring as shit. C2E2, New York Comic Con and Emerald City Con are some others they own. APPPRENTLY they're getting ready to butcher AX too?

>> No.10837812

>APPPRENTLY they're getting ready to butcher AX too?
Are they buying ownership of SPJA or something?

AX is very quickly becoming almost SDCC-tier in how big a deal it is on an industrial level, to the point where it can't even really get much bigger because seemingly every year they have to roll persuasion with the fucking Fire Marshall to not get shut down for overcrowding.

>> No.10838240
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>clotshot pass required
Holy shit this. It violates the US 4th Amendment thus illegal. Your medical records are supposed to be private between you and your doctor not some dickhead asking you for that card thus breaking the law.

Also going to add

>Unvaxxed people not allowed in the con
Also illegal. Violates medical discrimination laws.

>Needing masks for the so called "virus" which is actually the cold/flu
Violates human rights.

Fucking Anime Boston is doing all 3 of this bullshit this year. Me and my buddies were thinking of reporting the con for breaking those laws. Attendance was low last year because they pulled this shit and now doing it again this year and attendance will be even lower. This con is going to be dead after this year or next year. Fuck!

Me and my buddies enjoyed going to AB and ever since the scamdemic happened, we could not go because of the commie shit they are doing to let people in.

Best to do is go those smaller, local events since they don't do any commie shit. Even meetups too.

>> No.10838374
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>tabletop game room doesn’t have reddit card game

>> No.10838378
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>Insane line for the ONE panel that's nothing special but happening right then and there cause everybody's bored as fuck and there's nothing else to do

>> No.10838382

AX has slowly been killing itself by outpricing it's value as a con for years at this point, it's not as bad as Otakon(that's a fucking failing clusterfuck).

You could basically do 2-3 cons like Fanime/ALA/Sakura before spending what you would attending AX

>> No.10838435

>It violates the US 4th Amendment thus illegal.

You have no idea what the 4th amendment is.

>> No.10838438

>You have no idea what the 4th amendment is.
4th Amendment is privacy which your medical records are supposed to be.

>> No.10838454

>anime convention doesn’t have a speed dating room
I've literally never heard of this

>> No.10838457

4th amendment is that a government-run police force cannot search your private property without reasonable cause and a warrant. It has nothing to do with medical records and it has nothing to do with you going into other private property and what their restrictions are.

>> No.10838460

Boy, would you have loved Holiday Matsuri then. While they actually removed their plans for masking (cause they knew literally *nobody* will comply in Florida), they did something honestly unreal: there was some sort of area that said "handicap only lot", along those lines. They had staffers waiting to check if people were legit, and I don't mean showing the pass. They were asking "What is your disability?" Anime con staffers might be the lowest form of life on Earth.

>> No.10838480

Whatever it is, the vax cards do violate medical privacy thus illegal.

>> No.10838486

I have heard rumors about Reed Pop were the ones to pushing hard for vaxx passes only in anime cons is that true?

>> No.10838487

>It has nothing to do with medical records and it has nothing to do with you going into other private property and what their restrictions are.
You are a fucking retard.

>> No.10838501

They're doing a state-by-state type thing. Someone in mentioned in passing recently that Emerald City isn't doing anything, yet Sakura is the next month at the same venue. C2E2 also (allegedly) didn't care last year. Then you have the one I forgot to name, Florida Supercon, which doesn't enforce anything. This pick and choose model is annoying, but it's way better than doing like the idiots who run ANYC enforcing literally illegal policies at Anime Frontier in Texas.

>> No.10838504

Might as well report them for using those illegal policies.

>> No.10838505

Believe me, I tried. There was no obvious place to look up, so I called whatever number seemed the best match. The guy told me he wasn't the one to ask and had no clue where the department for handling that was.

>> No.10838520

Find lawyers and legal firms that will help you against illegal con practices there's good attorneys that aren't afraid to challenge.

They have HR department and I think Reed Pop did a lot of shit during the pandemic.

>> No.10838693

My local con has one of these panels but almost nobody watches it lmao

>> No.10838915

how should i respond next time someone posts this unironically being a good idea

>> No.10838920

jesus cons in my country are shit tier when red flags are literally all we get

>> No.10838966

While not an instant red flag "Two days only" is more often than not a bad sign. And more often than not too, your con will only be that long *at best* when you're outside the Anglosphere. Does that apply to your con scene?

>> No.10839021

>Find lawyers and legal firms that will help you against illegal con practices there's good attorneys that aren't afraid to challenge.
Could work. I have a friend who is a lawyer and he can let me hire him for free.

>> No.10839022

Tell them that signs like these attract political activists who are more interested in problematizing everything and picking fights with everyone, instead of socializing and enjoying the hobby.

>> No.10839024

It's not illegal if you willingly give access to your medical records. You have to physically hand over your vaccine card for someone to check it. By purchasing a ticket to an event that requires vaccine card checks, you enter into a contract agreeing that you'll provide your vaccine card in exchange for entry. Most cons also check your bags at the entrance, and you agree to that search as well. It's a private event run by a private entity, not a government issue

I've seen some pretty solid two day cons. Less partying, but if they're local and smaller they sometimes have really fun energy without too many normies there to gawk at cosplayers.

>> No.10839026

>It's not illegal if you willingly give access to your medical records. You have to physically hand over your vaccine card for someone to check it. By purchasing a ticket to an event that requires vaccine card checks, you enter into a contract agreeing that you'll provide your vaccine card in exchange for entry.
It is illegal. Those cards violates medical privacy. Did they did this with small pox? Polio? No they didn't because it is illegal. Those vax cards for Covid(which is similar to the cold/flu) is illegal and violates your medical record privacy. Your medical records are supposed to be private between you and your doctor. Any moronic staff member asks for it, they are breaking the law and they need to learn fast that the cards are illegal.

>Most cons also check your bags at the entrance, and you agree to that search as well.
I'm fine with that because I don't want crazy people ruining the fun.

>> No.10839037

>I don't want crazy people ruining the fun.
Neither do I, so sit your non-vaccinated ass back at home

>> No.10839041

>implying vaccinated people have any sort of meaningful immunity against the latest variant of the kung-flu, to which no vaccine was developed yet

>> No.10839050

yeah ok, shoo, back to /pol/

>> No.10839065

>Gender Neutral Bathroom
Nah this is great. it helps balance bathroom lines a bit.womens room out the door and no line for the mens? nah son just go in either who cares

>> No.10839069

That's what it boils down to mostly, a local meetup instead of a mass gathering from all over. Gotta say though, gawking normans is funny to me a lot of the time, plus it does happen at the smaller ones every so often.
Stop being fat, fatass. Also, kung flu.

>> No.10839167

it didnt used to, but it does now. And everything mentioned here, 24hrs, chess, video games, everything is just a pipe dream to us. The last con we had ended at *5pm* and is essentially paying money to look at stalls, there's literally almost nothing else anymore.

>> No.10839220

I just got a messeage asking me if I had a human shop in the last con I went, what the fuck is a human shop

>> No.10839222

Long lines. No signs anywhere.

>> No.10839224

Inefficient badge pickup. I feel like how well the line is managed, how smooth the transaction is, etc. reflects how the con is generally run.

>> No.10839241

>Inefficient badge pickup.
Yes...I think back to the one small con where badges took a damn hour. It made no sense until I realized they had a little machine and were printing them all one by one as people came up. Such a genius idea, amazing no one else does it

>> No.10839242

change your tampon

>> No.10839246

Only one hour? Retards on the west coast out here with 2-4 hour lines, no joke.

>> No.10839247

For an event of under 1000, an hour is pretty extreme.

>> No.10839414

>NO after party venue, and no room party rules
The fuck do you expect? You just had 20k people spend $70-$100 to attend this thing and you can't afford a local bar to hold a dance floor or somthing?
>staff chasing people down to make sure a mask is on
New one for me, but virtue signalling volunteer staff chasing down upper tier cosplays just so the crowd knows "they care about safety"(but ignor the normies walking around without one) Looking at you shitty CTcon staff.
>"Diversity" panels out number any other panel
I hate east coast cons

>> No.10839425

>NO after party venue
Honestly means nothing to me, since they're corporate, boring, and most important, overpriced. but...
>and no room party rules
Is this ever enforced strictly anywhere? Yeah, plenty get busted, just never heard of an explicit rule

>> No.10839499

Drag queen shit. Don’t know if this is just a midwestern thing but a lot of cons around here have started having drag queen panels in the past year or so.

>> No.10839531

A con I'm going to this summer has drag stuff and seems proud of it, I hate drag so it's off putting but I hope the con will otherwise be good. They're trying to take over as the big con after the old one shut down, so I may just have to put up with it.

>> No.10839568

>Don’t know if this is just a midwestern thing
Ikkicon in Austin had one when I went last year, though it's hardly "drag" if everybody after the first performer is an androgynous girl (XX)

>> No.10839779

This screams astroturfing.
Do mods not exist on this board anymore?

>> No.10839806


>> No.10840005

Cons are only good for buying mainstream stuff, fan made stuff and going with friends. Otherwise, it's boring shit.
I went with friends about a decade ago in Portugal and it was fine. I'm in England now, no friends and looked at videos of cons around here and they look really shitty and cringe. Out of curiosity I had a look at Portugal ones and they're not much better.

>> No.10840011

can confirm pensacon did this twice

>> No.10840012

youre fucking hilarious posting raiden while post shit like this, weak ass piss baby go change your diaper

>> No.10840013

>still playing Cards Against Humanity in 2023
Sorry about your shit taste. Most of us have grown beyond finding pre-made pee pee and poo poo jokes funny. There are so many better and more creative dark humor games

>> No.10840014

Cards Against Humanity is "safe edgy" (e.g. Be Gay Do Crime, jokes about white people) it's why Redditors play it so much and it's such a common party game.

>> No.10840016

In other words, it gets extremely lame

>> No.10840022

I don't care if women go into the mens. I do care if men go into the womans. There was a post on the facebook group of a woman who was trying to ditch someone she thought was creeping on her by dipping into the bathroom and the guy just followed righr behind her. That's the kind of shit I want to avoid.
The biggest advantage of the gender neutral mens is that the counterspace usually isn't absolutly hogged by other women adjusting their makeup or cosplays in the mirror/sink space, and letting more people do that by allowing women access to the mens space is fine by me.

>> No.10840044
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>5+ Funko shite vendors
Or for that matter...
>More than 0 Funko shite vendors

>> No.10840046

...and bonus for vendor hall: I always look to see how much Demon Slayer, Pokemon, Mario and anything else of that sort. The quicker I find, the quicker I know they're not worth my time

>> No.10840310

Aren't these flags most cons now days?

>> No.10840311

If you mean the OP, probably. But those are all gay reasons and don't matter at all.
>Wanting to go out, just to sit in a room and play vidya game for 5 hours straight

>> No.10840347

The game room was always my late late night, post partying, drinking water to not feel like shit in the morning choice. Can I just sit in the room and watch TV while doing that? Sure, but why not go play some Kpop dance game or a shitty arcade instead of be tempted by falling asleep. I really wish the arcade and board game rooms were 24/7 again.

>> No.10840358
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>surprise/loot boxes

>> No.10840361

>my late late night, post partying, drinking water to not feel like shit in the morning choice
The types I'm talking about get crazy excited about gameroom like it's a main draw for them and are not likely to do any of these things you listed off. So that's why it's funny. You're living it up (and so am I), they're paying to do what they could get at home

>> No.10840363

Anon, schools literally require vaccine records. This isnt illegal at all, especially sincre you are voluntarily doing it. You could literally just not go to the con. If you choose to go, you choose to give that information

>> No.10840364


Link for proof

>> No.10840470

hipaa only applies to health workers, idiot

>> No.10840639

>There are so many better and more creative dark humor games
Fucking where?

>> No.10840667

this. hipaa is for health care workers so they can't share your health information with 3rd parties or gossip about it in the office. it means people can't get your health info without your permission, not that they can't fucking ask for it.

>> No.10841458

>Kumori-con 2022 has entered the chat

That whole fucking con was layers upon layers of retardation.
I blame them partly for masks still being required until 2030 at this rate for Sakura-con.

1000% better policy:
>If you're fat
Stay home
>If your immune system sucks
stay home
>If you have breathing problems
stay home
>If you get PTSD from looking at your tranny face in the mirror
stay home
>If none of the above apply to you or you're willing to accept that sometimes shit happens
Come on down.

>> No.10841489 [DELETED] 

Yeah, but if you're none of those things then you're not an anime fan. So not sure what you expect an anime con to be. A bunch of normies who like anime? They wouldn't be normies...

>> No.10841525

Not that anon, but medical and religious discrimination is illegal even for businesses, in the absence of another legitimate reason (like being loud or rowdy).

Schools are a special case, and even that is being debated. Businesses selling you hot dogs or funko pops dont get this special treatment.

And you don't have to give it to them, and they cannot discriminate based on assumptions on your medical status. This is why businesses stopped doing this shit because its actually illegal. We are still pretending it isn't illegal despite rulings in favor of people who have been denied jobs and services because of it.
To illustrate the point, imagine if McDonalds wouldn't server you a burger until you gave them your vax status. Its obviously absurd.

>> No.10841527

Not sure if serious. Given the state of this board, it might be.

>> No.10841528 [DELETED] 

>That is being debated
It's not, but Republicans paid billions for you to pretend it is.

They're not denying you a burger. That's what the drive thru is for. Or delivery. Or take out. Etc. You're battling for the freedom to get someone sick. Not any principle. Just because you hate other people and want them to get sick.

>> No.10841529

Oh, youre just trolling. None of what you said has any legal precedent, you can get sick by going outside and its always been like that. Businesses have never denied people while being sick, yet now its different since there is a card? Shut uo fucking retard.

>> No.10841531

>Oh, youre just trolling.
This is the impression I'm starting to get from them, too. But if it is, they're committed. To a strange degree. Done giving them (You)'s. If you need any confirmation just look at Anime Boston's thread about an hour ago
>Republicans make everything political

>> No.10841533

I’ve only seen this panel be a thing at Otakuthon, which is the perfect con in my opinion (regardless of that retard panel existing because no, speed dating panel is a red flag in my book)

>> No.10841534

You’ve never smoked weed if you think ppl with big eyes/pupils are high. They’re deffo on m0lly, snow or speed

>> No.10841536

I agree but I lowkey wanna gatekeep otakuthon because its starting to be too full for its capacity and the city doesn’t really have a bigger con center (i think)

>> No.10841538

If the con doesn’t have a rave. Like you’re really gonna be this boring?? Fine if its still a small con but if it’s big? Lame

>> No.10841543 [DELETED] 

Why is it everything is open for joking and attack on 4chan except the Republican Party of the United States?

>> No.10841553

Not to counteract OP, maybe another thread should be started but what would be the dream anime con? Instead of red flags, what would be the coolest anime con you could picture in your head. For the sake of argument lets say you could get any (reasonable) guests and have a generous budget and an ideal space.

>> No.10841741

Just start your own thread dont bifurcate a perfectly good thread. Don’t get me wrong it’s a good thread idea so that’s why you should fuck off and create it. I’ll see you there LMAO

>> No.10841996


There's a con here in San Diego that's been held at a masonic hall for a few years. They're demolishing it for a Home Depot this summer though. Gonna be sad not seeing weirdos juxtaposed with weird mason shit.

>> No.10842051
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Please tell me there was at least one Grunkle Stan cosplayer that attended. Too perfect for there not to be.

>> No.10842718

If no one's gonna do this, I'll just hijack my own thread when the time comes, since it's a similar topic already.

>> No.10842750

I’ve been to a few on college campuses that actually weren’t too bad. As a smaller con that is. It wasn’t super impressive but like $50 for the weekend just to chill and hang around was a pretty decent time. Campuses have some nice vistas too

>> No.10842755

Hard to say for me really but
>lots of varied cosplayers
>good artist alley with plenty of room for movement and lots of good artists
>good venders room that isnt just 20 different shops selling the same 50 figures
>panels laid out well or easily located
>panels consist of a mix between related anime topics, crafting / artistic events, and audience participation events
>no overtly political panels or messaging

>> No.10842778

I know I'm showing my age here, but $50 for a campus con still blows my mind. I remember when that was what a 4 day AX pass cost.

>> No.10842813

>but $50 for a campus con still blows my mind.
It really should, since the campus cons I did were free, free, free and $7 (I did not pay).

>> No.10842814

I honestly don't remember the price, but idk $50 seems fine to me. Its the price of a video game for a weekend of con shit.

>> No.10842817

>all of the cosplayers are onlyfans girls I've seen at other shitty cons
Most cringe one

>> No.10842839

Here's a green flag summed up in two words: community based. Even if it's tiny, that's really all they need and I'll take those over any monster event

>> No.10844217

Ok, I'm officially hijacking my thread to shift gears for this topic >>10844216

>> No.10845008

>>TGWTG/Channel awesome has-been guest (4/5 times it's linkara)
I would pay money for a con ticket specifically to see the fucking Lightbringer himself

>> No.10846239

>Baseless rumors about you are repeated by strangers
>You had to pay or overpay for substances you ingested when sharing is caring

>> No.10846241

>Mask policies
Ohayocon was wearing masks as cheap cosplays before (insert illness here) shut shit down.
>Their logo is even a parody of The Red Cross
>Hyatt areas are more strict than Hilton areas
It's the one event a year when rules are generally ignored because it makes so much money
>Not just from vendors, many weebs can no longer achieve wizard status afterwards

>> No.10846242

>Autistic friend does security for cons, wasn't working at one this year
>There were multiple threads about said con on /cgl/
>Con attendees were aware of thread
>No clue if she made one or more of them
>Was too stoned to care

>> No.10846243

I was at both of those cons, and this year. Too many Mall Raver is an understatement.

>> No.10846244

It's not a con without at least one big rave

>> No.10846316

>The majority of the scheduling and details come out 2 weeks before the con start date
This one has been happening more often. Having bat flu policies is one thing but providing the details riiiight up until it is too late to get a refund is a downright scam. Not to mention it makes planning a lot harder when the schedule isn't available ahead of time.
>Several panels getting cancelled during the event
How about making sure your presenters are prepared before comping their badges??
>Completely random corporate booths at the dealer's hall
Japanese corpos sure, but why is TMobile here? They don't even provide a hotspot for the crummy con center Internet.

>> No.10846337

>>Completely random corporate booths at the dealer's hall
I much prefer the Air Force recruiters, myself.

>> No.10846374

Not a corporate booth but i remember in a small con a few years ago where one of the stalls was just a woman selling honey, spices and sauces. last weekend in wondercon theres a huge booth for a freanking nursing/medical school

>> No.10846405

>woman selling honey, spices and sauces
This is common, or at least things like "anime" candles and "anime" soap is.

>> No.10846518

getting older, i find those quaint and amusing in the vendor room/artist alley. ive bought some soap and bath bombs (for gf) at a few of those. i like the useful artisanal stuff. not a con red flag.

>> No.10846594

>digging your tongue this hard into statist policy bootsoles like the dog you are
We should have sent every royalist back to England when the redcoats gave up. People like you would enable the megacorps to overthrow a country, and you'd defend indentured servitude.

>> No.10846678

>cons that end programming at or before midnight
>no good 18+ panels
>requiring special badges for photographers
>con staff never had any clue what’s going on
>cosplay burlesque where half the performers don’t actually take anything off
>artist alley was chosen by lottery rather than by talent/quality

>> No.10847359

AX doesn't need help to be butchered, it's been shit since 2013.

>> No.10847363

>By purchasing a ticket to an event that requires vaccine card checks, you enter into a contract agreeing that you'll provide your vaccine card in exchange for entry.
Yes and no- for any healthy person it's definitely legal to ask for proof of vaccination. However if you can't get a vaccination for reasons like CVID or myocarditis they can't require you to show proof or ask about your disability without violating ADA laws, but they can require you to bring a recent negative COVID test. There's a reason why every big convention in states with mandates still in tact have an either or policy.
If you pretend to have a serious medical disability to get out of it you're a faggot, though.

>> No.10847391

Why is every other thread so fucky these days?

>> No.10847410
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>QR codes in the bathroom that say "scan here if you have been a victim of human trafficking"
>Con has to hire private security force to keep the homeless tweakers out
>People shit in the staircases
>Con venue selling "Japanese inspired" food

>> No.10847414

>Con has to hire private security force to keep the homeless tweakers out
Oh cool, Sakuracon. Thoughbeit, I have never seen a qr code scanner for human trafficking anywhere in my life.

>> No.10847415

I think military recruiters are a good thing to have at cons desu, especially ones that have a younger audience still unsure about their future. Its helpful to show young adults that they could live an exciting and fulfilling like such as their favorite anime characters in gundam and code geass.
Joining the military lets you live a range of exciting and fun lifestyles, engaging in heart pounding combat, just being a trained technical officer, and even being deployed to Japan where many men are able to find native girls to marry and settle down with after only a few years in service.

Honestly, joining the military is just a win win for everyone involved at an anime convention, and young adults should be well aware that they're squandering the opportunity to live an anime-like lifestyle and are abandoning their chances at a potential Japanese wife.

>> No.10847416

Filtered. Lol.

>> No.10847417

>artist alley was chosen by lottery rather than by talent/quality
I actually think this might be a good thing, assuming they still have a minimum bar to entry. It helps filter out political bias and favoritism under the guise of "quality"

>> No.10847421
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Thanks, Lori ! But are you also sure this isn't the thread you wanted here?? >>10846937

This desu.

>> No.10847473

From recent memory:
Some Arizona con did it twice some con in the middle of nowhere and something about a "hey we aren't run by a sexual harassment guy oh wait that story turned out to be fake... uhh whoops"
Some horribly failed California con did it in September that no one showed up to or something
A few have done it in the Midwest though these might have been just bait posts to get Koph or however you say it hate
I know some FL con staff promoted their shit recently
Pretty sure that TouhouFest thread up is an ad for the con

Dunno it's usually not blatant but have seen a few cases where it was "Whoa! NEW con and ONLY at $ ! What a steal" to "Is anyone going" with a follow up post being like paragraphs posted 1 minute after OP.

>> No.10847475
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>Some Arizona con did it twice some con in the middle of nowhere
This was one of the most cringe and accidentally hilarious threads I've ever seen and the fact that no one posted a single thing while it was happening says more than anyone ever could.
>"Is anyone going" with a follow up post being like paragraphs posted 1 minute after OP.'
So UwuCon, the one you just mentioned (which was $100 by the way)
>I know some FL con staff promoted their shit recently
Do you know which one?

Also keep in mind: there's one guy here who started TWELVE (two missing cause I was two lazy to shop them in) threads at once for cons that either already got their own threads or nobody gives a shit about. He's come back since and is harder to notice because it's only limited to two or three, but you know it's him because they all have nondescript OPs. No clue what his game could be except wanting to monopolize discussion on a slow board.

>> No.10847477

Not sure if same one or not, I was just recalling off the top of my head. I just know it happens here more than people think

>> No.10847483

>assuming they still have a minimum bar to entry
You assume incorrectly. And honestly I feel a bit bad for those artists because some cons have really high table fees. I’ve seen quite a few tables where I doubt they even broke even by the end of the weekend

If there was a screening process to get into the lottery, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. But as it currently stands, it’s terrible for everyone. As an attendee, I’m forced to look at tables with garbage art and for those artists, they get exploited and lose money on the con

>> No.10847531

they need to learn the hard way. a small con near me has a neckbeard who sometimes tables and sells children's level cat girl drawings. and he told one of my friends he's "paying for the experience". the first two times it was a funny joke but it pisses me off that he takes up a spot that someone with cool stuff could be in. i honestly wish cons would charge an extra % of profit so they would be more incentivised not to give out tables to literally anyone since apparently low quality and negative association aren't enough.

>> No.10847535
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>8 posts for a no name con in under an hour

>> No.10847595

I wonder if San Japan does that, one of the artists I found there a few years back posted on twitter a few days ago she got denied.
Its a damn shame because she's a great artist, and last year 80% of the tables were pretty fucking garbage tier.

>> No.10847658

Tezuka's Arabian Nights: Sinbad no Bokuen is considered the first anime with fanservice. At least in the mainstream, there may have been others before it.

>> No.10847667

Women in the men's rooms has its own issues.
Story time?
Story time.
>be me at AN 2018
>washrooms in the Delta have gender neutral signs on them
>not a dumbass so go in the one that everyone knows has urinals in it.
>3 teen girls in the corner in there who instantly tense up when I enter.
>Huddle and start muttering while shooting me dirty looks.
>too drunk to care, go to piss.
>After the con see post on FB complaining about, I shit you not, "a man using the urinal in a gender washroom".
I haven't been back to cons since.

>> No.10847668

what else are you supposed to do with urinals?
though ngl i almost peed in a sink when i was in korea because i thought it was a urinal.

>> No.10847679

I can't blame them, if the cons a literally who con they gotta let people know they exist

>> No.10847680

Well it was mighty dumb of you to use a gender neutral bathroom if you weren’t smooth as a Barbie doll down there ya stupid idiot

>> No.10847685

where the hell do you live that you have gender neutral bathrooms that aren't a single stall?

>> No.10847694

Cons all over have them now, and they're just the standard bathrooms with a sign taped over. I saw one last weekend, and it was a convention but not media. (No clue what)

>> No.10847703

>no 24 hour game room
>no rhythm game section/dinky rhythm game section

I tend to use the game room as a way to practice or try out other games, specifically rhythm games. So if a con's game room isn't 24 hours or if it is and the their rhythm game section is ass/non-existent, I'm usually screwed bc that means waiting until either the next con or I have enough money to go to an arcade that has what I want to play.

>cosplayers, and youtubers outnumber actual important and impactful industry guests

I'm kinda seeing more of this which is why I haven't felt inclined to attend quite a few cons. I really wish more Japanese guests could be invited since their the source for half of what we all enjoy. Though I'm sure it's not that easy. At the very least, I would like to see more proper dubbed voice actors.

>musical guests are literal whos

This one kinda goes hand in hand with the last one. Sometimes cons pick the most unheard of fucks to play concerts. I can only recall from the top of my head two times where there was an artist I recognized playing, and once was it relevant to anime.

>> No.10847721

come on down to [insert local con here]! we've got a wonderful lineup of guests, such as:

>roastie cosplay "influencer"

>some rando with a minor role in a disney movie (e.g. that fucking fish from ariel)

>dub voice actor that would've maybe been a big deal 10 years ago

>dub voice actor from some shit called I Ate My Sister's Panties And Turned Into A Dragon Lord On The Moon With Robots

>known groomer

>> No.10847732
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>I can only recall from the top of my head two times where there was an artist I recognized playing
Same here. Acen just announced kyary pamyu pamyu, which is pretty fucking huge, and some gen z cunt made a rage bait post with something stupid that kyary tweeted literally over a decade ago. So now a bunch of virtue signaling children are flipping their shit at Acen over it

>> No.10847756

Good, less people attending means more space for us

>> No.10847757

Unironically this is what the People of Gender (PoGs if you will) seem to expect users of Gender Neutral washrooms to be like.
I can't wait for penis inspection day at my local con to see what washroom I can use.
Funny, we used to have a system with washrooms that accomplished this quite well.

>> No.10847775

>Sometimes cons pick the most unheard of fucks to play concerts
Either you've had bad luck, I've had good luck or both. Pretty tiny con I went to ~18 months ago had a local funk rock band (not a cover band) play. Sounds like it would be terrible, ended up being extremely high energy, loads of variety and audience participation. 10/10 would book for my own event

>> No.10847786

>Anime convention

>> No.10847805


>> No.10847806

no, this is good. go to a fucking comic con if you want to cosplay your ugly western shit.

>> No.10847808

Good showing, lads. This board is acting strangely based over the last couple weeks. A much welcome change!

>> No.10847921

This is animenebraskon every year now lol. Ever since they moved from the Ramada.

>> No.10848485

Hope those losers don't attend. Acen needs to free some space so I can go again. They always have great guests and concerts. One of the few, if only, cons to have The Pillows perform. Also have to give it up to Youma for getting Shing02 to perform. That was pretty surreal.

>> No.10848588

>Dealer room is 69% funko pops

>> No.10848703

before it's death, mechacon in new orleans had a drag queen spokesman? living mascot? fuck i don't know what it was supposed to be but it has the most annoying voice and every other word was "LIKE" "BITCHES".
made absolutely no sense and just talked about fag shit, nothing to do with anime/japan/nerd culture at all.

kumoricon introduced me to "genderless" bathrooms around 2011. i thought it made sense if people are just trying to get a quick pee in but it was much later i learned it was some retarded liberal nu-think.

CTcon has to be the most corporate styling of an anime con ive ever been to. it wouldn't surprise me if staff was comprised of a lawyer, accountant, HR rep, and fat feminist professional victim. i don't think i've had less fun at a con and them fucking over the arcade room this past year was not helping their case.

>> No.10848846

He was at AnimeBoston this year helping his wife shill her terrible art, of course he crowded the booth with his dogshit DVDs lmao. I saw maybe 3 people stop at the booth in an hour. I was gonna snap a photo of him but he was staring daggers at me the whole time and I knew he'd complain.

>> No.10848866

I usually see them in places like airports or big train stations, generally private/segregated areas like bathrooms since that makes the most sense to have, never at a con though

>> No.10848878

I started going to ECCC before Reedpop bought them out and there's definitely the feeling of it becoming more generic and "corporate". The focus has really shifted from being very comics-focused, with most guests being comic authors/artists/publishers, to a generic pop-culture audience. Like I remember one year they had the cast of "Saved By The Bell"... that's not even a geek/nerd show.
And yet they still have a terrible site that's hard to navigate and an app that only works some of the time.

>> No.10848885

I've been writing anonymous letters to my local con every year begging them to ban this one vendor from attending. They're some local "nerd merch" chain that buys out like 4 stalls and fills it to the brim with funko and funko equivalents. Never anybody near their stalls, always garbage stuff. And worse, it's an anime con and they have almost nothing anime related. All /co/ related stuff since it's a boomer store run and staffed by, yep, boomers.

Problem is that it's such a small con and booths are so cheap, even selling like 20 things all weekend makes it worth for them.

>> No.10848888

You're more fortunate then, or maybe it's cause this is a heart-of-downtown con. Last year we also had guys shilling their own CDs. Forgot to mention, too: the public restrooms on ground level have no dividers so they can catch anybody who wants to shoot up (for whatever that's worth). Fun!
So is that to say even the comic con crowds don't like the direction where things are going to "general media events"? Cause that's how they treated Florida Supercon too. No adult events even at night and never brought back the really fun Rocky Horror full reenactment group
>terrible site that's hard to navigate and an app that only works some of the time
It's rare when they don't desu.

(Also I'm the anon you both replied to)

>> No.10848890

They have tables with unattended, open water pitchers and a sign that says "please don't roofie the water."

>> No.10848927

>Have no dividers
What kind of nightmare world is it where I can't pee/poop in peace? I feel less bad about the stupid gender neutral bathrooms at my local cons now.

>> No.10848931

In a sense, they sort of do, but not really. They're just a formality, since you could fit two skinnier than average people through the "dividers" at once. Even at other places here, the doors also cut off at your head. For all the good that does, since you'll still find empty beer cans inside. There didn't seem to be any gender-neutral bathrooms that I saw either, surprisingly though there were definitely several instances of women walking alone out of the men's room