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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10827131 No.10827131 [Reply] [Original]

Any and all forms of degeneracy, rumor mongering, and sexual escapades accepted.

It's storytime frens.

>> No.10827134

u nigga

>> No.10827138
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>> No.10827142

Once I paid a Misty cosplayer to suck my cock. I was cosplaying as psyduck.

Was $20 extra to have her to say “Psyduck used water gun!” when I nutted on her face. Worth it.

>> No.10827143

I wish this were true

>> No.10827144
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It was tho :) NYCC 2017

>> No.10827147

weird world we live in, the funny part is her charging you 20 for the phrase

>> No.10827148

It was my offer and she was already on her knees. In for a penny, in for a pound.

>> No.10827149

how much was the sucking alone though?

>> No.10827150

$200 and I threw in a Totoro plushie lol

>> No.10827151

damn son

>> No.10827156

That better have been the sloppiest deepthroat you've ever gotten for that much

>> No.10827158

Let’s just say ponytails make great handles.

>> No.10827159

wtf you got scammed

>> No.10827163

looks like a boy

>> No.10828095

I posted this in a different thread but it didn't get much attention. My friend/con roommate fucked a married woman and ruined a marriage while I was passed out drunk in the adjacent room of our Airbnb. And I know she was married because he told me about it the next day on the drive home

>> No.10828144

She was the one who cheated. Blame her.

>> No.10828196

Where I live, that's 1 hour for a prostitute

>> No.10828220

Onlyfans thot walking around in a skimpy schoolgirl costume, wearing a backpack that had an LCD screen on the back showing fully explicit clips of her getting fucked. Technically at an open-air con afterparty but still.

>> No.10828248


>> No.10828260

Based on what?

>> No.10828272

As someone who's wife has a ponytail, I agree... but not wig ponytails

>> No.10828305

>Onlyfans thot
Who exactly?

>> No.10828447

Even better

>> No.10828543

Room parties in general.

>> No.10828557

Then why are you joining his sad erp
Shhh let him die

>> No.10828678

Happened to me personally when I was 14.
>Cosplaying fem medic from tf2
>Some fat dude in an anime girl (dakimakura) mask comes up to me and does a writing motion.
>Sperges and passes phone to them.
>They pass the phone back to me after typing.
>"Please get on your knees for me ;)"
>Says "No, thank you" and walks away.
>Gets followed whole con up to a TF2 meetup.
>Goes up to the nearest tall dude dressed as soldier and asks him for help.
>Soldier dude goes and tells him to fuck off.
>Dude fucks off, but takes photos of me from afar for the whole meet.

Legit thought I was going to get murdered that day.

>> No.10828680

>dakimakura mask
are you still 14?

>> No.10828690

i wasn't sure what the name was. I remember hearing it way back then. my bad if its incorrect!

>> No.10828691

PSA to any teenagers reading this: the best course of action would have been to ask for help from con security, not another random cosplayer. Security can kick the daki guy out of the con and if you were unlucky, the soldier guy could have turned out to be another creep. But I wouldn't expect a 14-year-old to think things through that well. Glad everything turned out ok.

>> No.10828692

This! I was a very dumbass teen. Con security are a blessing for situations like this. Solid advice

>> No.10828706

I would always look for lone or females in the hentai room, sit one seat away from them and jerk off. Some would watch, some would just move, had a few offer to help and one or two join in.

>> No.10828707

Based. Cons with hentai rooms are rare tho

>> No.10828731

How was this even brought up? Did you just out of the blue ask her to suck you off?

>> No.10828775

Colossal Texas had one. My local ones all did too, but they left after their two year-long break due to WuFlu. They're repetitive, but fun. It's how I saw Rapeman for the first time.

>> No.10828780
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Complimented her on her cosplay and said some cheesy stuff about Psyduck having a crush on Misty. Then just brought it up.

>> No.10828798

lurk moar

>> No.10829002

Don't know her name, some kinda chunky Asian girl.

I've honestly only ever been in a few that I'd call "degen," the vast majority are just a bunch of people standing around in a room drinking and having random conversations. Even the few I've been to where clothes came off and stuff didn't really go much beyond that, just a few butt naked dudes having talking about random shit to topless girls or whatever.

>> No.10829023

I've been to some with outright sex and fingering
I've seen the most dangerous games of beer pong games
I've seen shots mixed with coke and acid

>> No.10829024

there are definitely crazier parties. i was in a suite party where a girl basically ODed on coke while getting fucked and they just tossed her into a bedroom where she may have gotten raped by a few guys. and another one where a girl got black out drunk and made out with 5 girls.

>> No.10829045

based on what is a meme response to based newfaggot. lurk forever.

>> No.10829058

>I've been to some with outright sex and fingering
>I've seen the most dangerous games of beer pong games
>I've seen shots mixed with coke and acid
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die.

>> No.10829084
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>Been to several dozen con hotel parties
>Never seen any of this, even at the druggiest or most overtly sexual
Guess I'm looking in the wrong place. Maybe time to finally try DragonCon

>> No.10829096

Take me with u lel

>> No.10829151

Maybe these guys are lying ?

>> No.10829234
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A distinct possibility, yes.

>> No.10832646

I've only been to a few cons but while my buddies were away dropping some stuff off to the car, a couple approached me and was trying to pick me up for a threesome while I was sitting around waiting for them in my bunny suit. I'm a dude and they kept complimenting me and trying to get me to go with them, it was flattering but I don't like that kind of thing.

>> No.10832709

What the fuck is an hentai room, first time I heard if it.
It's like where they sell nsw stuff?

>> No.10832714

It is the room...with the hentai playing. Post-lockdown cons have pretty much done away with them and I don't know why.

>> No.10832937

if you OD on coke then you're getting a stroke or a heart attack, bitch must've had something else wrong with her

>> No.10832952

Cum contains covid

>> No.10833148

A room filled with obese weebs masturbating is probably the last place I'd want to end up in a con, but thanks for sharing the knowledge.
How can you host, as an organisation, something like that without being labelled as a sex con?

>> No.10833166

It's a gag segment. They just play retarded stuff so people can laugh at it, like a guy stuffing a tuba into his loli gf or the fandub of Rapeman. Last time I went (Colossal Texas) they left the lights on too. Nobody's ever "gotten into it" when I went. Not obviously, anyway.

>> No.10833256

Dude that's cheap as fuck, that DNA stays in a girl regardless how she gets it. You better have been cute at least.

>> No.10833280

>cheap as fuck
Guy who is getting ripped off by prostitutes

>> No.10833599

my local con has hentai coloring at a set time after dark. They vet the people coming into the "room" (it was a sectioned off hallway) and you got to choose from a handful of hentai pics to color in with crayons. By FAR the most attended event, they had to call in staff from other locations to deal with the crowd. These weren't just random hentai, some of the options were straight up jizzing massing futa dicks. Honestly it was totally fine and kinda fun, everyone there was sorta treating it as a gag. I'm sure there were some super awkward pervy people, but I didn't notice, at least at my table. Went with a group of friends and so we just had a blast laughing about it.

>> No.10833699

Man I hope you don't smoke weed.

>> No.10833741 [DELETED] 

For blowjob only? Scammed