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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10817739 No.10817739 [Reply] [Original]

What were cons like before trans people existed? Like pre-2012

>> No.10817756

I saw my first gender neutral toilet at a con in 2011. Maybe it goes back even further? Seems like troonery and dressing like fictional hypersexualized young girls are a package deal.

>> No.10818122

wdym , there were always trannies at cons.

Tumblr didnt invent transgender people

>> No.10818124

I assume you mean before MTFs
We always had fakebois

>> No.10818135

... What are you talking about?

>> No.10818148
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he doesnt know about the infamous linetrap bros...

>> No.10818150

Do you really think events that are aimed at freaks and weirdos aren't going to have freaks and weirdos attending them

>> No.10818151

They existed in 2012. Cons have always been a breeding ground for degenerates.

>> No.10818379

traps were different then trannys. traps knew they were gay men they just got off on fucking "straight" nerds.

>> No.10819502

There aren't even that many trans people at cons now, at a typical con I'll see maybe two trans people.

>> No.10819846

To be fair you don't notice the passing ones and cosplay helps hide a lot of stuff easier
I'm a guy who crossplays sometimes and I'm sure a lot of people would peg me as trans despite no HRT

>> No.10820577

but a huge percentage of them shortly BECAME trannies, including the one in the pic.

>> No.10820581

Where do you even live

>> No.10822071
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Serious and joke crossplay has been around forever. Neither of those mean tranny.

I assume you mean half of anime con artist alley being non-anime-related gender and sexual deviancy stuff? It's much more in the open now and was once a considerably lower percentage. But people have weirdo genders now instead of personalities.

That said, the deviancy was always there, it just changed forms. We used to have fujoshi smack random people's asses with wooden paddles that said "yaoi" or "uke" or "seme" until they got banned around 2009ish.

The big one is the bathroom shenanigans. Crossplay is one thing, but those dudes would still use the men's restroom. It was the trannies that got the bathrooms changed to "all genders" so that they could go creep on little girls in the bathroom. And the normies will defend it until they're face-to-face with sharing a bathroom with grown ass hairy men.

>> No.10822073

>What were cons like before trans people existed? Like pre-2012

Back then we called them traps and they were part of the subculture/in on the joke. Crossplay was a thing that was for the most part, expected out of Anime cons.

The trans-flag waving people started taking offense to being called traps, and sort destroyed the subculture a bit around 2010.

>> No.10822115

i had about the same thing happen at kumoricon around 2011.
i was gender bending Misty(cis), walked out of the stall to wash my hands and a togepi gijinka walked out of her stall. we locked eyes and hand a laugh.

i was fine with trannys back in the day but now they've become insufferable faggots that force everyone to play pretend with them. it was always ok to be gay at cons (sans yaoi paddles) but now they seem like an underage pride fest that happens to also like anime.

>> No.10822147 [DELETED] 

>Tumblr didnt invent transgender people
But it was the platform that made the who world know of the existence of these sub humans.

>> No.10822148

lmao AYRT and I was talking about kumoricon

>> No.10822150

Kumoricon is a leftist hellscape so that checks out.

>> No.10822155

what were you cosplaying at that time? i probably have a picture of you if i ever looked through my old pictures.

kumoricon was the first con in the PNW i went to and i learned about so many liberal things that really exist i had trouble believing it. i pissed off some tranny because i kept giggling about how he was a girl. i thought the dude was fucking with me but he was dead serious and his friends genuinely offended.
i just read that they're still enforcing the mask policy. glad i do go anymore.

>> No.10822316

former trap here, 90% of us were trannies and on hrt lol, it was just the word we knew, transgender was for Jerry Springer and Susan's hons

>> No.10822439

Linetrap was literally on hormones as a teenager you stupid fuck

>> No.10822581

As someone who has been attending since the late 90s, theyve always been there.

It was the fact that being trans wasnt their whole personality. And people were fine with it in most convention spaces at least where I was.

>> No.10822584

short fat otaku did a pretty good timeline of how wokeness reached the mass it did

as far as i know it goes as far back as 2008 that wokeness began to hit the mainstream, it got worse when tumblr banned porn and made other choices to create it's insane echo chamber, then people's TDS made things the way they are now.

>> No.10824816

>unironically parroting boomercon talking points

Ask me how I know you've never talked to a trans woman ever

>> No.10824846

The vast majority of you are hons who do not pass, don't kid yourself

>> No.10824847

Nayrt but the trans women I have talked to all have fetishistic ideas about what being a woman is, and are addicted to porn. And countless ones have already creeped on women in bathrooms. Gtfo of here with that "it never happens" bullshit. It has already happened numerous times. Zoomers are so fucking naive and clueless, it's painful

>> No.10824849

Haha this one’s funny because I thought the same a few years ago, oh I know some normal trans people it’s not as bad as the internet makes it out to be, then I got to know them better. They all reveal their misogyny, homophobia, personality disorders, male pattern violence, and porn addiction in time.

>> No.10824851

Same anon. What peaked me, ironically, was getting to know them.

>> No.10824919

MtF? Fucked one. Felt pretty gay. And they passed.

>> No.10824933

actual nerds

>> No.10824943

I hate to tell you this but the hobby where people dress up and roleplay has always had queer people as a large part of it. Sorry

>> No.10824982

no one unironically using the word queer is old enough to know whether cosplay OR lolita was 'always' full of tranners or not

>> No.10826029
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Trannies are their own worst enemy. I used to whole heartedly support you freaks until I actually got to know a few.


>> No.10826397

The Clinton era would be considered "woke" by contemporary standards. 911 really did break America's brain and there was a big roll back of social progress in the Bush era. Like people be any more racist more sexist and more homophobic.

>> No.10826400

kek you realize George W Bush was elected before 9/11, right? Just because you were too young to remember the politics of that era doesn't mean crazy biblefag republicans didnt exist

America changed a lot and became disillusioned after 9/11 for obvious reasons, but most extremism now can be attributed to the internet. So many retards will believe anything they see, like tumblrites indoctrinated into believing men can be women, or qanons believing in secret satanic child trafficking.

>> No.10826403

It isn't just the trans garbage ruining the con world at present. Cons have been also been pornified heavily over the last decade and let's not forget the onlyfans thot plague. 2012 seems like a good break point for all of this trash.

>> No.10826428

Back in the Cold War America dominated Europe through it's culture. It broadcasted a star-spangled culture of plentifulness, strength and optimism.
I can't tell about the 60s and 70s but the 80s were culturally promoting badassery. Action heroes, science fiction, daring and integrity. The 90s were kind of a turning point due to 80s culture decaying. They tried to up the badassery by making it Xtreme and "edgy". Cynicism and satire became more prevalent. By the time the 00s rolled in everyone was partied out. The 80s fumes had ran out and people were more open to being criticized. 9/11 happened at a convenient time. The cultural output changed from "Be confident. Be strong. Be like me. Buy my stuff" to "Let's party and grift the squares" to "We suck. We are evil".
This message found traction inside the US because people had learned to be cynical, and it found traction outside the US because people hate world-policing and they grew up with a stupid mix of american consumerism and left leaning ideology. American cultural output got so bad that America and Europe started importing japanese cultural output in earnest.
American culture became outright iconoclast. "We suck! We're evil! We must change in this and that way!". Americans started wanting to pull out of the ME, which was reasonable. We humans move forward by leaving tragedies and grudges behind. Americans forgot the Alamo, forgot the Twins. But the message that you are evil and you must change kept coming. It became increasingly unreasonable, going from not attacking people to being proactively nice to giving preferental treatment. The categories of people became increasingly trite.

>> No.10826429

From uninvolved civilians getting bombed in their own countries to people with different pigmentation in your own borders to people with weird fetishes to fat people who are to blame for their own situation.
People are more resentful now because for like 15 years some groups have been told "nobody loves you, tear everything down" while others have been told "you suck you're evil you suck you're evil".
And we're all together on edge because we can't unwind from the stresses of life. Entertainment is how we unwind from the crap of our daily lives. But the entertainment has been ruined. Not only because of the message and the management cutting corners. Entertainment has become "more relatable". Boring. We come home and watch more of the people and places we're trying to escape from.
tl;dr general cultural collapse.


>> No.10826430

More relatable? Superheroes have literally become a major trend kek. Amazon released the rings of power because they were looking for their own fantasy world like Game of Thrones. Dune was rereleased. Fantasy has massively exploded

>> No.10826432
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Yes, more relatable. Every other superhero listens to Katy Perry and stops by Starbucks on his way to work. Every other hero has girlfriend problems and is afraid of icky bugs or whatever. Every other fantasy setting addresses current social issues for which the conditions didn't exist in the middle ages. Every other scifi setting and cast is written after office culture. Everything is a sitcom or Harvey Birdman taken at face value. And it's all sensationless crap.

>> No.10826490

That's literally not true for any of the huge series I mentioned, except the superheroes listening to pop music. Also, Star Trek lower decks is literally a comedy/parody, it would be better to compare the Picard series

>> No.10826492

Trans people are like thousands of years old.

>> No.10826522


>> No.10826574


thats weird. trap was generally used for straights who crossplayed and enjoyed subverting expectations because they passed well enough to get approached by other straights. Thats why 'trap' was the term to describe that because it was trollery.

not sure when it changed from that exactly...

>> No.10826579

>trans people

>> No.10826580

>Clinton era was more woke than 2022
You're delusional

>> No.10826677

Because straight TiMs ree when lesbians aren’t interested in their “girldick” or rot pocket with hair inside, and straight TiFs ree when gay men don’t want to date them or point out the idiocy of a straight girl calling herself a faggot. Straight people who can’t accept same-sex attraction, that’s the definition of homophobia.

Not to mention the damage they’ve done to the actual gay rights movement. Trannies package it up as “LGBT rights” and conservatives think give them an inch (same sex marriage) and they’ll take a mile (genital mutilation for teenagers, schools overrun with pedos and the Ontario shop teacher.) All because straight and LGB handmaidens alike think trans is some kind of ultimate gayness. Handmaidens need to wake the fuck up now.

>> No.10826846

The word trap being used by trannies was only in the case of idiots who were addicted to attention on /b/.

>> No.10826868

I'm in ur threads, being trans

>> No.10826872

I was a young adult then and you are a fucking retarded child if you believe this.

>> No.10826875
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>> No.10827183

Yea even I thought the same. The word "Trap" is already self explanatory. The world is moving to fast for me. I didn't even know that "retard' is offensive now. WTF !?!

>> No.10827256

short fat otaku is a literal retard

>> No.10827257

>Nayrt but the trans women I have talked to all have fetishistic ideas about what being a woman is, and are addicted to porn. And countless ones have already creeped on women in bathrooms. Gtfo of here with that "it never happens" bullshit. It has already happened numerous times. Zoomers are so fucking naive and clueless, it's painful

It's not that it never happens, it's that the likelihood of assault in restrooms hasn't increased. Trans women are as likely to assault you as anyone.

>> No.10827258 [DELETED] 

You can't just debunk Republican talkign poitns. You have to believe them or you can't be a Fren.
Also, you're wrong. Trans people are way more likely to be victims of sexual violence than perpetrators.

>> No.10827259

>tumblrites indoctrinated into believing men can be women, or qanons believing in secret satanic child trafficking.
one of these ideas is supported by science and medical professional while the other is not.

>> No.10827265

literally saw an AGP in 2008, dressed as Amu from Shugo Chara. He asked me for a pic, since i was also dressed as a shugo chara character (except i’m in the actual fucking demographic)

he then put his hand on my waist. Troons have been going to weirdo events for ages.

>> No.10827278

So instead of lowering the rate, you'll stop protecting women because "hurr durr the rate hasnt increased"? Just because handmaidens say it doesnt happen doesnt mean that's the truth. There are numerous cases of trannies assaulting and even raping women in bathrooms. One guy went into a korean spa and flashed everyone there, including children. That incident alone affected a TON of women and would have been easily avoided if they didnt let him waltz in. This isnt rocket science

Literally nothing about transforming into a woman is supported by medical science. Putting lipstick on a pig wont change a pig into a woman either. YWNBAW

>> No.10827282
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Traps were always there homie. If you meant

>what was cons like before insufferable tumblr retards were there.

Pretty fucking good. Copious amounts of drinking. People from all forms of careers and lives, mainly the theatre department, popping in to cosplay the FOTM. Tons of horny but emotionally unsustainable women.

It was an okay time. But miles better than what we have now

>> No.10827315

Nta but you’re almost right. Trans women are just as likely to be perpetrators of violent crime as any other male.

Don’t be retarded, far from everyone who’s against trans ideology is right leaning much less a “republican”, which is not a thing outside of the US btw.
As for trans people being more likely to be victims of crime than cis people, this is true in a superficial way. Most articles on the topic cite this UCLA study: https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/ncvs-trans-press-release/
But crucially these studies don’t control for things like mental health, economic status, and whether the subjects involve themselves in “sex work.” You know who definitely gets murdered more than average? Prostitutes. So this data cannot actually answer whether trans people are more likely to be victims because they’re targeted on the basis of being trans, or if they are victims because they’re living in poverty in dangerous area, prostitutes being murdered by their clients, or mentally unstable people drawn to other mentally unstable, violent people.

>> No.10827483

The 4chan ideology is right
Most people that act like they are the core of a group should have been gatekept out of said group

>> No.10827484


>> No.10827498

Sorry but you're a Republican sympathizer at best. You don't get define what you are politically. If you're spouting Republican talking points, you're a REpublican. Go watch Joe Crowder and pretend to care about womens sports you shill.

>> No.10827499

Unfortunately they can't live by their own rules. I'm 60 years old and all the losers who post here should have killed themselves. If they grew up in the 80s/90s like they pretend to, they would have been bullied until they killed themselves.

>> No.10827511

Nice job not responding to any of the actual content of the post, but I’ll keep indulging you because I used to think like you. I’m left leaning politically, support women’s and gay rights, and think trans ideology is bullshit. If you can’t conceive of how that’s possible you really don’t understand anything about politics outside the burgerfag redbois vs bluebois culture war microcosm.

>> No.10827527

I guess
I'm unironically nice and forgiving so i've forgiven bullies. I suppose its impossible for me to understand the actually older mentalities. I just wish people kept to themselves a bit more and tried not to turn everything into some big important "production" Way too many things should be an interest or something that someone "just is" rather than a complex ideology
If those messy thoughts make any sense at all

>> No.10827541

Youre a liar. Post your real identity or youre a Republican shill. I accept your concession

>> No.10827542

Damn it’s that point in the cgl argument where I realize I’ve been talking to a retard the whole time.

>> No.10827545

I already accepted your concession

>> No.10827617

least irrational trans argumentation

>> No.10827666

I don't get what you're saying. I'm not trans, I just don't understand what you mean.

>> No.10827732
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>Like pre-2012
We don't talk about pre-2012.


>> No.10827753

Full of smelly teenagers and smelly adults, having fun and not taking it too seriously (circa 2003-2004)

>> No.10827861

It was a better time dont listen all the other replies. You had traps not trannies at cons

>> No.10829230

Ah the nostalgia !

>> No.10830472


>> No.10830718

Lower Decks is a comedy, you retard. the office setting is played up for laughs

>> No.10830719

this is literally a comedy/satire show. Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: Picard both currently exist and are serious Star Trek series, but you're bitching about the obvious parody? kek

>> No.10830733

Are you unironic dumb fucks or are you just pretending?

>> No.10830785

It changed when the trans activists needed a boogyman to explain why they were all in perpetual danger of murder by random white people at any given second. They invented the never-successfully-used "trans panic" defense where allegedly a person would go to bed with a trans, see the cocknballs and be so horrified that they were "tricked" that they commit murder as a reflex so they side-loaded "trap" as a slur to represent that.

Definitely don't look up the demographics of murder for trans people though.

>> No.10830808

Pretending what? That this show doesn't belong in this conversation at all? The argument is about the state of current serious scifi & fantasy, of which there are two entire serious Star Trek series to talk about (Discovery/Picard). Cherrypicking the dumb comedy spoof show while ignoring them is retarded. Try to keep up.

>> No.10830991

Serious answer because I'm an oldfag.

>Old cons
Trannies didn't exist, or if they did, they were indistinguishable from the average weirdo crossdressers. You'd always got at least one dude in a dress, but nobody gave a shit and they never said anything about their identity. Occasionally would see someone wearing a rainbow badge.

>Modern cons
Last con I went to 70% of the stalls in the dealers room were independent traders selling nothing but identity politics merchandise. AMV winner was about queer politics. Numerous people walking about draped in identity politics flags. Furries in fursuits matching said flags. Gender neutral toilets the women all avoided because they were full of men.

tl;dr Older cons were much more chill as everyone's identity was based on being a weeb you went to hang out with fellow weebs. The only signalling was yaoi fangirls. I miss the old days.

>> No.10831016

Nobody passes, anon. You don't spend a lifetime of make privilege without it affecting your body language. Even standing still people unconscious scream their biological sex.

I think this is why mtf invokes such revulsion at times, it's the uncanny valley effect of something that looks like one thing but behaves like something else. The eyes see woman, but the brain registers man.

>> No.10831684

im 32 lol, some of that is boomer pr radfem tier shit. inb4 tranny, lol im not trans

>> No.10831697 [DELETED] 

So all women all over the world, from Europe to Japan to Africa to New Guinea, all hold their body the same way?

>> No.10831732

You newfriends seriously need to evacuate, I can't with this 'before trans people existed' as if this board wasn't extremely focused on crossdressing since its inception. like how did this become TERF and incel central, those two groups don't even get along, like, where did the normal people go? I'm here for sewing and cute dresses, not this shit.

>> No.10831734

crossdressing isn't tranny shit.

>> No.10831818

You started strong and then went immediately full retard with the "crossdressing is trans" bullshit.

>> No.10831820

Not a thing

>> No.10831824

that was terrible.

>> No.10831825
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""terfs"" have always been a thing on here, the old homestuck generals were full of anons calling out trannies/fakebois.
Also if you browse here you aren't normal either.

>> No.10831835

>Trans people are way more likely to be victims of sexual violence than perpetrators.

>> No.10831836

There will still plenty of fags. The only change is that they transitioned.

>> No.10831839

Cons have always had Trans people definitely one of the more accepting places out there

>> No.10831873

Do you think TERFs can tell the difference or give a shit? Be honest.

>> No.10831874

the 'fakebois' thing wasn't really all about transphobia, though, it was about people who don't transition physically anyway (making themselves look male, for ex.) and just want yaoi clout. It's not the same. I browse here for the same reason anyone does. Because people can talk about shit without clout seeking because we're all anonymous.

>> No.10831881

Crossdressing is pro-TERF.
The trans viewpoint is to attack the existence of crossdressing, because in their mindset a crossdresser is a trans that hasn't come out.
This is of course - blatantly false - but transsexual proponents would continue to deny the existence of crossdressing as an activity one can partake in while remaining comfortable in their own sex. Trans beliefs are strongly against the idea of breaking gender stereotypes and normativites - something that feminists and crossdressers alike are in favour of, whether actively or passively - because without such stereotypes and normativities the entire concept of being Trans makes no sense.
The idea has come up in Incel circles, which I'm not going to detail heavily, but consider the concept of "Tomboy Erasure" that has been memed out. Or more visibly, the recent debacle with Bridget - where a long-standing cultural icon for feminine men and crossdressers alike was poorly and unceremoniously forced into being a trans representative instead.

>> No.10831890

This. Most outspoken TERFs are butch lesbians who "dress like men".

>> No.10831935

I am a Man, I'm a Male, I'm a he. I don't get into that mental illness stuff.

>> No.10831998


>> No.10832048

>The trans viewpoint is to attack the existence of crossdressing, because in their mindset a crossdresser is a trans that hasn't come out.
No? I am trans and I don't think anyone but the person in question itself is able to classify themselves. Stop eating propaganda

>> No.10832058

nayrt but I recognize what that anon is talking about. In the past men who dressed in a feminine way were often just assumed to be gay, girls who dressed more masculinely were called tomboys, women who dressed in a very masculine way were called butch and/or assumed to be lesbians. But nowadays if you dress in a very masculine way and you're a woman you'll have people saying "are you sure you're not trans?/you're in trans denial", the same happens when men cross dress or just dress in a more feminine fashion. Along with an increase of "transing the gay away" you get the impression that expressing yourself in a non-normative way is less acceptable than it used to be. Gay people in terf or gender critical (or whatever that's called) circles are often very much in favor of more freedom of non-normative expression.

I wouldn't say "crossdressing is pro terf" though because a lot of terfs hate the idea of crossdressing.

>> No.10832084

Nigga never seen a "Family bathroom" before then? Are you broke or a child?
Trans people existed before then, and most of them weren't annoying bitch niggers obsessed with amerimutt politics like OP
How would you really know if that trap doesn't show you their list of prescriptions?

Christ is /cgl/ full of ignorant niggerfaggots that can't even con? God damn

>> No.10832156
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The point is that these days it absolutely would be considered "transphobic" because all you need is the label, not actual transition. Even slightly questioning trannies can get someone labeled as a "TERF".

It's not about YOU, but it's common for trannies to see GNC characters/people and label them as trans simply because they don't fit gender norms. It's backwards and regressive as fuck. pic related

>> No.10832397

I wouldn't say it's a majority, more of an extremely loud group of people who can't grasp the concept of a crossdresser who isn't some kind of queer. Think the bridget shit, people assume that if you're a man who likes crossdressing you're either gay or trans. I got my fair share of trans shit online and irl for being tomboyish and not liking girly stuff through sophomore year of high school. In middle school i thought i might be trans, went down egg to nonbinary to trans boy pipeline, struggled for years until i realized i was allowed to like whatever without it changing my gender. Been happening for ages, just keeps getting worse because now it's more "mainstream" or whatever.

>> No.10832400

why do you think transbians exist anon
its the same people

>t. ex trap current tranny

>> No.10835883


>> No.10837802 [DELETED] 

honestly, this faggotry wasnt even a problem back in 2016. i really only noticed it towards the later end of 2017 and early 2018. cons had gay stuff and like others said ITT, traps, but the t.roon stuff didnt really emerge until afterwards. 2018 is the year where they were labeling the mens' washrooms as "gender fluid" for cons, the term "trap" became a slur/insult and you had nonsensical panels talking about which character was a tranny.

GNC? Gay Nigger Capitalism?

>> No.10837804

>>10817739 (OP)
honestly, this faggotry wasnt even a problem back in 2016. i really only noticed it towards the later end of 2017 and early 2018. cons had gay stuff and like others said ITT, traps, but the t.roon stuff didnt really emerge until afterwards. 2018 is the year where they were labeling the mens' washrooms as "gender fluid" for cons, the term "trap" became a slur/insult and you had nonsensical panels talking about which character was a tranny.

GNC? Gay Nigger Communism?

>> No.10839076

>The trans viewpoint is to attack the existence of crossdressing, because in their mindset a crossdresser is a trans that hasn't come out.

That doesn't even make sense. Who do you think likes and support drag shows more? Do you at least have some proof?

>> No.10839089
File: 303 KB, 768x859, 8545 - crying crystal_cafe eyelashes female femjak glasses green_hair hair hanging its_over rope soyjak subvariant_gapejak_female suicide text variant_gapejak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That doesn't even make sense.
Because she's a woman.

>> No.10839090

>Not to mention the damage they’ve done to the actual gay rights movement
We call them MAP.

>> No.10842015

>struggled for years until i realized i was allowed to like whatever without it changing my gender
Many such cases like these, especially among the desisted who were convinced that liking things stereotypically associated with the opposite gender = being an egg.

This is why I absolutely abhor r/egg_irl.
I am autistic, like functioning enough to work and barely scap by school with some accomodations, but too retarded to see some disingenuous exploitations.

I was told by my brother that if I chewed on condoms it would be a good luck charm and I did it... I was 14, that's how naive I was.

Had I been born a zoomer I likely would've fell for that myth of trans eggs.

>> No.10842016

Cosplayers are weirdos, but the mentally ill think they are in good company, so they come in and spread their mental illness and ruin our fun. Just like they are a mockery of women they are a mockery of cosplay and fashion and basic hygiene in general.

>> No.10842077
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Are you retarded? Faghags and faggots are the ones who like and support drag shows not trannies lmao

>> No.10842406
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Identity politics is just nationalism for leftists desu. The need to belong to a tribe is universal but leftoids believe “nations bad, borders bad” so they create tribes around 140+ genders and shit.

>> No.10842410

Gender neutral public restrooms have been around longer than that.

>> No.10842520
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mainly for venues that did not have the space for two separate dedicated restrooms for either sex. You really think the 70 year old tire shop calls it a gender neutral restroom? It's a toilet you fucking sped. Oh, you mean the big shitters with handrails? ADA requirement lmao. They're not going to build separate male and female cripple shitters.

>> No.10842602
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>> No.10842745

40 years ago medical professionals were recommending cutting peoples brains in half and shocking them to near death because they may have been depressed. They also locked away women in mental institutions and sold access to their cells so you could rape them.
They also routinely engage in extremely abusive practices for the sole purpose of writing papers about it.

Citing the medical profession as one of altruism and integrity is laughable.
Fun fact about the MCAT, one of the big tips you’re given is to always pick the politically correct answer

>> No.10842771

Shocking people for depression works and is still done in some cases, but it has some serious risks of some serious memory loss so it's not the first thing you'd try.

>> No.10842808

Lobotomies work in some occasions too. But the use back then was far from necessary or scientific.
The mental health field is a joke and never has your best interests in mind.

And mind you, it’s not like this was ancient history, this is relatively modern times that mental institutes were glorified rape and torture chambers.

>> No.10843006

Science got things wrong in the past and corrected them. So Im going to abandon science and only trust anonymous posts with memes. It is simple logic.

>> No.10843017

The issue is that psychology (and medical health) is not done using rigorous scientific testing to ensure their theories are correct.

When you look at engineers and physicists, when they claim something is correct, its correct nearly 100% of the time. And when it's not, its usually close enough that it worked for the capabilities at that time (e.g. gravity)
That's because when these scientists use science, its done extremely rigorously to actually determine if what they're measuring is accurate.

When a psychologist has a theory, he throws 20 people on a boat and gets pissed off when they're not acting the way he wants them to act. And then publishes a paper claiming he was right anyways and that his subjects were stupid. There's nothing scientific or rigorous about how psychologists test their theories, they bullshit something up, then start applying it to real people, and 20 years later when it doesn't work they just pretend it never happened. This has been the case since the start and it's still the case now, and there's a good reason they never "fix" anyone.
Hell, one of the most talked about experiments that is still taught in schools today is the stanford prison experiment, yet when they actually talked to the students they just admitted that they just played the part they thought was expected of them. Yet this is cited as evidence for various theories constantly and is one of the first things taught to psych students.

Any actual scientist looks at psychology and would be embarrassed to call it a "science"

>> No.10843045

>Science got things wrong in the past and corrected them. So I'm going to continue trusting and blindly following people that were blatantly evil until enough people call them out.
See how easy it is to flip your non-argument around?
Have you tried not being a dishonest piece of shit?

>> No.10843088

Peer review aint perfect but you have no alternative. You have nothing so I accept your concession. Also, thanks for the (you)s. Next time you get butthurt try counting to 3 before you post. Then you wont look so ridiculous and flustered.

>> No.10843123

That's literally why most current communist countries list LGBT as a reactionary ideology

>> No.10843181

Enjoy getting mutilated and dying early because some crazy dude told you to

>> No.10843186
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>Peer review aint perfect but you have no alternative. You have nothing so I accept your concession. Also, thanks for the (you)s. Next time you get butthurt try counting to 3 before you post. Then you wont look so ridiculous and flustered.

>> No.10843189

Where were you on Jan 6? Browse fit lately?
Namefaggotry is always so silly. It's like, you want attention but you're too cowardly to be a tripfaggot. Anyways, back to your main point--maybe you could clarify how you're upset this time? I can tell you're angry but I'm not sure how.

>> No.10843191

They were always there. They just didnt make it their personality like they do now.

>> No.10843212
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>always so silly
>It's like, you want attention
>you're too cowardly
>maybe you could clarify
>I can tell you're angry but I'm not sure how.

>> No.10843225

I was at work, because I actually have a job.
And no, but I just came back from a kickboxing class because I also care about my physical health.
And I'm going to spend the rest of the night drawing, because I actually have creative endeavors.

What are you up to?

>> No.10843247

Are you the namefag?

>> No.10843271

>peer review is GOD
>independent critical thinking is BAD and ILLEGAL
This has to be a troll by a different anon, but its hard to tell these days.

>> No.10843272

>Jan 6th
Was literally fake. Have you been living under a rock or something?

>> No.10843291

Why do trans people argue like complete lunatics holy shit, it's like talking to a seven year old

>> No.10843293

/pol/-tier take
just because they invent a flag for every new identity doesn't make the micro-identity a tribe
the people who have the correct opinions (sjws or progressives or whatever) form the tribe

>> No.10843298

Have to admit, I have been watching old 80s and 90s cartoons with friends and while there are off color moments (casual sexism, exploitation etc), there IS a lot of the kind of representation that twitter screams about happening in these older series, and it's about as authentic as modern series are with representation too. Same goes for old series like 90s trek.

Maybe the 00s did have a bit of backslide in that regard.

>> No.10843299

A lot of trans people are on the autistic spectrum and trouble accepting that they might be wrong about something combined with the echo chamber nature of their narratives.

I'm fine with trans peeps on the individual level, but as a collective on the internet I do find them very yikes.

>> No.10843307

People don’t mind representation happening, it’s just the way that it happens now that is so abrasive. In the 90s it might have been something like
>hey here’s this hip cool black dude that can help out now
>dude this chick is so badass and hot. She’s gonna save the team now
Now it’s
>lmao fuck those previous characters you liked, they’re fat ugly black women now. We’re being so progressive right now and anyone who doesn’t think this is a 10/10 movie is a racist!

Something like black panther or Shang chi are cool because it’s just minorities being pretty cool. I think bp is overrated but the character and movie are good enough.
Something like miles or riri however feel offensively bad because it’s just characters being blackwashed and told they’re 100x better than the previous characters they’re taking the place of, while being complete obnoxious trash

Nextgen had a ton of progressive messaging but it felt natural and wasn’t about how evil other politics were. There were plenty of episodes where they landed on conservative planets and while it was seen as kinda dumb overall it was respectful toward the species and they left on good terms. Though I’ll admit I haven’t watched anything dept ng

>> No.10843312

I’d also just add that a lot of the representation back then was tokenism which we now regard as pretty racist and not that progressive anyways. The token characters were defined by this generation of film.

>> No.10843315

Yeah, nah, people whined about it in the 90s. It was just Republicans didnt make us pay attention to the handful of retards back then. Instead they just had David Duke or whoever on Donahue. I hate LARPING zoomies.

>> No.10843346
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>affected with periodic insanity dependent on the changes of the moon," from Late Latin lunaticus, "moon-struck"
>The moon is typically associated with the feminine
>Aren't actually women
Many thoughts, head full. Need time to process.

>> No.10843376

Except certain parts were done tastefully and other parts did cause issues. Affirmative action was a big deal and it was banned because it was fucking stupid. Most of us thought we got passed this bullshit but it’s returning. It’s double stupid now because we already figured it out that required hiring based on skin color is racist and demeaning, and also illegal.

>> No.10843381

It was dirty sissies instead

>> No.10843399

The brain cutting actually helps some stuff, it’s not as ludicrous as it sounds.
Off the top of my head, in some more serious cases of epilepsy it can greatly reduce seizures and other symptoms

>> No.10843410

Its a technicality, in some very very extreme cases its better than the alternative (being death) to have a last effort hail mary and hope for the best.
Even at it's best its extremely risky and the vast majority of patients were brain damaged and crippled at best, or just died soon after. And very few actually ever saw improvement. It was never anything more than pseudoscience, in that yes, cutting apart your brain causes changes in behavior, so lets just hypothesize random bullshit and cut pieces apart and hope for the best.

Very niche cases don't justify the abuse done using these methods. Breaking peoples bones and inducing comas technically has a medical use, but if you went in for a physical and had your leg broken you'd be pretty pissed off.

>> No.10843411

Miles was handled really well, i disagree completely on that (at least in the spiderverse movie, i have no idea if the comics are the same, but they also have like... 1% of the reach the movie did, do they don’t really matter).
He is very explicitly his own character, and the movie constantly drives home that point. He is a “Spiderman”, but he’s not Peter Parker. Just like Barry and Wally are both Flashes (or hell, as a more explicit comparison John and Hal are both Green Lanterns), it’s a title and a mantle that’s shared between them. No one’s saying they’re the same, and in fact the movie goes out of it’s way to drive in the opposite.
The multiverse schtick is used to hammer out that point really fucking hard - that all the different ones are both their own people and Spiderman, and the ongoing theme of legacy - both with Peter B. and his universe’s Peter as well as with Miles’ uncle and his father is the central emotional plot of the movie. They worked really fucking hard to separate him from Peter Parker - who, by the way you would still see new movies about because they were making both at the same time.

>however feel offensively bad because it’s just characters being blackwashed and told they’re 100x better than the previous characters they’re taking the place of, while being complete obnoxious trash
straight up just didn’t happen, aside from you thinking he’s obnoxious, which is pretty much on you

>> No.10843419 [DELETED] 

well I had a bigger rant going, but miles in comic is shit, and tldr nobody gives a shit about miles other than the fact he's black spiderman with special donut steel powers. people can claim he's diversity done right, but if he was he'd be something other than just black spiderman, like black panther.

but this is a thread about why trannies are shit not why wokeism and forced diversity is shit.

which, in cases like umbrella academy pissed me off. because they went from having a lesbian relationship to
>lmao i'm trans now dudes, call me a guy now
which just further enforces that, well if you're not completely 100% stereotypical woman, you're basically a man and should cut your tits off.
and we're seeing far too many trannies shoved into ever big show nowdays, almost any given supernatural show i wanted to give a chance i dropped the moment they started shoving trannies in them.

and unlike being black or asian in a big role, this just encourages retarded kids into thinking stupid bullshit.

>> No.10843423

fuck it ignore that last post, this isn't /tv/ either and i don't feel like continuing that argument.

trannies at cons are annoying and cancer, and extremely ugly and cringe. i hope the fuck off soon and i hope this retarded fad dies quickly.

>> No.10843573 [DELETED] 

white men are the biggest recipients of affirmative action. I wish someone would cull us. Like 95% of my fellow white men are evil or useless. If they all died the world would improve drastically. Plus I'd get to smash even more poon.

>> No.10843634

>t. Indian hopeless

>> No.10843943

Before the Homestuck cosplays and panels invaded and ruined everything? They were great. There were actual anime conventions.

>> No.10844038

>Miles was handled really wel
Miles is very big blatant tokenism. Even when he was announced me and my black buddies cringed. And no hispanic cares about him. he's literally a liberal's pet project.

>> No.10844047

God I miss when anime cons were about anime. As soon as they stopped playing anisong at the dances it was all downhill.

>> No.10844059

But now they have vtubers djing

>> No.10844062

i wish vtubers would go away. they're low quality idols and most of them suck at everything.

>> No.10844087
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>> No.10844089
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>> No.10844211

False flagger who's not white? Fuck off. Though I doubt it and this probably is a self-hating whiteboy, in which case just kys desu

>> No.10846515

There's always been no lack of queer weirdos at cons and I never really cared but the last one I went to may as well have been a gay pride event. The only anime related panels were packed or the door and everything else was dead. I felt pretty triggered seeing a ftm with her shirt off. I'm not cool with seeing what is clearly a mentally ill young woman's surgically removed breasts or in the open. I never cared about seeing men dressed as maids and such.

>> No.10846694

Way more female sexuality/male hetero appeal, but gay stuff was pretty casual too. This was in a very liberal city though. The gay/bi/lesbian stuff wasn’t a huge deal, but kept to its own little section. Way more laid back, less preachy.

>> No.10846916

>before trans people existed? Like pre-2012
Should we tell him?

>> No.10847126
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>>before trans people existed? Like pre-2012
>Should we tell him?

>> No.10847134
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>Trans women are as likely to assault you as anyone

>> No.10847684

Bro you have no idea what I'd do to be with a two headed woman. Conjoined twins are my fetish, and I think more cosplayers should try to cater to my fetish.

>> No.10848053

no one wants to fuck you ugly losers esp not transbians lmfao we all know you don't wash ur pussy

>> No.10848461

sakuracon made me realize why this thread exists now

>> No.10848467

Well, the OP of this thread is hosting a Sakura hotel party right now, and he agrees

>> No.10848472

His majestys prison data in an unsourced macro?!?!? I will now be a tory!!!!!!!!! Heckin based and red pilled Fren! I know youre actually a leftist tho right ;)

>> No.10848851

HRT has left you brain damaged.

>> No.10848861

the archive link doesn't work
why should anyone trust an image without a source?

>> No.10848868

Because it makes trannys look bad, duh. Billionaires paid good money to make sure you're angry at trannys. And are you going to disappoint them?

>> No.10848871

Are you retarded?

Also worth pointing out that the number of trannies in the overall population has been overestimated due non-English speakers not understanding the gender identity question on the census, so the real rate of troon rapists is going to be even higher.

>> No.10848872

Sure it is. Sure. A castrated man on HRT raped someone. Definitely happened. Thanks JK for your billions in propaganda.

>> No.10848873

Official government statistics not valid enough for this troon.

>> No.10848909

>Billionaires pay for trannies to be in the news/tv/movies constantly, pushed as a protected class politically, the literal president shills for trannies right after a trannie shoots up a school
We can use our eyes and ears just fine and know trannies are mentally ill and so are you.

>> No.10848941

Kewl Republicanposting bro

>> No.10848942

Mentally ill lardass, say "what"? Neck yourself already, to be desu fampai.

>> No.10849012

You are a mentally ill freak. Stop lying. Get help.