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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10816241 No.10816241 [Reply] [Original]

New feels thread, old one is autosaging. Post your feels about cosplay or lolita things.

I'll start:
>tfw I will never be a cute lolita at an alpaca meet w/ my cute lolita friends because 1. no alpacas and 2. no cute lolita friends

I can deal with my local lolitas being obese or itas but 90% of them are also aggressive SJWs with neopronouns like "ae/aer" & are eager to cancel people for making eye contact. I am doomed to be a lonelita for as long as I keep up this hobby

>> No.10816244

Old thread:

(I think it may be useful if you browse through all the threads in the archive)

>> No.10816248

OP, worst that happens is you get excluded from circles in which you don't want to be, best that happens is that the outdoor contact gives them a reason to mellow

Could be worse, at least æ doesn't have a diaper under ær petticoat

>> No.10816251

>tfw a bunch of people in my local comm posted Harry Potter coords for Halloween and all the responses were positive
No doubt some of our countless genderspecials are seething but it’s nice that they’re keeping it to themselves don’t feel they’re in a position to bully anyone about it. Last year someone in a local knitting/crochet group was banned and put on a blacklist for knitting a Hufflepuff scarf.

>> No.10816262

You know those fujoshis who cannot even have a normal relationship because they fantasize about homosexual men having gay sex all the time?
I'm like that except the opposite. I'm only into this weebshit because of my obsession with lesbianism

>> No.10816294

I miss wearing lolita. I feel pretty when I wear it but I feel silly and like people won’t take me seriously if I wear it in day to day life. I also need to lose some weight to fit into most of my clothes well again.

>> No.10816323

>Last year someone in a local knitting/crochet group was banned and put on a blacklist for knitting a Hufflepuff scarf
What the fuck

>> No.10816744

I haven't been to single meet or bought any lolita since becoming unemployed due location change. Now I can't get employed again and if this goes on I'll have to sell my wardrobe to afford food..and on top of everything I didn't even want to move here but I didn't have a choice

>> No.10816751

I've been working (full time job + school) for literally 14 hours a day every day and my brain is melting. I'm in a masters program and am also working full time as a SWD, my entire life is math and I want to die. I can't complain to anyone because after you turn 25 no one gives a shit about your life anymore.

>> No.10816794

I'm volunteering for a local con for the first time. Hope I make some friends.
Anyone have experience volunteering? I'm on the "security" team and am curious what to expect

>> No.10816895

You. I like you.

>> No.10816898

Sounds like an actual ass con
Every decent con I've been to hired actual police for security
The problem with hiring people who arent police is they cant tell when people are high on drugs, police can usually tell

>> No.10816899
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The amount of unlikeable people cosplaying CSM has increased so much since the anime premiered. Clout chasing whores cosplaying makima and honry teenage boys cosplaying denji. I mean I guess it's like this every time an anime adaption of a popular series starts but still. Kobeni cosplayers are at least high effort with their McDonald's meme, kind of cute.

>> No.10816913

I did something bad while wearing my favorite IW blouse and now I can't wear it anymore without thinking about it. And I would guilty selling it so it's just sitting in the back of my closet

>> No.10816916

So a while ago I was a bitch in this here feels thread talking about how I went to a huge comm meet and witnessed tiktok efame whore and her taobao beta orbiter. Anyways, I actually got to know both of them and we have a lot in common. The tiktok girl is actually super sweet and isn't an efame whore at all, she keeps all her socials on private and wearing lolita helps her with her mental health struggles. The taobao girl is also really cool, turns out we went to the same school for the same intensely difficult/competitive major, and she's extremely intelligent, way smarter than I am. The three of us hang out regularly now and have a great friendship, and I feel so bad and cringe to think about the mean things I said about them here before giving them a chance.
>sage for blogposting, but check your salt every once in a while gulls, it's easy to get caught up in the toxicity on here

>> No.10816917

Wearing lolita fashion is very effective at cheering me up so I think I should do it more. I'm considering becoming more of a daily lolita and making changes to my wardrobe to make it more practical, and then getting some cute lolita-adjacent room wear for when I just want to bum around the house.

I wonder if this cheerful/antidepressant effect is why people become lifestyle lolitas.
I'm concerned it will stop working if I do wear it every day because then there's the possibility I will stop seeing it as special.
Now when I wear lolita fashion it makes me happy to finally see myself again, to see who I am as a person reflected on the outside, and it provides relief from being in boring normal clothes which always make me feel like I'm in some kind of prison when it comes to self expression.
Lolita fashion makes me happy even if the only thing I do is wear it and see myself in the mirror. I feel like myself in it.
Interacting with the community by talking and sharing outfit pictures are nice extras of course, but I also agree with some posters here that there are negative sides to the community.

I do have a "persistent depressive disorder" diagnosis, and used to take anti depressants because that was what the psychologist recommended. Because my depression is mostly a product of my circumstances I never felt like anti depressants did much, and when I learned about their side effects and how that could interact with my insulin resistance I decided they weren't worth the risk so under supervision of the psychologist tapered off them and stopped taking them. Therapy was more useful, it didn't make me happy (I don't think it's supposed to either), it gave me the tools to create a slightly better life.

Being with friends gives me joy in the moment, wearing lolita fashion gives me joy in the moment. I'm concerned it will stop giving me joy once I go from an occasional lolita to a daily lolita/lifestyler.

>> No.10816918

great redemption arc anon :) Good for you and a lesson to us all.

>> No.10816925

you sound like a clout chaser

>> No.10816933

>meet a normie who's genuinely interested in me
>really like her
>she's really cool
>we get along well
>feel the need to hide my interest in jfashion and cosplay because I don't want to seem like a dork

>> No.10816952

tell us the bad thing you did

maybe you can do a good thing in the bliss and they’ll cancel each other out

>> No.10816955

sage 4 autocorrect typo
*blouse, not bliss

>> No.10816978

girls like dorks

>> No.10816987

It's nothing illegal if that's what you're thinking.

>> No.10817003

>ask a cosplayer on twitter where they found those shoes they're wearing
>they only get like 3-5 comments per post so its not like they're being flodded, surely they can help
>get ignored

>> No.10817011

She's not a girl though. She's a grown woman. Like significantly older than me
And I really don't want to seem immature

>> No.10817013

they don't owe you anything

>> No.10817025

they don't but how rude of them

>> No.10817027

o nonnie I feel you so much. I had the same shit happen and I ended up selling like half of my closet. Still in the shits and crying myself to sleep.

>> No.10817030

It's not rude to not respond to a rando's comment whatsoever

>> No.10817049

>be me, live in city, good salary
>over the summer did lots of social things because I'm cool and popular™
>partying, dining out, and enjoying delicious things
>dat weight gain
>muh brand feeling a bit tight

Maybe I need to adapt the 80's version of partying and buy cocaine instead of bougie three course meals and mixed drinks.

>> No.10817110

just stop going out to eat, save that money for lolita, eat sensible meals at home and bring food from home with you when you are out and about, avoid liquid calories, move your body in ways you enjoy (although this technically isn't necessary for fat loss, but it can help) like walking or dancing.
Ignore the drugs.

>> No.10817112

>bring food from home with you when you are out and about
holy fuck no. you sound like a fucking loser. and a poorfag.

>> No.10817128

Yeah this all makes sense, and I generally do most of these things (bringing food to work, moving around, avoiding liquid calories) but lately I was leaning into those bad habits. Kind of hard to not eat out when friends are involved was my main point. I was joking about the drugs desu.

>> No.10817138

making your own food and bringing it along really helps you control what goes into your mouth. When you buy food from stalls or restaurants you don't always know the ingredients, macros and calorie count.

Unless you're very very rich you still don't have an unlimited budget for lolita. Going out to eat often, having mixed drinks often, buying food on the go (not from supermarkets) often, can really add up at the end of the month. It could be 500 or 600 extra dollars a month. You could buy one or two dresses for that. Your choice.

reassuring to hear that anon. I now understand some bad habits were creeping in and you nipped it in the bud. May your dream dress appear at a time you have the funds for it :).

As for socializing with your friends, I totally understand it. If you have to /want to go out with your friends there are options that aren't as fattening. Tell your friends that you love going out with them but have gained weight as a result, and if they want to go to places that serve less fattening options.
My friends and I do brunch every so often on a saturday or sunday. Sometimes we go out, sometimes we each make some dish(es) and have brunch at one of our houses. There is unhealthy/fattening stuff there but we always make sure it's balanced with something more healthy/less fattening.
I'm sure that without me my friends wouldn't care about that since they either fall into the "can eat whatever they want and stay slim" category or the "is overweight but doesn't really care, just doesn't want to become obese" category.

>> No.10817147

yes, losing weight
Eating food at restaurants and cafes is a ridiculous amount of calories. Part of being on a diet is changing habits and choosing to better yourself. Not blindly keeping up with the joneses. There's social pressure to eat unhealthy foods, and part of being on a diet is freeing yourself from other people's expectations.

I've met plenty of lolitas who pack their own food from home or order something small and light off the menu. I really wish lolita culture could decentralize itself from meeting up specifically to eat. Especially foods with no nutritional value like macarons and bubble tea.

>> No.10817154

>I really wish lolita culture could decentralize itself from meeting up specifically to eat.

I wish more social interactions didn't centralize around food.
But I don't go to meetups that often that I have to be very restrictive that day. If I go to the meetup I'm still having whatever I like. Sometimes I will skip things if I think the flavor isn't worth the carbs/calories. Plus I always value trying something new over having more of the same. I really don't need or want two of the same cupcake.

If the meetup is close to my weekly weigh in I might see it reflected on the scale weight that week, but I don't go to a meetup every week so it doesn't interfere with my general weight control long term.

Picnics or potlucks are also a great option to control what goes into your mouth in my opinion. I'm just as happy eating whatever fruit I brought than I would be if I were eating cake. After all it's not the food that's the point of the meetup (at least not for me), it's socializing with other lolitas and having a good time.

>> No.10817161

i think the problem is that, at most lolita meets, people don't want to A) walk too much because of uncomfy shoes, or B) risk being outside in inclement weather. So that kind of just leaves sitting indoors.

i prefer to go to bars, personally. you can order whatever you want and nurse it for as long as you want. much less pressure than at a restaurant, where it's rude to attend without ordering.

>> No.10817164

Good points. That's why I appreciate it when someone else organizes a picnic meet. The downside of that is indeed the weather but also more prying eyes from other people.

>> No.10817175
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>go to pretty much every con within 3 hours
>live in a big metro so it's a lot of cons
>I can remember by face every regular con goer whi cosplays in my area since I only see about 300-400 people who regularly cosplay and also go to most of the cons nearby
>whenever I try to talk to someone I've talked to before they don't remember ever talking to me
I mean I never give my name or ask people for their names because I don't see the point but is my face really THAT fucking generic. I know I'm kind of an ugly guy but Jesus fucking christ it's humiliating.

>> No.10817191

Juggling food while sitting on grass (or a dirty bench) really sucks though. I only like very small, curated, fancy picnic meets and never attend comm picnics.

>> No.10817202

Are you attending by yourself? Are you wearing a good quality, recognizable cosplay? Single, unremarkable looking men have no social value at cons.

>> No.10817216

You can sit on huge picnic blankets with a waterproof side (the waterproof side goes down).
I've never had a wet, cold or grass stained backside doing this.
Picnics are also a great opportunity to show off your awesome picnic basket.
But I admit it's more practical to picnic with a small-ish group, like max 12 people, and sit in a circle and put all of the dishes in the center and just pass them along like you would at a family dinner party. I cannot imagine going to a huge picnic meet unless we split into multiple groups.
I really like picnics if the weather is dry and not freezing. I've never attended picnics with cold or wet weather so I don't have any experience with that but I would still not recommend it.

>> No.10817225

I mean I get complimented and asked for pictures around 100 times per day of a con so I think I do okay. I might just be unlikeable so people pretend they don't recognize me.

>> No.10817227

I wish all the coom/fapbait and bait threads would be deleted.

>> No.10817230

All of my lolita-wearing friends live really far away... I don't get along with anyone in my comm and I just silently left after a while. It would be nice to have local meets and take cute pictures but I just have to look forward to cons instead. :( Having long-distance besties is hard.

>> No.10817239

Me too, seeing them constantly pop up here fills me with disgust and disappointment in the human race as a whole

>> No.10817362

obviously the answer here is a potluck meet at someone's house/backyard. The best meet I ever went to was when a comm member was generous enough to open up her backyard/ living room with a patio door. she had adequate shade, and you could go inside if you were too warm/cold.

>> No.10817389

I wish I knew how to make friends. I go to conventions with my husband, and we both kind of feel like it's intimidating for others to make friendships with us since there's two of us.

>> No.10817421

I feel like a little bit of an asshole as I type this out but I'm extremely frustrated with some of my old con friends. We have been friends for the better part of a decade. They are absolutely so my oldest con friends I have but within the last few years I've just grown increasingly frustrated with them when it comes to planning any kind of cosplay group.

Again, I feel like an asshole saying it but the ball really does land in their court. Over time they just stopped watching things. There is no common interest for us to cosplay bc they don't really watch anime anymore, they don't really watch movies, they don't really consume much media at all except for playing a certain MMO I don't play. That's fine. We're still friends. We still relate to each other on other points of interest and we have a long history together to draw up on but every con we have the same discussion about how cosplaying a group would be really fun just like the old days and every time we end on this agree to disagree note and we end up not doing anything. But then come the next con we inevitably have the same conversation.

I'm not even particularly opposed to cosplaying from the MMO they like beyond spending money on a cosplay I don't really care about the source material. That's my bigger hurdle to just coming over to their side The other idea that is always thrown out there is to a gajinka groups and I... just can't be bothered. I'm not a designer. I think it often gets lost in translation and the reception to them is always lackluster. Again it sucks to pour money into a project only for no one to get it. Like I know the thing I really miss is having more common points of interest with my friends. It just manifests in their discussion about cosplay plans. The whole thing kind of bums me out. I always get a little depressed when I end up having to solo cosplay bc we just can't agree on anything.

>> No.10817422

I prefer those too.
Some local communities have rules against using the official local comm page to organize a meet at someone's place. It has to be somewhere public/neutral like a cafe or park.
I don't remember when or why they started doing this but I remember having meets at people's places through the local comm page and it not being an issue.
Maybe they changed it because of something to do with liability.
Or it's because we have (or used to have, I don't know if he's still active) a comm member who would regularly offer to use his living space as a meetup point with the excuse that it was in a central location, and it was obvious no-one wanted to set a foot into his place. Always made things a bit awkward.

Private potlucks will always have my preference. It's more cosy, it's a multi functional space (you could do a craft/sewing/movie meet) no prying eyes from the public, no unwanted pictures being taken, you get to see other member's cooking skills, you save a ton of money that could otherwise be used to buy lolita with.
Like seriously, the costs in gas/parking/public transport/entrance fees/food and drinks from cafes and restaurants really add up.
A lot of younger people also want to stick to very expensive and hip vegan places. Where you pay 20$ for vegan "crudités" that'll end up giving you food poisoning (I wish I was joking). That's a load of money for some raw cut up veggies.
If I go to some big central meet up and we go to a museum and have food and drinks after I could easily be 150~200$ in the hole for the whole day.
I would much rather spend that on a dress, a bag or something else.
I'm not that rich.
And at a certain point you've seen all of the museums, art galleries, parks and standard meet up points outside so you just keep going for the social aspect. That's a lot of money just to gather and talk to people.

>> No.10817540
File: 250 KB, 828x687, B471B125-D41E-4F77-8A69-B74ED1BB1F03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so incredibly tired of entitled people using the word “size inclusive” when they actually mean “larger”. I cannot understand how so many people are genuinely not capable of wrapping their minds around the idea that the average customer of this East Asian niche brand that sells ¥47000 princess dresses is not an American who takes an XL.

I don’t have a problem with fat people, by the way; I myself am too large for a lot of older lolita dresses. I just cringe every time I see someone expressing this train of thought.

>> No.10817548
File: 283 KB, 1178x427, plus size AP meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing inaccurate about the use of the term size inclusive in this context though.
If a brand keeps some items their regular size but also starts making items that have a larger maximum size they are in fact being more size inclusive because they can fit more variety in sizes.
Just because they are expanding their range by making their max size bigger and not by making their minimum size smaller does not mean they're not becoming more inclusive.

Don't get me wrong, I don't disagree with your other point. Some lolitas think that this niche japanese brands whose target demographic is japanese people and chinese people needs to cater to a US size 20 in order to not be fat phobic.

Another thing that annoys me is that more brands are providing more sizing options but people still cry as loudly as ever because it's not AP.

>> No.10817593

>I wish I knew how to make friends
>I go to conventions with my husband

>> No.10817596

I've been wearing it daily for 2 years now and the joy hasn't worn off yet, I did forgot how to co-ord normie clothes though

>> No.10817602

I'm curious, did you throw away/donate most of your normie wardrobe?
What do you wear when cleaning (specifically doing dishes and cleaning the kitchen and bathroom/toilet)?
Is your daily style more toned down than what you wear to meetups? (if you go to meetups).

Did you make any changes to your wardrobe to make it more practical or versatile for daily wear?

For example an old friend of mine was a daily lolita and she wore loads of cheap aprons and cheaper easily washable dresses (not from japanese brands) for daily wear. She kept her jpn brand for meetups.

>> No.10817614

My comm just banned these too. Or maybe we’re in the same comm? I don’t know why they banned them just now though because the guy who wants girls to come over and change clothes at his house (ugh) has been at it for years. I wish they’d just ban him.

>> No.10817738

we could be in the same comm. Does the guy look like a typical sissy/crossdresser?
I'm so tired of him. I'm sure they haven't banned him because the mods don't want to be accused of being transphobic or something along those lines. I'm not sure if the guy has ever claimed to be trans, but that's irrelevant because the mods could still be accused of being exclusionary in some way.

This reminds me of the caleb situation.

>> No.10817857

The guy I’m thinking of is Asian and afaik hasn’t claiming to be trans, but I could easily have missed it if he did. The first meetup he attended (I think) he changed into lolita by stripping down to his underwear in the middle of a public park, not even in the bushes or behind a tree or anything, after a lot of people warned him that there wouldn’t be a private place to change and it would be better to change in the toilet at the train station. He ignored them. I think he has an exhibitionism/voyeurism fetish for changing clothes because so many of his posts and meetup ideas focus on that.

>> No.10817866

we're not in the same comm, my local comm sissy is a crusty middle aged white guy with a permanent 5 o clock shadow.

And yikes that that happened to you.
Why can't your comm leadership just ban him if it's so obvious that his behavior isn't suitable?

>> No.10817926

Women hate virgins and shy boys

>> No.10817937

not all of us!

>> No.10817952

don't you dare try to give me false hope

>> No.10818110 [DELETED] 

My stupid fucking boyfriend mentioned that he doesn’t want to have to jack off using his hand anymore and wants to get I guess some sort of tenga probably or something and I don’t know how upset I’m allowed to be

I couldn’t make things even, even if I wanted to because I have absolutely no interest in getting some gross dildo or something. It also just doesn’t bode well for anything meaningful happening any time soon in our lives I think? He is a NEET and has to immigrate to be with me and if he misses my “holes” so bad but then immediately just allows himself instant gratification with some loli onahole or something what am I supposed to think or feel for our future? I saw some cute tranny webms and I think if he wanted to perform like that, put on some cute harnesses and stuff and really made it a production I would…feel better because at least I would be getting something out of it but ideally he just wouldn’t be spending money on a piece of plastic to make us not being together more bearable or whatever but would be putting every fiber of his heart and soul into us living together.

I know this isn’t cgl related but there are no good sacred vent threads left and I don’t really want to go slum around with the weirdo bitches over on lolcow or something.

I guess for something uh I was thinking it would be really fun to go to a meetup but I haven’t bought any new pieces since I last went to a meetup and I don’t get invited to them any more by my local comm and I used to be weirdly younger than everybody so it was hard to talk to people and now I’ll still be younger than all the chill beautiful OGs but there will probably be ita zoomer Steven Universe types or something that I’d be even more out of touch with and I don’t know man I wish I had some big fun nice thing I could turn to and treat myself to in times like these because I’ve been working my ass off and I’m still struggling to stay above the surface

>> No.10818121 [DELETED] 

Why is he even telling you about his masturbation habits?

So if I understand this correctly, you're in a long distance relationship and you don't live in the same country?

The way I see it;
-he's allowed to get any type of device he likes and so are you
-you're allowed to feel any type of way about it

You don't have to get a dildo. There loads of different self pleasure devices made for the female anatomy.
There's nothing inherently dirty about them.
If you're just not ready for that kind of thing yet that's fine.
Whatever he (or you) gets, it won't be a replacement for irl intimacy.

If you're worried about the money he's spending on such a device instead of on your future, may I remind you tengas are cheap?
The one time use ones are really cheap and the reusable ones some of them cost 20$.

>> No.10818123

Because we tell each other everything. We have phone sex all the time, I let him convince me to share nudes even though that was something I never never wanted to do, I do everything I can to satisfy him. The other night talking (I guess fighting but not really just kind of being yelled at but like wah if you can’t tell I’m obviously a dramatic baby he is talking to me unkindly about something already difficult to hear “yelled at”) about how essentially he didn’t feel like it was worth all the money he spent to come see me this first and only so far time because we didn’t have enough sex and so he doesn’t exactly feel motivated to do all this difficult stuff to get a visa. Obviously I don’t want to give enough context to be recognized so I’m only talking about the horribly hurtful shit that makes him look like a net asshole but

His reason for wanting it is to simulate a vagina. Of course I miss the feeling of being filled up, he was my first, my fingers are never going to be satisfying for penetrative stimulation ever again, it’s just tiring and frustrating. But my missing him doesn’t funnel into wanting Big Heated Rotating Gyrating Three Colors Realistic Veins Cum Tube Free Cum Bottle Free Shipping Cuntsmashinator 3000.

I know the actual monetary amount isn’t a big deal, it’s the principle. It’s symbolic to me and I am unironically psychotic and semi-experiencing an episode right now even though I want to immediately invalidate that because wew lass how bad could it really be if you’re still stable enough to diarypost on 4chan? I guess it’s even stupid to say semi-experiencing I am or I’m not I don’t even


>> No.10818126

it was a mistake posting here and I would delete if it wasn’t too late

>> No.10818128

If it seems like I’m flying off the handle comparing a tenga to a everything but a dragon dildo he mentioned the tenga first but we browse sex toys together all the time so I know the sort of thing he is into and I’m even okay with those being toys for play together when we are TOGETHER but I just don’t want to see it snowball into this crazy shit that will make it hard to feel respected and loved or to respect him

>> No.10818129

If you're the person who posted the non-/cgl/ feels you could try reporting it as off topic. It worked for me once. There's a chance you could get banned for abusing the report function but it may be worth a try.

>> No.10818131

Thank you for the suggestion but I’ll live I guess, I’m just realizing I literally should have just wrote it down in a diary because I didn’t want like OMG WTF HE SOUNDS LIKE A LOSER DUMP HIM ANONETTE but I also realize I can’t actually talk about the totality of everything honestly enough to open myself to advice or input that would actually help

>> No.10818138


Did you mean that he said that if you don't have x amount of sex with him and send him x nudes he think it's not worth the effort to move to your place?

>> No.10818202
File: 25 KB, 408x408, yodabreathe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw my comm mates in non-lolita clothes for the first time and one of them is caked the fuck up. I hate that we're both straight or I'd shove my whole face in those ass cheeks.

>> No.10818841

>bright sunlight triggers migraines and nausea
>ruining my social life

>> No.10818860

The thing is that you're just butthurt heading the truth. Everyone in a shitty relationship has had good times with their shitty bf. That's what attracted and kept them. But the shitty parts are what make it not worth it. Just because he's fun most of the time doesn't mean the garbage behavior is something you should stick with

>> No.10818983

Not /cgl/ related, but I feel sick

>> No.10818984

who says you have to stay straight? explore dat ass

>> No.10819039

>I hate that we're both straight
>I'd shove my whole face in those ass cheeks
Anon, I think perhaps one of you isn't completely straight

>> No.10819040

>get into nanchatte
>really enjoy it
>start dating normie
>she wants to act out some kind of weird schoolgirl teacher roleplay with me dressed in it
>some of my pieces are almost as expensive as lolita
>don't want to ruin them and think the whole roleplay thing is weird

>> No.10819043

Are you exaggerating

>> No.10819048

Be honest with her and tell her that you are uncomfortable with the role play idea. You shouldn't have to do or feel obligated to role play with her.

>> No.10819054
File: 20 KB, 412x351, 12EBFDF4-085D-4FD1-BFCE-37FEA8056FF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>find sought after dream dress on xianyu for hefty price
>no listed damage
>ships jsk to arrive just in time for con
>jsk covered in undisclosed cat hair and reeks of cat piss

>> No.10819070

When you see someone buying a piece that won’t fit them… your weight is none of my business but girl if you cut up that burando, divine punishment is coming to you.

>> No.10819082

Either tell her you just aren’t interested in trying roleplayor suggest that she buy you a cheaper uniform to do it in.

>> No.10819098

Just grow a backbone and say no. Are you a retarded child or something?

>> No.10819116
File: 26 KB, 755x603, you dun goofed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be at social gathering of your cosplay community
>one of tthe dudes lost a bet and had to wear a princess leia costume, the white dress one
>due to the high quality of the costume, which was borrowed from one of the girls, i get a little excited
>the dude bullies me a little because i'm the youngest and easily flattered
>dude sits on my lap and goes away because he felt it and because i took the initiative to hold his hip, because others did it, and i don't get to do that ofte nbecause i'm a fucking sperg
>mfw I think I made people think i'm gay

Well it's not like I was drowning in pussy before.

>> No.10819220

I'm horrible.

>> No.10819224
File: 71 KB, 843x800, BF1E63EA-F938-471F-B76A-5DA7210E1FFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>partner moves in with me
>gain a little relationship weight
>finally get a little busty/curvy which was a previous insecurity, look great in bodycon outfits
>but look awful in jfashion/cute fashion now

i hate it here i hate my life I wish I could shapeshift

>> No.10819234

Nayrt but people have sexual needs, especially in relationships. Dating someone without giving them what they need is just cruel.

>> No.10819235

You sound like a garbage asexual who won’t give a normal human being what he needs. Why are you dating someone you never even wanted to send nudes to, let alone bond with through sex? He’s right to be upset.

>> No.10819236

kill yourself

>> No.10819237

You first, asexual. You’ll never understand what being normal is like anyway.

>> No.10819264

Gr8 b8 m8, r8 8/8

>> No.10819267

I just remembered this board existed
Rather than make a new thread, I'll just ask here: Why is this board so dead? I used to browse fairly regularly back in like 2015-2017 and I never remember it being this slow. What happened?

>> No.10819268

/cgl/ has been more lolitas than 'regular' cosplay. Lolitas moved on to other places, and this is why this place is so dead.

>> No.10819269

I probably should have assumed as much. The same thing you're describing happened to /fa/, which was my other regular board. Discord groups and the need for direct social media attention ripped a huge chunk out of the userbase. God forbid that ever happens to /fit/, I won't have anywhere else left to go on the internet.

>> No.10819273

Lolita/jfashion moving to other sites, and COVID killing cons and meetups for a good two years didn't help either.

>> No.10819275

Are you okay now, anon? Please don't do anything sexual that you don't feel like doing.

>> No.10819311

I wish I was of a lighter skin tone.

>> No.10819312

My bf of 3+years broke up with me. I feel lost and confused about the meaning of life and how to find happiness. I have been so abosrbed in lolita lately, but I'm not even sure that constantly buying new clothes makes me feel any better.

>> No.10819374

Godspeed anon I wasn't that lucky however maybe tomorrow

>> No.10819421

Yeah, it's totally discord. It recently came out a bunch of lolitas were shit talking everybody else in private on a discord server. Undoubtedly, they were previously seagulls who moved to discord.

>> No.10819462

nonna :( this makes me so sad. your skin is gorgeous, i’m sure. please don’t listen to colorist bitches. your dark skin is beautiful and goes with so many different fashions and cosplays.

>> No.10819492
File: 255 KB, 680x976, 1667945467519232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl tried dancing with me at the last con I was at and I just kinda sat there then got up and left
>really bad social anxiety around women so I couldn't say anything
>feet were hurting too much to try anything because the shoes I got for the cosplay that I wore the day before were too small
>was basically there to kill time until some scheduled thing I was waiting on
I hope she read correctly that I'm just a big retard and not that there was something wrong with her

>> No.10819494

I just really love lolita fashion

>> No.10819522

people outbid others sometimes out of pettiness and competitive instinct instead of enjoyment of said piece, i just fucking know it. because how the fuck is someone going to try and outbid me on an item that’s been relisted three fucking times. whoever u are eat a dick

>> No.10819524

Maybe they simply hadn't logged in for a long while, then saw it on recent activity. Chill out

>> No.10819525

I want a con just for turbo autistic losers. I want a vendor hall full of like doujin stuff including non-porn stuff like games and music. I want to hang out with people and watch obscure 70s anime late into the night. I want a game room of like interesting stuff instead of just fighting and party games. Idk the average con just doesn’t offer what I want.

>> No.10819526

I've outbid someone for something I liked but didn't want because someone asked for the max measurements. It broke my heart knowing a fatty would ruin it.

>> No.10819546

no, this is feels thread i can seethe

>> No.10819751

I wish I had a hot boyfriend who could carry my bags for me when I wear lolita… or anything really. Need me a Prince Charming who doesn’t look like a fuck boy or some anime bishie.

>> No.10819755
File: 59 KB, 678x678, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f727949...f7578684a63727067714c374b67513d3d2d313137363936373932332e313663383932633831663437636230623632383038323339333436352e6a7067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf carries my bags because that's how things should work.

>> No.10819777

You're out of your mind.

>> No.10819807

You sound like a major faggot.

>> No.10819809

Well my gf most does crossplay as boy characters but dudes irl are gross so I dunno

>> No.10819832

>went all the way from elementary school through college as a pretty ugly and mostly friendless social outcast
>went to a big party school which sorta forced myself to learn how to talk to people at a basic level, but still struggled with the actual development of any sort of stronger relationships since I always felt like I was being annoying or a burden to reach out to people
>covid starts right after I start working out, but my gym stays open and I keep going consistently
>end up getting fairly buff, people who've seen me before vs now usually compliment me on looking way better and I'm generally treated way better now by strangers
>started going to cons again and people usually like hanging out with me when I meet them at photoshoots and the like
>usually get hit up by them to hangout whenever we are at the same cons
>still no deeper friendships develop from it since most people I have met aren't local to me and I genuinely don't understand the etiquette of DMing people and maintaining a long distance friendship without being annoying
I know my issues are just my autism and anxiety about talking to people in private, but I just hate bothering people and don't want to lose what I do have.

>> No.10820048

Just keep it up anon, it takes some time to get used to people liking you and it can be scary.

>> No.10820050

Kind of butthurt I didn't finish my props for this weekends con so I'll have to use them next week

>> No.10820107

I never said I didn't want to have sex with her. I only said I didn't want to do her weird schoolgirl spanking roleplay because it weirdos me out

>> No.10820113

Please don’t feed the troll.

>> No.10820173

I started sewing lolita clothes, and I'm kind of surprised at my progress and how I'm able to make things that look like how I want. I never really tried because most western handmade doesn't look good, but I actually like the stuff I'm making.

It's actually kind of overwhelming, instead of waiting years for the early 00s dress of my dreams that doesn't even fit well I can just... make something like it. It's like having access to all my dream dresses at once and not knowing where to start. It's weird.

>> No.10820176

For me, I want to have as many brand pieces as possible filling the "occasion slots" as I think of them (this jsk works for halloween, this one for summer, this one for operas, etc) - because in case I need to resell to clear out my closet, it's easy to do with brand pieces. You don't want to be stuck with a piece that you can't get rid of easily, so to speak.

That being said, when brainstorming, think of what you cannot find on the market and obviously what you would like to wear that is missing from your collection.

>> No.10820186

I want to go to a con as an Overwatch character but my little brother has informed me that Overwatch is a boomer game and I don't want to look like a boomer. Are there any similar non-boomer games I can pretend to like?

>> No.10820209

Go as an Overwatch 2 character instead

>> No.10820210

But I want to be Sigma. He's just like me.

>> No.10820219

I feel you man. I'd offer to dm to practice with no expectations and holding no grudges but I'm kind of a mess and interactions can drain me, or I get all excited to finally interact with someone and then feel embarassed for pouring my heart out.

>> No.10820220

Fuck my dead mother. Fuck all the people who pretended to be my friends. Fucking everything for going to shit. I have put up with so much manipulation and powerlessness. My life doesn't belong to me and other people fucked it up!

>> No.10820223

Sigma is in Overwatch 2, right?

>> No.10820224

Genshin is the only non boomer game

>> No.10820232

Yeah but his redesign is shit, I want to go as OW1 Sigma. Whatever, I already printed out the pepakura shit to make the chestplate, I'm just going to do it.

>> No.10820237

And Ultrakill.

>> No.10820286

I just heard there will be a con in town on saturday. This is much too soon to get my cosplay done and I have nobody to go with.

>> No.10820395
File: 311 KB, 806x583, disappoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I will literally have to travel to another continent, pretty much, just to have sex in costume

Fuck this hypocritical prude country of mine. I have to pay a year of savings just to have SEX, because regular people bore me and I can't have sex without my specific setup that only people in the US and Europe seem to have.

>> No.10820520
File: 3.38 MB, 1789x1782, diccha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because there's nowhere else to rant about this, I just want to say I don't understand how people froth over Diccha's resin jewellery. It's full of bubbles, isn't domed properly, and is poorly put together. I can't imagine putting something of this quality up for sale.

>> No.10820523

how tf do i advertise now? my stuff looks 1000x better than this.

>> No.10820537

At least you're not too old to cosplay like me, or sexless In Europe of all places

>> No.10820551

i'm in brazil, bro.

also, there isn't such a thing as being too old. go do your thing anon, you'll be great.

>> No.10820556

Ugh, please, anon, make some cute accessories for the fairy kei community that are well made. I will buy them all.

>> No.10820570

i'll try it! maybe i'll even make a good etsy/shopify thread to stealth advertise here when i do.

>> No.10820571 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 820x820, FB_IMG_1669435423732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that not too shy of reaching 42...

I am honestly feeling desperate to find my soul mate. And you people make it incredibly difficulty with your wicked lies you spread about me.

I simply want to adore some pretty girl with mature love and support them in becoming a influencer or uwu girl. I want to make it so easy for her to be a lolita, cosplayer, and also be fashionable to her hearts content.

Curse you all!!!
All because you wrenched itas are fat、ugly、and jealous of beautiful people! you seek salvation in woke far left ideologies ーno wonder society is falling apart because of your woe. Us Saints will never pity you. If it weren't for the law of God、We'd gladly cast you to eternal damnation

>> No.10820572 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 820x820, FB_IMG_1669435423732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that ^ not too shy of reaching 42...

I am honestly in despair of my onging quest to find my soul mate. And you serpent-like people make it incredibly difficulty with your wicked lies you spread about me.

I simply want to adore some pretty girl with mature love and support them in becoming a influencer or a uwu girl. I want to make it so easy for her to be a lolita, cosplayer, and also be fashionable to her hearts content.

Curse you all!!! You miserable arrogant cretins
All because you wrenched itas are fat、ugly、and jealous of actual beautiful people! you seek salvation in woke far left ideologies ーno wonder society is falling apart beneath your woe. Us Saints will never pity you. If it weren't for the law of God、We'd gladly cast you to eternal damnation

>> No.10820576
File: 52 KB, 820x820, Sainte can not contain the rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am honestly in great despair of my on going quest to find my soul mate. You serpent-like people make it incredibly difficulty with your wicked lies you spread about me.

I simply want to adore some pretty girl with mature love and support her in becoming an influencer or a uwu girl. I want to make it so easy for her to be a lolita、 cosplayer、and also be fashionable to her hearts content.

Curse you all!!! You miserable contemptuous cretins
All because you wrenched itas are fat、ugly、and jealous of actual beautiful people! you seek salvation in woke far left ideologies ーno wonder society is falling apart beneath your woe. Us Saints shalt not pity you whatsoever. If it weren't for the law of God、We'd gladly call upon heaven to cast of you to eternal damnation (conceivably so...)

>> No.10820582

i'd e-date you for free money if that's what you're saying. i'm a qt.

>> No.10820583

I’m so fucking angry nonnies. I purchased a pair of pink AP bloomers secondhand about a week ago. They arrived this morning and I opened them after my shift ended, about a half an hour ago. While trying them on, I noticed that they were covered in slightly faded brownish skid marks. I screamed so fucking loud that I woke up my roommate, and when I showed her the soiled bloomers she was just as shocked as I was. Which one of you degenerate diaperfags decided to smear your shit all over a perfectly good pair of bloomers? I have now lost the little amount of hope I had for this community.

>> No.10820602

Take your meds, Jacky. Maybe then you'll stop being such a cunt.

>> No.10820605

Post proofs

>> No.10820606
File: 88 KB, 828x589, 1650317772643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10820613

post pics, also faded brown stains sound more like old period stains, i was sold a petti with those on it once

>> No.10820622

Irl my dear、I need to be able to start our clothing brand and build a empire with you

>> No.10820625

It’s a troll, anon.

>> No.10820660

you're making a big mistake not giving me a chance. i can change your fate.

>> No.10820678

Vivre sans aimer n’est pas proprement vivre.

je t'aime.

>> No.10820688

you're right. are you ready to act on destiny?

>> No.10820732
File: 81 KB, 531x691, sabine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no sabine wren cosplayer to absolutely have intense sex with

>> No.10820746


Add me on discord、check the friend finder thread.

>> No.10820759
File: 34 KB, 564x564, uncanny meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw looking for some porn on leddit and I notice the girl is wearing a Hasbro Black Series helmet first thing, even before the boobs

I have reached such nerdiness levels that shouldn't even be possible.

>> No.10820839

so tired of my autismo freak facial expressions ruining all my lolita photos. i’m cute, but my photos get fucked up by my retarded sperg face deciding to blink or scrunch up or grimace awkwardly at the camera. no matter how much facial expression practice i do, it doesn’t seem to matter in photos. 99.9% of my coord photos come out hideous and unpostable and it’s so frustrating.

>> No.10821040

I should judge less. Dyed hair isn't a sign of character in its own. I can't judge that they're nuts, retarded or a feminist because of the dyed hair.

And I'm probably judged hardly too exactly because of that: too h

>> No.10821056

>I can't have sex without my specific setup
Which is?

>> No.10821059

I’m sad the draw thread died…

>> No.10821147
File: 66 KB, 516x723, alicescared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at tea
>the new girl says "I'm going to commit return fraud at Amazon dot com."
>mfw the comm elders pull down her thong bloomers and spank her bare ass red
Who the fuck says that shit when the comm president and first gentleman are visiting?

>> No.10821197

It died because Etards try so hard to be bullies. Like、can you not???

But please understand that They weren't bullies, they're just a bunch of insecure cowardly itas with poor emulation of actual bullies.

>> No.10821363

I thought I should start thinking about what to do for next year's cons.
But I'm just feeling lonely, I want to meet people all the time why must the nerd corner in the city be gone and why couldn't I be a part of it while it still existed something like that would have been perfect but it literally doesn't exist
and I never make friends either I've lost maybe two people this year my social life is wilting away, and I looked at my facebook what happened a few years ago and people actually mentioned me and commented on what I wrote but that wouldn't happen now.
Someone commented that they always saw me alone at cons and other places too when I wrote that I didn't enjoy myself at a con and suggested that I went with someone. Like that's a choice? I want to respond, all these years later

>> No.10821378

I feel great! Each con I go to with my friends has increased my social network and I feel as though I'm becoming more socially capable each time. Each con I go to I feel more confident in my cosplays. I'm still too shy to commit to the raves without having drinks beforehand, and I missed the rave at the last con I was at because it ended far earlier than I thought and I was grabbing another drink with friends.

I'd like to meet people outside of my friend group, but find it hard to follow up as I have an empty instragram.

>> No.10821415
File: 185 KB, 600x600, 1651546328405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the convention is on saturday and i was supposed to have the seamstress deliver it today

I've spoken to friends who know her personally and they say that she's most likely in a hurry. I ordered well in advance and she knew I would wear it this weekend.

Gotta chill the fuck out, I dunno what's happening with her.

>> No.10821419

Cons that do their own “security” are cheap fucks. It’s not that expensive to hire actual security. A lot of hired security are dumbasses but it’s almost always better than a bunch of nerds on a power trip.

Enjoy your time volunteering and don’t try to get sucked into it all. Cons are kind of clusterfucks. There’s some chill people that volunteer but there’s also crazies.

>> No.10821423

Really it depends on the city and county
Some areas the police charge way too much

>> No.10821620

So my Department (Japan Studies) decided to host a cosplay contest at the end of this week and I wanted to join in, but I just tested positive for Covid. I kind of feel annoyed by it. It's not like I wanted to actually seriously try to win the contest, but the small prospect of meeting other cosplayers/animanga fans besides the lame Covid generation made me really excited for it.

My plans always get derailed due to some bullshit reason at the last minute, and I'm honestly so tired of it.

>> No.10821747

I want to cry. I want to leave this bad place that I am physically and emotionally. I can't bear it. Take me away to where I'll have peace of mind for the rest of my days.

>> No.10821750

Uh...what's eating you anon? Vent a little more so we can get an idea.

>> No.10821751

this isn't board related. anon can fuck off with her blogposts.

>> No.10821755

"I am a lolita and" I want to cry. I want to leave this bad place that I am physically and emotionally. I can't bear it. Take me away to where I'll have peace of mind for the rest of my days.

There we go, made it relevant for you.

>> No.10821764

I'm sorry. I feel the need to scream into the void when I can't keep it in me anymore. Please don't mind me.

>> No.10821851

I have specifically stopped being approached by women the more outgoing I became.

My shy introverted ass from college apparently drew in more chicks.

Also I got fat

>> No.10821852
File: 171 KB, 1386x1615, Sigma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go as the better Sigma

>> No.10821856

I’m working on judging people less too, anon. It can be hard, but we can do it.

>> No.10821858

>Also I got fat
that's why retard

>> No.10821984

I second wanting to know what your setup is. I'm intrigued.

>> No.10822017
File: 292 KB, 1213x1217, 1649991685965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yaoi con in my city moved to Paris a few years ago and turned to some fakeboi bullshit event anyway, main manga promoted there is about a straight couple and how the guy is AGP and the girl is the breadwinner
>went to Japan Expo, couldn't get an autograph I wanted because the guys at the booth were so autistic they all gave me contradicting instructions as to how and when I could meet the mangaka I wanted to see
>local con is always the same normie shit about muh pan-Asian culture, good artists don't go there anymore
>one of my friends who's into cosplay takes it so seriously she'd rather ignore us and hang out with strangers for cosplay photoshoots to the point I'm not even sure she even noticed I had to be stuck at home for weeks after getting surgery
>she didn't progress in 10 years at all and became so obnoxious and rude she made me dislike cosplay and cosplayers as a whole
>went to Japan for a year in 2020 but got covid for 3 months and had to leave after a semester
>can now go to Japan because the borders are now open but no idea when I'll be able to choose my holidays because of my shit job
>can't travel with friends anyway because they can barely walk without almost dying of exhaustion and they always want to plan expensive outings that they end up hating anyway
>another friend was illegally staying in out country due to crazy circumstances including covid, she'll go back to her country permanently in a few weeks only
>not even enough free time to just play video games or hang out with my close friends
>will go back to my shit job tomorrow because my wound is almost healed
When will it stop?

>> No.10822459
File: 1.23 MB, 640x360, 1631877278647.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to my first tea party this weekend. I hope my new BTSSB JSK comes in before then, I already have a coord in mind for it.

>> No.10822460

I recently had an epiphany that I want to become successful and exactly how I can do it. So I feel pretty good about myself.

>> No.10822507

>gothic wardrobe is well rounded and i always have every piece i need to coord
>needs to round out my sweet wardrobe with more accessories that better match coords i don’t have all the right elements for
>…blows my whole lolita budget on more moitie

why brain. why

>> No.10822552
File: 75 KB, 600x1040, big why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>con blues mixed up with the feelings that you don't have a gf even if you broke the 1,250 follower barrier and the folks who are friends with you often surpass that number

Forever alone

>> No.10822591

I want an older woman to dress her up as a kitsune and erp with her. The story would go that she wants a man for her daughter and she whisked me away because I showed kindness to insects and animals. But after bonding she decides to keep me for herself. Not only for sex but for company as well.

>> No.10822637

Somebody new joined my comm and I’m worried. They claim to be “queer, neurodivergent”, claim to have multiple personalities and some are children. I want to raise it to the mods, but I’m worried I will end up coming off as a bitch about it especially when I have never met her

>> No.10822643

yeah nonny you will come off as a bitch desu. wait until you meet her and then report to the mods for bad or disruptive behavior. you’ll just look bigoted if you say something now, and in this genderspecial era you have to be careful about your complaints in order to prevent them from backfiring. if she’s a DID larper it shouldn’t take long for her to do some cringe shit worthy of a ban anyways.

>> No.10822652

>claim to have multiple personalities and some are children
what the actual fuck. I agree with >>10822643, you shouldn't say anything yet but the whole "child personality" thing is cause for concern

>> No.10822655
File: 58 KB, 500x428, God Save the Lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to try to be active in my local comm. It's pretty dead but there's at least one lolita who lives in my city. I just really want some friends who have more than a base level knowledge of lolita.

>> No.10822662

>if she’s a DID larper
The "if" is redundant, she is definitely a DID larper. it's a huge trend now for an extremely rare disease. psychologists even debate if DID actually exists at all.

Just ignore her. I'm sure everyone else will too. hopefully she grows out of it

>> No.10822664

She only just made the cut off to join because she is eighteen and we’re an eighteen plus community. So maybe you’re right she’s just young and attention seeking.

Some of the moderators are some form of trans too but they don’t seem weird about it but to be honest it’s not the gender “queer” stuff that worries me.

It’s the child personality thing that bothers me too

>> No.10822678

I lost a lot of weight but I still look like shit in lolita because im tall and nearly all of my dresses sit on my wide fucking ribcage.

>> No.10822683

Have you tried bustier type jsks?

>> No.10822696

Do you mean the underboob style ones? If so then no, bc my boobs are big and it looks weird on me

>> No.10822697

same, JSK 'waistlines' usually hit me in the ribcage and its so unflattering and uncomfortable.
here's what i do
- mostly skirt coords
- some JSKs with low/dropped waists hit at my natural waist and it looks ok
- JSKs with adjustable straps set to the lowest setting look ok
- order from antique beast or other places that do custom measurements

>> No.10822698

DID larp is so cringe. it's just otherkin as a mental illness. they use it as an excuse to make fake imaginary personalities and be awful to people because "teehee i can't help it! it wasn't really me!" and it's so awful.

>> No.10822705

I found their carrd website and it looks like they think their other personalities are manga characters and things.

>> No.10822706

It's also genuinely harmful because for the small amount of people that legitimately have it, it stigmatizes and treats their mental illness as a game. It's fucking disgusting and while I want anon to call it out I also recognize that it probably isn't the best play for her.

>> No.10822708

sunglasses and a parasol friend. If you're a man, Sunglasses and a sun umbrella. Become the vampire larper.

>> No.10822710

cute matching mask. Or sticker. I feel your pain, non.

>> No.10822738

It will make you happier for sure, believe me. I am very similar to you anon. I've been depressed for most of my life and dove into lolita full force last year and have started wearing it daily when I'm not working. It feels awesome looking in the mirror feeling accomplished and somehow more "comfortable in your own skin". For me sweet lolita is like a coping mechanism for the depression and burnout from my minimum wage soul sucking job.

>> No.10822742

what a great year this has been for me! hope everyone has a great year too!

>> No.10822754

Our comm once had a guy who claimed to have multiple personalities, one being an uwu loli anime girl straight from one of those creepy harem animes. Nobody was allowed to question whether he was really a girl inside but even the wokest girls couldn’t make themselves believe that the uguu~ Japanese preschooler shit was genuine. I agree with the other anons that it’s best not to call her other immediately because that will put others on the defensive. Give her the space and freedom to show what a ridiculous faker she is. Everyone will get sick of it before long, especially if this is a comm for adults.

>> No.10822771

Would raise it with mods as if she has a child personality and you’re an 18+ comm she’s not always 18+, what if she switches to a child alter at a meet? That wouldn’t be fair on other comm members to now have to look after a child and wouldn’t be appropriate
If she actually had did she would be aware of that herself and would know not the join the comm on that basis
Obviously I think it’s bs too but just something to bring up to mods, and the involuntary switching is something that would only happen if she actually had did vs “switching” between alters when she feels like it or is convenient

>> No.10822782

This really worries me.

I mentioned my concern to a mod who did assure me they are keeping an eye on it and I feel a bit better. I think its the child personality bit that’s getting everybody uncomfortable because I’m sure it isn’t just me.

I noticed they changed accounts in our comm discord so maybe they saw me talking about them here. I don’t think a gull would DID larp though.

>> No.10822819

Thank you anon, I wish you a good 2023!

>> No.10822820

Yeah, it's obvious she's a teenager if she's jumping on this trend for attention. Hopefully it will pass and she will look back on it and feel embarrassed, but I would just ignore it for now if it pops up. I would be much more concerned if she was in her 20s or 30s, because then it would be too late for her to be anything but an unhinged BPD lunatic.

>> No.10822822

I just signed up for my first con :)

>> No.10822886

I wish I had more courage to wear lolita I’m just afraid of normies being weird about it all the time or people I know thinking I’m weird and dumb.

I see people wearing lolita at my local arcade all the time but it’s also in a kinda ghetto area which I find means people are more likely to be weird about things and bother me.

>> No.10822922

I lost a lot of weight right before I started wearing lolita so I did donate most of my old clothes, I have a nice selection of lolita adjacent, casual dresses that I wear around the house. I never do any chores in lolita but I do garden in it occasionally.

I wear a full co-ord everyday including hair and wrist accessories but I wear classic so it's still rather toned down and 'normal' looking compared to other styles. There's no comm in my area so I've never been to a meet but I would like to one-day.

And lastly most of my wardrobe is jp brand but more versatile stuff like ETC and Innocent World, it's pretty easy to wash and wear. The most important thing for me is comfortable shoes, I can do anything in comfy shoes. Finding good quality lolitable shoes is a lot easier for classic lolitas I think.

>> No.10822948

I hope you have a fun first con!

>> No.10822953

another con by myself because of my insufferable personality, boring life, and being too shy.

>> No.10822954

I have experienced this so many times, I got no advice but you're not alone in your suffering.

>> No.10822958

Well yeah, I went to a con today, but surprisingly, their security was better than expected

>> No.10822973

leave and don’t wear it then, but stop bitching. what do you want us to do, wave a magic wand over your anxiety?

“i wish i could wear lolita but i can’t because i’m too uwu anxious about normies!!!!1!1!” is one of the most obnoxious things to hear from non-lolitas. the answer is in your post - stop giving a fuck about what others think. there is a huge community of lifestylers out there who wear lolita every day and are tired of hearing this “oh but the normies!” sperging. yes, the odd comments from strangers can suck, but if you love the fashion enough you won’t give a fuck. and shocker - not all comments are negative. when i go out in lolita i always receive at least one compliment from a stranger.

tldr get over it or don’t, but stop this same tired diatribe. lolitas don’t want to hear it.

>> No.10822974

This is the feels thread, not the lolita general, I think it's fair to post it here.

>> No.10822978

i think i'm in this comm too you're not alone in worrying

>> No.10822988

Jesus what crawled up your ass?

>> No.10823000

I think I’m also in this comm. If you are message the mods. The more of us saying something means its more likely she’ll get kicked out or warned not to pull anything weird.

>> No.10823013

hey nonny this is the Feels Thread. I think you're looking for the Be An Unhinged Gatekeeping Psycho thread

>> No.10823015

I love the idea of you all rising up against your one deranged comm member but I have a feeling that you're actually all in different comms and this particular flavor of attention seeking is just endemic to the type of carrd-carrying zoomers who "wear j-fashion" right now

>> No.10823017

Thanks anon.

And I agree about the comment on the comfortable shoes. I don't wear classic much and mostly wear old school sweet. It took me years of buying and trying different shoes to find stuff that I found really comfortable. I have got wide feet in a size that is usually half a jpn size bigger than where most japanese brands end so I was often just happy to find shoes my feet fit into at all.

In my earlier years I wore not very comfortable shoes and toughed it out until I got home from the meet or the activity.
In my third year in lolita I was so enthusiastic to use every outing with friends to wear lolita, and would even put on ill fitting shoes to go and walk through a huge city with my friends and then come home late at night with my feet feeling absolutely wrecked.
I would never do things like that again.

>> No.10823034

Anon post some of their alters please! I need a good laugh

>> No.10823044

Nayrt but living in a ghetto area definitely makes a huge difference. I feel way more comfortable and safe wearing lolita downtown in big diverse cities than I would in some shitty ghetto town. Ghetto poor people are way more overtly rude and angry with people who look different

>> No.10823511

I wish I had a friend (another girl) who I could cosplay with at cons, do pair cosplays and stuff like that. My only friend is a guy and there’s nothing wrong with him but I want a female friend too

>> No.10823557

>another femcel video bender where i make myself hate men more than i already do
ugh why do i keep doing this, its not like i want to date anyone ever again. it just feels so cathartic to reaffirm that straight men are trash

>> No.10823563

>video bender
what's that?

>its not like i want to date anyone ever again. it just feels so cathartic to reaffirm that straight men are trash

Hating is addictive... but hate doesn't build anything. For years i've hated russians and chinese... I had to force myself into friendships with ppl from those places to create empathy and stop myself from doing that.

Perhaps you just need to meet actual nice straight men, or meet bisexual men?

>> No.10823579

Seconding >>10823563
's opinion of finding bisexuals. My soon-to-be husband is bi. He's comfortable with his sexuality and doesn't give a fuck about being emotional or things that are "not manly enough". He has empathy cause he's directly seen how shitty men can be, and is more understanding of women's issues and how important empowerment actually is. Idk if it's a non- straight thing, but most of my friends aren't straight and just straight up have more empathy.

>> No.10823580

if fucking other men is what made men more empathetic, then gay men would not screw around like sociopathic cheaters at a meat market

>> No.10823597

I don't have the opportunity to wear lolita much these days, but I have a pretty bad habit of retail therapy sometimes. It's gotten really bad since the beginning of the pandemic and being alone so much and sometimes I just buy things when I feel alone now. None of my family lives where I do and I don't talks to most of them, either. I have a few friends but most of them piss me off or don't have their shit together. I haven't gone into debt but it is getting out of control.

>> No.10823626

I'm surprised how Aliexpress costumes are coming with decent enough quality, for someone who just wants to have fun and isn't a hardcore cosplayer who makes sure it looks exactly like the anime or movie or series

>> No.10823627

Gays are another thing. Bisexuals, for experiencing attraction and often experiencing both genders and their perks, tend to be more empathic, yes.

Just like how straight guys are more "predatory", too.

>> No.10823630

I sell $15 million worth of inventory every year for my company and I realized I'm basically a pet

>> No.10823634

Faggots are more predatory than straight men. Sex addicted recruiters prey on children, women, and men alike. Read some statistics for once.

>> No.10823639

I am in exactly the same situation anon. <3 distracting myself with other things has definitely helped me to cool it on the buying

>> No.10823650

I used to struggle with this too anon. What helped me was dedicating two days of the week where I browse and buy stuff without worrying about budget or consequences, and then not buying anything outside those two days. I also ran out of space to store lolita, and staring at all the dresses I bought on impulse but don't really care about now/don't even have the time to wear was a huge motivation to only buy stuff I'll love in the long-term. Not sure if this helps. But I hope you'll feel better soon anon.

>> No.10823656

Take pics of everything in your wardrobe, or use stock pics and focus on just planning coords. This helped me to stop buying random stuff I dont need, and also you can do a test run of an item before you buy it. Taking the time to make coords of my own stuff really made me appreciate what I have. It also made me more careful and pickier about what I add to it. (I also had a really bad addiction and this is what helped me)

>> No.10823661

I can't stop procrastinating on my cosplays. I have a very hard time organizing my thoughts and focusing on work which is definitely a contributor.

>> No.10823679

I haven't been on here in years; it's so sad how the amount of posts have gone down, yet the amount of posts that are obviously by moids has gone way up. I'm getting interested in J-fashion again, but specifically a style that's almost completely dead. Most of the brands are gone or have moved on to making clothes that are a lot less interesting. Second hand items seem to be in demand, but it seems impossible to find photos of anyone wearing this stuff now, or any kind of community for it. I miss when my city had Harajuku Walks and similar events. We had so much around ten years ago, and now we have nothing, despite all the new people.

>> No.10823687

Bisexual men always ick me out. They just come off as greedy and opportunistic. Not like in the "sexuality is a spectrum" way but I could never date a man who's been with another man. It would mess with my head and give me insecurities about being enough for him or him randomly trooning out.

>> No.10823692

Bisexual men disgust me because anal disgusts me, that's it. Such an incredibly male trait to be such a degenerate coomer that you are fine with fucking a literal shithole. I would never let a bi man put his fecal matter dick in me

>> No.10823695
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Feeling smug because I missed out on the Argentina Comic Con, and it turned out to be a shitshow. I'm seeing a lot of instagram comments complaining, and some even saying that free events had more shit to do, lel.

>> No.10823701

huehuehue br

Well, that's on you. Not everyone will be your cup of tea.

>> No.10823709

what style?

>> No.10823711

Acknowledge her DID (whether you believe it or not) and use that to your advantage by explaining to the mods that having personalities that are children should make her ineligible for the 18+ comm. They are still her and therefore she is not old enough.

>> No.10823732

DID absolutely does not get diagnosed for teenagers. You're going to experience some cringe larping imo

>> No.10823739

lol wtf that sounds like a personal problem
also your sexuality has nothing to do with your gender non, look at all the lesbians in the lolita community that are perfectly fine with being women?

you know straight men like anal too non- and not all bi guys have had sex? On top of that, not all bi guys are tops. Also, you act like vaginas aren't also sometimes gross. Not saying they're the same as poopholes but I don't understand this extreme take. You think bi guys don't wash their dick or some shit? I'd hate to see the straight guy's dicks you've seen.

>> No.10823769

What do you not understand about it? You have to be some desperate coomer to want to stick your dick into a shithole at all in the first place, whether you wash it or not. Also disgusting if you want someone to peg your shithole with theirs. Straight men who like it are also disgusting.

>> No.10823774

So you just don't believe gay men can exist without being disgusting, or? Personally I find it pretty comparative to wanting to suck dick or eat someone out? Like sex is inherently pretty gross already?

>> No.10823786
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I find being traditionally beautiful as a man to be an unattainable goal and it occasionally crushes my hopes for the future.

>> No.10823794

Embrace 1980s tough guy

>> No.10823798

See >>10823794

>> No.10823801

tfw when your petti is being held in customs but u need it by saturday

>> No.10823809
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I'm actively fighting back against my innately crude nature to achieve my goals, being tough doesn't fit my ideals.

Pic related has been an inspiration since I was little, but I've had a hard time finding someone that looks more like myself that may be more achievable.

>> No.10823812

It's kind of funny seeing these people as an older gen z now because all the people my age that I know grew out of the DID/gendie phase lol. Most of these things are just social contagions I feel. A lot of people say they'll break your legs if you don't use their pronouns or respect their alters but that's not really true irl (they really don't do anything? I've said shit to people's faces and they don't fight like they claim to on twitter or tiktok), Her trans/DID phase will come and go she's just gonna be cringe for a while, wait for gen alpha's emo/trans scene equivalent

>> No.10823925

People threaten all sorts of things online that they'd never do IRL. I'm sure you have too anon. Responding aggressively to every little thing is just a waste of time. Lolitas here should already know that. Arguing with strangers IRL just means you're mentally ill.

>> No.10823967

If I ever see a lolita irl I’ll make sure to tell them they’re too tall or their chest size is too big and it makes them look like an ita :0

>> No.10824009

>ss didn't email when my items arrived
>no message about packing my stuff
>no invoice for shipping
>suddenly a shipping notification email comes in
What the heck? Now I'm worried I'm getting someone else's package.

>> No.10824011

go to therapy

>> No.10824021
File: 99 KB, 894x894, doomer meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw cosplay friends normally don't invite me to parties because I live far enough from the city and i'm usually driving, and I look like I have a disability and i've given them too many examples I kinda need someone to watch over me

I'm never having sex

>> No.10824027
File: 993 KB, 308x280, fainting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hot cosplayer i know posts video in a costume i cum easily to
>she is married, and i'm super friends with her, and her husband
>mfw i'm having guilt trips about finding women hot

>> No.10824032

if I see a lolita irl I'll tell them that I like their outfit, or I'll ask them if they're wearing Kumya's Love Heart Embroidery (which they are)

>> No.10824033

don't fap to it, that simple. no issue finding someone hot.

>> No.10824057

i won't fap, it's fine
it's just, been a while since someone that i know so well has dawned a sexual feeling in me

>> No.10824061

black mid red one is alright

>> No.10824065

Aww that’s actually really nice :’) I’m glad you guys became friends

>> No.10824067
File: 256 KB, 700x525, eyescream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it mean a girl has a crush on you if she tells you she "can't stop farting tonight?"

>> No.10824074

When you're not even interested in opening packages anymore, that's when you know it's time to stop.

>> No.10824754

>order cosplay off taobao at the end of September
>got a custom size since I'm tall but skinny even though I know I'll have to make some alterations anyways
>order keeps getting delayed because of everything going on with Covid over there
They've been decently good at at least keeping me updated with their situation, but I was hoping to wear it for a con in Mid-January and even that's looking iffy now

>> No.10824769

Drafted a really nice sleeve cap a couple days ago- my first sleeve cap that fits. My power is growing.

>> No.10824788
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>> No.10824797

Shes clearly trying to entice you by releasing pheromones

>> No.10825483

Merry Christmas /cgl/. I wish for us to all grow dumpies this year.

>> No.10825782

Where can I ask questions about repairing shoes?

She is playing a romantic tune for him with her ass trumpet.

>> No.10825800

losing weight is so hard!!
but i can do it!!

>> No.10825809
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>> No.10825875
File: 9 KB, 236x221, 601713f51dfbd24df8e60df7fb940660--wild-bill-hickock-bill-hickok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys do alt-fasion here, right? I look great in Western-style clothes. Would it be cringe to start regularly dressing like a cowboy when I live is Pittsburgh and can't ride a horse?

>> No.10825981


>> No.10825982

Who cares if its cringe? Do it. (You should definitely learn how to ride a horse at some point though.)

>> No.10826009

>Is fat
>Thinks people take her seriously
Wear the lolita sweaty

>> No.10826022

>tired of gull drama and retardation so I want to distance myself from a lot of my current con friends
>nearing 30 and feel like I'm too old to find new ones

>> No.10826058

what's the story on OP, cute and cool af

>> No.10826063

started working on a cosplay 2 weeks out from a con. it uses blue velvet and i never realized how much of a fucking nightmare it is to use it (because I've never used velvet). seriously, it's stretchy, yet very rough on the right side (so pinning it is a struggle), and it also rolls like fucking crazy. it's by far the worst material i've ever handled. I basically wrapped up the pants now, and the remainder (blazer) is making me nervous as fuck. Just gonna yolo it and try my best, if it fails, I have other backup costumes.

>> No.10826066

Still haunted by the canadian lolita that cut open old Victorian Maiden and wore it like tied onto her body, because she was so big, for photos and discord asspats. Whenever I see her post moitie coordinates on insta and just imagine how wrecked some of those pieces are.

>> No.10826069

> cut open old Victorian Maiden and wore it like tied onto her body
Pics of this??

>> No.10826135

Anon what!?

>> No.10826175

how bad is racism at cons?

I feel like people only want to take pictures of me because I'm a "brown version" of an Anime character and they want to make fun of me for being dark skinned online.

>> No.10826181


>> No.10826201

Love when cgl makes things up because the actual story is not interesting enough

It wasnt old, wasnt cut up and she probably fits it now because she lost a bunch of weight and wore it out.

>> No.10826206 [DELETED] 

i've lost 3lbs this fortnight!! i'm going for it!!

[spoiler]my legs hurt so much!!

>> No.10826207

i've lost 3lbs this fortnight!! i'm going for it!!

my legs hurt so much!!

>> No.10826210
File: 82 KB, 492x478, 1621366815273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only go on /cgl/ maybe once a year out of vague curiosity, but i can feel the pent up loneliness & discontent of people in this thread. If anyone needs a friend or just needs someone to talk to feel free to add me, I'll be here to listen.


>> No.10826213

conventions make me feel lonely because so many people have friends to go with. no one has ever asked for a picture of me and I feel like if anyone ever wanted to take a picture it's because they wanted to make fun of me online.

>> No.10826215

Please post the proof, I really want to know which one of you is telling the truth

>> No.10826217

This is a weird mentality to have if you're a clout-chasing cosplayer with multiple public social media sites and a personal "brand". Maybe try some customer service.

>> No.10826222

I mainly post for myself and friends on Instagram, but it is still frustrating trying to figure out what I did to upset Instagram and kill my reach. I still show up in tags but the traction isn’t there like it used to be. I could go weeks without posting and be fine. This is probably for the best. I don’t want to deal with the harassment that comes with being popular, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t bother me that my posts can’t make it past 50 likes.

>> No.10826233

This lolita still looks too big for most of her wardrobe. Are we posting about the same person?

>> No.10826420
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>> No.10826423

I go alone and I feel lonely too. But people think I look cool and I don't show my face. If you feel laughable then do something about it. Work out, diet, get better at crafting. Also hide your face.

>> No.10826481

I wish she knew how much I love her. I’ve never been more sure of anything than this.

>> No.10826525

I know that feel. It took me six years to tell her. I don't think I deserved romantic affection at the time but she really really hated my being alive for some reason. Bullet dodged as it tured out. She had issues from her parents' divorce and wanted to fuck her brother, who was uncomfortable around her.

>> No.10826557

Looking back a few years I'm not so proud of the person I was and the addictions I had, I hurt some people. I hope they're doing well nowadays, I miss having a local friend group

>> No.10826761

I wish I was happy

>> No.10826766

Same anon, same.

>> No.10826836

Sad about my crazy ex BF. I remember posting on here years ago about his insanity. He tried to kill me sometime after my posts. Severely mentally ill people should not date.

>> No.10826852

Trying to hurt others doesn’t make you look cool. You look incapable of empathy, like you enjoy hurting others.

>> No.10826914

That's your issue. You and your husband are not a unit and are not the same person. Stop acting like a package deal and grow your own personality and maybe people will pay attention to you.

>> No.10826917

I got home yesterday from staying with family, I always stay with family when we celebrate christmas and new years. Usually I stay a little longer and go home on the 2nd or 3rd of Jan. But this time I felt like I needed to go home asap instead of lounging around at my family's place after we had done all of the clean up and the repairs/tasks our mom always saves up for this occasion. :) I like the holidays but I'm glad it's over because I don't like the continued disruption of my usual routine. I always feel a bit off between christmas and new years.
And the food. I love holiday food but I don't want to eat the same (delicious but fattening) thing for multiple days. This past holiday season (as well as the one before that) I did fairly well eating sensible meals between christmas and new year instead of using it as an excuse to eat more unhealthily, eating from what's in the cupboards/pantry instead getting fresh ingredients from the grocery store like I should, or even worse going to the grocery store and buying junk. In the past I've had trouble getting back on the horse after new years as well, and I'm always scared I won't be able to do it. But this probably happened because "the horse" I was supposed to be getting back on back then was very inadequate nutritionally speaking. Last year I managed it fine because "the horse", then and now, is just eating sensibly (not too much, not too little, balanced, healthy). I came home yesterday on the Jan 1st, ate some of the last junk left in the house until I was satiated, and when I woke up this morning I was able to go back to eating my sensible meal plan no problem. I didn't feel deprived or had thoughts of foods I'd rather be eating. I enjoyed what I ate and felt good. I felt so much relief. I was scared of continuing the junk food, not getting back to my usual meal plan, gaining weight quickly and then not fitting into my lolita pieces again until I kick myself in the butt.

>> No.10826931

Aww, here’s some advice :)

Maybe split up for a couple hours on one of the days. It’s true I wouldn’t want to approach a person who already has a group. Some of my best memories is being at a con alone and playing video games with strangers. A good example is if there’s a panel only one of you wants to go to, use that time to split up and get to know new people and you guys can get back together after with them.

As for making friends, don’t be on your phone the whole time, look available, like make eye contact with people and smile to them, etc, Do something to spark conversation with people the most obvious is wear a cosplay even if it’s a bad one or display something that says something about your interests (ita bag, etc?) just something to bond with people over…

Hope this helps and good luck!

>> No.10826964

>town has a discord where people organize meetups and such
>make a bunch of friends I see at meetups all the time
>meet chick and start dating her, she's unbelievably hot
>she's happy with me and I (think) I'm happy with her (never had an actual relationship before)
>she has a lot more "weight" with some of the people that organize events in the group
>starting to feel less like my own self and more like "X's boyfriend" in the group dynamic, basically need to ask to get invited to events whereas she's just at all of them

I saw she and a bunch of people from the discord went to karaoke yesterday on her insta and I'm pretty pissed I didn't get an invite, esp since the other people were (what I assumed) were our mutual friends. Guess they're her friends rather than mine.

she's also suggested a bunch of places to go to, I said that I'd be down to go, and then she proceeds to just go with her friends, and promises that we'll go together on a date there later. this has happened twice now.

i'm honestly super pissed.

>> No.10826965

You have to accept that becoming friends with people takes time and that it might never happen with some of the people who were friends with her first since people often avoid becoming close friends with the partners of people they were friends with first because they know it's going to get really awkward if you two break up.

>> No.10827019

thanks anon. I just confronted my girlfriend about it and she just said that she thought I was busy because I told her I was working on cosplays, so she didn't want to bother me. we made up and we're back to good.

moral of the story to other people, just communicate with your s/o.

>> No.10827022

For the last year or so i almost completely isolated myself from everything. I still tried to do my best to feel better but nothing works to keep the intrusive thoughts away anymore and I can’t take it anymore I can’t I can’t I can’r I can’t I can’t I’ve done everything lol I’m too tired to fight it, I just want to accept it and be done I accept I’m just one of those messed up fucks that can’t be fixed but fuckibg assisted suicide isn’t legal here. I only was too scared before because I didn’t want someone I live to see or for a random person to see. They don’t deserve their lives fucked over me. Im sorry I am but thank you snyway

>> No.10827044

Nta but you should try to communicate with everyone who isn't a stranger to you otherwise slights, misunderstandings and words behind one's back will fester and breed resentment.
Also you sound jealous of your gf's success, which isn't a bad thing. It is neutral. It's like fire and tools. Their use is up to you. If you try to destroy the other person, it is bad If you work to get yourself on the person's level, it is good. And in your case the person you're jealous of is so close to you that you can observe her extensively. What cosplay are you working on anyway?

Did you have a manipulative parent?

>> No.10827047

I love lolita but I absolutely suck at hair and make-up and it drowns me of all my energy to try and put enough effort not to completely ruin my coord. I wore lolita too often over the last two months and now I'm burnt out

>> No.10827056

>> be lonelita
>> no social media
>> no drama
>> no sadness
>> no e-fame hungry vultures

Bye gulls, I'll be back in another six months.

>> No.10827066

you didn't greentext properly and forgot the part where you have no friends so you needed to post this on here.

>> No.10827078

predator vibes, kill yourself as soon as possible

>> No.10827097

I’m thinking the same anon. My comm went to shit since efame drama itas and discord leak

>> No.10827098

Don't leave, the board needs more people!

>> No.10827099

You’re on 4chan

>> No.10827153

same. styling hair and doing makeup is so draining. it doesn’t help that most popular makeup styles in the west and in Japanese magazines make me look like a troon. I gave up on anything fancy and just do a loose curl at the ends of my hair and some tinted moisturizer + concealer, fuck wearing eye makeup multiple times per week

>> No.10827209

This. Except I got "normal" friends, tried to weed them out a little to see which go with a general kawaii aesthetic/lifestyle (getting stoned for afternoon tea is not what I call "kawaii" for example), and have fun with normal people in more or less "lolita" activities.

> no social media (well, very little)
> no drama
> no sadness
> no judging
> no backstabbing
> no pain
> no insecurities
> no trannies at every turn
> no e-fame hungry vultures

It's great. Downside is chatting of specific lolita topics is not ideal, because to them 2nd hand Bodyline is the kawaiiest thing in the world. I "educate" them a little, so they know better, but still, for a lolita concern I have to end up here.

>> No.10827244

>make me look like a troon
Must be the jawline. Have you considered hiding it with something? Like a beard.

>> No.10827650

Hey I'm doing a master's program in math too; it tends to get pretty darn lonely. Math people are known to be pretty solitary in general I guess; my advice would be to try and meet people outside of academia through mutual interests. It's hard to rant about math stuff to outsiders but hey I can at least complain about how utterly incompetent and overwhelmed I feel.
Honestly, it is a bit hard to connect with people who don't do math because math is just such a huge part of my life now...

>> No.10827977

>getting stoned for afternoon tea is not what i call kawaii
maybe not but it sure is fun kek

i tend to avoid lolita circles for similar reasons, though. too easy to ruffle feathers. as a result, /cgl/ ends up my only frequented place for lolita conversation, and with how dead the board is, unfortunately it’s at times less than stimulating. pros outweigh cons though for your aformentioned reasons. heavy on drama, backstabbing, and judging.

>> No.10832165

I love tattoos but I'm pretty sure I'll stick to only getting ones that will always be covered by lolita, at least for now. I don't know how I could make them work "with" a coord, especially because my preferred lolita substyles do not mesh well with the kind of tattoos I like.
Haven't seen many other people pull off lolita with tattoos, either.

>> No.10832273

What is your preferred sub-style?