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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 46 KB, 408x120, 2023_N64_Logo_Website.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10807022 No.10807022 [Reply] [Original]

Final Destination, Masks/Jabs Only, 5 stock.

Who's ready for this shitshow in 2023?

>> No.10807025

I had to ask JKid the other day why the fuck he was surprised about Magfest double downing on Mask and Quarantine Mandates when it was pointed out that there was a massive staff change from the old days. Like I flat out told the dude I refuse to organize meet ups for that con until shit goes back to true normal. It's a shame too because it's the only con I have seen with a true Megaman cosplay scene.

>> No.10807026

Looks like plenty of people are still going to this because all the hotels in the harbor are either sold the fuck out or charging wallet raping rates for rooms. People are desperate for social interaction out here.

>> No.10807031
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yeah, the people who were being gatekept out, are now in charge, and have chased off all of the old staff through gatekeeping
if im not mistaken, mag buys up/reserves all of the rooms in the gaylord from them, then doles them out through their lottery system. dunno about surrounding hotels though

>> No.10807033


Yeah it fucking blows. Maybe I'll try and work on trying to get the South / Texas to be the new place where we can cosplay Mecha shit and not be fucking gatekept by equality. It'll give me an excuse to work on Rockman Dash or Luminous Avenger IX again.

>> No.10807204

Magfest really going out of their way to virtue signal themselves as the defacto bugman con aren't they?

>> No.10807209

I think MAG included the surrounding hotels as a backup in their lottery system. If you didn't get a gaylord room, they would have the other hotels available.

>> No.10807226
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Average MAGfest attendee.

>> No.10807245
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the turning point, was the whole "FriendsofMAG" protest. All because some uppity bitch (Looking at you, Debra) got fired for violating her NDA, after multiple writeups. And then, every part of mag staff became "problematic", and this giant push happened to accuse the board and current leaders of bigotry, misogyny, not being "diverse enough", etc. ALL of their covid shit is complete virtue signaling, too. Registration sure was socially distanced last time, wasn't it? Just like the mosh pit that was allowed to happen at concerts!

>> No.10807257

The target audience was still always like this and more susceptible to this kind of shit though.

Most of the self proclaimed "magfam" are late 30s+mid 40 year olds obese consoomer scrubs who spent most of their time on Reddit during the other 361 days out of the year that is not MAGfest.

I just love it though, cons are making clowns out of themselves while the rest of society moves on back to normal.

>> No.10807292

Most of what cons have to offer has been fully replaced by the internet anyways. Shopping, trailer reveals, special announcements, concerts, etc. You want a panel? You can just get a bunch of people together for a podcast or video call stream. The only thing you really lose out on are the social events and the chance to rub elbows and network with other people, but the majority of attendees at these events are fucking nobodies anyways.

>> No.10807297

the original staff just wanted a big video game party. Nu-staff wants an actual convention for networking, and are now seeking out corporate sponsorship to foot the bill. Don't even get me started about the Smithsonian con-game they pulled to get non-profit status.

>> No.10807299

damn, remember the good old days when MAG was proud to talk about how it wasnt a corporate sponsored event?

>> No.10807300

of course they want a networking con. neostaff dont have any innate skills themselves, so they want to just *Know* people who can get them what they want.

>> No.10807311

It's gonna be masks forever at some of these cons, isn't it?
Seems like most people that don't want to wear masks end up doing anyways. So having a mask policy gives cons free virtue signaling points with no loss of profits.

>> No.10807360

So... What happens if Katsucon had no vaccine mandate and masks are only suggested?

>> No.10807366
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Don't worry, they really don't care.

>> No.10807369

Good. He can keep jerkin it to himself rather than jerkin it at MAGFest

>> No.10807378

who the everloving fuck uses discord light mode?

>> No.10807382

Not a chance in hell. People were asking me just last week if I'm going to Katsu and I told them all the same thing. "Probably, but I'm not paying to actually attend", meaning I'm already 100% sure they will never budge. The fact that I'm on their website right now and see no mention of a negative test proves that even further.

>> No.10807385
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Not Discord, but mag's private Slack server. They love lording access to it over people. Even seen some people throw hissy-fits/complete meltdowns when they get removed from Slack. It's cult-level dependency.
If anyone feels like sitting through 6+ hours of bullshit, have a look at this past spring maccon - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2fNNikUkOE

>> No.10807392
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>Big video game party
>By gamers for gamers

I want to go back. It’s like the only time I’ve seen the Gazebo not fucking filled 24/7 and the only time I’ve seen the Gaylord not fucking filled shoulder to shoulder because every social media influencer is there for updoots.

>> No.10807396

Troons are one in a thousand in the general population. How the hell is MAGfest 6.4% (at the minimum) troon?

>> No.10807397

Wait what are you talking about? What's a no chance? That MAGfest will never budge or that Katsucon won't implement covid measures?

>> No.10807398

When the sample size of your data is only ~ 800 responses, out of a total 10 or 20 thousand attendees.

>> No.10807400

Neither of them are budging until they're forced to. I imagine that will happen eventually, but not anytime soon.

>> No.10807407

because magfest self selects for autists. Same thing happened in magic the gathering.

>> No.10807427

Katsucon is a con that most people actually go to and enjoy, so no one will say a word negative about it.
The blue hairs and blue checkmarks on twitter will try to cancel almost any convention that doesn't have strict mandates, because it's easy when you aren't actually attending.
But there isn't a single justice warrior among them that would actually make a sacrifice and give up having fun at a con they enjoy.

>> No.10807432
File: 895 KB, 1402x630, MAGHowISpentMyQuarantine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calling it now, current staff want nothing more than to become the non-profit, corporate-backed SXSW of video games, especially when shit like this is allowed to happen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKBeWF7sPcs

>> No.10807441

ugh. its just so, overproduced, and too self important for mag.

>> No.10807523

Who thought this was a good panel idea?

It's like these people are circle jerking over covid measures.

>> No.10807544

I can tell by they room layout that this was in events 2 or 3 right behind the cherry ballroom. Really annoying that they think this was important enough for one of those big rooms.

>> No.10807559

I'm going to do something very bad at Magfest I don't care
Lurkers beware you're in for a scare

>> No.10807574

Thank you for giving us time to prepare
I hope everyone will be safe now in there

>> No.10807685

Make sure to mention us in the "why I did it" note you leave for the feds.

>> No.10807750

This is why I CCW at cons.

>> No.10807756

Can't be worse than the psycho bitch who lit a fire in a panel room, and then bragged all over twatter about being arrested.

>> No.10807760

Even if we ignore the retarded subject matter in itself, why would anyone give a shit? The worst panels are always the ones where it's some totally insular topic (Con horror stories but ONLY mine, bad fanfiction but ONLY I can choose which ones make the cut). One of the biggest criticisms of podcasts is that they're friend simulators. It's basically that, but somehow even worse

>> No.10807766

i care for the same reason some faggots post "a thread died for this." because something else could have existed here, (esp one of the big panels instead of those tiny 30 man panels in the harbor rooms) but instead we get a coronajerk with four absolute nobodies.

even if nobody goes to mag just for the panels, this is an implicit approval from mag staff that this is how they think.

>> No.10807772

staff LOVES to use the excuse of "These are the panel submissions we got, and have to work with". How about just not accepting every single panel, and have some downtime in panel rooms? It's not like there isn't plenty else to do, rather than "academically" jerking each other off.

>> No.10807783

>with four absolute nobodies.
This was exactly my point. The question wasn't "Why do you care about this panel existing?", but "Why does anyone care how four nobodies spent their time during lockdowns?"

>> No.10807861

They declined multiple panels of mine that were game dev related... I guess because I didn't mention anything about wearing gamer socks or whatever the fuck people talk about now they got declined...

>> No.10807938

This is what I mean. If the lockdown "woe is me" panel gets approved over a how-to game dev panel, they just wanna virtue signal.

>> No.10807941

Will this far left con go out of business? The people running it don’t seem very smart. Especially when all other events are doing a negative test. Hell no other events but weeb events are doing mandates.

>> No.10807946

>Hell no other events but weeb events are doing mandates.
Try no other anything, PERIOD

>> No.10807957

anime cons and fighting game / smash tournaments are the only reason i have read the word "mask" since late summer 2021.

>> No.10807958

>Will this far left con go out of business?
lol no, this con draws in the nerdy high income earners of the DC area that need a stress reliving outlet. As long as the "Music and Gaming" aspect isn't fucked with, nobody cars about the panels.

>> No.10807962

Don't forget all the staffers that meet up for their annual puppy play party.

>> No.10807964
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now with 50% more piddle pads!

>> No.10807994

Bro as I said before, the main audience that goes to MAGfest are the mid 30-late 40 year old bugmen Berniebros who spend the other 361 days out of the year on Reddit constantly virtue signaling over how good of a person they are doing something as dumb as wearing a mask.

They do that stupid colossus roar and sperg out about donuts and shit. Those types of people will never skip out on MAGfest since their entire identity revolves around it.

>> No.10808004

MAG is now charging $125 for badges with no pre reg discounts and they're going with that hotel lottery bullshit again.

>> No.10808009

Not to mention, the Artist's Alley/Vendor lottery.... before they even start hand-picking which they want

>> No.10808010

Fuck off with those prices. I remember paying $160 for badge and mid tier swag bag in 2020. $85 badge $75 merch. Now that barely gets you in the door.

$125 IS your pre-reg discount. its 155 at the door.

>> No.10808016
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Oh lmao. I think this is even more expensive than PAX now, definitely more expensive than Dragoncon.

>> No.10808020

nustaff wants a music festival. They don't give a fuck about gaming. None of the paid staff plays any video games

>> No.10808031

They did buyout the harbor as all of the hotels are blacked out for the days of magfest. I cant even get a room through either my hotel's loyalty program or my credit card points program.


You are at the mercy of the lottery unless you're an airline employee or fed employee on "official business"

>> No.10808036

No wonder mag is charging more up front, they had to pay all of the hotels for exclusivity. Nick's legacy of sucking off Experient/Martiz to get mag to partner with them continues...

>> No.10808041

PAX is 250, so it's not more expensive, but it's getting up there.

>> No.10808045


basically a death spiral for MAGFest: Impose health mandates for 2022
-> lose attendees
->keep health mandates for 2023 and raise prices
-> Lose more attendees.

>> No.10808053
File: 146 KB, 593x999, AssMadAboutMusic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone gets assmad there isn't enough video game music at magfest
>vague-shits all over the Protomen, a band genuinely loved by attendees
>rants they weren't booked as a performer, still backdoors their way into performing at the Pose nightclub
>this is what they play at magfest when they perform
fuck right off. this is just one kind of cancer killing magfest

>> No.10808063

that's nothing new. The harbor buyouts have been going on for years.
lol protomen are like one of 3 magfest regular acts that makes original music instead of covers.
also when did cutman leave? was he implicated in friendsofmag?

>> No.10808076

What I find odd is that I never hear about fuckery from magwest and magstock. Also, what the hell happened to maglabs?

>> No.10808088

MAGwest is small and very new. I think they only had one MAGwest in 2017 and only had another this year.

MAGstock is pretty small and is almost exclusively the old guard types.

>> No.10808090
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even a lot of old guard has been chased out of magstock. especially when this past stock started at $165, and went up $10 every 100 pre-reg. oh, and still having this kind of insanity present

>> No.10808092

i really hate these types of people talking out of both sides of their mouths. If its so dangerous you need to wear a mask, YOU NEED TO CANCEL THE EVENT. PERIOD. Wasn't there talk of enough old guard trying to reboot old mag as a separate org?

>> No.10808102

always was talk, but lack of funding/dedicated volunteer staff hinders that a lot

>> No.10808104

lol tweets already deleted

>> No.10808106 [DELETED] 

fuck protomen, they got outed as creeps years ago. the receipts are probably long gone as this was in 2015ish, but if you look hard enough you might find something. this was pre me-too, so everything got excused as "they're rock stars, that's how band culture is". they were sketchy as fuck at past magfests and were on seriously thin ice. some of the incidents:

>getting a 16 year old girl drunk and fucking her in a hotel room at the gaylord, later attempting to do the same to some of her friends from high school
>sending dick picks to minors
>bringing underage girls onto their bus
>slapping girls asses without consent after shows

I don't know if they cleaned up their act, but they were known for gross partying. They're really good at befriending their male fans, so when the female fanbase spoke out, they got trampled.

>> No.10808122

That clown is the volunteer coordinator. He's the king of virtue signaling, well known for looking down his nose at all the LGBBQ people for living a life of sin

>> No.10808129

>well known for looking down his nose at all the LGBBQ people for living a life of sin


>> No.10808196

How was the lottery last year? Heard since attendance was meh it was easy to get a Gaylord room. A 125$ buy in might just make it all the easier.

>> No.10808197

Gaming con man. Its like ADGQ without a barrier of entry requiring skill

>> No.10808381

Before the coof, I never failed to get into the Gaylord. If you missed in the lottery, I would call phone booking every day in December trying to pick up a room. Mention the magfest block. Last two weeks there was always a Wed to Mon atrium room available.

>> No.10808915

I wonder if in 10-20 years he'll regret that photo. He looks like an absolute tool there.

>> No.10809105

I just wanted to cosplay and party. I guess mag is done for that.

>> No.10809107

I miss meeting some cool fucker in the retro console room, racing a few rounds of Mario Kart, pulling out a bottle of rum, and winding up in their hotel bathroom taking shots because thats the only table space available
One day, we may be older but one day we will be able to...

>> No.10809114

They will either wait for the covidiots to turn on them to remove masks, or the whole ship will sink with mask policies in place for the next 10 years.

>> No.10810070

Looks like the Charity Dept. budget got slashed/axed. This is not a good sign

>> No.10810119

How can you tell, and what are the ramifications of that?

>> No.10810121

fuck off, magshill. go find out who's leaking your info elsewhere. or, you know, the most cursory of twitter searches

>> No.10810170

there's one fucking tweet that mentions the charity department budget cut you smoothbrained nematode. now why do you tell me smart ass?

>> No.10812267

How many years of poor attendance does it usually take to kill a con?

>> No.10812337

Depends on how many specialized arts grants they can con out of organizations. In mag's case, it's that, and how many other events they can whore their volunteer staff/game library out to

>> No.10812352

>old staff caught harassing people and embezzling a lot of the cons profits
Boo fucking hoo.

>> No.10812354
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NickTheNewbie isn't "old staff"

>> No.10812365

DC goers hate masks and vaccine mandates only those who support it are NPC and clout chasers.

>> No.10812366

Fuck this shit.

>> No.10812368

>for the next 10 years
Make it 3 years or much sooner.

>> No.10812429
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Hotel Room Lottery already off to a shitacular start. Wrong link to waiting room sent out via email (for LAST year's waiting room), those with credit cards that expire before January 2023 are just fucked, (Maritz requires credit card valid through Jan 2023), and mag staff can't understand even basic group registration questions.

>> No.10812550

I may he in the minority on this one but I find it incredibly fitting that a gaming con would make a game out of booking the hotel rooms. Its like the biggest video game tournament for the event takes place before the event and everyone whos preregged is paricipating.

>> No.10812699

Does anyone know how I can sign up to lend Magfest a console? I have a bunch of games I want people to play on my PS4.

Also how do I check if they're going to have Taiko this year?

>> No.10812763
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"only $525"

>> No.10812771

And only those that paid $200 for the "Ultimate" tier got this email. Something something Fallout76 canvas bag...

>> No.10812774

Oh so they only offered it to people they knew were dumb enough to waste their money on a $500 fake leather jacket.

>> No.10812791

This is why MAG ain't going anywhere as they have a steady supply of whales that will keep the con going by throwing money at everything magfest. Shit, just look at how quick all of the hotels in the harbor sold out when the lottery opened up. People also fight like crazy to get access to the concept, presidential and executive suites at the Gaylord and even those are sold out.

>> No.10812949

Concept, prez and executive suites number less than a dozen total. They've always sold out.

The real attendance figure will still be much lower than it was in 2020.

>> No.10814694

So it inserted its name into Smash Bros Melee, yet doesn't host a tournament for it?
But for Nidhogg?

>> No.10814719

Lack of good staff once again rears it's head. Over half the game room staff quit when the vaccine/mask mandates came down originally. The ACTUAL reason the game room is closed in the middle of the night isn't for "cleaning/sanitizing", it's because they can't risk the remaining volunteer staff burning out, trying to keep the game room open 24/7.

>> No.10815029

Wait half? Is this legit?

>> No.10815033


no idea, but i don't doubt it. I never once thought they actually take that long to sanitize that many fucking cabs every night during the con. lack of bodies is a much more likely answer.

>> No.10817189
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TFW snacks is the most famous performer you have booked so far

>> No.10817930

i'm going to autistically chant "BRING BACK SNACKS" at the end of his set and nobody can stop me

>> No.10817933
File: 1.53 MB, 1440x1707, Screenshot_20221113-150944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MAGFest Chip Rave lineup got announced a few days back.

>> No.10818281

>You are at the mercy of the lottery unless you're an airline employee or fed employee on "official business"
Fed employee here. Those hotels are showing up as unavailable even on internal booking sites like DTS and fedrooms. I've been going through internal sites to avoid hotel lottery BS for years, but I guess this year MAG wanted absolute exclusivity and locked everybody out. Doing something like that must've cost MAG a small fortune. A mid 6 figure price at the minimum.

>> No.10818283
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well yeah, at this point probably due to being actually booked vs "locked out for the weebs." maybe if you were here like two months ago that would have been great.

>> No.10819497

We had a furry con get gassed many years ago

>> No.10819500

Is there just nothing happening this year? I missed all the other MAGFests before because of poor planning, but for this next one I actually have the days off for it. Now I'm looking at the guest list and I don't see anything here that impressed me. They had SiivaGunner do the rave one year so I know they're capable of more than this.

>> No.10819650

They do their idiotic slowdrip of guest/performers info every single year, right up to the event itself, thinking it builds up hype. It's fucking stupid. Consoles/Arcade might actually be open 24 hours this time. Sounds like they got enough staff to do it without burnout. Or not.

>> No.10819657

Will they stop doing vaxx passes this year or not? I've been hearing many congoers will not show because of it.

>> No.10819692

hell no. they're still doing it.

>> No.10819704

As long as the hotels are full up MAG doesnt care if a few attendees dont show up. Now if there are a bunch of hotels that suddenly have a bunch of cancellations, then they'll start sweating.

>> No.10819727

Aren't most of the locked up because of the lottery? If this the reason then I'm sure they are very worried about the attendence.

>> No.10819729

I should have not asked fuck them.

>> No.10819963

its not like 75% of attendees decide sight unseen if they are going or not with the hotel lotto

>> No.10820368
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what a wet fart of a final headliner announcement.

>> No.10820371

magfest's original video game unique-ness is officially dead. hello generic nerd con.

>> No.10820382

animeNYC (extremely liberal since it was in NYC) said they were going to do it but there was fuck all enforcement (esp since NYC as a whole lifted masks everywhere, including subways) and like a solid half of the attendees didn't wear masks. i'm guessing mag might have the same shtick.

>> No.10820392

that last gasp happened years ago, bud.

>> No.10820502
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>Masks/Jabs Only
No general admission to attend another magfest. c-cool I guess. Let me know when they let people in again.

>> No.10820542

Yeah as far as masking goes, convention organizers saying masks will be required, then not having any enforcement of said "mandate" is pretty much the status quo now.
NYCC, Dragon*Con, and Anime NYC all pulled that shit this year, among others.
It's all a bunch of empty virtue signaling for the hypocrites that cheer "Yay, thanks for keeping us safe!" when said mandates are announced. People that show up and don't wear a mask themselves. Gotta get those online social justice points though!

>> No.10820603
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why did you crop out the date of the article?

>> No.10820681

The current staff at mag is pretty terminally ill and will have folks enforcing masks throughout the event space. By the time you hit the hotel rooms though it's a total 180 of course, but that won't stop some nutjob trying to invoke a twitter mob if they catch you doing some wrongthink.

>> No.10820693

>that won't stop some nutjob trying to invoke a twitter mob if they catch you doing some wrongthink.

I truly doubt that any post made about anyone not wearing a mask will get a ton of "Oy vey"s at this point beyond the Magfest sphere, but yea if it's anything like last year, the jannies will be on you like flies on shit.
Last year I got called out by some blue haired bitch when I had my mask off while drinking in the lobby bar at night while sitting at a table by myself. All the time taken with my mask off was taking a sip from a straw and responding to text message before I hear the skin crawling "Excuse me..." from my left.

>> No.10820729

god, reading that gives me second hand rage. SHE was in the wrong for breaking social distancing. fucking bitch.

>> No.10821022


The real reason is that a bunch of guys were gaslighting and harassing the arcade manager for years. When she finally snapped they tried to use that as an excuse to get rid of her. Magfest saw through that and fired all the guys involved. They're just now fixing all the damage they did when they left. Thats why they’ve been short handed.

>> No.10821195


I don't think that is true. Originally someone else ran the department but Magfest (Nick) wanted to "diversify" and didn't want a white guy. She ended up with the department. Once the friends of magfest shit hit I believe she became head of the entire event or board or whatever. The "Friends of magfest" group punched the event in the face when it was at it's lowest. Financially broke in the middle of covid. You might be able to take over the event, but that doesn't mean people will like you or work for free for you.

People leaving the arcade department was personality conflicts and drama. It was always an underfunded department that took a lot of work to pull off.

Arcade is dead wee hours of the morning. You just have a few people that camp out on specific music games THE ENTIRE FUCKING CON, still there. They show up and sit at one fucking game HOUR after HOUR blocking other people. Buy your own fucking DJ Dildo IIIzx machine already and let some other fuckers play.

Also masks are fucking gay. Everyone should arrange a time to rip them off in mass. Who doesn't have a fake vax card, but the mask shit is a no go. I want to see pretty faces, even if it's just a theme park grade fox head mask behind the bullshit covid mask.

See you at the hotel room parties.

>> No.10821226

I hope next year will be that year MAGfest dies in glorious fashion the virtue signaling will destroy anime cons in general.

>> No.10821268

I really doubt I'll ever end up going back to mag at this point.

>> No.10821376
File: 1.11 MB, 1398x735, BlubberArmedCunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carrie Snyder, Arcade Department head, and now also at the head of the Board of Directors. Take one look at this blubber-armed bitch, and you can tell she got her position via SJW Cuck Nick Marinelli, fired Executive Director of MAG.
Debra Lenik, the one at the center of the whole Friends of Magfest by leading the charge, who was fired for violating an administrative NDA, is the Events Director, and the "acting" Executive Director of mag, is the one who keeps diversifying and enacting "inclusive" policies. Lots of people get Carrie and Debra mixed up, but that doesn't mean they aren't both part of the cancer killing mag.

I want to go back, before shit started going downhill - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gnLR69vdKI

>> No.10821434

So this is the bitch who ruined and took advantage of Magfest guy who got ousted during the whole #SpeakingOut bullshit right to where Magfest ran down and now could actually go under soon due to low attendance and this ugly hambest trying to kill it for her personal gain, is that right?

>> No.10821444

If MAG dies what other con has a gaming room that comes close to the size of what MAG has?

>> No.10821454

The only way is going down from here, we gonna see it implode in the worse way possible.

>> No.10821455

Vaxx passes and mask shit needs to go anyway.

>> No.10821492

It'll be at least a few more years before mag goes under, >>10807958 and >>10812791 said it best: magfest is full of DC/Baltimore whales with money to burn, who treat mag like their own indoor Burning Man.

>> No.10821546

Not sure which guy you're referring to. There's a lot more in-dept info about mag goings-on in a thread on a certain Australian Fruit Farm forum.

>> No.10821785

As a vendor, MAG is the only con I've had people pull out high status credit cards to pay for merch. First time I've seen and handled an AMEX Centurion card and Chase Sapphire Reserve card. Both of those cards were metal and heavy. The dude with the AMEX runs an IT firm that contracts with the feds. Thats the type of money that is flowing throughout the DC area. Ironically enough there are plenty of people that could take over magfest with the amount of event planning experience but you gotta pay them fuck you money

>> No.10821867

if this is the case, the most that could happen is that mag dies down to the point of the background noise of the universe, but life supports itself off the whales.

>> No.10822013

I remember last year me and my gf went to a local anime con doing standard mask enforcement. We went into a video panel to watch a series and there was some fat fuck staff watching the room from a table in the front corner off to the side. My gf slipped her mask over her chin to take a bite of a snack, which was cool with the rules of the con (even though food probably wasnt allowed in the video room), the fatfuck barked at her to put her mask back on, then minutes later pulled out a huge sub, slipped his down the same way and started going to town on it.

>> No.10822207
File: 446 KB, 800x600, Assembly2004-areena01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if MAGFest is having a demo party this year? I read that they had one either this year or in 2021, but I can't find any info about them having one this year, and after looking at what MAGFest has to offer it's basically the only thing that'd get me to go.

>> No.10822221

Does anyone know if MAGFest is having a demo party this year?

>> No.10822298

Imagine wanting to associate yourself with the premiere nonce game, Smash Bros.

>> No.10822301

What's everyone gonna cosplay?

>> No.10822303

I'm so excited I'm gonna play so many video games

>> No.10822349

why the fuck is mag wasting money on bookface and twatter ads at this stage of the game?

>> No.10822415


>> No.10822442

How strict do you think they will be with masking this year?

>> No.10822454

i think the only reason they had the demoparty was to fulfill its loopholed "cultural" critera for charity status bc i think it was hosted by the polish embassy or some shit.

>> No.10822513

Hell No
Vaxx Fags Have Got To Go

>> No.10822570

That sucks, I feel like with how big retrooming is now they could really lean into the demoparty angle and make it a part of their whole MUSIC and games thing, plus I've been wanting to go to MAGFest for a long time (especially before covid) and going all the way to DC to experience a demo party would have been neat. Oh well...

>> No.10822644
File: 1.30 MB, 683x497, BlastingTillet1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It WAS hosted by Brendan a.k.a. "Mr. MAGFest" himself, the guy who was in charge of things for mag 2 through 9. Current staff kept fucking him over, and he finally gave them the finger this past 2022 mag. Current staff tried to cover it up, saying Brendan couldn't attend due to weather issues, and he had to come out and set the record straight of why he was actually not attending.

>> No.10822645
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>> No.10822646
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>> No.10822648
File: 118 KB, 648x762, MAGFreeBadgeRequestForm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"No individual can be a priority, regardless of their history with the event"
Which, is a fucking laugh, because current staff gives out free badges to ANY mainstage performers, regardless of what year they actually performed

>> No.10822686

Panels and game rooms will probably have a 100% mask policy but if you're in the hotel attrium room floor they probably cant do anything about it. Will people be encofrcing it? Maybe, I'll be too much of a pussy afraid of being called out to want to try.

>> No.10823026

WTF is the purpose of giving out free badges to performers from previous years? This is the same convention that doesn't give out any passes for press.
We won't give out a few dozen badges to outlets that will give us some promotion, but we'll let anyone that's ever performed at the con have a free badge because...idk.
Kek. How is this convention still around?

>> No.10823046

doubtful. the Gaylord has been known to let events dictate rules before. They let katsu check everyone who walked in the FRONT DOOR OF THE WHOLE HOTEL for a badge to prevent lobbyconners.

>> No.10823052

which is super cucked.

>> No.10823239

this has been the most embarrassing guest list so far for their 20th anniversary. I guarantee you, they got that one vgm composer, who has only done music for underground/indie games, because he's not white.

>> No.10823282

Hotel deposits are about to come up so keep an eye on room openings for all hotels in the harbor.

>> No.10823560

Haven't been since 2018 and that was a good time. Convinced some friends to go but now I'm worried it's going to be a bad time :( I hate the faggotry that ruins good shit like this

>> No.10823657

A lot of the drama with mag seems to be internal fuckery. As long as the arcade /gaming aspect isn't fucked with you're good.

>> No.10823832

Just remember to tear off the "all gender" bathroom signs so you know which ones have the urinals.

>> No.10823932

They don't need or have space for your PS4. I assure you they have those in supply.Maybe if you have something more obscure or older at least.

>> No.10823978

don't lend shit to 'em. guarantee they will pull the "not our responsibility" when it gets stolen/damaged

>> No.10824004

Gaylord Atrium room's are available. Call the hotel directly. Also, Hyatt place has rooms open. Residense Inn is overbooked so don't even bother with them. Hampton inn is completely sold out.

Parking is going to be pure hell. Get there Thursday or mid Friday to secure a parking spot. Or park at the MGM and shuttle into the harbor.

>> No.10824006

Gaylord is out of rooms again
>Residence Inn is overbooked
Fuuuuuuuuuuck. That's our group's only room in the harbor.

>> No.10824925

The guest announcements have been awful. Oh boy, TF2 Sniper, Glados, Tyreen from BL3, and some no-name panel teams. The only thing that could make this more cucked is if they booked Loading Ready Run again.

>> No.10824938
File: 27 KB, 499x472, 78d7df15805fcaa67d39d6b393f4c69b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm will be attending Magfest 2023 every one of the days.

Here is my challenge:
If you can find me and push me over I WILL give you $50.

I will be dressed as Wario.

Good luck (you'll need it)

>> No.10824954

Can you fart on me instead?

>> No.10824974

Is the tournament schedule/listing posted anywhere? Does ANYONE know what's going on?

>> No.10824983


>> No.10825007

Performers from previous years contribute to the event/community when they return. They usually end up jamming in a hall somewhere which is fun for everyone in attendance.

Gaming press are entitled self-important shits that no one enjoys being around. You're not walter cronkite, and you don't get a free ticket just because 6 people listen to your quarterly podcast about southeast asian snack foods

>> No.10825008

That was meant to be in response to

>> No.10825011

Anyone have Gaylord space for a fellow anon who is also staffing? Thanks in advance just want to be able to get to my shifts effectively

>> No.10825014


I will give you $20 if you brap on my face and when you finish let out the best "whoops sorry" in Warios voice

>> No.10825050

spotted the mag staffer

>> No.10825051

>Loading Ready Run
What did they have to offer? lmao

>> No.10825054

People aren't going to attend a con just because someone else is also attending but not a guest.

>> No.10825057

No, kill yourself.

>> No.10825058

Don't you know it's music department's new way of getting free shows out of performers, by hoping for impromptu jam sessions?

>> No.10825097
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this con is dead.

>> No.10825102
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>> No.10825148

How many orgirs at magfest?

>> No.10825174

if you need to ask, you're not attractive enough.

>> No.10825236
File: 64 KB, 574x375, TwatterAd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"oh shit, we don't have enough registration money... let's try and cram more people in, hotel rooms be damned!"

>> No.10825266

oof. discounted badges this close to the con is not a good look

>> No.10825269

the musical guests are pretty solid, so it's enough for me, don't care about VAs since the most they'll do is do autographs or some shit like that.

cosplay guests are pretty run of the mill for cons, is this some excessively shitty one I don't care enough about to know? at least this one seems to actually make her cosplays

there's complaining about legit issues and there's being a faggot and complaining about retarded shit.

>> No.10825294


I plan on doing just that from the 11th floor atrium to be honest.

>> No.10825305
File: 29 KB, 906x488, rant-alert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The issue is that Mag used to position itself as an "anti-con" by always calling it a "Festival."
The issue is the genericization and normi-fication of Mag as a whole. It's been happening for a while, but the other shoe dropped when the board got kicked out.

Cosplay guests were never a thing prior to this. There were obviously cosplayers, but it was a side thing, not the main draw for many people. If you look at the guests page, it looks huge but then you realize that there's probably only a handful that would pass for a guest at a different con. Of the 22 listed guests, seven of them are con panel production groups or similar, Four are industry professionals, and six are voice actors.
Bands aren;t much better. If you showed this line up to someone who has never been to Mag, they probably wouldn't know a single artist. Like, how has Magfest never gotten Anamanaguchi to play? The current line up are the kind of bands you go see because there's no other events going on in that time slot you want to see.

Finally, there's the pre-con drama. Hotel lotteries are awful. I dreaded the hotel lotto every year because it meant that you had to be on guard for three months to try and get a Gaylord room. Plus, rona. Masks have been effectively proven to be useless, vaccines are iffy. You are in a room of 300 people absolutley not maintaining six foot distance. You will always get con crud. Its a "when" not an "if." Dealing with this shit is so much that half of the con population stayed home. Badge prices are through the roof, and there's talk that the con wants to attract corporate sponsors? Yes, hand your purse strings to a faceless company. That will steer a homegrown "for the people, by the people" event in a desireable direction.

All of this combined means that the even that I went to in 2019 is lightyears away from what this event in two weeks will be. It's not the same con anymore, and I'm only here to watch the ship go down in flames.

>> No.10825438

Im so nervous about this year. This is the event I look forward to every year, its my most anticipated weekend. I just want to get hammered and party with strangers like the good old times.

>> No.10825569

Should change the name to super Maskfest at this point. Only went once due to being invited by a friend, was a complete shitfest filled with angry inhibited nerds that think they belong in Animal Housr that had the collective social skills of a can of tuna fish, and the lack of cosplay made it feel like I was at some generic normie convention.

Videogame cons in general suck cock from the few I’ve actually gone to. How the fuck can videogamefags hate anime, but animefags love videogames?

Glad to see it struggling though. Katsucon is much better and doesn’t feel like a fucking street fair. Plus there are actual girls there instead of sausagefests.

>> No.10825743

This sums up the whole attendee mindset. "I just wanted to party." I won't blame you because you don't see the rot from the inside. Where alot of the old volunteers have been pushed out by the new clique. All the people who spent 20 years putting blood and sweat in because they dont match the new BOD and all the office. You just want your games and your shows.

This is why MAG won't die. It'll just turn into every other con, a shadow of its core ideals, sold out to corporate sponsorships and "magfest is a donut"! crowd.

>> No.10825806

I had only heart about Paul Blart and the old board leaving a couple years ago. Who has left/been removed since then?

>> No.10825820

katsu is worse than mag in every way except for cosplay. in terms of things to do/panels, mag is way superior. i'm mostly a videogamesfag (despite cosplaying mostly anime) so having more videogames people to talk to is way nicer.

>caring about girls at a con and sausagefests
nigga it's a video game convention, no shit anime cons attract more girls. what did you expect? if you're trying to hook up, don't go to a video game con lmao.

>> No.10825910

What day should i skip school?

>> No.10825912
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Get bend vaxxed faggots, my religious exemption got approved. Deus vult!

>> No.10825929

MAG is getting filled up with Katsukiddies that want easier access to that gazebo for cosplay.

>> No.10826002

Exactly, the guest list is pathetic this year. I can't imagine the current MAG getting someone like Nobuo Uematsu.
Well, it's hard to find events where you can party with a bunch of nerds from around the country, so people will tolerate the BS MAGfest does until there's an alternative event at roughly the same time of year. Video game cons tend to lean away from the party aspect for whatever reason though, so MAG had a pretty big niche.

>> No.10826015
File: 91 KB, 630x725, soyman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a huge fan of how the guest list didn't exist until after the deadline passed where the ticket prices went up and it's 10 guys you've never heard of and the onions truck guy.

Really makes me confident in the staff's management abilities.

>> No.10826065

Mag sucks now because the con wants these people >>10825438 to come and eat whatever shit they are shoveling, instead of these people >>10826002 who can call out bullshit when they see it.

>> No.10826174

They’ll be announcing a new guest next week. Washington Post writer Taylor Lorenz will be having a panel about “Women in Gaming, Harassment Post-Gamergate, Gaming in Forever COVID, and Transwomen in Gaming”.

>> No.10826204

Looking forward to going and making sure to eat everything I can that'll give me the loudest, bassiest, smelliest farts and fumigate the room.

>> No.10826218

The brapfags want to know where you are at all times.

>> No.10826221

willing to bet, mag nu-staff would call it a chemical terrorist attack.

>> No.10826224

How Smelly is Magfest?

>> No.10826228

Console area: Funky, especially around the Smash players
Arcade: Only smelly around any of the dance games. Most of they time, those are kept separate from the rest of the arcade machines
LAN Room: A miasma of ass and aresolized, unwashed body essence.
Concerts: Roll the dice, 50/50 chance of occasional funk clouds
The rest of the con is alright, save for the passing whiff you might catch from a passing attendee. Can't believe they actually gave away "limited edition" soap in the kick-in upgrade tier bags. Guarantee, not a single recipient will use it.

>> No.10826238

Any chance at finding a hotel at this point?

>> No.10826348

The only rooms available that arent an outright scam are 30 minutes away.

>> No.10826354

Weather might cuck some people out of going. I'm hoping to snag an atrium room swap when I get there Thursday.

>> No.10826372
File: 83 KB, 788x685, 307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW, I went to the World Cup in Qatar and had the time of my life and not a single smelly masked neck beard in sight. Have fun with your cuck masks losers.

>> No.10826375

>more videogames people to talk to
This is why I prefer Magfest over other cons. Weebs who are more into games than anime tend to be great friendship material for me. They also tend to be closer to my age (30s).

>> No.10826377


I have room space at the Westin if you are interested

Discord = !?#9507

>> No.10826378


Ah yes you must be that stupid bitch in the groups asking for mozzarella sticks and in exchange braps on someones face

>> No.10826399
File: 16 KB, 280x314, Ness Checkem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My bad its Emperor#9507

>> No.10826489

>Well, it's hard to find events where you can party with a bunch of nerds from around the country
You mean literally every Colossalcon?

>> No.10826594

God, how generic can you get with those panels? Well it's a journalist, they always have this pretentious anal-ism around them.
Someone should tell her that train crashed years ago. Move on, ya bitch

>> No.10826644

Do not forget the dank smells from people carrying their kush around.

>> No.10826668

guidebook schedule is out

>> No.10826697
File: 695 KB, 1080x1460, Screenshot_20221231_155650_Guidebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game rooms open all night long again
Fuck yeah

>> No.10826710

Honestly, I really always resent being talked down to by other women in gaming about how i should feel. It's true that some dudes are assholes, but honestly it's not that unique to video games. Weeb gamers in particular tend to be pretty normal about women gamers. ugh why are they just stirring up shit

>> No.10826721

I hate it because most if not all of them don't have a history in fandom. They don't write fanfic or draw fanart. Game recognize game and none of these bitches look familiar.

>> No.10826767

I hear you, my biggest thing is my brlief
that authority on videogames primarilly goes to those who develope them and can play them either at a high level of competancy or exposure. When I say exposure, I mean someone who games frequently, like a film critic/buff who's watched hundreds of films. As much as I dislike arin Hanson and as stupid as he is, I'd respect his views more than some putz journo. Now if that journo has been gaming since she was 10 years old that's another thing entirely, ironically many girls who gamed back in the 80s-00s at a time when gaming was marketed mostly to boys did and still do slip under the radar, but I've seen no credentials mentioned lending to that idea for this one. It feels like someone random out of nowhere is coming up to me and preaching what I should and shouldn't do.
Mind you I'm actually 100% cool with diversity in vidya, I don't give a fuck who or what you are as long as you shut up and play video games. As cool as the ides of vidya culture is, it often means just supplimentary ESG-driven corporations throw breadcrumbs laced with sponsorship deals like The Game Awards or tweets from a company nobody should be clapping for. If you're a League of Legends fan and a Kpop/idol group fan I'm sure KDA was neat and fun, and I know I'll be going to see the Super Mario movie in a few months, but since AAA studios are going so far out of their way to cut corners to save money these are few and far in between.

>> No.10827018
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What were they thinking?

>> No.10827020

They don't

>> No.10827021

I'm hosting a panel but I won't tell you retards what it is. I will say that it's on Friday tho

>> No.10827032

probably the only way they could convince staff that it wasn't going to turn into a giant suck n fuck

>> No.10827040


>> No.10827064

>"Euphoria will be shared"


>> No.10827067

That's what happens after the panel. It's just their way of publicly organizing their staff orgy

>> No.10827070

>Eggs will be broken
I don't know why but that line just seems so creepy to me

>> No.10827074

If that panel was in the evening you'd have half the con there trying to hookup. They knew exactly what they were doing with that scheduling.

>> No.10827119

How many of you are actually going and how many of you going aren't sweaty neckbeards or pencil twig nerds and are actually cute females that want to talk to a guy for once?

>> No.10827121
File: 107 KB, 1052x276, lobbyconners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want them to try and enforce this lobbyconnimg rule. who tf do they think they are?

>> No.10827122

FestSec a.k.a. Dorsai furfag security. Funny enough, MAG has an official purchase line in the budget for booze specifically for Dorsai.

>> No.10827123

Katsucon likes to try this shit too and it fails every time. If they didn't want lobbyconners, they'd move the con to a closed off convention center. I'll be lobbyconning AND maskless, fuckers.

>> No.10827137

What time does prereg start? And how fucked will the lines be?

>> No.10827168

Man this schedule is fucking awful. Cant wait! Fucking blows dick we're never going to get those MechWarrior pods again. That shit was so much fun.

>> No.10827178

> I'll be lobbyconning AND maskless, fuckers.

Same here dude. "What? I'm not even here for the con."

>> No.10827181

How do I become friends with this Dorsai individual? Free booze sounds like a hell of a time

>> No.10827268

Why the fuck would you want to be friends with some power tripping retard with an alcohol problem?

>> No.10827269

Dorsai Irregulars (the volunteer security group) have a looooooong history of providing security for furry cons... and magfest. They've been around since 1974. Bunch of old farts, playing security power trip.

>> No.10827271

Well if they're old boomers then it won't be so bad. Only issue Ive ever had at mag was some 110 lb twink telling me off when I was stumbling around piss drunk. Cops didn't give a fuck but he had some issue or another.

>> No.10827275

The Dorsai are the old farts, who "hire" volunteers and train them on the spot at the event. They usually just stay in their little security office. So yeah. you're still dealing with volunteer jannys.

>> No.10827309

Tbh I've never had issues with the old boomers in security. It's always people checking the doors at concerts that are a major pain

>> No.10827363

hey does anyone have a link to the 21+ discord server?

>> No.10827425

Not staying at the host hotel sucks balls, although I see plenty of people online that seem to be at the host hotel. How many people generally room in with others for these events?

>> No.10827428

What's the average age of a MAGfest attendee? I get the impression everyone is an aging mid 30s old fart whose still trying to live like they're in their early 20s.

>> No.10827433

Aging mid 30s old farts are the only ones who have the money for these events

>> No.10827434

They're giving people wristbands as covid jab verification. They actually wasted money on this....

>> No.10827435

How did 20 year olds travel to cons back int he 90s? Did they just go with their parents?

>> No.10827436

can you take a picture of the wristband? are they branded? I keep a supply of wristbands to sneak into concerts and other events

>> No.10827438
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>> No.10827456

The average age being older is why I like Magfest.
I had the fortune of being within driving distance of Otakon, so as a teen I could just go for a day and as an older teen/20s I could share travel expenses with fandom friends (mixed bag and often the reason for a lot of con horror stories) for the whole weekend.

A combo of living at home rent free and money being worth more back then meant young weebs had an easier time of it than you'd think. I can't imagine trying to finance a con weekend now with my relative resources then adjusted for inflation. >>10827433 ain't wrong.

>> No.10827462

Normal orange wristbands with the magfest logo on it

>> No.10827469

because yo mama. Why do you feel the date is so important? Has it become more relevant as time has gone on or has perhaps Africa stopped giving a shit like most people should. in before you say some super faggot shit like
>uhh africa also doesn't care about child soldiers
good nigga neither should should you. your abstract morals are gay and so are you.

>> No.10827473

>I get the impression everyone is an aging mid 30s old fart whose still trying to live like they're in their early 20s.

This was always the plus of cons like this.
Only problem was that the retards outnumbered the ones who actually have lives and gainful employment.

>> No.10827480

Covid rules aside, is anyone planning on attending? I'm tempted to attend since I have shit else going on this weekend.

>> No.10827496

Exactly. That's my point, normally an older demographic is a positive. But MAGfest for some reason just attracts a man child crowd that still tries to live like they're in their early 20s despite being in the +mid 30s.

>> No.10827512

covid rules are explicitly why i am not going. some other anon posted about how many fucking nobodies are listed as guests and that kind of sealed the deal even if I did want to put up with the mask rules.

>> No.10827515
File: 1.38 MB, 1194x1960, Screenshot 2023-01-05 at 3.39.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologizing and cucking to Kotaku.... wow.

>> No.10827520

"made people feel unsafe"

holy hell these faggots are SOFT.

>> No.10827535
File: 1013 KB, 509x679, MAG2023BannerSpine404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40 hours in MSPaint

>> No.10827537

KWABed lmao

>> No.10827543
File: 42 KB, 732x361, Screenshot 2023-01-05 181801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As per usual, they're still shitting on them for doing exactly as they're told.
Also, in a twist that everyone saw coming: tranny """game dev""" accounts are reviving gg cause they'd starve without it.

>> No.10827547

bend the knee harder MAGfest! I dare ya.

>> No.10827553
File: 14 KB, 208x326, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine having nothing else going on in your empty head, the first word you think of when someone says "kotaku bad" is "gamergate."

>> No.10827564

Way to absolutely shit the bed in fear on the first day of your 20th Anniversary event, MAGfest.

>> No.10827586
File: 2.75 MB, 4000x3000, 20230105_215908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. Figured John and Ellen would be beloved MAG veterans.

>> No.10827635

Fucking gayass masks fuck you fuck you

>> No.10827691

Wow, no wonder they can't get good guests anymore. I'm sure guests love it when you treat them like children

>> No.10827736

How's the mask enforcement going there? Are they trying to seriously enforce it, or is it basically "masks optional"?

>> No.10827740

anyone wanna go to the furry orgy

>> No.10827742

Its more like “hey you gotta wear a mask” but you can walk away and they wont do anything about it

>> No.10827749

If it's the one in the top floor don't, one tranny that's organizing it has the genital herps
Wait for the one tomorrow

>> No.10827757

How's the crowd this year?

>> No.10827811


whats the bigger fail here

>framing a response as though you're addressing the outcry of the masses when its maybe single digit people at the event that actually said anything
>claiming to be a 'journalist' site and so afraid of pushback that a joke threatens your sense of esteem

>> No.10827825

Generally good vibes. Couple passive aggressive people snorting behind you if you're walking slow but that's it. The women are extra flirty this year idk why

>> No.10827832

I thought gamer gate died with metokur

>> No.10827837

>jew meme costume in the memes cosplay meetup
Which one of you fags was it?

>> No.10827852

The merchant made me laugh

>> No.10827884

That is not what I was asking, I meant size. How many people are there compared to previous MAGfests?

>> No.10827918

Pics? I wanna see le happy merchant

>> No.10827950

Ah gotcha, I'm a musician so I interpreted it differently. Less than 2019, more than 2022. The expo halls feel less crowded but everything else feels more crowded than usual.

>> No.10827971

wait i was joking is there actually one

>> No.10827986

Yeah but the requirements to get in are fucking stupid

>> No.10828108
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>> No.10828115
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I had fun at magfest this year

>> No.10828151

Surprisingly good this year. Definitely is starting to feel like the same bog-standard con but still was pretty good. Bands were alright. The fucking amateurs in the Knights of the Round pit were annoying as fuck though. Who the fuck gets knocked out in the first two minutes of the first song bruh

>> No.10828181

it's like he knew what he was talking about.

>> No.10828189
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>> No.10828243
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>Masks/Jabs Only

yeah see you there

>> No.10828250

Magfest was pretty fun overall, especially the no-cash blackjack table where people were betting off shoes and hotel keycards

>> No.10828262

Buyer's Remorse.jpg

>> No.10828266
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I assure you, no cute looking tranny would dare to show up in an event like that.

It will be full of balding, AGP "transbians" who are not even on hrt and are very overweight.

>> No.10828334
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Dumping a couple pics

>> No.10828335
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>> No.10828336

Watch this.


>> No.10828337

That's all
Dude kneeling is a gfx designer for

>> No.10828338
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>pic didn't post

>> No.10828352

There were more lewd cosplays than I expected.
Some girls were wearing full thongs with ass cheeks out and some were even in body paint

>> No.10828354

Fuck was that Kotaku joke that got pulled? Someone said they pulled a joke from a banner or billboard because they didn't want to appear as pro gamergate, but what does that even mean? Does being pro-GG mean you side with the trolls who assblasted Quinn or Wu?

>> No.10828355

mag was (very) solid this year. couple of good bands, lots of performances in the gazebo/bar area which was nice since I didn't have to get shit checked. the prop check was stupidly lenient as well, it looks like nobody really gave a shit about if props were checked. the kotaku thing was retarded.

masking was kind of annoying and I hope they don't have it next year. parties were p solid. indie game showcase had a couple of games with a lot of potential (had a good talk with that titanfall-esque dev)

>> No.10828356

>masking was kind of annoying
Do you mean just the fact it was required or were people particularly harsh about it? I got fucked up in the smoke pit and forgot to put a mask back on when I got to the bazaar room, they stopped me and made me put a mask back on. I mean it sucks but I didn't expect any less. What I was worried about was the attrium or hallways you'd get the same shit, but it appears nobody was hassling anyone there.

>> No.10828363

First time, me and wife enjoyed it because it was so much better than comiccon and the last time we were at pax.

>> No.10828368

The mask nazis were pretty shitty about all of it. I saw people getting told to put their shit back on IMMEDIATELY after it slipped or was pulled off in the Metroid Metal mosh. I mean come on dude.

>> No.10828369

Atleast during skatune in the pit nobody gave a fuck and had a good time killing each other

>> No.10828373

I believe 17k+ attendees

>> No.10828374

They thought the sign joke meant that MAG was siding with the dirty, Nazi gamers who bullied poor zoe quinn

>> No.10828375

fr, if you're in a moshpit, you are beyond the point of a mask helping youor those around you.

>> No.10828376

I really need to let it go, it does me no good to harbor these feelings, but it just burns me up inside that propeganda leading people to change the meaning of the incident and virtue signal the goalposts away will forever be unchallenged by the normies at large and they'll never know the truth

>> No.10828377

Yeah no shit, it was dumb as fuck. All the concerts were pretty packed in. Masks dont do shit anyway.

>> No.10828389
File: 3.75 MB, 4032x3024, 20230107_201601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our banner

>> No.10828395

The charity auction raised over 50k for childs play. Capped off with them auctioning off one of the VIP Gaylord suites that sold for $8k. What the hell do ya'll do for a living to afford to drop money at an auction like that.

>> No.10828397

What for next year? Tf.

>> No.10828399

Yeah, It was for next year. It was an all inclusive package with multiple badges and staff access but still holy fuck 8k for a room, even if it was a VIP suit. What is crazy is that multiple people were bidding like crazy for it.

>> No.10828401

There is a crazy high % of big dick tech job people at Mag. They could also be bidding with plans to split the cost between a bunch of people next year.

>> No.10828426
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yoo lmao we had the jeff rosenstock gay weed flag directly across the atrium from you hahaha

This was a good MAGfest. Energy was great, game room was fantastic, concerts were awesome.

>> No.10828437

OH SHIT! We spotted that banner from our room across the atrium fawag8r

>> No.10828441
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>> No.10828518

BigLaw associates with a lot of money and not enough time to spend it.

t. BigLaw associate

>> No.10828578
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Don't know who this girl was or what her cosplay is but nearly busted a nut when I saw it.

>> No.10828639


I bet her pussy game is ridiculous

>> No.10828832

Good shit, im just glad a couple of anons saw that shit
We also blasted the hole chaser music a couple times from the atrium balcony while smoking, was funny as fuck seeing people point and jump at us

>> No.10829202

me in the middle

>> No.10829826

Hope next year they cut out the gay mask shit. Maybe then I'll go

>> No.10833339

They won't but I'm hearing Katsucon might drop their vaxx passes soon.