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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10806597 No.10806597 [Reply] [Original]

Summer is over, mostly uneventful con wise, somewhat dramatic real world wise. Other than that everything is same old same old. Long live the King.

Dates Location
Cardiff Anime & Gaming Con 2022 September 17-18, 2022 Cardiff University Students' Union
Cardiff, UK
Newcastle Anime & Gaming Con 2022 October 8-9, 2022 Event Northumbria
Newcastle, UK
AmeChibi 2022 October 14-16, 2022 Park Inn by Radisson, Northampton Town Centre
Northampton, UK
Liverpool Anime & Gaming Con 2022 October 15-16, 2022 Liverpool Guild of Students
Liverpool, UK
Birmingham Anime & Gaming Con 2022 October 22-23, 2022 The Birmingham Conference & Events Centre
Birmingham, UK
HotaruCon 2022 November 4-6, 2022 Jurys Inn Milton Keynes
Milton Keynes, UK
Brighton Anime & Gaming Con 2022 November 5-6, 2022 The Old Ship Hotel
Brighton, UK
Animangapop Brighton 2022 November 12, 2022 Holiday Inn Brighton - Seafront
Brighton, UK
Tokonatsu 2023 August 10-14, 2023 Boyd Memorial Camp Site and Activity Centre
Henlow, Bedfordshire, UK

>> No.10806615

Anyone finna do a Zombie QE2 cosplay?

>> No.10806619


>> No.10806628
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>> No.10806703
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>> No.10806731

Missed a few 2023 cons there

>> No.10806736

Just ripped it off another website. I don’t check which potential ones I’ve Missed or owt. It just makes the thread more relevant than drama posting.

>> No.10806761

Add them in as a post and help the community?

>> No.10806787

Cba. Add other cons in a list if you know they exist. I’m out of the loop and wouldn’t know what to look for other than “upcoming uk anime cons” which is what is presented here.

>> No.10806996
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>> No.10807065

Is London A&G Con even any gud, or what's gud coming up? Me and a mate just did Sheffield last weekend was fun but too little to do for a 2-day event.

>> No.10807075

Yeah it is the greatest. The event organiser is a stand up guy, you can ask my mum.

>> No.10807159
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>Cramped stage, scrub that, just cramped venue overall
>Fuck all traders, shitty mystery tat boxes
>Event staff were proper Shef nonces
>Two silly bitches talking about trans rights during a dub that anime segment

And that was from Sheffield A&G Con 2021, a pile of shit all in all, why DID you even go this year?

Avoid it like the coof in the future.

>> No.10807160

Anyone who intentionally goes to an AL con deserves the shit time they have

>> No.10807171

is london MCM in October worth it? i live down south and haven't been to a UK con before but i heard the one in May was shit

>> No.10807189

>Last MCM
>Cosplay as character from series with modest but growing fandom
>Run into way more people also cosplaying characters from said series than I expected
>Agree with a bunch of them that organizing a meet for this coming MCM would be a cool idea

I've never hosted a meet before and only ever attended one previous one. Please frens do you have any tips for doing this and having it not be a total clusterfuck? Do I need to hire a photographer? Are there some certified good locations for meets to be held and not be trampled by crowds?

>> No.10807192
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Pick a location, a time and a date. Everything else will occur naturally. There's nothing to lose but maybe 30 minutes of waiting.

>> No.10807194

Thank you based Osakaposter.

>> No.10807200

DO NOT hire a photographer out of your own pocket for other people.

If you reach out there's plenty of friendly peeps in the community who'll tog for you for free.

>> No.10807386 [DELETED] 
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I mean I know Dairy has been getting desperate but this is a new low

>> No.10807549

>open /cgl/
>picture of wib with some weak bait
cant we just keep this shit in here

>> No.10807550

now it seems like britgulls is probably not going to suddenly bounce back, where is the new shitposting location for brits who dont want to hide behind 7proxies and vendetta all day?

>> No.10807564

anime league forum

>> No.10807578

Britgulls lives

await its return

>> No.10807588

Can't wait for a new dead discord

>> No.10807624

AL discord. They ban toxic people too as a bonus.

>> No.10807672

Not a soul alive wants to see britgulls return

Let it go dairy

You have bigger things to work on

>> No.10807682
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>> No.10807702

tfw dairy made gullcord to get his dick wet

>> No.10807704
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>> No.10807717 [DELETED] 

I mean, it was working. He either scored with or got nudes from most of the femgulls.

>> No.10807728

I mean, it worked, until it didn't. From what I heard.

>> No.10807730
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is anyone surprised

>> No.10807732
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>> No.10807753 [DELETED] 

Hey, everyone fucked up in their own way and everyone deserves a second chance. Absolutely nobody deserves to be ostracised and cancelled for a silly mistake that could have been resolved by just communicating properly.

No gull is completely innocent, but no gull is completely guilty either.

>> No.10807859

I for one would like a new british cgl discord

-not run by any of the former circlejerk
-any attempt to reinstate the circlejerk is met with immediate bans
-we just talk shit between cons and hang out at cons, none of this romance and soap opera nonsense that killed the last one
-the return of fun gull meets with strangers at cons

so basically I want 2017 gullcord back kek. But a fresh start going back to the real roots of a cgl con meets discord would be dope.

>> No.10807860 [DELETED] 

Unfortunely nobody wants you back, wib

>> No.10807862

You are a) absolutely pathetically obsessed with me and b) part of the circlejerk I was referring to. Don't worry, it's mutual. Now try and go two days without posting about me on 4chan, I believe in you sweetie.

>> No.10807863

Bit of a pipe dream, you just know dairy is going to try to bring back britgulls once he thinks everyones forgotten or forgiven him (So... Spring 2023)

Which is just grim, since they've demonised people for far less than what he's done.

>> No.10807864

Would you call it more or less pathetic than hanging out in a thread where not a single soul wants to associate with you anymore?

You should throw dairy a message, maybe he'll finally respond to you now he has nobody else!

>> No.10807868
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>It's another call out thread
Go on post "hi x" again. It will be epic.

>> No.10807870

>same 8 people every single thread

It'll never end

>> No.10807872

I don't think Dairy is coming back

>> No.10807873

Hi x

>> No.10807875

the only good gullcord people are demo and dragon

>> No.10807876

I sure know I'm a horrible waste of a human.

>> No.10807877

>an emotionally stunted women-hating narcissist and an enabler so fragile everyone still pretends to like her partner so she won't have another breakdown

>> No.10807879

You left out “very funny” and “excellent shitposter”

>> No.10807880

Why does everyone love demo so much?

>> No.10807885

Demo is the only gull who loves themselves, so manages to convince everyone else to love him too.

>> No.10807886

Im surprised that you did not mention MCM London in the list.

Is it worth it to Join Anime League Discord or should I be wary of the rumours?

>> No.10807887

It's hard to explain, it's almost supernatural

>> No.10807888

I’d pull his devil trigger anytime.

>> No.10807890

He has that strange aura that makes you wanna follow him.

Kinda like that austrian guy a century or so ago.

>> No.10807891

He's just cute

>> No.10807892

Anon, you might not have heard of it because you don't have an ounce of it inside you. But this is what normal non insane people call "Charisma" and Demo has it in spades.

>> No.10807894

You should know better Wib, you dated that guy's reincarnation. Demo is more of a King Arthur type, handsome and heroic. Born to lead.

>> No.10807895

These are all me btw

>> No.10807896

AL discord is as tame as it gets.

>> No.10807903

Hey wib
I regret trying to coach you through one of your weekly melties, wish you'd jumped in front of a train like you said you were going to

>> No.10807909

I mean, talk shit and stuff, and I know we're on 4chan but I still feel the whole KYS thing is just that bit too far.

>> No.10807912

Nah, she truly is scum of the earth

If only she used that recruitment money to buy a likeable personality instead of haircuts from a barber that obviously thought she was as much of a cunt as everyone else does

>> No.10807916

Who is this Wib and Demo. Can someone give me a resume?

>> No.10807923

Demo is basically olimar but collects people instead of pikmin

>> No.10807925

Both will attempt to ruin you if you cross them, or disagree with them

>> No.10807927 [DELETED] 

nah, Demo wont go for you himself, he's got an entire discord of cronies who will obsessively flick through every page of your social media without him even asking

>> No.10807929

We don't need a discord, why don't we just organise meets in these threads instead

>> No.10807933

what, so the same people can show up?

would be very funny, but unless you have a plan to introduce about 30 new faces to this thread before the next meet, i'd say it's better left alone

>> No.10807937

One is a man who hates women.
One is a woman who hates men.

>> No.10807948

sitcom in the making

>> No.10808072


Stories please. I do want to know

>> No.10808135

I will not betray my friends.

>> No.10808139

You had to be there

>> No.10808248

is Mambo No. 5 an obscure song britgulls?

>> No.10808252

never heard of it, what does that have to do with this thread?

>> No.10808287
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>> No.10808433
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>> No.10808505
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RakuCon still spamming me with feedback emails.
How should I reply?
SHIT CON, be better?

>> No.10808839

Looks like Amelia is back with the gang and competing in some cosplay comp in Spain? How bad is the UK going to be roasted this time?

>> No.10808867


>> No.10808870


>> No.10808906

stay the fuck out of my cymraeg homelands you saesniggers

>> No.10808920

With pleasure.

>> No.10808934

also, kazoo deserves an apology

>> No.10808973

No, fuck kazoo

>> No.10808984


>> No.10808985

Anyone at EGX today?

>> No.10808990

I'm sorry we don't like you

>> No.10808991

god i miss when this board was full of cosdrama. she repped uk in ecg and went ghost after it.

>> No.10808992

Fuck off, not even actual Welsh people in this shithole thread would say that. Crawl back to your London hole and stay there you absolute waste of air

>> No.10808993

>Demo has his cultists shitting up the thread again

>> No.10809001
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Fuck off London nothingburger con shitter

>> No.10809002

you don't have to like him to admit he was right

>> No.10809011

He was an insufferable cunt

>> No.10809021

I mean you could say he was instrumental to the gulls.

>> No.10809039

Should've kept it at the NEC

>> No.10809130


I was there... pretty uneventful. Lots of queues to play 5 mins one game and few cosplayers

>> No.10809168

He was still right about you brainless drones crying about a harmless flu and a pointless jab.

>> No.10809172

What's your point?

>> No.10809174

Hi kazoo

>> No.10809248

I always wanted to ask. Is it true the rumors of the selected illuminaughty meetings in MCM?

>> No.10809457


>> No.10809495

In all fairness it's a gaming focused event, I typically end up hanging around the indie games that you don't have to queue to play (and don't end up buying..), the cosplay side of things is a little bit sad... but eh.

>> No.10809726

where's the new gullcord

>> No.10809745

Currently under house arrest pending investigation

>> No.10809808

It's never coming back anon
Give it up

>> No.10809858

Nah, it'll come back, run by a different crew like Bournville, Croak, Shareware and Wyvern

>> No.10810024
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It's all awful

>> No.10810069

Never ever

Because if he ever tries to start it up again he will be buried under an avalanche of people who know better than to let him near women

And anyone else attempting to rez it will find that it's all exactly the same people with exactly the same problems

It's fucking gone, you blew it, and you will never get another chance

>> No.10810073

He died in a car crash, dipshit

>> No.10810083

I wish dairy had done that

>> No.10810107

I do feel awful that there were always a lot of red flags with Dairy, since I ignored a lot of his negging and gaslighting, plus his whole woe is me routine that somehow worked.

>> No.10810139

Red flags?

>> No.10810153

what happened to the other guy, the ape escape avvie guy. why did he get booted out of the server?

>> No.10810244 [DELETED] 

I was just shit posting about people coming back under new names and whatever. But yeah. Its all very sad. I doI genuinely regret wherever small part I contributed since I did do wrong by a couple of people though.

>> No.10810282


>> No.10810289
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Another victim

>> No.10810452


>> No.10810460

You already know this of course, but he didn't

Like everyone else, he left when he realised the server was owned by a sexual predator

>> No.10810462
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Nuke all brit thread

>> No.10810475

i don't think thats right they were all talking shit about him
don't assume what i know i don't follow the drama i just miss all my 'friends' (people i dont know/never met)

>> No.10810480

sorry to hear you never made yourself popular enough to be invited to the new gang

can confirm ape escape guy and his mates are still alive and kicking

there is no drama anymore, only a nazi with a funny haircut that is going to get her teeth kicked in come april, and the old gullcord server owner who is banned from every con that means anything

>> No.10810482

Predator is manipulative, checks out. I wonder if all his exes were "crazy"as he claimed they were.

>> No.10810483

Honestly the whole nazi accusation thing is pretty surreal. I mostly remember them as being the most woke person on the block and a diehard crusader for various causes.

>> No.10810484

part of what makes it so baffling

a cunt is a cunt though, even if theyre a part time good guy

>> No.10810486

Mother fuckers fishing for info.

Touch grass.

>> No.10810507

Every thread I look at on 4chan with the intention of making friends is just full of hostility and drama. I feel like i'm really trying here to do some sort of socialization but everywhere just seems so angry and that's not what i'm looking for.

>> No.10810509

>only a nazi with a funny haircut

>> No.10810516

Honestly, you're not going to find chill people here
The anonymous nature of 4chan leads to way more aggression

>> No.10810517

>there is no drama
That's a lie

>> No.10810522

i find people on discord to be much more rude, when you are both anonymous its much easier to assess criticism objectively rather than know someone specifically knows you, doesn't like you, and will target you for anything you say. thats why i didn't make friends on discord, imply that you have one 'wrong' opinion and you are marked, nothing happens after that matters. hate spaces are more to do with keyboard comfort than anonymity.

>> No.10810529

the one that sounds like a frog noise

>> No.10810539

There is no Drama in Brit Gull Se

>> No.10810545
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>my discord con frens in NL and USA fetch me from the airport and accommodate me and we have tons of fun
>my uk discord con people all stab each other in the back and form cliques who hate each other and make shit up

Kinda rattles the noggin

>> No.10810547

This is surprisingly better than the other brit generals but it's still terrible

>> No.10810559


Why doesnt this surprise me knowing british Culture.

I mean this is 4chan what do you expect? Its used internationally for this exact reason

But its like inhirit of british society.... its a bunch of people that will never have the guts to tell someone in their face when they have a problem with them. But they will tell everyone else that they have a problem with you. Making it much worse...

Ah yeah and the "I dont want to offend you" BS excuse.

>> No.10810562

>this is 4chan
>r*dt spaces

>> No.10810601

>Waiter comes to ask if there if everything is ok.

>“Yes thanks everything is fine”

>it’s not fine, the order is wrong, some of it is cold and there is a hair in it.

Being British rocks.

Phone poster. It looks formatted, then you post it and it looks like you mouth breath for dramatic pauses.

>> No.10810623

>I mean this is 4chan what do you expect? Its used internationally for this exact reason
Being Anonymous doesn't mean being mean. It just means no username.

>> No.10810624

everyone who writes coherently is from reddit!

>> No.10810654

whats the old saying traps are from 4chan 'women' are from reddit

>> No.10810658


>> No.10810721
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Wrong, this place is chill if you dodge the;
>grog says AL and Monopoly events bad posts
>or any drama involving names like tucky etc
And wrong again, this place is a valued source of information much more than some recently turned troon's facebook page

>> No.10810731

There's 54 people posting on this thread, the people here are a fraction of a percentage of con attendees, don't pretend this is anything more than a small group constantly getting mad about nothing and con shills posting to drum up fake controversy to promote their events

>> No.10810922

I think theres just a general sense of frustration that no anime con in the UK has cracked the big event formula, and AL are quite happy with their "roll up the day before and set up some folding tables" format, which is lacklustre but works for them I guess.

>> No.10810923
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I have noticed this as well. Cosplayers from outside the UK are much more friendly. Whereas no one is ever actually friends in the UK con scene. It's just "allies" you can get drunk with, but will stab you in the back if you do things they don't like.

>> No.10810934

I think you hit the nail on the head. Big events always seem to get formulaic or worse regulated to hell. Small ones often lack content / energy / attendees. Medium is best but ironically quite rare.

Having been to a few AL events now I'd call them conventions on wheels. Yeah I didn't see any men in trench coats running off with lolis under their arms. I also saw that it was a bit rough round the edges, cheep and cheerful. You wouldn't pay for a hotel room for an AL event but since they are like a traveling circus moving round the country you won't have to.

>> No.10810960

How do I go about getting a cosplay gf at MCM this month? Is there some anime character that's hot right now that I should go as?

>> No.10810962

Luffy's always get laid

>> No.10810981

People here overstate how hard it is to pull at MCM. If you have a decent costume, aren't completely fucked looking and know what to say to a woman you'll pull. MCM lasses are easy.

>> No.10810984

Fair enough but where do I actually go? Last time I went to MCM it was just a big hall full of people selling shit. Where are the places that I can actually go and meet people?

>> No.10810989

I’m 5’5 balding and about 200lbs. Will this criteria still get me some action? I don’t want to buy the shorts and a straw hat if it’s not going to work.

>> No.10811028

100% guaranteed, but you have to make the straw hat yourself.

>> No.10811031


Itou from Genshin Impact

>> No.10811046

Good job I spend so much time on a Mongolian basket weaving forum. I’m sure a hat wouldn’t be too much of a change. I’ll get started then

>> No.10811151

It's not guaranteed, but it's your best bet imo. The characters personality plus the aesthetic of the cosplay gives you a very good chance.

>> No.10811174

Don't forget to dislocate both your arms for authentic rubber arms action

>> No.10811217
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Nice rabbit.

>> No.10811475

Anyone have the latest Discord server link for brit cgl?

>> No.10811496

Who is coming to comic con Scotland tomorrow at Edinburgh?
>My friend is travelling all the way for the competition and it seems like the judges they select for their events aren’t with the right credentials. How can you judge a good armor cosplay with just instagram hoe cosplayers as judges?

>> No.10811502

They do once in a while get to invite decent cosplayer guests. There is usually a cosplay group facilitating the cosplay side of things and usually you have to kiss their ass if you want them to approve of anything cosplay related. This is the way in so many shows and events. There’s always a different cosplay group organising it. SWXGVH

>> No.10811506

Yaya Han is literally just a corpse at this point, dragged around and dusty asf.

>> No.10811521

There’s no one else as experienced as her. She can make any cosplay man. She can give a fair judgement I believe

>> No.10811523

Yeah there seems to be only 2 cosplayer judges announced and both appears to be minors. Nobody appears to have any idea about sewing, foam work or performing. Bless those poor cosplayers who made their costumes for months only to be critiqued by amateur cosplayers.

>> No.10811538
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Bros I just wanted to get into cosplay.... mayb meet up with some ppl for a con... why is this thread all shit slinging

>> No.10811542

What's going on with Ame? Anyone going?

>> No.10811632

dont forget tabby lyons

>> No.10811660

But anon, they've probably made a viral tiktok once, as influences they automatically know more than you ever could.

>> No.10811707

Different anon here. But it seems like you answered yourself. Does one viral video make you know about everything? Get it together anon. I’ve been sent to Japan for competitions and I’ve never had a viral video. Does that make me not know anything?

>> No.10811719


>> No.10811735

anon learn to read sarcasm before you attempt to post on cgl

>> No.10811963

I heard the event was horrible. What did you think?

>> No.10812221

Hell yes. Its gonna be great.

>> No.10812336

This, but for real, I can imagine it's pretty depressing to be judged by someone who's only known for shaking their ass in an Ali express bodysuit too.

>> No.10812515

Tabby needs to lay off the filters. She looks like a different person in every photo nowadays.

>> No.10812579


>> No.10812896

So I hear ame is a shit show

>> No.10812919

Really? I’m there and I’m having plenty of fun. The only two stand out issues are attendance and panels. The is a noticeable thinness of panels. But the quality has been fairly high so it’s not so bad.

>> No.10812947

Is it worse than Kita tho?

>> No.10812985

Nope, it is pretty good, very enjoyable.

Venue is very good aside from like £7 drinks, panels have been great but could do with more of them. Atmosphere is real fun with lots of mingling. Loads of cosplayers. Only complaint was the games room was super cramped until they moved the Rock band set up into the chill out area.

Ignore the doomposting, we got this shit with Kita a few months ago.

>> No.10812994

What venue was ame at? I didn’t go. I know it’s a smaller/chibi or what we they call it. Not that Britannia again?

>> No.10813006

In fairness at ame now. Was at kita then, I think ame actually is even thiner on panels than kita. But they feel more varied and less manufactured.

I don’t know for sure what went on behind the scenes but I think kita and ame were both hit with an attendee drop out and lack of panel runners issue due to the pandemic. On balance I’d say ame has handled it better. And just been generally better organised.

>> No.10813009

It’s been so long now I don’t know if I can be assed to go back to cons. Habits have formed, Money spent elsewhere. Who would I hang with if I went and so on. Can totes see how that sort of thing happens.

>> No.10813013

Yeah, I was meant to do panel at Ame 2020 but lost inspiration and ideas, and by time they chased, didn't have time to come up with a new one.

>> No.10813023
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Quick question, should I bring a gun to Brum cons?

>> No.10813035

How about make new friends? Yeah I know it’s hard. Most of my friends have given up on the con scene. But I refuse to. So I’ll have to make new friends. Shame most people there are already in a tight nit group.

>> No.10813043

For protection yes, for a prop no. You're going to Brum so you should always carry heat.

>> No.10813047

Yeah I find people aren't as open to new people anymore, but you just got to find the ones that are I guess.

>> No.10813091

Hai is anyone going to McM London and maybe want to meet up? Reply with ur discord

>> No.10813170


>> No.10813463

anyone going to raicon in glasgow on the 5th?

>> No.10813471

how do brit generals manage to be so consistently shit?
like /britfeel/ and /brit/ are just terrible places

>> No.10813476

We're all miserable

>> No.10813560

I went to Ame, and it’s obvious there was problems behind the scenes with attendance and volunteers. It felt very thin on the ice, but I had a nice time. I think with what they had they did a great job!!

>> No.10813586

Same. Bit thin on panels and attendees but the ones that were there were nice. Got drunk, played boardgames, danced to stupid tunes - Ame was good times.

>> No.10813592

I'll be honest forgot Ame was a thing. Thought it got cancelled

>> No.10813774

no but I think it might have come close to that. glad it didn't. they're planing to run next year in some form.

>> No.10813795
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>Bit thin on panels and attendees
Every con this year, lol

>> No.10814333

It feels natural coming out of the coof, with a two year break you don't have the people itching to run panels or inspired to run something from previous con. A lot pf folks want to enjoy over stressing about running this year. I think it will improve back to normal by next year's cons. One thing I have noticed that the number of cosplays have shot up this year.

>> No.10814465

From an insider's perspective, the Committees' have become way more toxic and unworkable. Huge egos using the big names like kita and ame to hide how incompetent they are. On top of this, there's a bunch of stuff coming out about certain committee members cheating on spouses and gaslighting people to keep it under wraps. There's also an incident involving physical assult within kita's committee that's resurfacing from a few years ago.

>> No.10814479

Can confirm, as someone who did end up running a panel it ended up being kind of a last minute directionless thing because I didn't want to spend hours during lockdown etc writing something I didn't know if I'd even run.

Will be better once cons are more back to normal

>> No.10814502

Jesus, the entire UK scene is toxic. Maybe we really should just ban anyone born after 98 from going to cons and let the arguably more ethical gen Z reset everything.

Maybe herd the problematic millennials into their own containment con once a year.

>> No.10814606
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If the May one was shit then the October one is trash even more. Peak day for MCM London is usually the Saturday in May (usually best all around weather for the year and main event day for the most significant stuff, and regardless of month Friday is too early for most celebs to turn up and Sunday is when MCM dies down with vendors trying to clear remaining stock as the only possible plus).

>I've never hosted a meet before and only ever attended one previous one...
This is usually the source of most significant drama.
Starts of pretending to be okay (but actually shit), drama "queens" turn to shit with the bitchy stuff and real drama is either towards the end or sometime later (what happens later scenario is anyone's guess, got too old for this). That said good luck.

Usually a few or just the odd 1-3 people that make a drama on average in a medium to large groups (small ones are rarely mentioned). The rest are either chill or awkard and recommend staying in touch with the chilled if the experience was good.

Dress as this (might been a black long hair wig below the mask) but you will likely have a bad ending for this path. Only recommend that for the October days (running up to Halloween).

>> No.10814696

Would actually be illegal

>> No.10814835
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do they sell tickets st the door for london?

I only just managed to get saturday off and online tickets are sold out

>> No.10814851

Usually a limited amount at the venue but I won't know if they will be this time (not going).

>> No.10814874

But you can try sneaking in if you huddle in a group of people walking through, worked for my friend before

>> No.10814997

Anon, Millennials are pre-1998

>> No.10815020

Anyone going to HotaruCon? Looks alright though most cons look alright before experiencing them

>> No.10815111

Yep. Would still fall fowl of the UKs age discrimination rules either way though. Only way for a convention to get round this would be to include either accommodation or travel costs in the ticket price of the con (In which case there could use the same exemption that exists to make 18-30 holidays posable)

>> No.10815112

Basically a con would have to do a deal with the hotel where they buy the right to act as an agent of the hotel selling the rooms along with the ticket for a single price.

It's a horrible idea on every level. Non discrimination laws exist for a reason after all.

>> No.10815141

is it just me or do vastly more people go to MCM October than May?

>> No.10815150

Quantity over quality.

>> No.10815216

so uk won the crown

>> No.10815300

Speaking of that, I don't know the name of the woman who won it but when I was in the nearby tescos she was bragging to the till lady that she won. I've never met this woman before but just from that one convo I could tell how conceited and vain she was. Later on I found out she was being rude to togs and just acting like a prissy little diva when most people didn't give a shit about her.

>> No.10815324

She’s such a conceited ass. She’s on twitter claiming the uk never wins anything and she’s the first. The uk literally won c4 a few weeks ago, and runner up last year at wcs, plus others placing in international finals before pandemic.

>> No.10815338
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As long as MCM Lon was a shitshow I'm Happy

>> No.10815342

You cant be serious.

You only think so cause everyone is inside due to shit weather and not scattered everywhere

>> No.10815345

I think its more to do with the october being more closer to Halloween where all the normal people dress up in costume plus mcm is being heavily advertised recently

>> No.10815346

Yeah it was a shitshow, specifically Saturday

>> No.10815397

What year did they prohibit bootleg goods at MCM? I hadn't been since 2017 but I feel like there used to be a lot more variety in vendors. Instead it was just the same low quality UFO catcher figures and Funko Pops.

>> No.10815421

Nah the weather was actually pretty good and outside was rammed as well

>> No.10815474

>What year did they prohibit bootleg goods at MCM?
Late 2017 to 2018+.

Went last year to meet a friend I hadn't seen in a while and had a similar experience too.
A mix of getting on to be a tad too old, brought very little overall and the new stuff is mostly trash (such as the anime and some of the other events, goods and cosplay were more focused on video games, etc).

>> No.10815501

Can anyone recommend which hotel near excel is the best/ most convenient when dealing with a cumbersome cosplay? Want to plan ahead for next year but everything is so expensive so I'd love to hear other people's experiences before I book anything.

>> No.10815502

just book literally anywhere with decent dlr access, it isn't rocket science

>> No.10815504

I want to be able to do a costume change mid day and not have to try fit it onto public transport so was looking for something in walking distance

>> No.10815548

From closest to furthest within walking distance:
East end: Aloft, DoubleTree, Premier Inn, Hampton, Moxy, Holiday Inn Express
West end: Sunborn, Novotel, Ibis, Crowne Plaza

>> No.10815562

Has anyone seen Dankula in MCM?

I Saw this video with him and a random guy on youtube and I wonder hows the mindset with him in CGL


>> No.10815566
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Absolute MadLad

>> No.10815572

I like him. But im a shitposting troll.

>> No.10815627


Who the guy or Dankula?


Dont we all? We are in 4chan

>> No.10815633

I don't know if you're speaking about the same woman I met but I'm a tog and was doing photos. I was in the middle of shooting with another cosplayer when this woman comes up to me and says

"Do me next"
"Sure just let me finish up. Have you booked a slot?"
"No but I have places to be and I need photos quick."
"You came up to me. I need to finish with this other person first and I have other slots after as well."
"I'm a competition winner. You can make an exception."

After that I told her I could but I'm not going to because she's being rude and she stormed off. Later on another tog friend told me she tried the same thing on other togs. It was really bizarre to see someone so openly being a narcissist and a bitch. Not even hiding it. Which to me points to other issues she must be having. Which are none of my business.

>> No.10815636

fuck that shit. if you need to take the DLR then you can't enjoy the night life for spring MCM.

>> No.10815639
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This bitch. Never met a more conceited person in my life.

>> No.10815656
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>"I'm a competition winner. You can make an exception."
the audacity of this bitch

>> No.10815720


never liked her cosplay from the beggining

I swear to god that cosplay competitions are just like "Yeah Im throwing a lot of Jargon the cosplay doesnt look impressive or original at all but im gonna make it look like ive spent years of my life doing stuff so I can look cool and brag rights"

I liked the wasteland samurai much more than this girl but he got nothing in the end not even a mention...

I swear cosplay contests are rigged AF

>> No.10815723

No shit. The judges are all nonces and these slags will do anything for a bit of acknowledgement.

>> No.10815737


Her dad made the most impressive part of the costume for her

>> No.10815742
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This is true but she continually lied to the judges about making it all herself. Her stepfather did all the actual welding because it was "too dangerous" for her, in her own words. You can actually see him welding the pieces in the background of a video.

>> No.10815748

would be funny if somone sent this to mcm cosplay staff this could be the new Kara hook

>> No.10815762


Why dont you just send it to Yaya Han then?

>> No.10815792

Bruh seeing Count Dankula is more a experience than a crusty old hag called Yaya Han, she ain't even Vinnegal tier now

>> No.10815855


Yeah Dankula was nice but I wouldnt call Yaya Han an old hag im plenty sure many would like to look like her at her age and after having kids

>> No.10815871
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I never enter competitions because I know all the judges know all the cliques. And will let their friends bend the rules but be really harsh on people they don't like or want to win.

I've seen previous winners of various UK cons. Unimpressive costumes made with expensive material and machines, costumes made by teams with no involvement from the person wearing the costume, stuff that's against the rules but wins anyway. Cosplay contests have just been a big circle jerk for many years now. They just exist for members of the small cosplay clique to pat themselves on the back and pretend they're talented and famous.

>> No.10815910

It's just as bad as some Genshin Impact cosplayers winning the masquerade last weekend

>> No.10816053


Then you go to any of their booths and they are usually alone with 3 or 4 people waiting there. Probally if they are even less known just some people trying to hit on the cosplayer Ive seen it soo many times.

Sometimes you are like ohm cool cosplay and then you find they have 10k followers in insta but pretty much nothing.


I dont think undermine a Genshin impact cosplayer might be a case BUT is it true that they are overdone AF ...

In the end I think the cosplaycirclejerking in the contests are everywhere, you just need to see the world cosplay to see. that girl that came from Spain cosplaying as Dorothy could be the real example on that this doesnt only happens in our country, most likely others as well.

The Presenter of MCM BTW which is a massive jerk I hate that guy even said that in Spain they have already selected their next candidate for the next big competition.

Idk but in the end you will see few of them making al iving out of it unless they do something like onlyfans.

>> No.10816059

The Amazonian Cos drama made it to lolcow and it's funny seeing apologists defend her there because "the other contestants could have cheated too". I'm surprised she actually has fans. All the cosplayers I know can't stand her.

>> No.10816061


The Face of the USA Cosplayer when they said the witcher guy 3rd and her 1st won was priceless. I liked the 2nd place very original

Btw I tried to make it to Lolcow and find her post but I cant find it

>> No.10816075

It's in Cosplay Cringe on /w which was a shite place to put it since UK has its own thread there too.

3rd was very good imo. Not as flashy but I'm not surprised he placed with how well made it was.

>> No.10816088


Yeah see this is the thing I was arguing with someone, the guy looked like Geralt 100% the was cool and deserved more praise than Amazonian was the one with the mask and that it looked like a french pupper that one would be a better placed than her.

>> No.10816122
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You see one Genshit cosplayer you've seen em all, much like Vtuber cosplays

>> No.10816123

Vtubers are a plague

>> No.10816126


I havent seen many at MCM tho

>> No.10816156

Are you being sarcastic or living under a rock? At every mcm theres always a huge ass meetup and theres always drama around it, from someone spreading covid to gate keeper tiktok people. Every masquerade or convention performances has at least two genshin impact cosplayers participating in them too.

>> No.10816238


I meant the Vtubers cosplayers. But I can understand why there is drama amongst the Genshin Cosplayers in the end any big group caters to that.

I would like to know more about this (the Genshin Stuff)

Talking about drama I saw a girl on lolcow the buttercupbunny I think I saw her in the past and she has an onlyfans but I do not understand why is she there if she is non relevant.

>> No.10816307
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Any other cosplayer who makes a Sansa Stark dress is plagerizing her apparently. Imagine thinking your copy of a thing is this important.

>> No.10816390

btw who do you think are the cosplayers with the most STD?

>> No.10816417

Any who have had sex with Alex Baker

>> No.10816547

Well hotaru was a thing, now to wait for KokoroCon. Excited for that

>> No.10816550

Hotaru was gash.It felt like there was only about 50 people there. Honestly feel like I wasted my money. The ogre chair person made me want to scratch my eyeballs out

>> No.10816553

rude desu
the panelling was much better than Kita
games room was lacking but at least it has the Jury's Inn© Rock Band™ setup

>> No.10816561

I don't think anything ran on time, everything was awkward and cringe, it's probably the worst con I've been to in a very long time. Definitely not worth travelling from Scotland for.

It's not worth being a weeb anymore.

>> No.10816573
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So I went to AL Brighton, the biggest mistake ever
>People were heading home in cosplays before we even came in
>Very small venue, its a wedding hall, many dead ends
>Only a handful of good cosplays, most are typical genshit
>The presenters said they were giving away junk/said last con didn't want to be there
>Only knock-off vendor mystery bags
>Only kids and parents, all the cool people left early
>Brighton was rainy and windy af
>They canceled the glowstick party, the only redeeming factor of AL
>GF wasn't vibing so we didn't even attend the 2nd day
Hope animangapop turns out better, never going to AL again

>> No.10816574

I agree, I can’t stand her.

>> No.10816576

biggest mistake was trusting AL

>> No.10816578

True but been in London and that was ok, then Portsmouth was poppin, so I assumed Brighton would've been a fancier Portsmouth, man was I wrong.

>> No.10816643

Being happy you've won, what a crime!

>> No.10816734
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The till lady didn't give a fuck about you and you kept going on about it to her like it was a big deal which is what made you look concieted. Then you started demandi ng special treatment from togs which really made you look like a stuck up bitch. If your social media wasn't already a big enough clue to that.

>> No.10816800

I was surprised I had a good time and not that much seems late but what the hell was up with the chairbeasts in the corridor?

>> No.10816802


>> No.10816809

Using standard 4chan tropes do you mean Fat people in wheelchairs, I don’t follow otherwise.

>> No.10816832
File: 526 KB, 604x604, 592626b9a70abe83f2a0dc2f9b435137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me at 17
>used to love anime and conventions
>made a buncha new friends easily
>shitty handmade cosplay, mostly cardboard
>no money for merch or a nice hotel
>whatever, we just bring a packed lunch
>too young to be invited to afterparties
>most ppl are strangers but potential new friends
>"Cons will be so much fun when im older and have a decent job"
>still had the best time of my life

[insert pandemic + uni degree]

>be me at 24
>basically a Hikikomori thanks to WFH job
>finally have money for merch and hotel if i want
>have decent sewing machine and other tools for making
>have decent camera finally and know how to use it (mostly)
>havent made anime friends in years, bad at keeping in touch with old ones
>generally depressed and lost interest in most modern shows
>anxious to be in such a big place surrounded by so many people nowadays
>everywhere I look I see the same copy pasted genshit onlyfans whores
>sometimes run into people who I fell out with and feel even worse
>after an hour in any convention hall I just feel overwhelmed and wanna go home

how the fuck do you make anime friends i dont wanna go somewhere alone T-T

>> No.10816908

You’ve left uni. You don’t. This is it, it’s all life will ever be.

>> No.10816932
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Calling people "genshit onlyfans whores" won't make yourself any friends
Maybe you can do a helmet cosplay so you can act like a big guy without being anxious of people knowing who you are

>> No.10816940

>Calling people "genshit onlyfans whores" won't make yourself any friends
Maybe you can do a helmet cosplay so you can act like a big guy without being anxious of people knowing who you are

>> No.10816990

So who is hyped for MCM Birmingham?


I just go out more and just talk with people, if you are not like overly weird is gonna be allright to approach people when you have a good mindset

>> No.10816992

Bpd psychos, "nice guys" and incels are all that's left in the uk con scene. Best left alone for a few years untill it changes or dies out.

>> No.10817004

Ugg, not ALL men sweaty. I’m not like that.

>> No.10817010

Seriously, the sooner millennial are banned en-masse from the con scene is the sooner it will get better.

>> No.10817017

You won't have anyone running the cons if you ban the millennials

>> No.10817026

I’m ok with this,

>> No.10817121

Helmet Bro here, we earn more bitches and stack more paper than you.

>> No.10817237


Do you really think that Millenials are the problem on the con scene at the moment? How come you think like this?

OBV Millenial here im just curious

>> No.10817240

Yes please. I'm fed up with cons just being clubs for cliques as opposed to actual social events you can meet people and have fun at. When cons were run by boomers and Gen Xers who didn't take it seriously and cons were just places for weirdo nerds to congregate and get drunk in costume those were the best times. After 2010 is when all the nonce millenials who were exposed to the internet too much started gaining power and seeing cosplay and cons as another tool of social media as opposed to something fun.

>t. Zoomer.

>> No.10817241

We'd barely had facebook/myspace/bebo and Instagram didn't come out till October 2010. Most cons all I see is weebs getting drunk in costume.

>> No.10817243

Compare and contrast, cons before social media and cons after social media.

I'll use furries as an example but this is applicable to other sub cultures. Before social media, furries and other freaks just sat on forums e-wanking each other off. They had their own cons which were small because every other person on the planet was ashamed of them. Social media allowed them a platform to network and tell others they were fine actually and society is wrong to judge them. Then those very same freaks network to either start cons or position themselves to take over other cons and you have the problem. There is a clear line from 2010 when things like Facebook, Twitter, and so on got big. They all existed prior to that. They didn't just pop into existence magically after 2010. Obviously the rise of E-girls and the "the girlfriend experience" also helped ruin things too and that was closer to 2014 onwards but the seeds were planted in 2010.

>> No.10817246

A particular demographic of people has ruined cons for you? Do you the people you like no longer go? Is it the structure of the events that has changed or the attendees? This is fascinating to me.

>> No.10817249

No I'm not saying a particular demographic has ruined it at all. I mentioned furries as an example to explain that people seeing cons as another arm of social media to exploit with nepotism and "networking" (seeing cons as a job, being a janny or reddit neckbeard essentially.) as opposed to a fun gathering of friends is what it ruining cons. Cons nowadays are clubs for certain people. And if you're not in the group that knows all the judges and organisers you aren't going to have fun anymore.

>> No.10817252

Personally, I'd disagree. Yes there's now a permanent group who go to the big events like MCM, Insomnia etc to network, because that's their chosen profession. It's not mine, I find it exhausting and way too much pressure. I'm still more than able to go to big events, small events, niche/theme events and have fun with the people I do know and the people I meet regardless.

>> No.10817266

I hate everyone in this thread
Yes you, even you

>> No.10817278

Go get therapy, that's not healthy

>> No.10817287


>> No.10817291

hi demo

>> No.10817294

But I’M one of the good ones. Whatever that is

>> No.10817296
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What am I in for MCM Brum this weekend?

>> No.10817317

I wont make friends with fat, ugly, old looking, autistic, unkempt asperger neckbeards, I dont owe you anytying. Simple as.

>> No.10817343

I am a woman though. Making assumptions about an anon's identity because you don't like what they say is peak gull retardation.

The cons are all run by the fat hairy autists though. You're happy to make friends with them then. Go to their cons and kiss their arses when they get found out for being nonces.

>> No.10817390

>Fat hairy nonces
When's the Shenny file dropping?

>> No.10817399

When did I assume your gender, you stupid motherfucker?

And why do you think you have to bring up a woman/self identified woman has anything to do with your retarded opinion?

I don't give a fuck about old organizers because they're ugly and old. However I also don't owe you regular fatass con attendees anything. I go with people I like and only interact with people I like.

Kill yourself.

>> No.10817406

Who hurt you anon?

>> No.10817408

this dumb bitches' schizo ranting.

>> No.10817423
File: 31 KB, 693x492, 292017866_2548640175270679_8607322044750122753_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calling other people schizo after posting >>10817408

>> No.10817435
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I remember when I finally realised cosplay contests are rigged and not worth the effort.

>Someone makes a fucking Catbus cosplay
>In the holding pen everyone is gushing over what a good cosplay it is
>Crowd goes wild when it goes on stage
>Everyone is talking about it
>Winner announced
>Not Catbus
>Instead it's a friend of the committee members
>tfw everyone's reaction

>> No.10817443

It's so pathetic that a group of men and women in their 30's are pathetically latching on to this play pretend idea of fame. As long as no one who's actually good breaches it they can live in this bubble where they are amazing celebrities .

These are people with kids, jobs, and responsibilities outside of Cosplay. And they choose to act like 14 year old insecure Genshitters.

It's okay though. I've seen with my own eyes you can get a lot of notice and success without having to be in the club or starting an only fans. And I've seen how much that makes aforementioned 30 year old children seethe.

>> No.10817445
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get fuckt

>> No.10817482
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>> No.10817519

see you there anon

>> No.10817522

Ded con

>> No.10817638

Their website loads like shit so it's a no from me

>> No.10817676

Same thing happened at animangapop, crowd went wild for a fate cosplay who had a literal moving prop and he lost to a miku cosplay, even had some people shouting "what?"

>> No.10817678

Yo, I'm at animangapop too, is there an after party?

>> No.10817681

me and my bf left early so can't say

>> No.10817705

Hatsune miku is hot, people who like miku have excellent taste.

I would always vote for that instead of some fateshitter.

>> No.10817793

Judges are either coomer nonces or 30 year old women with overrated designs. So you'll be in good company.

>> No.10817918

Nonce she was probably 14

>> No.10817959
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Is it me or is 86th floor's footage schtick only consist of thots and not much else, sounds like a Euro Groomer front

>> No.10817969

minors cant attend cosplay competition you salty fate incel. They have a separate kiddy section.

>> No.10817972

MCM Brum was pretty good, first time I've been where it's been held in the far-end halls but the amount of space around there is massive, much nicer then the Excel.
Hall itself was okay but mostly just stalls. Wrestling was fun. Quality of cosplay was great, even some obscure shows had 1-2 people cosplaying from them. Also a billion Hatsune Mikus.

>> No.10817977

Because I'm local it makes me a bit biased because it's convenient for me but I do feel the NEC is a vastly undervalued venue just because it isn't muh lohndon.

>> No.10818085


Oh yeah I would definetly say that whenever I was bored i hoped on to see the wrestling matches and I loved the energy and the quality of the show. My kudos to them

>> No.10818097

No? I don't even like fate lol, there was only one cosplay section and a few were definitely minors lmao

>> No.10818194

>They have a separate kiddy section.
I bet you'd know all about the kiddy section anon, you might like to attend animeleague

>> No.10818385

So what do we have left this year aside from the London Comic Con Winter?

Anything interesting coming next year?

>> No.10818458

Some nofag won the Crown Championships of Cosplay qualifier, Helen Alice second, another nofag third. Thoughts?

>> No.10818484
File: 42 KB, 720x729, 287688746_5173613202757363_5769846514911451590_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not some nofag I know for a fact he has contacts with a couple of the judges. How close they are I don't know but I know there is a connection.

>> No.10818486

Some nofag with 300 followers in his first ever contest has connections with the big name cosplay judges flown in from the other side of the world? Seethe harder helen

>> No.10818491

Most of the judges and influencers who are part of the cliques have less than 10k followers. The following isn't important. It's all about who your friends are. These people win the contests so they can keep up the illusion they are famous with less than a 1000 followers. Did you see how much actual following Poo Skin Pepe had despite so many people in the community hanging on his word?

>> No.10818626
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Not gonna say it was the best con this year with quality of cosplay, but its up there senpai

>> No.10818684


Who won?

>> No.10818712

A smallfry in monster hunter armour. Big sword

>> No.10818715

Who were the judges this year?

>> No.10818731


Still want to see I like Monster Hunter cosplays

>> No.10818766
File: 133 KB, 1080x1080, FhZPwj2XkAIVDvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10818848

Both of cowbutt crunchies, and bambi lashes

>> No.10819283
File: 101 KB, 1400x788, seventeenthousanddollarspls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me, my toddler nephew could put together a better website.
I can see this con already.

>> No.10819390


Thats not bad tho. It looks the part in the end thats what cosplay is all about.

>> No.10820007
File: 316 KB, 512x720, 1669112242466198 anubiagf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to sleep till 2024

>> No.10820105

Oh well, maybe we'll get some reheated discord or twitter drama to keep things active.

>> No.10820132

Now that there's no one central discord the drama seems to have stopped

>> No.10820277

Might not be a bad thing. Just a place for people to be toxic and antisocial.

>> No.10820280


I dont know why people want to be like this in the end.

>> No.10820291

Never said it was a bad thing tbf, my life is improved now gullcord is dead

>> No.10820295

What a pity, I was hoping for some fiery drama to keep me warm during the winter months.

>> No.10820631

dont forget the gullcord sex pest

>> No.10820632

Kys dairy

>> No.10821120
File: 959 KB, 500x375, ccssmile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep yourself safe
thanks babe

>> No.10821327

why? nothing good is going to happen in this community going forward

>> No.10821487

People have been saying that since I started going to cons in 2007

>> No.10821719

what would you do that’s good?

>> No.10821722

never visit this website again and touch grass

>> No.10821729

But I like the memes.

>> No.10821873

the community is saved! all hail Spicy McMemelord

>> No.10821879
File: 711 KB, 207x334, 13177097.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So no cosplay meetups for December?
This stinks

>> No.10821933

Mate its christmas. Dont you have any family or a partner or something?

>> No.10822009


You are asking someone in 4chan...