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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10802932 No.10802932 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>10798786

>> No.10802953

Who is she even supposed to be?

>> No.10802971

/pol/ incel closeted gay bait cosplay

>> No.10803020
File: 2.36 MB, 2560x1707, 1651192655378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People from /pol/ humanized a small va used by the russian armed forces and gave her the name 'Buchanka-chan' or something like that.

It's a quite cool costume, the hat looks like a nicely built prop. It's more or less the same kinda 'energy' as Corona chan and Ebola chan.

>> No.10803034

Well that's shitty

>> No.10803035

You should go tell them about your feelings on the matter.

>> No.10803043

Why? It's a good meme.

>> No.10803047

I don’t care enough to make an account on whatever site this is from to just send a message that says “you suck”

>> No.10803056

t. reddit

>> No.10803075

I'm beginning to think I don't really want a bf, I just want a roommate who I can buy a house with. And then they don't leave.

>> No.10803076

Yeah bro. You gotta get a 4chan account so you can go tell them all about it.

You have to go back newfag.

>> No.10803078

I'm going to my first con in awhile this weekend. Totally forgot it was a thing til someone mentioned it.
Just gonna go alone though since I have no friends or anything. My sister is "thinking" about it but she never goes through with plans so I doubt I'll have her there either.

Just gonna awkwardly go for 3 days and remember how it was actually fun when I was younger and now it's going to be lonely. Kinda gonna suck. I'm actually tempted to go to the speed friending panels just out of hope for happiness. But I already know it won't work out because I hate meeting new people.

>> No.10803079

Don't take it so personally. Sorry I said your cosplay is gay, I'll consider your feelings next time.

>> No.10803080

You know god damn well that's not what I'm talking about you cunt. Keep talking shit tho newfag.

>> No.10803082

My friend brought his new GF over to my place for the first time and it somehow spontaneously turned into a threesome. I guess they'd discussed the possibility previously but had no intention of doing it that night or with me at all. I really don't know how to feel about the whole thing, I'm pretty OK with being "the other guy" in an open relationship but doing it as a threesome thing kinda weirded me out, especially because of how into it my friend was. They want to make it a recurring thing now and to some degree I'm into it because she's my type and into a lot of stuff I'm into that other girls I've been with weren't, and they're also talking about involving other girls, but like I say I'm really not sure how to feel about it, and in particular not sure if the feeling in the pit of my stomach is just coming from societal expectations and the feeling that my other friends who were there and witnessed the start of things were really weirded out by it. I also saw some kind of unsettling signs that having sex with me may have made her lose some interest in my friend, and also that my friend may have only been into this because he's so infatuated with her that he'll let her do anything, and I'm really worried that I might be a homewrecker.

Making it worse is that one of the other friends who was there is a girl that I'd really like to be in a relationship with but who's not in a place for it right now (just out of a really bad relationship herself) and in a way I actually feel like I kind of went along with this thing for her, just to try and blow off some sexual energy so I'm not directing it at her, but I'm not sure that worked as intended either.

>> No.10803084

If you're going to impersonate an anon you probably should take your name off first.

>> No.10803089

Just ignore soup, that methed up retard can barely remember his own address

>> No.10803096

wasnt me im learning how to play yugioh like a productive member of society

>> No.10803097

it’s time to d d d d d d d d d d d d d duel

>> No.10803099
File: 2.52 MB, 1650x2343, 3eab4a1043f29ba3ca93d99129849b2d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get tired of trying to talk to people at cons since there are so many normies. Where are the fujos and crazy bitches hiding

>> No.10803152

All I want for Christmas is sex with an Ozen cosplayer who can pull off the crazy vibes. And then to kick me off the bed. This is important.

>> No.10803176

Depends where you are but good luck with that. Most guys in America or nerds will just see you as someone to date. Unless you can find a gay guy.

No cos its humanising war and tragedy. Especially what's going on over there.

>> No.10803181

Why "especially"? What makes this war more atrocious than the others before it.

>> No.10803200

This isn't the board to discuss it, but this is the first major conflict in so many years between two countries that could have used diplomacy but Russia's insistent use of force is disgraceful. This just shows violence is right in achieving aims and conflict is fine. Not to mentions the indiscriminate attacks on both sides. War in the 21st century should be behind and any form of propagating diplomacy through conflict just drives us further from cooperation, coupled with Russia's propaganda campaign it's no wonder all my friends and family in Eastern Europe feel unsafe.

>> No.10803212

You live a very sheltered and charmed life. I'm envious of this level of innocent ignorance

>> No.10803218

Diplomacy could had been used because this is the first time since the Clinton presidency where both sides have political representation. Up to this point it has been one country attacking an organization of rebels or terrorists. Whether it is America attacking the Taliban, Israel attacking Hezbollah, or Turkey attacking the PKK.
Russia isn't the only one waging a propaganda campaign nor is it unusual in a war. I am not defending Russia or the war but as far as wars go this one has been tame. But most people act like this one is especially bad because the media are making a fuss of it. Turkish soldiers openly shared photos of corpses they fucked in Syria and nobody cared. It is only "especially" bad when we're told.

>> No.10803225

You don't know my life and to judge from one comment alone is doing disservice. I have friends who are in Liviv, and family in Lublin. There are people I know on the front lines, people who I know who have driven aid trucks. I'm lucky in my recent years to have left eastern Europe but its been hard.

>> No.10803321
File: 39 KB, 300x250, deebly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Cat Noir so fucking hot?
I always feel bad because the character is literally a minor but the fucking outfit and the fucking cosplayers oof

>> No.10803445

Man, if this really did happen, your friend's girlfriend isn't loving her boyfriend less because of you. Your friend isn't being victimized by her, he is probably really happy having a girl so open about sex experiences in his life. Having sex because you have feelings for a girl that is not, in any way, envolved in the sexual activity doesn't make any sense, you did it for yourself, probably because you thought it would be a fun and pleasurable experience, just like your friend probably also felt like.

Free yourself from the guilt you are feeling and stop projecting it on orders. No one did anything wrong and there is nothing to be worried about.

>> No.10803450

i hope all russian cosplayers die
i hope anyone in the cosplay community with th slightest sympathy for Russia also dies
Russian characters should be banned from comic cons

>> No.10803453
File: 104 KB, 500x500, ebolachan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My country got two of it's fucking biggest towers reduced to rubble & Japan got a fucking nuke dropped on them.

I'm sorry your friends and family in Eastern Europe feel unsafe, but OP's image is no different than Ebola-chan or even Hetelia for fucks sake which 'humanizes' Nazi Germany.

Anon is right, there's no 'especially' to your situation even if it is shitty.

>> No.10803455

Take it as a learning experience and probably distance yourself from open relationship type weirdos, they are no good. Go with your instincts on this. What's done is done but if you're feeling funny about it, don't do it again.

>> No.10803465

Kill yourself first.

>> No.10803467

>the character is literally a minor
It is also literally a fictional character. Cat Noir is designed to be a pretty boy that girls swoon over. The show wants you to be attracted to him. As long as you're not trying to groom an underage cosplayer there is nothing wrong with you.

>> No.10803515

I'm so sorry about all you and your loved ones are experiencing, this kind of violence shouldn't be happening anywhere in the world.

I'm also sorry that the countries aligned with USA war politics have used your moment of grief and distress to push propaganda onto you.

The war isn't Russia's insistent use of force's fault it is mostly USA's war politics fault. Since cold war they've being breaking a shit ton of peace treatys, the advancement of NATO though eastern Europe being one of them.

In 2014 USA financed a coup to take out the democratically elected Ukrainian president that was aligned with Russia's interests and put a leader that was aligned with USA's interests in their place.

Tension between Russia and Ukraine have been growing since then, Ukraine new government wanted to be part of NATO, but again, this is a breach of a peace treaty. Ukraine was also talking about acquiring nuclear weapons, a missile launcher from Ukraine could reach Moscow in 15 minutes.

War isn't about heroes or villains, it's about resources and power. Russia could opt not to engage in war, but then what? They would be surrounded by countries with their enemies military bases with nuclear weapons pointed at them? Diplomacy only works if both sides are willing, and USA has no reason to avoid a lucrative war far away from their own country. Russia's external politics are less than ideal, but they aren't the ones spreading military bases and financing coups throughout the whole world.

>> No.10803524

Quite frankly, Ukraine and Russia need to both stop involving us as the 'reason' for their shit. Jesus Christ, the way the rest of the world acts, apparently we're the strongest goddamn country on Earth because every war that ever happened apparently happens because of 'U.S.' interests like not a single goddamn country in NATO or anywhere ever does anything on their own accord or with their own funding.

Also, you're talking about the country with GRU, one of the largest espionage and intelligence groups in the world so vast it even has operatives in goddamn U.S. To be quite frank, I'm amused by no one.

Also sage, but let me tell you anon, it's an honest feel.

>> No.10803525

And don't even get me started on the SVR and the rest of Russia's shit or Ukraine's... SVY or what-the-fuck-ever that an entire online lesson plan to radicalizing U.S. youth to become Ukrainian intelligentsia exist... Nobody gets brownie points.

I just want to look at goddamn cosplay.

>> No.10803527

>SVY or what-the-fuck-ever that an entire online lesson plan to radicalizing U.S. youth to become Ukrainian intelligentsia exist...

Ukrainian Youth Federation. Sorry, between all the acronyms of every group that exists, it's hard to keep track.

Someone should make a moe-tan for them all. GRU, SVR, CYM, all of them, and then they should cosplay those fuckers.

>> No.10803528

Having thought about it for a few days I think I was kinda wrong about it being an open relationship, I think it's actually more of a cuck thing. Didn't want to call it that at first because he participated but then I realized that he insisted on watching me go first and wasn't really into it until after that.

I think I'm just feeling funny about it because it was so outside my normal lifestyle and because I'm seeing myself through societal expectations or whatever. On its own it wasn't really bad and there are definitely motivations to continue, like I said there's some stuff we're both into that I've never been able to explore with other girls and god only knows if I'll ever find a girlfriend of my own who's down.

It's a tough thing to broach but I think I'd be a lot more down for it if what we did was separate from her BF like a more "normal" open relationship. Having my friend in the room and having to watch them do it after me was definitely the worst part. I'm not sure how they'd feel about that, though, it's a different kind of thing.

>> No.10803534

Maybe the US should stop interfering with other countries politics? This isn't a conspiracy theory, it's a well known fact that the US loves to create conflict on smaller poorer countries for profit.

And yes, you are the strongest goddamn country on earth because you are one of the richest country on earth and use that fortune to build the strongest military force on earth instead of having universal health care and free education.

We should not blame common Unites Statian workers for USA war politics that also affect them negatively, but your leaders and the country itself is for sure to blame for most wars going on right now, the war on Ukraine being one of them.

>> No.10803536

Deal with it Vlad we're not going to stop sending them missiles until you go home

>> No.10803547

>Quite frankly, Ukraine and Russia need to both stop involving us as the 'reason' for their shit.
But they're not wrong. Like the other anon said, the US funds coups and wars all over the world to further it's own interests.

>> No.10803567

Lately I feel weird telling people I'm Russian, like it's something I'm not supposed to say or would make people uncomfortable, even though I have nothing to do with Russia's actions and the war is upsetting to me too. If anything, most people have been sympathetic to me and my family and understand how sad it is to see your country do this shit. But somehow saying I'm Russian feels taboo anyway.

>> No.10803582

I know at least a bit of that feel, I'm of mixed Germanic and Slavic heritage but ended up with a very stereotypically Russian name (after my great grandfather) and it's lead to a lot of awkward interactions since the whole Ukraine thing kicked off.

>> No.10803585

>Russia, we know you're going to do it. Don't do it or we'll react accordingly
>does it anyways

>> No.10803587

By awkward interactions you mean things like people randomly bringing up the war and wanting your opinion? Or people being outright hostile? The former happens to me fairly frequently

>> No.10803589

Mostly the former, but also some of the opposite of the latter, Russians or pro-Russian people thinking I'm one of them. I live in an area with a big Armenian diaspora and a lot of them seem to be particularly pro-Russia in this whole thing, I order delivery food a lot and they see my first name on the apps and it ends up coming up.

>> No.10803633

I’m so ugly I always expect to be posted on ita threads. Haven’t yet but probably because no one notices me lol. I hate how disgusting looking I am.

>> No.10803707

Yeah, Russia bad red communist, USA good land of the free, no need to understand what's going on in the world while I fill my ass with hamburguer

>> No.10803708

Yes but unironically.
USA isn't the land of the perfect. But Russians are literally just fucked. There's a reason every single Russian citizen is a depressed sack of human.

>> No.10803730
File: 22 KB, 400x400, yYbwIZrQ_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate going to conventions because I see people who are happy and know I'll never be happy
But cosplaying lets me temporarily escape from reality for a few days so I continue to go
I just wish I could have a gf but I'm ugly, inside and out.

>> No.10803901

Actually, Russia, you have more nukes than us. You're also right there with every single country we influence so honestly I'm not sure if you have the right to say anything.

Also, we in no way caused Putin to make the call to invade Ukraine. We did not put a gun to Putin's head and say, "Go invade Ukraine."

No, we didn't. Maybe you're not Russian, but if you are, you cannot deny this.

And why do those countries never say, "We don't want your money." They have the right to say they don't want the money. They always want the money though... I'm just saying.

>> No.10803902

I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I actually don't dislike Russians, Ukrainians, or anybody. Personally, I'm more concerned with that housing crisis.
Fortunately for Russia, they only have to deal with 30% of the missiles because the other 70% are unaccounted for.

>> No.10804006

Hit the gym, get a nice haircut, do skincare, buy stylish clothing, go to therapy and learn how to talk like a normal human being. There are plenty of ugly man who care enough for their appearance to be charming.

A lot of woman will care more about the effort you put on your appearance than being naturally pretty because we ain't spending all that time and money to look pretty for a guy that doesn't give a shit about his looks.

There will always be someone as ugly inside as you, I love my boyfriend because he doesn't care about the fucked up shit I sometimes say or do.

Don't believe 4chan when they say the time for happiness has passed, there's always time to chase happiness.

>> No.10804011
File: 122 KB, 809x465, 7ac10e139a31c7c83a562dc39ed6b3e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you understand. The problem isn't how women see me. The problem is how I see myself. I'm frequently flirted with and complimented by women. I can act more charismatic, friendly, and likeable than the average person by far. I dress better than the vast vast majority of men. I've tried therapy, I've tried medication, I've tried a lot. But there's just nothing inside me, I don't care about anything, even if I hurt people it doesn't bother me. I just feel nothing. I could get a gf if I made the motions, but I can't because I don't want to ruin anyone's life by having a relationship with them.

>> No.10804014

If you're in the USA or Europe you have a good reason to not disclose it.
But if you're in Brazil where people are largely ignorant about world matters, as in, they don't give a fuck, you'd be fine

>> No.10804015

I'm hittin' 28 jan next year. Can I keep doing cosplay and Lolita well into my thirties? It's kinda sad I already have thin lines around my mouth and my skin isn't as puffy as before.

>> No.10804016

>Someone should make a moe-tan for them all. GRU, SVR, CYM, all of them, and then they should cosplay those fuckers.

Hop on /pol/ they'll love your idea. They're professionals in creating moe tans.

>> No.10804018

Learn skincare, I'm 35 and don't really look different from my late 20s

>> No.10804020

>It doesn't bother me when I hurt people
>But also I don't want to hurt anyone

>> No.10804022

Why? Muahahaha.
I started this talk about Ukraine and Russia. My objective is complete. My objective? To spread hate. Hate is good. I love hating. Makes me feel alive. I live a boring, stable life. I've been a pushover my whole life. So I've always had anger in me.

When the war happened, I could finally hate something with international recognition and validation. I wouldn't get reprimanded, because Russia is the enemy again. A public enemy.

I probably only do that because I'm frustrated about my non existent sexual life and jealousy that I can't have a cosplayer wife.

I guess you could call me a galactic empire supporter.

>> No.10804023

are you starwars anon kek

>> No.10804026
File: 348 KB, 281x281, gosling cube.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally found out about speed dating panels at cons recently, but I don't even know if I can make them work for myself since I'm turning 30 next year. Can't really meet women any other way, so I don't even know what I'll do once this no longer works anymore.

>> No.10804029

Do you not know what instagram is

>> No.10804030

It bothers me before I do it, but not after. Let's say you have some priceless work of art. You feel bad at the idea of ruining it. But once you accidentally destroy it do you cry about it or do you just immediately not care anymore? I just immediately stop caring once I've done something, but I briefly care while doing it.

>> No.10804032

coolio thanks :3

>> No.10804033

Skin care is mostly a meme.
The only things PROVEN to slow signs of aging are avoiding sunlight and using sunscreen ANY TIME you go outside. And using retinol. Everything else might do something but not much compared to those two things

>> No.10804034

moisturizing is important tho

>> No.10804035

can i get any subblocker or does it have to be like VICHY or LaRochePossay or expensive stuff like that. Like can I get one that ppl use on the beach that you buy for like 5 bucks in large quantities and apply it to my face every day?

>> No.10804037

I use Neutrogena it's fairly cheap and good
Depends on your skin type

>> No.10804038

maybe western skincare

>> No.10804082

I have a skin condition and its flaring up kinda bad lately and makeup can’t cover it so I’m just stuck looking weird. To me having bad skin makes coords automatically terrible (for myself idc about other ppl) so I guess no lolita for me until it clears up :-)

>> No.10804099

What about collagen?
Teach me the secrets of the orient

>> No.10804120

I don't feel anything when I masturbate, and putting anything in my vagina hurts.

>> No.10804122

Ok. My advice to you is to grow up a bit. You're not that special.

>> No.10804123

The best sun blocker is the one you actually use. So yeah you could technically use bargain bin but most people don't because it feels gross and it smells. I like biore aqua riche, and it's very popular.

>> No.10804124

Sorry for being a retard and putting sage in the wrong field
Collagen is important but eating it or putting it on your face probably doesn't do anything

>> No.10804132

nta but some types of collagen does work when you ingest it so it's best to get a supplement with multiple types. it's different for each person.

>> No.10804141

This girl who's been through some pretty bad stuff ended up, through a series of coincidences, crashing on my couch in my studio apartment and has been here for a few weeks now. The more time I've spent with her the more I've realized that I've never in my entire life met somebody I felt so strongly that I belong in a relationship with, we have a huge amount in common, she's dead on exactly my physical type, and I feel like I'm exactly the kind of guy she really needs in her life after the shitty ones she's been with. It's starting to get pretty hard for me to handle, the only thing I can compare this too is the feeling you get in the first days after breaking up with somebody you've been in a long term relationship with. Unfortunately she's been through some really bad relationships, and the last one quite recently, and she's just not receptive despite giving a lot of signs that some part of her really wants to be. I'm just not sure what to do and how to hold it together at this point. To make it worse I'm moving 7 hours away in the next month or so, so I can't even stick around and wait things out, and I'm pretty well positive that I'm never going to meet anybody else who'll fill the hole that she's going to leave if I don't end up with her.

>> No.10804144


>> No.10804147

Convince her to move in with you, I read your last post so I understand your reluctance but I still kind of think you should try it.

>> No.10804205

wow classic wotlk coming out soon :0

>> No.10804211

Ok, I'm not trying to minimize your pain here, but you might be more normal than you believe you are.

I mean, if you are not getting something that you want out of fear of hurting someone, you do care about hurting others.

Maybe what you fear is something else, I will guess you fear being confronted with a version of you that you didn't know exist and don't match with that dark brooding persona you made for yourself. I might be wrong, it might be something else, but don't chain yourself to whatever version of you you have on your mind, you are allowed to change, contradict yourself and to find happiness and companionship.

And you also maybe need to find a therapist that do work out with you, this can be a pain in the ass.

>> No.10804212

At least you are self aware of why propaganda works on you

>> No.10804213

It's more likely than not that you are imagining those signs, I would be terrified if the only place I had to stay after getting out of a shitty relationship was some dude's couch and then discover he has sexual feelings for me, wouldn't feel safe at all.
You might want to expect her not to live in your house anymore before you confess your feelings to avoid leaving the poor traumatized girl terrified. If she feels the same you can try and make it work online until you can move together, if she doesn't, it won't make a difference.

>> No.10804225

Why, who is that

It's not worth anything to be aware of your problem when you won't do anything about it. I just let the cycle of hate cool off like when you heat something and let it cool naturally. Troublesome yes. But, it is what it is.

>> No.10804250

I'd like to, but we're not at the point where that'd be a reasonable thing to do, and I'm moving to a small town where she probably wouldn't be that happy anyway.

I understand where you're coming from, and I'm definitely keeping my distance, but I'm also not some /r9k/ incel virgin who has no idea how to recognize cues from women. For what it's worth I'll also point out that she's also told me multiple times that I'm the first guy in ages that she *doesn't* feel terrified or uncomfortable around. (And first for a lot of other things in general too, she's been with/around a lot of real losers and I'm apparently the first guy in her life around her age who's ever cooked for her, first who cleans and maintains my own place, first with a career that's going anywhere, first who'll actually drive her places without throwing a fit, etc.)

>> No.10804252

I was gonna tell you to try anal but you don't have a prostate. Why don't you watch some anime while your vagina heals. I have a couple recommendations.

>> No.10804254

Thank god for metal.

>> No.10804255

>War in the 21st century should be behind
lolwat? War has been constant. Only one President has not started a new war since WW2.

>> No.10804257

Man the intro of C&C Generals was hype. "In the 21st century the world leaders resolve their differences with words. Words like...CARPET BOMBING. SCUD MISSILE LAUNCH" etc.

>> No.10804369

Yeah, first guy in ages that doesn't make she feel afraid, treasure that and don't ruin it, wait until a situation where it wouldn't be uncomfortable for her to reject you before asking her if she wants to try something. If she didn't come from a trauma background I wouldn't be stressing this so much, but it's important that you make things as easy for her as you can.

>> No.10804370

Maybe you have vaginism, it's more common than you would think. A gynecologist, sexologist or therapist could help.

>> No.10804371


>> No.10804389

Yeah I totally understand, and my intent is more to make myself the first guy she thinks of when she *is* ready rather than to push her for anything now. As I said before though there are definite signs that she's edging toward something and things have changed noticeably over the last few weeks, particularly in terms of physical closeness and contact - at first, for example, she'd put her bag between us when sitting in a restaurant booth with other people, now she puts it on the other side and sits unnecessarily close to me so that we're constantly "accidentally" rubbing arms and touching hands and stuff.

>> No.10804580

>but Russia's insistent use of force is disgraceful.
Woman talking about geopolitics moment.

>> No.10804581

>all my friends and family in Eastern Europe feel unsafe.

Butthurt belters should feel unsafe. They've done nothing but antagonize Russia and treat ethnic Russians like shit since 1991.

Just remember, in five or six years time, it will be your turn next.

>> No.10804678

get out of the cosplaying hobby, filthy russian supporter

>> No.10804685

Ethnic russians does not exist. Russians are just mish mash of diferent ethnicities hel together by imperialistic ideology and speaking russian language.

>> No.10804765

>parents starting to talk about arranged marriage monkas

>> No.10804766

>Ethnic russians does not exist.
Funny coming from "Nations" that didn't even exist until the 20th century (Latvians, Estonians, Finns) or "Nations" like Poles where their own nobles considered themselves a completely separate race to the peasantry (Sarmatianism). Face it, non-Russian Eastern Euros are dollar-store Russians. Countries like Lithuania or Poland or whatever are completely geopolitically irrelevant.

No. Go join your local LGBBQ parade, westoid.

>> No.10804776

Sometimes I'm worried I might be a pedo.
Then I go to an anime con and see all the girls shoving their boobs around and think, ya know, boobs are pretty fuckin nice.

>> No.10804782

You're not welcome in the cosplay community, greaseball. Your half assed larp as a soldier is only tolerated on comic cons. Your filth is not worthy of breathing.

The cosplay community would benefit from your removal of the community. Fucking Russoid. I was hoping comic cons would ban Russians from participating just so you could get pissed off.

>> No.10804786

>Finns didn't exist before 20th century

I lol'd and I'm zero percent Finnish or Baltic.

>non-Russian Eastern Euros are dollar-store Russians.

I lol'd as Russia historically barely even had control over most of eastern Europe and gained control over most of Baltics only at the end of 18th century after partition of Commonwealth. So taking historic facts in consideration there is more reasons t o call eastern Euroos "dollar-store Poles/Lithuanians" than Russians as Warsaw/Vilnus controlled these lands 3-4 times longer than Moscow.

Vatniks are so uneducated in regard of history it's hilarious. I'm literally laughing my ass off when I read so called "alternative Russian history". Russian schizos even created theory that antiquity never happened - look it up https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_chronology_(Fomenko) What a bunch of uneducated paranoid schizos. Muahahahaha.

>> No.10804793

>move to new state across the country
>have no con friends anymore
>feel like I'm too old at this point in my late 20's to make new con friends unless it's through cosplay and that's always a gamble on if it'll work out

>> No.10804827

Same. Except I didn't move. And I dont cosplay when I'm alone

>> No.10804883

We were never Swedish and we will never become Russian. I see you drank the soviet kool-aid without second thinking. Seeth Kremlin, even if you were able to conquer our land in your fantasies you know we will be a complete fucking pain in your ass to rule.

>> No.10804892

It's actually the exact opposite for me. Since we began the military operation I've become more proud of being Russian than ever before. I support the military operation and I think we're doing the right thing. If you feel weird about saying you're Russian you're just being pressured by the russophobic propaganda on the Internet, don't give in.

>> No.10804894
File: 164 KB, 2048x1651, Ez4e_nLXoAA8w8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even get how people can be pedos. Children are usually happy and seeing anyone who is happy makes me want to puke.

>> No.10804896

Fake. We are happier than any American could ever be. Our country is the most beautiful on Earth.

>> No.10804898

Not true at all. I'm actually a member of a Russian minority ethnic group and there's always been a clear difference between us and ethnic Russians. The English language doesn't reflect this very well, but in Russian there are two different words for 'ethnic Russian' and 'Russian citizen' — russkiy for the former and rossiyanin for the latter. I'm not a russkiy, but I am a rossiyanin. So there are differences. Ethnic Russians exist and they are very different from other ethnic groups in Russia.

>> No.10804899

My fellow countryman, I applaud your bravery for stating your pro-Russian position here, but you are wrong about this! The Baltic States may have only gotten their independence in the 20th century, but they've existed for longer than Russia has as a unified state, and they are nothing like Russians. Finland and Estonia even have a higher living standard than we do, so we're in no place to make fun of them. Remember — in Ukraine we're fighting against fascists, let us not become fascists ourselves!

>> No.10804959

Yes, I am aware of "russkiye" and "rasiyanie".
What you consider as ethnic Russians are mostly just the oldest mish mash of Mokshan Moskals with Novgorodians. Conquest of Novgord Republics is why Moskals have any trace amounts of some Slavic elements. That and stealing from Ukrainian and Belarusian culture.

>> No.10804979

I just don't feel like cosplaying. The only character I even feel a tiny bit of motivation for is a character who wears lolita, and only because it'd be an excuse to wear lolita.
But I need to start cosplaying properly at cons again, I can't just keep going in normie clothes. But even if I do wear cosplay, most of my cosplays are characters no one knows or cares about so it'll barely help with social interaction.

>> No.10804981

I don't get the pedo stuff, tiny children look like gremlins.
But I like slim girls. That's really about it.
Taller slim girls are fine too though, its just that there tends to be a huge overlap of slimmer bodies and youth, especially in the south where any woman over 25 is also over 200 pounds.

>> No.10805012

If I ever got to know who you are, and if you were part of my local cosplay community, I would do anything in my power to cancel you. From fake instagram screenshots to all sorts of fake news, I would do it all just to remove you from the cosplay community. Cosplay doesn't need people like you. It's supposed to be safe from ill people like you.

>> No.10805013

Man, why do you Europeans and Russians have like 50 different flavors of white?

>> No.10805018

>characters no one knows or cares about
Ehhh you'd be surprised

>> No.10805056

NTA, but I'm always weirded out by the concept of cold DMing random girls through socials because it seems creepy, but almost every guy does it does it and I feel like I need to start to compete.

>> No.10805059

You either die a virgin, or you live long enough to see yourself become a creep.

>> No.10805078

I don't get why people are so fond of calling themselves/admitting to being pedos lately. I've liked lolicon for a very long time, but the thought of ever calling myself a word with such inherently negative connotations just seems like paraphilia and mental illness. I know a lot of it is trolling in the aftermath of Mammoth/UOOOHHH, but it predates that. If they legitimately think they can copy various wings of the LGBT diaspora and gain acceptance, holy fucking shit that's retarded.

>> No.10805080

nta but i think lolicon has levels. there's liking children doing child activities, which is pedoshit. and there's liking smaller girls that aren't really being presented as children.

>> No.10805081

Well everything aside, maybe just being on the internet too long as rotted my brain away.
I think its fine for people to admit they're pedos, its the first step toward putting up proper barriers and attempting to get treatment so they don't harm anyone.

Demonizing people and forcing them to hide things just makes the problem worse, because those people that admit to it would be doing it one way or another.

>> No.10805086

Never thought about it that way. I like Comic LO as much as anybody else, but I'm also a normal functioning member of society for the most part. I don't agree with your logic though. If you're a sex offender/rapist you deserve to be in prison. If you haven't done those things, then what's all this guilt about? No one can demonize your sexuality if you don't advertise it or act on it. Likewise, those who act on such interests deserve to be demonized, they're raping someone.

Thoughtcrimes don't require treatment. Actual crimes require punishment. To put it another way, compulsion to act out some fantasy to the extent that you deprive consent from someone else is a mental illness problem of its own, and the one people should be correcting. Which is why I view bragging about having a sexual fetish that can never be consented to as being a poor choice.

>> No.10805090

Hypothetically sure.
But being a pedo makes everything that appeals to that "fetish" an illegal act.

Lolicon is illegal in most places, CP is illegal pretty much everywhere, writing pedo centric smut stories could be considered illegal if a court wants to prosecute you, etc...
Just having the thought might be fine because nobody can tell, but there's plenty of victimless and easily accessible options they have that are still illegal.

But even outside of that, for example I like guro. Just anime guro. But I still realize its disgusting and quite frankly it is something I should be ashamed of. Just because I'm not out there murdering people doesn't make it any less of a disgusting fetish. But its not really something I can do anything about, if I'm browsing porn and I see something that appeals to me, I'm gravitating toward that. Though, on that note it still confuses me why there's a huge prevalence of murderporn role play that's allowed on pornsites, but rape and incest gets filtered...

>> No.10805097

I don't view that as healthy. If you like guro but don't want to hurt people, there's some psychological reason you like guro and you should try and figure out what it is so you don't have this cognitive dissonance about it.

Anywhere were lolicon or guro or anything else drawn is illegal is an anti-intellectual shithole that will start banning other harmless things soon. That should be resisted as much as possible. The US is not as bad in this regard as some people think, the only laws governing loli are obscenity laws, under which loli is of the same legality as scat. Both of those genres have had content produced and sold in the United States on paysites hosted in the United States for over a decade now. It's largely impossible to prosecute these things, and you have to go very very far back for convictions, and again, they're obscenity convictions, which you can get for basically anything if they pick a redneck enough of a venue.

The psychology of why you like the things you like matters. I only really like loli stuff where the girl shows some interest in having sex. The whole exploiting sexual innocence or straight up rape stuff is pretty revolting. Loli guro actually pisses me off, I guess from a "I want to protect her" kind of angle. But that's why psychology matters, I don't know why you like guro and won't judge you. It's just a drawing. I like cute girls, I don't care if they are canonically very young. A guy who obsesses about fapping to girls who are a certain age? He might be a bit dangerous.

>> No.10805102

Without getting into long ass lawyering about it, there's plenty of laws in place that can make it illegal (and random shit whenever people feel like making it illegal)
but beyond that, the messaging is that its illegal and they should feel bad for it.
>No one can demonize your sexuality if you don't advertise it or act on it.
Because they can still demonize what you feel even if they don't attack you directly. Which makes the individual feel worse about themselves and it turns into a downward spiral.

>> No.10805141
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, suicide-squad-jared-leto-says-he-shot-enough-joker-material_1e2h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never felt guilt. Society is to blame. I'm just playing their game. But I don't follow the rules!

>> No.10805168

I like slim *and* short so it's worse for me, people really get the wrong idea when they find out my preferences. They just don't get how different adult petite women are from actual kids, proportions, bone structure, fat distribution, etc. are completely different and of course there's nothing in common in terms of personality, and emotional compatibility is a huge part of attraction for me so I could never be interested in an underage girl. The girl I'm really interested in right now is 31 and has a VERY mature, grown-up personality, a degree from a prestigious university, an absolutely hilarious and crude sense of humor, all of that shit, but she also happens to be able to wear clothes from the 11-13 section of Target and that's all people see when they see us together, which really sucks.

>> No.10805175

After going to SacAnime I've come to realize that I don't want to associate with anyone there or anyone in the anime community.

Anime fucking sucks.

>> No.10805197

Needs an Azov-Chan, so they can fight each other, which ends in hot lesbian-rape (or sex)

>> No.10805198

I hope you only penetratrd her ass, not her vagina...

>> No.10805200

I know, it won't help you, but women at least want to flirt with you

>> No.10805201

Maybe cause whites are the true "people of colour" after all?

>> No.10805202
File: 213 KB, 870x1293, 42-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But even if I do wear cosplay, most of my cosplays are characters no one knows or cares about so it'll barely help with social interaction.
I know this feel
Close to cosplay this masked badass here
Maybe I will do it on a con, when there will be an official german translation
Should send MangaJamSession an e-mail if it's in their power to get a l7cense for it
Or better, I send them a copy of the japanes one

>> No.10805205

cosplay a radiation ghoul lolita.
You were given a condition. USE IT

>> No.10805210

>tfw not into the current trending shows/games and miss out on what literally everyone is cosplaying
Fuck genshin. The only appeal is the cute girls.

>> No.10805221
File: 484 KB, 857x598, catkill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister's friend wore something scandalous to Dragoncon. Looking at her feed and I am down horrendous.

>> No.10805240

vag only but I wore a condom

>> No.10805244
File: 57 KB, 746x552, tumblr_8938c83689767ac9cae0a4028a5e6fe1_950d3015_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but the hurtful thing about that is its only about how I look. When I wear a mask and people can't see my face women don't compliment me or flirt with me. When they can see my face and I'm dressed up either in nice lothes I normally wear or cosplay suddenly they're complimenting me and flirting with me. When women try to interact with me it reminds me how shallow I also am and that I only pay attention to people I think are attractive and I hate myself even more.

>> No.10805258

>over 200lb
That’s… a normal weight for an adult woman. Stop watching cartoons, they’re rotting your brain.

>> No.10805259
File: 32 KB, 620x372, American-Psycho-012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 125lbs and my gf is 130.
Anything above 140 is obese enough that it would be a mercy to euthanize you.

>> No.10805260

Yeah no, that's heavier than I am and I'm a 6' tall dude.

>> No.10805261

I'd tell you to kill yourself fatty. But you're doing a swell job of that yourself.

Now if only that wasn't actually true of my town.

>> No.10805266

You don't get it, these people, especially the women (women are by nature NPCs) have completely forgotten about Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc. And even if they remember, they consider it "less bad" than Ukraine invasion. They say "oh it was just a mistake, we're sorry". That's all it means to them, it was a "mistake". Because their brains work like this "well we were there to nation build, liberate women, allow for democracy etc, so our intent was good, even if hundreds of thousands died and there was permanent chaos".

Their whole moral system is based around intent. If you intend to do something "good" like spread liberalism, even if it may end in a "mistake", it's still less bad than fighting a border war against a hostile state.

>> No.10805268

>as Warsaw/Vilnus controlled these lands 3-4 times longer than Moscow.
Poland-Lithuania was probably the most dysfunctional state in Europe's history. If you weren't a nobleman or Jewish you were lower than shit. Nothing to be proud of desu. Didn't know a system could exist that made Russian serfdom look good, but Poles and Lithuanians managed to achieve it.

Did you know peasants in the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth could only, by law, own a single wooden spoon between an entire family, by law? Polska Gurom!

>Russian schizos even created theory that antiquity never happened
Fomenko is considered a lolcow in Russia. Meanwhile Ukrainians unironically believe in shit like Pelasgian Greeks being "originally Ukrainian", and this is something taught in Ukrainian schools.

>> No.10805270

>The cosplay community

I'm actually not Russian. Just that retarded butthurt belters accuse anyone of being Russian if they don't reflexively take a hardcore anti-Russian position on everything. So may as well roll with it.

In my ethnic group, there's a small minority of us in Southeastern Ukraine. That minority overwhelmingly supports Russia and had to live with Azov/Aidar/Right Sector retards, rapists and other scum for eight years.

As for this:
>but they've existed for longer than Russia has as a unified state
Wrong. Rus existed from the 9th century. Lithuania is late 13th century, Estonia 20th century. Latvia fuck knows, all I know about them is their national pastime is cosplaying as SS.

>Finland and Estonia even have a higher living standard than we do
Most of Eastern Europe would be Ukraine-tier without German FDI and EU freebies, and that's a fact. In fairness to Finland they would do well without any of that though.

>> No.10805271

You sound like you have absolutely no life lmao

>> No.10805273

I am an active cosplayer, bro. All my weekends are busy with comic cons.

You're cringe, bro.

>Just that retarded butthurt belters accuse anyone of being Russian if they don't reflexively take a hardcore anti-Russian position on everything. So may as well roll with it

Not on my end. As long as you're not sounding like a Russian diplomat, being apologetic on everything, you're OK in my book.

>> No.10805274

>All my weekends are busy with comic cons.
"Active cosplayer" lmao. So you're on onlyfans essentially.

>> No.10805275

No, i'm not on onlyfans. My costumes, my career and my own body wouldn't be desireable - sorry to break it to you but i'm not a girl.

>> No.10805278

I got into cons pretty late, but found that I thoroughly enjoy them. Problem is, all my friends either don't care for the content, cannot afford to go, or both. It seems I'll only be able to hit one maybe two a year. I'm at the point where I'm waiting for threads for cons around me to pop up on here to perhaps meet with my fellow retards from 4channel instead.

>> No.10805289
File: 1.21 MB, 885x1200, 860863b7ee73f4d2cf1c717290669b74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not help girls create content for their onlyfans? It's fun.

>> No.10805319
File: 77 KB, 715x495, 6sdjr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make with love

>> No.10805340

Same situation again. She just let slip to me that she's very submissive and in particular gets turned off when guys ask for permission before doing things. Not sure if it was just an admission to a friend or an invitation. She talks a lot about how hot confidence is too and then often says something about the way I carry myself but trails off before saying whether it's good or bad. Wish we weren't stuck living together, it makes the repercussions of making a move and being wrong a lot worse.

>> No.10805341

woman here, most of us don't confide that kind of thing to our male friends unless they're gay. she's trying to fuck. basically she's testing the waters to see if you're into it.

>> No.10805344

If she told you that she absolutely wants you to go forward with it. Given the other details you might want to not be too intense at first.

>> No.10805349

Test the waters with something basic. Asking permission is one thing but asking if she'd like something is another.
Watch a movie together and ask if she'd like a foot rub and start licking her feet. If she's into it you'll know.

>> No.10805355

>Poland-Lithuania was probably the most dysfunctional state in Europe's history.

Still more free and democratic than Muscovite shithole. But right, you meant European history, not Asian.

>Fomenko is considered a lolcow in Russia.

And his buddy Dugin is a bro with Putin. So give me a break. xD

>> No.10805356

What kind of simping is that?

>> No.10805361

Dude, that was reserved for your friend

At least, you aren't ugly like me

>> No.10805387
File: 107 KB, 494x400, animedeaths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my fault. I should have known that a girl cosplaying a hentai meme would have hepatitis.

>> No.10805391

>cosplaying a hentai meme
Which one?

>> No.10805449

Uhhh simping? I get 15% cut of profits.
If you live in a big enough city it's actually pretty good money, way better than most salaried jobs, insanely better than being a normal photographer

>> No.10805475

At least you get money
I thought you meant doing it for free

>> No.10805506

Yeah, I have a hard time reading it any other way as well. It's just a weird and awkward enough situation that it's hard to find a reasonable opportunity, lots of stress, drama, and venting going on and I can't exactly make a move in the middle of that. She also continues to give weird signals. We did have a pretty good bonding thing last night, she showed me some British comedies she's really into and was really happy that I enjoyed her favorite one, apparently I'm the first American to "get it" (which is crazy to me because it was funny as fuck and I have a hard time seeing how other people wouldn't think so) and during the course of it she was obviously getting more and more comfortable being close to me on the couch so that's going in the right direction.

>> No.10805526

Glowing, masculine fingers (that will never be feminine) typed this post

>> No.10805528

It's because there's almost no prosecution online. When people feel freer to 'be themselves', they'll be themselves. Online they do not feel prosecuted so they feel more open about expressing their interest.

>> No.10805530
File: 90 KB, 477x599, FblBA7xUIAU9qnH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel like I'm exactly the kind of guy she really needs in her life after the shitty ones she's been with
My guy... my brother... my fellow future Kazakhstan citizen... please do not let this feeling take over your decision making. When she goes back to her abusive ex you will be back here posting a heartbreak greentext

>> No.10805672

>tfw I wanna support your guys cosplay
sadboi44@protonmail.com send me your onlyfans

>> No.10805740

>Still more free and democratic than Muscovite shithole.
Free and democratic in what sense? It was an elective monarchy which restricted peasants to owning a single wooden spoon per family and where the nobility considered themselves an entirely separate race from the people they ruled over.

Nothing wrong with being Asian. You're on a cosplay board you retard. Nothing inherently great about being white, given that whites seem to have a genetic proclivity for minoritizing themselves in their own countries either.

>> No.10805754

Oh, don't worry, anon. I'm a dude and i'm very confident about my gender identity.

>> No.10805762

USA war politics appropriating identitary fights to justify the unjustifiable wars they put the world through doesn't make it right for you to assume shit about woman. This has nothing to do with gender, it has to do with white savior complex and war propaganda. Me and the woman I fight alongside with on my hell hole of a third world country haven't forgotten about Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc. they are our brothers and sisters and you are the one forgetting about all the woman that live on those countries and suffer from what is going on calling them fucking NPC's by nature while they fight both the sexism within their own country and the wars brought to them and their families by empires such as USA. All people should be free, no lords should be upon us.

Shame on you.

>> No.10805767 [DELETED] 

>be sissy fetishist
>want to get into lolita
>it's an actual high level artform


>> No.10805783

>Fighting sexism hurr

These attitudes are why it was so easy to convince you to go to war in Afghanistan. We know the CIA use feminism as a propaganda point from leaked wikileaks documents

>> No.10805803


Agreed. White culture is LGBT and worshipping blacks as gods.

>> No.10805806

Don't know if you are being purposefully stupid or actually a dumb dumb.

Yes, CIA uses feminism as propaganda, this doesn't mean that there's no sexism on countries invaded by the USA, it means that USA uses other countries problems as an excuse to invade and promote war when they really shouldn't be interfering at all. CIA is not lying when they say there's sexism in those countries, they lie when they pretend they are helping to fight sexism when in reality they are helping their war and gas industries while killing the woman they pretend to help while making the sexism that was already there even worse by arming radical religious groups.

The empty white and liberal feminism that's all about abstract concepts such as empowerment is not all there is to woman's fight for rights and equality and you are also a victim of propaganda if you believe woman and ~the wokes~ are the problem and not USA's war industry, which is a pity since you at least understand that those wars are USA's fault and shouldn't be happening.

>> No.10805807

I have kinda given up looking for a cosplay gf. I'll look for hook ups with cosplayer guys only. At least it's easier to figure out who likes stuff, and who wants fuck.

>> No.10805820

hoping to dear god you just aren't aware of what 200Ib is to your country's conversion. but also, only a burger-san could reach that conclusion.

the biggest girl in my comm is barely even 190, and lolita is a fashion that attracts fatties in the west.

>> No.10805830

And 190 is absolutely HUGE for a woman.
As a man I'm 180 and I consider myself on the chubbier end.

>> No.10805832

As a man I'm 120 and consider myself fat

>> No.10805837

Don't want to go into the explanation but I'm solidly convinced that won't happen. What I'm a lot less convinced about is whether I'm going to get her, I think if we'd met at a more stable time in both of our lives we would've gotten together very quickly but unfortunately she's not really in the right position or state of mind for it and she's clearly afraid of changing the status quo between us while she still needs my help with a lot of stuff, she's mentioned multiple times how guys "always seem nice and helpful until you give them what they want and then they turn into assholes" or whatever.

I think I mentioned that I'm moving away quite soon and she's well aware of that, and my gut says that she DOES want to hook up but that she's going to put it off until the last minute because she knows she can get stuff out of me (not money, by the way, mostly just rides to places and moral support with phone calls to women's aid groups, legal services, etc.) by keeping me in this position where I'm trying to get with her and is afraid I'll stop if she lets things move forward. (Which, incidentally, she's totally wrong about - I'm the sort of guy who's way better in a relationship than on the hunt.)

>> No.10805840

Lol 165-170 is the average weight for a woman in the US, 190 isn’t even that big here.

>> No.10805842

>the average weight in the land of the obese

>> No.10805845
File: 129 KB, 820x995, 131-1315053_haise-sasaki-ken-kaneki-png-transparent-tokyo-ghoul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone around me is a fat pig so it's okay

>> No.10805864

I hate being attracted to personalities. I wish I was like normal guys and could get it up based on pure superficial appearance. Instead I only meet a girl once every few years who's attractive to me in personality AND appearance (which I'm unfortunately also quite particular about, and my type is rare) and by the time I've gotten to know them well enough to want to sleep with them they've usually lost interest or don't want to fuck up the friendship or whatever.

>> No.10805866

>boohoo i like people's personalities I'm such a special snowflake
holy fucking shit kill yourself.

>> No.10805868
File: 129 KB, 480x272, reiji-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a bitch

>> No.10805883

>CIA uses feminism.

Holy shit, you know nothing about our U.S. politics or our intelligence communities and the problems they're having. Get the fuck out.

>> No.10805887

First of all, sexism has absolutely nothing to freaking do with why the U.S. was in the Middle East. Otherwise, the U.S. would be blowing half of Qatar and Saudi Arabia up. Civil rights groups cite that women's rights are bad there & the news advertises it. Secondly, if you haven't actually kept up with U.S. politics, you'd realize right now that our intelligence communities are having a huge problem with 'women are dumb & I don't respect them' to 'fuck anyone whose not white' & pedos of which the later, aye, you can look it up & I'm not talking about Qanon. Of course, this isn't to say other countries have issues with the same dang things, all three of them. If feminism was a 'propaganda point' then why the hell wouldn't these things be brought up about Ukraine like the fact they suck when it comes to trafficking and women's right & that rape and sexual assault there is pretty much okay so long as you're a politician. Don't even get me started on Russia outside, oh yeah, that whole area kind of has the same view. Point is, everyone sucks, but don't bring 'feminism' into the war in the Middle East where it doesn't belong.

>> No.10805888

To be less rude, our intelligence communities do not do much for sexism. They're just a bunch of freaks. It's why our director for national intelligence... if you look up anything about her, you can't find much, but you can find she use to have like some erotica book club thing or wrote erotica.

It's a bunch of freaky perverts, not feminists. I can say that because I'm U.S. and cannot be arrested for my speech. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with freaky perverts inherently, but stop talking about feminism in relation to a bunch of freaky perverts. They're just not 80 year old white man in congress conservative. That doesn't make 'feminists'.

>> No.10805889

>but you can find she use to have like some erotica book club thing or wrote erotica.
Wait, are we really pretending that something that literally every woman in high school does is bad?

Like dude, people write smutty fanfic, that's not some weird sexual deviancy. 50 shades of grey was one of the most popular books ever.

>> No.10805891

And the article you're citing isn't 'what they do'. It was something they considered because they're filled with perverts, racists, and child molesters and they're unsure how to recruit a younger, more modern crowd minus perverts &, you know, that's one of the ideas they floated was maybe they could appeal to feminism. Honestly, I don't think any of those ideas went anywhere because it's kind of hard for an agency that has to cover up if a rape occurred to not disclose the identity of agents or methods to appeal with feminists. I'm done now. Our intelligence communities have a recruitment problem especially with younger people & that's what that document was. Now you know.

>> No.10805892

I didn't say it was bad, but if you wrote smutty fanfics in high school, you're a pervert anon. No, not every single woman writes smutty fanfic no matter how much you tell yourself everyone else does too.

>> No.10805893

That's literally the most entry level of possible entry levels of "perverted"

>> No.10805894

Then anon is an entry-level pervert who writes smutty fanfics and tells themselves at night before bed that everyone else does too. There are worse things.

>> No.10805899

You haven't read the trash I was writing then

>> No.10805921

>on trip where i'll be wearing lolita
>jolt up in the middle of night
>i fucking forgot my kumya i fuckng forgot my kumya i fucking forgot my kumya
at least it's not socks or something that essential but i wanna cry

>> No.10805940

>Russia’s propaganda campaign
Over 90% of bot posts surrounding this war are Ukrainian

>> No.10805975

The state of /cgl/ depresses me. It was never the fastest or the best board. But it's all but dead now.
This is really just what's left of 4chan now. A hollow shell filled with /pol/fags and trannies

>> No.10805979

>as an excuse
A large portion of the elite now unironically believe in this stuff. It's not like in Kissinger's day when there was actual realpolitik governing this stuff. US foreign policy (and foreign policy in all western countries) is becoming social mediaized.

>> No.10805981

>If feminism was a 'propaganda point' then why the hell wouldn't these things be brought up about Ukraine like the fact they suck when it comes to trafficking and women's right & that rape and sexual assault there is pretty much okay so long as you're a politician.
Because destroying and dismantling Russia is more important to these people than Ukraine's domestic issues. That's obvious. Hence why the West turns a blind eye to Ukrainian war crimes, Right Sector, Azov, Aidar, Misanthropic Division etc etc (the list of these neo-nazi freak groups in Hoholistan is endless). Doesn't mean they're not going to use their soft power to turn Ukraine, or what's left of it, into a libtard state when the war is done.

The leaked doc was that the US should push the women's rights angle more in Europe to get support for the war in Afghanistan. And it has largely worked. Remember all the kvetching about pulling out and how awful it would be for women? Meanwhile life in Afghanistan continues much as before, give or take its looted treasury.

>> No.10805982

>CIA is not lying when they say there's sexism in those countries, they lie when they pretend they are helping to fight sexism
USAID and other US agencies ran courses on women's rights to Afghan government officials and even farmers. They even helped establish women's rights NGOs in Kabul (largely staffed by Uzbeks tbf).

>> No.10805985

Cosplay is fucking dead. It's crazy to me coming on here and seeing so many people say that making your own costumes is for ugly old ladies or whatever. Feels like just yesterday that crafting costumes was the main point of the hobby and half the threads on /cgl/ revolved around it, pattern threads, wig threads, progress threads, etc. Now it's just about buying costumes and doing lewd photoshoots in them and there isn't that much to talk about there.

>> No.10805993

Jesus I thought I'd seen everything but this is the worst, most female take on geopolitics I've ever seen lmao

>> No.10805995

Zased, I'm tired of seeing people so brainwashed in the west. I never even like Putin but everything around it here today is such hypocrisy and I hate seeing fucking Ukraine flags everywhere when these people couldn't even point it out on a map a year ago. Fuck Ukraine honestly.

>> No.10805996

Jesus fucking christ why are there /pol/ bots on fucking /cgl/ of all things.
Shut the fuck up nobody cares about your retarded war

>> No.10805997
File: 61 KB, 750x547, Mood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me man. I know I'd just make them as miserable as me. Hang in there bro, we'll make it eventually.

>> No.10805998

She's damaged goods and will be a waste of your time. But if you gotta learn the hard way go for it, it might work out. But don't act surprised if it goes poorly.
>t. been there done that

>> No.10805999

You gotta sit down and have an honest, 1 on 1 man to man with your bro. He's likely getting played by a hoe and it'll be difficult for him to recognize that. If she breaks things off with him you'd be a grade A cunt if you keep fooling around with her, you don't do that to bros.

Just check in on him man, don't even make it about that at first, just try to get him relaxed and willing to open up and mention it indirectly.

>> No.10806000

If you're close with your sister and she is epic she could help you out man. She'll also know shit about her most won't so she can be a good filter/screen against difficult to spot red flags.

>> No.10806002

Yea, if a girl told me that I'd just fuck her right there lmao, you'd have to be retarded not to take a hint that blunt.

>> No.10806004

There are a good number of us here. I'm Greek and I'd say a majority of us back Russia, in spite of our government.

>> No.10806006

It's every board these days desu
You might like /diy/ better if you're looking for basic sewing shit and craftsmanship. This board was doomed to be subsumed by coomer redditfags, you will need to find an actual niche hobby board to avoid those types

>> No.10806008

Have a buddy who's spent time in and is planning to move to Bulgaria who said the same thing there. Honestly, a lot of people in the US don't care about it either, weirdly enough minorities and republicans seem to be united on being neutral about it while it's white democrat upper middle-class types who seem to worship Zelensky now.

>> No.10806012

/vt/ is like literally the only board worth coming to 4chan for at this point ironically.

>> No.10806016

Kill yourself.

>> No.10806017

Name a single other good board.

>> No.10806025

Those aren't the CIA though. I'm not saying that with U.S. military presence, U.S. agencies feel more comfortable being in those regions advocating rights. I'm just saying these are two entirely separate domains. The CIA would be involved in hunting down Osama Bin Laden, for example and not establishing girls' schools in Kabul.
Nah, the people here make more sense than /pol/. It just j-fashion has a huge international community so you do have a lot of Europeans and even Russians on the board who would be more directly influenced by the war therefore it makes sense people talk about it.

>> No.10806027

don't feel more comfortable*
Honestly dude, I think it's most people, even in intelligence, were unaware. Actually, a lot of U.S. news agencies (big ones too) have been receiving memos in recent weeks to 'knock of Zelenskyy's halo' even if we do support Ukraine's sovereignty as a whole. There are people in the intelligence community reminding, "Hey, these guys sell a lot of weapons on the black market," or, yes, "You realize these people are insanely nationalistic?" Basically, yes, Azov and such which the media purported as simply Ukrainian military versus any actual background behind the unit. As far as pulling out being bad for women, well, I mean sure. That goes back to what I said though about women's rights being more the by-product.

>> No.10806032

>Not CIA
Anon I... Don't think you understand how closely US intelligence works with US NGOs and USAID.

>> No.10806033

>As far as pulling out being bad for women, well, I mean sure.
Do some research into just how bad a lot of the US vassals in Afghanistan actually were. Warlord-tier guys just going around murdering random civilians with complete impunity for example.

Taliban is Afghanistan's best hope of developing a coherent national identity. It's as simple as that. And a coherent national identity comes before any form of other development.

>> No.10806036

I don't think you understand what anon is saying or how consent is manufactured.

>> No.10806039

White American libs are fucking bloodthirsty ghouls. This is something I've realized looking from the outside in desu.

>> No.10806041

Fuck it, might as well effortpost.

Obviously the US does not actually care about feminism in the middle east. The point of manufacturing consent is that it's an excuse to manufacture consent among the US public for the war so that people don't get too uppity and protest about it. The excuse is obviously just an excuse, and the reason why the US doesn't use the excuse against Ukraine or Saudi Arabia is because we're not at war with them. The war happens first, the excuses come second so that people will go along with it, hence when the US pulled out of Afghanistan there was a flood of "but the poor women!!" articles in the mainstream media even though war is obviously awful for women.
Feminism isn't always an excuse, sometimes it's that the leader is a "dictator" (read: doesn't kowtow to US demands), the "people" in that country want it (see previous), etc.

>> No.10806076

>Warlord-tier guys just going around murdering random civilians.

Ah, yeah... like Blackwater or Wagner group just slaughtering people, huh? Oh, right, Wagner isn't ours. *drum roll*

>> No.10806077

I'm saying if your understanding of the Middle East situation has been the CIA is 'why' because 'feminism' then somebody told you horrible lies & I'm sorry.
>Manufacturing consent
Anon, you tried, but that's not a phrase we use in English. You don't 'manufacture consent' & people are going to question you if you word stuff that way. I'm actually not sure what phrase you're looking for, but I think it's 'gain support' or maybe 'disparage opposition ' which actually is very, very different from the meaning of consent. You don't use the word 'consent' to mean that. That being said, the point was made in the media that the Taliban is severely anti-women to the extent that it's not even as if they can generally go to school under their rule &, thus far, despite the Taliban's words, it's held true that women cannot attend high school or college of which they are actually allowed the possibility to do both in Saudi Arabia (often with parental consent) & Ukraine.

>> No.10806078

And sage because it's really not anything adding to the conversation, just an example. You would not say in English, "I consent to troops in Afghanistan," because it's not your choice that troops are sent to to the Middle East whether the person saying it is American civilians or Europeans. Consent is a word for the explicit usage by the person gatekeeping the action and/or whom will be the direct recipient of the action (e.g. like consent to sex). So, a hard line example, only Biden could say, "I consent to sending troops to the Middle East," as the current person who is allowed to make the call to send troops. I, having no correlation to whether my president sends troops, cannot say, "I consent to troops in the Middle East," as it would be incorrect usage. Now, if I were a soldier lined up to be sent to the Middle East, I could say, "I do not consent to going to the Middle East." That would likely get a dishonorable discharge from the military & be the correct usage of the word 'consent'. I hope that helps you with that word 'consent' in the future.

>> No.10806079

And I forgot to. Whoops. Oh, well. English lessons for all.

>> No.10806086

Go fuck yourself, you don't deserve to be a cosplayer.

>> No.10806089

literally fuck the bitches on xianyu who won’t sell oldschool pieces to you unless you bundle them with $400 fucking 2018< babydolls or nusweet chiffon.

so glad that hasn’t caught on in the west.

>> No.10806090

Why are they bundling them with babydolls and chiffon, I'm so confused.

>> No.10806091

to get rid of garbage

>> No.10806092

^^. in order to obtain valuable pieces they force you to buy overpriced bullshit. otherwise they just won’t sell to you. there’s some really old desirable pieces on xianyu that i watch just sit and rot because sellers pull this crap.

i’ll admit i’ve given in. i only own the fresh cherry jsk because of a bundle - but i like gingham so i bit the bullet.

>> No.10806096

>Anon, you tried, but that's not a phrase we use in English. You don't 'manufacture consent

The phrase was literally coined in English first, retard


>> No.10806113

Oh not the poor intelligence communities from the country that is responsible for most of the wars being fought on our planet. So sorry to badmouth such heroes.

Feminism shouldn't have anything to do with this war, but CIA uses it as a talking point to try and make the progressive youth of the country favourable to the war.

Ukraine gender issues are not brought up because USA is on their side, otherwise they would surely be bringing this up. If anything, the double standards shows how it's a propaganda point.

They don't care about feminism, they care about the public opinion on the wars they are fighting because it is this public's money that is being invested on the wars instead of in improving the life of said public.

>> No.10806116

>Anon, you tried, but that's not a phrase we use in English.
Not him/her, but yes it is. It's literally the title of a book.

>I'm saying if your understanding of the Middle East situation has been the CIA is 'why' because 'feminism' then somebody told you horrible lies & I'm sorry.
How about the US just fucks off from the Middle East entirely? Libtard NGOs, military, support for Israel... the lot of it.

Wagner don't kill innocents.

>> No.10806127

I get where you're coming from but I just can't let this one go. We've spent close to a month together at this point and it just keeps getting more and more obvious that this is a thing I just can't let go. I don't mean this as a brag but I'm at least 99.9th percentile IQ (and that's professionally verified with multiple tests in childhood) and she's the first girl I've ever had a chance with who could actually relate to me on an equal level so that alone is worth holding onto. Then add that subjectively she's the most physically attractive girl I've ever met, that she's the only person I've ever met in my life who was in exact sync with my sense of humor (which 99.9% of other people I've ever met in my life don't even understand), that she and I share a lot of cultural background, and that, from what I've learned so far, she and I even have really compatible sex drives and kinks and stuff, and I genuinely dumbfounded that somebody so perfect for me could even exist, much less find her way into my life.

I'll also add that today was pretty good. She's still getting over a lot of shit and moving really slow but we did some stuff together, had some really good bonding moments, she barely mentioned her ex all day, I said some stuff to her that was more direct than anything I'd ever said before, and afterwards she was much more receptive and even aggressive about physical closeness contact in a way she'd never been before, subtle and minor stuff but noticeable and a big step compared to previous days.

>> No.10806198

>It's literally the title of a book.

So is 'Free Collar Kingdom', but that doesn't mean I'm going to use it in a sentence. Books titles can be metaphorical phrases that you wouldn't actually use in a sentence or when speaking in general.

>Wagner don't kill innocents
>How about the US just fucks off from the Middle East entirely.
>Wagner don't kill innocents.
>Fuck off.

You first.

>> No.10806199

The irony that you think I believe well of them is astounding, but I'm not going to get into that right now although if you knew, you'd eat your words. That being said, I'm going to point out that you're telling me that feminism shouldn't have anything to do with the war in Ukraine, but the CIA meanwhile uses it as a talking point to make things favorable to the 'progressive youth'. In your very next sentence, you claim they're not bringing up feminism in the Ukraine war because the 'USA is on their side'. So, which is it, are they or are they not. They cannot both bring it up and not bring it up. Now, if you just want to mince your words & claim conflicting information at once, I have no room for a discussion with you because anything I'll say, even if it makes you mince your words in response, will bring a oppositely response from you.

>> No.10806202

And once again, the fact you think a single book title from 1988 represents that people use the phrase 'manufacturing consent' & should automatically understand you hints that above anything you are not a native English speaker. There's nothing wrong with that, but do not get mad when someone just points out that you're not actually saying something sensible. I even gave you the words you're looking for, but you proceed to insist that 'manufacturing consent' makes perfect sense like everyone speaking English says that regularly. Again, titles of books do not represent phrases that'd you'd use otherwise 'Graceling' is a word too because it's also the title of a book sitting on my shelf. (It's not a word.)

>> No.10806205

Opposite response*

Truthfully I shouldn't be arguing about the syntax of English in the /cgl/ feels thread, but I suppose there's worse things I could talk about.

>> No.10806211

This thread has helped me to understand why some cultures believe that women shouldn't be taught to read or write

>> No.10806232

Unbelievable, you should be grateful I even bothered to respond to a midwit like you, but instead you have the audacity to lecture me on the English language? I know more English than you or your children ever will you dense fucking faggot.

>> No.10806237

clogging up a feels thread with posts about politics, war and arguments about feminism, semantics and manufactured consent seems like an utterly male move to me.

But let's blame women instead.

>> No.10806239

That moment when you self sabotage your chances of finding someone because your goal to be humble in fact makes you sound like someone without confidence, that belittles itself before others and people don't want romantic involvement with such.

>> No.10806241

gotta find that balance of humble with self worth and a healthy amount of self esteem.

>> No.10806248

Went to dinner with a friend and one of their friends, reinforced I'm too autistic to live. I couldn't think of anything to say, just sat there like a retard waiting for my lobster.

>> No.10806249

I love lolita so much it's unbelievable, I am so glad something so beautiful exists.

>> No.10806256

>>394810968 this is feels

>> No.10806261

>my lobster
it could be worse, you could be autistic and be poor

>> No.10806264

>Unbelievable, you should be grateful I even bothered to respond to a midwit like you, but instead you have the audacity to lecture me on the English language?

That's called a run on sentence, anon.

>> No.10806266

Anon is likely right that it's a woman albeit I have no problem with women in higher education.

>> No.10806278

The gym is a cure all for literally anything, I was in the same position as you guys 4 years ago. It's crazy how much confidence you can get in literally anything you do in life just by looking better. Take >>10804006 advice and go to the gym, get a nice haircut as well. Confidence is literally everything anon it can get you far in life.

>> No.10806279
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Forgot to add

>> No.10806296

It shouldn't be so hard to understand that intelligence agencies will use anything at their disposal to make people simpathetic to their wars. This isn't even an US based phenomenon.

Not mincing my words, being saying the same shit since the start of the discussion. Feminism is one of the things the CIA will to justify their wars, not because they care about feminism or because they are actually helping the woman on the countries they invade, but because they care about public opinion, feminism is an important topic for the progressive youth and social movements have been so depolitized and washed up in the US that shit like this flies.

When I said "this war" I was referring to the middle east wars as I was responding to your reply that starts with talking about how feminism isn't the reason USA is on the middle east, which I agree with, it isn't the reason why they are there, but it's the reason they want some people to believe they are there because then they are the "white heroes bringing progress to the oppressed Muslim woman" and not the genocidal army bombing a country for oil. They use it to vilify their enemies on the wars in the middle east, not Ukraine, and don't use it to vilify Ukraine because they are on Ukraine's side. There's no contradiction in what I'm saying.

I'm sorry that I assumed you thought well of the CIA, but it sure looks like it when you act like they are incapable of doing such a thing. We shouldn't pretend they don't only because we like feminism (assuming this is what you are pissed off about, if not, please specify what is your point). if we do close our eyes to this tactic, we are vulnerable to propaganda and the movement is vulnerable to being hijacked.

>> No.10806299

Wholesome :')

>> No.10806307

This is objectively true for most men. For women it depends on your personality but for the majority of men, hitting the gym and learning basic life skills like cooking, cleaning, and hygiene are the best ways to approach self improvement.

>> No.10806313

that seems to be what i need to do. otherwise i will never get a girlfriend.
At the same time , it feels so good to be the victim, to weep and sorrow for my tragedy, for how I'm the only single guy in my cosplay group, how everyone in my area seems to be engaged already...

>> No.10806315

If you have a girlfriend or a wife and you're a cosplayer go fuck yourself
You have what is missing in my life to be complete. I just got a good job, I've going to conventions out of town, I've been having great times. But I still miss a significant other. I have great reputation, get alone well with someone. but everyone is dating someone. Except me. Guess I'll be left out. I hate this so much.

>> No.10806320

> pet bird died unexpectedly
> have to find a place to put her supplies and enclosure

Hate life right now.

>> No.10806338
File: 66 KB, 613x501, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am drunk and lonely
Head huuurts
Eeepy ssSleepy

I wanna cosplay honey senpai but I don't feel like itd look good tjo i got the bnnuy

>> No.10806339

It's ok anon, maybe put yourself out more or get into groups that you don't know that well

I know everyone can get a so if they just keep on putting themselfs out there

>> No.10806343
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It isn't the same but I think a crosscosplay is great!

>> No.10806348

Still anon
Try giving each other time, be friends
Maybe things will change and you will both be happy

>> No.10806358

If you are that trannyschizo from the /acg/ thread kys! Thanks!

>> No.10806366

Why do cosplayers keep want to virtue signal by revealing and posting about their political beliefs?

Like shut the fuck up no one wants to know you think orange man bad or sleepy joe good
Or if you support Russia or if you think NATO good
Shut the fuck up. No one cares. No one wants to know what you, cosplayer #56546 thinks about the world. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

>> No.10806375

Acg ?

>> No.10806376

I miiight be?
What did i do now then?

>> No.10806387
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I made a helpful infographic for the words you couldn't say.

>> No.10806392

No, this is not bait. Are you accusing ME of being Russian? Jesus, if you told me my mother is a slut, that would be a lighter offense.

>> No.10806481

Just heard through the grapevine that my cuck friend is now having major second thoughts about the whole thing and is now super insecure about how it went down and the way his GF was into me. Meanwhile she just hit me up a few days ago trying to initiate another thing. Fucking hell this shit is a pain in the ass I didn't need.

>> No.10806500

i went to a con but i am unable to talk to people i am afraid they will tell me to fuck off like in school

>> No.10806505

THAT'S WHEN YOU SCREAM "DAMN SOMEBODY WOKE UP ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE BED EXCUSESSSSSSSSSS ME" so that everybody around you hears and they'll be so embarrassed

>> No.10806649

turn sneed on that trany

>> No.10806657

Wow, no way. Can't believe that turned out to be a bad idea.

>> No.10806676
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>mfw my father tells me to get friends that aren't from cosplay conventions

Goddammit, father. I have a nearly binary list of interests. They're very restricted, usually those into what i'm into are twice my age and often married or dating someone. People married or dating someone will go less to social events or hanging out with friends.

Dammit, this made me realize i'm boring as fuck.

>> No.10806706
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You vatniggers should stay on /pol/ where you and the other trash of humanity belongs. I hope sleepy Joe nukes Russia so the civilized world doesn't have to deal with it anymore

>> No.10807039
File: 64 KB, 556x718, dying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2016 I saw a D.Va cosplayer split her tights and expose her crack. It just hit me that this has been a regular spank bank memory for SIX YEARS.

Starting to think that another hot girl will never rip her pants in front of me. (It has to be an accident or no go.)

>> No.10807043
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Your post made me remind myself that I do have old 'spank bank' memories as well. Not to mention the simping for fictional characters.

>> No.10807056

I fucking hate how relatable this is. For me it's my ex's sister coming out of the hotel shower in a towel with one nipple escaped.

Said ex later went to jail for burglary but her sister was damn hot.

>> No.10807136

Is it ita to not wear makeup? I just keep having allergic reactions to any makeup I put on my face, and even though they’re mild, my skin gets pretty torn up and gross after a few days. What do I do?

>> No.10807152

If you've tried all of the suggestions below I'd suggest just not using any. It's not your fault. Let other people think what they think.

- try to go without base makeup (foundation, powder, bb cream, concealer, etc) because this covers most of the skin, and you could still try some mascara and eyeliner to make your eyes more defined.

-I have an acquaintance with a makeup allergy and she uses hypo allergenic makeup from Clinique.

-If allergies are really bad some people make their own mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow and face powder by buying minimal ingredients and following a recipe. "Thelonghairedflapper" on youtube has a bunch of makeup allergies and shares recipes for basic makeup products. Go check her out.

-if your insurance will cover if go to your GP and ask for an allergy test to figure out which stuff you're allergic to. You should mention it's for makeup allergy because they'll do a row of tests on the skin.

>> No.10807154

Also make sure you're completely and gently removing makeup before you go to bed.
A good two step cleansing routine is important.
Start with an oil based cleanser, rinse, then follow with a water based cleanser (such as a foaming cleanser) and rinse. Pat dry the skin, then apply moisturizer/lotion.
I've found traditional western makeup removers to be incredibly aggressive and irritating. Cleansing waters are relatively more modern but are often too ineffective so you have to scrub hard, which then irritates skin.

I prefer using
-Kose Softymo cleansing oil or The Face Shop rice water bright cleansing oil. DHC was too aggressive for me. I use Banila Co clean it zero sensitive cleansing balm when traveling because it's a paste and can't leak out unless it's 100F.
-followed up by Hada Labo gokujyun foaming face wash.

If you have sensitive skin I suggest focusing on alcohol free skin care products.

>> No.10807179

I really appreciate the advice. I think the skin on my face is just especially sensitive, I’ve been afraid to buy hypoallergenic makeup and have my skin flare up anyways, but I should honestly give it a try. I usually avoid foundation and try either a tinted BB cream or something else that’s less heavy on the skin, but I have bad skin so it sucks to not be able to really cover it. I have found some relief in kbeauty products and trends, since they tend to be more natural I can get away with less makeup on my face. I think I might feel better about the lack of makeup if I get contact lenses at least, because my glasses look ridiculous with lolita…

>> No.10807191

I honestly don't most of the time aside from tinted chapstick and moisturizer and brow grooming. But I wear old school so it looks less out of place than, like, OTT sweet or something.

>> No.10807224

The right skin care routine can really even out skin tone, reduce redness and reduce rough texture. I've had days where my skin looked so even in texture and color it looked like I was wearing foundation (but better).
When I use makeup I don't apply foundation or bb cream anymore. Just a little bit of concealer where I think I need it, then blend it out and apply some light powder all over.
Then I use some powder on my eyebrows, and apply some eyeliner and mascara. This is a very basic look but works for me.

I have sensitive skin and I have learned to avoid products with alcohol in them because they make my skin feel like it's burning, give it a red color and rough texture.
Hada Labo is great imo, I use their shirojyun lotion/toner and their shirojyun milk/emulsion as a moisturizing duo.
Also alcohol free sun screen. My favorites are
-CanMake mermaid skin gel UV
-skin aqua UV super moisture milk
-biore uv nobi nobi kids milk (my most favorite)
-sunkiller perfect strong moisture (second favorite)

Is there a way you can swatch some hypoallergenic makeup on your face for free?

Definitely get glasses that go with your lolita outfits and normie outfits, or indeed get contact lenses.

>> No.10807275

Ayrt, thank you so much for the advice! Super helpful, I’ll look into hypoallergenic stuff in the next few days.

I need to get matching glasses, but I’ve been waiting for my annual checkup so I can have an updated prescription first. I really just want contacts to wear because I’m so blind that it’s hard to apply makeup without them, I can’t see more than a few inches from my face kek.

I’ll report back when I try out some of the products you’ve mentioned!

>> No.10807282

I relate because I'm super near sighted and have to get really close to the mirror to do makeup.

Good luck anon.

>> No.10807759
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Well gulls. The inevitable happened. The "hot" girl from our comm farted her butt plug across the room and shattered a window. Now we need a new "hot" girl and the hotel wants us to buy them a new window with (no joke) money. I'm fucking pissed.

>> No.10807786

Don't even joke about that, that's how my cousin died

>> No.10807844

so sad my comm is a bunch is a bunch of trend hoppers and girls who who want to go by “he/they” while wearing a dress. ugh

>> No.10807847

How did it smel?

>> No.10807854

How fucking weird would it be if I’m actually a moron and everyone else has me fooled? Like they’re pretending to be nice and encouraging out politeness like I’m autistic and I believed it?

>> No.10807906

I changed my clothes in front of a guy friend thinking he was gay. He's a co-worker who started talking to me because he found out I collect anime figures. Eventually we started talking about cosplaying and sharing pictures. He always chooses female characters, has a wig collection, mains wigs well, knows how to apply make up on himself, and has a skincare routine. When we hung outside of work he said my boyfriend was cute. Now he saw my bare breasts and I feel violated.

>> No.10807915

Just accept that you are the moron
I did the same

>> No.10807917

>Now he saw my bare breasts and I feel violated.
Nowadays, you could actually call the police for that
At least, you now know who is gay

>> No.10807932


"Hello, police? my boyfriend and I changed clothes in front of my co-worker at a hotel near Colossal Con and he saw my booba! I only felt okay to change in front of him because I thought he was one of the gays!"

>> No.10807968

With the right layer
Everything is possible
Especially in the USA
Also, how big are your boobs?

>> No.10807969

> thinking he was gay.
> he said my boyfriend was cute
> he saw my bare breasts and I feel violated.

Am I an autist? Or am I reading this wrong? Dude sounds gay from everything you described.

>> No.10807971

I’m a petty asshole, it’s always nice to go to meets and realize I’m far from the worst dressed person.

Cus wheeeew some people at meets.

>> No.10807972


I'm not that big, but that's not important.


yeah. I thought he was gay because of how girly he was. He was just very comfortable with his sexuality and good with make up. He has dated girls before.

>> No.10807992

I read that as bara breast and didn’t know what was wrong

>> No.10808015

I think most people have some kind of "at least I don't look like that (looking at the worst dressed at the picnic)" moment. Except for the worst dressed of course.
If they are repeat offenders they probably think they look great.

>> No.10808021

Yeah also felt nice getting a few compliments but I also wonder if hyper-itas get the same.

Don’t reward bad coords with compliments. Not that I have to tell people here but still. A lot of poorly dressed people out there.

>> No.10808026

Not to freak you out, but that's exactly the reason you should stay away from fake hugboxy social media. Most of the asspats are very fake, most people will write fake niceties and complements to fit in and build an image of themselves.

>> No.10808030

Do good non-hugbox communities even exist? I feel like any that aren’t are just dead.

>> No.10808033

this is so true, even online. i hate seeing people wearing shein trash get praised. granted i’m in a cringe af jfash community

>> No.10808040


The hugbox atmosphere of certain online communities does trickle down into irl meetups, so it's true some itas still get compliments. And some people who are giving the compliments to itas are doing so simply and solely to be polite, not because they think the outfit is good. I think this is going a disservice to itas.
Not only that but when we as a community give false compliments, and have killed concrit culture (it's dead in most communities even those who allow it as default) where are people to go for good advice when other's opinions can't be relied upon because it's either lacking or not truthful?

I share that sentiment.

I used to be in a good community. The one I am in now is hugboxy and the tone is set by a loud minority of overly (like really excessively) woke people.
We have one obvious fetish guy, everyone gets compliments including the itas and the gross fetish guy, some topics you would expect to see in a fashion community are now not welcome anymore because it triggered overly sensitive people who feel entitled to everyone bending to their preferences instead of just scrolling on when they see something they don't like.
Even some of the mods were annoyed with the comm culture but put up with it because they don't wanna get cancelled.
It's not a big enough comm to split into a hugbox free, predator free comm.
Many people just decided to no longer be part of the online comm or to visit only when they had shit to sell.

>> No.10808042

Yeahhhh there is a real sketchy dude or two in my community. Bad enough I’ve seen them posted on the ita thread. Looking further into them I found they have been in the lolita community for like 10 years? Like how are you there ten years and still can’t dress yourself?

>> No.10808046

the real answer is that these sketchy dudes are in it for the fetish, not for the true love of the fashion itself so they don't care about dressing well in lolita because they get a tingly peen anyway.

My comm's fetish guy never gets posted outside of the comm afaik (he isn't even trying hard enough to be lolita in order to arrive at the ita stage) but there are a few of my comm members who repeatedly pop up in the ita threads here.
I'm so used to seeing their coords in our comm that I've become desensitized to their level of ita. So when I see them in the ita thread sometimes my first thought is "this is not that bad is it?" then I realize they're really ita.

>> No.10808049

I’d post more photos of the sketchy dude but I don’t want to get witch hunted somehow. Though I shouldn’t be the one witch hunted.

Don’t have any proof they are in it for the wrong reasons though as internet snooping has come up with nothing. Will need to keep digging to see.

>> No.10808060

if the sketchy dude comes over as sketchy that is proof enough he's in it for the wrong reasons.

The idea of "it's not a question of IF, it's a question of WHEN" has held true for all of them.
If he looks like a predator/sissy/fetishist/creep then he simply is one.

>> No.10808074

I think that’s a bit extreme but his sense of fashion is garbage so no respect anyway, like if you still dress like shit after a decade please don’t show up and do us all a favor.

>> No.10808100

The dude has been on the comm for ten years and anon doesn't have any indication that he is a creep besides feeling like he might be one. He is either the slyest creep of all times or he is simply a guy who likes cute clothes, but doesn't know how to dress himself.

>> No.10808111

what kind of person is "in the fashion" for 10 years but still hasn't learned how to dress themselves?
That is sus in itself.

What makes this guy sketchy in their eyes?

>> No.10808131

Honestly what makes him sketchy to me is he doesn’t know how to dress to the point where I’m like “is that even lolita?” And like I find posts on his profile referencing lolita like 10 years ago, like how do you not even know how to dress even slightly? Though pretty overweight so good luck ever looking good lolita.

Also idk the pictures are just sus to me.

>> No.10808224

anyone else HATE being asked where their clothes are from? not even saying this in a gate keeping manner. but, it just bothers me so much people don’t know how to google. i’m in the easiest style to get into as well. i just googled the name of the style and all the info i needed popped up. i also hate being asked how to buy clothes from japan. there’s TONS of guides out there. it pisses me off so much zoomers need all their info handed to them

>> No.10808225

so why do you think he's in your community if after 10 years he can't dress properly to the point it's not lolita?
What does he get out of being in the comm?

>> No.10808227

If someone asks what brand your dress is from, especially if it's not a recent release, I don't blame them at all because not everyone is a walking lolibrary.

But yeah I understand it's annoying when people ask how to buy stuff.
Just say there are detailed guides online and have fun.

>> No.10808231

Hard to actually know, fetish, mental illness, a community that accepts him and doesn’t tell him he dresses like crap, or some combination of all of those?

There are also plenty of women in the comm that dress like crap, so being dishonest doesn’t just extend to him.

>> No.10808236
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I always spread my cooch and asshole for my gay pals so I know how you feel.

>> No.10808254

i’m into ryousangata (don’t laugh) so it’s lot easier to find stuff so it’s annoying people still need information handed to them. the worst is when people ask me if it’s okay not to wear brand

>> No.10808258

oh I see, I googled it to read an article about it. Cute!

Very easy to understand the formula, to find the info online and easy to obtain the items, like you said. I don't mind at all that it's very formulaic or cookie cutter or that everyone looks very similar.

If you encounter anyone who asks these question I suppose a simple friendly "there are detailed guides online. All I needed to do was google the name of the style and it showed me everything I needed to know. Good luck and have fun with the style".

>> No.10808264

good suggestion, thank you so much!

>> No.10808394

i’m becoming obsessed with going out in lolita just for all the compliments i get and it feels shallow and unhealthy. i get showered with praise by strangers and the validation is so nice…and more importantly, it’s easy. i don’t have to have conversations or do anything worthy of the validation, i just dress up pretty.

i’m kind of a sperg and don’t really have any friends right now. no one irl at least. but when i can get easy validation like this i don’t have motivation to make more, and in general i rarely have any social energy and don’t want to try and talk to anyone. but i don’t like that - i do want people to talk to, and friends to go places with. i feel like i’m stagnating.

tldr; i feel like i’m using lolita as a substitute for friends. wondering if anyone else has experienced this and has any advice.

>> No.10808440

wow, this is so opposite of many people's experiences including mine.

Attention from strangers (regardless if it's positive or negative) feels like an unfortunate unintended side effect to me.
It's usually a mixed bag of positive and negative attention as well.
The people who typically say nice things are old ladies and young kids.
Other reactions can be very degenerate.

But as for your question; I don't think it's healthy to use strangers attention as a substitute for meaningful social interaction with friends.
But you don't have to rush making friends, take you time and have fun.

>> No.10808454

You don't need to punish yourself in order to become more sociable. If lolita makes you feel good, even if it is because of strangers compliments, keep wearing it. It's easier to make friends when you are happy anyway.

>> No.10808465

Eyyy wadup little bo peep hahaha.

>> No.10808477

"where are your sheep?"

>> No.10808531

“wow, i love your outfit!” is more often what i receive. i dress in old school and gothic, and as i’m conventionally attractive and have money to spend on elegant, high-quality pieces, my coords don’t look costumey and thus i rarely get the bo peep comment. the only exception is when i wear ringlet wigs.

this is how i thought my experience would be before i actually started wearing lolita in public myself desu. i’ve been wearing it out for about a year and a half now, and maybe it’s because i look young, i’m pretty, or because i live in a progressive city, but the attention has been overwhelmingly positive. i get a lot of compliments from young women my age (early twenties), teenage girls, and women in their thirties and forties. young kids too. surprisingly minimal degens in public spaces - lots of degen men at cons though ugh.

i don’t think it’s healthy either. i don’t know what the answer to my dilemma is, though. i want to form genuine connections but this is easier than trying and getting let down. i’m rather ugly on the inside.

this is true. i suppose i should reframe the way i think about this. thank you nonny.

>> No.10808547

Being conventionally attractive helps a lot when it comes to what kind of reactions you get wearing any alternative fashion in public. People who have negative feelings and/or opinions about alternative fashion tend to be a bit milder/more understanding/more respectful if you're beautiful.
It also helps that you don't wear contemporary sweet which is the style most often seen as costume-y and most misunderstood as "a sex thing".

Women with all kinds of personalities are in local lolita communities, so even if you're "ugly on the inside" you have a good chance of finding someone with a similar personality whatever "ugly on the inside" means exactly.

If you're the kind of person who enjoys gossipping, is judgmental about other lolitas, salty in general, a brand whore, and who gets jealous of other lolitas who have items you wish you had.... well, there's a lolita friend out there for you.

>> No.10808628

You know what’s weird? I’m pretty ugly and fat, and I wear lolita in public and I’ve never really gotten any hate/bad comments. To be fair I never go out alone but I’ve never been subjected to anything rude or mean, just weird at best.

>> No.10808629

well this is better than making a lolita friend, that friend being toxic af, and ending up all alone again

>> No.10808630

I’m feeling this everyday lately anon

>> No.10808631
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> accidentally goes to a rough part of la
> trying to find some ethnic food
> goes in full lolita among thugs and day laborers
> restaurant employees incredibly sweet and kind, complimenting me like crazy
> feelsgood.jpeg

>> No.10808635

i’m glad that this has been your experience, though i’m sorry about the weirdness. i’m sure you look very cute, nonny. a nicely put together coordinate is what matters most anyways.

this is what i’m thinking. i know i shouldn’t base my taste in friends on farms rumors either, but i am from tx, so…that adds another layer of apprehension to meeting local lolitas. i fear i lack the brain to mouth filter to help me avoid texlita comm drama.

this is true. i am very blessed to receive the response i do and to be treated the way i am. i just feel it enables me a bit lol.

i guess gossip is fun but i’m not really that bitter of a person. i’m definitely a brandwhore kek. what i mean by ugly on the inside is i come off rude and awkward and don’t have any social awareness. i can’t keep most friends because of this but i know there’s an autist out there for me nonny, i just don’t have much energy to push myself through the friend making process.

>> No.10808637

that’s so cute. i’m so glad you had a good day.

>> No.10808666

It's better than joining a local comm, noticing the person who used to bully you and your friends in HS is also there and has already made friends despite her not having one proper coord yet when you have a whole wardrobe, you assuming both of you are past that HS history now because it was ages ago and people change and mature so you forgive and forget and are nice to her like you would be to anyone else, then it later turns out she has attempted to sabotage any connections you might make in the comm by telling her friends certain things about you and you have no idea what but it's not positive because some people who know her are cold and snarky to you.

And you're both 25 at this time, and she continuously tries to be your friend and do stuff with you.

>> No.10808667

>i know there’s an autist out there for me nonny

LOL, there certainly is. You'll be alright.

>> No.10808717

What's it with the concentration of toxic people in lolita fashion? More than half of the people I got to know in some depth were absolutely unhinged and toxic, this doesn't happen in any other social circle I frequent. Wtf is wrong with this fashion?

>> No.10808722

I think this may have something to do with alternative fashion, what kind of people it draws, and the current culture of social media.
People have also become increasingly entitled over the years.
If you're not kissing their ass you're an enemy.

>> No.10808751

I wish I could wear lolita and go outside and get showered with compliments

>> No.10808768

jfc dude, I’m sorry about that. I know your pain all too well, and it’s a game you already lost. let’s share a bottle of wine nonnie and rejoice that we both at least dress better than our enemies.

>> No.10808770

100% this. met someone new who felt threatened by me just because I wasn’t kissing their ass, and now I’m pretty sure they’re using their mod powers to kill any hope of me making new friends/meetups.

>> No.10808777

Thanks nonnie, I appreciate it.
Let's call her HellBully because she owns 2 hellbunny dresses and that's it. No real lolita stuff and she's been in the comm for a long time.
She still makes passive aggressive backhanded compliments towards me and has invited me to go to her house, suggested we go over to mine, do DIY or go shopping with her.
I maintain a respectful distance and have politely declined her offers. She tries again every so often.
The injustice of it all still amazes me. I could forgive her actions of when she was a HS bully, but what she did when we were well into adulthood was unforgiveable. And for no good reason apparently, just out of jealousy, resentment or a power trip.

I luckily made 2 real friends in the comm, one of whom (let's call her M) didn't know HB well and wasn't her friend. M had stayed over and I was seeing her off at the train station. We bump into another lolita there and it seems M and that person already vaguely know each other.
So they greet and I introduce myself and she gives me the strongest side eye I've ever experienced, and she said "oh, I know who you are" as if addressing a trash heap.
She turns and gets into the train. I stood there speechless on the platform and ask M wtf that was about. M tells me that was a friend of HB and HB has been telling everyone she knows some shit about me, but that she didn't believe a word of it since she knows me firsthand.
My stomach sank and my blood turned into ice water. M told me not to worry about it. Of course I worried about it. The well had been poisoned against me and I had no way of knowing how deep the rot went.

That was more than few years ago. HB still wants to start some kind of frenemy relationship it seems. My 2 friends stopped wearing lolita and we've grown apart of the years. I didn't even bother making new ones during the corona era. I'm only starting to get to know some people a little better now.

>> No.10808781

Stay strong anon, the more friends you make and the more they know you the less power that mod has to sabotage you. You can probably organize a meetup (doesn't need to be big) in your area so you get to know more people.
I used to do this with 5 people total at most when I didn't want to travel 2+ hours one way to get to a bigger meet.
It's a very relaxed way to get to know some people better.

>> No.10808793

thanks anon. I just hate how they’re doing what the above anon is facing- they’re trying to be friendly towards me by stalking my socials and trying to talk, but I know they hate my guts. I can’t outright block them yet, but I will since I found another comm near me that they can’t go to due to distance/they don’t drive.

>> No.10808829

Until you're absolutely sure you don't want anything to do with the con that mod is in I would not block her. A polite distance will do. But dang what is it with people who want frenemy type friendships? It's so weird.

I'm still dealing with HB by keeping a distance between us. There is some hope though. My local comm has gone from being mostly active on fb to being mostly active on discord and it seems HB hasn't made the switch herself yet. I'm not entirely sure though, but pretty sure.
I no longer post coords to the fb group or any fb group she's in, I just post them to the discord and the fb groups I like that she isn't in. I'm in at least one fb group that will only let you in if you provide pictures of worn coords to prove that you actually wear the fashion, and since HB doesn't own a single lolita item even after so many years she hasn't gotten into these more secure groups. So I don't feel gawked at by her on my local comm discord or the more secure fb groups.
If I blocked her, which I have considered a few times, it would create potential drama and she could do it all over again by telling lies to fellow comm members still hanging in the fb group.

>> No.10809090

I just want to make lolita friends but the ppl in my comm are so fucking weird

>> No.10809092

that's just unavoidable. You get that with every alt fashion.

>> No.10809159

I don’t want to die but I don’t want to be alive either. I’m fucking exhausted from existing and so fed up with fake people who pretend to be my friend. If I didn’t put so much time and energy into lolita I would have left the community by now. 99% of the people I have interacted with have been amazing but the 1% really makes me want to quit. Im fucking sick of it.

>> No.10809192

I used to feel like that. I was diagnosed with depression.

>> No.10809321

Please hear >>10809192

>> No.10809339

I feel this way too, and it makes me question my past lolita friendships. However I am working on improving my outlook in life and understanding that if you want to make friends in Lolita and are desperate for it, then you’re just paying to be a part of an exclusive club to meet people in frills. You should wear it for your own enjoyment and if you happen to make a friend that doesn’t feel forced, then it’s just a benefit.

>> No.10809346

someone bake a new bread but make the op pic cute not some normie 3D shit

>> No.10809401

I can make a new thread but it'll have to be 3D, that's what I got.
I was hesitating with making a new thread because some threads that I thought were good were close to being pushed off and I wanted to see if anyone bumped them but they weren't so no reason to wait anymore.

>> No.10810230
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