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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 735 KB, 1361x845, image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10802478 No.10802478 [Reply] [Original]

Youmacon 2022 is a go and we can't wait to see you all here in the motor city. But first there's a couple of important things you should know. Youmacon has been going on for 18 years now and is a celebration of Anime, manga, pop-culture, comics, movies, costumes and SCIENCE. If you don't like all of these things then maybe you should just stay at home.

And that brings us to the first thing we want to report- IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN VACCINATED WE DON'T EVEN WANT YOU TO COME. STAY AWAY. WE ARE A CONVENTION FOR PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE IN SCIENCE. If you cannot get your Covid-19 vaccinations then you may only come if you get a PCR negative test on Tuesday or later. But that should be reserved for people who have a medical reason that prevents them from getting their vaccines. We will not have PCR testing available on site.


All staff may check your Vaccine Passports at all times. Failure to show your Vaccine Passport at any time to any staff MAY RESULT HAVING YOUR BADGE TAKEN AND YOU BEING REMOVED FROM THE CONVENTION. We recommend using CLEAR (digital vaccination card that can be stored on your phone). We believe this will make everyone feel safest for the event!

>> No.10802480
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ALL STAFF MUST BE VACCINATED. IF YOU ARE NOT VACCINATED FOR ANY REASON THEN YOU ARE NO LONGER STAFF (we do not even want you to show up). Stay home. We will not staff people who do not agree with Science (no cavemen allowed).

While the Renaissance Center and Huntingtong Place (TCF/Cobo) have removed their mask policies Youmacon has asked that they enforce masks on both their staff and convention goers, during Youmacon. That means all attendees will be masked all times. Try to plan this into your cosplays. N95 and KN95 masks are recommended and will be available to purchase on site,

We hope that these announcements lead to a relaxing, fun, and SAFE convention. We are still in the middle of this pandemic and still need to make sure that all of us stay as safe as possible.


>> No.10802494

Neck yourself.

>> No.10802511
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I had a convo while I was in Colossalcon Texas about how a lot of the vendors from the Midwest are moving down to Florida or Texas because of dumb shit like this or the con culture in the Midwest being like a time capsule to the tumblr age of shit. After seeing this post, I don't blame them for driving down to Florida and Texas to do business.

>> No.10802514
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What is a woman?

>> No.10802518

a woman is a gender

>> No.10802525

Imagine still believing the cold virus will kill you.
Wait, are they even afraid of death anymore? Or just having a positive PCR test?

>> No.10802629

Tell me what's wrong with event organisers asking that their attendees take a jab to stop a (mildly) nasty infection spreading? I know this sounds like a very basic question but I'm intrigued and maybe there's something I'm missing here?

>> No.10802656

Are they STILL doing the vaccine thing?!?? Me and my buddy snuck into the rave BOTH nights unvaccinated last year and had a hell of a time. Legit the most fun I had that year.

>> No.10802689
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Tell me what's wrong with event organizers asking that their attendees to stop having sex with strangers and hosting orgies to stop a (mildly) nasty infection spreading? I know this sounds like a very basic question but I'm intrigued and maybe there's something I'm missing here?

>> No.10802710

I'm so happy that paranoid vaxx/masked conventions are in the minority now. I can't get mad at them anymore because you can just ignore their con and go to another

>> No.10802722

I got covid and I coughed fairly badly for two days. It's nothing unless you are already on deaths door

>> No.10802762
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My body, my choice bro.

>> No.10802841

Thanks for the non-answer. Are you done jerking your knees yet?

Well, yes, no shit. But it's their event, so they could just as easily say they've got hundreds of attendees that they have to protect, and that's their choice. And while I know that covid isn't like it used to be, it's pretty mild compared to what it was, etc., why is this requirement such a big deal if it prevents attendees from getting what is essentially con crud, but worse?

But that's just it; you're going to get older people turn up, some who are vulnerable despite the vaccine, some who can't have the vaccine, and who risk getting deaded. Or at least suffering the symptoms more, I got it before I got jabbed and a two days of above average flu and a week of migraines.

I think at this stage it doesn't really matter if they do it or not, if you're still that much at risk, don't go out to big events anyway, but if they do require it just in case, why is that such a great evil?

>> No.10802847
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>They've got hundreds of attendees to protect

No they literally have a hundred.

>> No.10802857

>only a hundred, not a couple of hundred
They'll all kill themselves if you go with your weapons-grade autism

>> No.10802869

How are people like you still panicking about this? The world is operating like normal and you still feel like going outside without a mask and injections is going to kill you. People don't even care about being in a cramped airplane and you're here worried that walking past someone in a hallway at a huge open event is going to kill someone. Anyone who is so critically immunocompromised that they cannot survive being outside shouldn't be going to these events. If you are so germophobic and can't handle daily public life please stay at home for your own mental well being, you cannot be reasoned with and are still going to be worried about this well into 2023.

>> No.10802925

i would invite you to read the last line of my last post again. I said the complete opposite of what you've just accused me of. You're putting words in my mouth.

To clarify, what I'm intrigued about is why the response isn't just mild irritation but pure anger like some of those ITT. I mean they've not done anything particularly bad, just annoying and inconvenient. The way people react you'd think the staff had done something evil and I don't get it. If your next response puts words in my mouth like that I can assure you the only person acting like a worry wart is you, assuming it's not deliberate.

>> No.10802968 [DELETED] 

>nigger complaining about masks
>actually thinking anyone is going to enforce it
Unless you're an insufferable autist or ghosting the con, most staff doesn't give a shit.

>> No.10802989
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Hopefully Pfizer provides a wonderful tombstone for you when SADS comes around in thanks for your restless servitude defending big pharma and one upping us evil nonvaxxies on a Chinese basketweaving forum.
Don't forget your 5th booster so you can get your free krispy kreme.

>> No.10803105
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LOL you really are projecting. I have made it clear that at this point I don't think it's particularly necessary to have these restrictions, but I don't see why it's so evil if they do. It's annoying and in a lot of cases, not needed, and you have some good point (I'm choosing to believe you are the other poster who responded with sensible points) but you're clearly also MEGAMAD because you can't answer my question because it would admit you've taken this a bit too far. It's one thing to say they're overreacting. It's another to say they're EEEVIL!

>> No.10803235

You really underestimate Youmacon staff. They've been vetting pretty hard the last few years. It's not like other cons where they just don't give a shit. Youmacon staff are all power hungry crazy liberals who micromanage everything. While they don't do it well they still at lest make sure the staff is filled with goons that will suck their she cocks at any given moment.

>> No.10803325

What is Svengali from Youmacon spouting off on now?

I have a medical reason for not getting the stupid vaccine. My medical reason is it doesn't effing work.

>> No.10803337
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That you're willing to even have this discussion at all makes you more open-minded than average. The anon you responded to there definitely went off the deep end. But then again, so did the OP to the point that I wonder if they're a troll. At first, I didn't object to the masks until noticing the cracks that showed themselves more and more. I can go to
>a doctor's office without a mask
>any large scale event without a mask
>the venue before or after an anime convention without a mask
>I *cannot* enter the venue during an anime convention without a mask
That was also suspect enough. The moment I went aggressively anti-mask was after airport (including staff, by the way) and international travel mandates were lifted. Yet these conventions still hold out. This is not about "safety" and never has been. It's the owners and the lapdogs enforcing their will, much like an online forum. If you don't believe that, look into the insane levels of entitlement from Anime Next in New Jersey. To drive this parallel home even further, con jannies are
>Morbidly obese
>Aggressively unlikeable
>Overstepping their boundaries because it's the only power they'll ever have in their worthless lives
>Doing it for free
Florida is the only state I know where you can't demand mask compliance anywhere, but more will come around eventually. And when that day arrives, I predict (and hope to God) a ton of these owners close down shop forever out of spite, because they deserve nothing but failure.

>> No.10803366

Thank you for your reply. This is interesting. I will read it again later.

>> No.10804607

Morgan is a nice dude. Some shady people running the con, but he is alright.

>> No.10804673

Hey faggot I'm coming in with fake vax cards and selling the outside of CoBo again this year.

Have fun verifying all those cards

>> No.10804674
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>> No.10804676
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>real question
Gets ignored

Definitely Youma-staff. Fjdknpucking trannies.

>> No.10804677
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Underrated post

>> No.10804790
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Piggy backing off this.
YoumaCon: Now sponsored by Pfizer™

>> No.10805145
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They didn't ask for it last year, why would they ask for it this year?

>> No.10805213


Control, being good little virtue signalers.

>> No.10805256

Ofc it’s Youma staff. 99% of this has been Youma jannies bumping this thread and then lacking self awareness for why people don’t want to show papers to go play dress up for 4 days.

>> No.10805292

Why is it that any con that shills for itself on /cgl/ picks their most unlikeable, most socially-inept, and/or their most mentally ill volunteers to do it?

>> No.10805297

Because that's all of them (at once).

>> No.10805307
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Jesus Christ. You couldn't pay out the standard fee for the normal "professional" cosplaying whores to pose for pics, and you chose to have trannies instead?

>> No.10805623
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As someone who use to help run Armageddicon, I've met most of the old guard for Youma.

Most of them are closet pedos or furrys. This is not a surprising move. The more power they can assert over their attendees, the easier it will be for them to pray on the weak ones.

I should know, I dealt with Michael B as a con-head for years. Sieg Zeon

>> No.10805668
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Because they do it for free.


Man, considering how the Columbus scene has become tumblr garbage, I almost prefer Mikey over Matt nowadays. Something about shitty coomers being slightly more tolerable than holier than thou policys.

>> No.10805974

so you need to be double vaxxed to even get your badge?

>> No.10805986

Kill yourself OP

>> No.10806140

Just go on /pol/ and ask them on how to make a fake vax card. If you got the original 2 shots you are fine and there is no way for them to actually check if your card and dates are legit or not.

>> No.10806167

on it
sucks that it has to come to this since acen this year did not care about vaxx status and the mask requirements were less restricted

>> No.10806177

What do the boosters look like tho, cant find that one anywhere and some cons still ask for that

>> No.10806191

Who cares. Youmacon is only asking for the first 2 and the card has room for more and is reusable so you can just make up your own bullshit dates.

>> No.10806267

It's about fucking time

I had to miss it last year because of their dumbass COVID non-policy.

Antivax dumbasses can go neck themselves

>> No.10806275
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I'll save you the side quest. Enjoy the con.

>> No.10806458

So let's be real. Literally everyone knows both the hotel, ren cen and cobo no longer have any mandates, and we also know they are the only ones who can enforce those rules. How many people really are going to wear face masks and put up with Youmcon staff bullshit? honestly this shit is so stupid that the fantasy of telling staff to fuck off and everyone clapping might just happen.

>> No.10806561

we can only hope people revolt against this horse shit
I will be right there clapping with you

>> No.10806658

It's probably going to be like other cons that "require a mask" but only at door checkpoints. Recent con I was at had similar MASK POLICY PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!! :) Required for your safety!

Turns out it was only at the checkpoints to the vendor hall, panel rooms, and then everyone just took them off. I expect youma to basically be the exact same thing with just a few staff actually caring past midday of day 1.

>> No.10806929

Right back at ya, shitbag. Enjoy cowering in fear for the rest of your miserable life. You earned every second.

>> No.10806954

You will be clapping on the street.

>> No.10806983

I need help finding a room (and possibly a ride from toronto). Is there a room/rideshare forum for youma?

>> No.10807184

a bit late to be asking this isn't it? and a con specific forum in 2022, that's funny. try asking on the discord or facebook group page.

>> No.10807220


Stay on your side of the lake.

>> No.10807227

>a bit late
Heck no. Lots ask for rooms the very week of
>forum in 2022, that's funny
Ya, I should have said group. We (anime north) still have a forum though, very active at that

Fine, but our con is bigger/better

>> No.10807260

lmao I thought this was satire
you need therapy

>> No.10807364

>Fine, but our con is bigger/better

Listen I think Youmacon has gone down the shitter, but don't even try and convince your leaf brain that Anime North is even a con. You guys put three TVs in a room at the Sheraton and call it a "game room". The only reason AN has any attendance at all is because you pathetic retards fail at running cons and all new cons (KimiKon) fail miserably.

Please choke and die before you make it past the border, you're not welcome here.

>> No.10807367

Hey look I am not a spic okay bud?

>> No.10807368

you're still fucking annoying.

>> No.10807371

lol i am not who you were talking to lol.
Im just some random kiwi

>> No.10807394

what a coincidence i'm not either of the anon who were talking kek.

>> No.10807399


>> No.10807401

So you're saying an is big due to just being the default con in the area? I dunno brah. Consistently being 4-5 biggest con in north america and deeming it a coincidence is kind of a stretch

>you're not welcome here
So what are you gonna do about it? Eh buddy? Eh? Hoser, I will drop you

>> No.10807408

>So you're saying an is big due to just being the default con in the area

Yes? People aren't flying out to AN because it's a good con. Since when does attendance=good con? You leafs had to wait 4+ hours in the heat this year for a badge for a con with literal who VTuber guests. I've seen your threads, day of the rake could not come sooner for you foaming-at-the-mouth retards

>> No.10807412

I'm not vaccinated and I'm going to Youmacon for the express purpose of creeping on cosplayers and there is nothing you can do to stop me. Good luck trying to find me, IRL jannies!

>> No.10807444

Does anyone know whether they are going to bring back the Japanese arcade? They had it a few years ago and then last year they moved it off-site.

>> No.10807447

imagine being this unhinged. Bro you got played. All the mandates were a fucking hoax to see how closely gullible idiots like you would follow them without question. Nothing worked. Masks didnt work, lockdowns didnt ask, and the vaccine surely didn't work

>> No.10807527

i saw a post about there being multiple arcade cabinet vendors this year.

>> No.10807529

It's pretty easy to troll post covid, huh

>> No.10807610

It makes jannies seethe paying for this con when they support the cuck mask is shit. I've been to plenty of cons this year and watching jannies seethe about taking off the mask or not wearing it is great.

Seeing fat jannies seethe is part of the fun.

>> No.10807668

Is this for real LOL


>> No.10807837


Or go and don't comply and if any of the fat lesbos give you lip tell them to fuck off and enter. Not going to have these people ruin another con.

>> No.10807852
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>> No.10807976

We hope you stay home.
We hope you avoid our convention and stay home.
Don't come.
Don't show up. We do not want you here.
We don't want you at Youmacon. Go away.
You stay home. Don't show up at Youmacon.
Youmacon is not for people like you. We do not want you here. Do not show up. We do not like you.
Don't come.
We don't want you to attend. Go away. Don't bother our event.
Don't come than if you think it doesn't work. We don't want you here.
Don't come.
I hope you get arrested - and we will turn you over to cops if you try to do that.
Go away. We don't want you at our event.
Youmacon does not welcome you. Do not show up.
Do not come then. We don't want you here.
You are disguesting. Do not come to our event.
You first.
I hope you get arrested for forgery.
Then don't come. We don't want you.
Go away. Or maybe show up so we can perma-ban you. I can do it myself.>>10806658
All staff will be able to take your badge should you refuse to comply. I will laugh at all who get found.
We do not want yoou here.
Have fun somewhere else. Like when you go out on Tuesday to support fascists. You can rest all weekend to prepare since we don't wnat you here with us.

>> No.10807979

Die in a fire

>> No.10808022

thank god for colossalcon proving every other anime con wrong in showing any kind of restriction is bullshit insane and unnecessary

>> No.10808027
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>> No.10808029
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Youmacon and other conventions of this sort is just another case of misery loves company

>> No.10808387

Now that Biden has declared the pandemic over, does this make Youmacon Trump supporters?

>> No.10808404


Good PR there jackass, you deserve to have your money hemorrhage even harder this year.

>> No.10808917

Can't wait to ghost this con and tell any con staff that I'm just a regular hotel guest and they have no more authority over me than a random sap on the street.

Congratulations on this guys, seriously

>> No.10809268

>I hope you get arrested for forgery.

Only way for that to happen is if someone can prove it :^)

>> No.10809270

>Or maybe show up so we can perma-ban you

When has a con perma ban ever worked? Fucking Thadus showed up to Youmacon the day he got out of prison lol.

>> No.10809274
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>Youmacon is not for people like you. We do not want you here. Do not show up. We do not like you.


lol go ahead and try to keep us out. Fun thing about Detroit: This place is not and will never be for you. We would much rather this place be the crime ridden shit hole than for fucking troons like you to ever try to boss us around. I really want you to try telling any nigga to comply and to call you the proper pronouns. Go be a whiny fagot in Ann Arbor.

>> No.10809313

I remember the year they wanted to be a big player in the FGC and invited a group called the Coalition of Real Niggas. Few years later the head of the gaming department became a troon and management fell apart after the giant mistakes with Great Lakes media expo.

Every year after moving to the Ren center staff got lazier and stupider.

>> No.10809409

least mentally insane con janny tranny

>> No.10809570

Damn, third year of missing this shit show. I hope they lose money over this stupidity but I knows there's probably just enough lemmings to keep them afloat.

>> No.10809617
File: 942 KB, 640x800, just take the va-AACK.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just take the v-ACK

>> No.10809769

I'm not getting the shots but I am going to youmacon (again) last year no one asked for anything at all and they won't this year

>> No.10810111

I am going since I already paid for last year and rolled over the tickets.

Don't care about vacc requirement. That's easy.
Not happy about mask requirement though. It seems silly that in literally every other building, it's fine to be without a mask, but crossing the magical barrier into the con space, now I have to put it on?

I'm going to go drinking, and won't have to wear it in any of the bars. Dumb decision.

Wasn't there last year, so I'm not sure how strict they were about them.

>> No.10810137

A lot of people just pretended to put it on if asked then just put it down once the fag walked away

>> No.10810361
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i just dont buy a badge and tell the con janny tranny that im a guest of the hotel and im allowed to be in public areas such as the lobby as a paying customer and I dont have to do what some stranger tells me. If they mention the con i tell them i dont know what the fuck they're talking about and that im not with their gay event and go on about my way.

>> No.10811078

why do they look so gross? are they ill? whats wrong with the people in the pictures?

>> No.10811150

The line up for guest look fucking shit anyway, no real reason to go in the first place anyway. Especially if they're trying to enforce a stupid fucking shot that doesn't do anything anyway.

>> No.10811197
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Lol, lmao

>> No.10811199

they're ugly men

>> No.10811228
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Two literal "who?" Voice actors. They might as well have gotten SFM voice actors at that point.

>> No.10811229

Not to mention youma is in Detroit. Does detroit really need more niggers?

>> No.10811355

Microphone check
1 2

>> No.10811798
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Okay so I met one of the DJs that thows the rave last night at a bar. He recognized me from last year so we talked about yumacon. He said there wasn't a mask mandate this year. So is OP full of shit? Is OP fake news?

>> No.10811799

There are convention going well into 2023 demanding masks and cards. Definitely something got lost along the way here. Without any other info or context, my first guess is there's no mask mandate for *him* specifically while performing.

>> No.10811858

I think most cons just put it on their websites and make a big production on twitter for all the crazy people that will try to drag them on twitter for not having it. You will see dozens of people that wont even go to the con spam posts about how people shouldn't go because it isn't safe for them. So better to just have a thing on the site saying it then deal with bad press.

>> No.10811885

Know any alternatives that are within reasonable distance?

>> No.10811999
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Went to their discord and got linked to this. It's pretty much the exact same rules as last year. Jesus Christ. Vaccine AND mask. Not worth it at all. I'll be at the club or something those nights. And of course the "experts" are in the discord saying how great this is.

>> No.10812002
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Do people still get upset about this shit? You know there was like 0 enforcement last year outside badge registration and maybe a few door mall cops here and there. This is called "covering your ass for the karens of the world" because it's easier to state this and play a 'we told you so' card if anything happens.

I can't tell if this is some 4d trolling at this point or people are actually this gullible

>> No.10812020

>there was like 0 enforcement last year
there was a lot of enforcement last year and the Youmacon staff are all a bunch of evangelical liberals. They aren't going down without a fight.

>> No.10812021

>there was a lot of enforcement last year
Outside putting it on to get through a doorway or pick up your badge it was pretty relaxed; I think some panels cared but not many.

>> No.10812025

It's the same song and dance every time
>There will be so many people resisting, they couldn't enforce if they tried!
>It's a meaningless formality
>They won't care
Then when I actually get there, it's full of insufferable lardasses screaming at people for no reason, either full enforcement or they don't even have to worry because 100% are complying. I've lost count of how many times this happened, but I can count the exceptions: one (1), which was Acen. Strange how every time people in these threads say "Nobody cared" it's only at ones that I didn't go to (and I go to a lot of them).

>> No.10812028
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this'll be my first big con ever, first in the US too I've some questions

>do you have to stay at the hotel the con takes place?
>is there a specific night that parties/raves take place?
>do people stay the whole length of the event?

I'm going as the party man himself and wanna make the most of it, any tips welcome

>> No.10812036

>do you have to stay at the hotel the con takes place?
No but not a lot of options elsewhere
>is there a specific night that parties/raves take place?
Usually Thursday->Sat for room parties, Fir/Sat have the DJ
>do people stay the whole length of the event?
Most do with checkout being noonish sunday and maybe a last call at the vendor hall.

>> No.10812040

gotcha. It gets a bit pricey like that, what's a good way to find roommates for events like these?

>> No.10812090

what kind of con advertises on fucking cgl

>> No.10812157

If you're ok with rooming with strangers. The room and rideshare facebook group as well as the discord might be your best optios

>> No.10812209

Its worth a shot, got a link to that disc?

>> No.10812217

>first in the US too
Ontario native I presume?

>> No.10812241

After the shitty COVID policy put out two weeks before the con, I’m not going again. There’s less cucked cons like Colossalcon and Dokidokon.

>> No.10812297

not even close lol, I've been to tim hortons at best

>> No.10812397

Despite everything, gonna do a cgl dinner meet up. Right now I'm just thinking of Saturday 4pm at the Applebee's across the street at the courtyard hotel. Idk what is open that is close anymore so if you have suggestions feel free to throw them out.

>> No.10812496

Yup that's a YIKES

>> No.10812512


yea what the fuck? Is the detroit food scene that bad that we need to have a meetup/dinner at a fucking chain that microwaves their food? Pick a local place for fucks sake im not eating applebees you lunatic

>> No.10812528
File: 451 KB, 512x512, squid idea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do people think of my Squid Man cosplay

>> No.10812547


God, no. Why would you choose that?

There are plenty of decent restaurants within walking distance.

Apparatus Room
Beer Exchange

>> No.10812652

I said give suggestions not be retarded piss fagots.

Anyways, going to be at Fuell resturant of the rencen, Level 3 Marriott Hotel around 4PM is when they start dinner so meeting will most likely be around that time saturday night just before all the fun stuff happens.

>> No.10812653

>I gave a suggestion
Dude you didn't give anything useful lol. That shit's going to be packed being the closest bar, food place to it. ANon did give some actual useful info, at least sweet water tavern or greenwich pub.

>> No.10812739

Pfizer now admits that it never even tested if the "vaccine" stopped transmission, stopped infection, or stopped you from getting sick.

They never even tested for that. Why does Youmacon want to see if you believed their stupid fake cult of "I believe the $cience!" when Pfizer currently admits that it made the whole thing up for "marketing".




>> No.10812759

the point you're missing is no one wants to go anywhere with someone who would ever suggest applebees.

>> No.10812776

whatever fuck it then

>> No.10812790

you are all a bunch a fags

>> No.10812924

Sweetwater tavern seems to be a good choice.

>> No.10812928

>0 enforcement
The table top room was vaccine only. The game room has that tall black guy in a corset yelling at people to put it on or gtfo. I'm 70% sure you couldn't see any of the guest if you didn't have a vaccine pass. The rave was vaccine only but some people got to sneak in without it. Were you even fucking there?

>> No.10812957

I went last year and the most they asked of me was a mask (vidya game room and artists alley). I'd like to go to both of those places and the tabletop room this year but I really don't want to wear a mask again/show a fake vaccine card. Is there anything I can do or do I have to suck it up to enjoy myself?

>> No.10812992

If you haven't found it by now, just look up "room and rideshare youmacon", should be the first link to a Facebook page where someone has linked the Discord a little further down. That being said, I too am looking to roommates, anon

>> No.10813120

Have you got a reservation? Drop some contacts and we can chat

>> No.10813131

athrow88@aol.com, can speak further there

>> No.10813296

>game room shit
Those people are always the most insufferable "people" anyways

Most people who I heard complain about vax/mask shit were the people making themselves walking targets by taking off the mask outside of the door check points, going on long winded rants about it, and being so noisy anyone would look for an excuse to get rid of them. How hard is it to just wear a mask to get into the event, then instantly drop it once you walk 10 feet past security?

>> No.10813422

Covid isn't real, just like how you will never be a real woman.

>> No.10813599

>Beer Exchange

Beer Exchange is awesome but apparently it's just being turned into a private event space or something stupid now. The pizza takeout spot and the arcade in the basement are cool but it's going to suck if the who Beer Stock Exchange thing just gets dropped. Not shocked though since if you talked to the owner for more than five minutes he sounds like an idiot.

>> No.10813600

>Do you have to stay at the hotel the con takes place?

Nope. In fact I'm commuting to and from every day this year since I live only about 10 minutes away and none of my usual con friends are going this year.

>is there a specific night that parties/raves take place?
Pretty much Friday and Saturday nights. I never go but people like it.

>do people stay the whole length of the event?
Yeah. Not everyone does but I'd say at least half do.

Also Mr Party Man just remember that you're still in a very heavily monitored Convention Center and Office Building (headquarters of General Motors) right next to an international border crossing. Avoid getting too stupid.

>> No.10813604

I can practically guarantee it won't be super heavily enforced but there's going to be people bugging you to mask up at least Thursday and Friday. I went last year sunday and no one asked for vaccine info, tests or said anything about masks.

It is funny though since I definitely know at least 2-3 people off the top of my head who aren't going and cite youmacon not being aggressive enough about masks and vaccines as their reason. And of course they're all people who normally work from home anyways.

>> No.10813606

Dude just buy a General Motors shirt or wear a collared shirt and they just assume you work for GM. I wasn't even trying and that happened to me once.

>> No.10813608


That would be such a braindead move. The only reason someone would go there is for the stock exchange part of it. Otherwise, it's just another bar.

>> No.10813610
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Exactly. I'm hoping they just phrased it kind of dumb but I doubt it. My guess is that the expectation pre-covid was to be swarmed nonstop by Quicken idiots, but now a lot still work from home and the ones who don't probably just got bored of it. I wanted to go more often but I work weekends.

>> No.10813612


Haha that is fucking dumb.

>> No.10813614

My chef and I hung out with the owner for a while when we went and the guy seemed very "Ey bada bing fuhghettaboutit" about all sorts of weird things so I'm genuinely not shocked this happened. I'm sad, but not shocked. I know covid fucked over a lot of restaurants but there were a ton of times talking to him where he gave off "eh we'll figure it out later" vibes about things he really shouldn't have.

>> No.10813616


I wish there were more places downtown to go to. Barcade is fun, but a bit too far north from the downtown area.

>> No.10813618

I went to barcade more often than Beer Exchange, probably because I absolutely despise paying for parking. But yeah a lot of the fun places are kinda gone now, like Ready Player One. The new pizza place that replaced it is honestly kinda trashy and seemed to be trying to be a night club when I went. I think Checker Bar still has its arcade upstairs but not sure about that one. A lot of things downtown seem to have just moved to being turbo-boujee unless they're right next to Comerica or something.

>> No.10813622

Yeah, that is pretty accurate.

>> No.10813681
File: 286 KB, 1084x399, rright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What room is the orgy in this year? Anyone know the mexican cross dresser that usually puts it on?

>> No.10813684
File: 22 KB, 500x500, A6414F3F-46FD-426F-A698-5F7B27A87583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

discord party link!


>> No.10813709

the orgies aren't a real thing, right guys?

>> No.10813801


>> No.10813881

They where real for a couple years but I have not been to youma the last few years so I'm out of the loop now.

>> No.10814040

I remember people talking about it on the forums back in the day and I thought it was a joke but I found out from other staff that it was a thing or at the very least they treated it as it was.

>> No.10814042

with your help, they can be

>> No.10814047

kinda just what >>10814040 said. I mean I know there's definitely at least one or two cases of group sex that people have talked about going on. Someone rooming with me once went to the wrong room and found a buncha sweaty nerds banging. But no like hush hush secret official orgy sanctioned by the con, just maybe one or two put together by kinky nerds. Pretty sure it became a thing after someone posted on craigslist looking for people to join like a decade ago.

>> No.10815108
File: 26 KB, 744x477, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I know the same group of people have been putting a defacto official orgy for the last 4 years or so. The people allowed into the orgy are always decided by the 6'3 mexican crossdresser who usually pays for the room and picks the password.

>> No.10815148

Any update on the schedule yet? Or is it going to be only on paper and at the door schedules as usual?

>> No.10815165

will you be there on thursday?

>> No.10815169

They absolutely happen, but the thing is 95% of them are done by closed circles and aren't some like "come to the con and if we like your vibe we'll invite you" so you're not going to hear about them

>> No.10815170

Kek remember when people got prison sentences for selling and possessing fake vax cards in 2021.

>> No.10815188

hasn't happened to me lol
I go with a large group and scumbag the con. we buy maybe 3 passes and use them to get 6-8 people wherever we want to go. It's hilarious really.

>> No.10815239

This is the info I came to this thread for, good to hear. I might splurge on a pcr test just to ensure I won't be blocked from anywhere but the price is ridiculous

>> No.10815288

are those males?

>> No.10815294

do i have to fuck the mexican crossdresser to get in?

>> No.10815411

hi Thad, didn't realize youma allowed convicted sex offenders

>> No.10815420

>There will be a charge for this COVID-19 test
>You don't qualify to receive this COVID-19 test at no cost to you. $128.99 will be due at the time of your appointment. For questions about potential reimbursement, contact your insurance provider.

yeah fuck this. If they don't give me my shit imma take them down with me.

>> No.10815482

Yes. I went last year and the year before that. Everyone is invited I take it.

>> No.10815483

>Post op tranny.
No thanks
I take it they are organizing the orgy on Grindr And Kik.

>> No.10815484
File: 427 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20221031-173443_Grindr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.10815707

Monkeypox con

>> No.10815727

How the fuck is it the day before the convention and there isn't a schedule?

What a complete shitshow this convention will be

>> No.10815750

And they want people to spend an extra $150 for a fucking covid test lmao.

>> No.10815774

Fuck that’s retarded

>> No.10815789

I haven't been since '16. Is there still free parking at the greektown casino?

>> No.10815802

If you get there SUPER SUPER early. Greektown caught on so generally any event they close it early unless you have a greektown membership.

>> No.10815810

Everyone here is gay. Have fun at youaregay gaywads.

>> No.10815829
File: 5 KB, 209x241, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. Just don't be gross or creepy typcially. Find him early though cause he tries to keep the male to female ratio decently close.

>> No.10815860

Thx. Best alternatives are?

>> No.10815906

The German place Jacoby's looks pretty good and it's only 4 blocks away. I'm down for a meetup with the gulls tomorrow for lunch or dinner with anyone who's interested

>> No.10815907
File: 384 KB, 719x1216, Screenshot_20221103-155952_File Manager +.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys wont need the youmacon orgy. this girl will be there again and will literally fuck anything.

shes gained 300 pounds since this picture was taken though

>> No.10815908

Is there a way to go about transfering a pass to someone? Someone I was going with bought their own 3day pass and shit came up so they're looking to give it to a friend. The person who bought it can't go to the booth to pick it up.

>> No.10815916

So this is gonna be The Youmacon Thread this year, huh
Is it considered poor taste on /cgl/ to post your own cosplay? I just think it'd be neat to say hi to other people from here while at the con tomorrow.

>> No.10815932

Nah people have done it in past years

>> No.10815933

I've never tried it before. But try parking near Woodward and Trowbridge. You can take the Woodward bus back to where you parked and it's a neighborhood so it's free Parking. I live right on Woodward so I just take the bus down when I want to go downtown. But if I didn't want to pay $50 to park I'd do that way. The DDOT Woodward bus is 24 hours.

>> No.10815942

I definitely want to be in a garage and not in an out and open spot. Thx tho

>> No.10815944

Took forever to get tickets

>> No.10815954


>> No.10815955

It would be a welcome change, so many CGL meetups no one in cosplay lol

>> No.10815956

Bro just park on top of cobo its not that complex.

>> No.10815966

Park on top of my dick and then let me cum in your ass.

>> No.10815969

present it

>> No.10815979

It's pretty good, been a few times. Food isn't really super authentically german if you're looking for it, but it's good bar food. Very cliche midwestern "German" stuff like schnitzel (aka fried porkchops) and spatzle.

But for the love of god avoid pizza cat max. It's trashy as fuck and is trying to be a hipster stoner pizza place while also being a hoodrat nightclub at the same time.

Dime Store is good breakfast food albeit kinda bougie and the reservations being annoying.

>> No.10815983

If you wanna be super super cheap and don't mind an open air and unattended lot, Wayne State has a few lots near Cass and Canfield that are free weekends and after 5. You can take the Q-Line down for free from there. No overnight parking but it's in a spot with cameras fucking everywhere and Wayne State cops everywhere too. I'd recommend getting food from somewhere around there just to be nice.

>> No.10816002
File: 399 KB, 507x448, Screenshot_20221104_121921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just put this here. Now you know.

>> No.10816003

Don't leave cobo if you don't want to get shanked fuckin troglodytes

>> No.10816005

Try Capers on Gratiot and E 7 Mile Rd. Its a great steak house.

>> No.10816006
File: 512 KB, 1618x1078, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was at the orgy last year it was pretty cash. I came in straight and by the end I got a DP creampie in my backdoor.

>> No.10816008

so inclusive of you, bet you're a liberal cuck,

>> No.10816009

They're doing Doctor Pepper cream pies now?

>> No.10816010

Coney Time at 7 mile and hayes is the best coney in the city

>> No.10816012
File: 18 KB, 662x478, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God i wish that was me.

>> No.10816013

Is there a fem boy only section?

>> No.10816014

Detroit hookers suck unless you like sucking bullet hole scars. Stick to the orgy. Couldn't walk straight for a fucking week

>> No.10816051
File: 62 KB, 1074x594, panels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to go or you won't learn how to pick up baddies

>> No.10816066
File: 2.54 MB, 4000x2252, 20221104_083732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel, my cosplay. If you see me at the con say hi!

>> No.10816079
File: 239 KB, 1235x1047, christian-angel-anje-maid-of-dishonor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have they posted the artist alley guests yet? This guy was there 2019 and I really want to get more of his stuff. He has some current Magic cards out.

>> No.10816083

Hi anon if I catch you I'll say hey.

>> No.10816084

Is the crossdressing mexican in ZERO TSU cosplay or ????

>> No.10816095

German dining doesn't even exist in my area so I'm not picky. I've asked around and it seems like that's the best option. We're gonna be down there from around 5

>> No.10816097

Meet up at Jacoby's at 5pm

>> No.10816101

>half the staff isn't wearing masks
>absolutely zero enforment of masks or vax stickers.

Lmao Youmacon staff confirmed pussys.

>> No.10816109

Except the gaming room. The tabletop nazis have the Doors shut to extra keep out the unvaxxinated breath.

Little do they realize that the marriot workers who set their tables and chairs up are unvaxxed and unmasked and already spread the Corona all over their safe space.

>> No.10816128

>doing table top at a con.

>> No.10816130

anyone there? im a detroit local and was wondering if youma was even worth it this year.

>> No.10816134

It's been fun so far and staff ain't doing shit.

>> No.10816137

Where did you go pick yours up at? I'm usually getting mine from the Chalmers and Harper area. A handful of cuties are out there. I can hook you up with some if you want.

>> No.10816152

are they checking for vax cards or covid tests cause i am vaxxed but i didnt take a test or anything lately

>> No.10816154

According to the discord they are when you get your badge. If you have your vax card or have your info on the clear app then you have full access.

>> No.10816155

Reminder to youma staff niggers, I will NEVER get vaxxed and am doing WHATEVER I want at your con, cuckolds

>> No.10816159


>> No.10816163

They're just super inconsistent about it in general. Not sure if it's just department to department or just literally how much each individual staffer (weeaboo drunk with power) or volunteer (some schmuck looking for a free badge) cares. I know earlier today no one gave two shits about me not wearing a mask into the gaming room but around 2-3 people started asking for masks. Panels were kind of the same deal.

I'm pretty sure no one will do anything by Saturday afternoon/evening, like last year. Partially the reason I think the add-on covid sticker thing was done this year but I still doubt anyone will be checking for that.

Pretty much with the exception of one panel I went to, pretty much everyone that didn't want to wear a mask could just get away taking theirs off 10-15 feet in. Half the people in the dealer room basically just take theirs off the second they turn a corner.

>> No.10816165

Why do people even like orgies? I went to one by accident (they told me it was just a hotel party) and fucking complete strangers seems weird.

>> No.10816169


>> No.10816170

I'm cool with some swingers that have invited me to orgys and cuckold events. It's okay. Once you go to one they are all the same honestly.

>> No.10816178
File: 51 KB, 720x173, Screenshot_20221105-010840_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. They ain't playing this year about the rave. Lol

>> No.10816236

Did weebs get locked into the cosplay ball or something?

>> No.10816313

Where's the orgy?

>> No.10816322

You just missed it. It was just 12 dudes though. So if you touch anybody at the rave and they are all sticky, well you know where it came from.

>> No.10816339

Panels were kinda lame this year to be honest

>2/3rds are just cringy Hololive fan videos of anime twitch thots going UGU

Unless the covid timeskip just turned me into a boomer who's just going to cons thinking "WHOS THAT GUY WHICH ONE IS THAT ONE WHATS A JIU-JITSU KAISER"

>> No.10816340

How was the masquerade? Good times?

>> No.10816343

How was the merch hall? Is it the same garbage they sell every year?

>> No.10816368

Damn /cgl/ did NOT care about this con

>> No.10816381

I heard burger king rei molested a couple girls at this con, can anyone confirm?

>> No.10816388

The basically didn't enforce anything for rona so no one had anything to bitch about...

>> No.10816406
File: 1.80 MB, 237x237, 1667316551770916.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't go this year because I had to replace the windows on my house and buy a car so I'm BROKE AS HELL right now please post pictures especially of Mr. Spamton G. Spamton

>> No.10816411

Did they really? The only reason I've been avoiding youma is because of their corona rules they post online.

>> No.10816416

>was still holding me and gripping my waist until I lost him at the store
why did she let him hang on for so long this was made alot worse by her never protesting

>> No.10816421

hi rei

>> No.10816422

Ope turns out I had covid

>> No.10816425

He's coping and trying to say he didn't do anything wrong, but he did the same shit to someone at Prime.

>> No.10816444

>burger king rei
Wait, is this the same dude who skipped on his bill yelled nigger a bunch and assulted people for wearing masks at some texas cons? this seems too familiar...

>> No.10816445

2hu cosplayer right?

>> No.10816446

>zero mask and vax enforcement
>everyone constantly breaking the rules

Lol chuds win again seeth vax cucks.

>> No.10816447

If this is the same guy and he has the correct fist name and cosplay.. down here is is known for doing kill la kill and rei, I don't think he does touhou. If he does I've never seen it but at colossal con he was a huge faggot we couldn't get rid of and then called security on our place when we kicked his ass out. He's literally the laughing stock of texas and doesn't know it.

>> No.10816448

He said he's from Florida apparently so makes sense if he's at a Texas con.

>> No.10816449

Okay this is the same guy we know, holy shit we knew he was creepy but didn't expect this. I thought he was just trans or something but wow, just wow. Yeah okay, he's not coming to any texas meetups again if this shit is true but it sounds too real. He still owes my friend 30 dollars for drinking and dipping.

>> No.10816451

>Rei/kill la kill cosplayer
>Doesn't pay people money he owes
>Is militantly anti-mask/vax to the point where it's actually more obnoxious
>Unironically racist IRL
>Frequents Texas/Florida cons

yea. I know exactly who this is. Didn't realize he was all the way up in Michigan doing this too.

>> No.10816452

Who the fuck would want to be around a bunch of greasy, fat, smelly faggots and trannies to begin with?

>> No.10816454

>We do not want yoou here.
Oh stop, yes you do. I love fat, dumpy cosplayers like yourself so much, and I'm good-looking on every count. Just relax already, and please don't tear my costume trying to get if off me when we get back to your room, I want to be inside you as bad as you want it too.

>> No.10816456

He pulled the same shit at acen lol

>> No.10816462

What do you mean? I thought you had to present your test proof or vaccine status to even get a sticker on your badge. Are you telling me they completely lied

>> No.10816464

Is this seriously Youma's official post/ damage control? If so: Sad! Quite possible the worst PR stunt in 4chan history.

>> No.10816466 [DELETED] 
File: 395 KB, 812x1121, Fuckyoumoonwayyoucuckfaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the cuck himself probably reported it. Reposting the image, fuck you Moonway/Dan. I hope you never show your ugly face at a con again.

>> No.10816470
File: 124 KB, 1266x688, 1547937eda870e6ff3f8dc34624a7576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing so much Gundam Evolution lately I fucking forgot that this con was happening until I checked instagram.

It's still Midwest tranny garbage, so didn't miss much if anything.

>> No.10816509

Im doing this for katsucon

>> No.10816510

Yes. The vax sticker was only for met and greets and even then no one was wearing a mask or checking for vax stickers.

>> No.10816511

What happened?

>> No.10816514

That's a long paragraph to say a guy put his arm around you and made you uncomfortable.

>> No.10816516

Going to panels, gamerooms, sale floor, etc all required the sticker.
Masks were required to pair with sticker for GETTING INTO sale floor and game room but once you entered there was basically no enforcement besides maybe the booth owner asking you to or some random person who feels like they have a soap box. Theres basically no staff inside them past the front gate.
It seems that most people are kinda over it at this point and the "requirement" is just for show. Didn't bother me at all.
There's nothing on their twitter so likely nothing. If its in the discord its likely just some fags being upset at things entirely out of the cons scope and nothing to do with the organizers.

>> No.10816521

I showed up friday night, got my badge, not vaxxed so didn't get the sticker. Most guards didn't bother looking for the shiny sticker, so it was no big deal. I had a pretty recognizeable cosplay, so most of the staff recognized me. Going into the vendor hall this morning, the blue-haired cunt guarding the entrance stopped me for not having the vax sticker, but I just went up to the registration booth, the nice girl there recognized me from earlier, gave me the sticker because "lol yeah idk why they forget to give me one earlier", and I was good to go.

>> No.10816524

anyone else talk to the power rangers actors that were there as guests? The ones I talked to wanted $40 or $50 for a photo with them

>> No.10816525

someone clearly telling you "no touching" is a protest you turbofaggot

delusional rapist

>> No.10816526

>delusional rapist
says the poster making a mountain out of an ant hill

>> No.10816527

touching someone after they tell you not to and having a history of doing this at cons is not an ant hill you retard. There are enough creeps at cons already. Not to mention all the other retard shit this dunce is doing.

>> No.10816529

I'm not the retard if you're hanging out with a guy with a known history of being a creep.

>> No.10816530
File: 12 KB, 360x384, png-transparent-butterfly-wings-the-legend-of-zelda-ocarina-of-time-navi-link-fairy-the-legend-of-zelda-computer-wallpaper-video-game-art-thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else see the Navi girl yesterday? She was standing at the foot of one of the escalators in the RenCen around 4pm yelling "Hey, listen!" "Look out!" for at least an hour. Had the voice down pat. Didn't get a pic of her, but she was based desu.

>> No.10816575

I didn't see but definitely heard her as I was walking down to the wintergarden

>> No.10816607

Yeah, that panel broke me. It was so fucking lame. Maybe this shit just ain't for me anymore

>> No.10816610

Like halfway through I just wanted to get up and shout "JESUS CHRIST WE GET IT YOU LIKE ANIME TWITCH THOTS BUT WHY IS THIS 18+???"

But I just got up and walked out instead lol

>> No.10816611


Yep, same here. Make it about 15, maybe 20 minutes and gave up. Went and got drunk at the casino instead. Won $30 on penny slots!

>> No.10816614

It's especially bad when the dude hypes it up with a whole bo burnham song about the internet being a fucked up place. Lol nope just forcing us to watch their waifus

>> No.10816644

Saw her going down that escalator she was at. Kind of annoying and loud

>> No.10816696

> Kind of annoying and loud
That was the point, dummy.

>> No.10816738

I cant stand all the creepy black dudes at this con. Worse than another other con I have been too.

>> No.10816739

No shit dude it's Detroit

>> No.10816742

There were a few particularly egregious ones, but I don't really think that had to do with them being black, moreso it's just in Detroit and that's the prevailing demographic. The vast majority of black dudes attending were pretty based. Honestly you might just be kinda racist.

>> No.10816811

>Go to the blackest city in the US
>Shocked that there's a ton of black people

>> No.10816843

Everytime I go to these things I'm guaranteed to see some chubby girls stripy pantsu. Why are you guys wearing so little clothing it's frickin november. How many cosplayers have some sort of exhibition fetish?

>> No.10816948

>dealers room
>not wearing mask
>fat staffer who smells fucking awful comes up and tells me to put mask on.
>take it off the moment he turns his back.
>He turns his head and sees.
>comes back and tells me to put mask on or leave.
>say I'll leave.
>He leaves.
>I continue to browse the dealers room uninterrupted.
>Talk to another staffer who just shits on everyone.

Apparently none of the hire ups have been following the masks mandates, despite them demanding it and the head of security apparently almost got in to fist fight with security volunteers over some trivial thing.

>> No.10816950

>Playing Smash by myself in the game room
>Some guy just approaches me out of nowhere
>"Uh no. Was it big?"
>"It's a smash brothers tournament that was held here too. Oh that's actually clever I get it"
>Walks away
>He's literally approaching every single person playing smash and asking this to them too

>> No.10816957

Is it the same guy who was going around saying everyone's cosplay was Goku?

>> No.10817019 [DELETED] 

>Why are you guys wearing so little clothing it's frickin november

Obviously this year was very much a fluke for Michigan, but it was hitting 75F on some of the days of the con. Really fortunate for my cosplay since it had a skirt and no sleeves, I was already shivering cold even in the warm weather, hehe

>> No.10817020

Obviously this year was very much a fluke for Michigan, but it was hitting 75F on some of the days of the con.]Really fortunate for my cosplay since it had a skirt and no sleeves, I was already shivering cold even in the warm weather, hehe.

>> No.10817022


It's always weird how youma tends to be either very nice and warm, or straight up snowing.

>> No.10817055

Last year it poured most of the weekend and the people mover wasn't available lmoa

>> No.10817075

someone in gothic clothing giggled at my kero plush hanging on my badge
best con experience i've ever had :)

>> No.10817258

can i laugh at you irl to make u happy

>> No.10817264

yes :)

>> No.10817563
File: 594 KB, 1384x1162, 1614289846586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHA holy shit he's up there now? He's known down here extremely well, he's actively made people question coming to conventions. The funniest thing is when he is drunk at our parties he will constantly ask about running a con. Well with sexual creepyshit I guess he is now qualified lmao. All my friends have similar stories of him showing up to cons in 2021 drinking a shit ton of beer, saying "he knows a friend with a party" and no one knows him or us then get mad and lie and use our room like his personal hotel. I hope he shows up at otakufest this year because he pulled some mad shit talking to my friends this year about he wanted to run a con or something. You can't even pay someone back for a beer how you going to run a con.

>> No.10817749

Youmacon failed again in every conceivable way. Fat tranny staff puffed up their furry chests only to capitulate in the faces of the sheer numbers of unmasked attendees. There was a Saturday RenCen dance they didn't dare approach because they were all black. Imagine that in Detroit. Sounds like Covid spread huge in artists alley. Apparently fully vaxxed folks can get and spread the 'rona - imagine that! All the cosplayers on stage and Youma's own staff main events hosts took their masks off. If you wore a mask during the weekend, you were the retard because they were awful hypocrites Other than a very small handful of upper staff tranny pedo yiffs, no one working for Youma even wore their masks. Either the con needs a complete sweep of all management or it needs to die like Midwest Media.

>> No.10818297
File: 2.37 MB, 640x360, tiddies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's hoping Moon learns his lesson, stops wasting his money on cons, and unfucks his life. Seriously Moon, you're already broke all the time, stop blowing what little you have on cons where you do nothing but incite resentment.

>> No.10818355
File: 163 KB, 500x500, karlsmoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone tell me what automatically made me think they were men?

Was it because their eyebrows are way too low?
Maybe their browbones are way too forward or the sunken eyes?

Not really sure but I'd like to find out what makes them so clockable despite 80% of their face being covered.

t. boymoder.

>> No.10818358
File: 188 KB, 720x1345, Screenshot_20221115-090740~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with western cosplayers and their obsession with rape?

>> No.10818382

A prostitute cosplayer literally
whored herself out for photos and then blamed the photographer?

>> No.10818401

Youmacon is an absolute shitshow on facebook right now. Heck the semi-official con facebook group is being eaten alive by fat black women throwing a fit that every single picture from the con needs at least 2-3 black people in it.

>> No.10818407

>I have no proof, it was all verbal agreements/exchange
Easiest dismissal of conviction in existence.

>> No.10818413

wtf is that all about anyway, the con's over

>> No.10818416

>I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady
All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating
So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up
Please stand up, please stand up?
'Cause I'm Slim Shady, yes, I'm the real Shady
All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating
So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up
Please stand up, please stand up?

>Insane Anime Autists in their power trip bubble demand retarded shit of everyone.
This is new or something? Because Anime and Comics and Cosplay has been taken over by tumblr social warriors years ago and since then it was always like that.
Hang around with mental fascist - get mental fascism SURPRISE! And if you are such a cuck that you actually reveal sensitiv medical information to just any dyed hair fatceptance lunatic because otherwise you cant stand around in a crowd with other cucks than you absolutely deserve such a treatment.

>> No.10818431

There was a convention music video and apparently MUH DIVERSITY struck yet again. It's fun watching the one mod trying to appease these people and failing miserably.

>> No.10819389

the one on the right it’s the relative size of skull to neck and shoulders, width of neck, brow and bridge of nose. its unfortunate because this could be minimized by camera angle but she is doing the nyaa smelly catgirl thing.

the one on the left is just guilty by association.

>> No.10820376
File: 136 KB, 858x1907, 0DB48BAE-719A-4BC4-A2D4-B9EFB983707A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl posted this and got screencaped on her story later too, talk about a shitshow

>> No.10820465

Man, that panel was such a shitshow, and not even the fun kind of shitshow.

>> No.10820830

A lot of the panels I went to this year sucked, but it kinda seems like people just stopped caring about panels at cons anymore.

>> No.10821827

I know Rob fairly well and am kind of shocked but this. He is a real sweet guy. Actually had some kind of heart operation recently aswell. Nothing wrong with trading sex for photoshoots... Just because she regrets it doesnt mean he is a predator. Everyone will probably block her and move on. All our mutuals are ignoring this and supporting him.

>> No.10821865

Trading sex for photo shoots is weird and wrong. In the same way prostitution is rape, because you can’t buy consent.