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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 158 KB, 828x320, 044C2599-DB78-45B4-9360-9BECB51AA46F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10801010 No.10801010 [Reply] [Original]

>depressed trans girl
>decide to attend irl meetup
>do makeup perfectly and coord my outfit well
>arrive at meet
>quickly realise that I’m the tallest lolita in the place
>realise I’m taller than most of the lolitas boyfriends

>> No.10801015

accept that some things just aren't for you

>> No.10801016

I mean, yeah. Lolitas tend to be on the shorter end of average. It happens. If people give you shit for it even if you dress well then that's their weird hangup.

>> No.10801021

I don't see the problem, why not embrace it and be proud of your height?

I'm male and was at least accepted on meets. Biggest problem for me was finding clothes that actually fit. Would even put on heels on and be a 6'2" absolute unit of a lolita and I loved it.

>> No.10801029

>Trans girl

You do realise that admitting that you're trans on literally every board here except /lgbt is going to get you blasted? Good luck out there.

>> No.10801044

it doesn't matter so long as you dressed well.
You're better off embracing being tall, OP

>> No.10801052

Invest in an underskirt for dresses that are too short and you’ll be fine. I’m alittle taller for lolita but I’ve learned to embrace my height

>> No.10801068

Tallness can be an asset to being elegant.

>> No.10801101 [DELETED] 

ywnbaw and you know it, hence your shame

>> No.10801103

lol, lmao, see you on the ita thread troon

>> No.10801109

You mean too male for Lolita.
There are plenty of Lolita's pushing 6'0 but they still look good because they're female. Good luck on the shoulder narrowing surgery though! xoxo

>> No.10801114

use it to your advantage honestly
go for more mature and elegant styles like classic or gothic
or even old school and use bloomers

>> No.10801116

a 6ft troon won't fit in anything but taobao

>> No.10801117

just own it, if anyone has issues with your height that's on them. my friend's cis and 5'9 and she's a lot taller than a lot of our comm

also for future reference mentioning you're trans on here is a one way ticket to retards in the replies recycling the same 5 insults over and over

>> No.10801118

why are you tourists here from that one board that's just porn/erp and circlejerking in this board anyway
also touch grass most of these insults i've seen apply in person, so get fucked

>> No.10801126

Hugboxing is cringe however this a needlessly cruel over correction.

>> No.10801150

idk probably, i heard meta's plus size is good for tall-chans though

>> No.10801152

As long as you are well dressed and don't look like a man in a dress no-one will give a shit.

>> No.10801158

Stop replying to this fetishist. They want to be a uwu smol liddle girl and think it’s impossible to wear a hyper feminine fashion because they’re tall. That’s an insult to treelitas. Please don’t wear it at all.

>> No.10801163

yeah, tall-chans, not tall-kuns

>> No.10801172

NAYRT but it’s just a fact. OP is more than welcome to wear lolita, but it will probably look like shit. Same as if a heavier cis girl wore lolita. Same as if your favorite colors happen to look like shit on you. Make peace with it and decide if you value looking good or expressing yourself more, because you cannot always have both.

>> No.10801240

Letting a man believe he can look like a cute girl is needlessly cruel because it’s impossible. Would you tell a 4’8” person they could be a professional basketball player, or encourage them to set their sights on something that’s actually achievable for them? It’s not like encouraging a fat person to lose weight. OP will never feel fulfilled if he keeps fixating on something that physically cannot happen.

>> No.10801245

>Would you tell a 4’8” person they could be a professional basketball player, or encourage them to set their sights on something that’s actually achievable for them?
That comparison doesn't make sense. OP isn't trying to breakthrough as a fashion model for Japanese brands, which would be an equivalent to your example.
A more fair comparison is "would you tell a 4'8" person they should join their friends to play basketball regardless of their height?"
Which IMO the answer is yes.

It's possible to be cute while being tall. Women over 180cm can enjoy lolita too. And there's useful advice in this thread like >>10801052 and >>10801114

>> No.10801290

op is a man

>> No.10801308

The problem isn't that you're tall, but that you're a man. Men look awful in lolita no matter what.

>> No.10801324

How tall are you? Also, how femme?

I'll be honest, as long as you have no hair, you're post op, and your gear is slutty enough I will definitely let you blow me. I'm also dtf with a trap or a super feminine twink (twinks only if they stay clothed and/or let me watch porn instead of looking at them)

>> No.10801354

it doesn't matter as long as you're cute

>> No.10801364

How well do you pass? Because if you don't pass you better give up the trans thing right now or you're going to end up miserable

>> No.10801366
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>tall man
>become trans
>sad that you still have a male frame inappropriate for small cute things

>> No.10801399
File: 55 KB, 500x455, 1621414558402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the actual women at the meetup were creeped out by you but were too polite to say anything.

>> No.10801407

Omg it’s a tranny ahhhhhhh

Ynbaw get off my board grrrrrr.

Real talk, never ever mention you are trans here unless you want everything to become about that, though considering you mentioned it you probably do.

Here is the beauty of a anonymous image board, no one knows who you are. If you just talk about the fashion and don’t be fucking weird, no one will be weird to you because they won’t even know.

>> No.10801412
File: 85 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trans girl
die male

>> No.10801415

Lol seethe.

>> No.10801418

>Makes a thread about seething over being 6'2 moid

>> No.10801420

Not op and not 6’ lol. But stay mad.

>> No.10801421

sure jan

>> No.10801422

Nah keep whining about trannys on image boards, I’m sure that will solve your personality issues.

I think people posting threads like this is stupid (dump this shit in feels thread if you must) but I find the constant whining about them just as tiring.

>> No.10801431

yeah it's not the Frankenstein monster of surgery and hormones with the personality issues, it's the person grossed out by the monster that has the problem

>> No.10801435

NTA but correct. Go outside.

>> No.10801437

sorry everyone in the world thinks you're a gross freak except for losers whose lives depend on massive doses of anti-depressants

>> No.10801440

this but unironically

>> No.10801442

Uh, that actually a major point of the story was the idea that society and not the monster was the problem. But go on. (NTAYR)

>> No.10801480

you're ugly

>> No.10801493

society is a collective of people with collective thoughts, anything that is mentally ill is labeled such for having such a distortion of reality.

which, trans people ARE mentally ill and people deserve the right to not want to interact with that.

>> No.10801506

no, the major point of the story was that man should not try playing at God and creating monsters. trannies do that very thing to themselves, so it's unsurprising they turn out as abominations

>> No.10801514

Based, now let’s also ban depressed, autistic, and anorexic people from the community as well.

>> No.10801517

please! especially autists.

>> No.10801559

i hate everyone in this thread can u all shut up and leave her alone

>> No.10801565


also bait

>> No.10801581

Chan isn't gendered

>> No.10801599

it is over a certain age. japanese is contextual.

>> No.10801613
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>> No.10801618

Ummm no sweetie she. Your bigotry isn’t welcome on 4chan.

>> No.10801619

Yes, OP, but do you dress well?

I don't care if your 7 feet tall if you dress well. Chances are, you let your own insecurity get the better of you.

>> No.10801836

Fuck off back to Twitter.

>> No.10801849

This was a good thread.

>> No.10802538

Too trans for Lolita

Fixed it for you. Please don’t come to meets.

>> No.10802634

kys tranny

>> No.10802639

>depressed trans girl
I don't think it's because you're tall, Sir.

>> No.10802677

Only for actual women, which OP isn't

>> No.10802724

Lol fun fact most people in your comm will probably accept trans people in while you seethe and post them on the ita thread later.

>> No.10802764

You keep telling yourself that, sir.

>> No.10802785

Maybe there are some exceptions but most alt fashion and/or nerdy communities these days tend to be fairly accepting of people. I’d be pretty surprised to see any lolita community that outright rejects trans people. Like people might not invite them to private events or something but idk I could be wrong.

>> No.10802795

>I’d be pretty surprised to see any lolita community that outright rejects trans people
Obviously, they'd be under heavy fire if they rejected trans people. Having a woman only space is a gran sin for those people.

>> No.10802796

So dislike trannys but spineless got it.

>> No.10802797

I wouldn't say spineless, more so just afraid of the consequences. It's basically easier to let a bunch of troons in rather than getting your social life and job prospects ruined for not catering to a bunch of mentally ill degenerate men.

>> No.10802800

Yeah ie spineless, willing to bend ideals to avoid getting in trouble for wrongthink.

Idk if trannys are so hated then everyone needs to suck it up and just say what they think. If it really is a majority of people, then they won’t lose.

>> No.10802807

Honestly, that's a queen flex, even if you're a gigahon under the frills.

Honestly, as a manlet pooner who uses lolita to girlmode cause I'm an attention whore, I would accept the W. Maybe get an underskirt and invest in bloomers or bike shorts, some AP dresses are short on me and I'm 5'5"

>> No.10802808


>> No.10802838

no one who isn't a trans person or cross dressing fetishist themselves will see it this way.

it's not bending ideals if you don't lead the comm or decide who gets to attend a meet.

The best way to deal with this is go to community meets, get to know people and then meetup/hangout outside of official community meets with the people you befriended.

Now if you're a comm leader then please grow a spine by keeping AGPs out of the community. It's been done before.

>> No.10802874

Don’t be dense. Most decently dressed Lolitas hate trannies with a seething passion. If tranny dudes are allowed at local com meets that’s a true sign that the public group is just the ita containment field and the good Lolitas meet privately on the regular, not just at occasional private events.

Fun fact, the public comm lets any pig in a wig attend. That’s cool because see above.

>> No.10802878

If it’s a majority, you are correct. But you often have to subtly work to maintain that majority. Letting too many itas and weebs in with broad standards will tip it and before you know it, it’s a free for all. This isn’t some democratic forum, it’s little groups of fashion clubs and private hobby endeavors that are selective membership - they aren’t depriving anyone of ‘muh rights’. Do you think Country Clubs or sororities just let anyone in? Absolutely not.

People too often conflate these two things and it causes that weak spine problem needlessly. There’s nothing wrong with private groups selecting for membership and limiting access.

>> No.10802936

> Most decently dressed Lolitas hate trannies with a seething passion

Yeah I find that hard to believe honestly. I have a hard time believing the majority of people in an obscure weeb fashion who dress well also happen to have a raging hate for trannys. Could be wrong, but I don’t think cgl is representative of the majority of people.

>> No.10802938

>Could be wrong, but I don’t think cgl is representative of the majority of people.
You're correct. It's not. Some things are common threads but anything extreme it's safe to assume cgl isn't a good litmus test for what most lolitas care about or think.

>> No.10802960

the majority of people hate trannies, but everyone is too scared to speak up.

>> No.10802963

except most of the community posts, so yes, it does. that's why this board is so trash now, because all the newfags pop on

>> No.10802973

>most of the community posts
Oh honey

>> No.10802975

Idk why there's this idea that people who hate troons are seething gulls or something. There's a reason troon stereotypes are 1. being creepy and 2. not bathing because it's true irl. You can give me (you)s and tell me to touch grass but I eagerly await to be proven wrong in person, nobody gives a fuck what you claim to be or do on the internet. Shit ton of stories about troons/agps/sissies being creepy towards girls and minors in comms too so. Same thing with female troons irl too to be honest, they play it up as a tough male on the net but in my experience they hate confrontation and are pretty quiet lol
haven't seen one good looking troon in the ita thread so I'm not sure what kind of flex this is? any of your horse-faced tranny friends in aliexpress dresses been posted there?

>> No.10802996
File: 151 KB, 640x852, IMG_3279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your height is not the problem tranny, there are many tall girls who look good with lolita. It’s that you look like pick related

>> No.10802998

This comes off as, everyone agrees with me secretly!

>> No.10803015

>haven't seen one good looking troon in the ita thread
>good looking
>ita thread
People who look good don't end up in the ita thread nonny

>> No.10803019

not going to lie shes pretty cute imo

>> No.10803025

How tall are you?

Some chick on my LARP group plays an adorable character at 5'11". I promise you you can be cute at whatever height you are

>> No.10803026


>> No.10803041


>> No.10803044


>> No.10803054

Sorry sweaty.

>> No.10803081

The sparse bangs, long face, and strong jaw is comical. This is the antithesis of lolita

>> No.10803202

>This is the antithesis of lolita
Exactly! Lolita is about looking elegant, and it just so happens that many troons are the opposite of it. MTFs almost never look well-groomed or feminine. Even the most man built tall amazons look better in lolita.

>> No.10803203

Ksy tranny

>> No.10803206

Touch grass tranny

>> No.10803727

did you even read the posts you replied to
think about the context before posting and looking like an idiot

>> No.10803889

Post a pic of you think you looked good, OP.

>> No.10805739

You are a man.

>> No.10805744

Sorry mistyped.

>> No.10805770
File: 368 KB, 793x738, CCCE3D6A-F9F2-4293-9909-9E4A374D5A71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10805781

Haha it’s funny because the meme person kills himself.

>> No.10805824

>trans lolita
God, please for the love of God, either switch to ouji and become a lonelita or fucking kill yourself. You and your ilk are a pox upon the J-fash and Lolita community and are an eyesore to everyone around you, male.

>> No.10805834

Lol chill no one cares irl.

>> No.10805839

Lol we’re not allowed to tell trannies to fuck off. I always have to bite my tongue around troons because I don’t want to get assaulted.

>> No.10805841

No anon everyone hates trannys it’s just we aren’t allowed to say it, just trust me.

Every lolita community that isn’t image board related is liberal/leftist. You can try to deny it but you are just coping.

Express your views anywhere that isn’t anonymous and you know everyone will disagree with you.

>> No.10805847

>depressed trans girl
lmao lolita is terf fashion fuck off scrote

>> No.10805848

I mean this board is but outside this board no one in the fashion actually likes terfs.

>> No.10805850

>Every lolita community that isn’t image board related is liberal/leftist
kek no, that only applies to the western community to begin with and any self respecting lolita knows to avoid public comms here like the plague as they're made up of fat genderspecial itas and predators but i'm sure you'll fit right in.

>> No.10805851

Oh ok only the western community, ya know the community 90% of people on this board belong to.

>> No.10805853

Youre probably too tall to be a tranny if youre taller than the boyfriends

>> No.10805856

anon, nta but no board is leftist you retarded newfag. especially not cgl. ya'll newfags just keep fucking visiting with your friends. this isn't a drama board either, contrary to you dumb shits.

>> No.10805858

If it isn’t a drama board then stop detailing every time seeing a tranny sends you into a rage.

I’m obviously aware that image boards aren’t liberal, I never said they were. I was saying the lolita community in general is and that people who aren’t are very much the minority. Like 90% of people in the general western lolita community are fine with trans people.

>> No.10805859

>Like 90% of people in the general western lolita community are fine with trans people.
>implying it's drama when people post what they think
ur a delulu boy with magic lady feels that doesn't understand the way typical normal people socialize. cry more.

>> No.10805860

>thinks the LGB isn't tired of their shit

>> No.10805865

There are obviously gay people that dislike trans people but I genuinely don’t think it is any particularly large portion.

>> No.10805872

Loads of leftist/liberal people in the lolita community have an issue with predatory men gaining access to the community by claiming to be trans, which is most of the "trans women" who don't pass.
I'm starting to think it's not even worth it anymore to make a distinction between "real trans women" and AGPs in the lolita community since cases of the former are so incredibly rare.

There is sadly a very vocal group of overly woke extreme leftists in the lolita community who will stand by even AGPs and will attempt to get anyone banned who says anything that doesn't support their views. Some people now view fetishes as a legit way of "gender expression".

oh honey, I'm sorry but you're wrong.

>this isn't a drama board either
CGL has been a drama board from the start, people read and post here to either troll or to speak without a filter.

Quality content, thanks!

A large portion of the lesbian community has been fed up with "trans women" for years now. That's what happens when "trans women" and their allies threaten lesbians with rape and violence if lesbians refuse to have sex with them.
Gay men are also increasingly becoming fed up with trans people.

>> No.10805877

other anons are not getting you do not have to be a radical feminist to have this view.

>> No.10805878

this. i am gender critical but not a radfem by any stretch, no offense to those who are.

>> No.10805890

No, I fucking won't chill. I am tired of you male uggos worming your way into female oriented groups I like and getting ass pats and validations for only being trans and not the actual effort you put forth, which is rare and half assed at best. I am tired of being told to shut up or that I'm a terf for wanting women only spaces free of men.

>> No.10805897

Sure you can want them all you want but unless you do something about it, you won’t get them. What I honestly find way more tiring than people hating on people for being trans, is cowards who have strong opinions and do nothing with them.

Like oh wow you hate trannys good for you, keep crying on an image board because you aren’t going to do anything about it because you are too scared of social consequences.

Nahhh mannn every agrees with me and secretly hates trannies just all of society is collectively too afraid to say it!

Don’t like trannies? Start a no tranny community. No one will join but at least you will be actually following what you believe instead of whining on the internet.

>> No.10805907

nta but you sound like a massive disingenuous and willfully ignorant faggot.

>> No.10805922

rule 1 of /cgl/ is never mention you're trans or else you'll get brigaded by radfems who don't shower and freebleed their granny panties

>> No.10805955

Or perhaps it's because CGL is predominantly female and doesn't cater to transgender women like public net spaces rather than your weird misogynistic cope?

>> No.10805956

You could always kill yourself, that's an option kek.

>> No.10805957

Still more of a woman than you, cope and seethe about how being tall sends you spiraling into a deep depression lmao

Stop bumping this shit and sage, this isn't even about lolita.

>> No.10805958

>freebleed their granny panties
Better than bleeding through an open gash made from the remains of my scrotum, anal cavity and penis.

>> No.10805970

Wow you got me bro but keep crying because it isn’t going to change anything.

>> No.10805971

I wasn't implying that I wanted to change anything, I just wanted to call you a massive disingenuous and willfully ignorant faggot, that's all.

>> No.10805973

The real question here is which is worse, overweight lolitas, mtf trans lolitas, or overweight AND mtf tranny lolitas?

>> No.10805977

Let’s be honest the worst of all is image board Lolitas. No one outside image boards likes them.

>> No.10805983

Nah, I think it has to be fat and mft trans lolitas. At least fat lolitas actually have a feminine appearance, fat and trans lolitas are just a dumpster fire... also probably agp.

>> No.10805984

>image board Lolitas.
I don't know why but I imagine an AP print that uses image boards as a theme.

>> No.10806038

This. Being trans already makes you ugly, but being fat too? That's two unsalvageable fuck ups in one.

>> No.10806125

>tranny posters
>tranny defenders
I hope you’re all ironic

>> No.10806126

Hating trannies has nothing to do with politics, it’s basic humanity to reject freaks of nature

>> No.10806136

>No anon everyone hates trannys it’s just we aren’t allowed to say it, just trust me.
Pretty much. I mean, you can't even have women's only spaces without them getting shut down or forced to be inclusive (Women's Spa, Golden Finger, etc.), don't know what you're trying to prove.

>> No.10806309

pretty sure I don't hate them tho

>> No.10806325


>> No.10807362

Almost like the path God intends for us is the correct one... wierd.

>> No.10807388

This is the cringiest thing I've read in my decade of being on this site. Crawl back to the christian reddit from whence you came.

>> No.10807409 [DELETED] 

>All these male posters pretending to be ciswomen to hate on the actual real girl in the OP.
The irony.

Especially these scream "hateful men":

>> No.10807410

it's the same tranny OP as the other thread.

>> No.10807423

God doesn't make mistakes. humans sure as hell do.

>> No.10807454

Then why did "God" make you a permavirgin and a (future) spree shooter? Was that part of their plan?

>> No.10807457

holy cope

>> No.10807460 [DELETED] 

You're the one who's coping.

>> No.10807470 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 1200x900, 1657860318144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10807474

They probably could also tell by the way you stand and walk that you aren't a woman

>> No.10807486

Finding trannies gross is the norm. Maybe if some of you actually left your basements you’d know that lol

>> No.10807495 [DELETED] 

Yeah, it's really obvious and the irony is incredible. Here's a couple more:
Notice how angry the males get when actual regular folks disagree with all the hateful bullshit they spew.

>> No.10807503

The "real girl" in the OP has a penis, girls don't have penises Anon.

>> No.10807506

Based, there is nothing that makes incel chudsters seethe more than being called out for they pathetic attempts at gaslighting trans folx into thinking society is against them. Even on a toxic website like 4channel dot org there are safe spaces for trans folx, like /LGBT/, /cgl/, /a/ and any intellectual hobby board.

>> No.10807515


>> No.10807534

Yaaaaaas, queenx slayx

>> No.10807538

This is not your safe space you attention seeking faggot

>> No.10807557

>no real woman would ever hate trannies! real women are sweet and accommodating all the time!

>> No.10807853

ngl trannies are gross

>> No.10807865

they just don't make any sense.

>> No.10808006

Sorry for all the hate you received OP. Don't let it get to you, you are valid and every girl in this community (cis or trans) supports you. It's just that /cgl/ gets quickly infested by seething virgin Nazi males from /pol/ whenever someone mentions the T-word in the OP. Like this guy >>10807557
that's all just one guy using multiple devices.

>> No.10808014

staaaaahp, this is horrible, lol.

>> No.10808019

Back to plebbit with you hon

>> No.10808025

Sorry but real girls don’t support trannies

>> No.10808138

>and every girl in this community (cis or trans) supports you
Hahahahaha. Yeah, okay. Imagine everyone you disagree with is a white nazi man if it makes you feel better. Hilarious.

>> No.10808291

You will never knew the touch of a girl who loves you who is not related to you. Cis or trans.

>> No.10808294

I'm a straight woman. The only "touch of a woman" I need is occasional hugs from friends.

If you think anyone against the trannie invasion of lolita spaces is a guy you're delusional.

>> No.10808311

The irony here is that even on the off chance there is some pickme transphobic cisbitch ITT, she, just like every other transphobic cisbitch, inevitably turns out to be so ugly that most TERFs would accuse her of being a transwoman.

>> No.10808313
File: 180 KB, 625x626, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> anyone against trannies in the comm is a man
> if it's a woman she's ugly and manly looking
> continued misogyny because why not

>> No.10808314

I already have nonnie. Struggle and cry while you continue to never pass.

>> No.10808316

You don't have the right to claim misogyny when your the misogynistic pig

>> No.10808431

my what?

>> No.10808435

Your pig

>> No.10808441


>> No.10808451
File: 78 KB, 750x838, 69D4A70A-599D-4206-A8E8-32B380C42213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re in a penis-worshiping cult sis.

>> No.10808632

The tides are turning there are less retarded crosboarders spewing transphobic shit. Most lolitas irl are gay and could care less if a transwoman or an actual man wears the fashion.

look good of gtfo, I don't care what you identify as long as you aren't embarrassing to be seen with

>> No.10808636


>> No.10808643

Every "anti transwomen lolita" itt is a male polfag

>> No.10808648

Nah there are plenty of hateful women too and an anonymous image board is a good gathering spot.

But please just let this thread die it isn’t adding anything to the board.

>> No.10808668

most lolitas against trannies in the comm are lesbians.

>> No.10808671

Yeah though even they are a minority. I’m pretty sure unless you are starting your own no tranny community it is a lost cause at this point. Most communities are filled with weird, poorly dressed, “queer” people at this point.

Most content creators I’ve seen have made some pro-trans comment at some point or other. At this point I’m pretty convinced the anti-trans part of the community is a tiny minority. I could be wrong but I’ve yet to see anything proving otherwise. The only community that isn’t pro-trans is half dead image boards.

>> No.10808677

you could never know how many people don't want "trans women" in the community because the treat of being cancelled functionally silences them. A lot of people have also left their local community, and continue to wear lolita without being in a local community, because there is a very vocal minority of overly woke people in said community contributing to the problem.

>> No.10808680

I genuinely think unless you can prove this, it is just wishful thinking.

The social tide tide is pretty heavily towards lgbt stuff in at least US communities. You can keep dreaming that there is some gender crit sleeper cell but I find it hard to believe. I genuinely don’t think I’ve come across a single person express views in the community against trans people publicly. I’ve seen plenty of people in other communities express distaste for trans people but I’ve never seen a person in the lolita community do so, which leads me to believe the vast majority of people are supportive or neutral. I would expect at least SOMEONE to speak out otherwise.

>> No.10808681

>she doesn't know you can get fired/banned from sites for that

>> No.10808682

I’m perfectly aware of that and also think it’s cowardly. If you aren’t willing to take action on your opinion or even speak it out loud, then in my eyes you don’t even have that opinion.

Comms have cringy pride meetups for God’s sake. “Nnnn-nah man lots of people are like me and secretly hate trannies, the proof is, uh I hate trannys.”

>> No.10808684

>People would say something if they didn't like trannies in their comms, they haven't therefore people accept trannies.

You're kidding right? Did that whole mention of cancelling go over your head?

>> No.10808685

so unless you do something that will get you banned you don't have an opinion.

You're a troll, got it.

>> No.10808686

Yeah if you don’t speak up and expect things to change, you are a coward waiting for someone else to take the fall for you and I have no respect for your opinions.

>> No.10808693

if only there were other options.... like going to meetups and making friends there and then only meeting with them so you don't have to go to meets with trannies anymore. You can block trannies online so you don't have to see them.
You don't have to leave the comm entirely to be against trannies.
I also don't expect things to change without doing anything, that's not the point here.
The whole reason we vent here is because of cancel culture and we don't see much changing in the near future. If we could kick trannies out we would have done it.
A handful of people in each local comm risking being banned by being against trannies in their comm publicly will just end up with them being banned, not with the comm changing.

It's nearly impossible. First you have to have the head mods on board, then those mods need to know that the majority of their comm would also be in favor of kicking out trannies, but there's no way to know that because of cancel culture looming over everything.
Comms that don't have trannies yet have the biggest chance of succeeding to stay tranny free, but they're also at risk when it's known that the mods knowingly keep out trannies. Once the overly woke mob hears of that they'll just install new mods.

It's happened before, all of it.

if you have a solution that doesn't involve the risk of being banned from a comm please share.

>> No.10808696

> A handful of people in each local comm risking being banned by being against trannies in their comm publicly will just end up with them being banned, not with the comm changing.

Sooo in other words most of the community is in support of trans stuff, gotcha. If the majority or even a decent amount didn’t want trans people around, they could do it.

>> No.10808702

no, I meant that only a handful of people would actually be so stupid as to risk being banned, not that only a handful of people is against trannies.

Wokies are effective crybullies and cancellers, even if they're a (fucking loud) minority in a comm.

>> No.10808707

Kys moid

>> No.10808715

Insane minorities don’t win unless you let them.

Look at the lia Thomas bs, enough people complain and shit got changed. Like if it’s a big enough issue for enough people, things will change. If it isn’t, then things won’t change.

>> No.10808720

that's apples and oranges.

When Fina made that decision they backed it up with a boat load of science.
You can't exactly do the same thing when we have merely observed that allowing trannies into the community is a high risk.

>> No.10808813

You Will Never Be a Lolita

>> No.10808822

You will never have sex, chud

>> No.10808823

I'm having sex right now nonny.

>> No.10808828

Your and is not sex

>> No.10808845

ITT itas can't resist abuse from chuds and continue to egg them on.

>> No.10808849

You will die without ever kissing a girl that's not related to you, you pathetic misogynistic shit.

>> No.10808850

You poor thing.

>> No.10808851

Nonny I dont think screaming "virgin" over and over is going to score you any internet points or stave off your male pattern baldness. Maybe sit this one out.

>> No.10808852


>> No.10808856

Have sex

>> No.10808857

Nonny. I dont know how to break this to you. But everyone else is having sex but you. And nobody invites you because you're gross.

>> No.10808858

Have a shower

>> No.10808910

Talk to a girl

>> No.10808919


>> No.10809261

Last (300th) for trans righrs

>> No.10809416

Troon can't count

>> No.10810071

transphobic cis women will never be real women

>> No.10810072


>> No.10810110

so true

>> No.10810316

whatever you need to tell yourself that keeps you from killing yourself before 35

>> No.10810446

Lol even
You will kill yourself instead, touchless kissless incel
I just hope you won't gun down some innocent people of color on your incel rampage

>> No.10810474

yes, for example trying to be a woman

>> No.10810541

I hope you get drafted and killed in the war against putler
girls including transgirls will not be drafted (because they are girls, and males start wars so males get drafted only)

>> No.10810569

Trannies are already getting drafted kek

>> No.10810664

>implying the average troon can make it to 35
Try thirty. It brings me a sense of confidence that there is a whole group of people who poison themselves, put themselves under the knife, have to dilate an open wound, voice train and so more just to attain something that can't be attain, something I can do effortlessly. I could never lmao.

>> No.10810713

Sounds like something an unhinged tranny destined to kill themselves when they experience male patterned baldness would say.

>> No.10811048

doesn't estrogen help with that tho?

>> No.10811064

Not at all

>> No.10811116

Chuds will not divide us. Trans women and cis women stand together.

>> No.10811121

It makes it more likely men will bald early, actually
41% yourself tranny

>> No.10811131

Transwomen are men, die male about it troon

>> No.10811132

>tranny breakdown thread

>> No.10811193

Mana gets a pass

>> No.10811201

>You're a virgin!
>No, you're ugly irl!
>Nuh-uh, you live in your mom's basement!
Go back, YWNBAW

>> No.10811317

You will never have sex with a cis woman and you will die wishing you could "at least" have had sex with a transwoman

>> No.10811318

only one of the few

>> No.10811825


>> No.10811828

>be trans
yup, checks out, kill yourself.

captcha: hrrgxr

>> No.10811831

You will die alone, Nazi chud incel permavirgin

>> No.10811865


>> No.10811868
File: 457 KB, 718x650, consider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what they say, when all else fails...

>> No.10812210
File: 10 KB, 310x163, ugly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugly people trying to look pretty

>> No.10814862
File: 1 KB, 176x116, tl;dr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in short

>> No.10818554

Nice bullshit, keep believing in it, tranny, and don't forget your daily dilating session, you wouldn't like this open wound of yours to shut back again.

>> No.10818555 [DELETED] 

No we don't. You and the other freaks in your community will never be friends or anything.

>> No.10818557

Being tall is not the problem, it's because you're a (delusional) man.

>> No.10818560

>cgl 2022
>less retarded crosboarders
Spoken like a true retarded crossbarder. Just because your comm doesn't have the guts to tell you the truth irl doesn't mean they don't do it here where there are free.

>> No.10818564

>causes and executes said insane social consequences
>blames women for being scared of them
Just male things

>> No.10818567

All the OP tranny btw

>> No.10818572
File: 107 KB, 732x814, 1577754747746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Burly lumberjack 6.5 grunt wearing a wig and a dress over his broad ass bull shoulders.
>5 o'clock shadow shining trough the bad makeup.
>*Booming voice* Hello girls! *Shakes hairy manhand as big as a lolitas head* I'm a sweet little lolita too! Lets all wear cute dresses and drink tea! Dont hit on me tho, I'm a lesbian teheee!
Made my day Steven.

>> No.10818574

>depressed trans girl

>> No.10818599

You will never be a cute Japanese girl

>> No.10820604

Have you tried not being born a man?

>> No.10820916

>>depressed trans girl
>trans girl

yeah NO, you will never be a woman

>> No.10821221

Absolutely based

>> No.10821232

Troons don't belong here, they are always itas

>> No.10821241

You can cope and cry that transphobic women are ugly which is absolutely not true but even the ugliest woman in the world looks more feminine and attractive than any troon. 40% yourself.

>> No.10821266

Hot take. I don't hate trans people. I hate trans people that try to make everything about them. If you want to wear a cute dress and pretend to be a woman then you do you. But if you want to dress up as a woman and then try to hit on other women and say you're a lesbian then you are gross beyond belief. I also don't want to hear what it's like to be a trans woman. I don't care. It doesn't relate to me. If you want to pretend to be a woman then you need to stop talking about being trans full stop. Being trans doesn't make you more interesting or more attractive. It makes you gross. It's why trans people don't find other trans people attractive. But they can't look in a mirror and see the problem. They delusionally think other people should treat them in a certain way and if people don't treat them the way they think they should then they're being transphobic for not treating them the way they want to be treated. Real talk they're treating you like a person they don't want to have sex with and that's not their problem it's yours.

>> No.10821504

>pickme transphobic cisbitch
Kek this doesn't even make sense. Pickmes are the ones who entertain your delusion when even your very insults scream seething male.

>> No.10821553

How is this needlessly cruel. That was one of the kindest things someone could possibly say to this dude. honestly.

>> No.10821573

Just say you hate trans people. Less words. Less boring lies

>> No.10821580

>Good height wasted on a troon
Why God

>> No.10821593

Tfw a guy who's too short for ouji

>> No.10821596

Oh god, I'm sorry everyone here is being so horrible to you. Being tall and trans doesn't make you any less of a lolita, and it certainly doesn't make you any less of a girl. Lolita is for everyone. It always has been, and it always will be. And no amount of whiney 4chan transphobes will change that

>> No.10821609

>Lolita is for everyone. It always has been, and it always will be.
no it literally hasn't. it's only for people who can afford it who fit the sizing.

>> No.10821611

Your Adam's apple will always creep people out

>> No.10821614
File: 75 KB, 556x680, 20221030_181753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be gone.

>> No.10821871

>cutesy childish girl in op image
>depressed trans girl
Many such cases. You will never be a teenage anime character.

>> No.10821890
File: 592 KB, 1241x2208, 1655755664853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being tall isn't the problem, your mental illness is

>> No.10821893

>Be manlet
>Enjoy all the tall females I meet

God thank you for being born a manlet

>> No.10821896

never mention you're trans on this board nonny its full of middle aged terf cat ladies who have nothing going for them outside of having a vagina

i've got a cis friend who's 5'9 and wears lolita, u just gotta find tall enough socks to balance it out

>> No.10821917

This amount of bullying is really gross, you're a bunch of itas. Leave OP alone.

>> No.10821925

>Lolita is for everyone
What the fuck, no it isn't. A 300lbs woman can't be lolita.

>> No.10821992

Stop white knighting for a porn addicted male. The sooner OP kills himself the better.

>> No.10824667

>be tall chad
>giantess fetish

this world is cursed

>> No.10824818

Not OP here. I'm not fazed by 99 percent of the anti trans stuff this site churns out but this one stung

>t. ranny

>> No.10824819

>trans people don't find other trans people attractive

Trans people date other trans people all the time, it's called t4t and it's very common

>> No.10824821

You can tell your miniature friend they can play basketball in my court nigga they gon be dribbling something you feel me?

>> No.10824838
File: 125 KB, 1224x723, 1661356500223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ywnbaw. It's so sad to see what has become of /cgl/, catering to males so hard.

You'll always be male, and you'll always make women around you uncomfortable. They might go along with your bullshit simply because they don't want you to unleash incel rage on them and deal with your mental illness.

>> No.10828022

No such thing as too tall. You probably looked great. If anything use it to your advantage. Poofier
skirts. Longer wigs. And more space to show off cute tights!

>> No.10828023

Seriously. Big ass text of "umm acktulay" just wasting space on this tread.

>> No.10828024

Bro can't fathom having empathy. Flat dick syndrome.

>> No.10829373
File: 297 KB, 1100x736, 1671304398520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this like the most terf and feminist infected board on 4chan.
You should have asked about this in /tttt/ instead.

>> No.10829375
File: 103 KB, 1024x686, 1447598251068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If trannies were actually women and not just larping as an anime girl from their hentai addiction they would know that the reason nobody says anything about them to their face is because we don't want to be assaulted by an insane man. Leave and 41% while you're at it

>> No.10829426

Omg let this thread die already. How many months we need?

>> No.10829448

We never liked homosexuals, you aren't welcomed just barely tolerated.
The parasites from nusoc can "Hug" ThemSelves too

>> No.10829451

yeah, the sad reality is this board is like 98% terfs. but its 4chan so what can you expect i guess

>> No.10830033

So you're implying all trannies are like the type she dislikes? (narcissistsic perverts)
I agree kek.

>> No.10830034
File: 108 KB, 828x814, 1664527800820117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being tall and trans doesn't make you any less of a lolita, and it certainly doesn't make you any less of a girl. Lolita is for everyone. It always has been, and it always will be. And no amount of whiney 4chan transphobes will change that

>> No.10830035
File: 618 KB, 637x955, 1643755029501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never mention you're trans on this board nonny its full of middle aged terf cat ladies who have nothing going for them outside of having a vagina

>> No.10830036
File: 403 KB, 1564x1564, 1619108975150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This amount of bullying is really gross, you're a bunch of itas. Leave OP alone.

>> No.10830037
File: 81 KB, 720x960, 1557391167921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah, the sad reality is this board is like 98% terfs.

>> No.10830049

lol, thanks for the good work.

>> No.10830765

>You will never be a cute Japanese girl
Neither will any of the weeb gaijin aspie girls that post here. Guess both the troon and female will have to await the next life if that's their goal.

>> No.10830778

the weeb autist women here are female and that's 80% of the journey to look like a cute japanese girl. The large majority of them will look decent in lolita as long as they maintain a healthy weight, have basic hygiene and learn to do hair and makeup. The fact that troons are male is often an insurmountable barrier to looking at least decent in lolita.

>> No.10830782

white girls are not 80% from being japanese. obviously troons are farther from it, but don't give yourself that much credit.

>> No.10830784

80% of the journey towards being a cute japanese girl. They've got the female part down which is the most important factor contributing to being cute japanese girl considering being male almost certainly makes it impossible.

>> No.10830826

being japanese is the most important part, japanese males look more like japanese women than white women do. i know you want bully trannies, by all means please do, but don't say equally as dumb shit as them.

>> No.10830829

we both know the males on cgl aren't japanese.

>> No.10830843

are you stupid?

>> No.10830856

are you?
there are no japanese guys here so it's pointless to point out that japanese men are more like japanese women than white women are. White men's chance of looking like a cute japanese girl is far smaller than white girls. I don't even know why you brought that up.

>> No.10830862

i don't understand why you're even bringing that up when it's not correct. my point was fat weeb girls don't have any more chance to look like a japanese girl than men. the chance is zero for both white men and women. simply being a woman also doesn't mean you suddenly look like a different race of women. if you're arguing against who looks better in lolita than trannies, of course women do, but that doesn't mean white women look similar to japanese women, that has nothing to do with it.

>> No.10830886

My point was if it's a contest between the weeb women on cgl and the trannies on cgl (both tend to be white, there haven't been any Japanese trannies posted here on the lolita threads afaik) about who is closest to looking like a cute Japanese girl then it's the weeb women here because they're already female. Weight can be lost, they can learn how to do kawaii makeup.

>> No.10830887

Women can do makeup to look more Japanese, of course that is very frowned upon but it's still possible. There are videos by make up artists who use makeup to make their face look like different ethnicities.

>> No.10830895

you're both literally retarded.

>> No.10830918

why is it so easy to bait actual girls

>> No.10830945

>trans girl

>> No.10830946

I do not wish harm on trannies, I really don't. I get that your existence is probably kind of difficult. But the sad reality is that your mere existence as a tranny within any given situation makes it awkward. Everybody feels it, most people are too polite to say something. You stick out, you look weird, you display uncomfortable behavior. Name any possible social occasion and I can instantly imagine how it becomes less comfy with a tranny around.

>> No.10830948

you have a higher likelihood of dying in a car crash than that happening, grow some balls. if you're gonna be a transphobe at least don't be a pussy about it

>> No.10830949

years of repression + getting overly attached to "safespaces" like cgl where they can vent and tear each other down

>> No.10830957

I don't mind people who identify as trans as long as it is not a pretense to get into the comm and creep on people or shoehorn their kink into the comm, provided they also behave normally.

Most of them are creeps though.

>> No.10831003

>"safespaces" like cgl
lol, CGL isn't a safe space. Safe spaces heavily restrict certain topics so that a very specific demographic can feel at ease that people with different opinions won't bother them there. Thanks for the chuckle anon. But at least on cgl you can say you don't like to have creepy males in lolita spaces without getting kicked out and getting branded a -phobe. Some older lolitas have moved to cgl because other platforms have become increasingly woke to the point of letting in sissies. It sucks for the younger generations because they have to put up with it, believing it's normal, and will never experience the girls and women's only space that many local comms used to be until some guy weaseled his way in.

>> No.10831007

nta but also an oldfag. there were men in comms before and they were openly men, not trannies. it's like you forget about the brolita craze. or all the fat dandies buying from fan+friend. the main difference is that men were vetted better and trannies were more scrutinized because of sissies. but overall, men, especially outwardly straight men in dresses were still heavily accepted.

>> No.10831018

Hence why I specifically said creepy males, and that some comms are letting in sissies. And they're letting in obvious sissies because they want to give them the benefit of the doubt and bullshit like that. Yes, I remember some comms, including mine after some point in time, had men in dresses in them in what other people would consider the old days. Not en masse though. Usually one or two max who wore a dress, and indeed usually openly men and not trannies. I'm not bothered by lolitas bringing their boyfriends along wearing EGA or dandy reminiscent stuff. To be clear that's not what I was talking about. Although it must be noted that most people in my region didn't want those girls to bring their bf with them either because most people just preferred it to be a female only activity.
But also in the region I'm from "men in dresses" weren't that "heavily accepted". They were usually given the opposite of the benefit of the doubt and one of our mods didn't let any guy in a dress in no matter what. Those are the days that I miss. Comms in adjacent regions had the same mindset, then it gradually changed. Best believe me there was a time before men in dresses were generally accepted in comms, regardless of vetting. In those days in my region people were very distrustful of any guy who wanted to join the comm on his own and not as an accessory of his gf. Eh, maybe it's different where you're from. I wouldn't be surprised if new yorkers or angelenos let cross dressers in from the get go.

>> No.10831044

Nta but you sound like a man.

>> No.10831049

you think I'm so against men in the fashion because I want all of the ladies for myself?

>> No.10831089

>lolitas bringing their boyfriends along wearing EGA or dandy reminiscent stuff.
This sounds actually very pleasant.

>> No.10831102

only a few did bring their boyfriends along, some of them wore normal casual clothes, others wore some kind of suit (not j-fashion related), but a rare few did wear dandy, EGA or regular goth. Those rare few were fine and showed a normal, non creepy, interest in the fashion and participated in conversation without it being awkward. They felt like part of the community and not just like hangers on. The guys in the casual clothes often seemed like their gf had dragged them to the meet for transportation reasons.
I remember this very cute pleasant couple from around the time Alice and the Pirates started. She was a very cute slightly chubby blonde white girl and he was a cute japanese guy who wore ouji and kept up to date with releases. Very wholesome.

>> No.10831795

Absolutely based

>> No.10832091

Fuck off back to /pol/ nigger

>> No.10832095
File: 162 KB, 700x1180, 1672028584536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, seethe, dilate, etc etc

>> No.10832266

LOL. You got any more?

>> No.10832357

>I would expect at least SOMEONE to speak out otherwise.
People are speaking out here.

>> No.10832388
File: 214 KB, 912x1409, 1668071526288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you speak out irl you get moids chimping out trying to bash your skull in or violently sodomize you.

>> No.10832390

I'm retarded, meant to reply to >>10808680

>> No.10832421

You can tell this really is a man because otherwise this thread wouldn't be at least 300+ replies of seethe

>> No.10832481

Have you killed yourself, yet?

>> No.10832487


I love how Republicans think because they're afraid of fictions that other people will be too. You'll trick the Republicans and non-American republican emulators, but no one else cares about your obvious lies. I wish they did care about them, because then you'd be easily defeated by a United front.

>> No.10832493

Well, duh! You're male, you will seldom look good in lolita unless you basically copy Mana.

>> No.10832510

Why do you assume "republicans" when you see this kind of stuff? People of all political affiliations can hate trannies.

>> No.10832525

Imagine being an Amerifat.

>> No.10832538


and miss me with this "republicans" bullshit, i'm not even a radfem but you know their ideology is derived from marxism and involves hating trannies right?

>> No.10832556

autistic weeaboo girls are endearing
trannies are gross and weird

>> No.10832561


>> No.10832681

I mean, you're lying and stupid. But even if I were to fall for your boring retarded lies, the ones who pass laws against trannies kinda makes it their thing.

>> No.10832682

Imagine being a non American posting on an American website and unwittingly being a pawn of an American political party.

>> No.10832725


Most people who are called terfs online aren't terfs, but most actual terfs identify as leftists, the only thing they don't agree with is the trans stuff.
The guy who makes these videos is also a raging leftist and so is the majority of his audience. It's not very often that conservatives crash that party.

>> No.10832745

That isn't true though. Name one leftist Terf who isn't a youtuber/influencer that only has TERF views and no other conservatarded ones.

>> No.10832766

so you want me to name a youtuber leftist who has terf views but no conservative ones?
Sure. Well Mr menno for one, he's a very leftist person without conservative views.

>> No.10832826

>waaah waah ur stupid lalala i can't hear you!!
average delusional tranny

>> No.10832827

Wew, tumblr is shadowblocking that blog, I get an "oops something happened" error as soon as it finishes loading. Never had that before. Truly a reasonable movement that has nothing to hide.

>> No.10835504


This is true.

>OP you are not a woman, stop trying to cosplay as one.